HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-09, Page 2see DESPERATE FIGHTINGIN YPRES SECTOR I LEADING MARK , • TOWNS CHANGE HANDS MANY TIMES Ames Stein Advance of German Voormezeele is Wag London, April :18,- :By one of those "back to the wall" 11 81021110 fur whici! they have been famoue in this wee,: Frances-Brit:We forces 1111'. (1 KJ 0011 the; 112 the Ypres eector from turning into an immediate big :mete:est ; for the Geeinane, after the 10,Is ily the 1(1810(1 foreee of the dominating peak of Rommel. Had the enemy been able to intim,: distals deeelop his sueceee in the mniel sec ter, as ho attempted to do, the reeult probably svonid have been disastrous to the allied troops in the .1 "Ypees The British, linwesene held firm against the attacks which lasted all day in the neighborhood of Voorme- zeele, two miles south of Ypree, and the Freneh were equally firm in do - fending the line in the sector of Leers., west of Returnee protected 1,y the heighte of Mont; Rouge am? Scherpen- t berg, 1 With the Britieh Army in Teraiwei April 28. ---Hard fighting centiuned f about Lucre and Voormeeeele, but .1., ehiewliet'eus IOO tosdae lute beert 28 a day of rest for the infantry ae t whole, The battle for Loeee ta Vooemezeele has been moot desperate. p p aee loIre Changed hande see- eral times in the past twenty-foer V hours, and at toile latest reports, it was 11 theBritish A000 131 in possession of Voormezeole, while ,It the enemy seem,: to have sucetteeled et 'TS ' N 2.2 2, do.. 'Proops—Struggle For I.oln'e anti 1111 1 112111, Ah,atitaitt . ;0'' $ ; No. .ed With Bitterness. :1 OAS!. 0. t'•%V., st.we e'er( 11'1111..u. . • IP11.1'1V11.11 1'4,111- No vootv kIljj An engagentant north of the Ypres- 111,1.ed. 3 ll ".1. o, Contines Canal wam in progress `1.1t'';;, ,1.01V11 throughout most of the night, No.'" 'e„ with the British holdiug doggedly -and In, inflicting heavy 101442014 on the attnek- sot. eaeen wals a ing troops, The German ea:amities in e,.011...1,111 10 s:.7o. accormng this putt of thc front have In very lenriee -.qattelts: eteie te 81.21. go te freights caitehle. I Serene. nol:wit $1.4•1 to .$1. 11000rdi ng 1.0••re hat; changed hands: .at least - ilvtt times since Friday. The Cer.„ emete,.. 2' 32'112' """rd1"4 t' fr'Ighte twine forced thedr way into the village 110;IrtPt141,11;;;I:atr,fnli,;- \rat • "uall'Y' $1 1.10' aftei• eanguinnry battle Friday, but • fl,,l(0 timir••• Aver %manta% 1 1 9.ee, 00 '4' thrust mit by a French counter- r.;:;:fe-1,,',1,g;',',.; , 'and urv111 "orennon the enemy again (1 81110k11(1 tack Oita night. Yest;eelay in the 1 3111(1 110 11 1111 heavily and recovered the village, Y?' 1. 1. eer '1'011.426 11,1'11,0$011°tiritleed, nIy to toSe it when the b't•ench coun- e T tete 1019 top, $9,511 to 49, ered in the afternoon. teeee 'temente, ' Tlibi morning'e assault was deliver - d about 1 o'clock, and 3113881. leid. 39 to toe; eelneted. 11131111 11111/ apparently' gained entrance 11 •1.1 'Igti;••• 0 tilo phtee their tennre of it WEIS be- `1?-4T!"laOo (1 t'1.1. en 71 2.4 (114' h.0otly ..netested by the poilus, rdietti". 