HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-04-04, Page 3was where .she lead left it, and on it to say s°. Mise Jennie Book, 33eams-
was a glass eye with a note saying, vibe, Ont,,. says: -"i suffered for over
"I did as you requester." - two Years from anaemia, and gradual -
Thomas A. Maynard was arraigned ly grew very M. Previously I had
but1 talo
n strong 11 bust grew v
Udo st o and e
g rg 1
' 111 rqurt for bigamy: It developed that '
he was married first in' 1889 and then and 0 mere shadow of my former self.
in 7917. The was let go because' he' I tried several modicines, end 'while
convinced the court that h hadl' en- some seemed to give ale temporaf•y
i ircly forgotten his first mal l rage He I menthe went by 1 began to de -
relief, I soon grew worse again. As
iwit ; iu (the' war frons I the start,' and I i
I mother lhapponecl io • • read an advor-
P 'g
int; releasee! from a hospital. He stet tisement of lh. Williams' Pluk Pills Jected to,.. bids fair to go out of
-- 1irIT1$ FINGERS
l ''T 'I'' Ski S ass Leri o I
once. When confr°nted with tate in- I across a stream will, if a recent Jaren-
lit 0 th 4 til e " 1 tl
merriage he broke down and said ,h•e' ) e U .1 into the stream and drift across, m You say to the drug store elan, "Glue
„mite the :pills. for 'nearly throe' enemy submarines anything twill io
lied completely fnYgOttell It 1113 ease months, uSing in all aitie'Mixes, when meantime utilizing ing batt!! hands to as a Weapon of defence, as is s1 Own me a small bottle of frCN:.e17 e. This
Ii cl manipulate his rifle 11• ell'cost very little but Will positive}y
a young woman and married lhe:' at tashlon In future a legunent going Tree:lees s ,.. pp(r. Smashes
,I iJp6'
j iTILE 5KtrCEs
THERE,Htory of Two Brothers -Pagan Spirit
r of the Hun -An English
'Lienteeent Charles Vernon Crossley,
a heronch oder of a mine sweep-
er, recently Inst death Ina manner
which re tlfl d the end of "Steatite
.la •l." 71 ( nick, of America, who,
WA f �lG G1Rt
Can Regain tlOoa
Through Dr. (Will
Pink Allo.
131bodlessness is the trepubio of,Wanf
giiW who ought` to be Olt of`llfo and'
good spirits.. lehead "they, are' paler'
theft. lips Have ne color, they have no
appetites, their digestion is poor, and
if they walls Met, either in 'the atreetl
or going up stairs tiioy are Sit' tired
end out of breath that their hearts
he:jlae if to burst, Almost always
surer. gills aro ,thin, nat.eltested and
sallow, with nothing attractive about
theta. It they do not got better they
will have a cough in the winter and
, , :l,lfi ,,tae los and chimne then, not unlikely, coioumptien, that
E. p s most hbpelhse of a14 dirfoases will de -
1 1111 over the world, fell fourteen feet velop..' No girl should be like this.
from the niast of a sailboat and was She should be plump, roey-dheeked
and full of lire, able to t lk fast and
to stand • without being
exertion n t v ',.
breathless and palpitating. To be In
this healthy, happy cdindttion she
must have plenty of good, rich, red
blood, as it is only through the blood
that thebody can be healthy. And the
only medicine that will keep the blood
f killed. Lieutenant Crossley had gdno
through a hundred thrilling expert
vnees lin:! !touts with death, bat he
I died the mod .peaceful death imagin-
able. He turned ever in his sloop and
sufocated quietly while his face Was
buried in rt soft pillow.
A member of royalty 'recently !'ell
, 1°Pr 1 ARAN Tir
Accurate knowledge Mea is Greats'+'
11ome Vegetable Garden and a T'a-
rfotic gfardeniilg Cai)hpetition,1 by 1N.
