HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-25, Page 44
DR, 11, 1IUt.0 ituaH, J,'Itysiatau and title sen
Late of LQadoa #Ospitt1h r ondon, >ruglaud,
8pectal attention to mimeses of P1ye, Ear, Nose,
tu1(1 Throat
O56ee and res5deacc Nano Oosomes Uanit,
Odle Plioue No Residence Phone Nn, 5013
'gar, F, J, II('itldOYfli deafort h Of11oe and e
' centchurch vd4r00Oper for teal, el nitron
TelepI00110 �'• lo('
100. 51001"t' '30 05 tutee, r'ttseietaoe and
Hurgeoea traterreb street apposite Motile.
('hnrrh A'atorth,
40'1'f. g1 ,+1010 Y5 t.srla anti Ann {cher, and
tuber I tluwr10 070i1ege e1 Phyrileiana and
'0ee013 ,. sneer far County oI Hum.
14a1SA1 hover 6gradufteTriiltY Oulvere1tr,
gale medal505 Trinity Meeichl College, Member
or College f Pya5CIOII0 and Surgeons, Ontari
05hlLKA2Ah, tldteo thle Speelalist
in. It r , n and Children'pa diseases and
Rheurnlir.. uonh,ea Acute O'd.Chrome dlsupt
ere, Gar, hoe, 05001 aid Threat Adenoid re,
moved With. 101 theknife. (lornot.t,t tion free:
Tuesiny, -1000. T•• ; ;,,n ;Mrlday 8 a . to a pm
.. issued by JOflrt
Marriage Licenses an,lnpttrtn yes
AC's gun »natderioe Inaur00ce, LIR or Accident
ilyon ate, a postcard will diet our rates.
.1. IB. 111Nee' Iil1.HY,
General Agent for London Life lnsuraace Co.,
and lma'rdat Guamaatee and Accident tnaurouce Co,
Swaforth, Ont..
fames Watson
�n�jesp.�,�+..,..•.w,..ro.,w.�yin��w. t�tS�Il�+wew»!.wppy��l��
tl UU Intl VU UU nCEla3J
the Office
t U
Phone 84 60011100 107
General Fire, Lilo and Aroldent indurative
Agent,Main i[ Se
,a ler Wahine-1.in dewing Wahine -1.
Mutual Fire Insorauca Co
Pasco and isolated Town
Property Only insured.
J 8e. t,,uu, 1,7, tlodeNs h, President James
Evac.' ireehwood Viee-Pre,id:'nl. Ta„nlae I
Hays. rise t 8th. 010 hear.
D. F. McGregor, Senfortht John G. Grieve.
Winthrop W. Rina, Constance; John 8ennew_ls,'
Brodghngen: Robert Ferris, flexiock: Malcom ,
Mc"eon. Clinton; 0 McCnrteey Seaforth:
James Connolly, GOderlch' Ins. Evans. Beechwood.
Al*,aI.�tc5o, Iiarioco; E. gfnchk>. Seaforth •!
wag= Chesney Eglll
mondve•'J. N. `deo
EolmestlUle; R. d. Jormouth, Brodhngen' Jane
Herr and John Govenlock. Seaforth, auvrore.
Parties dedrouo t0 effect Insurance or tuner,
other business wilt be promptly attended to t.
application to any of the above miters, address
to their respective' posto0i5Ces.
Clue dotter perear, atrktly in ud v Rime
01 uvr. paid In advance, ono defer and
a luta will be charged, United states
pa pore. arty cents extra' Briskly in
«d v101 "ed.
when sub'rrtbcr chaw+ue 110011' Witte" s
notice c�should be loot us Immediately, giving
scribal will cd onferta favor ew by nrotifyinguus
of any Irregularity of delivery
Rending Notices, --No reading aotlee'
a,lvernelna any entertainment or mattero0
which mons is to be made by guy Pe
or cause will be Inserted In Tau NEWS
without charge. The price for the Ineer-
tion of business announcements is TEN
cents per count line each insertion to
parties having no contract for display
adrerllaing, and FIVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reeding notices. Cord of Thanks 5 to 0
tines, Se cents.
Judicial,. Legal, Official and Govern.
meat Notions—Tea cents per line for drat
Insertion and live cents per line for each
sobseauet insertion.
