HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-04, Page 8Velvet Cu(
Total 435; 1IoneurI 826; Waco 261
1Hilly Barber 382; Margaret 9towort
37 i; Jean Oluff 3455; Dorothy Frost 335
Lila Marshall 333; Margaret Thomson
281; Loons Peterson 272; xl$velyn Hue.
ser 161; xlda Below 154
JR. FiRS'r Claes A,
Adds much to the Appearance
al a man. Have your hair cut at
the Sanitary Shop,
We try to please you.
Commercial Barber Shop,C4th
Public School
ddie Kalov to do farm work for 8
'rho recent rains hero freshened
things up and is petting on a spring-
like appeareooe,
'notal 415; Honoure 311; Pass 24.;
Bertha Grieve 352; Arthur Carnoch-
au 329; elary Jaoksou 327; T.aure Mole
323; Andrew McLean 320; Jaek Fleet
295; Mildred ,3ohusou 292; Gordon
Itis .281; Elroy
Rolph p
• Edward
Brownlee 270; Earl 1 etorson 263, Jean
1etto Archibald 187, Margaret Daley 182
Glen Smith 182
1 Claes B.
i Total 400 Honmirs 300 Pass 240
Lillian Longworth 322, Leonard
`Brown tree, Mildred Tomball 296, Geo.
• Stiles 158, Annie Hurley ;33, Rosabel
ROOM 1 SR. FOURTHClint 124; xCharlotte Powell 11.0,
xelary Hays 100 Josephine ledge 92
Foca! fiiall; Bonaire 488: Pees tot' Horace Gibbona 80; Frank Lamont ;di;
Mary Laing 64o; Hilda Gibbons 501; l George Charters 85; Wit Ifo willianis
473. McPhee 479; Arnold 'C1rrn'n x missed one or more torts, way the pupils acquitted themselves,
473; Mary Bell 471; Kenneth Attti'ut j
t 11
N, Harty, teeehei
Marie was the guest of his parents
last week.
Mr John Tough, who has spout the
winter in (gait, hat returned to Bayfield
The following item le from the Ont.
at'io Library Review, Toronto, of Fob-
ruery, 1918,
ut3ayfield.-.Thio small library, situ-
ated In a community with a population
population of 40u, dill very oredibab
work in the year 1917, One hundred
and thirteen dollars and forty-four cent
was spent on books. The selootiota
more aspeoially commendable'
Mr .lames Hart, who has been en.
gaged in the lumbering bushels in
Muskoka awing the past winter, spent
Inst week V93itiug 1(1011de around here.
Mrs lirendy of Stratford and Mrs
c a
vesting at woe Pyew's purchase was well proporthonedt
visiting the home of Mr and Aire A. and rho hudividpal selections show oaro.
Calder, ful thought and method were used by
Mews .Ino Campbell and Chas Dol- those responsible for the porcheee of
maga star's rant" the 100 euro faint books The library's total expenditure
on the lith (100, belonging to Mr Jae. for the year was $14800, i9,0 volumes
Hart. were added to the shelves, including
Before our echool closed for the 6'ast- 4o ivhioli were donated,"
er holidays, the pupils gave a very in- 'Phe vouug'ladies gave Mise Mamie
terestiug outurtauilusut, consisting of McDougal of Bayfield a miscellaneous
readings, remeetiorre, and dialogues, shower on Tuesday evening, last week,
which was greatly enjoyed by all three previous to her marriage. The shower
present- Much credit is given the was held at the reeidenoe of Mra nope•
teacher, MASS Anglia, for the epleudid land, who entertained the ladies dur•
ing the evening.
pianist, pearl ear rings; gold braeelete
the flower girls; and a gold brooch sot
with pearls to the soloist The weddipg
presents wore choice, numerous and
ueefttl, in ducting ohegnos, piano from
bride's father, silver tomato carver from
the B L T Club, of Walton and a doe,
silver knives and forint from Duff's
Ohuroh Choir, of which the bride teas
a valued 031111103. After Hearty con-
gratulations supper was served in the
dining room which was doeorated in
pink and white, in the best etyle of the
hostess, Mr and Mrs Murch left for
their home in Preston Friday morning
nay blue e
ur e
„� le travelling in a g
the l It y
suit and sand colored hat, followed by
good wishes of a wide eitole of. relatlyes
and friends: Guests were .proea011rom
Mitchell, Stratford, Seaforth, Preston.
Wingbaln and Brussels.
Jailer Grieve 431: lay Stewart; Mr Chas, Dohuege has purchaseda
' PRIMARY ROOM Ford oar from Mr Dan Shauahau.
