HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-11, Page 44 pRoFIESSIORMi, DL 1 . U1jlU1 fttllls, Vayatulanaud Surgeon Irate of l ondea Hospital, Londoe, En5ua4,l Special sttendee to diseao0I of Eve. ser, Nose, and Thrust, CO Re Phone No 0 Healdeaae t'kooe Nie, fee Dr, r, J. fit' itStOWS ae'tur1' 011100 and r "t• ldane0e• 01ft Street, oast of the Meta- od111 Church, noreuer far County et amen. Telephone N.., lc. MS. t3s rieder(ehNttrAY,reet opp sitearMetho «T• rure Riburch,'eafeth, wt r: ;v trV1 tort[ -+ted Ault arbor, and mbar f Out . Irto Ooile0a 01 P1tysi tans and g oon. (meaner for (IOua5Y ei Huron. 4Mlfat, tenor graduate 'rrfatty [avas•ate pad Trinity sternly; of enseg., rvfnxndsngeons, aI' Irk ,•ir11,RSEAIv, 1) ((lpthic Ree-1a1i0t D S, V A., serf eiti'droves dioen0e0 and rd ern, u a a !Noble/J. Nose one Caro t ('[Aden lr1 1N• is @ may d v. + eh (ane l e t Royal11014'roesea .ty y .,n 4b , 5',.m !Friday 't.m •a 4 p , U nr.d inn Y 'n eA t' ear 1 29tY i �jt{If8'p+ dl •�ipy, �+dlta �iarriag taeenses a, ir,ptl w„ des arta � TEE irii nELI06 1S i9S14E0 EVERY TfiURSDAT Noss, the Office MAIN ST. e SEAFQRTH, ONT. Phone M 11000 115 121 SUBSCRIPTION one ewer per year. strictly in ad VA acv tS not paid in adrance, one dollar end a (tall will ben I'0((d. Unite? id1010'. p per%, fifty emits til vanend, When eubst.1(004. [0004"(0 their address notice should be'xel tun immediately, atvtea ((Mb (be old and the new address. Sub- (scribers irregularity of delivers. notifying tie ^ Bonding Noticoa—Nu reading notice. 1 advettlsins any entertainment er tnattereby 1 MOM, mis to be made by any pr f n Tug News Inserted ..e cause will be without chine, The prier: for is TENnner-. f tion of r count a lint each 0s h TEN s more per twnat Ila¢ each Neerden to i 33 Parties hoeing401 no contract dpi! display edvrrll0inv, and FINN' vent, per line each tnsertlon to those havtoa display enemas. ae't for 613000, Malery and entertainment hsnks 5 m nt reading , to notices. Card n tines. 50 cents. Insurance • rsesidering fonuranc0, Life or N.1,110,47 117au 0420, a pm/gam 1(111 get our retro. J. D. lit, l iklt" fel i+k3'>tir> "o tduAars , I. agent dor London on L lf¢ $Ra m.ace n and im.••ainl °3aerantat and Accident lonura ca Co,Co,ISmifortiss Ont. Fames tson General and Vire, Lae dealer all! dewing tiaehiney� main street, 6eaforte. THE McK1LLOP Multlal Fire Insurance Co Parma and Restated Town (Property 7)nly Insured. OFFICE0s .1 er. (...0110(1,, 5,Odorith, President, Iame9 Evers, i:e'eehwood, Vice -Pieria ent. Tsmuts (leye, 401100'11, sec. -Trees. Dsreators D. Er. McGregor, Sesfortb; John G. Grieve. WinthroIBtodeaog,n Robert Ferre, Hancock[ stsumet John Bailments.ro M0'eoo, Clinton; 0 McGarr ;eY aeolorth; boom Connolly, Godertch: jar Beam. Ileechwood Aerate AR= d ette44. Harlock; E. Hledsley. Seafottx 011 Wam Chesney Emondvilie; J. W. Ye - g 8olneavtlle- R. G. Jormouth, eredhe0e0: Jae. War axed John Goveolock, 005000 h, aunitore. Parties desirous de effect insurance or trona other busing[ wet be psomptlY on:ended so 1 application to any of the above officers, address 00 theirrespective paltadices. frriE oY The Original and Only Genuine 88ware of Imitations Sold as the Merits of MMinard's Liniment For Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. GSI:Y, Seaforth• Phone 180 A Business Without a proper systin of adver- tisin is like a motor without the power. . . • Seafarth News DV1 I TISE1C fiTS will supply the required enerijy phone - 54 evenln*s127 THE SEAOXTH NEW PRODUCTION WHAT THE PROYINOES 1N EASTERN CANADA loP,li DOING The campaign for ln0r000011 production Is r000iring splendid support iu al parte of 111e Dominion. Business men and farmers are showing the fullss t possible sympathy with the objects of theoampeign and every disposition to help in every possible way .1101 0inl, Legal, Officio( and Goverrt- aront Notiaoo—Ton cents per tine (or area 2 insertion 14110 five seats per line for each subseau0t (012rtran. not Carla, ' em l a eQ da ar! a Vo 7 --IxaIrOat iR rscee.i 8 nal on. I1 w bt inserted for t5. W per vane, navitill ble 371edy In advance 'Display plkla aydvertising --Rates furnished "Advertisements ordered for lnsert100, wUntll lorbl4," and those sent without written Instructions will appear until ritten orders are received lot their ins. Continuance. Lettere to the Edlter 01212 be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good sibi ity ishre ethe etptemade in such communications. Letters orf reli- gious topica will sot be published at all except aa paid advertising, plainly marked es such. The rate for such matter 1s ten tents err line. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Within The Law HURON NEWS Mrs E. Tooker has soul her farm of the 3ri1 110neession of Hallett to Mr '1', Delo who gets immediate paseesaion Mee Tasker ietends roaming in Clinton Mr and Mee Wm. Rutledge of Olio- ton evolved word of the death of their eldoot eon, 11 J. Kutiedge, which iso- ourred in the New Kensington hospital Pittsburg, Tho 17e1V0 1(448 a great Bur prise to everyone, no Mr' and Mrs Rot - edge reeeive(1 a letter from him last week saying he was itt the best of health. The London Thine' of Marsh 13th, gives the following abatements of the service for widish the military omits was awarded to Lieut. Proudfoot, (naw II r Capt. Proudfoat son n f Mand Mrs ro Wm P' udfoot of Ikn d aric h. Lt W, Proutifoot, lad,—k'm' eou- epinnoue gallantry and (evotIon to duty y whim intollig011ee 0filoer at H.adgnnrt- erg. Owing to heavy onanalties be' volunteered to go forward and take charge of n platoon, and showed the soundest judgement in placing [tie 10011 to defnd hie position a tinct repeeted counter attacks, When the enemy had gained a footing in the trench, he rev 0ona11y led his men in.. -driving them out, and, although wounded by a bomb. remained on duty for twenty-four hours until all lost ground had been regain- ed He only left when it became evi- dont ho could parry on no longer, His plunk won the approbation of all ranks Dr Jas. W . Robertson has been ap- pointed to represent the Federal Dep- a1'tnlellt of Agrioultnro and the Canada Food Beard in co-operation with the Provincial goverumeute of Ontario QU eb•o New BrunsrlCl[ Nova Spotlit anti Prince Edward Island. He has been in the maritime Proviueos, where he hoe met with the Previneial govern. menta and members of the logialatlu•os and bas been working out definite plat( of urg:tnizatiou and application.. Ontario has set for itself an objoet- lve of 1,000,000 additional aures of u 9 crops, and au [feat d 0 r r ala and other l e p also the greatest possible production per acre on all outtivoted lands. Quebec expects to exceed en object- ive of 600,1100 additional acres, The three Maritime provinces are depended upon for 5nore0se crops to the extent of 4011,000 acres, an increase of 6 acres per farm on the average. Judging from the enthusiasm which hos been shown and increasing realiz- ation of the need, theeo objectives are 1(1101y to be reached, In his address in the Eastern Prov- inces, Dr Robertson pointed out that that the requirements of the Allies for :918, of shoat, barley, oats, rye and Indian corn, amounts to 360,000,000' bushels more than the annual average of their requirements of these food commodities before the war, and by reason of the shipping situation they are dependent very largely upon North America, not only for these in- creased requirements but also for a arge port of the imports which they formerly from other 0ountries. e 1 The play, "Within, the Law" was presented for the second time by Mrs R Murlesa-Jonee on April 5th and WAS given au enthueiaetic reoeptien by a Targe and appreciative audience, It was hardly expected that the players could improve the quality of the work et the first production but they un• doubtedly have added to their ability in a marked degree and their work together with a few changes in the play resulted in an entertainment even more Gejoyable. Of the players, Mre Jones shows wonderful talent in the lending aharac tar, Mary Turner, Her work is of the highestorder, and every phase of the character etre depicts was very truly represented Mr K, J, Francis, from whom it great deal is always expected. did not disappoint his hearers; his work is excellent and while the part he took, Inspector 131111te, is Werther a pleasing nor an amusing character, he made it stand out prominently. Mr Geo. Israel in the part of Joe Gamma hail the sympathy of the audience, his work was d(fiioalt