HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-18, Page 5r �t Thursday Aly rllt3 ,I, aE AFORTH NE`,,; TRE C ADIAN BANK. OF CO ERCE MR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O. LL,D., D,C,L„ President MR JOHN AIinD, General Manager H. v, r, JONES, Ain't Cen'l. M.n.Ser CAPITAL Pima UP, $15,000,000 i RESERVE FEND, . $13,500,000 60 Open a Savings account with this Bank and deposit money which would otherwise be kept at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis- faction of knowing that your ,money is secure. Seaforth.. Br'a3a.o..t J. Cl, MULLENI, Manager W. J. Walker Uedertaker Embalmer W. ,1, Walker, holder of gov- ernment Diploma and License Day or Night oal:e receive onr prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night '• a8 YOU CAN SUCCEED J't'�,bT STRATFORD, Ontario's Leading Commercial Scb.00l makes sueoel8 easy. We have three departments. Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy, We give individnal instructions and stu- dents may enter at any time, Gra dilates ere placed in positions" This is your opportunity as there is a great oall upon.ue for trained help, Write at onae for partioulare, W'J ELLIOTT D. A McLACHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL A THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DAN',,. RUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glia - tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness ..W is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever. iehness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a. Miall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine h•om any drug store and plat try it. ROR SALE eHEAP Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry, summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve- indal. Stable 1!!' xilc' hon ;house 9 7/, Apply at the News Office For Sale House and half acre of laud in the village of .Egmondvillo. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian Chnroh and is known es the Purcell property, Good com- fortable 1101180, good shed, good well anti oenlent cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro perty with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a Moe property for a retired fernier and the taxes are light. For particelars apply on the premises 01' t � John Reaklu, Seaforth. For a Nice Nifty Hair Cut call at Bolton's Barber Shop CARDNO'S BLOOKIBEAFOR'CH I have for sale sev- eral Bonds atnd Debentures of a particularly Ugh grade, bearing interest from 511 1,to 6 per cent. RIB information con certting same cheer= fully given. JOHN RANKIN Bond and :Debenture Broker Main. Street, Seaforth Phone 91 a Flax Lan t The Canadian Flax Mills Ltd. will rent Sod Land, Spring or Fall ploughed. Will furnish seed free and do the seeding. The Farmer will plough, disc, har row and toll. The Company is also opeii to fur= nish seed and purchase the flax on a tonnage basis. For further particulars apply to M. Mc(ormick, Manager,` eaforth Phone 202 1 +,PwMa.r,eM a�!!r..6e.,,PYe Town Topics ,o., .,P,,...+rca., wnar„ru,.a.1,«ww..w t.e, ti EH" or,,—.uu.-- t1!��atlPut',) Dig ftp your Overcoat, have a look at it, by renewing the velvet collar, Prean. ing and Cleaning may save you the price of a now one, My Wardrobe, G1oderioh4St, Opposite Queen's. Luring Saturday, Monday and Tues. day next, Air, Holman will Bell by pri vale sate at his home in lagmontdviflo a quantity of household goods including a base burner and outer stoves, dining table, ollpboard and many other artl- tiles of furuit,tr'e, Capt, flaroley of London inspected the Cadet Corp of the Collegiate on Tuesday afternoon, He expressed himself as pleased with the work of the boys, Rev, 8, M. M0Lsau preached two able sormone in the Egruondvillo PI'ee- byterian olluroh last Sabbath to erowd- ed congregations, Mr, McLean is a forcible speaker Foal an energetic man and the people of Seaforth and vicinity extend film a hearty weloo u0, The Ladies' Aid Sooioty of the Methodist Ohuroh held a very enjoy able block social last Friday 'evening at the some 01 Mre, Jalnes Beattie, Mr. and Mrs, August Gull: and Mies Pearl Guhr intend moving soon to God- erioh where they will in fnlure reside, Mre, H, T3, Rose is visiting relatives in Lietowel. Dr, and Mre, hose in tend leaving next week for Rochester, Minnesota where the Dr, will take a six weeks course in the great Menge Bros, hospital there. Els practice will bo in charge of the other town tlooto.0 during his absence, Mr F Kelly spent the week end in Toronto Mr Frank Doherty, son of Mr. J. G. Doherty of Egnlondville is home on furlough. Mr. Doherty has been con- nected with the British Naval service for the past year to the position of surgeon probationer and has been in the North Spa, Alexandria and many parts of the world, Rev, and Mrs, James Hamilton, of Goderieh were the guests of Rev, Dr, aud Mrs, Larkin at the