HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-04, Page 4PROCESSIONAL CARD, rnR. IJ, BU;11 hind ettyot nansud Surgeon a+T ate et London laieltei, Louden England., Special 8tteullea to d,eeanee of Eye, !'ser, Nose, and T4lteat. 0E100Med teeldau n behind Iloalhuoa Bank, 01110 Phone 4o. . Rea1.1enee phone No, TUU sees. -• 1nr neJ 1 undrio, ;r tr,TinuUAtti nQrs• (idiot thw1;/ronei for Multi' moon. • T41,It,nn sees ,ate Rb ti,.. ?'r e 1 h 11 f I, -ovwa and jj Surgeons, '. dvru h l' P t_ (epi Vette melee, dol (libel .n nth A ss 4 ulewelpber, F i ,,ai,l'0 a It'gb at FIi?,i( lane au ,t be Snrrnans ,:••, r irsf t•nnnky of Irises. uHA(EY t, howl iooto Pro, ty University. Old medeilal Trinity Milani Collage, Steraber of Corer.; f v t gain gid finterlr. } st4 ( r.,tthl' Specialist pj , „fid , s di,enmes 004 Rhemu, t enu,es 1 ill a, 1 , ,r0til 11405(1era P, l -. N.1,0 all Tilfflar A.11011(11k0 mor, } -rl our i t..., , e. rnrtisy. ':, t,.' r. ,;tuf•y 8,t lo,pco, _.. - ..• ,esu ,I,y JOHN Marriage licenses ;„.,,, s1.7 twsre tool Insurance 48s yea :onafderina Insursnte. Life or Accident,. . 1110.1 are, a postcard will get our rates. llvNen LEY, , 1 .tornI A Insurance Co, London Agent for Lon Life I am t nt :<tu,t Guarantee and Accident insurance Co, S.aforth, Ont. James Watson Oenerol Fire. Life and .incident Insurance Agent, and dealer h le In sewing Wahine.. M THE NiefULLBP Mutual Fre 91isuraoce Co Farm and Isolated Town Property Only insured. OFFICERS 100, t',am(.ily. riuderirh. ?resident, James Kraus, I'•e,•eIl Wnod . \'ire Pr.dd en 1. Tanm01 Hoyt., M'niorth.. Soo. Treas. Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop W. Zinn, C000tnnce• John Beonewola, Seeds/Jurgen; Robert Ferris, 'fiattach; Malcom Mc"eon, Clinton' G McCartney. Seaforth; James Connolly, Godertche Jae. Evans, Beechwood. Agents Ales. Leitch, llariock; E. Alnchley, Seemth • Wenn= Chesney, Egmondvlle; J. W. Ye, Hoitnmvtllr m R. G. Jarouth, Brodhagen; Jane Kerr and John Govenloc4, Seaforth, auditors. Pootleo desirous to effect leeuro oo or Isaias: eller business will be promptly attended to b. armil8WWoO to any of the above omcero, address, so their respective postoffices. 40 F2 4 i'r ,0�)5 y co 25 ots. ri 6 D'S L1N1MEfTC! = LIMITED —c • • swam 0,8.0ICI0AR0310. RIM TittN-S._ The - Original and Only Genuine Beware at !rouses Send 08 e Merits et Minard's p eemee.oses nesse. OnFow IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. ^ SEAFORTH, ONT, Phone 84 !Bruning 127 oUBSC1;WRT1ON of .foliar per year, strictly In nd v n nee i[ eel paid la advance, one del\or Rist n hair will be nearest). United States pts Arra, dtl y retire extra. #tricltly In .t4 vsneed, When subs,,ri peas ch0ahgo their addrtl 0 notice shout helm; tut bamsdiately,giving both scriberseold will connferia favhe or by notifying us of any Irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices—No reading notice, advertfeing any entertainment or matter by which money la to be made by any p00008 or cause will be Inserted In Tutt NEWS without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of business nunounvementa Is TEN partieper s havingntnofncontract insertion advertising,. and FIVE tents per lino each Insertion to those having display eonttacts, and for church, society and entertainment rloyin50onoticgs. Card of Thanks 0 to 9 i Judicial, Legal. Oficial and Govern- ment Noticow-Tea cents per line far drat ouo�q� k Ind five co nD per line for each Yedrlg rile Inch,owilll be !Inserted for exceeding 43.00 per v?nr, navab4 strictly In advnue9 Display advertfeing—Rates furnished an applicatlnti "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntit forbid," and those 'sent without written Instructions will appear until rltten orders are received for their tits. c onttn'ance. Lettere to the Editor must be accom- panied ccom- ornpl publication, otion, hhe at writer's