HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-03-28, Page 3THE WEi TII1.It S1 NS,
'Many Pratte to 'Trust the Ain
Rather Than the (lovernment
Canadtt'a weather forecaster
the mast unpopular of pro
Whenever one of their Peelle
fails of fulfillment folks indult;' '' derisive comment, In rural dij.e
the almanac le preferred.
The almanac rarely, if ever, ma
mInistake, its long -flange prediction
Metalled fel such general and Inde
terms that they can hardly err.
Indeed, the "country Melange"
important medium for the public
•of weather prophecies emitted by
caett:x'e who operate in rivalry
hose employed by the Govern.
Theirs ie a business of enns!dle
Iatportance, and in ice interest at
one pm•iodienl i Maintained ill.
Louis, U.S.A.
T.verylecly remembers Wiggins
was, in his day, e very eminenl,
tier prophet—better known, in
than any Government .forecaster.
biggest newspaper's all over. the C
try were glad to print his predict
and even to pay for them.
However it !night be with city f
the average farmer and his wife
Much More 1.'aith in Wiggins than
Weather � Bureau. Tho latter
fished daily guesses, but Wiggins,
Wiggins, alas! is no more; but
the school he represented there are
day dozens of survivors, The la
might be called the priesthood o
meteorological cult, whose belies,
are numbered by millions, Ever
many rural newspapers in the Stia
print their predictions regula
while paying no attention to those
sued by the Government.
These unofficial forecasters do
blither with areas of high and T
barometer, cyclonic '
c disturbances acne •
bances a
all- that
sort of stuff.
They a
go be
to fundamentals, relying upon
phases of the noon, conjunctions
the planets, sun spots aiul the equ
Most :'nfluential of all the plan
upon weather is supposed to be V
can, which circles the sun in exactly
week, This circumstance has inti
ately to do with the fact (well knot
to,every student of the almanac) th
weather is mostly arranged on a se
en -day schedule. If it rains on 1
first Sunday in a month it may be e
peeled to be rainy on every Sunday
that month,
• No astronomer can be found who will
admit that such a planet as Vulcan
exists. But never mind about that,
9 • Why bother to quarrel with the astro-
nomers,' who even declare that the so-
called 'tables of Herschell" (associat-
ing moon phases with weather, and
commonly printed in almanacs) are a
fake and a forgery, mado up after
Herscliell's death, -
The Weather Bureau asserts that I
the planets have no influence whateve
upon weather, nor the moon any tha
is appreciable. All the weather w
have (it says), no matter what th
kind, is made by the sun. -"Nonsense,'
reply the opposition prophets.
It is interesting, when one thinks of
it; to consider, that weather is a term
relating merely to conditions and
movements of the atmospheric sea in
which we live. On the moon there is
no weather at all,
a arts
e in
Ices a
s are
is an
fore -
To Cure Colunlon Ailments the
;131ood Must be Nliisle Rich
and Red.
Nearly all the common Wilmette; that
afflict mankind are catlsecl by bad
blood --.weak, watery blood poisoned by
Impurities. diad blood is the eauso 01
headaches a11(1 hnokachea, lumbago
uud rheumatism, debility utrd Iadlgns•
tion, neuralgia, seitttlea and other
nerve trnnbles, It is bad blood that
01(05'311 disfiguring skin diseases like
cable eczema, and salt rheum, pimples and
eruptions, Tho severity of the trouble
indicates )row impure the blood is, and
goee always from bad to worse atit-
less steps are promptly taken to en-
rich and padre the blood. There is no
use trying a dIlfereet medicine for
each disease, for they all come through
the one trouble --bad blood, To Cure
any of these troubles you MIRA get
right down to the root at' the trouble
in the blood, That is just what Dr,
Williams Pink Pills do, They hake
new, nett, reel blood. They simply
purify and n
3 e Inc 11 blood, led
e b o and the
It )
disease oa, a di. 1
Sa CAt'S
- I Ip That v
t s `sty Dr.
he Williams P1111t Pills have cured thou.
of I sands of curies after other medicines
had failed. Moro is proof of trio
OwEI' a
1 f Dr.