Yearly card.--Prolesainaut Cards not
S 00 Per year, inch, In ad Cards,
Display ndvortising—Rates furnished
on application,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntU forbid," and those rent without
written instructions will appear until
ritten orders are received for their die.
Letter, to the Editor must be accom-
panied bythe writer's own signature, not
as guarantee of good
hlientlon but
or publication,
faith. The ever fort acetate oo regoon.
Abilityc commun for the statements made
gious such topics wi l not as. ublishe on all
eines as will not be , plainly at ed
as succh. The advertising,
such matter token
cents per line,
some of the roosters in this part of
the, country are dofyiug the Govern•
went and are in danger of being in-
terned fur rebellion. They insist
on using 011 tieing the old time to crow
in the morning instead of the new
;toter, that' are worst offenders,
"Lfi08 2S otS. serha
--•LIMMTEM •—P '
seam C.CJ510805053tt
on the
For Sale
W. L. KEY, Seaforth.
Rhode 1 SO
A Business
Without a proper
systln of adver-
ilsin is like a
motor without the
power. . . . .
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
phone , 84
uoderioh Board of Trade has taken
"the ball by the horns" and increased
the fee for luember0hi,l from $1,00 to
$25 00 and nut their work in the hands
of a New York Company to develop the
The rough and cold weather has hin-
dered seeding operations.
The pails and kettles have been
brought home from the sugar woods:
The run of sap was fair and sweeter
than usual, we frequently hoar people
say they male from 20 to 30 gallons of
ololaea;s this eeaion.
Meet Daniel Begley who weed' is we.
are pleased to say recovering.
Mr George Senuewies has got home
a new automobile,
lir, S. 2. 13o11 spent a few rlaye in
Toronto recently,
Many persona here have been and
still are suffering from severe colds,
The last oteeting of the .Ladiea' Aid
of Bethel was held at the hums of Mre,
Forbes, there was a good attendance of
members and visltor8.
The anxiety and distress fn oonnee•
tion ;with war conditions contiuue0, we
must await events and hope for the
Card of Thanks
St'e wish to express our sincere thanks
to our neighbors and friends for the
many expressions of sympathy and
deeds of helpful kindness in the short
Illness and subsequent death of our
daughter, Lizzie, They were real help
in our hour of trial and will not be
Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Bunech
A meeting of the Seaforth Farruela'
Club will be held in the Separate
School Hall, Seaforth, on Wednesday
evening next May let, The executive
of the Aseooistiou are expecting a oar
load of salt to attire early in May
Any farmers in need of One are spec:.
tally requested to be present: Non-
members as well as members are cord.
ally invited to attend
(leo, D. C. Baru, J. H, Scott
1140Eillop Ruiiett
President Secretary
Town of Seaforth
l eet"ipts and Expenditures
for 1917
Bailtlteb sash in bank $ 1034 76
Taxes(1917) 29419 26
Taxes (1917) arrears 1644 61
'taxes 119171 Premiums added 130 24
Taxes (1917) Poll and Dog 138 00
Goverment School Grant 20 37
Foes,linea. rents, rte.
Water rata
Collegiate lust. lotus paid
siuktug Fund & interest
629 30
87 12
1010 04
300 00
3047 94
Dominion pinion Banle Loan $000 00
Street watering, uilfug, owpg. 771 91.)
W. 1., 1'1 S. Cool ,sinking fund 446 75
W. L, & S. Com, interest
B. 15.15 Eng. & '1', Co. instal
Taylor Anderson CV, instal
Sinking Fund to pay deb,
10, (Sell 1!;ng &T. 0o, notes pd.
Coll, last„ sink f: of int.
Huron Co, grant (Red Cross))
Interest, current ace,
Tax redemption
12130 00
641 88
1683 00
:1700 1)0
8202 30
133 29
88 lir
7 30
100 04
$04336 9.4
Election & municipal govt.
Salaries and alloweeoes
Printing, etc,
Fire Brigade
Heat, light, care of belga.
