HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-18, Page 1The Seaforth News
New Series Vol. 27 No., Irl
The Seaforth Monument Works
Have been taken over
by Wm. E. Chapman
who. is prepared to
erect altty kind of
l4emorial is either
Granite or ,l,tarble,
and make designs for
those who wish to be
exclusive in that part
Floor and Wall tile setting is a feature of
my business. _
If you want some real ' good
Easter Eggs call in and see our
new supply whioh is just on
that is dainty in appearance,
dslicieus in flavor and sanitarily
made of the purest ingredients.
Why not make somebody
happy by our..Candy
Don't forget to come in and get your Lunch
before you go liome after the show,
I I I I l l l l 111111111111111111111111 I I I I
11111111 111111111111111010111111
Po You
practice if?
The Prompt Answer !
F the habit of answering promptly
when the telephone bell rings were
universal; the: saving of time would be
` ( Few things are more pleasing to telephone
users than a prompt and courteous response
to a telephone call. In business, the practice
of prompt answering has been a money
maker, for customers appreciate it.
'J Practice prompt answering yourself and
make it a rule in your business.
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIp111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ii1111111111111111111111111111111
SI P11F 7RTH, own -Hue,
Mr, 0, 13, Clark, Dominion deed
commissioner, states that there will be
no serious shoe tago of garden seed in
Canada this year, with tho exception
of parauipe, Prices are lower here than
in the United States,
Trebling Lote at Verdun, P, Q.
The President of the Verdun Horti-
cultural Soeiety'writae: " We had 200
lots under cultivation last year, This
year we are planning to treble that
amount liosidee placing on the laud
about 1,000 school children,"
Fine Flamm at Windsor
The Neale Bakery Oonnpany,of Wind-
sor, is planning to secure the use o
from 25 to 50 acres of land adjacent to
that city for cultivation by employees.
The labor will bo paid at factory rates
and the vegetables produced under this
arrangement will be made available at
aotual cost to (melt employees, It is
believed that iu this way the produce
can be raised considerably more cheap-
ly than the current market prices,
Seaforth Boy Wounded
Mr, and Mrs, John Pinkney, God -
oriel) street, received word on Monday,
their oldest son, .William M. was in the
liospital in England suffering from
wounds in the arm and thigh, ceeeived.
in action.. William Pinkney was a pop..
ular young mau in town and was arnong-
• the first from Shaforthto volunteer, He
went eve°rseas in October 1915 witli the
34th battalion and has been over two
years in the trendies.
Planning War Gardens
Neon Enthusiasm is Reported from All
Parts of the Dominion
Reports received by the Canada Food
Board from all parts of the Dominion
show a remarkable intereet tide year in
the cultivation of urban areas and there
is every reason to believii that the ag-
gregate amount of food which will :be
produced in Hie way will be very largo.
Organizations which wont to work lnet
year are taking up the campaign again
with renewed enthusiaem and a reali-
Anglican Vestry Meeting
The annual meeting of the vestry of
St. Thomas Church was held on Mon
day evening. The Rev, T. Brown pre-
sided, The warden's report -for 1017,
the W, A, and Snnday School and
Guild reports were read and accepted.
1'he Financial statement showed total
receipts of $2042.10 and expenditures
of $1963.72 leaving a balance of $78 38
on hand, The following officers were
elected 19I8 ; People's Warden, F, G.
Neelin; Rector's Warden, R, G .parks;
Sideemen—Gordon Dill, Arthur Deem,
Geo. Pinkney, Cyril Snowdon, Oswald
Snowdon, Thos, Jackson, H. James,J.F,
Ross, W. Deem, E, E. Hallett,
-Lay Delegates—F. G. Neelin and F.
(IA resolution thanking the different
organise tione for efficient work ryas
then passed,
nation of the importune° of their efforts:
Many are planning to double or treble
last year's of%rte, Where no organiza-
tions have previously existed commit-
tees are being formed.
An effort is being made to bring
home to householders the necessity of
doing their utmost to help to feed theme
selves, so that the farmer may be free
to grow more food for export. It is al-
so pointed out that by produoing more
home produce railway faoilitiee will be
somewhat relieved, The cultivation
of baoit yards and vttoant lots into war
µardour is a work of importance) which
should be forwarded in every possible
way this season. Piaus should be
made immediately,
Swing low,
Under -the snow,
Angela have rooked you to sleep;
Mother will eroon
Some tender tune
Over your cradle so deep.
Love came
Like a bright flame,
After long waiting one day,
Pillowed you warm
On her fond arm
'then swiftly stole you away,
Not lost!
Tiny hands crossed,
Under the crucifix lie,
No more torsion
' You have gone home
To Heaven's sweet lullaby,
H. Isabel Graham
Toronto Globe.
Report of Navy Euchre
Dance at Commerical
e n Case's Hall
" Bruoefield $ 52.55
Miss Hillson's snow -
hoe part y
Navy Euchre
Induction Services
The Services in connection with the
iuduotiou of the.Rev. S. M. MoLoan
of St, Marys into the pastorate of the
liginondvillo uougregation on Thurs-
day afternoon were very interesting
and impressive, the Church being fill-
ed to its utmost capacity, Rev D, Mo.
