HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-05-02, Page 44 PROFESSIONAL CARDS, m_ Mt 01CM nu. H. Ili AIR t ttUdb, I by aiLofl Qad b glofld +le'Late of Landon kfosepttel, London, ltpgland„ eleeetel altputlon 10 dements of,Cyn, Isar, Nose. o veandxeablouua talbiad Oomlaluu Beak, Ofno !'llonallo. 5. Residence Phone No, 109 toena eindeT 0b Street Cast oft tetter and ()dist Choral, Coroner for (Monti' of Buren l'eleelione Mo. 10. Bs. acousli odurioli greet, oppuY gn,. n1Monte Church nterttl efiln i,r ,1; Vlct ,,, and .9 ,arbor, and miter of drain Ho College of Puystosstit and 'geot,s rnr n.•1 for County of Harem dscKAi honor PrsdualeTrinity University, gold Medalist Trinity Medical College. Member of College o- I 055etneis and Surge ons, dotal!'. iy R, ,1) '4tL I1.'' l'ulteoptkur elpeefanat do 1 411,0aReeand lafiauwat r lbies. t l5 o id t armin dleurd ars Rnr, bye, N091 and Throat Adenoid re- Mae edwi ) ,'lt0 1 +"ortenl v.i,n 'roe. Ata, ti t otoi Tnesaa?•, u. rc9 n . Frl+io; 0's a r.a ' psu Marriage Licenses anlHo al opt, inn ane. 1 1 alto Insur nee U'On - noile0ng [neuratice, Life or k,telJent' postcard will get worsted. .1. 111. f11Ne) 1.H1it, Senora' Agent for London Life titmo see Co.' cad Imperial Guarantee and Accident ln.ttrsace Co, Seaforth., Ont. fames Watson General Fire, .Life sad keoldent Insurance Agent, and dealer in dewing Machines,! Main Street, Reeforth, THS McKILLOP Mutds9 NO IMMO Co. Porro and Isolated Town Property Only insured, OFFICERS JAL t'.duwl:y, (rnder:eh, President. Jame, 1 Evans. Beechwood, V',ee-Presid rut, Taomoe Bale, :•eaforth. Sou. -Tress. Directors � er. McGregor, Goforth; John G. Gr1we, Nevi Books _r the WIntlr'op W. Rhin Constance. john Bennewels Mc'reon Clinton n McCartney Seal , otglilVDR,TH illtE 4+ !f SUBSCRIPTION 1 q(1.1 IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Pram the Office MAIN ST. SEAPORTH, ONT. Phone 84 Evening 1?7 Ito' dollar per year, strictly In ad r once if not paid In moralise, one dot\ar and a +tall wilt he charged. United States papers, Mkt ,•ruts extra. striektc ]n ad vaneed, When subsertaeis chane';! ih tit address notice should be'i^r,10s Immediately, giving Sub- scribers w ll conerta favor by nn ifyinguus of any Irregularity of delivery. Rending Notlooa--No reading notice. edvertl1ng any entertainment or matter by which money le to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tire News without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of business announcements la TEN canto per count line each insertion display advertisis ng,, and FIVE centstfor per lineseach insertion to those baying display cantracte, and for church, society and entertainment reading ines. g5n notices. Card of Thanks $ to 9 Judlcflsl. Legal, Official and Oovorn- rnont Notices -Ten cents per line far drat Insertion and live tants per tine for eacb suhoeaae'. insertion. Yedg 'doe Inch, owill�betInserrted for exceeding0per 35 00 per y,n6 nameable strictly In advance Display Advertising' -Rates furnished on application, Adverttsemeot• ordered for Insertion. wUnttl forbid," and those sent without mitten lnstracttcna will appear until ritten orders are, received for their dlr. continuance. Lotter. to the Editor must be aceom- panted by the writer's own signature, not or publication, bat as a guarantee of good. faith. The publisher accepts no reepon• Ability whatever kr the statements made la such communications, Letters on rell- eexcept topics el old advertisin be ,pbashydatall d p ago plainly t marten as such. The rate for each matter la ten cents per line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Brcdghagent Robert Ferris, katlock; Malcom • ImnestonnottY, Goderich: Jae, Evano. Ileechwo�od: Agents Alex. Leitch. Harlock; $. Hlrtcldey, See/w0 • 80tIDam Chesney Egmondvfle; 9 SV. v9,. lEolmeavtlle; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodbaaen; Imre S T and John Govenlock, Seaforth, ou ncom. Parties