HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-25, Page 51;' Thursday ApTil 2 EDMUND WAIXElt, CV.O.. LL.D., D.C.L., President CAPITAL PMD UP, $15,000,000 S1PJOHN AIM General Manager li. V. P. 'IONES. ASet. Oen% Manager RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,000 SENDING MONEY ABROAD Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from The, Canadian Bank of Commerce. The cost is moderate. Apply for particulars. Seufortla., am:L.0_17 J. (I, MULLEN, Manager W. J. Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. J, Wallcee, holder of gov- ernment Diploma and Lioeuse Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night " r8 YOU OAN SUCOEED CENRAL 01. STRATFORD, ONT, Ontario's Leading Commercial School makes amnia awry, We have three departments Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy, We give individual instructions au d stu- , dents may enter at any time. Gra duates are plaoed ip positione. This is your opportunity aa there is a great call upon tie for trained help. Write at once for partioulara. W J ELLIOTT 0 A MCLACHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL FOR SPILE eflEllr Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and tiort water, Electric lighte, large ve ranrlah. Stable 16' xi la' hen :house 9 7' Apply at the News Offices Miss Ward Lecture Miss Ada L. Ward will lecture m the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evning May 8th commencing it 8 o'cloulc under the auspicesof the Red Cress Society Miss Ward is an orator svell'ae a humorist. Her masterly insight into the varied experience of 'the soldiers in and behind the trenches, and her appreciation of the humorous and pathetic, piaci s 11 n Oict cc under her inspired influence Her remarkable talents place her in the front rank. All should avail thetneelves of this opportunity to hear Mies Ward Admission 25 ote, 01 For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egnionclville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Church and is known as the Purcell property. Good caul- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a oornee pro party with no breaks ou front, and the and is in a good state of oultivation. This is a nice property fur a retired farmer and the taxes are light: For particulars apply on the peemises or ta John Rankin, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop CA RDNO'S BLOCK'S kl'OR rFf have for sale sev- eral Bonds and Debentures of a particularly ligh grade, bearing interest from 5 i to 6 per cent. An information con ceruing same cheer, fully given. JOHN RANKIN Bond and :Debenture Broker Main: Saimaa:1'69 Seaforth Phone c;I a 1918 A Good Year to luild 4 Building material is much cheaper o -day to the Food Producer than it was in 1916. Now is the time to build with wood We have an immense stock of Lumber, Hem- lock, Spruce, White Pine and Georgia Pine, Material for Hay racks, Gravel boxes and Farm Gates British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles XXXX and XXX House cleaning time will reveal the need of Beaver Board .and Fibre Board for renewing old disfigured.. walls and part- itions, • ALSO will cause a great demald for our Clean, smooth RED ,OAK FLOURING. A. polished oak floor is the eheapest, and by far the most beautiful floor covering obtainable. CRH and ace samples and let us figure ou yourrequirements N, CLUFF & SONS, LUMBER and COAL YARDS ,•Seitiorth, Ont. ..f."........Mli......IINI......111 i11.0104.0..f 1..1.10*.K...0marmilawlmorq...., 4.44 Town Topicsji NOM lfts411.114.141101.41.041•1111.10par.Ors4.0040 11:01forMIONearryillOamIsel gl,mempliihrowarNa Dig up Your Overcoat, flare a look at it, by renewing the velvet oollar, Press. ing asci Cleaning may euro you the price of a now one. My Wardrobe, Goderioh,ffit, Opposite Queen'a, Mr, W, Gormley hae purohosed new Chevrolet, Mr, W. Brine of Toronto ryas a visit- or at the home of his mother Mrs. J, P, Brino Gotiorich 80, R. Gotteoltalk apent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, 8, Gotts- chalk before going overseas, Mr. Adam Haps has sold his residence on Goderich St. at present °coupled by Mr, Harry Charters to Mr. James Bar. eon of MoKillop, Mr. George Brownlee sr, who has been suffering lately from heart trouble had the misfortune to talce a weak spell on Mai*) Street 011 Saturday and fell striking his head on the pavement, Median' Aid was summoned and he was convoyed to his 110030. Hill friends will be pleased to 'erten that he is intprovs ing nicely, ieir. and Mrs. Wm. Deem received