11(1(03' (.012(80 34 t1 bc11erS', t‘ Vs,. • A eimilar 'fight had been 34'1184%'1134'1184%'11t(beet e -22 t Vie oe Voormezeele. The Germansa re- 7111,...,":lite,t.,,,,e.t,.,:;,:i.:12e7w1.1,11,ktorLe;...i.,e6,;;.:2,:;1:1,:118.,0•1: tiro, tok the heinlet last night, but Were 1,0nos--(1111cullan. ('0(200, bushel, $7.60 to Vs; Foreign, luttol-piettoa, bushel, SG•'Cl.0Inb° P107.1toY—•C'tiolee, le oz., 33.50 Per dozen; 12 cat_ $3 oor dozen; seconds and clerk enroll S" 50 Country Produce—Wholesale ble te hold it only a short time, for he British in a brilliant counter -at - %.k stormed their way through the laces and ejected the enemy. An attempted enemy attack near 5-s;,1,111,',1:,' '17;,7,1'-8-.211.NIT,1,11.114111„1e°11., "5, 11.12,ti illere-Bretonneetx yesterday Was ner pound, 21 to 25e. IllaShed. by artillery fire, The Ger- Proyndone—Wholesale ans eoncentrated east of the town Smoked meats—Hams, medium, ati to (1(11g the forenoon, but the Iltitisn heavy, 30 to 32e; t•ooked, 47 put dm h a g to 49e; rolls, VI to 820: breakfast bacunt, 11 to 'Ito; 'bitel-s 1.1 ISo;bone- 1(511: - the troops and d•ispersed . less. 40 to 49atsc. aired me-. -Lona clear bacon, 20 to one; elear benles, 20 to 30c. Lard—Pure, tieroes, 31$ ,to 32c; tubs, 110 to 331e; poo lls, 32 to ne: prints, 23 to 312c. tlerves, 20 to 211e, tube, 261 to 2tne; 268. to oriuts. 273 to 28e. Montreal Markets Montreal, A pell e---rca ts - -Canadian -western. N.. 3. 51,02; extra No. 1 reed, 81.02; No. 3 weal wlitte, 01, pun1'— No' standal.d. SPring wheal grade. 210,1,6 to $11.05. Rolled nats---flags, 90 lbo.. 10.00 - 35.60. 'Bran. 626.40. Shorts, $40.40. Middlings, $43.50. Moun- tie. 050 to 492. Itay. No. 2. nee ton, car low, 417, early in the clay in getting,. a foothold: an 0111. in Locre again. th GERMAN LOSSES !BRITISH AND GER - EXCEED 5,000,000, MAN TANKS MEET 609,000 Killed- and Wounded in Fought in Fields Near Amiens . • Recent Great Offensive. ! With Victory For British. A despatch from London says: tier- , A 1c;ptach 'front the British Armies man losses in killed and wounded in. in Frence saye: For the first time the the great offeneive temounted to no wsunieee IlErstip Britiel: and German 1:wh4. have met less than 4300,000 mem, 31(02 8111 t-ci it, L.. (1 , . . 0 • lycimine-, Anvil ne—etteh urices• renable information received (1 21 Hie : : sei , 4... . i ..., y is for the tetts-see...?, sew., else; zee- ,.. &,.., eei-7 there are the Constitutional Monar-; t.so. eney emiges on Wednesday : eftee No. 1 47,..d. Stu. No, Creed, 554e ; chists, consisting mainly of cadets„' Scandinavian sonrece, Theee figefi rei, in the smelt elde around Villers -Bre --1 'ie: ..i'; 0.4'..;: r'efeet4.'lar-e-e':1 fd 50)o chzsts Co11'11311ng mainly 01 eadets cand111ao lan 001031 '119 1 ,:r 1 1 1,11 11,11 1110(111(1 1 iliet 11 B e \ 4 t' i 8 1 41 fl'."ies.3,1, Ssir.117 :The other two parties are the Social which are, of cou-,,,e, un„fik j„1, e.u.i:t tonneuX and east of Amiens, where! (...;,to.ei-3-..;,., 1 .e.evese„ $.870; :No. 2 (,l 1Revolutionaries, who are pro -ally, and . from trustworthy eourcee. There hes tee enemy teen much CliSe113Si011 FIS to the mo- made a determined and for 1 . -- i Soviets, who represent the Bolshevik ; a Moment suceessful a•ttaek upon that * tritium states markets tive behind the disclostrue a Karl Tea 4011 11111'(1130(I,1, .1.3.011n011 30—(l.rn—Nn. 3 ''P- (ili'25. - white, 36 trt 57c. Flour—Unchanged, ' • ytilow. seer, In CROP CONDITIONS IN WEST Brae --032.11. i WERE NEVER BETTER. t 1."'40 (4 The Forlenini holds the world's Zeppelin. This airship has a celery FROM SUNSET COAST enn•maral WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLO ARE DOING. 