but was he ndled in a rnneterly mauusrand he too fed well deserved applause, plies Evelyn Greig new member of the players, took the difficult pall of Aggie Lynch most ored. itch(,, providing a touch of humor to to the play Mies Margaret Edge, also a new player, deserves special mention She opened the first aot of the play with the snap and life whiol, her part called for, Dr Bechely again created a most favorable imprea0lou and the work of Miss Leila Beet, .1, 0, Greig R K .1.1+, .l antra Watson and J. Brown left nothing to be desired. The company is well balanced in every department and their costing of a play so dills silt .49 Within The Law in such an eminently succesefnl manner reflects great credit on the train eg and ability of Mfg leave We tore to wit• Twee another play in the early future. RABBITS Jost new the raising of rabbits is be- ing oonoideredby many au a aubetitute, for beef which has become so dear that many cannot buy it, The large Bel guim rabbite produce a delicious dish of food that equal chicken, They live cheaply on clover, hay and oats or roots. While beef only produces 541 In keeping with the advance nt price per cent of meat the rabbit gives 85, of all other commodities, whether neo• per Oelit digestible matter, They also eaeary to human 0x40 ig0 or otherwise eetimote that a single pair will pro- the 1'ttestjnmp in the high cost of living duce over four thousand in a year. ( (stylar has been made iW the regi'tra The teat.r,E the terve rabbit is very . tion fees for all legal documents and mnrh suprrder to that of the wild ont•s' the new resale of fens is the result of a as they do :tot eat the wild herbs of (un+ recent orderregi01in•eeunedl, The minimum w n els co °t of registering s deed will in future be $z, an advance of 60 cents on sae , document, 'l hs dieoharge of any legal documett will be no lees than $1, where as 50 cents formerly covered tide. The registration of all other documents has advertised accordingly. "Not Enough Food" "There is not enough food on our. gide," Dr. Robertson said, "to let us be free from anxiety and danger of famine this or next year, even if peace should be won before the winter eornes; and if we used to produce only as much as we used to produce and eat as much and waste as much as w0 deed t0 eat and waste, the privation among our Allies will become still greater --privet. Oen which is almost certain to mean starvation for women and children and the weakening of our position in the war. That is the gravity of the food situation. One of the most effective ways o1 conserve shipping is to provide as large e proportion as possible of the food re- quirements of the Allies from Canada, A war production campaign is in pro. grass, which will reach every township from the Atlantic to the Faoiffc. In the towns vacant lots will become war gardens. Five acres more per farm Pte T. W. Fry, of Godericb arrived home from overseas last week. Pte. Fry lost a baud at Lena and has au artificial hand now. Mr H. E. Hodgens of Goderioh has purchased the business of J. 0. Turn- bull in Poterboro, and is selling out hie dry goods stook in Goderiohi Mr Thomas Appelby who has lived with his eon, Thomas, on the 501E con. cession, Turnberry and who wasa ilea. idsut of Wroxeter for some years, died on Sunday Maroh 2ret. Interment took place in Wroxoter cemetery, Mr Chas. Haggitt at Blyth, was dis- playing last week a very large hon egg that meaeured 61. by lit inches; also quite a freak in the form of two fully developed soft shelled eggs connected at the end. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs J, N, Oamp bell, East Wawanooh, on Tuesday, Ap- ril 211d, when their third daughter, Em. ma,heceme the bride of RoyStonehooee teacher, of 8. S. No 1, East Wawarlosh The groom is the eldest son of Mr and Mee Joeeph Stonehonoe, East Walvan- osh. 1IMMMMMm$100 1$M1111MM11MtIMlifit 111001 11411M41MiM 1 81 1 Thu rsdaY Apri M�MMMMMMMMMitM TIE DOMINION BANK Depositors in this Bank aro assured of efficient service. 14 W Ir et a r d M to 111 r C.11Mw1 NIA Up $6,000,000 Reserve Wood $7.000.000 A GENERAL BANKING I3USiNESS TRANSACTED (74 A KK MSEAFORTH BRANCH;, R. M. JONES, ManagOa S1 r fXMgIEllftldidl4AttY�Igi9rCRltlitdW iibRYlydti yEt9nlWA of pC(p[iSNiils9tiYI11s1kfASt.iA51Bt .caaaal , r "MT,UP c1 PIGS" GIVE � G TO CONSTIPATBD 0131.. 