word last week that !their eon, Sidney had beau wounded in the face and was in the hospital in Franoo. The Annual Report of Provinoial Elorticultural Society contains a valu- able address given by Mr. Wm. Hilary, the Meet President on How to grow Gladiolus; Mrs. J 0. Mullen is visiting friends in Torouto. Mr. Henderson Smith was a London visitor last week. Mr, A, Peterson has returned from a trip to Toledo. Mr, and Mrs. W. Jonss and little daughter of Toronto wore guests at the mute of her father Mr. 0. W, Holman in Egmoudville, Mr, Arnold Habkirlc of the Dunnville Poet 011ice Staff was a visitor at WO home here. Mrs James Brown has returned home after spending 8 couple of weeks with her sister Mrs George Faust of Gerrie, Miss Evelyne Brown of Stratford is at home at present having her throat treated. About 50 trains oanoelled by the G. T. R. west of Toronto in Ontario, last winter will be restored on the 29th. The Huron and Bruce trains are to he put back and the change will be a great relierto the travelling public. The Women'e War Auxiliary will neet on Fridayafternoon 'at four o'clock 0 the armories. Mrs. Kelly is moving into the house owned by Mies McTavish on Victoria St, Miss Baxter spent Sunday with rela- tives in Mitchell. Mr, Williams of Toronto is visiting hies on, Mr. 0. L. Williams, Miss McGregor of Toronto, travelling secretary of the Women's 'Missionary Society was the guest of Mrs. 7. C. 0 reig Mr. Harry Charters has rented Mr. J. Cummings house on Victoria St. Miss McGregor travelling secretary of the Woman's Missionary Sooiety ad dre eaed a union meeting of the Sea. forth and Egrnondvillo auxiliaries in the basement of the Presbyterian Churoh en Monday last, There was a. large attendance, Miss McGregor thrilled her audience by her presenta- tion of oonditions and needs in our Canadian North West and said that in travelling through Canada the thought that appealed to her Moat was the hundreds of thousands of little children in our own Dominion growing up with- out any knowledge of Jesus Ohriat, She also urged the need of ednoating Rheb. lane in the West. Mrs. Pinkney has received a Field Poet Card from her son, Win., saying lie was wounded, April 6th. Muck sympathy is felt for Mr, and lire. George Burrell, whose only daught- er, Mary Elizabeth, died on Saturday, following an operation, at the age of 15 yeare, Dr end Mrs 5, El, Ross left on Taesclay, for Rochester, N, Y, Miss Notre Campbell spent Sunday at her home in MoKillop. Mise Evelyu Greig, Zurieh, spent the week end at her home here, Mts. Webb has returned front visit- ing her dangbter, Mrs. Sherbrook, in Londesboro, Mies Millie Mason is on a visit to friends in Belgrare, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Mlee lVfary daughter of MI. Mise Crotty, of London woe a visitor and Mrs, Jas., Snell, who Is training at the home of Mrs. M; Williarue dur- for a nuts° itt Hamilton has been spend ing the peat weeking a week at her home. Many friends will regret to learn Kra. Webb of Seaforth who was visit$ that Gordon Gauld, Rev, and Mrs, W, lug her daughter, Mre Sherbrook has Gould of Formosa and a former student returned home, of the Collegiate Institute here bad been killed inaction, He was oonnect. McKillop Ad with the Flying Corps Word nee been received by relatives In town that Cyril Stewart, formerly of Seaforth has died of wounds, A meeting of the Seaforth Fennell Club will be held in the Separate Hall, Segforth, Orr Wednesday evening May A. Band Benefit Dance will be given in Oardno'e Hall Thursday, May 211(1, Mr, F, Helmeted was a Goderich visitor, 35 0) 40 pupils of the Collegiate In- stitute been enrolled for faire work this corner. The Independent order of Cadre!- . lows will attend Divine Service at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn- ing next at 11 o'clock. Dr, F, H, Larkin will have'forhie subject, "Tbe Life Aloneand the Life Together.' 