1.1rogress of the Groat West Told Af in a Few Pointed 1'44 '4 ;,,,:::!';';''..-0.''7:$. ' ts; fli, .i, 1 ! . : haS Wen 81)POinte11 ollicer-in.com. -1 caveat hospital, *Victoria. 0' 1i1414488'.i Public Works, Victoria, has 194 1(1 de - 1 comidel101.1a bravery. i F. D. Edwards, who lost both handl as the result of wounds at the front, :Comte& with .the Militetw OrOse, for 4 440" il J. E, fildillth, Deputy Dilatator of Mend of P2 111113(81 military coeval - Lieut. J. 13, Dicl,e0111111, of Vieteriel Capt. Thomas Roos Griffith, 301.1 of 'Paragraphs. iii who 1,,ft with the .1 0111. Brigade, C.F, ...........,..--............ -.............. A. has been awarded the 'Wintery New Italian Dirigible. Cross for devotion to duty during the operations before Passehondaele. 12114 operations 140,0rodoilid)fortilll.tildel of 17,000 feet, against 18,000 feet made by the ' The Police Commis,,ion,ws of Vic, aria . 01 33 aided to the Attorney -Gera 1 eral for his flat for proseeution 11 GERI NS OCCtill HUNT KEMPIIEL „i,„T„,„. ef names of those who aro at. .1 1.1Aecgto,d to have violated the Lord's Day FOUR AND A HALF MILES FROM YP,RES'iZIL`e-na:gi,,r,r.„ }':,.',•:',.wtt.-Y. In 7070 TROTZKY ASKS ALLIED MD Bolshevik Official Press Has Be- come Pro -British. &despatch from London says:— There is a significant tone toward the allies, especially America, in the Bol- shevik official press. From being pro - German it has now become pro -Brit- ish, above all, pro -American. Leon Trotsky, who emerges once more as the strong' man in the situation, is getting a force together which is causing the Germans anxiety in view of their wholesale withdrawal of divi- sions from the Ease Trotzky apparently is inclined to in- vite co-operation of the allies to as- aist in organizing this force which could soon be made effective under Proper direction, There are still, however, four eon - Rioting parties in Russia, each more , interested in partisan ends than liber- ating the country from the German yoke. There is a small refractory counter-revolutionary party aiming at the restoration of the autocracy. Then French Forced to Abandon important Position.—Counter-Attack 1803811 the Okanagan Valley south of Sicamous, replacing the tri-weelcly service that hod been operated . fee Launched by Anglo-French Armies. me. sotime, It is estimated that aha deficit for The lose of Eemmel Hill is serknie, the fiscal your ending March 3 1, iota, •, for it overlooks much of the lowlands at Vietoria, will be about a million lying back of the allied lines In the dollars, 213 e0111pered 30811, .1 ricfieit of Ypres salient, !approximately two 001111,11(1 in the 411- A despatch feom the British Army i eal Year ,('13219(114 N18,1,11 4'1017. in France, says:—The allied arm) on The Fraser River has been at war Friday were taking the initiative On' trial the e4101.1.113111Meng 14214 100,188,1 80 both the tun -there and southern ends the Cariboo county, and c01421104(1 out of the battle front. Friday morning' every lee bridge no the vicinity of the Britieh and French troops, acting Big Bar, leaving ice from twelve to in conjunction, began counter-ope,ra-; thiety feet high along Re banke, tions in the region of Mount Kentmel!". Lieutenant Gordon Carmichael, of ; and the neighboring territory which New Westminster has been awarded the Germans captured in Thursday's the