, '4T illi i
a ns Pink Pills
Iter I cure. Mrs. M. Stills, who resides
f n; near the town of. Napauee, says: "1
ors' Oa1100t praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
80 too highly. • I was Very much run
tett I down in health, suffered from f1'e-
1'ly, eluent spells of indigestion, billieus-
is- Ross, and sick lloadnch0. 1 had an al-
�atost constant pain in my head and my 0
not houseworlc was a source of dreads. In I t
ow fact I felt so nllserable that Life hold a
nd ' but t little Enjoyment. I was advised ,,t.
cic 1 to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which 1
the 11 did, and the result was simply mar- 11
of , venous, and can best be summed up t
in -1 by saying that they made me feel like f
a new woman, and fully restored my 8
els health, 1 would advise every woman 0
ul-' and girl who has poor blood, or is run 1•
a! down in health to give these wonder- s
Im-I1u1 Pills a trial. I ant never without 11
ye! them invthe houstr" to
is 1 nittient ereuture. It is his only
Le:t , He is woll a011tellL t0 wait and
1 Tie is never in a hurry for hie
1.1n_h. Ile selects his oyster and set:.
'les on it, firmly _.even atfeelionately
10 1(3 partly round it so as 10
wra,p'he two shim of the shell.
'Then 11 is 0 ease of a lung pull OM
u stn ,ng pull. The oyster is doomed.
Ice .3111 resist a sudden pull, 11'' can re -
Hist I. pull W111ch lusts half an hour,
say, bet he can't resist a three ilrat s'
sLeady wrelich. Ile throws up the
sponge, the shell opens, incl the oyster
le quietly devoured,
Two Exploits of Capt, Campbell of
First Canadian Batt,
For sheer pluck and instiultaucous
resourcefulness, says 11•lr, Frank
Yeigil in the Canadian Magazine, twD
exploits of Capt. Frederick 'William
Campbell, Y.C,; of the First Canadian
Battalion, are almost unequalled.
The first ineident oecurred fluting
the battle of Langemarck, where Capt.
Campbell was in charge of a machine
gun section, He tools two machine
guns over a parapet and r•ea>'hed the
first German line with one of them;
there in he
spite* of introns fire
n it ,
maintained t led his position. •all of
s r 1
his men were killed or wounded Hie
supply of bombs became exhausted,
and when he turned to the machine
gun he found that the tripod had dis-
ltppeared. As he seized the gull part
from a falling than, he saw that the
only unwounded man was young Vir-
tue, who had the ammunition.
Ctipt, Campbell and his corporal'
round themselves in the rear of the't
retreating line and directly in the path
f t1'
is Gorman advance. The itua-
ion was dangerous in the extreme,
nc1 all the odds seemed against the
wo men, when .Capt, Campbell, rati-
ng g fours, made himself '
into a
mean gem carriage, ordered Virtue
o strap the gun on his back, and then,
acing the foe, had the corporal fire
thousand rounds. The brave captain
arried the gun until the heated bar-
er burned through hie uniform and
hilt to his flesh. But he had turned
ie tide and saved the Canadian bat-
peak '�WAA�fa hi i "•.q^•0,....a^^a,...q-..n... e....e.._4,.-
ThHighest Terms
Why M1', tmd 1'1]'4. West Recon
mend ]load's Kidney Pills,
I No foallshaeaa. Lift your cornet
1 0 and oalluses off with fingers
11- + —It's like msglgl
t,. a -.q_. .4--1,...r;....p„_..
1 . 801.0 (1(11,0, hard ,.errs, s*eft cants or
!any 1;1nd 01 a corn, can harmlessly be
d lifted right out with the fleeces if you
W apply mean the core 11 few drape of
fr,"'zoue, Hays 31 ('1uc111ua11 authority,
sem little erect 0112 rale -et a small
bottle of fit ozone at (..ny drug stere
which will positively 1.1(1 o11ti'$ feet of
11 l ovary cora or 05llhlh tt•ithaut. paUt,
i This eimplo drug dries the moment
y it is applied coal does not even irrl-
y tate the Hurrounding skin while atp.
