HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-03-28, Page 4"P1RQ FESS'1ONA1 CARDS. MEDICAL • R. it. itGull hush. Piteeiuretteed Stratton l'ori.eete of heedou yiMsptta4, 1,ottdoe, Ragiaud,• Special attention to disease of By', Bar, Now. and Throat, Defeo told'honesidbehind Uolnleive bank. nibPhon s e No. e, Reaidenee panne No, tae gas 1' J. RUi4lt04fl! deaterilt Dana said r tdenet;e poderteh Street, east ut the tient edict Mauch, 4 •. toner for County 4t Huron Telephone No. . �Rh a4('Ul1 a .a:1 KA1. I'hynt tU1'4 and Hnrgcons , >Odell ',trent opposite Mettle, dht thureh'4 b all. 4 n et(' Ann it at d HCefi. g!(Ina 1(tvt .{ Surgeons. . iter no for Pdysi, lana' and 144 14en"'. t 4x1 r r Ser Oonil414 Of 4lurun, • h ecEset honer gratitude Trinity Uulrersue, goldmedail T 1 �rly7MedicalPolice. Menthe! ritand 41 t es` t r telt D„ 1 A'3t,;Iv Dateollth i Inc lutistSV 44, 114^+: and (lti it tis Tar r t.y41141 Rhtunn.ti,• r ties. Amit it d 4•11 ale dle4rd r 1'14 t i -r a Noe 91 t Throat 1 tortoni to n 5 ,V114, ; Keys!. It et In '1',?, q11 n i ;gill ,V a ;Iii] Morriklo, ik e*a � , 1114 Insurance Aso;+: , >l. dhteris,a inn44010ee, Life or Aa'4.t 1tyait 114, a poarnurd will set our rates, Jfiche:! etot.3 ( r,ertu+-:" A44 04 Our. London Life fnaaran.m and 404,1,91ai .enterer rad Aeeldoot Ineuranc±l Co, Samford... Ont. James Watson General Xhr4, Lae And 1;,'41„4 Swops c± Agent, and dealer In Bnwln,r Mersa^s. Main Street, Boa forth. THE McKIhLOP Ilrituer �16 Insurance Go Parses ams isolated Town Property Dilly insured. OFFICERS B.S. - 4 ,an.nry, (4.d,'1i, h, readier, Tamm Srn1,. I'"arhwood, Ytco.Pr, d4: r'. r'Inra,14 Hays. '+ea fur th 9aa, . re teas !Directors D. N. MAcCoyor, Seaforth; john C. Grieve, Winthrop W. Rion, Constance, John sesoria, aredg4agen: Robert Ferris, lfn ur4auk4 Malcom Me"�eoa, Canton; 1, ofeCartney Seaforth: dames Connolly. Geder&cht Ise Lrraaa. &sechwaadl. Agents Ates. Lefton Kariach; R Bind , 5atforth, Wf1am C000ney, ?amondvme• g W. Vito Dalmeevfne R. y, Iarroouth. io.ttb, aan ; dame: Essr (tad John p venire*,Seaforth, auditors. Cther Iualn we,eo11a:t Impronce as tranrn:' nonEealion to any 1. ttv a opeomr,veil aglcer% address attended co v ea their mutative po9eatacar. The Original and Only Genuine Ton *IMP 4u a 6 is ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY Prom the Ogles MAIN ST. SLAPORTH, RIOT. Pisone et Evening 1144 « SUBSCRIPTION One dollar per year, strictly 444 ad v a nee If not pard 1a advance, 0110 dollar and a hall will he eharged. United States papers. any rents extra, 04rlekly in 14'! van end, When subscriber. Omens. Ilte4r address antler should be' emus lmmedlately, Odell • sboth cribers willdconfer a favor by oa tiving 41 of any Irregularity of deriver,. Ron4i00 N0tl4:6e-'440 re0Jln8 notice, advertising any entertainment or matter by which money Is to be made by any parson or canoe will he Insetted in Ten NEWS without charge, The price for the Inser- 444nt of business announcements le TEN cents per count line each Insertion to parties having no contract for dlep447 advertising, and FIVE cants per line each 0n4s�rtlan Fn those having display contracts, at,1 for church, society and entertainment trading notices. Card of Thanks S to 4 ants kedlcltt. Legal, Official and Govern- ient Notic 0t—Ten cents per line for first omt'stloo 0941 five cent, per line for each 4,c1xeauat i"a,ctlon. Toed,. • 4rds-^I'rotesolonal Cards. apt csccedi,g no inch, will be Inserted for 143.00 per 4 "4r, ,,,,,,Pbte strictly to advance !Display 1:vortiaing-11at.•.