HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-03-28, Page 1The Seaforth News rkw Series Vol. 24 No , 13 Has been postponed until Friday April 5th, SEMPORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,' 1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 G+••'-•,wn•�. ua�a�...oa �•.....mca�..+p Sta1fa Mrs John 13allaetyne of J arquer spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Miller Mr D. Eizerman of Miteholl motored here deriug'the pant wook, The oars will soon be masters of the road again, flue John McDonald and two (laugh - Tickets already purchased will be food that fora spent a few daya last week in 80a - Furth. Se tEl may EMORf be reserved at1U,ero forth. Miss Roulet' Fawcett of Mit, squill wanvisiting her grandmother, arQa s Drub„ Store, Seaforth. Mrs Joe. Norris, last -week. es RESTAURANT 74ND eONPEeTIoN If you want some real good Boater Eggs call in and eco our 110W anpply whish is just on band. FRESH CONFECTIONERY that is dainty in appearance, lelioions in flavor and sanitarily made of the purest ingredients, Why not make somebody happy by our Candy Don't forget to oomo in and gat your Murch before you go home after, the show, You and Your Friends are invited to attend The Hard Times Dance ira Cardno's Opera Hall on Easter Mondap, Eve. April lst 1918 in aid of the Women's War Auxiliarp MUSICIANS—H, M, Chesney, Jr, , P, M. Chesney, James A. Chesney, Abe Forsyth,,ienry Forsyth, Thomas Rands, Harry Stewart, Herbert Fowler, Joseph Storoyt Earl Vanlignand, FLOOR MANAGERS—Harry Charters, Peter Cameron, Joseph Kale, William McDonald, Ed, Rowland, Garnet Ba,bkirk, Wm. Work- man. COMMITTEE—Bibbert, Joseph Murphy; Hullett, Scott Hawthorne; McKillop. Fin, MoKercher and Robert Dodds Jr ; Tuckersmith, Wm. Charters and Robert Gemmell; Seaforth, John Beattie, L, T, DeLaoey,,Dan. Shanahan and Charles Stewart, Dancing commences at half past eight o'clock, :During intermission—Judging of costumes—four handsome prizHa— Miss Stephens and Mre, L, T. DeLacey—Judges. Prizes donated by E. H. Close, R .E Cresswell, Dr Mackay and Chas Stewart now on exhibition in Aberhart's window Put your name on lunch box which will be checked and given 'to you at lunch time Coffee supplied at the hall Gentleman $l oo Gallery 25 ole• A, D. Sutherland, Secretary assiassawristemormsaa Father Ryan Dies Atter an illness of more than two years, the death (murred et London Hospital, Wednesday last, of Rev Fath. er James J. Ryan, Father Ryan was born in Walton Ontario,, August 27th, 3879, the son of the late James Ryan. He received his primary education 'in the Public School there, and hie olaae• foal Education at Sandwinh College, the Grand Seminary, Montreal, He 'completed his 'Audios at Cincinnati, Ohio, and watt ordained in Kaunas City, going to the cathedral at Leavenworth as aeeiataut to Rev. John Ward, now bishop of that diocese. Moro then twoyears 9 a a ago, Father Ryisn'a health broke down, and he re- turned to Canada, going to St Joseph's goapital London, and StJoaeph'a :Hos. puts! Chatham ,for treatment. Three brothersand throe sisters survive, They are: Dr 'F'hi mks L Ryan, Saginaw, Mich., Patrielt of Godorioh, W. J. of Walton, Mra;I'helan of Blyth, Mra T, Nolan of Walton, and Mrs Morgan Cleary of Seaforth. The funeral was held on Friday morning, requiem high mass being, oelebrated at 9 o'clock in St Peters Cathedral, Interment was made in St Peters oemotry, District Representative Me. S. 13, Stothera is the slowly appointed District--Eepreeentative of the County of Huron, Mr, Blethers is an, old Ashfield township man end has spent all hie life on Hie farm, He is a graduate of the Ontario Agrionitural College, and wo are aro badly mistaken if he does uot,provo good in hie new position. Ilia headquarters will be in Clinton, 81R Memoriam In loving memory of Sapper C. Ir, Rolph, who wee killeit