440; Harvey Bristow 447; Estill. Run. ` SR PRIMARY
kin 445, Willie James 4:361 Gweudelytt Messrs Alex and Ford Aitcheaolt who
Anowdon 434; Ethel Riley 433: Tota I ;Ruby Storey, 9Clarence Trot, :i have been'speudillg the winter bele
.~mitt. 421; Margaret illieve404; Les- Beatrice earuoohan, Alvin Albums, Les- tioitiu tcienttshato returned to their
Bristow ;,'5; Edwin Beattie . , .i: Roh t lie Bateman, 4 Fred Willis, iiFred home near ReBetown Rask, last moo_
fmarters'3 Huisser b Nora `Stewart. Margaret
JP,, FOURTH A Rolph, Carman Naylor, 7 Harold Cunt- day'
;tugs, Bessie Marriot 8 Rtteeel Holme AIr w T grieve has rented Mr D.
Total 500; Honours 375, 1'a -s :1"t) i Norman Tefferso,, 9 Bordon Mnir, Jack Calder's farm, and futends using it for
Willie Marriott 186; Kethiye Rankin. Archibald, i0 Margaret Beattie,Alathao grazing purp0eee
. 377; Donald Kerslake 365. Scott Clutf! Carter, Wilford Riley, 12 leve Holmes, Mr James Kerr who receutiy told his
334; Abbie Seip 313; Hilda Goldhawk t 13 Margaret Cudntore, 14 Harry Work. farm moyotl fora town where he has
purchased a fine residence,
298; Margaret Cbittendeu 3260; Etta
Smith 284; Allen Reid 958: Wilhnta
Seip 254; Lloyd Williams 173.
A A. Naylor. 2 Mary Oughton
Principal Claes A JR. PRIMARY
ROOM 11 .11:. FOURTH B. Opal Wright, Harold Taylor, !Charlie
Total 675; Honours 432; Page ,r5 Stephenson, Edith Bateman, Audrey
Lulu Marriott 4112; Donald Ma. kay 4ee Somers, Margaret MoNay, Sadie Hart,
Francis Crich 431; Gilchrist Livufgtene Nelson Canino, Cecil White, Tom
493; Florence Chesney; Jenuie Reeves Bully, Alvin Knight, Dorothy Wilts
419; Erie Stewart 414; Ronald Mac• Wiilie Breyer.
kay 36i; Harold Peterson inn; Harry Anna Woods.
Dill 356; Myrtle Trott 333.
SR. THIRD ps®'ss'°asoeigs.....iBa®se '®ats.tmre
Total 5176; Honours 432; Pass 346 I CORRESPONDENCE
Fred Jackson; 485; Thelma Johnston °°ttp_oi, ee®saaeeeessseeseeseo
462• Eileen Toward 456; Carl Aberhart
man, 15 Joseph Hart, t6 Jack Cutlmore
17 Bessie ('Inti, 18 Louis Jackson,
19 Glareuee $tepneesan, 2(1 Bernice
Ba field
Misses Catherine and Tustin Parke,
who have resided in New York city far
a number of years returned to the
village on Monday last week where
they expect to reside in future.
Mr and Mrs Geo, E. Greenslade who
have spent the winter at Detre. t, have
Mr and Mrs 'Thos. King have re-
ceived word from their son, Pte, Har
Harold King; that he has arrived safely
Ito England.
498; Marjorie Bickell 424; Bessie Mar- Mr Jas.
Donaldson of Sault
shall 420; Beatrice Frost 401; Annie
Brodie 392; 021100 Pethick 392; Geerg•
;ne Reeve 378; Arthur Ameut 366: Fred
Crich 365; Keith Lamont 365• Arthur
Burrows 345; Pearl Wright 338; Keith
Stogdill 337; Evelyn Peterson 337; Wil-
frid Smith 333; xIna Layton 319; Mary
Webster 303; txltllva Grimoldby 266;
xleincent Patterson 219;
Hrs. Roy Lawson of Ouneetance, was
visiting her friend, Miss Worden•
The romaine of the late Mre, Joseph
Campbell (nee Miss L. Butson were
laid to rest in the cemetery here on
Tuesday last. She has been living
with her daughter in Detroit for the
x absent from one or more exams. past few years. The cause of death
M. W; Mackay, teacher well cancer.
'notal 578; Honour% 433; Pass 347;
'Myrtle Sharkey 444; Daisy Spain
443; Arthur Beattie 429; Walter Scott! A nttubar of girl friends of Miss
410; Agnes Smith 378; Edgar Brownlee rlisobetlt McGregor took her surprise
365; Jean Lowery 380; Elmer Beattie on Monday evening at her home and hi
342; Hector Hays 340; Violet Rankin view of her approaohing marriage, gave
338; Lyle 'Morton, Donna Layton 326; ( her a miscellaneous shower, after
Alex Powell 311, Jean Stewart 354; I which a pleasant evening was spent,
Jim Hart 302; Harold Frost 30u: ! tit gins serving lunch and all wishing
Walter Bateman 29(1; Sidney I'nllntau'Elizabeth all happiness in her - new
277; Ione Wiltee 244; xStanloy Ntchnlle j home, said good Might.