* fnrntohed apoltaltimi "Advertisements ordered for insertion, wrJatll torhld," and those sent without mitten lastructlens will appear until three order. sr. ,',•c.lved for their dim. antlauance, Lenora to too Editor must be aeeom- Ponied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith The publisher accepts no *upon.11balty whate07 r for the statements made In such communkatbm, Letters on roll - 810148 topica will sot be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked as such. The rote for such matter Is ten Cents ptr Un,. J. F. SNOWDON EDITJR AND PUBLISHER Bonds Can runtish Victory Banda at 983• and intere04, free of expense to Pur- C4aaere, Can arrange sale of Victory Bonds at 97 and interest, free of expense to Vendors Mao have for immediate sale, the fol- lowing Municipal Bonds' City of London, gold bonds to yield 0 •, Oily of Toronto, •` " " 6% City of Regina, " " , 61" City of Winnipeg" " „ 6 City of Montreal, •• .• .• ,4 g4 n Any one having 11101/ey 401' invest- ment should avail themselves of this opportunity to secure these gilt edged securities. Apply to R S Heys, Seaforth, 01,4. Mare 0f Imitations on S`id Food Production Meeting Merits A meeting f the Seafurth Food Pro- of duotiou willbo held in the Auditorium Minard's of the Carnegie Library 1111 Titesdav, Liniment averring April 2nd at eight o'clock, Mr S. K. St+*there, County Represent. Wye of the Ontario Department of Agrioultnre will deliver an address on the subject of increased Food Product. fob, Cititena and farmers are invited to be present, J. F, Neelin, W. Hartry, Sooty Chairman ?or Sale SCRANTON COAL W. L. KEY, SeaForth Phone 1801 Business Without a proper sysllil of adyer- tlsiaa is like a motor without the power. . Let. Se *forth News 1 DVIERTISCIIl'.NiS will Supply the required energy Phone . 64 eveninds127 St. Cclurnhae Red Cross The Ladies of this Society armature that 944 'Tuesday April 2nd, persona will drive along the lines of Hibbert and Mo&illop to collect the rage, rub. here and paper for Red Grose Ship. me43t. The people are requested to have gathered them ready eo AS not to delay driver. By Order of the I,adiee, Winthrop Chas Campbell, aged 26 years, dh:d in London on Friday last, He hent their four weeks ago for treatment. Ile was married four years ago to blies Vera Rose and leaves a little daughter ens year 0111. Miller's Worm Powders are ewes and palatable to children, who show eo hesitancy in taking them, They oil certainty beteg 011 worm troubles to an and. They aro a strehethenfng and 0tfmnlating m -,di tine, cottectitlg the disorders of digs ati,o that the worms aurae and imparting a healthy tone to the eyetom moat beneficial to develop. mint. TUE SEAFORTH NEWS Horse and Cattle Show SEAEORTH a Under the Auspices of the Seaforth Agricultur• al Society HORSES Clydesdale ret end tr,i 4th dtalhuu, aged ,....... 58 56 54 $2 Stallion. foaled int 191$ 6 4 2 Stallion foaled int y 16 5 3 Stallion foaled in 1917 5 3 Sweepstakes, Clydesdale Badge Shire CATTLE Shorthorns let 2,(1 3rd Bull, 3 yrs old or over,.,7 4 • 2 Bull, 2 years old. ... .....6 3 Bull, 1 year old,......,. ;1 Polled Angus 181 2ud let 2nd yta!Iiun, any age ...$4 $2 Bull, ,; years or over 4 3 Perch f 1.04) Jerseys at Stallion any age....., .....•... 54 Hackney 2ud 52 1st 2nd Stallion, any age...............54 Roadsters tet 2nd Heref)rds $2tot 2nd Bull, 4 2 ret Ind ,;rd Sweepstakes Standard Bred Trotting Stallion in harnesse ........ $5 $3 $2 DONATIONS Standard Bred Pacing Stallions in h1 rnese....•....5 3 2 No, 1 — t7 Jewel adjusted Regina Watch, Geld Filled Case, donated by Mr Savauge Jew - 3rd 441 eller value.............. 25 00 No 2—Dry Goods, donated by John Maetavisll 3 2 No, 3—Silver Modal, donated by Can- edfen Bank of Commerce value ........ ................. 10.00 2 No, 4—Wheel barrow, donated by Robert Henderson Implement 2 Agent vanle................