HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-02, Page 5Thursday May
er C.V.°, LLD,.DC,L President
CAPITAL PAID UP. ps,000,000
SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager
11, V, P, JONES, AWL Oen'I, Manager
RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000
Careful attention is given to the bank -
frig requirements of farmers, with whom an
important part of the business of this Bank
is transacted. Farmers may rely upon
prompt and courteous service. al
Seatortil. 13raxi..o.t
J. 0, MULLF.N, Manager
W. J1 Walker
W. .1, Walker, holder of goy.
art -anent Diploma and License
Day or Night 08118 receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night .1 18
Ontario'a Leading Commercial
School makes 8000908 easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy, We
give individual instructions 911(1 8111-
dents may enter at any titue. Gra
eluates are placed in positions, This
is your opportunity as there is a
great eall upon us for trained help.
Write at once for particulars,
Frame Meuse; 7 rooms Mid pantry
summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Eleotric lights, large ve
eandah. Stable 111' X; 18' hen :house 9
7' .
Apply at the
News Office
Girls! Try it! Heir gets soft, fluffen
y d
beautiful—Get a small bottle
of Danderine,
TI you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant wit!'
life; has an incomparable softness
is tinily and lustrous, try Dandertne.
Just one application, double& the
beauty of your hair, beeidea it inne-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandyuff. You can not have Moe heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs fele hair of its
lustre, its strength and ita very life,
and if not overcome it produces a fever-
ishness and Habig of the scalp; the
ir roots famish, looaeu and die;them
the hair falls out fast, Surely get a
tend! bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
kom any drug store and just try it.
For Sale.
House and half acre of laud in the
village of Egmontiville. The property
is situated 011 (!L((('e Street, oloae to
the Presbyterian Church anti is known
as the Ptsreell property. 000(1 ooro-
fortable homes, good shed, good well
81111 08(001(1 eietern, All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
°errant bushes,This18 a corner pro
petty with 110 breaks 011 front, aud the
and is 10 a good state of cultivation.
This is a nice property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. For
mirth...dare apply on the premises or 1s
John a
For a Nice
Hair Cut
call at
Bolton's BarberShop
1 have for sae sev-
Bonds and
of a particularly
sigh grade, bearing
interest from 54- to
per cent.
PM information con
centring same cheer.-
fully given.
Bond and :Debenture.Broker
Main! StreetlIMPeaforth
Phone of a
Toronto, Apt•il 23,—The appellate
division lots allowed the appeal of
Major it.8, Rays, of Setifoith, from
the decision of Chief .1nstice 11. M.
Aleredith, and has directed that Prank
Weiland, a printer on the sea forth Ex
posher, must toll 1• \vi( 111 be gave
copies of a phamphlet whip!) he print
'"rhe phatuplet refers by 1101(111 to the
appellant," sass the judgement liatid•
ed down to dav, " a member of the
legal profession who went to the front
mud the in nuendo is that it charges
both cowardice (toil unprofessional con-
The defentie hatl objeoted to 9(18'wering (ho question 011 the ground
that it world disclose the 1181110 of a
person it was intended to null as a vt it -
teas at the trial, The appellate di-
vision ie of the opinion that the real
ground a disinclination to afford atty
011(9 to the teal Mender, the writer of
the mentiscript, which the printer has
A Weiland appeared before the judge
„yr% t Goderioh 011 Ttle8da7 101'examine.
tion but refused to answer the 111168'
110(10 and an order was applied for to
commit him to jail for eontompt.
°orris cause mach suirering but
Y. M. C. A,
Mr, Hann, organizing aeoretary for
the Y, M C,A, Fund and Rev, Mr, Sylces
of Kitchener visited Seaforth last Wed.
1188(167 for the purpose of developing
mactithiery to carry 1)11 the campaign
for futide in this looality, They met a
number of the business men in the af.
telethon and explained the needs and
the following committeee were appoint-
ed—Mayor Stewirt, Chairman ; J. A.