a guaran ntee of good faith. The publisher ascents no teapots- slbfllty whatever for the statements mode in such communleoMons. Letters on tell- • [ions topics will not be published at all except to paid advertfeing, plainly marked as such. The rate for such matter it ten cents per line, J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER .P rs,.m. ,—w.......11., ,41111roa_, County Council A special meeting of the county coup. is] was held at Clinton on Tuesday, Mardi 266; when resolutions were passed in accordance with the move- ment For greater production of food I stud's, The reeves of the varionts municipal Iities 198,•0 instructed to call meetings I in their respective villages, tom; and ' townships to organize for the stimul- ation of energy in this direction: ;Increased aorecge in wheat and other cereal crops is to be encouraged, and 1» some townships already splendid prises have been offered For the best fields of wheat. Ill tiro afternoon a public meeting was held in the town hall, at which earneat sddresseU were delivered by Warden Elliott, who occupied the chair Rev, Messrs Hogg, Agnew, .loues and Abrey, Messrs Musgrove, Forrester and P,ausfnrd, Mayor Thompson, ex - I wardeu D ('antelon, and Mr 5, 13 Stothers, the county agrioultnral rep- reseuative, These addresses were of of a very high order and struck a very responsive chord in the hearers, who 'showed their appreoiltfon by frequent Liniment' applause, The nteetiug should do much -towards speeding up production. i A resolution was also adopted by the council calling upon the Government to 0xereiae stricter coonomy in the transaction of Public business and de• clariug against the multiplioatiun of public 0g0110 as retrenchment was need ad in public affairs al well as increased r to p u 1 ottou by the furmnrs and others This resolution wad eouaidered very timely and was adopted unanimously and it is hoped will do much good in the direction 801111t. It was decided also to ask the Out - Arlo Government to send five addition- al tractors into the county; There are at present three Government tractors in Huron; and owing to the large acre- age available the additional traotm'a are oonstdered necessary, for Sale SCRANTON COAL W. 1. liEY. Seaforth. Phone I3➢ A Business Without a proper systin of adver- ti s i n is Ilk a motor without the + power ++ Seaforth News ADVERTISMENTS will supply the required energy pone ^ 34 evenin03127 n Bonds Fri Can furnish Victory Bonds at 937. and interest, free of expense to Pur- chasers, Can arrange sale of Victory Bonds at 971, and Interest, free of expen<e to Vendoeo. Alec have for immediate sale, the following Municipal Bonds: City of London gold bonds to yield 6 City of Toronto, " " " i0 B "r City of Regina, " " " "r, City of Winnipeg " t;' ,' „ sax " i City of k4nntroat " " " " 6b Any one leaving money for invest. nient should avail themselves of this opportunity to secure thee° gilt edged .sneetritiee. Apply to Ne, 8. Bays, Seaforth, Ont, Horse and Cattle Show SEAFORTH Lpn 9 9 Under the Auspices of the Seaforth Agricultur- al Society HORSES Clydesdale tet Sud ,rd 4811 btalllou, aged.,. $8 $IS $4 $2 Stallioe foaled in 1915 5 4 2 Stallion foaled ittlelo 5 3 a Stallion foaled in 1917 5 3 2 Sweepstakes, Clydesdale Hadg,+ Shire 1st Sud Stallion, any ago ...... ............54 $2 Perch eren tat 2nd Stallion any age..,,,.......... $4 $2 Hackney tot 2nd Stallion. any age...............$4 $2 Roadsters tot 2nd ,;rd Standard Bred Trotting Stallion in harnesses,...... $5 $3 $2 Standard Bred Pacing. Stallions in harness.,,,,,.. 5 3 2 Heavy Draught 1st 2nd 3rd 401 Team in harness (Regina gold watch by F Savauge)25 5 Brood mare in foal (Dry Goods by .0 Mactariol) lo 5 3 2 Filly or gelding in 1915 (Sil- ver medal by Bank of Commerce) .................. Io 3 2 Filly or gelding iu 1916 (Wheel barrow by Robert Henderson) .................. 