HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-11, Page 1New Series Vol. 26 No ,15 -fillARBLEANDORANITE 140NUMEN15. I4 The Seaforth News The Seatortir Monument Works Have been taken over by Wm. E. ehapivan Who is prepared to erect any kind of LVieliti rial iu either Granite or Marble, and make designs for those who wish 20 be exclusive in that part icutai•. Floor and Wall tile setting is a feattare of my business.. - '-A::._�axrc�oesas�'•'� tea' , eins LYM , iY DI" RESTAURANT FIND eoNFECTIONlr`iEc i' If yon want some real good Easter Eggs call in and see our new supply which is just on hand: FRESH CONFIi1CTIONELIY drat is driuty in appeerauoa, delicious i0 ftavpr and sa uturily made of -the purest iugrsdieete. Why not make somebody. happy by our Oeudy Don't forget to come in and get your Lunch before you go home after the show, SEHFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Belgian Relief Fund For Marsh Mrs. Hs Edge Mrs Gibenn,e S, S. Class Mrs. J. Mo Mre Chas, Stewart Mre, De Lacey Nara, Neil Poet 01500 Commerce Bank Dominion Bank "The Whi' The World's biggest Motion Picture 9 It is modern. it is about people of to= day. It has a thrill in every reel. H is clean, Pill men, women and children with red blood in their veins will want to see it. Itt is cast wt ith movie favorites that you all know. It has six stars -not one. All in all it has everything necessary to please, to thrill, to educate the young and old. it is the supreme offering of filmdom Special Music by Orchestra The "Whip" will be shown in Total Remitted to Miss 1, George Examines ttalanae on Meed Aid of the ed Gross in Cardno's 46x para douse Friday & .Saturday Apel Pth & 20th 51.00 $2.85 $2.60 112,50 $3.7o $1,00 12 1.8 26 $14.11 $13.011 16 911 Mrs. J. B. Thcinpeon, Treasurer, Red Gross Report F'LNAN()iAI, STATEMENT FOR MARO[i Receipts Balance on hand..,..............603 52 A friend ..... ........... .... ......., 400 00 Mr John MoCae ................ ... 50 00 Vire L G VanEgmond .............. 7 Mrs J Stewart's Sunday School Olase .. ......• -. 1 . Winthrop Branch ,..... ... 69 Duff's Church Ladles' 1Cgmondville Branalt ......105 Blankets Bold . 6 Rag Rugs ..........:.................. 1 Quilts ............... 15 Afternoon Matinees 4 p.ill. Evenings 8.15 Prices Matinees 25c & 35c Evenings 5Oc Plan opens at Aberlaart`s Drng Store Friday April 12th Monthly Contributions,..... 0(1 15 00 00 75 7b 50 Spring Show Seaforth'e Spring Show was favored with Kluge weather for their exhibit. ion on Friday. A clear, bright pky and warm weather tier the season brought out a record crowd. All afternoon the streets were orowded with people from all eeotnnne The exhibits proved that Seaforth ie the centre of a good live stock section of the county. The entries were well filled and the aompat hien was closed in most 'teething, The cltreotors worked hard to make the Spring Show a summers and received oougretulations on the result. Heavy Draft horses Team in Harness sat --Alex. Sinclair Zed—Rohl. Broadfoot Brood Mare iu Foal 1st—T J . M014iohaei & Sons sod—Snell Bros, 3rd—Broadfoot Bros 4th—J as. Carling, Filly os Gelding 1915 tet—Alex Sinclair Filly or Gelding 1916 ter -Alex Wright Fi1lo or Gelding 1917 ret—Jas. Murray 2nd—Snell Bros 3rd—Jus. Murray Mare, Filly or Gelding any age let—T.. J, McMichael & Sone 2nd—Alex Sieolair 3rd—Alex Wiight Judge ---J ' Darrooh 25 141gricultural 76 Team in harness 60 let—Toe. day, Cromarty 2nd—James Hay; Kippen Brood Mare in foal let D. Fotheringham 21ild Earl Sproat, Kippen 3rd—Jas. Store,{ Filly or Gelding 1915 let—D. J. O'Rielly 2nd—W, A. MoKepzie, Mitchell 3rd—W. A. McKensue Total $1606 Expenditures ' Mr F Gordon Oster (Prisoner of War) .................. 10 McLean Bros 1 Stamps...,.. ......2 Stewart Bros ................ ......246 JMaotavish......................4.0 ...438 Total Balance on band 76 00 00 00 ti 47 $697 58 809 17 Grape Mullen Treas. 0 R 0 S SEORETARY'S REPORT 480 ,Hite of pyjamas, 372 pairs of soaks, 90 flannel shirts, 312 towels, 12 personal property bugs, 48 butter cloth hankerohiefs, 12 trench Daps, 34 band- ages, 2 Dressing gowns, The shipment this month is largest for one month since the sooiety organ - led. Edda De Lacey, Some tatty, Mrs. Wm. Gemini( R,reaud Filly or Gelding 1916, let Jas Park, Mitchell 2nd—(11at. Coyne Filly or Gelding 1917 ret—John Dale Jr. 2nd—Robs. Wright Mare, Fily o fielding any age sat—Jeri Parks 2nd—Broodfu0t Bros . Special Township Oompetitton, Tuck eremith by Broadfoot, ,Sinolair and Fotheringham Judge -J, A. Fleming, Milverton ',Hackney Stallion any age lst--Bert Stephson Roadster, trotting Stallion ,st-14. Hannon; Mitchell 211d—John Pnilkoey. Roadster, horse in haruees 1st—&obi McLaren, Eensall 2nd—R, Hyslop 3rd—T. J. ivloMichael & Sons Carriage Horse