HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-21, Page 8?'onsorial f'rt
.Mair cutting is an Art, /t
makes a great difference to pour
appearance how the nutting of
the hair is done,
Different leatures require differ-
ent treatment.
You will get careful9c(,mider-
atian at the
Cornmer^iai Barber Shop,e4th
Monday of loot week saw a pretty
wedding celebrated itt St. •Patrieles
Ohorch, when Klee Kate Murray be
casae the bride of .las, 1loech,
Mr, Jae, McOonnell who visited hie
relatives during the month has retnru
stn to Meleta, Mau,
Miss M, WtIliants ui' Seaforth has
been visiting Miss K, Carpenter.
Mr. J. Weber and sister are at tyre
ae Clt in London.
We air },tali r, ttrpnit S1rn. T.
Obit k iml,tatiug,rta a s rlaus opera.
10 CENT "CRSCAIIET " tion.
FOR L i!ER Alrltd 1" f'a l6t` .o Tnme it lo;ic:l sentilttatrtl „f papers
not numbing se;.:,::ibent regaiar'Iti herr
8;itre nick being 1 day and soul.•' lines stun +ltsy�
B&pionene e, Scer teeeteenet,
Breate--Cantle Chrfut tie.
No tlyislit,» ;,ad _a_b ;
.00 1161VN1F t i' ,!q: 1 3,t11' t
SAV miserable vett , titre emeetipe.
tion. intligestion, 1.111 tita.e 1;011? .sing.
,gish bowels e ::le i 1 ii f with
,iiasaarete, l 1 q imue _teanse 1
and regulate tlo. .. .. •t,•?,. :ac:r^.'e the!
Tour,fermenting L t0.12 :t 1 i ra+set
take the excess Lib: !tt tl.e liver end
tarry Off tile +.a_it. :batter
and poison from :Le intestines argil'
'bowels A 10 -cent ,,,,:, item ;your drug-
gist will keep your livor and bowels
clean; stainer -it sw•r• n t lead clear for
months. They wort utnh•'on 'leep.
The Mea1l ' -., 1)et4iFY , t. 1 li: t
of this w k ti ul i good clan
already sotto?g.
1)u Tuesday 000110 g last the i'ytt:i
erti (Nab anti Women's luetituta hail a
debate. A brisk debate and a good
programing was given,
spring, Mr. Donaldson and family ars
shortly moving to Winghs,n. They
have been esteemed oitizeno,
At special meeting of the Oounuil
tl'o following officers wore appointed
Olerk, 11. W. Bewin; Treasurer, Jas, FI;.
Riad; Assessor, W, A, Balkwell; Oou.
stsble, R. Elliot; Medical leakier, Or,
Woods; Auditors A. it1aorarleee and
and F. A. Edwards,
iter•, Mr. 1)aritng has been uoutinod
to the house by; an attaelt of a,tiegeetioil
of the lungs,
'rite poatponelt Ploy anti Slluw wore
given ou ruasdBy owning.
ltiehatil1fleke, eu old reeidolit of
Mullet tuwnehip, hoe passed away; at
the age of 7t, years and 0 Month
The intterol took place from hie late
t„sid,.11eo, 1,ot 21,, .tit Comsat,. n,e.
linnet, last Friday inornine. toter
110111r wan in le et, teemettly. Usenet,
vl atnley
Jnr lu ti el, npl lin Whttns r.le•ul
y to r ,1 t r,.r . ilit Ant)t t*+il-nr.,
•,ii:itirg fricatda hi re.al,ti in
tends ri
!le g for the 'dust in b r,,r
1 part t i the week with tele Johu 1,e.ir,t
who Into tM8ar,
t1 renewing ,lnaintalteo
the past mouth Mr. Leary thinks that
Ontario ie wore,:• for o cold than th0
Mr, W, Manley wears a A111110 since
the 14th Mat when his wife presented
him with a b.by boy.
Mrs. C. Eckert is at prosect a visitor
in our burg,
The late rains have put the roads in
an iiupaesible condition.