0e1(c10US "Fr'uit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Look at the _-.j,ongue, mother! If coated; your little ono'e stomach, liver and bow els mad CIC n ullg on e. When peeviely erose, ldetleas, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhrea, full of eold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Ask your truggiet for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups, 4 Blyth lost one of its old residents in the death of John Barrett, who peas- ed away after an illness of several days Deceased was born iu-Suffolk, England in 1857, and name to Canada as an d fent. He Dame to Blyth in 1897 when he was employed in the flax mill, Be was a liberal and a Presbyterian. Besides the bereaved widow, he leaves a family of three children; Miss Kate at home. Charles of Abernethy, Sask. and John of Rooanville, Sask. The death 000urred in Osborne on March 27th of an aged reeideni "The farmers of Eae ern Canada are in the person of William Uhowen, aged called upon, by the grave emergency 81 years. Deceased had been ailing which our allies faoe, to produce in for three or four years. He was born I918 two millions of sores additional in Devonshire, England. His wife cultivated orops. That amounts to predeceased him several years ago, about fire acres per farm," One of the methods of procedure in carrying out the genera' plan is each province is to forma Greater Product- ion Committee in every township oe pariah The membere of these com- mittees will he lesdieg and influential farmers who will personally visit their neighbors in the township or pariah to secure their earnest co operation, Dur ing this week dedicated to preparation the plans for the season's crops on each farm will he reconsidered with a view to ru:teasing the acreage to the utmost the seed will be made completely ready and all machines, tools anti harness will tie put in order to avoid loss of time when the Sprite work beg,ns, Registrars Get More Money Many mottoes have reason to blase Mother Graves, Exterminator, because it Ilan relieved the little tinea of suffer - leg end made them happy, Ellen Fred Zimmer, wife of Ooeeam or, Dashwood, passed away on March 23th in her 6101 year. Interment WAS made rn the Goshen Line cemetery - The business of the North American Chemical Co , has been placed in the the betide of a liquidator and the plant and other assets are offered for sale, In the meantime the mallufactnring of the Company will bo continued by the liquidator under rho order of the court, The present protluotion of salt s said to bo 200 barrels per day. Mrs Sohelienberg of Fullerton, aged 05 years, fell while crossing her room and broke her hip, On a000unt of her ago, small hope is held for her recovery The Champion Kline Fanning Mill SEAFORTH .MARKET Good Milling Wheat.............. $2.10 Oats ........... 85 ' Barley.. ......... 1 30 Bran per ton ,,...,,.36,00 Short. per ton .................. .........41 Flour ............... ... ...............5.60 Butter.,....... ..................., ..., •40 Eggs.• Hoge to farmers. .................19.75 if you wont to get the belt fanning mill built bay Kline the °indeed to to'n,tho faetea5 50 0l000 75 fo 100bogh els per hour, Lakes ont wild Oats nn matter how thick, no other mill cern equal it in grading tined grain, We have farmers tell us they would no take One Hundred Dollars for their Kline" mills if they °onld not get an- thor. Wrrite for particulars Klnna Mfg. Co, Beotnn Ont. G H MICHEWW r1 1501110 41114,.' 0110 1411110 are tb 1141104 frau of {lettre, ax - ns I Most . rugs ill t ehnau r 0. n where an nd fee ll sUnrg¢d. '1'00 1110 rntu for atoll beteg flee neat per 024)111 lle0 SliBfrt RTI•[ S tatiIIS6'.'.BJGS St. James' u Father P t .