in notion in Fraeoe, Marcb28 h, 1917. Mother and Brother Miss Edna Millen' has resumed her poeution in the Rnaseldale store, We are all hoping for a non 'of the line weather of the past week, Dublin Mr Louis Wolff .2f Dublin has re- opened his shoe repair shop. It is mnoh needed in our village at present, Mr Thos. Burns of Cleary Man. hae returned to his home after spending everal months with his parents, Mr and Mrs Thos Burns. He was uo0ompanled to the West by Masers W. Redmond and Lloyd Elliott. A MoKillop Township farmer and a farmer in Logan Township each paid a fine of $50 for violating the Canada temperance act. following visits made by Inspectors Torranoeof Huron and Elliott of Perth, Two local niers who had in a considerable enpply of liquor in anticipation of a long "dry" spell, were eanh fined $35 and their booze oonffeaated. Mr, and Mrs. Rueter and children of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mrs, Beale, Mr. 1, Hanna is moving his family to Mitchell to -day. Mrs. Dill, Mise K. Dorsey and Mrs. Mero Mitchell visitors last week, Walton (Too late for last week,) • As tba regular correspondent in this section of McKillop is away, we must ondeavor,to keep things moving, Quite u number have tapped their maples and report a good run of nap, As usual at this time of the year the roads are bad for both wheels and runners. The auction sale of Mr Knaohtel was well attended, and primes ruled high. Mr J. J. Irvine has gone on a visit to Toronto and intends remaining until after Heater, The many friends of this kind- hearted gentleman hope he will return improved in health, es he has not been very well for some time. Mr Alf Stafford has been visiting his brother, Councillor Wm Stafford in 5t Marys, Hats of', to the patriotic ladies of Walton and vioiuity, It is wonderful the amount of work they have done and and are doing in behalf of the great 0aus0. biro J W Morrieon of Montreal was here visiting her parents. Rev, Mr Lundy will be ono of the del egatee to the Presbyterian Synod, to meet in London next month, from Maitland Presbytery, Hu Kiel iimmeatesiin Mr, Garnet O'Brien is training for overseas at Oshawa. Mr. James Snell, was in London last week in oonnootiou with the arranging of the prize lists of the Western Fair. Mr, Snell is a member of the Sheep Committee of that institution, Tho roof on the barn belonging to Mr James Hugill was unroofed by the high wind in the recent storm, Mr. Hugill had the building insured against wind but in spite of thio, his lost will be heavy Mr A Townehend who has been f rm. ing in the past on the fifth o0neesbion, has pnrehaeed the form of Mr, Jelin Smith in Godorloh Townehip, Be gets possession in the eatly part of April, i 14TReR 18 Kippen , James Grassiok made a, geed sale the other day when be acild fourteen butcher's steers at 511,35 a pwt, When delivered they averaged 970 the, and brought $1,568 49. Mr, Gresaiek has 33 head of oattl0. He is e, good feed. or awl always does w011 with Lia stock Last year lis received ;,$t 9411.80 for the same number of head but he kept them until the last of May :and got a higher pri00 per pound.; Mr and Ida, Frouch are now swill. Bute of our village, having moved from their farm whish they ,have amid back to r. Wm. MoDongall, from they bought the farm a few mire ago, Mr 11lohlougall after trying Tillage life in Hens ill for those years, has devilled that farm life a preferable !Robert Thompson Jr. 1e ill 1111 county -town this week attending the asthma as juryman, lie hi one of the fortunate farmers with his beau crop. Be realized $1,900 from a field of t3 acres. He !rand pinked his seed and the result was a•eplendid even crop. Mr Fasker is in his poet again as station agent after a few days abscenee in Elora, attending funeral of his brother, E1ennsa l l' Mr, (Ionic' has routed his house to our new