desirous to eS ct Insurance or Penn - other business will be promptly attended .0 t. application to any of the above officers, address to their resoectloe po.to®reo. 4Fsar;rr:::_ r liomFrp. e1 E. IVAN & Peisii, til3A23 fu's LIN1MENTC i L1fdiTED —r snss�s C CJIICHAR07001 9'Y9UT t &sS d is Public library Which were put in circulation, Sat- urday, Saturday, April 20th. A Kentucky Warbler, A1'en : Tommy and the Maid of Athens, Hooking; Comrades, Dillon ; Red Pepper's Pet' !lents, Richmond ; Secret Witness,Gibbe Fair Days, Hemer'way; White Ladies 4 of Worcester. Barclay ; False Faces, The Vance; Aretie Stowaway, Wallace, !Cavalry Alley, Rioe ; Cabin Fever,Bav- Original I er; Missing, Ward ; Bromley Neigh - a ] I burnout], Brawn ; Priest of the Ideal, U j Graham ; His Family, Poole ; Shepherd Only, Nord of the North, Maker, klilne Nett Fiction tIl l;o yian s Land, Sapper ; More Let tors from Lilly; My Four Years Int Germany. Gerard ; Behind the (derma Veil, Beaufort ; Best (YLttek, MoClin took : On the Fringe of the (treat Fight eirlare Nesmith ; bey Home on the Field o Mercy, Huard ; Montreal to Virg IIS Ridge, Welts; Cavalry of the Clouds Boit : Heaton s Annual 1918 ; Canad- ian Poets, Garvin • First Canadians in France, Bell ; Irish Issue in its Am erieen Aspect. Leslie, n y of Imitalio Sold en the Merits of poems, Brooke; insect Adventurers �il11.01 1 Fehr° ; Open Boats, Noyes ; Cellar LlnimEnt House of Pervyse L' Serolaea ; Six i Women aid the Invasion, Yenta; France i Beare the Burden, Fortesoue; 01d Front ;Line, Musefield ; The Food Problem, !�n Fog Sale t SCRANTON COAL 1.1 W. L. KEY, • Sea larch. Phone Iia a t A Business Without a proper systin of adver- tisir like a tr -t the 1 Kellogg ; The Immortal Gamble, Stew- art ; Our Hawaii, Landon. Juvenile Peggy of Roundabout Lane, Turpin ; Island of Appledore, Aldon ; Wolf Pa- trol. Fitmetnurei 'Inc Renegade, Finns. more; Thirty Indian Legends, Bennie - ter; Gray Lady and the Birds, Wright; 18ecret Seven, Bell; Amateur and Edo- cational Dramatics, Hilliard ; How to Tell Stories to Children, Bryant; Stor- iae 50 'Tell Children Prieky, Porky the Porcupine, Burgess ; teld Man Coyote Burgess ; Chatter the Red Squirrel, Burgess ; Billy Huuny and hie Friends, Cary ; Babyhocd of Wild Boasts, Mc. Nally. Egmourhille Cemetery A meeting of the Egmondville Im- provement Committees was held in the basement of the Churoh Saturday even ii g t e 200 inst. The Seo. areas, war present and submitted the financial statement for the past year as follows— Receipts ,bntioae received $ •els and wood et T AFORTH NEWS al, on 1181141 and in hank $ 190 97 The aocotlllte eud voucltere were eat. endued by >r'leaars, John 4le0au and Rd. Flinchly and found correct, Mr, dna Sproat watt appointed Seo,.Treaar ro.pleoing Mr. Holman who has moved to Goderloh. Mr. dee. McKay ocint pied the chair, A bee will be hold in the 1111110 future and all parties in the neighborhood interested ere invited to 00 -operate with the Committee in still further impravemen to dating the oonl- ing 90190011, Treasurer's Report Huron RIC. & W,C,Aer Oec., Jan., & Feb, Sel,f1,1 11 11751 ('71..99 Aynitun Red Cross Union 0, 1'erinll Rad Cross Seaford' War Ars. Aeblield St Idiot's Aid Clinton Women's Pat, Soo, Clinton Girls Aux. Suldioro Aid, Exeter Wingllaul Rod ('runs Hobnail Red Cross Blyth Red Cross Circle °reddtun Red Cross Varna Pat, Sec, Centralia Pat, League Colborne heti Cross Goderich Tp. Pat, Hoo, Y, L, of S, E, of G. le Beului1101' Recl Cross Hohueavillo Society Bayfield Red Cross Leihurn Red Cross Brussels Red Creel S. E. & 10 %Wittiest, Stanley Maple Leaf Summerhill Soo, Westfield Soo. Dungannon W.I. Turners Church Goderich Rebeooes1,0,0,1+'. Alltnleek Chapt, [,0,D,E Goderich D,A,M,1,D,K. Chub Elmsville Sunshine Cirole Unity Club Farquhar Red Cross Bethany Soc, Saltford Red Cross Londeaboro Red Cross Thames Road Red Cross Burns Church Ladies Aid Dashwood Red Cross