HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-04, Page 5b 'hutsday April 4 SIR EDMUND WALKER.' c,v Q, LLD,. D,aL, President C.APITAM, PAID UP„$15,000,000 SIR JOHN A!RD, General Manager H. V, P, JQNE$, Asst CernManager RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000 SENDING MONEY ABROAD Do you wish to send money abroad? The safest way to do so is to buy a DRAFT from The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The cost is moderate. Apply for particulars. Seat'ort.13.. 1, 0, MULLEN, Manager 60 ,r,.,iiia,umumwo�„as•�waomr�u,..wmn�,�,�,�,n n++v�®er W. Jt Walker Undertaker and Embalmer W. J, Walker, holder 'of goy - eminent Diploma and License Day or Night calls receive our prompt attention Day Phone 67 Night ” 1S YOU CAN SUCCEED faake STRATFORD, ONT.�. Ontario's Leading Commercial School makes 811000)8 easy, We have three departments Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy. We give lnclividnal instructions an date - dente may enter at any time. Gra &mates are placed in positions. This t£aryour opportunity as there is a great call upon us for trained help, Write at once for particulars. W J ELLIOTT D A MCLACHAN PRESIDENT PRINCIPAL 20 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how mush your Lead aches, crow miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gishbowels—you always get relief with Casoarets. They immediately cleans( and regulate the stomach, remove the „hoar, fermenting food and foul gases; talo the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste (natter and poison from the intestines and bowels. .A 10 -cent boa from your drug- gist will keep your liter and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while yousleep. FOR SP1LE CHE119 Frame Roues, 7 rooms anti pantry, tctl,atmer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large re•- vendah. Stable le' xi 12' henhouse f) 7' a Apply at the News Office For Sale Holuseaucl half Kern of laud in the village of Eglnondville 'flip property is situated of Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian 01111roh and 18 (110wn 80 the Pitmenproperty. Good com- fortable house, good shed, good well and eonemt eisto'11, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raepherries and currant bushes, This is a corner pro perry with no breaks on front, and the and is in a good state of cultivation. This is a (lice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For pardoners apply on the prenlie88 or ti 401411 Aaoiti;, Seaforth. For a Nice Ni`'ty Hair Out - call at Bolton's Barber Shop OA,l2DNO'a BL.UCK1SEAFORT H have for sale sev- eral Bonds and Debentures of a particularly Sigh grade, bearing interest front 54 I to 6 per cent. 14 fl information con terming same cheer= fully .given. JINN RANKIN Bend and 6Debenlare Sro�er Main Sireet,r',i Soaforth Phone q 1 a - d FIax .ante Lt.i Rent The Canadian Flax Mills Ltd. will rent Sod Land, Spring or Fall ploughed. Will furnish seed free and do the seeding. The Fanner will plough, disc, har row and eon. I. The Company is also open to fur= lush seed'and purchase the flax on a tonnage basis, '„ For further particulars apply to M. Mceormick, Malaager,n9eaifforth Phone 202 MFI ,.........=..,,,,„.., tW,"MMI "own Topics w «e.aw,o„w waw .w,+,,moeo®,.:owwrt a,.,w Kin•••-wrta..®w t)nw.a.'4 ns 8Nn"."I8 ;F Dig up your Ovorsoat, have a lock at it, by renewing the velvet collar, irig and Oloaniug may save you the price of a (IOW one, My Wardrobe, Goderlch,.St, Opposite Queen's. Mre 1.'wiss id en a visit to her 440(1 lx Brentford Mt', Bergin of was in town rouswiug old 44011110141181444445. Mrs,W Pearson and 10en8 spent the week end with friends in Clinton Mrs W Oughtou and two daughters have returned 1440411 'i'Ol'OIl 10 tlr+. Malirlde• and Mrs. Weston of Hamilt0u are visitors at the 110(00 of 67r and Mrs 1011(1 MsNey North Alain 11t, Alias i''lorenee Fowler i visiting frieode in Port Horan. 0 McConnell of Sheldon Dakotah is visitngrelatives here Mr and Mre, J Wilson spent Easter with their dd80ghtel's Mrs. Sutherland and Mies Wilson in Owen South Mies Ethel Grieve of Toronto is a guest at the home of her parcntrDr, and Mrs J Grieve Mise 0 Frost who his been Visiting at the hone of hor brother Mr 11 ?root returned to London last week, - Miss Evelyn Brown is home from Stratford, Mr and Mrs Russel Hartry and little 8044 of Loudon spent Easter with Mr and Mrs W 13artry. Mies Bessie Grieve of Tara is spend- ing the holidays at her home here Mrs. Ketohan of Owen Sound was woe here visiting her daughter Mrs W H Gulling. Mr Charlea Stewart has purchased the handsome residence of Mr Charles Aborheart on Church St. r' Mr John Sturdy has returned from a visit to his home et Auburn, Mr A Smith of Golden Dalcotah is vi siting at the home of Mrs Paterson of James 81, [Visa Edna Stewart spent the Easter holidays in Brantford Mr J 1t McNab of Dungannon visited his motlor Mre John NI oNab during act week. Mrs