'Lite• cottage on Saab Goderich street was sold by Father! Corcoran to Mrs McLeod and not by Mrs, Murphy. The monthly basinfuls meeting of the Red Cross Sooiety will be held in Car- negie Library on Thursday afternoon) May 2nd at 4 o'clock. The total contributions for the Ar- e:Ionian Fund were $310.05. tetswie.waseirewestaissewsusieweeensweeweseseesee* 1 CORRESPONDENCE Bayfield The following oaken were elected at the vestry meeting of Trinity Church; reotor's warden, W. J. Eliot; peep e'e warden, F. Cameron; vestry clerk G. E, Greenslade; executive committee' 0. E. Greenslade; D. EI MoNaughton, John Tippett, De. Woods, W. J. Stinson, Wm. E. Elliot, F, Cameron; de:egates to Synod W. Eliot, G. E, Greenelade. Mr. R. Orr of the Sauble Liue has bought the flour and feed store of H. 13. Johnston who has left for the west, his family will follow shortly. Mr Wm. Stinson and family have moved into the new home recently purchased. Mr....Stinson will still con- tinue to farm. he has hired a man to assist on the farm. Mr, Joel) Parker- is 10 with torten - ibis. Miss Reta Tippet is home for the ennamer. George Castle and Richard MoDoo have gone to London to enlist, Our Churches and schools are now running on new time and very fewkuow the differerce except that their is more time for physical culture in the garden, or in fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Evan» have rented Mrs, McDougal's house for the summer. Rev. Mr. MoDermid of Goderich preached in St, Andrews Church on Sunday last. Miss Josie Stirling spent last week in Port Elgin witn her sister. County Clerk 0, M, Holman and Mr, and Mrs. Stewart of Goderich visited friends here elinton Miss Florence Fowler of Seaforth has been visiting at the home of Mr and Mra Geo, Burnett. Mrs, hi, B. chant is visiting her danghter, Mrs, Floody in Chatham. .VlajorJ . W. Ehaw, Medical Officer of the 181,1 Battalion, is expected home this week Mre. Shaw and daug- hter have gone to Toronto to meet trim Rev. Dr. and Mre Stewart of Tor- onto have come to spend a few weeks here hoping the change will improve Mr Stewart's health, He is recover- ing from a severe illr eas Rev, 5, B Stevenson of Toronto visited his sister, Mrs, W. L Dowse last week. Londesboro The Red Otheri meeting was held on Friday at the home of Mrs, Abrey, Mrs. Frank Lee and daughter, are visiting with their gratidntother, Mee, John Lees. Mr and Mrs. Tho, Atchison of Gostenstown Spent a few slave heves Mn, Murray, of Kinkora, has pur. (Marled tit° 100 tors farm of Mr, Mo. Quaid of 8 aforth, and has been taking posseseion during the pain week, The Prize wee $7000. J. Price will worlc this season for P. Taylor. Mr, Alex Moss is an example of what thrift and hard work will twoompliell for u Man. Last year he had 24 loads of grail) off 22 aoree of land which rook 10 hours to thresh and from 1, acres he 1 cut 9 tons of hay. The rest of the farm 10 111 grass. He has 21 head of ; eattle, 10 sheep and 2 horses and will have plenty of feed for them and sen - 0101 hundred bushels of grain left over Kippen Many here will regret to hear of the death if Hensel! of Mrs, John Stscey last week. Her death which eame very suddenly is is sad loss to her husband and two sons the elder of whom is now in France, Mre W. 5, Join] At 011 ie in Very poor health at the present time but her many friends will be glad to hear of her (templets recovery soon. Mn. and. Mrs, Noakes of Seaforth have some as welcome residents to Kippen' The farmers are now busy putting in the crops which should be good 11115 year, as theground is in fine trith and the seeding early. Dr, and Mrs, Atkin spent last week at Court right with the parents of the former. Mr, and airs, Alex Monteith have returned from the Sunny South whore they spent the winter with relativea. They enjoyed their sojourn in the vine- yards and orange groves of that mild climate, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley French spent a few days at Seaforth visiting old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wankle, Walton --- St. Georges church held their annual vestry meeting. The wardens were able to show a balance of Sao on hand after paying all expanses. Mess:s. Fred Scarlett and W. R. Stewart were appointed wardens for next year, the former being Lay Delegate to Synod. This year ladies, for the first time were members of the vestry and showed their interest by attending in good numbers. The hardworking rector, Mr. Smith is much appreciated. A memorial services was held in Duff's church on Sunday in memory of the late Pte, Robert Lawson, who gave up his life for the protectiou of our Canadian homes, and our people do well to remember these heroes, Mies Maggie McDonald is spending some time hi Deokerville, Mioli,, vis t- ing former friends of this locality, The farmers are all busy now doing "their bit" towards the prelent great need of the Allies, iu increasing pro- duction, The land is working up well and the seed is going in under best .00uditions for a flue crop, The best yet—don't miss hearing the Oranbrook Dramatic Club in the play Willow Dale " in the A,O,U.W Hall) Walton,Friday. Apri1,26th,at 8 30, The Crib has given