Military Cross for bravery at sanguinary struggle. PaN"octba"pdailtileele of ice has formed on the Arrow lakes, near Nalsttep, D.C. Mount Kommel is a deep hill, morel The lowest temperature so far this than 400 feet high, lying about four, winter has boon one above zero, rniles and a half south and west of ] A seyeee penalty was 81112313140(1 ten oval,Ypresbeing. Inrlyhallteceoamiaratian(1 vely te flatitfoipomis. a e New Westminster tiehermen.w19 wae caught fishing with tt set net at 50110l1 -'(vest to north -cast and half that the mouth of the Sumas river. di -stance from aouth-east to north: Vital statisties coveuing British Co - West. Its slopes extern] outward into 11110019111for the ,,n'.,'7 ehov• t A. despatch from London says:— ; Rommel Hill, a height which Mrs been !looked upon EIS the key to the southern side of the Ypres salient and an ims !portant strategic position On the northern battle front in France, has been taken by the Germans. After a I defence which will become one of the heroic chapters of the war the hill was surrounded and the French farces entrenched on its slopes were over- come. The Teutons launched terrific at- tacks along the whole Wytschaete- Bailleul—IVIeteren line.Wednesday, ap- parently for the purpose of finding. at point which might yield. They evi-I dently, found that spot In the section of the front held jointly by the British and French troops and against it they! hurled fresh divisions which fougerC their way forward all day Thursde y until at nig•htsfall they had surround- ed Keenmel Hill, 011(1 isolated the French troops holding the position; All night long the fight went 011, and it was not until Friday that the! Germans succeeded in storming up the "lopes of t'ho 1 ' • Bleiand the high ground around it. Gebtreu, Neuve Tiuropa, that the The German tanks led the attack, rt . 1050614Up te OP end ef sn'inffifflr on the town from the Tammey thie year utneunted nort- hea,t and front eouth, and in ,,() men killed. wounded and their Willie came the infantry with risencrs, excluding the navy anti 11,1101181:e guns, heavy mortars and , 1. ./ gli011ita tee0P94 aUNinar!"' foreeac and light artillery, Altogether there were I eaths due te, sickness. Combined . 10111..01. live tanks. They were bulky British Navy's. Raid on Flanders Coast is big Blow to Operatians . , . "th the figuree of the recent battles '1411(1 ungainly creatures, quite unlike e 1May Halt Armies Unless Problem Can eete'far exceed anything Germaity had ,atiek-firing guns, emeany's total losses 110W execed : the Britieh tanks in appearance, with 0011,4100. The total given by Blelt,.. a broad squat turret containing a German Submarines—Obsolete Cruisers Laden • I • The coal problem 80 Italy is equally Be Sol%ed. eviouely admitted. There is a sug- - The British tanks came up during st•ion that Bleibtretee article we' the morning. and the German tanks tended to minimize proportionately ' 0 recent losses on the western front, , —stalled forward through the t 8, shell I ltrAuill'' N'...:1,,ti ssfii7.550 t: cs': Duluth. Milet., April 2.1—I.Insned— $4.0 71 to 84.1 31; arriVe initi 11,193 and , • July $4.077; fatober. 03.57 bid. deepatch from Calgary Alta., Livo stook twaxects from all parts of the province indicate the fuothille from Et quarter to half a ling decrease in births end marriages, mile. The linage of Ken'iniel lies as against an increnee in mortality, just ttt the norsheaust edge of the Since the B.T.P. Railway lute been, heighte. - , completed through Fratemis mut .. __. _._ .._...