Keith McLean and daughter Helen spent Easter with trends in Toronto. Miss Nettie Pethioh of Burlington is home for the Easter believe Mise Lynne Gillespie spent Beater with freinds in Stratferd. Mrs Holmes and two ohidren were visitors at the home of Mr end Mrs James Arohibald, Mr,.Qiy(te Ranl(in of Duudae is visit- ing his parents Mr and Mre J.Rankin. Miss Robb of 'Toronto was a week- end visitor at the home of her sister Mrs C L Williams Miss Kfrkpatriok of Mitchell sent Easter with Mr and Mrs W Sclater. Mrs P Scoot of Brussels was a hol- iday visitors at the home of her mother. Mrs J P Brine. Miss Bessie McMicheal spent Easter tvlth relativiea in Stratford. Mies ,Ethel Williams of Toronto is visit - ng her mother Mrs M Williams Mr and Sirs Sparks of Hensall are moving into the house on Market St. wide') they bought from Mr A Oase. Miss NI Walsh of Hamilton is visit. lug at the parental home of Mr and Mrs P Walsh, Miss H Thompson spent Good Friday at hor home in Listowel, Mr., and Mrs Dutton snd daugher of Stratford spent Easter with Mr Mrs and H R Scott, Miss Eva Holmes of Boston is spend- ing the holidays with her parents Mr ,and Mrs S T Holmes The Ladies aid sooiety of the Pres- byterian chnroh held a euoeseful block social on'I'nesday at the home of Mrs .ramos McMichael, Mre H. O. Box and daughter Helen are visiting hor parents in Strathroy. Wes Coventry who hasbeon visiting Mrs 1!. Beattie for severa;t weeks has rt hunt to I,Er IllnP ii, 'I'( l (ate. Nliee Edith (bort of Toronto Univer- illy is it guest at the home of her par elite, Mr and Mrs J It Scott. A meeting of the Food Production C0mmitties was addressed on Tumidity ovoniug by Mr, Brook of Toronto, Me Stcthoro, Agricultural Representative, and Mr Race of Mitchell, Mr anti Mos Adana McKeon and fame. ily halm moved into Mrs J •Bon's cot. tag() on Qodertieh dt. Captain ficdgine of Whitby spent the week end with hie family hero, Mr, A. 1togere of Lfstimoil wee a town vl8ltdr, Mr., Arnold Coss is moving into his new home on Church Pt purehasod re. cenily frorn M1o, J, S, Roberts, Mrs lee Parker, London is the guest of Sirs and Mre W Govoulook North Kai nSL Mies hfuy Uilleepio of tie Uollsgioto Stall', Windsor is spending the holidays at her home here, Miss Yore Dorrsnce of °reclitoa is hor parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Dor rance, MoKillop, Mr Campbell of Aotou sod Mr Jae,' 6iolliatnnd of Stanley were here visit, lug Mr Hugh MoDiurmid. Mr Charley 1N11itelined spent the holidays in Stratford. Niagara Fal le ctild Buffalo, The Hard Time Denim on Monday night Wee well atteudod and all ee.joy- ed a pleasant evening. T110 1111808 were won by Miss Ethel (=novo tat and Miss Martha 1101(1 2nd, Ladies; Mr S walker let and Mr Hugh Chesney 2141 gentlemens prize. 'Phe last Old Time 17ttnoe will be on Tuesday April 1611. The entertainment given on Friday eight and repeated on Monday night by the Methodist Sunday School was of the very high order for which the echool is noted, Mise Plienla Cowan of the Oolleg. fate staff D undas, is an Easter vieito at the home of her parents Mr Janie Cowan, Mr John Henderson has purchased the house on John St, owned by Mre Mavin, Among the relativiea and friends from 'a distance who attended the 1lmeral of the late Mrs R Thompson were Mre Daniels Goderioh Mr Harry Muir Goderioh Mr A T'hompeonand son Brantford Mr andMr 11'I'horupson Mrs W Gerry Miss B Walker and Mr and Mrs Currey Brussels and Mrs W McAllister. Mise Eva McMicheal of Belgrave is visiting her Mother Mrs McMicheal MoKillop. Miss .lassie Scott of Holstein is visiting her parents Mr and Mre A D Soot at Thornton Hall. Mrs Edgar Lawson and Bernice or Auburn spent Easter at the home of her parents, Mrald Mrs Sclater. Mr and Mrs 11 T Clark spent Good Friday at MrJoo Pinkneys and Carl and Lorne Pinkney returned with their grandparents to spend the holiday. Mise Agnes Mokay of Auburn is spending the holidays at her home, Mise Mae Mo0linohey of the Stratford Normal school is visiting her home here. Mtes,l 0 Clench of Sault Ste Marie a visitor at the home of hor Aunt Mre James Graves. Mr J F Rose is spending the holidays in Toronto. Mise Eleanor Thornton of Stratford is a visitor at her I om0 hero Pto Walter McMillian eon of Mr John McMillian of MoKillop has returned from France -where he hes deen over two year& Mies Ethel Kerr of Erin is holiday ing,at her home here. Pte Percy Ralph spent the Easter holidays here. HURON NEWS There died in Tuckeretnith, early las week, James Chesney, aged 60 years, Re is survived by his widow and three daughters, ,Jennie and Barbelle at home and Mrs Harry Chesney of Kip pen. The remains were interred at Itogerville cemetery, 'Tuesday of laet week. ;;•Pte Ed Oke, son of Mr and Mrs Wm Oke of Usborno, has arrived home from England, Pte. Oke enlisted with the 16ist Battalion and left finned% in November 81)16, He was wonude(1 loot Jona. One brother, Ernest, was clan wounded