6 3 2 Filly or gelding in 1917 (Wool horse blanket by Seaforth Creamery Co b 3 2 Mare, filly or gelding any age (too lbs flour by Rob Roy Mille Ltd.)......... 5 75 3 2 Sweepstakes Agr`cultural let Ind 3rd Team in harness (Suit ofclothee byStewart Bros) 25 5 Brood mare in foal (Silver Cup by Dominion Bank,. ro 3 Filly or gelding in 1915 (Club bag by N. Cluff Ifs Sons) .........................., ,..6 3 Filly or gelding in 1016 (Goode from store by H. Edge . . 3 2 Filly or gelding in 10i7 (Set of Whiffle trees by R, & F. Devereux Mare, filly or gelding any age ($l000 policy paid for ;: yrs by Huron Weather Itlenrallce Co. General Purpose lot '2nd Team in harness....,.. ............6 3 Roadsters Roeder horse to harness 15-3 and under...........................4 Carriage horse in harness 3 Roadster team in harness to -3 and under ...... ... ................ 4 Carriage team in harem, over 15-3...,.. 4 Special Competition Special Township Competition Prized of 5i6 in Gold open to any township] for the best Three Heavy Draft or'I Agrioulsural Horses (Stallion barred) Any Age on halter and need not be the property of one person—but mast be owned in the township. No prize unlese two or more townships be re- presented• Speoial for mingle Roadster class 5 lbs Tea—value $2 50 donated by Spt•oat d Spi0ot. (-Irene re 2 2 2 9iTTLE Shorthorns Ist '2nd '3rd Bull. 3 yrs old or over.,, 7 4 2 _. Bull, 2 veers old...,....,] 3 Buil, I year old......,,,, .l Polled Angus let 2nd Bull; ; years or over .,,,,,,.,4 2 J et-seys tat 2nd Bill............................... 4 2 Heref.)rds Is 2u6 2 ,-Sweepstakes DONATIONS No, 1 — 17 .newel adjusted Regina Watch, Gold Filled Case, donated by Mr Savauge Jew- eller value ...... ........ 25 00 No 2—Dry Goods, donated by John Mactavieh t•altte,,.......10.00 No. 3—Silver Medal, donated by Can- " adian Bank of Commerce value .,,,,,.,........... 10.00 No. 4—Wheel barrow, donated by Robert Henderson Implemeut Agent vault......„ ........,o,00 No 5—Wool Horse Blanket, donated by the Seaforth Creamery Co value li, 00 Nu. 8-100 lbs of celebrated Rob Roy Flour, donated by the Rob Roy Mille Ltd. value ,.,5 7u No. 7—A snit of Clothes donated by Stewart Bros, Clothiers value -. 26.00 No. 8—Silver Cup, donated by Domin- ion Bank value...,. r0 00 No. 9—Club Bag, delisted by N. Cliff & Sons value 0,00 No. Ill—Goode from Store, donated by H. Edge, Hardware No. 11—Set Whiffle tutees' donated Eby R, & F. Devereaux, Black- smiths value„,,,,,,,•n,,,5.00 No. 12—$1000, 3 year policy paid up in the Huron Weather fuser- 0n0e Mutual Co donated by the Huron Weather Insurance Co value 7 00 RULES No 1—Entrance fee 51, eaal, extra en. try 600. No '2—Brood mares must show visibly in foal, No, 3—Age of horse to date from January 1st. No. 4—Age of oattle to date from Sept. lat. • No, 55—All protests meat be fn writing and handed to the Secretary by 6 p. no, the day of the Show accompanied by $2 n0; whicl, toil! be refut,ded of protest is sustalued No O—No registered Clydesdales allowed to show in Agricnitnral class No 7—Foals showing in entire class not eligible to compote in EI0avy Draft ,,r Agricultural classes for foals Drize Lists may obtained from the Secretary Dt i'otheringeaint Mi Janes MI Broderick President Treasurer Secretary 111111111,01111 44.11011011 IINIMMI MMMMPROXI M4MMINICALpj1MM1M IMl«I IMTHE w MARID CAPITAL, ARESERVE S13,000,000 ii ■ DOMINION DANK M r W s x aI x tl r M X w M N 0 Y fa M ■ m Established 1071 xt MarplapiAMMRMIIMala Savings Department Have you money in the Bank? Are you saving? By putting away a few dollars at a time you will soon possess a fund for emergencies. Deposits of One Dollar sad upwards received. Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. I" ■ R SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managua, la puastsnadafamooilisfon atosslllolosisuriWsonsusstossollaDeigpflssoi.,nosio 11101140111.11.0...1690111.12.!.4,20e,1110! IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! If tongue, Is coated, cleanse little bowels with "CalI- fornla Syrup of Figs." Mothers ens rest easy after giving "California Syrlup of Nee," because in e few hours all the clogged -up waste. Sour bile and fermenting foo(] gently moves ottt of the bowels .cid you have 1, well, playful child again, Sick children needn't, be c t to sake tide harmless "fruit laxative," ,1i111ots of mothers keep it hands Ise lapse ,they know its action em the stem. NI, liver and bowels is prompt snit sure. Ask your druggist for a bottle of 3aliformia Syrup of Irigs," white* con. lists direction+ for babies, children 01 11 .ages and for grown-ups. 814A FORTH MAIIKET Good Milling Wheat .............. $2.10 Bran per ton .........................:6.00 Shorts per ton. ..... ....sees, .....,.., dl Flour............... ..... Hogs to farmers..................19.73 The Champion Kline Fanning Mill if you want to get the best Fanning mill built, buy a 'Kline" the eaeieet to ttt'n,the fastest t0 clean 75 fo 100buslt- ets per hour, takes out wild oats no matter how thick, no other mill can equal it in grading seed grain. We have farmers tell no they would not Salvation Army take One Hundred Dollars for their Capt. Froud and Lieut, Shave "Kline" mills if they could not get an- Holiness meeting 1 I n, m. Praise other. Write for pnrtieulare Kline service 3 p m. Gospel eervioe 7 p.m. Childrens Service—Directory class 10 Mfg, Co Beaton Ont. a.m. Bible classes 4 pen, Week night Meetings—Wednesday Praer meeting Dissolution of Partnership 8 p,m, C H HCH NEWS 11 items under till8 Bend are ub Ilshod free of charge, ex- •, t t ha.o regard ing meetings where nn adn11o81011 fee 10 charged. 'rhe rate for such buing Iivn cent per mint tine .SSF;PUPORTH e41UR(i i'iisS St, James' St James Clnu ut, Rev. latier 1' Corcoran, ltov. Fettle i (J; it. North - graves ,Morning Muss 7 Liu. High Nlass 10,30 a.m. Sunday school 2 31) pm. IE'vetlhlgyeepe,'s 7 p,un. St. Thomas' ltec.'1'. H. Brown, Rector. Sunday ser0ooe 11 a.ln, and 7 p.m. Sunday echos l 2,3(1 p. nn. W0111011'a Anglican Missionary Association, Tuesday 2.30 pm. Children'abranch Saturday 2 p,m, it teruosai,n services every. 'Thursday, .0 p,m, _first Presbyterian Rev, !n'. H. Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday eervi0es 11 a,m. and 7 p m, Sunday school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 43 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Society•the first Tuesday in each month at 7.46, Barbara Kirkman Mis- sion Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m, Highest Prices Paid for rags,, rubbers, bones, afetal, horse hair, hides, skins, all hinds of furs etc. Also take books and newspapers N. Appllezoft SEA F:}ltT'H JUNK I)U:AL1'1H !,arose from (;ro,ultnry Phone 183 ,0 Different Portraits 1 Methodist Rev, G. McKinley, 13. 1) , pastor —SUNDAY—Chas at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. anti 7 p.m. Sun day snhool and Bible study class 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Thuraita y 8. p,m. • The Partnership, heretofore exist- ing between us has this day been dis- solved by mutual agreement. A)'1 outstanding accounts will be paid to fru. D, Chapman by whorl all debts will be settled. Signed this 1st day of April 1938 Wm, E. Chapman Jas, Hays Departmental Exams. The Deparment examinations for en- trenoe into Normal Schools and Facu- lties of Educations will be held from Jane 74th to 20th; For Model 1Entrauee and Senior Public Sohool (lraduati on from June 2480; for Senior High Scho- ol Entrance from June 14th to Jima rill); for eluglish•Freaeh Mmiel nEt- mime, from June 24th; for Middle Sc- hool Entrance into Normal )'eheels' .lune 2411.; to duly indl for upper Se heels, i,utrauoe into Facnitfna