They Cured Mr. West's Lumbago an
Made Mrs, West Feel Like a Ne
Person, They Are the Best Tank.
St, Jaines, Iliad., March 15111
(.. penal !-••That Dodd's 1(iduey P111
are. living up to their great 1'nptlttal°
in the West is twice prov0d by Mr
and Mrs. G. West, well known an
highly respected residents of 1111
Mace, Let Mrs. ‘Vest tall the stet'
of what the grout Canadian kidney
remedy has done fat' her husband ane
"My husband 80fferect from attacks
of lumbago," elm slates, "and the doe
tot' did flint no g'ood, but I can truth-
fully say that since using Dodd's Esta.
clay Pills he is entirely free from
l urn huge.
"I myself' took six boxes of Dodel's
Kidney Pills and an, Just like a new
portion, I have gunned 10 lbs, since
using thele and my , friends compll•
meet ate 0I1 ]low well 1 look
"I have recommended Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills to sine of my lady friends
who were complaining of not feeling
well, and they, like myself, speak
highly of them,"
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid-
neys. Cured ltidsueys nialce pure blood.
That is why Dodd's Kidney' P1118 are
be best tonic.
At the fleet sigh that the blood is Afterwards he fell unconscious from
out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink
the pain of the burn n albng his back.
Pills, and note the speedy improve- Ise recovered, however, only' to per -
meet they make in the appetite, health form the same feat a few days. later,
and 8511115. You eau get 111050 Wile when some of the Canadian forces
through any medicine dealer or by I were in a tight fix at Givenchy. This'
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for I time a trench had been blown up by I
32.50 from The Dr, 'Williams' .Medicine ; a mine and was in such a mess that I
Co., Brockville, Ont, thele was no place in which to set the 1
1 (31,UT'I'Oi\r FOR OYSTERS. tripod. Again Capt. Campbell e¢
I_ , sled the gun n on his back, again
Inhabitants of the Ocean That Areihelped to save a dangerous situtttio
Fond o1'the Bivalve, but not before he had received
The human I wound from which he cried four da
gourmand is not the later -in a hospital. After his ilea
only creature which is fond of an oy-'he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
stet supper. The fact is that the 505y�-.I
1.' culent bivalve whose "native heatif' ' ,,{{��(�
t is Whitstable has more enemies than) UVNSTIPAIT'1) CHILDREN
e - any other shellfish, probably for the: _
e 11.'eason that it is so toothsome and so' sooting will so quickie remove
' easily digested. 1 childhood constipation as will Baby's
The whelk, so cleat' to the East -end- Own „ 5ablets. They are a mild but
• e1, is one of these. He sits doom on I thocrough laxative; ate pleasant to
i the shell, and, by means of an armor -1 take; do not gripe and never fail to
plated tongue, rasps a way through 1 regulate the stomach and bowels.
'till he conies to the oyster. When''he' Concerning them Mrs. Adolphe Noel,
has opened the "tin," so to speak, he' Petito Lameque, Que., says:—"Baby's
devours the contents slowly but sure -I Own Tablets are the best remedy for
ly. Needless to say, the whelk is not I constipation I know of cud I would
encouraged in the oyster -beds,, I Strongly recommend them to all
Another enemy of the oyster, across l mothers of little ones." The Tablets
jI the Atlantic especially, is the limpet I are 501d by medicine dealers or by
—the little creature which sticks like mall at 20 cents a box 11010 the Dr,
,glue when 0800 he gets hold. The ea- I Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
tive British limpet is not_ much good Ont.
at oyster -fishing', but his Transatlantic I ...........r....•>............,••••
I brothel• f
Never work the soil in the spring
when '
nt is wet and c he
avy, as this is
J As soon a the ground
will work v k up finely all the garden may
be ploughed, spaded or trenched, both
for vegetables and flowers,
Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited.
for Croup; found nothing equal to it;
sure cure.