Street watering, oil. & sw
e g. Pg•
Charity & lSd, of Health
Patriotic grants
Street Meintenaece
Slater Maintenance
Street lighting
G. T. 10. crossing
Tax rebates
Public Library
Law costs
Red Cross, connty grant
County rate
War Tax
Tax Sale redemptions
Bell E &T proceeds of notes
Collegiate Inst, Board Loan
Interest on Debentures
lntereet on Current Acot,
Sinking Fund & interest
Public School Board
Coll. Institute Board
Separate School
Balance Cash in Bank
Debentures unsold
Sinking fund in mortgage
Sinking fund in Debenture
Sinking fund accrued int,
Sinking fund, war bonds
Sinking fund in bank
Mortgages to secure R, Bell
Engine and Thresher Co. 50000 00
R, Bell, E & T, Loan 1700 00
'Denude Furniture Co. loan 10000 00
Canada Furniture Co, Int, 700 00
Town Property 36000 00
Water Works Property 14000 00
Hydro Electric 30000 00
Uncollected taxes ' 2203 73
Cash in bank 922 84
$281449 88
Bell E. & T, Co., Collateral
notes additional security
for $60,000 guar. bonds 14247 60
Liabilitit s
Bell E, & T, Co. guarantee
General Debenture debt
Side walk Debenture debt
Main St. Debenture debt
Goderloh & North Main
St, Deb, debt
Hydro l:'leetrin Deb, debt
Int coupons not presented
Accounts estimated
87 91.
1696 25
350 16
12513 10
547 43
950 26
1007 30
951 85
1091 19
2338 88
1741 90
102 20
292 94
IOU 00
592 92
132 65
88 25
2776 00
750 00
100 04
8262 30
300 00
144 74
3781 94
8025 30
8500 00
I12 66
9025 80
5130 58
2732 06
657 50
922 84
$ 64535 94
600 00
2600 00
59700 00
2025 00
12600 00
9698 31
50000 00
75761 92
24900 001
26500 001
18500 09
26000 00
00 73
$220852 65
Carnegie Library
Balance on hand
Carnegie Grant (1917)
Town Grant (1917)
Government Grant, ( 1917;
Sale of coal
Ren. for cards, non reeideut,ete, 46
Librarian's salary
Magasines, papers, etc,
Printing Dards, eta,
Freight & Express
Interest on Town Debenture
Poet oflioe box
Electric light
M,ee llansous.
Balance in Bank
$ 1160 00
216 00
333 70
73 70
3 75
9 15
25 08
3 00
30 44
216 18
43 75
192 28
$ 1100 00
Public Sohool
Balance on hand from 1910
Municipal Grant
1'eaohere' Grant
Kindergarten Crept
Kindergarten fees
Non-rooident fees
1128 18
6092 03
72 00
40 00
19 60
41 00
6392 81
Teachers' salarlea 4214 60
esaistaflte' salaries 104 85
Fuel 248 74
Caretaker 300 00
Repairs 68 20*
Printing, Stationary & supplies 127 94
Mieoel1aneoue y2 68
lielance in Bank
Farmers' Business.
Established 1871
Spooled Attention given to the business of Formers and
Dealers ha Live Stook. Sale notes collected on favorable '
terms, m
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. i
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. r
=dent service assured to depositors. 1177 i
SEAFORTH BRANOH: R. M. 50NE5, Mavlegfta
Savings Department
12311 85 atnatienote ennalllfrMXIDlmiaats atiestetr BIIn eeetaAafrson tstf11 eixtup g�,.f0.5ig111
$6309 KI
Collegiate Ina titute
Balance from 1016 $
Government grant
Huron County grant
Seaforth Town pent
Cadet grant
8trathoona Trust Fund
Strathoona Grant
Comity Perth maintenance
Tuition fees
Examination fees
Sole of ooal
Short loan from town
Ietoreet aoct.
Salaries and teachers
Salaries, caretaker
Salaries, sec. treasurer
Repaid short loan to town
Conducting examinations
13011 Telephone 00.
Electric Light
Interest & Sinking Fund
Balance in Bank
First lresbytel'lan
3069 30I Iter. F. H. Lnrlffn, Pastor, Sunday
:698 00100001000 11 a.m. and 7 p no. Sunday
school 2,311 pall. Prayer hosed ug,
Thursday, 7.46 p.m, Womuu's Silos -
lottery Societysthe first Tuesday in each
month at 7.40. Barbera Kirkman 61ie•
cion Band 3r0 'Tneodsy' in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p,m,
4009 55
2706 91
62 10
40 69
164 84
1482 80
075 85
30U 00
2u 60
$ 13473 99
634 40
425 00
125 00
744 81
221 19
211 79
20 33
10 00
133 29
63 56
2861 64
$ 13473 99
This is to certify that we have ex.
amined the books and vouohe;s for the
past pear's business, and that in our
opinion the attached statements show
correctly the receipts and expenditures
as made for the town of Seaforth.