„11.00 No 5—Wool Horse Blanket, donated by the Seaforth Creamery Co 2 value ,,. ,. - ..6.00 No 6-100 the of celebrated Rob Roy $ Flour, donated by the Rohl 2 Roy Mills Ltd, value ...6 751 No. 7—A suit of Clothes donated by 1 Stewart Bros. Clothiers S No. 3—Silver Cup, donated' by Dentin. m ion Bank value..,„ .....,10 00 D a 3 No, 9 --Club Bag, donated by N B 3 2 Olufi' & Salle No, ID—Goods from Store, donated by th H, Edge, Hardware u z value ... ......... ... 00 en No' 11—Set Whiffle trees' donated Iby ab 2 R. & F, Devereaux, Black- or smiths value...............5.00 pi No. 12—$1000, 3 year poliuy paid tip or 2 in the Huron Weather fuser. 4v! P1100 Mutual Co donated by se the Huron Weather 71ieuranee art Co value 7 00 hu bu Heavy Draught lot 2nd Teats ,u harness (Regina gold watch by F Savange)25 5 Brood mere In foal (Dry Goods by -J Mautavrsh) I n Filly or gelding in 191; (Sil- ver medal by HIMk of Commerce) ..................10 3 Filly or gelding in 1916 (Wheel barrow by Robert Henderson) ,•................ e 3 Filly or gelding in 1917 (Wool horse blanket by Seaforth Creamery Co ..... (i 3 Mara, filly or gelding any age (loo the Hour by Rob Roy Mills Ltd,),........ 5 7s 3 Sweepstakes Agr'cultural let 2ud 3rd ■AIMiMl1111ti1111Mq�ItMM1111M1A11NtKIMMMMMM�MMMMhIlMi1NMAMfMMMiMrr MA r M 4 at Established 1871 Capital sad Reserve *13,000,000 w A GEMERAL BANKING BUt INICS8 TRl�NSAGTtiYD 10 is 10 M Tb rsday March m—om.,- 10 Savings Department re 10 x � Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received, mIVInterest paid or added to amounts twice a year, t4 i;' diciellt servio.,la 0fe n 's UEAFORTH BRANCH: R. NI. JONES, Managers, !H >i0 et curietaletszcimusuerDelentsireWlil Dee srieselnninGuseURAIRStaletrw ir63,.fageiW i�u.Dal•YiANlttllNsml�YYUYV.u�itYNVG-Y`1`/,'.fiCN�G9cY:�6'.44Y111[Ps'W�mRwvtaa�W'u'.WFa TRICK, GLOSSY HAIR 1?'REE PROM DA�ik�RiWF Girls! Try It1 Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful Geta small bottle of Dandorine, 74 you care for heavy hair that tens with beauty and is radiant life; bite an incomparable softness ,,,,, is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderir Just one application beaut of eeoubles y your Hair, besides it i diatoly dissolves every particle dandruff. You can not have nice h healthy hair if you have dandruff, destructive scurf robs the hair of lustre, its strength and its rely 1 and If not overcome it produces a iev iehneso and itching of the scalp; hair roots famish, loosen anti die; the !,air falls out fast. Surely get in1a11 bottle of Knowlton's Dander from any drug store and just try it. glis- witt „CHURCH NEWS 11 Items under this Hund urn ublishod free of charge, ex.' Opt those regarding meetings where an udntessio11 fon 18 ;barged. The rote for snob being dr.. seta pot annul lint, SATI6TO' RT&f ettuReaol s St. James' tiro mme- St. demos. Ohurell, Ri.v. bather P of Corcoran, Rev, Fettle r (;. 1i North. Tl n' graves ,1lioritiog Maas 7 14.lu. High its Maes 10,30 14, 411. Sunday seboul 2 30 iia, p 1n, Evening 41484008.4 4.114. ver - the then a ins `Spring Wheat Seed for Ontario The world demand for wheatin 1918, ,justifies the greatest possible effort towards increased production. The small aereagee of Fall wheat put in Inst Fall will mean increased acreage in Ontario available for' spring wheat. The Ontario Government ie co-operat- ing with the farmers in order to prov- ide seed. it has purchased 511,000 bushels of No I Marquis Spring Wheat Seed through the Seed Branch of the Federal Department of Agriculture. itIore will be pnreha8ed if uoeessary to fill treads, DIS'l'RIBU'PION-- Seed is solei only in 2•bushel bags, Carloads will be placed at certain points in the province whore Teas than carload orders earl be filled. Where Farmers' Clubs or other organizations bring 111 carload lots, the pride at their Inca. stations will be the same as at distributing pointe, WHERE TO BUY— Purchases racy bo made in the warehouse . at the