Ilawkshaw, N.B., Sept, 1st, 1005.
1 I1 is better not to attempt clean -
130 Jag house from attic to cellar while
n, it is still too cold to leave the warm
a rooms without shivering,
th I xesuarws Liniment for sale everywhere.
e, 1•Ieavy Losses in Life and Property
From Fire Continue,
Canada is careless, criminally care-
less, in the platter of fire waste, The
Monetary Times reports the fire losses
as $2,688,550, an increase over Janu-
ary of last year of $777,806. Twenty-
eight lives were also sacrificed.
It might have been expected that,
with the rush of war work, the larger
portion of this loss would have been
in factories. This was not the case.
By far the greater portion was in'
apartment houses and business blocks,
hotels, and in residences. It is plain,
therefore, that carelessness was the
main cause. What this carelessnes
means may be illustrated by the con-
ditions found by a fire inspector in
one Canadian city. He found 68 de-
fective furnaces or pipes too close to.
woodwork, 157 stoves not protected,
from woodwork/ 140 cases where com-
bustible material should be removed,
122 dangerous and defective chimneys, 1
46 ash piles too close to partitions, 127
electric wires in contact with nails, 801
defective boiler rooms and 40 cases
where gasolene was improperly stored,
In addition to the above, conditions
suck' as endangered life • were: 188
obstructed fire
escapes, P $$7 alarm,
gongs, and 188 red exit lights out of
order, 90 fire escapes without direction 1
pointers indicating. ating•
where they were i
situated and 17 defective operating 1
rooms in theatres.
All of the fire hazards above-men-
tioned are contrary to law and it is
time that the responsibility of main-
taining such clangorous conditions
should be brought home to those who
are guilty of ]maintaining them. Soca
tion 247 of the Criminal Cocle of Can-
ada makes it a climb -ell offence to
omit taking reasonable precautions
and using reasonable care to avoid
danger to life. The necessary legisla-
tion is provided; it only requires en-
In altogether too many eases fire
destroys the evidence pointing to its
Gauge; otherwise, many coroners' in-
quests would show more effective 1•e-
aults than at present. As it is, these
ih nests
are very y meag'xe recompense
for the many lives which are sacrificed
through lack of care.
Save the buttons, taps, etC„ of
garments that are no longer useful,
great at 1t. Strange to.say, Clergy Promise Support.
some of those _oyster -eating limpets The clergy of all denominations in
have arrived in home waters, and Canada are promising to do every -
there is much anxiety as to the result.
But of all the oyster's enemies, the I thing intheir power to promote the
most determined and destructive is work of 'rood conservation of and es the
the starfish. The sight of a starfish I tion. In a number of cases the
nearly sends an oyster merchant into a bishops are sending out pastoral op
lit. The starfish is the hob Iters to their clergy. Archbishop
nightmare, the Old 13 • goblin, the
Ido of the Sea to
the poor long-suffering oyster, whose
main duty is to grow large and fat
for the dining -table.
Everybody knows how difficult it is
to wrench open a determined oyster.
But the starfish can do the trick, He
Food That
The recognized value^ of.
as a "saving" food for
these serious times, rests
,, upon real merit.
Unlike the ordinary
cereal Grape -Nuts re-
quires no sugar, little
milk or cream, and re-
quires 110 cooking or
o t h e 1' preparation ill
A trial is well worth
while for those who
sincerely desire to slave.
6t t r "
Tialerc s a Reason"
--sold by Grocers.
Matheson, Primate of Canada, has
promised his fullest support to the
Canadian Food Board.
1Stuer53i Liniment Re1ievea Neuralgia.
The Boy in France.
When the avenin' lamps are lighted,
And we all sit warn and close,
While father Toads his paper
And mother mends the hose,
Us children gather round the lire
And watch the flames that dance;
Ole don't say much, for we're thinkin'.
Of the boy that's gone to France.
There's the hooks he used to study,
And his old cap's lumen' there.
That's the place he used to sit in,
And the very self -sante chair.