„..-- iTneha Lake district, near Prince Rue 1 ZEEBRUGGE CANAL BLOCKED AND • . - Ithere• pert, four hundred people have settled ... 1 OSTEND FAIRWAY NARROwFD; COAL FAMIN-E IN ITALY. 'says: Crop reports being received Toronto, .\ nril 110-8xtra choice heavy steers, $13.75 to 015; eludee heavY that conditions were never better, and Steera. $12,75 to $1 3.50; glual beery it is estimated that the average 813 Ole, $12.25 tobutchers' cat- tle, choice, $12.50 tn $12.75: dn., grad, crease in acreage seeded will be in St2; dm. niedhpla. ell to 511.5'0: the neighborhood of 20 per cent. Cool do.. eonotion, S10 to $10.50: butchers' bulls, (hele. 610.75 10 611,25; dn.. good have retarded germination nights balls. $10 to sliest); do.. medium bulls, somewhat, but -in many parts of the S9 to ele2e: do.. rough bulls, $.6.75 to 37.50; butchers' t. .11'13, l'ilake. $ i 0.75 E0 • ' --W en they, saw them approaching 0(1.50: M.: ,Fooa ‘311, •I' to 310.59; do., licit are causing serious disturbance; : ere ta engage Gemiany. When the enormous efts-, ed.sbeir them.. They concentrat- 1 "",?.,:a At,:ea ntu tter;4, 40.5 4 ti o $7.50! 0 . nil lk- ifeS of the battlefield are added to gents on one Britieh tank, but I ciernn. 701,)1 merti.,lact‘; $9d; gtrlitig!ez:s, g 3 ii ., ineredsed rate of mortality 01' tl . • others came to the rescue and in the 1 t" $1111: meet owes, Si :see to eie 00 or Concrete Sunk to Block Entrance. as serious as that relating to food shortage, but ito solution ie 06' "1 A. despatch from London says; '170e ' breach ir the viaduct and a eolith- spontlent. Before the War 11111,0 im- • South wheat is above the ground. 1 net result of the British- navy's raid west or westerly wind the sand shift- ' moie deficelt, says a Rome corm - There are a few complaints of lack of - on the Flanders coast, according' to a ing has proceeded rapidly, and it will ported 950,000 tons of coal every moisture and drying winds blowing 1 high naval authority, is that the Zee- take the Germans some time to over- i ;month. Despite the fact that the re- al' the -top soil, but this happens every I brugge Canal entrance is effectually i come it. quirements for coal have considerably year in Southern Alberta to a greater blocked, a breach 120 feet long has 1 The removal of the blockshiles 1 tion continued to fall off mall last i increased since the WEtr, 1843 itrIpCleta Jarnl n le dad. that followed one enemy I ebniee. 013.50 to $15.50; liop,i, fed and the Mole with the hind and the Os- I slow and delicate job, bemuse the Ilee ;1011S were imported every month, The ,e, els to 8-0.00: calves good to or less extent. ----0.----.....-- been made in the Riaduct connecting I across the cane1:4 mouth also is a 1 year, when on an average only 524,001 Man population, it: is clear Ger: ilY's losses cannot be recovered eiteration. in ponent of less bulk and lighter arma- ' erontreni; Ate•ii ete--tehoiee.steere, 312 intent, while the others scuttled att'a.V. 1 tank was put out of action by its op- PetTd'e„ fob tj.011e14hed ef2 tn 913: gnod steers, $11 to $11' medium ears, TURES Tk6,RE K.,.1.RS 14",3 1.'l tend fairway has been hle011Veniently of heavy charges would still fur : N D fie0 RI teSIAN GL NS narrowed but •not •h II lher ' - .1 • Eel 1- A BAD SECOND , IN BOMBING t; A ME: ' ondon, April 27.