the play twice to de- lighted audiences enders= highly me- cmmended. They come under the Auspices of Walton Women's institute, Proceeds to go to Red Cross, 11 1, with the most sinoore sympathy that the people will leant of the death yesterday morning at the Siok Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto, of the little daughter of Mrs. (Dr,) J. A Bean, of Goderioh, Willa Margaret, as she was called, bad been in the hospital for a fortnight and the day before her death had been reported to be doing very well indeed, l'he body was brought to Clinton for internment. On Friday, April 12th at 1110 residence in Exeter of an aged and reepented res- ident of that place, in the person Thomars Elatoo, aged 73 years, De- ceased had been ailing for more th, n two years aud had been around es usu- al mail hist recently, The late 1812, eaten came to thtuada from England es a boy aucl spent a number of years in the Sonthern Statedaring his middle life. Twelve ere s ago he married Mrs, fliggius, who survives with one eon and tsv 0 deagh tees by his &et wife. Princess The Great Serial The Violet Diamond with Pearl !White is proving a great ATTRACTION and draws the crowd •:••; - rl ?!' cess Born with the Business Doris Kenyson in The Great White Trial A new seven part super -feature is the attraction at the 1.9 Strand Theatre Fri. & Sat. . . . . , Klondyke gold, and the love that was far dearer; form the basis of this gripping drama. A picture of the Highest Quality. Coming next week "The Crisis" Manley. -J. IVIr. Joe .fohnston hae purchased a car, Joe is a hustler and will make things spin now. Mr, Henry Ropein is agein the fit:st to finish seeding and production won't be scarce if he eau help it. Mr. and Mrs T, McKay and Mr. and Mts, Manley and 'families were visitors around Seaforth last week. Quite a number from here attended the Brodhagan danoe last Tuesday night and report having a good time, 0 0 a h y 18 18 r M Dublin 'There died m Stratford, an tho home Ids daughter, Mrs. John (Sormley, distriot pier eer Mr. Hersey Neese, o his 83rd your. He was born in (iriefie Co., Leland and came to wintry with his parents in 1551 arid ettled in the township ef Lem whirlt vas then a wilderness, With industry rel perseverance he built a comfortable one which hu enjoyed until a few oars ago when he retired and moved o Mitchell, In 1859 he married Alias lieu Shanahan, who predeceased him 11 Oct last. Seven ohildren blessed his tunotr, 'Phoning., James and IVIrs W, Stevenson of Detroit, Mrs. J.Gorni. ey, Mrs. D. McMillan of Stratford and Ila at home. Tho youngest son, Hari y died a few months ago in Detroit, 'he funeral was held from his home in hellish, to the St, Vincent De Paul boron and thence to the St: Columban ometery, Mr 5, Dunne, of Oxford, 5 Y. is isiting at the home of Mr and Mrs vuu. Dtrter011X. (Mros cannot exist whorl Hoiloway's Corn Cure is applied to them, because .11 goes to the root and kills the growth Brucefie Id Alex M o Kenzie has returned to 13 rnee• field where he harm& to reside in fu- ture, George Forrest, ot London, vent a few days last week at the home of his brother, Mr. Wm. Forrest. Mrs. Hugh McDougall, of Toronto, was a guest of her parents at the Walk- er Horse Met week. The businese places ef our village have adopted the new system of tinre. Some of the farmers do not think it so favorable to their svollc. Miss Rea Ruett has graduated at tit St. Joseph's hospital in London: He mother attended the graduating oxer Mires. Thomas Freese, of Stanley receive( word from his son, Phi, Malcolm Frau er, who was severely wounded fn Frame Fle has beim sent to England. Hi ma,,) friends iir this vicinity hope fo his speedy recovery. An Always Ready Pir1,—To time of regular habit medicine is of liit' Getman), but the great majority of me are not of regnlar habit. The Warr and Dates of business proveut it, an out of the irregularity of life corn dyspepsia, indigestion, liver and kidne troubles as a preterit The ruii-dow system demands a corrective and 001 is none better than Parraeles'a Vego, able Pills They are (druids in the compositioe and can be taken by t most delicately cot stituted. After 10 years of Asthma De ;I , Kellogg's Asthma Remedy proved. t only relief for one gratefre riseemild t is but one onto 11111011g nostry„ Lit wonder that it has noW b000me the recognized remedy ou the market. has earned its tarots by its never faith effectiveness. It is eat ning it td.81 e it has done for'yeats, Ltis 1110 gre eet specific withinrhe reach of Buff ig humenity.