manse. Mr, 3, MaoTavish was in London on business thie week. Mrs. (Dr,) Newkirk of Bay City was the guest of Mrs. A. Young. The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- byterian church held a very successful' block social at the home of Mre, Han- nah Laidlaw, John St last Friday even• tug. $[00. the amount aimed at has been raised by blook socials in three months Mre. _nd Mies Baxter of Mitchell are visitors at the home of Mr, and Mre,F, Baxter, John St,' Mrs, Carmichael and Mies Mae Oar• miohael who have been living in Strat ford for eome time have returned to Seaforth to reside. Mr. Coates of London was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Ament. Mrs. McLeod has purchased the cottage owned by Mrs Murphy on East Goderioh St. Rev. and Mre, S 41?. McLean and „daughter, Marion, arrived iu Egmond- villo last week from St. -Marys Mre. J, H, Vro0man who was visit- ing her mother Mre. K, Fraser has re- turned to her home in Goderiolt, Rev, D Johnston of Varna was in town on Tuesday Mre John Twiss leaves to -day to visit her eon in Saskatoon Mies MacGregor"8eld secretary of the Women's Missionary Society will give an address in the Presby Brien Church next Monday evening at 8 o'clook to which all are cordially invited Mies MacGregor is an able, interesting speaker Mies Verna Graves was called to Detroit on Wednesday owing to the illness of her Mater, Dr, Burrows has been appointed Medical examiner fur Seaforth for those wishing to enlist voluntarily, Mr, John Beattie reports a further donation of g2,00 from Henry Hoffman for the Armernian Fund, Mrs, W, Cameron of the 1111:1 Road is visiting frieud8 in Chatham, Mr. 11, McFaul Was in Exeter this week, Mrs, Bonn of Detroit is visiting at the horse of Mr, and Mre, Jae. Sproat, Mr, Wortley of Woodstock was a town visitor, Mt end Mrs, RoaaDa0101.90 oi. To orate visited at the home of Mr, John Pinkney during the past week' Mr, V.8, 8uveuge °onduetetl the eervioee in Winthrop last Saturday, Mre. li, hleeloy is visiting friends in I)etr'oi1, Mr, A, Rogers, of Listowel, was a town visitor, Mr, Robert McIntosh has returned from a trip to 'rorotato, Mrs, Lorne Twiss, who hes boon vis- iting relatives here hits returned to her 1801110 in Saskatoon, Mrs. James Weir fres returned from Toronto, Mr, W, E, Greig, of Toronto ,.tae a visitor at the home of his brother, Mr. J. 0, Greig. Mr. mid Mrs. Mattern, of Allentown I'eunsylvennia,were the guests of Mr, and Mrs; W. T. Thompson, The wool wrap end child's hood, day mated by Miss Lukes in aid of the Brit, ieh Senora' Relief Fund were drawn for at the Red Cross Rooms oil Thursday. Kra, J, 13, Thompson, of town ]folding the lucky tieset for tate wrap and Miss 111011ell, of To1onto, the hood, Mr. J, J, Mercer, M.P. was home over Sunday from Ottawa. He hae.re moved his family from Zurich to the eouthtlof the town, Mrs, I. De Nyco, of New York was a gneat_at the home of Mr, and Mrs, R'. It. Smith, North Main St, Mrs, Kerr, of Stratford, is .visiting her mother, Mrs. Carmichael, Mr T, A. Powell and son, Baden, who were visiting Sir. and Mre, Robert McGee have returned to their home in Hibbert. Rev: Father Northaraves Retires midominen Rey, Father Northgraves who has been identified for several years with St, James P8rtsh, Seaforth left left last week for London. Before leaving Le was pre stinted with a purse of one hundred and seventy dollars, by the oongreg atiol. The address was read by Mr W, J. Duncan and Mr, D. Shanahan made the presentation. Father North graves bad reached the good age of 84 years yet his intellect was in uo way impaired. 'He leaves Seaforth meal regretted by many friends who hope the evening of life may be pleasan for him. Everybody Musi Work Idleness in Canada is now punish able by a penalty. In the absence of reasonable cause everybody must en gage in useful 000upetion. Thie is one of the latest Canadian orders-in- connoil, The regulations is not intend- ed to interfere in what is usually called a strike of organized labor where there is a difference between the em- ployer and employees, The purpose is to prevent persona capable of ueu(u work from remaining in idleness at ac time when the country moat urgently requires the services of all human en. ergy possible. The regulations provide that,— ,.. Every male person residing in the Dominion altall-be regularly engeg err i0 some useful dOeupation- 2, In any proceedings herentulo•!' shall bo a defense that the person is (a) under 16 years or over Cin years; (b) a bonafido etndout who is in train ing for some neeful 000upatiot' (o) a bona8de student in actual attenclanoe at some recognized educational inetitri time; (d)temporarily unemployed an • ing to a difference with employer common with other employes; (e) pI y- sioallyunable to oomply with the pro. V/010118 of the law herein enacted ; (1) unable to obtain within reasonable distance, any kind of employment that he is physically able to perform et our rent wages for similar employment. Violation of the regulations imposes liability to a penalty not exceeding 8100 or six months in jail or prison farm. Where proeeedings ere instituted et the instance of a munieiiiality, the fit e goes to the municipality, whore iustit , uteri by a provincial odium., to the too vin0ial treasurer. 