—The Air Minis - announces that the number of !b bs dropped by the British over en -8 lines in Prance opposite the Brit- : 11 rout during March was 213,099, by se and 13,080 by night. The enemy ed in the area (templed by Brit- ef coops 517 by day ancl 1,9.18 1'W 23 OTAL OF GERMAN MISeING • I l'e'ciS:etXO' seNgial'icetetl:rt il'Ali, to day says: jets NOW REAcRED 6114104t orr ears. 921 to $21.50:, Sews. 8:0 "We have oceunied the tout:Teas 01!baata constructed at Antwerp werelinstead of Zeebrugge as their thief ; could net be run by burning wood in - I siu.20. it was through Zeebrugge that U1 time the Germans must use Ostenti ; was utteney paralyzed. As fast treble Amsterdam, April 28.—Speaking ; t-.' I . Ears w -as a etrong•ly fortified twill and general supplies for coast defence.! down the chrome' than they like. I them. Ears and captured 8010 guns." !brought to• the coast, also munitions'! refuge, thus bringing' them further , stead of coal it was decided to stop efor the Main .Cornmittee of • the ! BULGARIANS FIGHTING WITH I -wad et great krateg10 1,1100rtam° t° Zeebrugge harbor has been daily 1 The raid was a splendid enter- I Fortunately, England and Franee erreen Reichstag- on Friday, accord -1 . _ GERMANS AROUND AMIENS.' Russia. It lies tel an elevation iff i dredged by two dredges owing to the ; prise, ably and in,genionsly planned, . came to Italy's rescue and the latter g to Vorwsterts, Gen. von Risberg 1 6,000 feet and is conn.ected by rail- i perpetual shifting of the sand. The magnificently executed and showing .' placed 240,000 tons of coal at Italy'e ate,' that on March 31st the number 1 A despatch from Paris SaYS: Tile 1 IVa'Y With Tiflis. It several tinles ba's !British sunk one of these dredges. The the dauntless pinek of the British • dis 0- I I ti 1170 were )ri German miesing had reached,a total , presence. of Bulgerian troops on the i been the scene of • notable battles be - t:64.104. Of this number, he said, western front is now confirmed. It : tween the R i i other was damaged th : 000 in England, 157,000 in Ruesia and j is there Eip what troops are represent- hi 1855 and again in 1877, and in 1873 • • FRi'llvf7 LAUNCH • lased in Italy is consumed by munition • . injure the entrance walls of the can- ccame ea acute that eie.eo; medinet. se to earen plinie9 01 0-- • . choice, betelier Mills. $10,09 to The Zeebrugge Canal is much more als aud the blockships were construct- I and in order not to diminish the ma - i !all available stocks were cehausted, C let ntin ple kprit — The important tanto the German navy's oper- ed peculiar manner so as to give I put of munition factories tual other butcher colt's. $19.50: griod eows, $9.50 Turkish official communication issued( ations in the channel than Ostend, 513 i them high reeisting power. For a war industries the railway servo. -ea LAND YIELDS TO GERMAN ISel.41.1.NI)S. of' the B‘ulgett7ian IVIinister in Vienna, rep'snied as dead. so at with a-kievy with its inspiring mo 1 fl t p ea , tile the former guaran- sorters in France, 11 0,-i ie not known here how large a force Was captured by the Russians in 182B, ARABS AND BRITISH future. Threefourths of all the cord uss ans anti the Turks. It ra ec . teed to send 090,000 tons. inonth GERMAN LOSSES OVER 500,000 I London, April 28.