A Reliable Agent in Huron I ni te,
to Sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and
hreamental trees during Fall and Win•
ear months. Good pay, exclusive tete-
tory, free selling equipment,
Over 000 Acres of the choicest Nur.
eery stock including New tarteties oou-
trolled by we. Handsome up-to-date
selling equipment and a splendid Can•
viten grown stook, to offer customers
We are not jobbers, Write now for
gamey terms to PELHAM NURSERY
0. , Toronto, Ont.
N. B Catalogue sent on request to
plicants forageneies or purchasers of
uraery stock.
Family Almost Wiped Out
By Consumption.
Front a hovel in the rear of more
pretentious buildings comes a ghastly
tale, one that in this fair Province of
oars seems almost incredible; yet, to
those who know the ravages of con-
sumption, it is but a typical cane.
Grief stricken, the mother tells us
of her five small children buried from
this lowly home during the past three
years, of her only remaining child, suf-
fering from a tuberculous hip, and
then as though in mockery of their
misery, the father, too, was stricken,
He is now a patient at the Muskoka
Free Hospital, where every endeavour
is being made to save his life. The
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
ltves is appealing for help to carry
e�nn this fight against the Great White
Plague, The money you give will help
them seek out these unfortunate fame.
lira and give them a fighting chance
foe their lives.
Contributions may be sent to W. J.
Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary -
Treasurer, 223 College St. Toronto.
You simply say to the drrug store
man, "Give me a quarter of an ounce
tot freezone." This will cost very little
but is sufficient to remove every .hard
or soft cora from one's feet.
d few drupe of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon e tender,
aching corn should relieve the sore• it
nese instantly, and soon the entire corn,
root and all, dries up and can bo lifted ,
out with the lingers. I t
Title new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Ofneinuati d
iman, who says that, while freezone is t
sticky, it dries in a moment, and sine-
ply shrivels up the corn without in.
flaming or even irritating the surround. Ing thistle or skin,
Don't let father die of infection or
/widow from whittling at ifs corns, I p
but clip this out and make him try' ilk a
Mfr. ,tort Mrs. ueorge Footer parents
of Leola May Foster made a fruitless
trip to Loudon iu an effort to save the
life of their 5 -year-old obild, She had
been stricken with appendicitis. They
ware advised to cosh her to Lon
dei for an operation. 111r. Footer
naught the morning Bruce train down
and on arrival ae London hurried the
ohild to St. Joseph's Hospital, and
prepnratious for an operation. Before
the operation was started however the
girl expired. Tha father returued
00 the Brune traiu Monday night, tak-
ing with him hie little daughter's body
for burial. The funeral took place last
Thursday to Bafrd's Cemetery.
--^ —
Mr. Thos Gray M, P. of Yorkton,
Sack, vleited his cousin, Mre„Jas. Mc-
Olymont and other friends here. He is
another Huron boy who has made good
away from home He left here a good
many years ago, a poor ooy, and is now
reputed wealthy besides being elected
a member of Parliament by hie fellow
Meagre. Thomas and John Parsons of
Manitoba have been visiting their
brother, Robert, here and their mother
in Bayfield. John has returned home;
Thomas will stay a few weeks longer.
They look prosperous bet think
Ontario is colder than the West, in fast
all Western visitors say our sold is
harder to .tend than theirs,
Mr. E. Drake shipped a carload of
linnets last week. On account of his
inability to get a oar it cost him con-
sideranly more for feed.
Mr. James Bengough has sold his
house and lot to Mr Noakee and pur-
chased the property formerly owned by
the late Mrs. Phillipe. He purposes
going to Alberta.
(Mases, at present, claims Mrs,
Andrew Bell er., Mrs. Wm. Sproat and
Mr Sproat. We hope anon to see
them enjoying their usual good health.