in haruees tat—Wm. Buchanan Roadster, team in harness let—John Decker Carriage, teals in harness let—Eimer Thiel Cud Beery Neil Best Single Roadster in harness 1st—Robert McLaren, Bengali Judge—John Fleming Milverton Mre Wnt Govenlook received the sad news that her daughter. Mrs Frances Parker, aged 35 years, Wee found dead in her room in London on Sunday evsnieg about six o'clock. She had gone up to her room in the afternoon and when called et six o'olook, she was dead. Heart failure was pronounced the cause, Mrs Parker has been teaching Hist- ory in the London Collegiate Institute about three years. She had one sou, Gray Parker who lives with hie Grand- mother here, Mrs Parker was in the habit of spending her vacations here with her mother and only left on Fri- day after doing eo at. Easter She was in good health and spirits while here. M.uoh regret is expressed over her early death. The funeral took place 'Tuesday at eleven o'clock at the home of Pro feasor Young, 0anon Craig conducting the service, ;.ix of the pupils of the Upper School acted as pall hearers, The body was taken to Detriot for cremation. They Cleanse While They Care— The vegeteple compounds of which Partnelee,s Vegetable Pills are Comp- osed unruly, deriduhons and mandrake clear the stomach turd ietestines o, deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthfulaeti0n. Hanes they are the heat remedy for in digestion available to. day. A trial o th em will establish Om truth of hi assertion and do more to ooe.vinoe the Bing than euything that oat) be written. e TTLE Shorthorn Bull, 3 years or over lst—J. W. Beattie Bull, 2 yeare jet—Wm. H. Jamieson Bull lyear 1st—Dorranoe & Son Judge of Cattle—J. J. Biggins Olin ton 1 An Oil for All Man,— 'Tho sailor, the soldier, the fishermen, the lumber. men, the out -door laborer and all who are exposed to injury and the elements will' find in Dr ThomeSi Eleotrie Oil a Ern slid faithful friend . 'To entre pain, releive colds, dress wounds suhelne lumbago and oeereonri rheumatism, 11 bite no equal Therefore it should have a place' in all home Medicines and those takenon -a journey APRIL Il 1018 You and Your Friends are invited to attend The Last Old Time Dance of the Season in Cardno's Opera Hall on Tuesday,. Evening, April 16th .1918 Benefit of the Citizens' Band $4.00per yell,, ,t' MDS101A1lS-H, M, Mooney, Jr,, P. 81. Chesney, :Lance A. Oheaney, Abe Forsyth Henry Feoeyth, Thomas Ramie, Herry tewart, Herbert Fowler Joseph Storey, Earl VanEgmoid, 1:, H. (hose, .1, F, Daley, Harry Hinehley FLOOR MANAGERS—Harry Ohm teie Peter Unmeron, .Joet•ph Kale, William McDonald, Ed. Howl ted, Garnet Eabkirk, Wm. Work• man, .1 , 00(1rath, COMMITTEE—Hibbert, Jeeti`h Miirphv; Hallett, Scott Hawthorne; Meleiliop, Fin. MOKei'Ohvr and Robert Dodds Jr ; Tuckerimitlt, Wm. Charters and Robert Gemmell; Seaforth, John Beattie, L. T, DeLaeey, Dan, Shanahan and Charles Stewart. Dancing oommonoes at half peat eight o'clock During intermission—Male Quartette—Messrs, Joe Sills, Jae. Lr, Wil. R. E. Bright end Dot. Raid—Sootoh and lrish Dancing—Mr; Geo. P. Oardno-11rawieg for the Collie Collection in aid of the Red Cross Society, Put your name on your lunch box which will be checked and given to you at 10001) time Coffee supplied et the hall Gentleman $1.00 -- & Rage 26ete. A. D. Sutherland, Secretary LADE CURTAINS and DRAPERIES TABLE and STAIR OILCLOTH MACTAV1SH`S SEAFO1 TH Thoughts Now Turn To Beautiful Neck Wear Ai'. 1, Stell ordered rabic: ie iiia• tingenshod by rte beautiful t'ilver iced nuts glass, so 10 am Levafiere 2it1l Pe nitwits give the 11106110d iSnl sinal 1:ettal1 tai Ole perfectly drape, We believe that our Lev- elle,e. end Pendants have that ",bust ]tights' app.'eranoo that le requires. to give that richly mod- est effect, Ko tench desired and 80 diliioult Co obteie, Alwaye look oveni •'Jecel;ry of' Quality' before yet, t,n r, %J1161 Mai litetker & 'O,ttitice 11Aaaor ' Iorrirter tiroseoe Phones Businese 194., 11 Evenings 10 The Store you will always like HOME FURNISHINGS Therefore remember it will pay you then to visit this store Linoleum Sanitary, easy to clean an durable—you know what that means in any home. We have a big assortment, of the world renowned Scotch Llnoleums—clean cut patterns that will take your faney and it will pay you to buy at present prices. Congoleuf tugs The idea is to give to the: appear- ance of an expensive Brussels or Wilton Rug. The result is praise worthyi. Come in and see for yourself what a sen- sible idea it is. 'Y he rugs have pretty borders; they are sanitary, easily cleaned and most attractive. Carpet SQLiarea- and Hearth Ruga J. Mactavish SE 1FORTH The Store with furnishings to make every Room in your home more beautiful at the Lowest Cost Linoleum$ and Flour Oilcloth