Intoeb of Bruoofield preached an able
sermon after which Mrs, Madden sang
an appropriate solo. Rev. Janes
Hamilton of Goderich addreesed the
minister in the plane of Rev. D, Care-
w() 11 of McKillop who was absent
through illness and Rev, J, f;. Hogg of
Clinton the 000gregattoir Special
music w e finished by the Lgmondville
0hoi1'. Tea was served in the base-
ment at the close of the service. The
call , a eaoat oneminons 000 argues
well for the future of both pastor and
Mr. M, cLean comas with a high re-
cord of duty done from the most con-
ecientioua priuoiples and will bo an ae-
quisition to Egmondville.
Ladles Md Of
Mohawk Crossing
The entertainment given 10 Calclor's
Hall, Winthrop on; Friday -April 1 2th
provided keen enjoyment to an audience
wbiob {i'liod the hap to Capacity. The
feature of.the evening was. a play en-
titled "The Ladies Aid of Mohawk
Crossiug" given by about 25 of the
ladies of Winthrop and district.
The Play, as its title implies, depicts
a meeting of ladies to dismiss various
church matters in a supposedly busin-
esslike manner. The disagreements am-
ong the ladies at the meeting develop•
ed into personalities and after prolong-
ed arguments numerous motioue and
no business of definite nature was
completed. The discussions were most
amusing and the play abounded in
witty sayings,
The costumes of the ladies being
relies of past years added much to the
play. They were truly remarkable and
the ladies deserve credit for the pains
taken by them in gathering so wonder.
fur a cell.otion,
It wouldbe difficult to single out the
players for special mention but Mies
Blanchard took her part very elev.
erly and showed considerable ability as
also did Miss Anent as an 'aristocrat
from Boston. Mrs J M. Govenlock as
a fighting suffrogate Mies Dorrauoe who
oould not forget the existence of a hue
band, Mra Uarn, Mrs J G Grievo,'Mrs
Blanchard, Miss Smith, Mrs Calder
Mise Beattie, Mrs Eaton and Miss Mc:
Culla 'The other 'members , of the
oast had an/alter parts but they carried
them successfully, Altogether the play
went very smoothly and the ladies are
to be congratulated upon their efforts
'L'ho large audience showing their appy.
0iation in no uncertain manner. The
5000088 of the the play was well deeery
5 00!
32 ill
144 40
Auxiliary Shower
The shower, held for the returned
soldiers in the Hospital at Loudon, on
Friday afternoon realized I35 dozen
eggs, 25 lbs butter, 1 aaok sugar, 258
pints fruit and 32 dollars in cash. The
sugar was donated by the employees of
The Sanford Clothing Co The
Auxiliary is very grateful for this grand
response, by the people of Seaforth and
BalanOe emit to Henry W. King
Sec, and'l'reas, of the Navy League of
Mr James Collie, ' Lake Lindon
donated the prize- for Enahre. Mrs,
Hugh MoMilhan firstprrz", Miss Millie
Johustoe second, til 14, Broderick
(first, Mr. O. Anerhart second.
Sergtt Chas. Hodges Back
Sergt. Chas, Hodges and Mrs
Hodges of Windsor, were in town
tide week, They formerly lived in
Seaforth, Mr, Hodges enlisted with
the 16/at and went overseas in October
x916. In January, 1917 ho went to
France and was employed with the
construction unit( around Arl'ae, where
he was gassed and has eines been in
the hospitals ut France and England
Ho also suffered trona rheumatism and
has been invalided home, ,
Absolutely the greatest Motion
Picture hi the World.
Music by Orchestra
In \id of Reay Cross
Cardns's a per . ho se
Friday an ti Stiray
Afternoons 4 p. m.
All Seats 25c
Evenings 8.30 p. m.
Reserved Seats 50c Rush Seats 35c
Reserved Seats on Sale at Aberhart's
Drug Store = Phone 111
See It By All Means
You'll help The Red Cross.
You'll be wonderfully entertained
Entrust us with
your Mail Orders
Don't have
As a well ordered table is die.
tinguished by its beautiful elivar
and cut glass. se do Dur Ley,ciiere
and Pendant% give the fibished
and final touch to Llan perfectly
dress, tVe believe that our Ler-
aliers awl .Pendants haves that
..fust Right' appeal ance that ie
require:1. to give bat richly mod-
est effect, so lane h rt -aired u',d Ho
diflicurt �n obtain
Always look over ' ,,wa!ry -c•f
Quality" before you hitt.
NrIt 09 . 'aunaluge
Veer telatrifitrliier c 41txtiri:ut
alssurr 88arr11125 8irrnsrs
Businose 194
Evenings 10
The :41,155 yen will always like
We Pay The
a waist made or buy one until
you have seen this remarkable display.
SINT tlr.
SOUGHTGATE--•In Toronto, on April
6th, to Mr, and tIre, W, E, South-
gate Jr, a sou.
A Most Attractive Exhibit of
Silk Waisis
ill all ipopular shades handsomely
$2.75 to $7m50
Whatever the changes of fashion e sdil
the shirt waist stays. It is the one :'.fixed
fashion that every woman likes and the
wonderful assortnlent in styles and fabrics
we have enables you to find joust what you
like best.
Dainty Creations in
Lingerie Waists
Lawn and Lace and Embroidery Trimmed,
Most Beautiful and Becoming,
$1.50 to $5.O0
The best sources of the foremost garment manufacturers
are drawn on for our display and you will find it a delight
just to inspect the many new styles you'll see here.
S 11 F E,RT f-6