HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-02, Page 8f{ Velvet Cut Adds much to the Appearance 91a man. Have pour hair cut at 'he Sanitary Shop, We try to please pou. Commerc Varna THE SEAFORTH NEWS ICORRESPONDENCE 1 Staffa Rer, J, 1f, Jouoe spent last week a his feria at Sombre, A cumber from the village attended the #nets! of Pte, Victor Evans at hayfield, A 1100 new garage will soon he own. plate in the village, Mr. Jas. Spectr- um having the eontraot for the commit work. Barber Shop,C'1th Mr. David A, Johnston left suddenly fur Detroit last Saturday having to at - 4 ROBINSON toad his aunt's femme!. Itvp I 'rhe many friends of Mize Joan Fos. Ifor wore glad to see her out Sanday af• be n very severe illness. for Sale 111114010.1 eggs fur batching from mit'I'ou1 lis: Sacramento! Berrien rill be held In ms's A;tto,e Fdloo rtehorna. - the Methodist ebtuch next Sunday at p'hlnal(iA P1C0R Its l,nl'Ihtl dnlrr tim i England, ires dans' tiering ro00l,l 138 eggs in year. gl .€10 per settiee, of 111 Walton 500 ' ell • a 00 :0( A Cruller 111 tI0Llte pf11 1' I 1 o'clock, A QaarLel'ly 1311;011 meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Monday afteruo0'l at 'e o rloek, Mr, Sidney Hewitt has been lulled for Military Service, Miss h, ,lohustun mid daughter, Eva of Kitoheuer are visiting at the p:trtlon- Neuf a1 it Activity RPt3rings General In Western Canada Prosperity attracts Mereimats t Farmers are spying out the land • 'The s;n:et" wheat producil.n areas in Ism c. •131.1 t. -day aro served by Csnadian Yorther•.1 lines. 11)130!'/ i!il•'•ttltt:;� 1.'.13!714:' or ntelellant lc. ' f; 4' i he lilt:nee . development .r..l 1,: , .a + rite. 1.1.w Yore ;.,.,1 :1 ,r, 13.•131! tllruusli _•. e'",: i'i'.?'tl':„ : iillin�';, .' forest rees,e HUMS, eddint,rl.�tau.it to the journey. Connu1'tai,l•• trains leave Ten alto at 1010 p. P:. Mondays, VLuhu ifay and Fri - Age. Mr, F. D. Hutohiusou, who for year') has oonduotetl a store here has telron a Position in Mitchell and expects to move his family there shortly. Cnpel'rompleman is at home on the farm this year, Mr. Wintermute, of St, Thomas, is at the parsonage, Mr, sud Mr's, F, A, Humbly attended attended the funeral of the mother of the latter, Mre, Cooper, in Seaforth, Mrs, J Harburut attended the fun- eral of a relative at Seaforth Varna Bayf end The ice is rapidly iiteappearing from the lake, Capt, G. Atkinson of Detroit is occupying their cottage, John Pollock hail gone to Manitoba again to look after nus farm there, Mr, and Mre. Eagleeol, of Luoknow are now rendered of town, The tieher folk aro preparing to trot their nota; Harold McLeod, sou of W. J, Mo - Lima hes an attaok of pleurisy. miss Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr A. Foster, was married to Mr, Chaa Sto1k, the cermony being performed by Mr, Rev. A. Johnston. Only a few re- latives were present. They are living in the village. Seeding has progressed well and some are nearly done, Leadbury Mr. R. Stephenson of Parr Lipo has had word that his son George has been , Satire at Bethel church uaxt gun- wounded iti Ftanoe. day evening at 7 o'clock, 1'1111 Mother s Day program will• b given &n.0nud01. 41ay rah, An inter- 'terestine time is expected, Goelezrich St, Ue, r;;,.', church was packed to capecity'1'nnday, when an honor roll mutat-nine 1 le eamr30 wax unveiled by I til(' rector. Rev. A. L G. Clarke. The hotter 0011, which was presented to the I clay=. cameo e at. VI, 11peb I burs!! by the Bible ('laas,was inecribeci for rail points est. I by J. Ado; Fowler. and is a very baud - For Tickets. Fta+ewat------. l:itur- l _rsine .,:m.,., of murk_ Nine of those C. A. re Abet"harr information. Drug Kist, Sea- yy,,it I forth, or write R, L.