Fattier sighs and •
«i as his s lasses
n g
There arc tears in mother's glance,
For you see that we're all longin
For the boy 'way off in France.
And then, when it is bedtime,
Mother puts her work away,
And 1"ather folds his paper and says,
"Children, let us pray."
So We kneel around the table,
Mighty glad to have the chance,
For you just bet we're prayin'
For the boy 'way oft' in France.
—Frances Wright Teener.
Just as soon as the frost starts on a
vacation, let's sow our • oats—about
three bushels per acro,' put in two
inches deep. Tho beat oats we shall
harvest -this yea will be talose that
get an early start. Late -solved
oats rarely fail to bo light in the
berry, and the straw is not so good,
An excellent. breakfast consist
wholly of fruit, cereal and mill;, s
Tamara's Zd5tlaestt Carom Botha, 316o.
plying 11 or afterwards,
, 7'1115 announcement still interest
!many of our readers. if yolu' drug-
gist hasn't tory freozone toll Ilial to
Sir Walter's Par/itch Pan.
in the museum at Abbotsford th.ere,
was for many years a small Ronan
patora, or goblet, that Sir Walter
Scott nnee puiellueod at the auction of
u nobleman's property ,for the enorm-
ous scum 0? twenty -live guineas. He
would have got it fat• twenty pence if
an antiquary who knew Its value lead
not bean there and opposed him. Sir
Walter was wont to Bey, however, that,
'h:, was o
s atm tit col
]so od .:o
l for the high
1 h
price it cost by the amusement he de-
rived from an old country woman who
had evidently come to Purchase some
twilling kitchen cueieles and who had
110 taste for the antique.
At every successive guinea that was
bid for the patora this. good old lady's
mouth opened wider and wider with
unsophisticated astonishment, 011611 at
bast Sit' Walter heard her mutter to
hcrrelf in a tone that he never forgot;
"Five and twenty guineas!' 1f the
parritch pan gangs at that, what 31111
the kale pan gang for?"
surely got a small bottle for you from
his wholesale drug house,
Tractors will some day do away
with the necessity for raising millions
of dollars' worth of 'rain and hay for
and mules h•
t un re-
leasing stn enormous acreage for the
support of human beings,
£!YN Granulated Eyelids,
as Sore Byes, Eyes If:flcoed by
.5s.,uorand Windquickly
lettered, by Merles. Tty it In
YOuRE•� your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes.
8¢, NoSmardhg,JuatEyeeorafort
14IIut•IneEye }Remedy at Yaa: nrnaadtt or by or Choke -down, can be •
mei oto ¢r br,t reurine
Rya sew.,1n Tubas fsa For oe�ru >; v roducetl WW1
1 tuard's Lluianent Cures Landrulf,
Keep well trained '
1 rut dogs n on
•When buying your Piano 11
insist B on having an
0,TTQ l G E - L
that make a horse Wheeze,
When we farmers try to run too
many jobs et once we are sure to burn
the griddle -cakes,
�V ern Ontario, Dol❑ a good busl-
nose. Death of owner ,1
t Lorca 1 n
1 t on the
market. r ,
A ci
great f
no drama
man with
rash. Apply .,,
Co r;sor fid lieu: n
tsatea, Toronto,
1' and Sob printing lmlc
p plant g p n in Eastern
n tern
goOntario. 20arance carried i1s00, Will
W for 81,200bon quick 0 sale. ons G'!,
Wilson PublishingCo.,, ltd., Toronto.
�11��11 Internal and external, cured with. have Thick: Wind 51135 cif'- i out pain by our home treatment, Writs
s before too late Dr.13e11rnsn 11ledlcat
'In.,, Limited. Cnlllnnwond, Ont. .
41,— cal,
Ask Saurian, Rye Eiontetly Co., Clalcege d 1 ,
r '!
Grain eaten a1d wasted by rats and
mice on -
many farms would pay all the
farmer's to
Doctors Recommend
oii»Ops10 for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre-
0oribe !Son-Opto as a sate home remedy
1n .the treatment of Dye troubles and to
strengthen eyesight. Sold under money
refund guaranty by all druggists.