Monorief3' W. I. Exeter Taylors Corner Pat. Soo. General Brough Chapt, D, E. Goderich Blyth Girls War, Aux, Kentail W,1. Maple Leaf Chapt, 1,0.D,10 •(5oderioh $ 4031 38 1171 19 1158 77 1042 18 705 13 051 03 021 7f 679 29 0`0(1 80 505 87 409 41 390 40 375 78 366 40 354 71 340 11 326 06 308 86 283 14 268 76 232 Otl 217 40 207 25 192 40 182 00 180 61 172 50 108 80- 154 0154 04 143 60 136 86 128 16 121 34 112 90 111 34 101 86 100 00 93 15 91 25 83 40 79 16 52 50 44 76 38 'JO 28 45 7 31 7 00 $ 17,537 31 Guerra E, Brown SEAFORTH CONTRIBUTIONS The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, desires gratefully to acknowledge the follow- ing contributions received in Seaforth by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association :— Robt. Bell Engine Co. $ 25 00 John Finlayson 10 00 Fred S. Savage 8 00 F, J, Burrows, M.D. 2 00 F. Z. Beohley 2 00 A. D. Sutherland '2 00 J, H, Reid 2 00 Dr, R, 11. Roan W. A, Criah .loin 111oTavish Beattie Bros. H . Edge 1,1 McKellar IN, G. Willie A, L. Stone F. H, Larkiu 0, D. Haigh H, Livens V\ . T. Thompson 31. Broderick Robt, Bell Drs. Scott & McKay Stewart Bros, N. Cluff & Sons F. H, R, M, Jones fohn Rankin (leo. A. Sills E, MoFaul 897 50 W, 11, Smith 1 Oa J. M, Best 20 58 John A, Wilson 2 80 J. 0, Mullen W, Somerville W. J, Walker & Son W, 11, Kerslake ,I. F Daly s Chas, Aherhart J. U, Greig Total $ 421 00 Payments its paid by oheque ante paid in oath ,b on depoei, in Bank ash on hand $ 222 11 0 62 179 79 (0 48 $ 421 90 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 a 8 Within The Law fit Exeter • The 1ixotor'rime0 Alae the following u ,say regarding the play "Within the Lew". The dt'amit "Within the Law" presented by Mrs, It, Monose Jonea and oast of Seafoeth in the Exeter Opera House ou Wodneaday, evening est re0eived well -merited praise "here was to large alldlo110, lt1111 all were nlletnited In expressing their 1pprotiation at the manner [u lvllie0 vhlell the drama Ives ()ardent out, Mrs 4urloss-Joue0 in taking the lending ult as Mary Turner displlyed great ability, winning the favor of the aud- 0111'v in the first act and maintaining t to the eud, Indeed the work of the entire moat left nothing to bo desired. At times emotional feelings wore fits. played with snoh skill as to ,street the audienuo end reflects groat credit on the actors. Mise Evelyn Greig ne Aggio Lynch carried out her humorous part in a manner that wolf the and111t100 Sir, Geo. Israel as Joe Gerson carried out this difficult'•,role with great force of character, Other prominent parts were taken by K, J, Francis, Dr, Bach. elsy, Nliee Leila Best,.1, 0, Greig and R. M. Jones each interpreting the characters with oxoeptioual skill, The work was above the average put on by professionals who have apeeared here. The conoert was put Ott by the Soldiers' Aid Committee, The visitors were afterwards served with refreshutento at the 11111011 parlor, ' HURON NEWS The people of Brussels and locality were surprised when they learned that, Dr. 1'. T, Bryant had signed up with the Canadian Medical Corps and wills leave very shortly for London before going overseas. He had been talking of going before but thinks itis hie duty to lend a hand at this orltical stage. The Dr, has been in Brussels for the past Eve years and has a large and growing practice which he will drop in the meantime. His papers call for set, vice for the duration of the war, 5, C. and Mrs. Flood, of Moukton, of appointed caretaker and matron of the House of Refuge by the hoard of man. agement at a salary of $775. Their du- ties commence on May 18. Police Magistrate W, E. Kelly, of Goderich has resigned hie position after five years of service, Hon, I. B. Luoae in a letter in which 11e accepted Mr. Kelly's resignation, spoke very highly of his work and said that he had re. oeived no complaints regarding his work, Ex -mayor Chas. A Reid has been nominated by the Goderich C'ou. eervative committee