-Irairblirn. tt 1 whose names are on 1t have made tbe'I C X'. A., fib ltlnx St. E Toronto. Ells I supreme ;acritice. The rector in the I 1 course of his sermon paid high tribute 1 t' _I to the work Canadians have done for 1 FI NAOIAN NORTHER i 1 the Empire and to their unfailing pat. For Sale riotiem to the motherland. t'apt. McCartney of 1.ha Steamer 7 Room House. Good cellar. Hard Richardson will get the silk hat, whien said soft water; good condition and a I is given every year to the captain of glendid.locality, .Apply at this Office. I the first boat to dock here. The Rich. 0rdaon, with 110,000 bushels of wheat, and the Valeartier, with 270,000 bushels FOR STILE 1 of oats, were the first two boats to arrive Here this year. Both name from Eight roomed frame house, good Fort William, They encountered con cellar, hard and eoft water in house, in erse ice on the through. etipbutAhad no7o geaforth, , difficulty getting Tour and one-half acres, with stable i miles of heavy lea was encountered in Lake Huron, The W, D. Nlatthsws and and hen house. Fruit trees and all 1 Sarnfan, which wintered here, were kinds of small fruit. A good chance l wired a change of craws, and left port fora retired farmer. Apply to W. w ' ' this morning for Fort William; instead Cowan on the premisua. End of Mar• of going down, The ice blockade in the kat Street ; River St, Clair was probably the cause Id the change, Hensall eromarty Thursday May 2 Mise Margaret Wilson, of Woodstock visited at the home of her brother, Mr. Geo, Wilson, last week, Miss Agues Hemittou, of Exeter, le spending a few weeks at the home of Mr, anis Mrs. 3(o, 1iamlltoe. MIs, Johnston, of Wallaoeburg, is 5p011diug a couple of wok at her old home preparatory to leaving here to reside permanently with her eon 011(1 wife in Welleoebltl'g, It is w1t11 regoot that her friet1110 learn of her final de- ole1011. Mr, and Mrs, John Norrie and lam• ily are inuring this week to their new farts neer Bruoolield, They have the best 1r1e1108 of the community lu for their success and enjoyment in their new hone. a. Mr. and Mre. W, Marshall and fans- ily have moved to the " Bare Farm' recently sold by Mr, Scott Barr, who 1 has moved into town Mre 0, Spears and Olive Have re- tnr11ed to the village after spending the winter with relatives in Brampton, Mrs, D. McConnell is about again, after her rooeut tlbnoes, We learn with 1110aeut'0 that Joseph McConnell, of Hamilton lute been .pro- moted to night foreman of the Domin- ica) Express Co, there, The,Y,P,C,E, meeting wait well at tended on 500day evening, Rov, I), Ritchie gave an address and the or- chestra assisted with the 1(111sic which were much enjoyed, It is much regretted that Harry and Lisle Norris are leaving this place, They have so ably helped in the lnusie since the organization of the Young People's Orchestra, The friends of the late Mrs. J, den extend to all the bereaved relatives their deepest sympathy in their sorrow, The funeral Held on Monday, April 22nd of the late Mrs, John Wordeu was very largely attended by the many warm friends of the departed one. She was one of the very beet of women and will be greatly missed by thoes who best knew her. Four of the brothers were able to be present at the funeral, Mesere, George Barr, of Ottawa, Will of Toronto, John ofStratford and Soots (iardelting is the order of the day. Miss Edna McDonald is rapidly re- covering in London after en operation Rev. Dr, Diolten of Chathan will preach anniversary sermons here on May 12th. Mr. Crosby from Huron College takes the services in St. Paul's church, Fall wheat is looking good generally in spite of the frosts. There is also much spring wheat being sown. The reviler train service put ou Monday was welcomed, Mr, R Cudn1000 is preparing to erect a new home this summer. _ CR B,t tl WANTED Rev. G. M. Hulmee preached his fare- Iday. In the morning he 11e1(1 a recali- Seed your cream to us and receive i tion settler, when twelve new members top prices. 