The Cause of
Heart Trouble
Faulty digestion 050808 the
generation of gams in the
etemaela which inflate and preps
down= the heart and interfere
with its regular action, causing
faintness end paint. 15 to 30
drops of Nether Seigel's Curative
Syrup after meals seta digestion
right,which allows tho heart to
heat full and regular. 9
- -
also other
no hair gone, and horse kePtat
onl a
few drops Yp required at an ap•
plication. S2 per bottle delivered, teak 3 M fres,
AiSSORHINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment lot
mankind, reduces Cysts, Dens, Painful,
Swollen' Veins and tilcers,$1 and 52 a bottle at
dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence;' free,
W. F. 00581, P. 0. F,, 513 tytnans 61dg,, Montreal, Gas
Msorblet and Absorbing 21., Ira !nada la emu.,
Write flea -day for ea aa' grid
showing our full tines of Bicycles for area
and Womeu, Boys and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Drakes, Wheels, A/ner Tubes,
101 Lamps, de Parts of B cyclea$ You cangbuy
your supplies from us at wholesale prices.
27' Notre Damao Strsat West, Montreal,
On Facer Badly Disfigured.
Used 2 Boxes Ointment
and 3 Cakes Soap.
" I had a bad itchy lot of pimples on
my face which made it badly disfigured.
They were inflamed and carne to a head,
and I could tear my skin as soots 115 a
little heat came near them, 1 could
hardly sleep.
"When I saw Cuticura Soap and
Otntrnent advertised I sept for a free
eample which did' so much good that 1
bought more, and I used -two blies of
Cuticura Ointment and three 05110
Cuticura Soap when I was hest ed,'
(Signed) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock-
holm, Sask.
If you have a -good complexion keels
it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and
Cuticura Ointment occasionally.,
For Free Sample Bach by Mail ed-
dress poet -meted: "Cuticura, Dept. Al
Boston, U. . A." ', $till everywhere,
Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, i-iead Noises, Catarrh of the Stomach, (which
is often mistaken for Indigestion), Catarrh of the Bowels, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Loss of Smell, Phlegm dropping in the back
part of the Throat, or if you have a Cough
What Plumb* the Wonderful English Fornnala
Has Done for Others, It Will Do .For -Youu
CATARRH, A LOATHSOME AND That nasal catarrh Is a nauseating die- the aides of the throat The goals are
INSIDIOUS DISEASE ease any one knows who has had to sit quinic to take advuxtage of the eppor-
olos0 to, or talk facie to Patna with aspen- tunny. They invade the Eustachian
Catarrh is a very common name for son reeking with purulent catarrh, Have Tubes. Their presenceand irritation It
a ver common do dlseaaa, In common owfe that
YOU ever had to endure in sickening Grads Occlude more and more mucus,
most people do not realize how fearful. silence the victim, 0 ng and gagging of a Gradually thin fills up the ear tubo
dangerous and disgusting it is, A cold catarrh victim, or had to sit close, to that sounds .so
, ,5
in. the head, hawking. spitting. blowing®ueh a person and can Only Pass through with (TMS ....au
g, f experience a disgust_ difficult .�cM ? ? ± c '1''
of the nose, phlegm dropping in the Ing, aPp01lto-losing, foul odor, Which YOU slotvl y. The patient ands his ti,e00111- q.1.r 1'Mt !,_,; '' d''`,y�& `,
8 could not ex Y going. 14heu the tubes are com-
throat, bad breath, dullness of mind, bad piniat and did not ]stow uletely filled total clearness may result. Sloan's prices not increased 25c 50c $t
Ina 1,1 Where o the way it starts, what it was? That is catarrh, and there In deafness from nasal catarrh, which
And where does it end? Frequently In are many people who have It and don't affects the middle ear, it often hu
Catarrh of the Stomach, .Catarrh of the know it.that o'll0171ing sounds are peens
newels, 8ronehitis, and often slight or present which
total deafness results, g distressand confuse the patient. These
CATARRH OF THE STOMACH are'duo to the fact that the mucus wlltoh m
fills the upper nart and bait of the .