distributing points, OR orders may ne placed with the nearest District Rep• resentative of the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture, OR they may be sent direct by nail to the Markets Branch, Department of Agriculture Parliament Buildings, Toronto. PAYMENT IN CASH— Price Is 2,74 per bushel at all 10081 stations. IN ALL CASES, WITHOUT EXOEPPION, CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THI: ORDER, end remittance by marked 0heque, octal dote, ppst office or express oney order, made payable to Ontario apartment of Agriculture, Markets ranch, ORDER EARLY— In the event of o requirements of the Province being rider estimated, there slay not be 0ugh seed to go round, It is advie le in order to insure having their dere filled, that purchasers should ace orders as soon as possible. All dere are subject to confirmation and II be filled in the order received. As ed is delivered 111 two bushel hags, tore should be for even numbers of allele, and nu order foe less than 1 :Ands, oan he accepted, NAVIES OF DIHTRIBUTORSare follows— Chatham, The Canada I ur Mills Go Ltd; Loudon, Hunt os Ltd; Woodstock, James Callen; milton, Wood MilIiug Co; 1'urent01 at, The Campbell Flour Mille; hewn, Flogg & Lytle; Port .Perry, gg and Lytle; fort Hope, H. Soni-' rpe; Peterboro, The Campbell Flourl la, Lindsay, Sprott & Killen; Borrie wit& Go. Orilli,, D O Thompson: w Market W H Eves; Listowel, Hay a; Orangeville, E 0 Clark' Durham; > Roy Cereal Mille Go; Simone, folly 0o -operative Association; land, Maple Loaf Mrlllug Co, nptville, Kemptville M1lllliug 00; Marys, St Marys Milling Co; Brant- , Dutninion Flour Mills; Allietou or. arid Go: letotlil'vil:e, 9tiver s; Woodbridge, W D Mnlhowe & (1p on, A A McFall; Guelph, Janice die & Company Ltd; 'St Catharines Mal Leaf Milling Company, Mario Department of Agriculture, Markets Branch, Pariiamen' llldgo , Toronto. l3, Sto4hors, ;;ricin rural ltepresentativ i, Clinton, Ont, Team in harness (Suit ofclothes byStewartTros) 25 Brood mare in foal (Silver Cup by Dominion Bank„ to Filly or gelding in 1915 (Club bag by N. Oluff & Filly or gelding in 1916 (Goode frau store by H. Edge ..... 5 3 Filly or gelding in r917 (Set of Whiffle trees by R. & F. Stare, filly or gelding any age (Si000 policy paid for 3 Ere by Huron Weather _Insetatice Co .. , ,,.7 2 General Purpose let and 'Peau* in haruesa............,..,,,6 3 RULES No I—Entrance fee $I, each extra en. ri es Roadsters try 50c. Flo qNo a—Brood mares must show visibly Br in foal,W No, 3—Age of horse to date from Os( January tet, N0, 4—Age of cattle to date from Ho Sept, lat. 4144 No, 5 -All protests must be in writingB Mil and handed to the y Nor Special Competition 11l Show No, Seattle' Township Competition Prize Prize by U p, m, the day of the Bro aooarnpanie(1 by $2 u0, which Rot wiL bo refilnded sf protest !s Nor en8ta1„e(1 No (—No t'egiat1red Clydesdales Ker anon ed to slow in Agrroultural St Clara No 7—Foals stowing in entire 01(4,8 turd not eligible to compote in HeavyI, L Brrr Draft 9r Agricultural alpines for 13olt folds Roeder horse In hamsters 13-3 and under .... .....4 Carriage horae in harness over 15-3— ............ „,.....,.. 4 2 Roadster team in harness 16-3 and under,..... ....... ..... 