'We are running our plant !wire udlxiitte+i to membership, The the year through and can beadle your setanmeut of the Lord's crupper was full supply and furnish you with cans. ; also administered. ii Rolmes begins We pay twice each month and weigh his tuieistry iu Oseingtou Avenue Bap- sample,end test 00011 0131) of cream care. ! tot Church, 'rarr.nt0 next Sunday. fully. Our motto is " Honesty to our i The annual silver medal ecnteet con - Patrons " Petrone are requested to rel duct1d by the Women's Christian Tom• seen all our Oane whey not in neo. ! permute 0nl0u was held fn the Sunday Satter an3Suttermilk air,: en hand school room of the North Street 38letho- n e for at market prices, Y dist (Church. There was a largo at - The Seaforth Creamery Co. f teude1ace, Rev. Ur,Rutlodgo was chair- man, There were nitre c0ntesta11ts in I the elocution contest, the medal henry iawarded to (Jennies Lymburger. Meyer) contestants were in the musical contest the medal going to Mies Jean well ee1'100ne in the Baptist Church to - DEATHS. StANDS--In London, April 20th, Mrs Jthn Banda, aged 72 years. DEATHS. 000HRAIiE—in Morrie township, on .April 24th, 1918, Ellen Sheard, repot the late Wm, Cochrane, aged 73 year, J'IffiNKING—Ire Hullet, Tuesday, April 93rd Fanny Love, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Hulking, aged s8 year-, MARRIAGES. 3A1g.ER-OONI4AN--At the manse, Brussels, on April 24th 1918, by Rev. H, 3. Mann, B, A, Mr, Albert C, baker Seaforth, to Miss Janet 3(ioh of (human, daughter of the late Alex- and lire, Gorman, Morrie township. MA„ ircg Marvell. Huron Lodge, No. 02, 1,0,0.F., and visiting brethren to the number of about loo attended divine service in Knox Presbyterian Church this morn- ing, The minister, Rev R. 0. Mel/m- ond, preached an exoelletltand suitable aer(non on the " Parable of the Good Samaritan." Dublin DALE—DABK.IRR—At the manse, M Killop, on the 22nd of April, by lbev D, Oerawell, Mr, Harold Doug las Dale, of Hallett, to Mitre Ada Meryl daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert S. klabkirk, Moiiillop. Edward McGrath of T1lsollburg has eon visiting at his home hero. Pte. Jae, Weber is still 111 at Lon don in the barracks. Mr, Jae. McArdle, of 81. Marys' and L. McArdle, of Linwood, have been vieithig their father, Rev, F, McArdle. Mre. 0 Rook has gone to Buffalo to be with her husband who is ill in the hospital Chore. Many from here went last week to Clinton for Medioal examination, Mr Joe, Carpenter is on the sick Two farm tractors casco off the trai at this place lastweok, The 1ran on the Land finds mud[ of interest and practical value in the "i'A[t!t AND SUBURBAN HOME" section a special fearare every Saturday in Ra h% Edited by an experienced and practical agr'icultur'al writer who knows his business, it is small wonder that this depart- ment is steadily growing 10 popidarity with our subscribers. Farmers bent on getting the fullest returns from their Iaud need hardly be reminded of the immense -value that discussions on stook and poultry raising, beekeeping, grain growing and farm improvements have for them. The fact that so many of them read the Agricnitm'al page of The Mall and Empire, year in andyear out of its that they are not lacking in a proper ape $4.00 per aurum by mail—$5.00 delivered. Order through dealer, local paper or direct. Circulation Department %11! vv F 1. :I vita ii, TORONTO N..,'(I iii 4 Ito you pruelfet• Ir' Is Speaking e� t ll✓I'� you answer the telephone by saying '(Hello," a whole series of time -wasting questions must ensue! 