T, Maebuh,7.aalinl7illlat No. 13, Central
Experimental farm. Deals with sittjs
ationi.of the %garden,ipreparation of
the 'soil, "planning: the gar;de'n, we'd
gives list, of euitable varieties of
Farm 'Garden Bulletin N'o. G, Mani-
toba Agricultural , College, Discusses
size, location, arrangement, soil olil-
tivation, seeds, thinning, transplant-
ing, storing, and gives notes on the
various garden crape and recommend-
ed varieties, Apply Manitoba Agri-
cultural College, Winnipeg.
Production in the School Garden.
Rural Education lYfont'hly, published
by Dept, of Education, Regina,
Vacant Lot Gardening," Pamphlet
No. 6, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Gardening for Schools, Ontario
Dept, of Agriculture. Bulletin No.
162. Apply Dept: of Agriculture, To-
Improvement of School Grounds, by
the Ontario Dept. of Echication, To-
ronto, Ont. Profusely illustrated, Dis-
cusses flower borders perennia s,
vines, nursery stock, shrubs, malting
of ]awns, and gives plane for laying
out schoolgrounds.
The Gardenette or "Cit Backyard
Gardening byBenjamin V. Albaugh.
Discusses vegetable ardenin • and
flower gardening, dealing particularly,
with city small yard conditions. Plica
age of food, and the Brea a ands
being made upon Cana a! tp. n roeee
the dapply, it is of the uthasst i piirt-
ance that the great testru ill of
foodstuffs caused by lightning strik-
ing wire fences and destroying barns
and their contents should be over o;j11e,
Proved One More
In Southampton, Ont.
That Dodd's Kidney hl'pl5 Cure
Rheumatism`. '
Harold D. Bertram Had Inflammatory
Rheumatism and One Box of Podd's
Kidney Pills Cleared it Out of His
Southampton, Ont.,` March 23111-
(Speolal)-•That rheumatism is caused
by disordered ltidneys' and that 1)0(ld's
Kidney Pills will our° 11 Is again
Proved by the ease of Harold D. Ber-
tram, a young man ,well and favor-
ably known Here, Ila lied inflamma-
tory rheumatism for two montils.
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured 'bile.
� in with a genuine English humorist, supply rich and red and pure is Dr, 1 (The do t(!r said mrure utile hY,artod Ply three owhres o!' orchard while for
m.Williams' Pink ills. Their effect u - eQ " 1 't "p •asst :mates. u it 'w cents.11 8 03 oral? OW sweefar
1 and site is threatening to reward 7{i P i p hvilhith grippe, Mr, ekti a
1 u .h pale, weak girl who fives them t h vvr Weill, swo • fregr ut lotion i into tbn frire, nedk,
1 Site Willi going through a hosplta , a the 1 a o, gi g "ley iia ids dud feet Were b d � 1 I to
she youngwas of a fair trial is wonderful, They im- ilea nnd�thP doctor (ltd tut eeefl'1 I;0 be !alin9 0011 ll;ll1d910aC I (la}' anid Rde liOW
when .hr. came 'to a a i'rocicles and bletnisiilea disc' pear is td
Moot, happy disposition. He Son- prove the appetite, backaches and y 'vloing n1e ani' good, 1 :1 y grand'?tothei, ,
) valeseeut, She chatted with him i,for headaches disappear, the glow of Mrs, G. Grasser, advised mo to tabs 'hpw c•lnitr, sofa 11111; ttibite the skin *e-
1sante time, When she .went on jl'ter health tinges the cheeks, the eyes ' g g ' Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 look one box conte,,. 1"es. It is hartnlese.