—Arab forces, ea— Rumania, and the remainder reelil be' ed but -mono, the oflieers is the son waseeededeth Russia. OCCUPY RAILWAY !ft.! vi „Ad . ; factories mut War industries, while t1•1 I Toscheff. remaining fourth is t onsumed by tita ' ritilroade. Efforts' ales, no b don, April Ms—Holland has $UCCESSFUL RAIDS In addition to the large force of SINCE OFFENSIVE BEGAN. I operating with the British i •% 0. ti mane s demand con- , BA% CANADIANS :VT LENS: German trc'alis flaw attacking the al - transportation, and the sup- Ilied line east of Arniene, concentra- and and gravel, although it I. Britten Headquarters in France,11 times are reported further north, ope erstood that the -amount of.' April 28.3.—The Canadians have carried posite Aryans, as fOr as Ypres. ncl gravel will be limited in- ' out three successful raids opposite( ofunlimited, according .ta a Lens, taking sixty prisoners and four .from The Hague t o PUBLISH U-130AT SINKINGS .tha maehine 1.71.1110 and killing, many Ger- Mail, dated Sunday. , 110, ONCE A MONTI-UN FUTURE. 1V1Y REPULSED IN TRE A despatch from Lonclott saYa: t-9 :held shortly in London. south of Mann, according to an official ee'rveridle Plied in Attempt I conference for thie purpose will be that the German losses in the great Yesterday. Mann is 75 mikes eouth of . high British authority is informed • report received from General Allenby D'esiroy"Yard and Ship. 1 "From its results Mises life and at half a, million casualties and other . Kaiser Hurries To Zcebragee French staff estimate puts the total 1 battle have been very high, The ! Jerusalem, ter in the French mercantile marina said the Fetid Commistioner r tl Paris, April 20.—The lergesrfreigh- the- conduct of the war will depend." cupied 53 miles of the Iledjaz Railway, 'h4" i 0.111140,4(3(2,3 1J1570,319j); to increase the quantity of coal as- signed to Italy by the and a estimates 800,000. At a secret ses- But ,Not To Glee Iron CrOsSeS • terdese is now :taco in a French part . less ft is satisfactorily eolved with.._e A despatch from London says: The promised that victory could be gained I sion of the Reichetag, Hindenburg 1 remote from liw fighting .zone. It is out further delay, [0 apt to prevent A despatch •trorn London eays:—.., 450 feet love and ie of 10,000 tune dee. Italy front -mutilating the war. launched at Dunkirk yeee implying that. the coal problem, un - Admiralty has announced the cessa- I at a Coat of 1,000,000 casualties, and 'The Kaiser visited Zeebrugge per-. Piecemeal. Ilosses and .the substitution of a month- I tion of the weekly retuen of shipping I afterwards amended -it to 1,500,000.1 serlallY on TueedaY, it is officially The lisrmene, aWare of the lc:rather,' Iv report on th Th sai • The Gorman civilian population is in- I admitted from Berlin I ' owing the 21st h ,riteeeh Inotei,r..,fecr.emdwyeio.atthreh,de.,thtreriwral oiirn‘k .:esss7e:a1i y :...1r•1wt,• sa1,ey12y 1 4..):%i,T(:.iEi !sr,ai)at,)t'ebL.EiD•.elC-N;'3ANDL:AI g1 _. . , , . . .. . . , .tr, ... cre' 'ae,m' 'g ' ' ly de• s• p''o...:n,,' ,d,e,., ,n,t...,.e,t„mt'h,''','',,'e','4:,'4' ,,m,0,''',m' a:ts,. t,n,,,mi.,;,-..'r. ' tn a:.,• .e.„.,,i, S-;r';''EiNqenTofeachnumth, rude of the losses. rid. theeel] tl endhire is' ;..;;.;._7 : 1,0irlard:,, fotii(tta‘)-asa4s;T118.