of Edo cation, front June 20t11 to July D.tit; for Pass 1Vlatrionlaiion from Jnne 2.t11 t .Idly 5th; for Honor Hchntnrship Mat- rinnlatiou,from.fnnnn20 to .17117 3111,• Creation of Provincial Approved Committees The government is dealing eficient• ly, vigorously and rapidly with the question of looking after and provid- ing work for disabled and invalided Soldiers who are returning from the front. The government has for a long time been giving serious study to this problem, as it has been realized that Canada must well provide for her her- oes who have made sacrifices for the Empire, Canada's pensions are the largest of any country 4n the world, but it has been realized that is not sufficient, Means must be found to provide employment for disabled and invalided men and men who are un• able to resume their old vocations must be given an opportunity to learn new means of livelihood. The Milt. tart' Hospitals' Commission of which Senator Lougheed is chairman, was asked to go into the whole question and devise a solution, A great deal of though and attention has been given to the eublect and a coluprehen• ,, siY� ag1>ome, dexisa 1t--'g^asAc411101i The Difference between the ordinary Photograph and the kind the make is due to our skill and high grade erfuipment, Every sitter is given Individual attention and treatment and the results we produce are photographtic portraits not merely photographs. Let us make you the best portraits s you ever had. Picture Framing Now that the house clears ing has started lookup those pictures you want framed and bring then? to us. We carry a large and well assorted stock of moulding and our prices are not high. Amateurs We sell Amateur supplies develop films & finish prints for amateurs. Bring pour work to people who make a business of doing it. D U BUCJS prloroGRAvHea SEAFORTH END STOMACH TROUBLE,. GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Dtapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine , M in five minutes. If what you just ate is soaring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and Stomach•head• ache, you can get relief in five minutea by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty -cent ease of Pape's Dlapepeie from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom- ach disorder caused by food formentati,n due to excessive acid in stomach. The Strand Theatre Showing the Pick of the Pictures Complete change of programme three tithes each week Weed, Thnr. April 3rd �q. 4th Waker" The girl with the dimples in a delightful comedy -drama Saii nil a Harr /, ale() 108 Episode el the Fihtin ) T•rail The meet marvellous Photoplay Serial. every offered Cortese ferns,—London Orchestra —to -night— Wed nnsd,ty Friday and Saturday The Dainty Little Star "Mary utiles Mintel" in "The Gentle intruder" also a Comedy ---that is a real laugh producer Monday and Tuesdnv April 8-0 "Juliette 13ay" to "The Rainbow Girls" Price — Adults --15c Children -101 -Strand= a Aethtnla Doesn't o'tr Mr al , 1., " Do not make the mistake of waiting for aet11111a to wear nil by itself, While yeti are waiting the chemise is 811r017 g,t11horing a stringer foothold ehd you live in danger of stringer and yet stronger nttnolrs Mr .1 0, Kollog's Asthma Remedy tnk3n early, will pre- vent iucipionronnditinn fr•,,,, biome - bug chronic aid 011030 h, ars of awfn suffering, a ]'slim nF Atrnsi it V,tm,+—ParnParnter,•r Vr-p,'l,i,IH Pills fire the result of 0,11tslu,ly „f the properties of ()erode roots ,unl be, ba, nett the notion of Midi a. seriativr=a fund 1a58tivre au tiro digestive npperahla. '1'lle moor:Pea II, ei ulpoulde,'a hare gnat W1111 attests the velne ref the work, These pills In v been rtengniyerl for ninny years es Un best cleansers. or the eyst3m that ism be g,,t 'their o'xcellenee Ives moeg- nizetl horn the first nn,' they grow yr r 77 popnler daily •