{ rounds she left a valuable-. pelage sparkle, and the step becomes light g of theta and 1 'haven't Leen bothered
_ and elastic, Thousands of girls g since. m clear of the rheumatism," ,
$i 26 Published by Stewart Lind That Mr. licrlrant's trouble. came A record i'or railroad travelling is
ido tris chair, Wi11 ,you please !reap fhrougboltt Ctuhnda owe their health ,
Qua fAthIO� 1 ki3T'it.lzess, LIMITED
¥icer returned, be could not find hie
boos. 1 f ) '
T 1v ' here are rn
a .0 ' w 'ata w o
l s kr
1 y
boost 1
"What, pill Those Mess hoots? Oh,
'000 you are, Isirl One and sixpencel
That's all 1 could get on 'em, I took
'em,all around the camp, but the only
man Who'd: buy 'em was a corporal,
unit, h s coulc1n't give more'n one and
six,+'cos pay day waen't till next Fri-
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten the skin,
Squeeze the Juice: of two lemons into
a bottle containing three 01111006 of
orchard white, ehalce well, and you
ha,vrta quarter pint of the best freckle
and !tan WWII, and complexion beauti-
fier, at vete very Small east,
your grocer has the Ideon,, and any
drug steedor toilet e(ulaer will sup.
r ! with him saying as she placed it be a Trish Train Sets New Record.
1 s and attractive appearance to Dr. Wit- from his kidne s is hewn by his re
your rye on it?' When she nctuiined Kidd Co., Cincinnati, Ohio y'ported iron Ii•o1 1 A. special train
not hesitate
the chair was vacant. The peeltage Hams' Pink Pills and doo May be obtained from ea others tt sF lin trod stiltnass it1
d t
'M in Publications ' • y"int °ell• . on the -Great Northern Railroad made
Branch,Dot. of Agriculture Ottawa.
the joints, was lirddrand nervous' an, the tripftiont Belfast LEE Dublin,a clic=
p there Were flashes of light before bid fence of 113 miles, in 107 mintes and'
__sees__ eyes. He ' had 'a dragging sonsat.ion
ONE-MAN i'ONTOOIr'u a.rross the tains, was always thirst 'in 100 minutes,
_ meat
e. after moa
end 1'u t heavy and ,,leo, o f 1
e Y ly +}
"'Water Wings" for Use of Soldiers in lthontnatism is caused by uric acid
Crossing Streams Under Eire. the mjc axed out of 'the blood. Dodd -
th return journey was aceompliehed
in the blood. Cured k•idueys strata
Building bridges under 'fire, the Kidney .!'ills cure Lire kidneys; a YES! MAGICALLY!
, I
greatest �n i- •--- - - r OUT- ordeal that the tnmy c g r�• o
e[ is:se • d i na
rr,ntract 1 h con ,nap .ge on be-,•
spar of getting ltut.ter, when my dears of other campaigns ns were sub- A NOVEL WEAPON.
t res ac o i
I and suggcstod tli•it 1•slidul(1 Ory tiliem'
Y .: a me a r. px eyes nue ye
With Coal:Shovel.
When one's vessel is in danger fr
contest able evidences of his first; tion meets with approval, merely wade l o o—o--o—o-q• o rt---o
I know' trio' 1v re i'tel in me, and �I
dc'.0Yiiterl a2 a new foam of ``shell
hoiic" rl.1 oc '} m ptathcitic was the
wee 1•esiele in ,,very ,'estreat to-mY b the t f ' t ' f Biit' 11 h cal•
y .le s orf o A cap aha o a i t
The new, inveueian is a serf of glori- remove
wary hard or soft corn o
f 1 I old time .strength. • Tide was several [ trawler who used a coal Sliovaly th
,oust. c•uiv;d that it.clieei•ed the' `ter-, years ago, and a. 1 have net Billed had .fled Neter wiivgs" err ngeinent and,
1} ins frpm one's feet.