(MIAMI liuV, at r St Jr n,a Corcoran, Rev. Father U. B. North graves .Morning Mem 7 • a,rn. High Maes 10.30 a.40, Smiley 94001 'A 30 p m, Evening Peepers 7 p.m. Malne'a Gum Industry. Gathering spruce MIDI Iles long since become one of the steady minor indus- tries of Maine, 'where every year about $6,000 tons of crude gum, valued at a third of a million dollars, are harvested. The crude article 1s formed as the re- sult of injury to red and black spruce trees. Hedgehogs feed upon the inner bark of trees, and the injuries they cause, known as "hog cute," are fruit- ful sources of gum. Lightning scars, frost cracks, old blazes and the abra- sions caused by falling trees and even sap sucker drills are other occasions for gum formation. Around the edges of such wounds little nodules appear and gradually develop into lumps or teats, A wide sear heals slowly and may produce gum around the entire wounded area, while a narrow seam closes so quickly that only a single row of these "nuggets" is possible.—Argo- /mut. Transformed Mine. An old abandoned mine near Saal- feld, in the Thuringian forest, which in the time of Luther was worked for silver, copper, alum and vitriol, hag been discovered by a Berlin geologist to have developed into one of the most beautiful caverns. In the course of centuries the water percolating througb the minerals has bullt up throughout the mine a wonderful labyrinth of stal- actites and stalagmites, thrown to. gethor with a profusion and brilliance of color which is said to be without parallel. Deep greens, vivid blues, the purest white, yellows of all shades—fu fact, the entire scale of color is repro- duced over and over again, and yet the colors melt into etch other so gently that nowhere Is the impression of disagreeable contrast produced. 5t. Thomas' Rev, '1', H. 13rown, Retain.. Suudey aorocee 11 (1,m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school 2.30 p. m. Women's Anglican Missionary Aosooiatiou, 'i'neaday 2 30 Childr'ou'ebrauolt Saturday 2 p.m. uteroa00iou services every Thursday, ,0p,ai, Why is It? Why is It that when there are two swinging doors 75 per cent of the peo- ple eaple open the left hand door? Wby don't they open the right hand one? Why is it that 00 per 5e00 of the peo• ple wall: on the wrong side or in the middle of the sidewalk? Why don't they walk on the right side? Why is it that 50 per cent of the petit ple don't know bow to tura a corner or enter a Store? Why is it that they keep close to the building wben they ought to he on the outelde edge of the sidewalk to enter as they should? Why is it that people will stand like this . , : on the sidewalk find talk. Wby is it they will not stand like this .. 7 Thereby talon, up one-half as much spare. Wby le 157—Boston Poet. Pm. Very Free Verse. Vera llbre is certainly taking hold. Much might be said In this connection of its form, its content and whether proficiency in it is innate or acquired. Let it Suffice for the moment to record what happened when a music teacher asked her pupils to matte up little verses and then matte melodies to ac- company them. One little boy said he never had made up verses, "Just a little verve," said the teacher, "Weil," said the boy, dreamily: Sometimes the sky at right Locke like a spotted egg. —New York Post. Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc, Also take books and newspapers N. Appllezoft S1.Air011'I'll JUNK DEALER Agrees from fh'eamery Phone 183 rye .r.> •'t First Presbyterian Rev, J', H, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday services 11a,m, and 7 p m. Sunday sohool 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7.46 p.m, Women's Miss- ionary Society•the first Tuesday do each month at 7,45, Barbara Kirkman Mis• Bion Band 3rd Tuesday in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m. Met--«--- hodist Rev, G, McKinley, 13. D,, pastor —SUNDAY—Close at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sun day school and Bible study class 2,30 Epworth League Tnosday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thnroda y 8. p.m. Salvation Army Capt. Freud and Lieut. Shave Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise eervioe 3 p.m. (Gospel service 7 p.m. Ohildrons Servioe—Direotory class 10 a .m, Bible classes 4 p.m. Week night Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting 8 p.m, Egroondviile, Presbyterian Rev. J Argo, pastor. Sunday ser- vicos 11 a.m. and 7 p m. Bible clava 3 pan, Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p. m. Y.P M.S Union 3rd Friday in the month 8 p m. Women's Missdon• ary Society 3rd Wednesday in the month at 2,30 mm Ladies' Aid mens im- mediately after. McKillop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor Sunday eervioes Dare' el:.trail 11 a m Sunday school 10 n m Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month al 2 o'clock. l8onatattco Methodist Rev, tV, Kahle, p't t,ir, 8nnday service 2 30 p.nl, Young Peopl'u'e Loa- gite2 311 pin '*1.l w w,oa mai 61)x11 ary First Tuesday of every nt•nith a 30 p.m. L'tdie.s' alt( lust ['1,,,red ay of each mouth 2,3+1 p.141 Winth^op Presbyterian Sunday se1vioe 2,30 pm, Sunday 8011001 I 16p m Prayer rneetdn, Tuesday S p, In, L C last Wed Could Hardly Live for Asthma Writes one man who after yearn of suffering has found complete relief through Dr, 1) Kollogg,8 Asthma Remedy, Now ho knows how needs leas has been hit suffering. This match. remedy gives sure help to afflicted wit II einthtne, inhaled es smoke or vapor it Mega the 11(41p SO long needed every dealer hag it or can it from his whelos,tler, Se: 0 11 '7 L -- til Seaforth, til, Saturday. April 661,, 19,8, Agnes Robinson, beloved wile of the late John Wortley, in her 79th year Different c Portraits The Difference fetw hen the ordinary Photograph and the kind we make is due to our skill and high grade equipment. Every sitter 1s given Individual attention and treatment and the results we produce are pllotographtie portraits - not merely photographs. Let us make you the best portraits you ever had. Picture Framing - Now that the house clean Ing has stetted lookup those pictures you want framed and bring them to us. We carry a large and well assorted stock of moulding and our prices are not high. Amateurs We sell Amateur supplies develop films & finish prints for amateurs. Bring pour work to people who make a business of doing it. D F BUCK PII)I.OGRISPHER SI(AFORTH SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION`, "Papa's Diapepsin" neutralizes excel. sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time It 1 In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity,• will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache, Pape's Diapepsin le noted for Be speed in regulatin,, upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener hi the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty - cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indI' gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach die• order caused by fermentation due to recessive. acids in stomach. 4 eLE1 RINei SALE. Of Farm Stook and liuplemouts James Jones, alleS1onee1., has received, inetruotions from lir, 3,mes Bloomfield to sell by pnh' ;neaten on Lot 33 concession I, tee nehip of Logan (la.lf mde 44041 of the village of Dublin) , oa Monday, As•l11 tails, 101n, the follow - big; r 'h ti in ,re 11,41', .1.0151,1, ruu years old; r b mit nl :r,., lie ivy draught e gilt y ears o'd, 1 It IN n'ly, rising three years 010, heavy .1 .tight; 1 bay (illy rising two 1, los old, heavy draught; 1 aged driving m•11(1 (.4 feet's) teliel.le; i cows with Cal vee at fou:; :30,11,0, due 1.. 0,1150 about rune of safe; Lsteer rising [Elite Seats cid; tiro )ear Iirg hulls( ta'o yearling bulls; t steer, -rising tiro * plats o1.1; 2 heifers. (l,e ,) era old; 5 piget twu 15(04(11' ,.111; 1 br,.,d 000, I)@Ffiog binder, 6 1l, .+tit; ha .21 [\ `Iced mower Deering cull 1v:.l0.. e:enhnlr.tt grader x1111 dull, d1 r: hun(.w' hand roller, '2 twin gang pleee 3 wanting plc no. 2 sets dnubl° team I,.,rure.. 2 (umber wagons, f tuulgg mil. whit bagger, rutting box top buggy, cart,..', steel 1101110 rake, set platfor,n 02441020• -«,loo poun(1scepaelly hay fork, car; ropes; pulleys end filings 5 eels of think section harrows, set of bobsleighs, hay ['eek, gravel box. A gnash[, of tined mite and hey 1 meal heater, t wood 11, ater rind pipes, 2 boil. stench' and other articles too nnnlerees to mention 'Parma—All stuns of $I0 and ander cash; over that sell(*ant credit will ie given On (Undoing g approved joint notes. A discount of (i per cent mill he allowed off for earth on credit nnrotnte+ ([.tile to he wish) . Sale at otuo a clad( anerp. 1'ueitivmly nu reset vi' no rho proprietor 1100 00111 his farm Jae, JON lee, AN, It1,01)3INlN.l tl, Amnion, 'v, Proprd1 tor, t\ healer tie um ti be of cid or cul gn nth, i; t011 et yie d to H011ow143 1 Cern (hire, the simplest and best cure offered to the public,