L. T, DeLacey, A, D, Sutherland,Autlr
Seaforth Water, Light and Sewer
House Lighting 3437 49
Commercial Lighting 2902 34
Power 15125 30
Street Lighting 1869 96
Wiring & supplies 330 02
Operating maintenance
Street light operating
Miscellaneous expenses
Int. & fixed chargee
Grose surplus
Lees depreciation charges
Net profit
Lands & buildings
Sub -station equipment
Distribution System
Line Transformers —
Street & Light Equipment
Miscellaneous construction
Inventory (supplies)
Accounts receivable
Sinking Fund soot,
Balance Cash in Bank
Debenture Account
Siuking fund reserve
Depreciation Reserve
Distribution System
Line transformers
Street Light Equipment
$23665 11
x5669 77
1025 86
255 82
965 07
1691 51
519598 O8
4067 Ob
1495. 00
$2642 08
o2o4 53
6031 75
15838 96
6776 76
812 66
4266 23
355 98
$35384 26
2669 76
123 r4
2456 64
1628 47
42762 27
26000 00
2956 64
6800 00
8006 63
42762 27
.851 77
2688 57
372 31
7 41
3920 06
Liability Insurance held by
Hydro 0o, Seaforth for 10000 00
This is to certify that we have ex-
amined the books and vonahero for the
past year's business, and that in our
opinion t e attached statements show
cerroatly the reueipte anis the expondi•
tures as made for the Water, Light and
Sewer Commission for the year ending
December 310, 1917.
L, 1', DeLacey, A. D. Sutherland,
Auditors, March 21st, x918,
Rcv, G. 'McKinley, B, D., pastor
—SUVDAY-01ass at 10:00 a,m.
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun•
day school and 13ible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8.P. t
n. Prayer
Meeting Thurada y 8. p.m.
101 I 110,os timer 10)0 Rend 80e
b 11.1)10,1 fres of charge, ex -
0 t those regarding meetings
whore an ndmioalon toe In
nllnrged The rate for such
bolts; live 80111 pe0 0011111 I011
Sl",T$>rEE RTB Rem ES
St. James'
St James' Uhnroh, Rev. Father 19
F, Goetz P,;P. Early Mase 0,;0, High
Mass 10,30, Sunday School p, m,
Vespers mid Benediction of the J.iloss•
ed Sacrament 7 p. m
St. Thomas,'
Her,. T. R. Brown, Rooter. Sunday
eor0oes 1I a.m. and 7 p.m, Sunday
school '2,30 p. m. Womsu'e Anglican
Missionary Asea inti n Tuesday 2.3U
p,m. Ohil(lreu'abraueh Saturday 2 p,m,
ntereession services every Thursday,
. O p,m.
The Difference between
the ordinarp Photograph
and the kind we make is
due to bur skill and high
grade equipment Every
sitter is given Individual
attention and treatment and
the results we produce are
photographtic portraits - not
merely photographs,
Let us make you the best
portraits you ever had,
Picture Framing.
Now that the house clean
ing has started lookup those
pictures you want framed
and bring then to us, We
Carry , a large and well
assorted stock of moulding
and our prices are not high.
We sell Amateur supplies
develop films & finish prints
for amateurs, Bring your
work to people who make a
business of doing it.
No child should be allowed to euft'er
an hour from worms whenPm r
0 t re-
lief 0811 be got in a simple but strong
remedy—Mather Gnome' Wortn Ester.
V st Issues Depeid
te efface of Me
�r x;:
Cheer Up and Thank God for the Y.M.C.A.