dl•3 tvlti(11 fi.eed•hlin. is adapted to the fording of deep' good effect against a German IJ -10) t. ;1 fes drops of Dile new ether cone
return of ll o trouble, I cannot The ravvle1, accodint to elle sl' rY anud applied directly upon a lender„
A most remarkable stay of ••V0 speak too highly o Dr. Williams' Pink strums without ,the .necessity .of told t)y one of the crew, was in
i retluern.has beel1.told,receetly in Eng- pm"; : a permanent cure for this I bei g'e-buildlltg. "The eridi cling buby h,
• 'lariat The. brothers Were:11 elter tut trouble, and I strongly recommehid is blown up by the soldier. It holds
Thomas Maggs. +'Here is then record:• them to all anaemic girls•'' slim upright. in the water with his
Both were educated at the Printers! You con get'theso pills through jay i shoulders and arias clear bf th'e sur-
Orphana a medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cell's fare. d'n experhnents recently eon-
, h. -
speed Was &leas than eight knots. 'man, who sans that treason() dries in
as, a printer, , t:lle,: ether as `compoSTtor. Die Williams' Medicine Co Breck- eyesrdn a target ee,00 wards'away while e
Wise Provision Ma far iiio'Ee'etion
Birds' and Ahhlntals(
Nit'ure provides for her children.,
The birds with tlheir''wonderfully vari-
ed Plumage are so colored as to best
pro/ect and shield them front enemies,
and: in their natural •honl'es their col-
ors',, blend with the surroundings
that t rei111ii•'s`ellar -eyes to detect
thep!. The coloring of n i ray' insects
is vvo deri'ul, including the various col-
ora8 bronzes; snakes are of many col-
ors; and, setting aside the natural ani-
mosity we Have for them, in, studying
their markings they will be found to
be very beautiful, particularly the
snr'all r and harmless shakes,
Animals are colored to protect and
hide 'them. 'Wit)} Oowor.', the case is
exactly the opposite. Th'ey sire colored
to attract attention and scented to
add to their attractiveness. that in-
socts. may e drawn to help fertilize
them and that ;animals may (notice
tbeln and help scatter their seeds and
thus aid inprolonging the existence
of the race.
kklnard's• Linialent for sale' everywhere,
,y301T{I 5.'N1:WOPAPi:r{
5 V errs Onto rid. .Doing a 5Ood bust.'
01000. Death of owner places 1t on Ihe+
market. A great chance for a moo with
00811. Apply 13ox e2, 'Wilson Publishing;
00,. Limited, Torente.
'6,Fi114LS. gQLIIPPPm NLw0i1'APER
9'V uu1 Soh pt•1n!tern 111,11 In .,'astern
Ontario. 11100ran00 c,111,8 81:,600. Will
go for 01,200 on gulch sale. 13ox 68,
'Vllson Publishing Co., Ltd.. Toronto.
111321811, TU3101(8. LUMPS. BTC'
ger and external- cured with.
out pule lig our home treatment. Write
us. before tooolate, "-Dr. I (1111.11 Medical
Co.. 7.i..mlted. Crol]htgdvot,d: Uri t. - '
Cause at
Early old Age el
The celebrated Dr. Michdt:hoff,
• an autho.it an caul old n e
r y g.
says that it is caused by arsons
Yp �
7 generated in the intestine." A
• When yourstaniachdig(.stefoot
• properly it is absorbed without A
• fornvngporaonouamatter. Pcf-
nor�s hying an ee'�•ly old are and 9
premature death. 15 to 30 drops 1
of "Seigel's Syrup" after ncala e'
makes your digestion sound. ro
.Both wee ed to; the sural firm one a boa of six boxes for $2,50 from The ducted'a man made several lulp s
North Sea it, e stiff. breeze when
skipper saw a periscope crawl thro
the bgeeki,ng',surftace of litre sea ab
a hundred yards- dl#.• 'There was
he aching cram ,l•eltores, the soreness in:
stantly and scop the entire corn er
igli 'callus root and all, dries up and can
tit be lifted off: with the finger's.