890(81917 ; John Beatty,Treas•
over, Finance Committee—R,
Jones, J, G MI111011, J118
P1111110107 Committe—K. ft McLean,
J, P, Snowdon, F, G. Neelin. Can
vatsing Committee—A.. D. ' (1111811a11(10, R flardno, Dr, F. Harburn, Col,
W118011, Execntive—H, Stewart, 11,8
Hayti, Jas. Hays, Resident clergy,.
'Phos, Stephens, F. 9, Savauge, E. L.
Box, W 01 °tighten, Earning Guild
Ross, A. A. Naylor,
Seaforth is expected to raise $2000
and McKillop $1 000, ft was decided
to send a delegation to urge open the
County Counoil the adaisibility of mak-
ing a grant to the Film11 and raiae the
anion/it by taxation,
Dietriet Deputy G, M, Baird will
preaido et the District meeting of Odd
follows hero on Toosulay (10)11,A number of Otidtellowe wont to
Rolloway's Corn pure ofl'eta 8 speedy., Clinton on Sunday night for Church
sure and sattafactory relief. (parade.
M MQ1UIbride o
IOW MIMIM c.14041.10.411.91*/$911/100.6H1.1.01149.1
01.11114 spent8 few days at the home of
Mr% J• IhreKetusie,
Miss Griffith of Goderieh Wee th
guest of Moo Sadie Holman;
Mists Rena MoKenZie of Stratfor
spout the week end at her loins there
Rev, 0. .101810(( was a town visite
on Mooday'
Town JJJRff
Deseaaaelaiisaseastinaaaess si.......seseettesullt
Dig up year Overeoat, have a look et
it, by renewing the velvet collar, Press.
ing mid °loaning ratty save yen the
price of A now one. My Wardrobe,
Goderioin:St, Opposite Queen's,
Mra MoQuade, Cloderieh Ht. has
returned from a trip to 'Toronto,
Miss Knolca of Mitehell visited
M00& here.
Miss (AVM, Markle of Hamilton
spout the week end at the home of Mr,
and Atha. VV, Goldhawlc.
A meeting will he held in the floun.
oil Chamber at eight o'clock on 'Friday
evening, May 31(1 for the purpose of
organieating a local Branoh of the
Navy Leagite—a full attendance is do
Mts. John ticiater awl Helen rettuted
from Toronto after visiting her father
Mrs, Henn Emloit. 18 a 1,1131t0r MI 01 A f("1 "el°.
the home uf Mr, awl MIR. R F', I Mr. J, 11, Richardson acoortiptuded I
t I 7 Flax fibre is ainsolotely necessary to
1 Flaxh
, terefore, is an itolispeottable i
munition of war. Russia and Belgian' j
formerly supplied five.sixth of Groot j
1r:touch 81,
by Miss Rzolnuelsoti and Mr El Hunter
to. Perey Itolph, who has been in !motored up from kit. Marys tied 81(80
the unitary Hospital. (hiolpli, ti thinc.or Lilo ay At the home of Mr. and Mrs, J
past 7 or 8 mouths has received his A' ‘Yilfion,
disoliarge end 111100(18111100(18aceepting a pea. Miss Kate (Iowan of reroute ilitiver.
Ilion 98 htepootor at the multit1011 811has ratitrO011 110)110 for the vaention
works, 1 ,
Mrs. Stanley, who has been visiting
the Board of Trad'A was held on Friday wadneaday for her horne in Sault Ste.
night for the purpose of seouriog rooms
for trisamen working ii, the Bell Poen-
dry. Men aro leaving towu aa they
011,01snot got board. A committee 0011.8181111g of the mayor, reeve, Jas, H.ays,
a, oarduo, F, 8. Sewall°, F, G, Neelin
with power to acid to the number, were
appointed who will canvas the town
for rooms.