294 Mrs. Nicholson, who has been the
SR. SECOND jguest of. her daugbter. Mrs, (Rev.)
Total 500; Honoure 375; Pae% 30a t Molntoeh at the manse. has returned
home to Tiverton.
Mr. end Mra, George Hill have mov-
ed into the house they bought from Mr
Len McConnell and are getting nicely
Margaret Grieve 430; Margaret Case
408; Jennet Ole 399; Kenneth Carom -
Mtn 393; Will Hart 349; x Frank Cook
348; Margaret Aiolntoeh 346; %Cecil
Knight 321; Jim Stewart 321; Irene
Patterson 304; x Evelyn Harburn 280;
Russel Consitt 247; ±Stella Ashton 192;
erda Baker (absent)
M. B. Habkirk teaoher
Olase A.
Total 45o; Honoure 388; Pass 27u
llobert Willis 424; Helen Marshall
400; Nellie Oook 398; Leslie Hogg 390;
Annie Sutherland 389; Alvin Sillery 385
Jim Weir 38e; Daley Hamilton 381;
Maybello Rands 378; Olifton Toward
872; Murray Savange 362; Wilhelmina
Thornton 353, Gordon Goldhawk 336;
Fanny Potorson 27o; Lorena Williams
252; Annie Huieser; Jack Oluff 230;
Harry IPothiclt 2o2; xxxxJean Brodie
Class B
Karl Anoint 4o7; Dorothy Kerslake
403; Illloaner Harris 366; Dorothy Rob.
mon 358; Gerald Snowdon 348; Elva
Jefferson 846; Jeok Orioh 332; Billie
Sutherland 330; John Dennison 329;
JAok McGoe 318; Vera Holley 310;
Elsie Lowery; 302; John Powell; Mar-
garet Thompson 257; 'Russell MoJuaig
e23; Russell Burrett 219; Anna Steven.
eon 2113; Clarence Mnir 215; Violet
nr 2071 Jack ;Walker 206.; Myrtle.
Mr, Pickering, who underwent au
operation is getting along well.
Mrs. W . H, Rattenbury has return-
ed from Zurich where she visited her
daughter Mrs, H . T, Dunlop.
The Kelly Circle will hold its month-
ly meeting on the first Thursday in
April and all the members aro request-
ed to be present as this le to be a spec.
isi meeting,
Mies Bessie McGregor has returned
from Clinton,
Mr. ,lack Swan and daughter Mies
Mabel have returned from a visit with
London and Petioles friende.
Mr August Himinio'has a full force
on making maple syrup he lute 400 tree
tapped that have produced 80 gal.
Mr Toe Eekart ie at present helping
W, Manley to boil maple syrup. The
run wan good last Friday and Satur-
day, 'Their output of 280 treee was 32
gal 19 two days end with the help
of three mon and burning six eorde
of wood he thet iftno, Their margin
Thursday Apr"Il_
Waltou Beef ring, with a frill quota
of members, will start the season's
work lit Friday of April and patrons
will get their meat Friday evening.
J, It, Bell will attend to the killing
and dividing the meat. The change
will be calou:ated at 16o alb,
Mr Wilfred Weber of Stratford, spent
Tuesday at hie home here,
Miss Roselle Cronin of t'laton spout
the bolidaye at her home here,
Mies M. Mcdonnell of Toronto is
visiting at her home here,
Mr Jas Bergin, visited friends here
for a few days,
Mr T Jordan spent if tteter at his
home here,
Mrs Tiernan of Windsor and her
brother Pte P Nevin who hes juet ro
timed from overseas, are visiting their
brother, Mr Wm Nevin here,
Pitwrry wxnolxe.--Wedueeday of
last week, at 4 p. m. wedding hells
rang merrily at the oome of Jas. and
Mrs. Harris, of Walton, when their
daughter, Miss Della Agnes, linked
heart and hand with Wm. A. Murch,
Preston, Ceremony was performed by
Rev 11: A. Lundy. Ae Mrs, H. Deem,
aunt of the bride; played the Wedding
March, the principals took their planes.