11o'h This' new way to rid one's feet ;q1
x'011 aboard. and � the, ' trawler's b'' at' caths was i1Rtrodttbed by a (li anneti
I It wa a situation to dismay re At t a moment„ :ted simply slu•iveis up the
Both had geod.vgnees, and they , al- vine, Ont,' floating across the stream. i
!vacs $ung duets. _ men,' Bald' the sieaman. "Our sip-Ieuen oi' callus'witbout irritating the.
j• •, • I' per, however, hada lighting spirit: A! eurrouhdilig skin.
• Both were n>arried mi the salve day, itevolittiohize the Piro llepartmeisL ; touch of the wheel, sent' the trawl t s Don't let father die of infection: or
lesnective brides being sister+s• � fa MEDICINE
! ,blunt bows pointing at the submaril e':; .locleiaw from w•Iiittiing,at leis corals,
tlived in Brixton, their fiats ad- , Are we serious 1n our attempts to
joining, combat the fire waste? The records
Both joined the London regiments of 1917 hardly prove it. To the molt
and they went to the front together. ' superficial 'observer it is obvious that
Both got leave itfter twenty-one we ate directing our energies along
moinths fighting, and they came home wrong lines., Despite first-class 'fire
togetljeielast December. fighting equipment and firemen? ;nothing else. Thor; ei e1 teaches her
Roth returned on December 29, and amongst the most expert in the ,,World, they' aro abeoltttel�y' safe;. (hat they
on ,Tanuary'19 troth were killed by the' our losses continue unabated. Our never fail. to give relief and that the
sante shell. most efficient fire brigades are utterly little ones do not dread taking them
And now their widows are working discomfited by the raging conflagra- a5 they do cas.tor'oi1 and other harsh
side by side. 1 _ tions that, with increasing fregiaenuy, purgatives. Conoernipg fhe. Tablets,
The true pagan spirit of the (fun is destroy buildings, devastate whole Mrs. John M. 'Weaver, Bliss tell, 21.13
w�halebaek, and u•e, swallowed mei c -'true clip this out and male 11jni try, it.
FOR LITTLE DNS ingly toward the pirate. ]t: your druggist hasn't any freezoue
"The U-boat swung' 1.OUlid to .1111(1 1p11 17in1 10 Order :4 rune!!' bottle i'rbm
— the impact and the aides oi' the i his wholesnti, drug house far yen.
Once a mother bas used Baby's awn
trawler scraped along the sides of the (,
Tablets for her little ones she will use submarine. Tile ,peri cope still t'a AProper fiipd makes all the. differ-, out of the water bat was be- encs in th. o'i'l'l1t the 'health of
palming to slip down as th'a submat,ia+ ke famnly.
revealed now and ..hen in editorials in
newspapers in out of, the way places.
Herr Max Lochner, in 'the i 'Gouzen-
heimer Zeitung, shows himself to be
a true disciple of Von Tirpitz i11 the
communities and wipe out human life., says: -',1 have ttse1 Ba.by's Ow'n Tab -
Canadian municipalities spend millions ,lets for the past ten 'Years and have
of +.dollars ''annually for the mainten- Ydund' them s0 ,good, I 'always keep a
once of fire departments and d few box in the House.",I The. Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The 10r..Williams'
Medicine C6., Brockville, Ont:
paltry dollars. in fire p'i.evention,;With-
following utterance recently found in out deprecating the provision Of Ade -
his newspaper: goats tine extinguishing facilities the
"We shall conclude n0 peace of any ;short-sighted polio that neglec`is Pl'e-
Itind with our Western enemies until iventWe •meaeut•es rust be condenined.
we have obtained a guarantee that all The fire departments of. the cpulitry
should be reveli3tiohizecl. For t every
dollar 'appropriated by munici autres
for fire' protection,' fifty cents )'ould
he used for fire p'ievention.
the costs of this criminal war will be
paid by that lousy brood of liars; the
l.nglish., s
"To ui nothing matters, neither'
death nor hunger, scelong as we know
thaat our vile enemies' of the islands of
deceit and hatted 1vili go to their well
merited perdition. We, however, shall
cling fast to the iron mines of Briey,
to Wallonia, to Bleeders, to the Ger-
man provinces of the Baltic and to the
area surrounding Warsaw.