Mille E. Coleman went to Ailtdiegan
led 10 attend the funeral of her broth.-
The Play given 011 Friday night by
the Cranbrook players Watt well attend,
ed and mud enjoyed by all, It watt
One of the best given here for some
Miss Margery MoQuaig is ill at pre-
sent with pneumonia.
Mr, and Mra W. Hboldice left on
Thursday to visit friends hi the
least ,
Flax Growing
the oottatruo o
ctief aeroe planalone'
A joint meeting of the Connell atid bev sister, Mrs. le, McMurray left on
Mr, Robert McGee has rented Mm.
Westcott's house on John 8t, for the
summer and is moving in this week,
Mrs J 0, Mullen has returned from
a visit to her brother Dr, J. B. Mo.
Faul in Toronto,
Miss Mildred Jonea, who has been
in training in St, Mary's Hospital
Saginaw, is home for a vacation,
Mrs, It, MoQee and son have return-
ed from the tnneral of their cousin
Mr Albert Harrison at Bayfield last
Mr, C. Layton of Hamilton open
few days with his family.
Mies Isabel Scott of Goderich w
Isere visiting her father, Mr, Jo
Scott, Roxburgh.
Mre.,MoMullen of Elkton, Minoi.
is seriously ill at the home of her shit
Mrs, E. Ilinehley, John St,
Dr, Oromley and Mr. P, Dolan
Stratford were in town on Frid
attending the Dame,
Kris Harvey Revell of Hamilton
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
Nelson Govenlock son of J .R Govan
lock Winthrop 11,1111 Rae MoGeoch so
of Mr $ McGeoch Egmondville, both o
whom are connected with the Roya
FlyinpOorps, of 'loronto, spent th
week end at their home's here
Mrs Owens and Miss Sadie Holman
left on Monday for 0011911011 where
they will in in future reside
Miss Gertrude Reid left cm Tuesday
to visit her brother Oscar of the Bank
of the Bank of Commerce at Ottawa,
Befoher return she will spend some
time at Cirsterville with her uncle and
aunt Rev and Mrs Meredith
Mr and Mrs °harlots McAllister of
Toronto are visitors at the home of 1111r
and Mrs Robert Bell, East Goderieh St
Five boys belonging to the entrance
class in the while 8°11001 aro going out
on favin leave
Mrs McQuade and Miss McQuade
have returned to their home in Egmon.
dville after spending the intet• in
M re, Mason has returned frotn visit
ing her daughter, Mrs, Roy Oke 11)
Robert Laird of the Toronto Aviation
Corps spent Sunday with his mother
at her home on North Main St'
Rev, E. L, Williams of Cleveland was
the guest 01 6110 Misses Woods over the
week end,
Dr, Beoheley, and Maims. J Mc-
Millan and R, Sproat helve gollo to
Toronto to enlist in the 00 Battery
Mrs, Kenolieu of Owen Sound is
visiting her daughter Mre, W Golding,
51ra, 0, E. Hendevson line returned
from visiting friends in Toronto
Mr, and Mrs. John Gumming are
10001119 11110 their new home on James
St. tyllioh they purchased from Mrs.
Mr. Glifford of Guelph has taken the
place of Lefler in the Bank of Com..
mem, Mr, Brown becoming eettount
Gordon Dick 18 now Junior in the
Dominion Bank,
The early train uoty readies here at
Dr, Garnet Atkinson and Mr Jaok
Atkirson of Detroit are town visitors,
very successful musical and literary
entertainment in the basement of the
Presbyterian Church ou Tuesday even
mg. Lunch was served at the close of
ogramtne, The proceeds amounted
3 66.
Waste paper colleation--The Wont-
's War Auxiliary has made arrange•
ants for a collection of old uewspap
The Barbara Kirkman 0 role held a
, 011 Saturday next, May 3rd These/
o have papers are askrd to have
se tied in brindles and ready for
collectors, newspapers only will be
en as at present there is no marlret
any other than waste paper.