11 "Hello?" "Hellos" "Is that you jack?" "Yes, who is that speaking?" "This is Milt" "Oh, hello Bill"—and so it goes. q Why not answer at once by saying "Mr. Watson speaking," or "Mr. Watson of Smith & Co. speaking, q Save time by answering at once with your name. Dont say 'Hello.' The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Our Men's Shoes Here are Shoes, that are proud to tel their names. They're the best work of famous manufacturers, Shoes for Mer„ who want tasty, stylish Shoes. The brandslwill show who made these Splendid Sha es and we stand behind them with a strong guarantee of perfect sans. faction in every detail. We'see that every Shoe fits the,tmot per. feet! y. 1 Man, it Zito eapoys Shoe luxury, can certainly find in these splendid Shoes. We're not only up to date on.Men' s trine Shoes, but we're at least a date ahead. We've all the wanted axed correct styles• �S eon "The Mottle of Good Shoes" Phone 51 Seaforth of i1itchell. :FL's, Steiuholl', of Totou to her only sister being with 1 cr dur- ing lint short illness, @L'. i ,Lett Barr of Algona and Frani of Montreal were unable to be present, The interment took place in the Stalfu cemetery. 51r, and Mrs, F. L, Hamilton, of Galt attended the funeral of the into Mrs. Worden on Monday, Manley Seeding operations were greatly hindered by the severe frosts and wet weather of last week, To Mr. and Mrs. P, Eckert on the 2bt1t inst, a son. The fall wheat is a complete failure and had to be tesown, ;.l Many from thie vieiuity attended the funeral of Mrs, Peter O'Sullivan in St, Colnmban last Tuesday, McKillop Court of Revision H'rhe Amore:lent Roll for the 'L'owu- ship of MoKillop is how fu the ,Clerk's office, Lot 24, Con 7 and may bo seen by ratepayers; and residents of Me- Killop dining office honrs, Court of Re -4.0. vision on nes,t Roll at the Commer0ial r Hotel Seaforth on May slat 1018 at 10 o'clock a, m. ' M, MURDIE, Clerk, ISiIUillaillllhi1l11111111011111lllla�@Inch11111111111111I111IIIII111IIIIIIIil11111IpII1iplllllatNpgpluuiplNllmnupn1E1111llllllluullnllllllll EINIiminlgll doe nntyou t at are full, for ye shall hunger0" Luke S : 25. Not spiritually (although even the penalty of remorse may follow yc,ur neglect of this national warn- ing) but ye shall hunger in the i-•=:-rng physical sense in which Langer now e, -rips the peoples of t" e 1,1now "it is fli cult to talk to t"1e l=ally ala 1 hath no ears," and f '.'•: ' ' t LIS c-.1=icu1t; to persuade a r ? ;i•.fl Wh':s has a full dinner be - him toy a;ay that he may want fee, f:;ad nest month. rut you tray as well let this fact • ilr lt:>nd —the last people that Canada and theUnited States will allow to suffer for want of food are our fighting men, and if a sufficient exportable surplus of food cannot be raised and saved by voluntary efforts, then ver y drastic rationing measures will be enforced. It may astonish you to learn that in 1017 Ontario (lid net grow enough wheat for its own need. Conse- quently every Ontario fanner whose land is suitable, has been urged to sow 5 acres more spring wheat this year so that Ontario's demand for wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of the Western crop that should more rightfully be shipped overseas. For this same reason every house• holder who has a garden or a piece of vacant lend is being urged to grow vegetables, because the more vegetables that -are grown and eaten in Ontario, the less wheat and meat there will be consumed, and that being so, the Ontario wheat crop should then be sufficient to feed our own people, and leave more Western wheat and other foods available for export. If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now. You will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and beans may be planted up to June 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat.- 1'er good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable Garden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable Gar- den for Every Horne." This has been prepared by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens who •will respond to this call for increased production. omen Mail lois Coupon 'ow in II ®w'AOOO Naomi sleall. Ws. MO. Organization e Wiliam nt Committee, Toronto Dear Sirs : Please send me a copy of your booklet Vegetable Garden for Every Hoole." Address............._ ._._...........,_......_...._ maws me. ..,...,.. Moog 1.030 11®0 ...9, ,,.«..a.. ORGANIZATION Olt RESOURCES COMMITTEE In Co -Operation with Canada Food Board "A OWPASSIO