"Nor is this all. Rumania, too, we
shall have, and the rest of them. We
are not satiated; our hatred niust have
more food to nurture itself on.
Wherever once the German language
has been spoken there we shall fix
our standard, there we shall remain
the masters for evermore."
No Need To Stretch.
The village coneertwas in full
swing. The next its on the piro-
gramme was a song by. Miss Evers
screech, and the audience braced them-
selves for the ordeal..
The song was' too' high, and the
pitch of the piano was even higher.
The result was that, hi spite of weird
and wonderful contortions, Miss Ever-
screechnot reac thetopnote..
'reach couldH no e
"I'll hang my harp! 011 a' weeping
willow -tree," she tried to sing, but
couldn't; and when she'd made three
attempts a bice came from the !leak
of the hall:°
"Try 'anging it on a lower branch,
It is better to clean meat by wip-
ing it °ff with a wet cloth than to let
water run over it. •
In planning gardens this year re-
member that cabbage, carrots, beets,
turnips, parsnips, potatoes and other
root or winter crops eau be stored
and will be available all next winter
when food bids fair to be very much
edarcer then during the summer.
Marion Bridge, C. B„ May 30, 'Q2.
' I have handled MINARD'S t -LINT-
3l],i,Nt.0 during the past yeer. It is al-
ways the first Liniment asked- for
here, and unquestionably the best
seller of all the different: Rinds of
Liuiniront I handle,
For iron rust either on white or
colored clothes wet the spot;' pith
lam Juice, then hold over steam. of
tea' kettle and the spots will Ic)isap-
peiir like magic, If the stain is old
it may not come out with the first
trial. 1
(TRINE Granulated Eyelids;
Sore Eyes, Eyes Metaled by
San, Duo and Wlnd quickly
reilered by Murine. Tn., it In.
t O110, your Eyesand lnBaby'sEyes.
UR NoStaariinr,JustEyeComfort
Marine Eye Remedy"n; ycsh'�p° ngit linin':
Eye s.lys. In Tubes 26e. For Boole of Me Elle—Frp.
Aek hila rine Eye Remedy Co.. Ottawa dt
Baked Fruit. Mix 3 pints bread
crumbs with 1 cup chopped raisins, 1
cup currants,.1 cup chopped dates, 1
eup molasses, 1 pint milk, teaspoon
each cinnamon and salt. Pour in
buttered baking dish and sprinkle bits
of butter over the top. ,
To grow good parsnips preparcrthe
spit ilceltly, i make it, rich, deep ,and,
mellow. Three feet is the proper
depth of soil for, the very best carrots.
Be careful not to bring, the bottom
soil to the surface. •
Bernard's 'Liniment Chores .Dandruff.
Every Means Sltotild .he Taken to Pre -
vont Destruction of Foodstuffs.
In eastern Canada, April and May
are the worst months for fires result -
Mg from lightning. In Ontario, light-
ning fires during`April and May, 1917,
numbered 172, entailing a loss of
$158,921, little over half of which was
covered by insurance,
Many lightning -rod systems have
been installed during the past few
years„ and these are gradually show-
ing results. When properly installed,
they give almost absolute protection,
so much so that many of. the farmers'
mutual insurance .•conlpatoies•I'oport no
losses byl lightning on rodded build-
ings, while others will not insure a
risk that isnot rodded. Nearly; all
insurance.. . c°lllipallies charge a''. lower
prein"um en insurance on buildings'
,equip ted' With lightning -rods.'. ''
The raged increase in the use ..of.
,vire fences constitutes ,a, serious
lightning menace, to live stook. Many,
'hundreds• are • killed by. getting ; close
to wire fences 'during a thunder. -storm.