4 2 Carriage team !n harness, over f5 -3,,,y 2 Sea of 510 4n Gold open to any tnwnehil for the best Three Heavy, Draft or Agrioulsural Horses (Stallion barred) Any Age on halter 8nd need not be the property of one portion—but must be owned in the township. No prise u liana two wit lr more tuwnehipe he re- presented• Ppeoial far single. Roadster 01ant 5 ;he Tea—value $2 50 daunted by Spro01 & Slot at 0r00or0 Prize Lists may obtained from the Secretary 0, Fotheringeam Rt Nit Jones hilt 8foderick President Treasurer Secretary Gol Ma O S, A St. Thomas' Rev. '4. H, Brown, Rueter. `iuuday, serUcse 1411,111. And 7 4.111 Sunday school 2,30 p. m, Woluen'8 engiiean Missionary As0Oeiatrot4 Tuesday 2.30 p.m, 0hililren'abrauch Saturday 2 p.n. ntereession services every Thursday, 0 p,m, First Presbyterian Rev, F, H, Lar•I(1n„Pastor, Sunday services 11 a.m. and 7 p 01, Sunday school 2,30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thnreday, 7.45 p.m. Women's Miss- ionary Society•the first Tuesday in each month et 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mis WW1 Band 3rd Tuesday: in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine 51iseiorl'Band every 21u1 Monday at 4,15 pan, Methodist Rer, G. McKinley. B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a,In, Public Barrios 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Sun. day school and Bible study Claes 2.30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting Thursda y 8. pm. Salvation Army Capt. Froud and Lieut.. Shave Holiness meeting 11 a.m. Praise 4ervioe 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 pen. Childress Servioa—Directory class 10 a. m. Bible creases 4 p.m, Week Plight Meetiuge--Weduestlay ,Praer meeting 8 p.m. Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take hooks ailId newspapers ge No Appllezoft SEAR'?R7'H JUNK DEALER Aaron front Creamery Phone 183 She Babp You cuddle in pour arms today will he going to school to-morr(ity and the flight of time brings many changes. A photograph of Baby NOW snap mean the avoid- ance of disappointment later We like Babies and knout how to treat their highness- es to getgood portraits. Picture Framing We also do picture fram- ing and have a large and varied assortment af muold- tng on hand at a very r eas- onable price Amateurs We sell films, develop films, print and enlarge for amateurs, bring pour work to us, we will please poo. D r BUG'S 1 PHOTOGRAPHER LSGAFORTH !SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin” neutralizes exces•, sive aold in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! In five minutes all atom• soh distress, due to acidity, wilt go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undt'• bested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul. breath or headache, s et Pape'e Diapepsin is noted for its spored in regulatin • upset stomachs, 04 is the surest, quickest stomach sweet ener in the whole world, and besides ft is harmless. -,Put an end to stomach. distress at once by getting a large fifty' cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five miri'Utea bow needless it is to suffer from Ind! - geetion, dyspepsia or any stomach die order caused by fermentation due to 1'slrseiv0 acids in stomach. The Strada Theatre Now Showing The screen's most remarkable Production 66 Mae Marsh” an "Polly of the Circas” The greatest heart drama oI the circus ever written, This $260,000 production literally al.nund4 i1, „•:,Burr nt end thrills for people of all ages, There is a remarkably exciting linf•,e race, the reproduction of an entire circus performance. The burning of the slain tent and the stampede of the audience. And there is a love story ul greater,rharrn and beauty than you have ever before seen uu the screen, =SIX Shows= Thursday Evening = 8.15 Friday Afternoon - 3.30 Evening - 8,i5 Saturday Afternoon 3.30 1l 7.30 & 9,30 8 Peels - Adults 15c children 10c e NEXT WEEK Starting April tat—we•-will change our programme three tithe, each week, Monday & Tuesday-9'he Bride's ; ldl:nl e with—Bail Dano also Comedy, Wed, & Thur, . lot Episode of the New Serial—The Fighting '11!01 also 14 Vitagrapb Bluo h'ibhun Feature. Fri, & Sat A Mutual Big Star rennin' 114141 !'remedy, 8p0(dal 'Conner Bros, London, 04Chctltr'a • Wedne cloy Eve 7.1;4 to 11,15 Price -._ Adults--ls,. Children• -10c -Strand 2S