and ratllrned homy Some mouths ago. Mr John,7oy11( of Wingham hits per chased the 2110 acre farm of the 4111 eon. of Oast W1twattoell from Mr W. P. Vanatone. Thin makes over 700 no' s of rand owned by Me .1oynt in We Wan ooh TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING sgve your NW Get g small bottle 01 Dpnderine right now ---Alas( atone itohina soalp, Thin, brittle, oolorlese and sora gy Blair 48 Mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff=-tbttt awful gond, mere is nothingg so destructive to the hair se dumbed. It robe the hair of its lustre, Its strength and its very Yifs ; eventually producing a feverisll- nees and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hati' roots to shrink. loosen end lie—then the hair falls out fiat. A little Danderino to- night• -'•now --any tion. -will surlily ease your hair, Get a small bottle of 'Knowlton's Danderjno from any dreg store. You surely can have beentiful hair and tote of it if you will •iu-t try a little Dan' brine. Save :roar Ilairl Try 111 CREAM WANTED Seed yogi' el'e0n1 to Ile and I'eeel ye tort prices. We tire running our ;dent the year through. awl 0184 handle your Mil supply and furnish yon with cans, Wo pay twice each month a11(1 weigh (alnple,aul teat each eau of cream care fully. Our motto is '' Honesty to on Patrons" Patrons are requested to re tarn all our 13118 When not 111 nee, 3 liter an 1lila termillc a1 - 4411 hand n3 for at market prices, the Seaforth Creamery Co. For Sale 7 Boole House, Good cellar. Hard and soft watey good condition and a plendid;, locality. Apply at this Ottioe Boarders Wanted Three or four boarders wanted in a private house on Goderio11 Street East Mre, D. McLeod FOR SALE Eight roomed frame house, good cella', hard and soft water in house, in Seaforth,. Four and One-half acres, with stable and hen Imnse. Fruit trees and all kiuderof small fruit. A good chance fora retired farmer, Apply to W, W Cowan on the premises. .End of Mar- ket Streot Princess Thurs. Fri. & Sat. another Triangle Production a Keystone Comedy Note -All Keystone, Kay Bee, and Fine Arts films released during the past two and a half years are controlled by Triangle Mon. Tues & Wei. Pathe's File Classic King Lear with the eminent Shakesparian Actor Frederick Warde also "The Fatal Ring" 1?ri ncess Born with the Business CANADA Military Service Act Important Announcement to All EXEMPT : D MEN and to the Public Generally N dealing with the very large number of claims for exemption brought forward for consideration in connection with Class 1 under the Military Service Act, it has occurred, as was inevit- able, that as a result of false statements and difficulties put in the way of investigation, some individuals have secured exemption whose proper place is in the Army. It is not the intention of the Government to allow these men to evade per- manently their obligation to bear their part in the military defence of the Country and of the ideals for which we are fighting. To do so would defeat the purpose of the Act, and cause grave injustice to men in the second class necessarily called out to fill their places. Exemptions Granted on False Grounds 11 is, therefore, proposed to scrutinize carefully all exemptions granted to date in order to separate those which have been granted on false or insufficient grounds from those that gre well founded, With this object in view the various Registrars under the Military Service Act have been instructed to issue a series of questionnaires to exempted nien. These questionnaires must be filled up correctly and returned promptly under penalty of forfeiture of exemption for failure to do so. Exempted Men Who Have Changed Address It is therefore important in their own interest that all exempted men who have changed their address since their exemption was granted and who have not already notified the Registrar of such change should notify him at once. Under the Regulations it is the duty of exempted men to keep the Registrar advised of any change of address, and failure to receive the questionnaire by reason of neglect of this duty must be treated as equivalent to failure to return the questionnaire after receipt. Citizens Urged to Assist In many instances information has been furnished by members of the public which has led to the cancellation of exemptions obtained by false or mis- leading statements. Further co.operation of this character is invited. The Government regard it as the Duty of all loyal citizens, not only to the Country, but to the men at the front, to assist in this way in securing reinforcements on a just and legal basis. Correspondence of this character will be treated as strictly confidential and will receive the fullest investigation. CHARLES J. DOHERTY, Minister of Justice, Correspondence should be directed to W. E. Wismer, Esq,, Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, London, Ont. 402A. sassissimmessatitaillialsirs Z