Mrs Bridget Sullivan
Another of the pioneers of MoKillop
passed away, uti Saturday,in the person
of Mrs, Bridget Sullivan, relict of the
late Peter Sullivan, of the first oonces-
ion, at the age of 83 years, The fun-
eral was held 071 8unday at St, Colum -
ban where interment toolc place,
Lizzie Bunsch
It is with deep regret that we record
the death of Lizzie, the only daughter
of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Bunsch, of Sea -
forth, who passed into the Great 13e -
good on Saturday evening, the doth
hist, after an Rican of only a few days,
Though afflicted with a goitre, Lizzie
was in her usual good health until two
days before her death, On the We 1.
nesday evening previous a few 00 1101'
girl friends helped her celebrate her
fifteenth birthday, aud 011 Thursday
complained of only a slight cold, but eo
rapidly did the goitre develop that by
Saturday, her breathing was being ter.
iouely interfered with and an operation
was deemed necessary. Thongh the
operation was successful, she lived only
a short time, death being due te failute
of the heart. The deceased, who event
all her life here, was beloved by all on
account of her gentle and lovable die.
position, and her death has come with
a great souse of shock to the whole
community. The funeral, which was
held on 'Tuesday afternoon to Maitland.
bank cemetery, was conducted by Rev.
Geo McKinley, pastor of the Metho-
dist church, the Sunday School of
which she attended very faithfully since
she Waft five years of age. There were
numerous and beautiful floral offerings
front Mende in Toront 0, Kitchento
Chatham St, Thomas, Goderich, and
Clinton and the Collegiate 1nsti0t1e,
Six of her boy setteel mates acted us
pall-bearere, while eight of her got
chums tenderly platted the flowets
upon her grave. The following friaols
from a distance attended the funeral—
Mr, and Mrs. Brennen and Mrs. Eaton
of Toronro, Mr, and Alas, Louis Bunsoh
and daughter, and Harvey Brunner, of
Kitchener, Mr, and Mre, Bert Reid
and Mr, Robert Reid of Chatham, Miss
Douttlin of Alma, Miss Rota Worse 1 of
Goderich, besides a nunther of fri. nds
from Clinton. The sympathy of the
entire coremuoity is extended to the
bereaved parents in their hour of star
Miller's Worm Powders prove 118011
value, They (10 1101 cause eny violent
distu !bailees ht the stomaoh, any pent
or grippiug, but do their wort( quietly
arid patnlessly, so that the cleat:mitten
of the worms is imperceptible. Yet
they ere thovough, and (tom the first
dose thetsa is an improventeot in the
condition of the suffer and cestettion
of manifestations of internal ttooble,
Britath'e demalid; now they supply
little, 10 14717, Cousequently, and die
pito the gishatly inereastd aoreage of
Britain has not How more 81111' ou Multi
than is sullioient to keep the milk run-
ning one and a half days tt (00611 To
fittelow complicate matters, the flax
eeed orup to Ireland was perilously
('8(81' A failure 1981 year. So asthma in,
deed teas tine seed ahortage that the
members of the Irish Linen lioluatry
held a meeting in Belfast last Junnary,
to consider the 'situation. Finally it
was aggreed that £2,000,000 ahould be
provided to plant 10,000 aoree in Ire
and with Western Canada oil seed, as
a monster experiment to prove wheth-
er not this inferior variety
of flax ' could ue utilized
as a fibre orop, Tito Ontario grown
(taxis fibre flax, 11 18 the seed of this
kind of flax that should have been
med in Irelaqd, if It had been available
flax in Irelatal in 1917, Great
So this is the situstiou, Allied
flyers must have wings, and the supply
of fibre flax is abort. 13tit it is not a
situation without hve—and Canada is
the hope. Bach additional time of
Canadian flax will enable another Can-
adian aviator to destroy the "eyes" of
the enemy.