- (;o"'"4 ,,.10tl:s3:Ii...i,ed1,,?,ilt;1101:,ie,f‘ruii01iigigtr,s.;1,,11Llta,111i3O°.twice flotills 01' eesdo beats t.; 11e11s Uto 411st Oetalter, 1e17, 111 .:11':(ser()1'711115')?k1,1111lenit111t1 ;t011134}2?ll°1"e1371'1he Ian:ktng, whi•h ptr,t expet:A . Scotiand Prine Folvalt [land, 4:,- 11 ,,1 1•:1•,''i ttrdi1-l t.li,t I ieo, (8 .':iol.i+,'tv.ic:ka1(v6El(10; ilr311h11'12111141'..81"42 119, 3he1oyIl1v12b1 .1,,[1;;1011"L1.,to,1la n41(1, 111‘ (19101.1/1,4 1 1 i ' ,,;,,, ,hs'1.11,e,42,eteTet!, e..30e. fi)erlieettel 1C1..,ee (0,443 71;;') sty - frtiltrtfitits Wre 12801111 Us; t'alleclitll;- ' 0(8. ,hi,,,p :eZvta.,.,l1eilyii t1h,.e..n, e1 .&'t t 2,0:1,2, 2,0:1,2 ffie.lle ' .l.,e%e!o'0,‘"I. ...'1.,.aI. 1 '..- I0 .i,.L h1,l.'liNo,r1 1n,o, %NitN8T),i.7f ld411;111X Illra: .,W,li111.,, I.1»tta2t81' 1.:'i,-':11111"., . 88.1..), . 1, (44L,!,,:VO:11 7)i.',.a . i'7 I47'. 1It:c141ini...1!v nId Yinc, c.,.' 114 a 10,0,,,,,,, ,-; rto.,fL IN A :lseietebfrom St. 1.'I(0' '1, g2y,3; `ft& conscription illtItisSoti 14,4see (14,8 reading without 'P1”' 1(1(111 onThursdy ;tfet Fronter ',lp"1931(1 1)36,1,, It statement regarding the Swat eittttin at a 14312(131. 4(114(141011 of theLegisltture. Similar 1101.7011 was tale- enon n hill to extend the lifof the Prlaitent until the cloeofthe your 1919Line Restored South of Somme Riyer8light Retirement . re FuriouAttacks of Foe m1leterenWschicte Line ' s:MENDOliS DR V_:: FORtAM1,,. 1 ,, etch from Londoe says: The • share of the burden of the great I 1 table German drive in the 'battle. 4010 • I ,• • ancl Armentieres sectors,' Notwititetanding the frantic gan on Wedneeday morning, peter9one rentle lee the Clemens for a oped into a terrific etrug0e. ' con! Moline° 17' their drive toward %eh, having been leveed back Amiens and tlio extrema violence ofi! .. llers-Bretonneue, latmehed a the fightime, the entire thus far in that -, ttack, s•eetook the 1'i1121 410 : ropior; have )icon trifling. Along the t the Germans 'melt almost to , line from Albert eteuth to Castel tee- ,, . e •,,, which were held before the 'east et Haturard. en -flanterre. the Gr- ghting began. Tho Austra- 'num assaults have been hurled back 1 in the vietery. The i by the allied fOrt.f•,i, which ((('11 ztrong- :.. ,, ,-,h ...1- ve been driven bock but p8'' ly melted on the higher etreund to i e-Santerre, but nre holding I which they retired during the last i tone close by, while on the 1 days of the German drive in I'leartly, west of Yprea, the Britleh 1 It is unofficially reported that from ', compelled to withdraw' four to six German divieione, or from fore furious attacks along 1 43,000 to 72,000 men. have been heried n-Bailleul-Wytschaete line. I at the British and French linea near Americans aro arriving at , Ypres. The retirement of the British .behind the French line in I heythis sector must have been small, .. sector, showing that Gen, for there are no gains reported by , ten are bearing their j'Berlin so far, Americans Build Largest Tank its 'Wm id. "America," the largeet battle tank in the world, and the first of its ki ad built for the United States, The giant tank weighs forty-five tons and is operated by steam. .tr ,r0,8 124(403, i.:11•11t .11734 WI 1!1i; oi .1,1 feset. Cauliflower. To102 able to flish 10 eauliflower whole and unbroken is quite A feat. The surest way of accomplishing it iS to boil it in a piece of cheese -cloth, which allows it to be lifted from the 8 kettle without detriment to its ap. ) pearance.