Flower girls were Beth Barris, sister
of the bride and Lillian Small, Preston,
the niece of the groom, who did their
part prettily. Bride wore a becoming
oostume of Ivory Duchess satin, with
veil and carried a beautiful bogaet of
bridal roses, carnations and maiden
hair fern. During the signing of the
register, bliss Iva Harris sang a fine
solo in good voice. Groom's gift to the
1 bride was a gold wrist watch; to the
Mr P. Dill was in Seaforth mit Mon.
Mrs Jas Shea is viBiting friends in
Mica Anna Shea of Toronto, called
on friends -here daring the holidays
Apprentice Wanted
Wanted, a boy about 15 to learn
barbering, Exceptionally good trade
Wages from the start.
W, Robinson,
Commercial Barber Shop
A F orCarTakes the Place
of all These Things
HEN you own a Ford you can do away with many articles
that are a source of continuous expense to the man who still
drives a horse, For instance, not only your driving -horse
and buggy, but the single harness, blankets, whips, currycombs,
brushes, horse -shoes, pitch -forks, feed -bins, ete.
In their place you have a speedy, dependable, dignified, roomy
Ford Car—complete in itself. It is vastly superior to the narrow,
cramped buggy that travels so slowly. And when Ford is standing
idle it does not eat three meals a day, and it requires no "looking
A Ford will save ya time, trouble, and money. It is the utility
car for the busy farmer and his family.
Runabout - $575
Touring - - $595.
Coupe - - $770
Sedan - 970
Chassis , - $535
One-tonTruck $750
'. O. B. .FORD, ONTI,
F. Daly - Dealer Seaforth
►.y,; Dealers. Hansall
1e propose if you
you all the handsome
have for Easter.
come in to see them, to show
new footwear, which you Must.
They are here now in every
variety and shape—for
young and old—from the
best makers.
Come in whether you
wisbto buy or not and
see our Stock.
"The Horne of Good Shoes"
Phone 51 Seaforth
If you 'w int nice, dainty or tasty. Job Printing, we are in
a better position than ever to supply your needs,
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders,
Leave us your orders
Or ;tnthing else
when in need of
in printing
some In And See Cs About Sale :' ills
100,000 FREEo FARMS
fl 119
Seretid for
" Home -
Seekers' and
Contains valuable
and interesting
Information based
on Government
town reports at least 103),005 acres of new
land In that vicinity plowed last Pal) for clop
this year; has six elevators now and thre.l
new ones and a (lour mill under way. The
aandflaxiseeed alone 101 the prairie provinces
is 5011,885,7(10.00. Start now, share it thi • year,
have capital or not, there Is a farm for you olon4•
the Canadian Northern Il)'-tGO acres of Government
homestead lentis, surveyed and ready for entry.
First comers have the tlltoice.
Improved Lands from $15PERACRE
Tway, can be i t rhaasltllon selectedlands,
terms, cttsh,close to tlor
part 'cash and crop payments. This me>tns schools,
good roads, transportation and market focidities•
Pidccs continually advancing; the values are there.
Low Fares cnmloreabio Trains
Entorostln4 Features
133 Canadian Northern the 'logical route .from rest -
ern to Western Canada. Through ticltets et ory-
Where. Get copy of the "Guide to -day; any agent t•
or write General Passenger Dept., blontreat 008.;
Toronto, Ont., or Winnipeg, Ivan. 4R
The Greyhound Excursion
Tha-White Star Line will run 'the
usual Greyhound exonreion from D e
troit to Goderioh this year se usual.
Leaving Detroit on Monday, June 10tH
at 8 30 Beater') Hine, the Greyhound
will arrive in Oodbrioli at 5 in the after
noon The moonlight excursion under
the auspices of the Goderioh band will,
be run at eight o'olook the same even-
ing, The boat leaves Goderioh for
Detroit on Tuesday, June 1111: at 9..30
stops at Port Huron and arrives at De•
troit at five o'clock. Returning the
boat tvill leave Detroit at one o'olook
in the afternoon of June 13th, arriving
at Goderioh at 9 3o p. m, This will
give the people of this vicinity a spent -
did opportunity of a pleasant trip .ao
roes the beautiftll 9111100 and down the
51 Olair and a nice little visit in "De.
troit the Dynamic," Canadians going
to Detroit fora temporary stay are not
required to pay ahead tax or male ti
deposit. Lm migration otfoere will be
on board the steamer for the purpose o
passing all exsursiotiets.
Huron county 1n the month es
Januai;y there were eix fires. The los
WOO $21148; ineuranoo Mee $1,096, and
lose not sowed by humane() 21,060,
'93853810 00018 N NIS
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9N1113310 t.
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In all couatsiea.Ask for our INViiN10
ADVISER, .which will he sent free.