for the position of police Magistrate in Mr. Kelly's place. Thursday wwwwwwwwlwwwwrwwwwwwwwwwwwnwwwiv ww■wwwwlrwwwwrwoni THE DOMINION BANI('• �} ■ Established 1871 p tr w BW w M w w • CAPITAL AND RESERVE $13,000,000 k w ■ w 0 a Farmers' Sale Notes aro ✓ w )M ▪ farmers will do well to leave their sale notes with The Dominon Bank for collection. ' Consult the Manager. W w &F.AFOR'f -1 BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Maringoos 00ssies esimm ssoltssmsasse cwWelnhasprgeSSesesisesesytti;A.!440 First Presbyterian Rev, F. H. Larkin„ Paetcr, timidity eel'vicea 11 a.m. and 7 0 m, Sunday Lichee! 2.30 Lem, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7, 46 p.nt, Worllou's Miss- ionary Society•tho fleet Tuesday in each Mouth at 7.45. Barbara Kirkman Mis. cion Baud 3r4'Tuesday" Ili the month at 7.30 p,m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday et 4.15 pan. Methodist Bev, (i, MoKinley, B, D., pastor —SUNDAY—Claes at 10:00 a,m, Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun. day enhool and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. p.m, CHURCH NEWS I 1501119 under this 1lead are b Milled free of charge, ex- t III.)H,! r„ial'dlllg ln0etll, 94 where an ndm(asion fee 4e oharg"l Tho rate for suolt boing fire cant par 0011 la t Ila St. James' St James' Chilled', Rev, Father el F, Goetz Pe P. Eat•ly Mass U.30, High Mass 10,30, Sunday School p, tu, Vespers and Benediction of the Bless. ed Sacrament 7 p. m St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rector, Sunday serOoee 1I a,n1. eud 7 pan, Sunday eohoo 12,30 p, m, Women's Anglican Missionary Assoei0tiou, Tuesday 2 30 pan. Children'ebtanch Saturday 2 p.m. nteroessiou services every 'Thursday, .0 p.m. rzerazz. 2,.,.,,,J,,v. 41 q 14 3 Rev. F. S Sharp, Exeter, passed away very suddenly on Sunday morn- ing last, Ho had made all preparations for the services of the day and had . gone out. When he did not return ki Mrs Sharp event in search of him ,anti found him lying dead, death being due 0J to heart failure, He was pastor of Carmel Presbyterian Church its Exeter, since 1909, He was born near St. Mary's but spent his youth in Peel county. He was pastor of the Presby- terian church, Alliston, beforeoin to g (; Exeter. After an illness of a oouple of weeks, though in failing health for the past year or so, Mr, John Johuaton passed away in Clinton on April 15th, at the age of 70 years, He was a native of Goderich township and bee resided in Clinton for the past forty years. Be - ides los widow he is survived by two one, John of Wiughem and Edward of Clinton and olio danghter, Mre. Ohas. 0-IoKim:on, of Sault Ste, Marie, A few weeks ago, Miee Gaynor, Brus- sels, while scrubbing the Hoer ran a needle auto her hand at the ball of her thumb, It was supposed to have been on the floor and caught up in the cloth. Needle broke and half is still in her hand, Poultioing hes been followed without theneoeesity of using the lance, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 '2 110 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 '2 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 $ 110 00 Geo. 5, Reid, Seo. -Treat Ghesney.Walker A quiet wedding Woe solemnized at New Loudon, Conn„ on April 271h, when Mise Mary Elizabeth Chesney, el- deet daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Pearson M. Chesney, of Ruscoe Farm, Tucker. smith, was united in marriage to iter, Vern B. Walker, U.8.N, The bride, a graduate of Roohostor, hospital, was attended by Mies Agnes McNiff of of Rochester and the groom by Mr, Raymond Bloom, a classmate at Wil- liamson College, Philadelphia, The bride, a popular and estimable young lady, hae a host of [donde hero who will unite in extending good wishes Different May 0 Portraits The Difference between the ordinary Photograph and the kind we make is due to our skill and high grade equipment. every sitter is given lndividival attention and