When lightning strikes the , wire
fences; if there are no' ground 'vires,
or if iron fence poste are'' not used,
the animals furnish the path of least
resistance between the Bence and the
ground. Wire fences should have a
ground wire sunk to moist earth every
few rods, to carry off' the current.
Lightning -rod installations Should
he inspected before April; ran ease any
break in the continuity of the cables
has been caused by the severe winter
weather; the' gtoundiug,'afe,tlte cable
should also bo assured.
1Vft11 the tremendous world short -
Miners's L(niment Cures Ruins. Eto.
Lord Rhondda's 'fr•Cin'nlg. 1
In a recent address Lord Rhondda,
the, !British Food 'Controller. explained
his grasp of the food situation. IIe
said that Ilei was taken into his fath-
er's grocery ,stare when 20 yearn of
age and learned -the husineee from the
round u1o,
. The el.gnpet• bawled for a hammer,
a crowbar, anything that would 11 itt. 1
One. of the crew .thrustea coal shovel
intq his hand and he scrambled on the
bulwarks and leaned over•, two of the j
crew hanging to his coat so that he
wouldn't . fall overboard. Becketard
and forward,lhe swung the heavy scoop 1
at the fragile ;ile - p erisee pp>
e and the t hind
Ulow reduced it to fragments. .
"The subinarine commander Bear- 1
ing the noise and wondering what new
and 'horrible device the enemy had in- I
vented, orept.to his periscope to 1 ve1
a look, but all eyes black- . He was -
blind, and t'hc trapdei• got away in
safety'." 1
A Slight Mistake..
"Hawkins," said the officer to his
Coclutey servient, "I've left my ,less
boots out this opening. I want 'em -
soled." . 1
" Yeseir!" said Hawkins. •
But later• in the day, when tht of -
Wake ti1
go out of 'style in I
the family, that once •
drank tea of coffee
but now uses
This wholesome bev-
erage of delicious
vor contains no drug
elements to upset 11
heart or nerves and ,
ilha cheery goodness is
jut the thing in the
Way Of a hot table
'There's a Reason"
Heals like Magic-. ,
burns,' cuts, chafing' blisters, pile`s, ab
acesses, suntlunt, boils, bruises and other
inflammation. - At dealers, or wr to us,
BlkSr_asilany,_COMPANY;. Hamtlioo, 06e.di'
The world is short of horses.
To get the most out of your
team use
"Use half as mach as any (Oer"
The mica flakes fill the pores
and crevices in the axle arid•
the grease keeps them there.
Mica Grease means -fresher
horses at the end of the
day and lbnghr life for your
harness and wagons.
"Lengthens leather lift"'
Overcomes leather's worst
enemies -water, and dirt. It
makes harness pliable and
waterproof, prevents break-
ing of stitches 'and impat+ts
that rich black lustre to all
dark dressed leather. 4 '
Sold in standard sized packages by live
dealers everywhere. 14
Bruises and Sprain s
Have Sloan's Liniment handy for
bruises and sprains mitis a
nd all aim and
aches. ' Quick relief' follows ' its
prompt application. No need to
rub. It quickly penetrates to• the
trouble and drives . out the pain.
Cleaner than mussy plasters or oint-
ments. Sloan s Liniment does not
stain the skin nor clog the pores.
For rheumatic aches, neuralgia,
stili m.clec lame buck lumlra gout,
.trains, and p uins, it eV. '(nick relief,
General,. axed botdw at 811 druggists,
Sloan's priors not Increased 25c 50e $1
138021 No, 13,--•':18.
try •• .-.- t ,. -;"ted +.,.
r 1
Fall sncomP�yy 1MfTED
11„r pae,NXO.4-dT%'
Used for, rnakfng
'hard and soft soap, for
softening water, for clean -
Ing, disinfecting and for over
500 other purposes.
overuse SUOSTITyTE8.
nice °pe,n-K., ...,..
"Pa, does it get colder when ' the
thermometer falls?" "Yes ,my son."
"Well, outs has fallen:' "How fat ?"