TRY to picture yourself in the muddy cold trenches after
exciting days and long nights of mortal danger and in-
tense nervous strain. Rushing "whiz -bangs" and scream-
ing "coal boxes" are no respecters of persons. You are hit)
But despite shock and pain you still can face the long weary
trudge back to dressing station. Weary, overwrought and de-
pressed, you are prey to wild imaginings of that other coming
ordeal with the surgeon. There are other "walling wounded,"
tool You must wait, wait, wait. And then—
Up comes a cheery Y.M.C.A. man, the ever-present "big brother"
to the soldier, with words of manly encouragentent. Close be-
side the dressing station the good generous folks at home have
enabled him to set up a canteen. He hands you biscuits, and
chocolate or coffee.
Red Tri e Fund
$2,250,00;' ' ay 7, 8,
Cknadcr-birde Appeal
"In thousands of cases," writes an officer, "it was that first lint
cup of coffee that dragged the mall back to life and sanity."
The tremendous helpfulness of the Y.M.C.A. a1'; an. ;rid to the
"morale," or fighting spirit, of the soldiers is everywhere
praised. No wonder the Germans make every effort to smash
the Y.M.C.A. huts out of existence
The Y,M.C,A. is everywhere. You first met the helpful,
manly Y.M.C.A, worker in camp, then on 'train and boat, at
camp in langland and in ] rance, close to the firing line, Often
he risks his life to reach you in the trenches, Ire has won the
warmest praise from military authorities, statesmen—Mie Ding I
Have yyou a precious boy at the front/ Yott cannot be "over
there' to guide him away from fierce temptation's r camp and
city. You cannot comfort him in his supreme hour of trial.
Your parcels to him are necessarily few. But the Y.IvE,C.A„
thank Gad, is "over there," going where you cannot go—doing
the very things you long to do—doing it for you and for him,
Will you help? This vast organization of helpfulness needs at
least $2,250,000 from Canada for 1918. ror your boy's sake be
War Work
There are!
-90 branches of Canadian
Y.M.C.A. in France.
-79 branches in England.
—Dozens of Y.M.C.A. dug -outs
in forward trenches under rue.
—Over 120 Military Secretaries
—300,000 letters a day written in
Y.M.C.A. overseas buildings.
—$133,000 needed for athletic
equipment. (Helps morale of
-Y.M.C.A. saved hundreds of
lives at Vimy Ridge bycaring
for walking wounded.
-Over 100 pianos in England
and Prance, also 300 gramo-
phones and 27 moving picture
—Y. M, C, A. helps boys in
—More than 60,000 cups of hot
tea and coffee distributed daily
in Prance --free. Estimated
cost for 8 months, $48,000.
—150,000 magazines distributed
free every month. (Estimated
cost 316,000.)
---3125,000 used in 1917 to build
huts in Prance.
—Concerts, sing -songs, good-
night services and personal
interviews energetically con-
ducted. Concerts, lectures,
etc., cost $5,000 a month.
—Thousands of soldiers decide
for the better life,
—Y.M.C.A. sells many needful
things to soldiers for their
convenience. Profits, if any,
all spent for benefit of soldiers.
—Service to boys in Camp
—Red Triangle Clubs for soldiers
in Termite, St. John and
Montreal. Centresin Paris and
Loudon for Hien on leave.
—Out of Red 'Triangle fund,
575,000 to be contributed to
the War Work of theY,\V.C,A.
Boys i
Here's your chunee to do a fine
stroke in the big wart IIelp the
Y.M.C,A. to help your bid bro-
thers overseers by joining in the
"Earn and Give
• Campatnia
Six thousand Canadian older
boys are invited to earn and
give at least Ten Dollars (310) to
the Red Triangle Fund. That
means $60,000 in all I Splendid!
Five thousand dollars will be
used for boys' work in India and
China; another 30,000 for the
National Boys' Work of Canada,
and 550,000 to help big brothers
in Khaki. Ask your local
Y.M.C,A, representative for in-
formatics and pledge card.
When you have subscribed one
or more units of Ten Dollars, you
will receive a bemrtifully en-
graved certificate,
National Council, Young Men's ClIria tell Association
Campaign Directors 1F or Red Triangle Fund t
Ontario : Dr. John Brown, Jr,,
120 Bay St., Toronto
Quebec : l'. 5, Dobson,
Y.M.C.A., Sherbrooke