HOW CATARRH STARTS (Often mistaken for Dyspepsia or In- , throat is covering the opening of the '
and the urs ng of
Sloan's Liniment goes right to it.
Have you a rheumatic . ache or a
dull throbbing neuralgic pain? You
can find a quick and effective relief
in Sloan's Liniment. Thousands of
homes have this remedy'1'tandy for
all external pains because time and
time again it bas proven the quiskcet relief.
So clean and easy to apply, too, No rub-
bing, no otain, no iaeoovemenae as ie the
can with plasters or ointments. If you once
will never be with -
Generous sized bottles, et all druggist',.
Catarrh usually begins with a cold in digestion bubblclnl•ho Tubes a 1 tl b tl I
e head. ) bubbles or the movement of mucus
theSlaw,oases of Indigestion and d causes the sounds, which 0o11e Pram the
The Catarrh germs breathed In through eta arsimply the result of catarrhs of altered resonance of the ear, After a
the month or nostrils have settled upon the throat and stomach. At night crackling rel rt the head ma s
the Inflamed aud_
del mac mucous mem you 100 arise the moo. dropsglut as arena
brave that lines the nose and throat, from the throat and head and .wale clearer and rho hearina' hatter for a
These germy are harmless to healthy tis- time. Later on in the case there may be
stles; when they lodge upon an Irritated
surface 1t 1nean0 a move and more dls-
eased u ed con li
t tion oft membranes. 1
embranes. They
thus produce further inflammatory irri-
tation, and ltlq;timo even ulceration. The
sufferer fromcatarrh often finds Ilia
sight and bearing failing. Ole suffers
from an almost constant dull ache over
the eyes and across
p 100 forehead. The
mind becomes dull when the membranes
ofelle nasal cavities are in a discharging
It Is the pus 511d deoaying matter ooz-
ing from these sores tltat causes the of-
fensive breath so oolnm011 to victims of
oatarrh, Yo1a may not notice it your-
self, You probably do not. But your
friends do, though they aro too (Jerald
of your feelings to tell You so. -
1910 foam Of. Cater:St is, to say the
least, sieltonhl5 and disgusting, besides
being most common and highly danger-
ous. The 011anges or weather render the
delicate mucous membranes, in the nose
and throat very susceptible to Inflamma-
tion, and thus encourage the birth and
growth of catarrhal geeing,
Tlho nose and throat aro what might
be called the highway of lll'e.
The throat ttenle Is divided loin two
main passages; ono the Oesophagus, or
gullet, going to the stonhach, the other
the respiratory tract, or Trachea, going
to tho bronobial tubes and lungs,
,through the (Mess the blood passes with
every heart beat and there comes in
oonteot With the air, If 1110 RIO breathed I
In is pure, and if nose, throat and lungs
ere Emend, the dark blood la at once I
purified and passes out of the lungs In 1
a bright, red stream, oarrying tufo and
strength to all the body, 1e, however. ,
the air breathed In is bad, or If the nose,
throat or lungs Ore dlseasud In any way, 1
then the blood. (instead of being purified
by Its passage through the Rungs) Is, on
the contrary, still further 50(0aned and 1
5.11 Partsiof thewastes
the disease to
tie into the tomh. In the morn- macicling sounds when swallowing,
ing youawake s omac heavy and tired; which 00100 1'3.001 the aborts of a am-
Is a bad taste In your nloutii;. you I yined muscle to open the tubes which
are In a' bad humour; you wonder what yield
1 The above jerk.
ails or a most nom -
you. You have catarrh; catarrh ten osInun cause of deafness should snake it,
poi steel an nen your whole system e -Is clear haw absurd and useless it is to at -
ease. and is reeking with the die- I tempt to overcome su0h deafness by. enr-
eaao You• li stomach has become clogged , drums or. devices of a similar sort
and the delicate membrane ]s 005(0(1• Let it be understood, however, that
With & vile suer, substance. uba!
a11a0 Tile
catarrh '
moons ,•.,f Let
is not f-.. -
uses to be dtgosted and only
passes out of the stomnoll with great
difft0ulty. Little by little, thee, mucus
with the eat5rrh germs which it has uar-
rled settles permanently on the m0colis
membrane which lines the sto,nach.