butcher, Mr, I3lodk. The Counoil hag decided that a metallic veiling in the town hall will be mucic safer than plaster, and have arranged to have the new coiling put 10 immediately, Mr. George Brooks has taken "the agency of the Grey Bros' , Campbell Carriage Co, and bas rented part of the Murdock as a show room, Mr J, T. McEwen, a brother of the late George McEwen of our village, of Minneapolis, was here renewing acquit intances. Mr. S, Horton has 'purchased the dorner lot adjoining his own property on the Londot. Road from Mr, .4, W E. Hempbil, Mr. Wm. Wilkinson had the misfor- tune to cut his knee severely with an axe last week, Several adobes were needed to draw it together and need- less to say Mr, Wilkinsou will be con- fined to his room for some time. Mr R, W. Rennie has rented the re. sidonse of Mrs. Drake, opposite the Peet Office and intends moving into it 0000. • Manley The maple sugar makers have been dissapofuted eo far, The output has been small. Mr and Mrs J Nolan and Mr and Mrs G. K Holland trod Mr and Mrs 0 J Eokart were visitors in our burg last Sunday, Mrs Jas Mart has knitted over 2o0 pairs of sacks sinoe the begin- ning of,the war. Dublin Miss M Kipper is visiting her parents in Zurich. MieeK, Carpenter was in Mitchell on Tuesday, Mrs P Evans1 and her cousin, Mrs D Crawford, were to London last week to see the former's eon, Pte Joseph P Evane, before leaving for overseas, The' many friends of Joe wish him all kinds of good Intik and hope for his safe return Mrs Weber of Seaforth spoilt Mon- day at the Dominion hotel here, 14r and Mrs Dill of Seaforth attended the funeral of the former's mother on Monday, On Saturday evening, Marsh 28rd, the angel of death took ae its victim Mrs Dill at the age of 85 years. Do - ceased has been in poor health for a number of years. The funeral Mass took place on Monday morning to Si Patrick's elinroh, from where she was laid to rest in St Cohunbao oemetry, The oheapnease of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it within the roach of all; anti it ban be got at ally druggists. 1 1018 Spri Footwear Operthg ll.00pet' year 1l't pr'.ipo.at•, it you cue in to see thein, to show yotl alI the hwirisomi: nr•ra, footwear, which you ict1741St have; 14 Emter. I'hty are here how alt ertry "The e Phone 51 variety .and young and olii,•; Iri,,E tl,e best makers. CUfrte ill whe.tht r you wish to buy or not and see our stock. seurT orrue Good Shoes" Seaforth Place Special Millinery Orders Early We Will Serve You Honestly and Well 9 I Neck We 1' i*, s�aaatxi�� r ,Asa W111 t.rif.0+41 tab!: ax dik. tingtitelted h) its beaulifoi ether and cut aloes, to. Jo Dur 1,evt.licr uu'l Peutlents give 1 .,. liniahwd ural lino' t r,01, t., r},.. 14.1-1,01,i. duo,'. Wo beli!n-r, that roil Loy-. aht.s tont! Pu;.i1'aa.io Innen that ''liras 1?i;;til,' „1,;,asr101+{40 that r,6 requir.,;i. to give shat 'iestcl0 mod- est ,,14g4't. 01, taneli rii•i'ir„r 1,1,11 a'tl difficult ',, �,htai Always i.,cli ,rim .7vw•.Jrr' , f J'tality. b.Syr.; i,,;y. . r. >) tya61ri1itet CJOar iiltatrilaeakrr •.?r it6ptirittn &loarr g5arrtti. Etrr11,ML I'honoe 0uein. as 194 ltreninge In 'Rhe ,Store you 1111 always like fir'"=r'•,l:"�2:_._... "_"��:Cr. _ Our Millinery ,Appeals to the Eye It is Stylish to the Last Degree THANKS for your attendance and apprecaitiion of our Millinery Opening last week. /Another Millinery triumph was achieved by our exhibit. FasthEaturtg Easter Styles i TPP., -•tom^--...-.�,.. Beautiful Spring R g Dress Goods on Display Now ft dies' Tailor ults a clCoats See them, you'll like them. Try them on, you'll be delighted. Wear them, and you'll he satisfied. Perhaps you think it is early to buy your Spring Apparel, but surely you don't think it too early to see and learn what the correct Spring! Fashions are. 8t'5 t:tar pleasure to show you. eOM J. Mactavish SERFORTH t„. u,