treatment and the results we' produce are photograplitic portraits -not merely photographs. Let us snake you the best portraits poll ever had. Picture Framing Now that the house clean ing has started lookup those pictures pots want framed and bring them to us. We carry a large and well assorted: stock o/ moulding and our prices are not high. .A. n ate'll r S We sell Amateur supplies develop films & finish prints /or amateurs. Bring pour work to people who make a business of doing if. D F BUCKS PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTR os A pleasant modiaiue for children is Mother Graves' Worn' Eeternlivator and there is nothing better for driving wonne from the system e ese es r t (t om C' - , �-. � ,---- ./"-- C:._ wE-- 5�>'tK 430..0a - ...,.ms) • ..,. st - '"Lel.. S_....,aesrv,:,..s..,, • rA+ Win,._ ,,,,,_...,.,-.....-.-._..„..;...,,._,.-...-.„,,.-_....-.-,.,,-,_---...—.,.,..._.„-...-_,—:7._.,-,„.........,..„.„..-..fy -:,. sows s'^ :i711.„ ' �_^`' _ .7sr. r . ....,..................... .w. -...art hey 1 ust Not Look in AN officer was missing. His brother crept tan and found him in 0 shell hole. IIe bore hint back to the lines—dead. 'Are you not sorry you ven- tured all this? " asked the commanding u,,,, 'r. "No", because t.( tivhen I found him he looked up into lily face, smiled and said "I knew you would come 1" \Vhat could more fittingly- illustrate the work I,f t' •' "big brother to the soldiers "—the Y.1I.C.A.! No tI snger is too great to he lisped for the sake of the physical, mental and spiritual welfare of tht,se dauntle.s heroes of Ypres, St. Julien, Vino Ridge, Passcht'nclaele 1 Everywhere he goes the Y.M,C,A. follows—faithful to the limit of its resoueea, Red MSM. le Fund $2,250,000, May 7, 8, 9 Canaria -Wide Appeal Think of the inspire, ion to the Canadian soldiers in this tremendous Campaign of 1918 as they learn that the folks at home are heart and soul behind them, showing it by a magnificent response to tilt; Red Triangle Fund appeal—the worth while way. Help the M.C.A. to increase its helpfulness. Help it as far as possible to measure up to the hound - less need! Help with your money, that more and ever more soldiers can say, I knew you would comet" Many people are located at paints where one cannot get into touch with any canvasser working in aid of the Red Triangle Fund, if you are so situated send your money direct. Remit by cheque, money order or registered letter to Thomas Bradshaw, National 'Treasurer, Red Triangle Fund, 120 Bay St„ 'Toronto, Make your contribution as large as possible but whether large or small it will be welconln, ain A Village Without Y. M. C. A. FrancisI1 t l writing dnI11I Irs,'s V.7:11 only evil ways in i\' t Li son :d mu;tey baron..• i l tisth,,irpot:k- cto, with nothing t., relieve the dull monotoi'y of idle .evenings, many of elle sold- iers begun to get lonely and 0 )masick, or to dri l't along ,l.ingerous pada. " It wits not many days before officers began to send hurry- calls for the \'.M.C.A.; 'ben. God's sake corm: down bcfot'c it's to Late ani do something for my nen.'" "Earn and Give" Campaign Serve your Country by your labor and make a gift to the Red Triangle Fund Iron your earnings! What a fine chance to do a double service' Six thousand boys are asked to give $10 each. Of the total, $50,000 goes to help the soldiers, the balance for boys' work. Gifts must be at least $10, the standard unit. A boy m'ty subscribe more than $10 in $10 units, but not less. A beautifully engraved certificate will be Given t0- each subscriber. Asti your local Y.M,C.A, re- preeentetive for pledge card and full information, or send your contribution direct to headquarters. National C lu cii , oting Men's Christian Association 11eadq(1artes's : 120 Cay Street, Toronto John W. Ross, (Montreal) National Chairman of Red Triangle Fund Campaign G. A. Warburton, (Toronto) National Director of Rod Triangle Fund Campaign 16 rp nee