9onem Takes Three Lives, BUE'NALO, March 3,—Three lives were lost here yesterday as the result of conditions accompanying the worst storm of the winter, during which the wind reached a velocity of 78 miles an.-hbur and the temperature went down to ten degreeo bellow sero. GET BEADY FOR GARDEN How to Platt Your Work and Work to a Plan. EVERYBODY GROW EATABLES The Essentials lu Planning Garden— Best Varieties to Plant, (Cnntribute3 by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto,) A0.1 NO 'GIME, in many years has the necessity and impnrtanee of the hone vegetable garden bean so clearly shown its for ale coming summer, Prance, our wonderful ally, 11118 since the French Revolution been a nation of small farmers, her people o: small means eultivating some available land to produce a portion of it'elr own house- hold foodstuffs and to lnerease the wealtle of the nation, Great Britain, threeteaod with a shortage of food- stuffs, determined 'to cultivate all available lana possible to offset this shortage and we, in Canada, bending every energy toward facilitating these groat nations 1 hould do all In our iadividatal power to do something in the bees of helping ourselves and assisting the commercial vegetable growers who are seriously handicap- ped by the shortage of labor 11.1 the production of vegetable foodstuffs. Every city, town .cid village dweller bas an opeprtunity to help in this great work, in that there are hun- dreds of available plots now practi- cally unproductive, vhich could be made grew vegetables and thus add to the wealth of the country. Vegetables an important Food. Vegetables should form an Import- ant portion of the daily food of the Average human being, for they pos- sess qualities which we are told are essential in the proper digestion of the heavy foods, suet as meats. All backyards cannot be prepared in one year to grow Vegetab1e of an excellent quality, Some portion of the yard,. however, may be devoted to this purpose, or, if 1t is convenient, there are usually many vacant lots which are not too far from one's place of abode which possibly could be de- voted to the growing of vegetables. Some Essentials. First of all it is essential that the vegetable garden, no matter how small, be planted according to some plan or rule. No one attempts to build a house or to set out a peren- nial Sower border without using some drawing or chart to go by. Why should the vegetable garden be treat- ed differently? Haphazard planting will prove a failure, and in order to overcome this It should be remember- ed in laying out the garden that— (1) Tall plants will be most effec- tive if placed behind low ones, not intermingled with them. (2) All plants closely allied should be grown together, not in the same row, but in rows adjoining one another, (3) The fences may be decorated with vine crops which may be support- ed on the fences by means of strings or lattice work. (4) All quickly maturing vege- tables should be planted in a portion of the garden by themselves so that they may be harvested and the ground used for other crops later on, Secure Seed Now—But Plant Only When Soil Is Ready. The backyard gardener should de- cide very early which crops are to be grown and should purchase his seed as soon as possible. It must be re- membered, however, that much of this seed may be wasted if it Is plant- ed too early in the season. The soil must be warm to receive the seeds, and amateur gardeners must have patience until it is certain that good growing weather has come. It is pos- sible in ordinary seasons to plant some vegetables in April, and yet many backyard vegetable enthusiasts will be well advised to waft until the middle of May before doing very much in .the garden. • Suitable Varieties. A list of varieties suitable for gar- dens made by city, town and village dwellers follows: Asparagus—Palmetto, Conover's Colossal,- Beans--Davis' olossal,-Beans—Davis' White Wax, Golden Wad, Refugee, Beets—Crosby's Egyptian, Detroit Da1'k Red, Brussels sprouts—Dalkeith, Carrots- 'Chantenay, Cauliflower—Erfurt, Snowball. Cabbage—Copenhagen Market, Danish Ball Head, Celery—Paris Golden, Winter Queen, Corn—Golden Bantam, Stowell's Fivergreen, Cucumber—White Spine, Chicago Pickling. Citron—Colorado Preserving. Lettuce—Grand Rapids, Nonpareil. Melon, Musk—Paul Rose, Melon, Water—Cola's Early. Onions—Southport Yellow Globe, Parsnip—Hollow Crown, Parsley—Champion M,ss Curled. Peas—Grades, Little Marvel. Potat,.ee—Irish Cobbler, Green Mountain. Pumpkin—Quaker Pie, Radish—Scarlet White Tip Turnip, Ne Plus Ultra, (winter) China Rose, Spinach ---Victoria, Viroflay. Salsify ---Sandwich Island, Srivash—Bush Marrow, Tomatoes— Chalks Jewel. Turnip --Earl Six Weeks. Rhubarb—Victoria, Linuoans,-•-• S. C. Johnston, Ontario Vegetable Specialist, Toronto, Princcss Thurs. Fri. & Sat. Jim Bludso A regular steamboat Bill T le scenes of the race of the iss i Steamboats are among the most pretentious ever fil f Med You're going to 4-ee it, �y ri 6A tess Born with the Business SEA1!'CR1'H MARKET Good Milling Wheat ............... $2,1) Bran per ton .................. ;G.00 Shorts per tau,..,. ............. .........41 Butter............ ...... .......... . .45 Eggs .................. 40 Hogs to farmers ............19.70 30,000 in 1 Our north window contains 30,0,10 Crown Fabric Linen Envelopes— We offer this Special at Ioc I); r Pkg.-25 to pkg. Superior Quality at the old )rice. BEATI'IE'S FAIR Tile Cash Way Animals Used to Test Drugs. Use is made by cltemlcu1 manufac- turers of various auimale, such as chickens, dogs, Gals and frogs, to test the efficacy of drugs, Ergotine, for instance, is tested on chickens in an extremely simple way. Should it fail to turn a chicken's comb black, it is at once known by the experimenter that the drug is worthless. Dogs are used to test hashish. This is manufactured from female buds of hemp, the male buds having no par- ticular medicinal value. Hashish ad- ministered to dogs induces a peculiar pathological condition if the drug is correctly prepared, which is seen in no other animal save man himself. Digitalis, the heart stimulant, is best tested on frogs. Injecting a drop of the drug into the stomach of the frog, the chemist by means of the kymo- graph or heart recording machine studies the changes of the frog's heart action, thus obtaining accurate knowl- edge as to the effect of that particular kind of digitalis.—Exchange. When Thermometers Differ. Why does a weather bureau ther- mometer show lower temperature in hot weather than the thermometer at the corner drug store? asks the Popn. lar Science Monthly. When discrepan- cies exist they are due chiefly to the fact that the official thermometer is installed in a wooden cage, where It is open to the air, but screened from both direct sunshine and the heat reflected from surrounding buildings, etc. Only under such conditions does a thermom. eter measure accurately the tempera- ture of the air. A thermometer in the sunshine becomes much hotter than the air around it, and its reading sim- ply tells us how trot the instrument is, not how hot the air is. In targe cities the weather bureau thermometer is of. ten installed on the roof of 0 high building, where the temperatures differ somewhat from those prevailing at the street level, The object s0nghl in this arrangement is to obtain a record of the natural temperature of the locality In general rather than the artificial temperatures of the city. CREAM WANTED Senilyour cream to us and receive top prices. We are running our plant the year through and can handle your full supply and furnish you with eons. We pay twioe each month and weigh' sample,and teat each can of cream Dare_ fully, Our motto is " Honesty to our Patrons " Patrons are requested to re turn all our cans when not in nae. Sutter andButtermf(]r al en hand nd for at market prices, The Seaforth Creamery Co. Dissolution of Partnership The Partnership, heretofore exist- ing between us has this day been die solved by mutual agreement. Al outstanding accounts will be paid to Wm, D. Chapman by whom all debts will be settled, Signed this lst day of April 1918 Wm. E. Chapman Jas, Hays DISPERSION SALE 70 Head of Pure Bred Shorthorns and 2 Stallions The property of J. J. Mercer, M P. 2 miles from Zurich,,. Ont., on Wedueeday, May let,, 1918—Oommenoing at 12.30 o'clock sharp. Comprising of 60 females and 10 bulls, inn ruling an011 popular families as Roeo• Mary, Corelli, P.icoess Alice, Carrie 0,,. Mies Ramsden. Butterfly, Duchess of Gloster, Crim80)1 Flower and others A timber of 00,.8 have calves at foot, balance of breeding age in Dalt to such bnlla as Meadow Signet and Village. Marquis, son of 'aiieford Merg me, also 3 year old registered Clydesdale Stal- lion, King's Glory, son of Cumberlaud'e, Glory, Sire of dam, King Thomas; also the great 8taudard bred trotting Ptah - lira), tahlira), Emperor McKinney, 641$1 . Catalogues on applicutiol to d J. Merrier , Seaforth, Ont. t?, W 2tobineou Auotioneeta �Frault'1'uylir E Bosseuberry Robert Luker Male Help Wanted 1fe1 wanted ovoryehere to show samples for Large Grocery Corporation All geode sold at factory prices, Best Granulated Sugar 6,50 cwt, , l'tmfort, surprise or Gold Soap 7 for 25 rr.nta, Pari, Lard 5 180011d pails for $null tie,' Agent's profit $1,ri0on , r, ry $2,00 sale i;rmple Case Fro(. THE CONSUMERS 89'1 rbATION 1Vfnll„ , 0111111',