Real dyspepela and indigestion aro
caused by a lack of digestive Julies.
But here wo have a condition where the
membrane is able and ready to do Its
world, but it Ss prevented by foreign ,nat-
ter which has dropped down from the
head and coated It. Now then, oan th0
usual treatment for Indigestion be of
use? Since 0atarrh Is he cause of the
trouble, it is the oatarrh that must be
treated. If you have catarrh of the
atomaoh we believe that if taken faitlx-
fully fnr a 0080011ab10 lenttth of time
Parmint will bring you an umnuut of
relief that will fully compensate you
for tate cost and time expended.
1 A Cause which le responsible for a
great Innnny °wins of deafness is catarrh.
'1'1he whale trouble generally h0ghns lin
e, simple cold in the head. Duthie' suet,
a cold almost every person expet'lenees
that feeling of atll&lness which tolls of
inflammation extending into the post-
nasal 5p800 where the epenlnnga of the.
Euataohlan Tubes are located, and whIel,
is accompanied by catarrhal secretions.
O011ooted in'the cost -nasal since, where
It le difflm,lt to blow 1t out of the nose
or hawk It up, When such 0ondlttons
have 015 chronic, as In catarrh, the
danger is grave, 5100
The Mune, nareying the Kernts, I
nauseatilt to the
stlnsoaks forn tt game 1 to 1
than those caused by catarrh, VIf you)'
trouble is caused by scarlet fever or any ,
disease apart from oatarrh, or 11 caused
b1" an injury, ha1•nlint Is not far you,'
and Vol; shutlid consult your own lam-
ily Physician resettling your case,
If you have a cold and it has left YOU
With a cough, 110 matter how slight --
YOU ought not to neglet•t it.
A Dough is generally an indication
that there is Inflommntion in a clanger.
PUS plane, and proper treatment should
bo secured at once. Delaying treatment
may mean that the cough may settle
del'elo3, and stay. Rcen tho�slitet'
cough indicates a danger and should re- I
1101ve prompt attention, 'Unless your
rough hes become extremely deep seated 1
or has hung onto you for a long thne,l
reliefs believe
your troublellb} !nee uquick- 0f
Pxr market t5 an ingland fbornab, eye on
the market in Ninggland .about le years
ago. It .le a commeatItn of ingredients i
hav]ng varies in the treatment of ca-
tarrhal ooud1tlgns, bronchial affections, L.
etc., •ompoundotl from the hest grade,
of material it la possible to obtain. Par -
mint is put ftp n Dee-ounoe bottles in
ooucentrated form which are labeled
Varmint ---Double Strength these ono -
ounce bottles caul be obtained 5.5 tame)/
Cost and the ane ounce Is, sntflelent la
toatelte when s. as dire1108 toady welt t
After Being Relieved of Or.
galenic Trouble by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Oregon, iii,—"I took Lydia E.
Vegetable tab e
h or-
pulledganfc trouble which
me down un-
til I could not put my
foot to the floor and
could scarcely do my
work, and as I live
on a small farm and
raise six hundred
chickens every year
it made it very hard
for me.
"I saw the Com-
pound advertised In
oar paper, and tried
it. St has restored
my health so I can do all my work and
I am so gratefu that I am recommend-
ing it to my friends."—Mrs, D. Hi.
ALTERS, R. R, 4, Oregon, Ili.
Onlywomen who have suffered the tor-
tures of such troubles and have dragged
along from day to day can realize the
relief which this famous root and herb
remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women everywhere in Mrs. Alters'
condition should profit by her recom-
mendation and if there are any cora
plications write Lydia E. Pinkhom'6
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, for advice.
The result of their 40 years experience
s at your service.
1551 {✓ No, 12•-•'I8.