This vital facts were disclosed re-
cently at a meeting 01 11110 Agricultural
Section of the Organization of Re-
sources Committee of Ontario, called
to dismas the flax sithationef the world
811(1 103 bearing upon the industry of
this Province. Evidence was also giv
eu regarding what Ontario already had
done to relieve the shortage,
While this system is still followed
almost entirely, farmers may very pro-
fitably grow flax, doing all the work
and selling the crop outright to the
mills, An acre of good flax will pro-
tium some nine bushels 01 80011 and two
tons of straw, The seed sena DOW for
from $7 to $q a bushel, while the price
of straw will be dependent upon quality
It cannot be too strougly emphasis.
ed that a email acreage of fax 'of tile
highest quality is more valuable both
in terma of dollars- and aeroplane
whims than a large area of infer'or
flax. Quality rather than miantity
most be the slogan In ease !about
conditions prevent the pulling of fax
the crop may be harvested with a bind
er, the seed sold at a remunerative
price, and the straw at about 515 a tun
Olcl socl land is preferred for flax and
any soil whioli will produce a good crop
of oats will be suitable, Wireworms
crops, will not attack flax, The see
and white grubs, so,ylerttruot,ve to otherd
should be planted not later than Alay
Oth and the crop harvested durilig the
middle of July; thus the Boil is left
in excellent contlitiOn for winter wheat.
A thorough dittoing, without ploughing
ia sufficient condition for winter wheat.
A thorough (hoeing, 1011110111 ploughing,
is aullioient preparation for the wheat
(woe. The fear that flax is particularly
hard on the land is unfeutided, as it
does not take more from it than any
ordinary field orop.
Wretched from Aethina. Strength
of body vigor of mind ate inevitably
impaired by the visitations of asthma.
Who can live under the cloud of re-
ourt•ing attacks and keep Lod)* and
mind It their full ellioieney? Dr, J, D
Kellogg'e Asthma Remedy dissipates
the cloud by removing the eause. It
does relieve. It does restore the stif-
f. rer to normal trim and 109(1 161 happi.
RetittiettO 011 the Penn.—Beefy terra
er mid stook.raiser ahoold deep a sup.
ply of Dr, Thomas' Belem] in 011 at
111(8(1( 1(06 01)17 Re A 108(17 remedy for
ilia m the family, but btottiom it 18
horse and 0,111 le medicine of groat (101.'
8807 As a substitute 001' SW061) oil
for homes itud oattle affected by oolio
it far surpasacts anything that can bo
Roscoe Fatty
The jolly Comedian whose ability to make
people laugh has gained for him a salary
equalled only by a select few of the fain81
ous stars of the film world,
with scarcely less famous
abel Nrmaiui
will appear in our Keystone Comedy
Thurs. Fri. & Sat.
rine "us
Born with the Business
The Migtest Drama
Ever Conceived
The Crisis
by Winston Churchill
No production has lived up to its adval ce nod, es as
"I he Crisis'". The film is so stupendous and so realistic
as to be a constant source of wonder to the obsen ers who
follow it closely. Battle scencs, with thonsands of soldiers
engaged, raised into the realm of marvelous through the
reality ef their bayonet attacks, charges, artillery duels, and
the awful grandeur of the battle at its wildc%t, together with
one of the most beautiful love stories & Vf r told, features
over film thr..ughout.
Music by Earl VanEgmond and H. Chesney
at the
Friday & Saturday
Adults 25 cts,
Children 15 cts.
flood 1811103g Wltet...............513,1(3
Barley .... . .1 ;39
nratt for Lott „ 6 OD
Short. per ton ... 41
... . . .
Hoge tn farmers Ip 71i
Flax Land Wanted
I want Flax Land near
Seaforth or Egmondville.
The farmer may prepare
h- land or I will prepare it.
r Merner, '111
' 1 P.
.iettforth, ()tit,