"About five feet, and when it struck
the floor it broke'," •
M11i01-d's Liniment Isensvcs Neuralgia,.
The Soul of- a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
65'q •' 6
�" 'O IGEi..,ar
C t• cMra Stops
Itching At OlteC
r\ ` Treatment:
Cleanse YI'lt�l'
Cutie ra
thy tSta�d Beal
For eczem4s, rashes, itchings, irri-
tations e - . sore
pimples , P nP ,., dandruff
hands and) 'baby ` or ,, Cuti
curs Soaai Mid Ointment are
Supremely! effe'ctiivd ;ts; v;iell as
ideal for dile. ignipo e$,
ISample$ Each Tree.by IVIalI
Address+ " utncura, Dept. N. Boston,:
C. S. A. Sold throughout the world.
Mrs. Courtney T ells; Row: She
Was Cured iiy Lydia E.
Einkham's Vegetable
' Compound. .
!+'Oskaloosa, Iowa.-" For years I was
simply in misery from a. weakness and
awful pains -an d
nothing seemed to'
do me any good. A
friend advised me.
to take Lydia E.
Pinl(lham's V e g e-
tableCompound, T
did so and got re-
lief right away. I
can certainly re-
commend this valu-
able medicine to
other women who
suftgr, for itIhas
done such good
work, for me and 1 know it will -help
others if they wil .give it a fair t ial."
-Mimi LIZZtr COUaTN1IP0 103 8th ver .
West, Oskaloosa; fovea:
Why will women drag along froze day
to .day,.. year in and year out, suffering' _
such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when-
such letters as this are continually being .
published. Every woman who suffers
from displacements, irregularities, in-
flammation, ulceration, backache; ner-
vousness, or who is passingthrough the
Change of Life should give this famous
root and herb remedy, . Lydia E. Pints -
ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For
special advice write Lydia E. Pi lkham .
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Th :result
of its long experience is at your ervice.
Dangerous Gas an4 Acids That
Duet The S'tou4.-'c
h 1 mO x`
e : Fn ood
•Gane Dyspepsia, Inched'
Recommends a Sk1'e WaytoTreat Stomach Trouble At H Me
Many. atonta.ch Sufferers whp' are sour, fermenting mass Into th' '.'In-
:aiwa3!s)rull.of gas and' whose 0tom- testlnea and ad relieve the sto ooh
ache burn'OP"
with acid after nearly aln but the.aold still remains l pale
tgmach to- generate, 1,3008 811.5 And,
traduce More, trouble 111 tIle ext
if yott are using digestive aid ' af-
ter meals drop thein for a while 'Mut
instead get a few 6 -grain table of
pure +blourated magnesia from. ,any
druggist and take, 180 with hch.'
meal, 131 orated Magnesia. doe ,not
digest food but will neutralize th ex
--sto El in ynur, stomach, (ten
the food sweet and' will drive th gas
and bloat right out, of your. body, As
Magnesias pl•opared 3n Va. IOU&
COMB 10 sure to get Btsiirated : tag -
nests. for this purpose tie it 1s 1 tt a
laxative mid in this refined form .w113
1101 Miura the stomach 111 311) WO,.
1'(3011ULTki '0' llndlrest loam Vvh6,} tin
reality they are the 0A1'2 ,
It is lust as foolish to give p1•tad-
51ai diges10nte such 0a, no1aln,±eta„
to a stomach full of Fes and acid as
It would be for to mah 880 had: step -
ed on a• tank to rub liniment On his
foot without'romovhng tlte;tadli,•
Sotne stomachs generate ,too
• fuel al DAM, Use diato dtethe'stont-
a0h walls pushier. a Yule bile o -
ine: ive feeling while the aol •irri-
tates ,dad hummer: s .the lining 1 the
stomach. Naturally the feed fera,,118nteg
end sours. .cligeetlon is often delayed
and stome.eih Misery 10 Ole-redult.
Artificial digestents will push this