Aliso Lillian Lee 0 visiting friends
near Gowanatown,
We got our thaw at last and every
one was glad to see it as their cisterns
were dry,
Mrs. T. Millar went to Loudon on
Wednesday morning to the hospital to
undergo an operation. Mre, 0 White
of Drayton accompanied her,
Mise Nellie Manning has not been
very well iately,
Miss Bertha Brogden of London .pant
the week•snd at her home,
During Lent, Rev. Asho•Sverst will
eve as the subject of hie sermons,
tio11” ou the first Sunday; "Man" on
ho second; "Stn" on the third; "110•
•0 (tion" 00 the fourth; "Decision" on
he fifth and "'rhe Holy Spirit" on the
ixtlt' Some of these will be illustrate
d with lantorn slides
Tho i)oneddoon property has base
urohased by Whine Eagleson of Luck -
ow who expects to move berg in the
A rioleut thunder storm visited this
section ou Thursday night last. The
lightning and thunder were almost
continuous and frightened many timid
Mr, J. J., 11•wiue haslet 100 acres to
Mr. John Dennis for graving purposes
it is a good grass farm and has an ex
cellent surfa00 spring.
The roads are again levelled up and
froren and the eleigbi)tg is fair,
Quite a number who here mapioe
speak of tapping them thin Spring, A
very proper thing to do.
There have been but few visitors
from Western Canada this winter,
Those who were well behaved when
with ne are always weloome but the
tough, deadbeat sect betrayer and such
low characters will got no welcome from
our best people.
11r, Joseph Hackwell has bought the
farm of Mr. Wm Kneetel it eon•-
tatue nearly loo aures and the buildings
are good. The prion is $7,2oo, Mr.
Kuo,otel to 41 family Intend melding fti
Sirs. David t oydi0 recovering frun
her recant siokuess,
The Aet•vioeo at Bethel tahntell next
Sunday afteruoau will be held at '2.30
p. in.
Rev, 1+1r• Lundy will preach on the
elethodiat Omit 110x1 tgiuidoy.
I'h,, morning Aorviue in rho :Methodist
+ hunts will Lo held at l 1 stn 1:1u1:da7
!Mr and Mrs Ha(kirk are visiting
11nd0 here.
Mr 1i Jacksuu arrived hero front
the tt est last leaterday night.
Rev Mr (lraik was in Toronto during
the past week.
The contest iu Rod Cross work has
been a great moose, The ladies are
to be oongt'atulated,
At the meeting held in the Method-
ist Ohtt1oh an invitation was extended
to Rev Mr Oraik to remain for the
fourth year, Tha invitation was secs pt.
A Pill that Proves its Value —Those
of weak stomach will find atrengh in
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because
they serve to maintain the health-
ful action of the stomach and the liver
irregularities in which are moat diet
raising, Dyspeptics are well acquaint-,
ad with them at their proper worth .
They have afforded relief when other
preparatione'have failed, and have af.
footed cures in ailments of long stand-
ing where other medicines were found
Variety of Grain Sown
Choosing 'rested Varieties Always
an Advantage
Agricultural investigatious made by
the Um -omission of Conservation ie
various parts of Confide have repeated-
ly and abundantly p001011 that there
are too many varieties of , the different
crops being grown on farms, in
Waterloo county it wee dieeovomtl tint
28 varieties of oats were being grog 0
among a group or loo famine, and
among to Farallon in Lanarkoetulty 10
t'arietfea were foetid,
'there aro 001110 varieties of oats,
shell as Banner, 0, A, -C 72, or 81-
burieu, which have given the best
results at the-Cxpot'imental Farms in
Canada, toed are unloh superior in every
way to the varieties grown on many
farms, particularly in the older prov.
limes of the Dominion: The 'trying
tit process in summation with varieties
of (grains is axpeusive and is being con
dusted by the Experimental Fame fo
the retreats benefit of immoral, In
A l to of tole, nattily femme 001ti1IDe to
tgnure the valuable information which
nae been obtained for them iu this mat.
ter, anti uoutiuu11 to pay fancy prima
for something new whioll is lauded
and praised by those tvho have it to
sell This is illustrated by the recent
statementof an Ontario farmer in Dui:.+
dos country who said that he had just
paid $2,35 for 32 pounds of a new var-
iety of eats which was said to give a
wonderful yield. This luau knew nu•
thing about, the agent, nor the suit-
ability of the so called new variety of
oats for his farm. 1t might be weak
in the straw, think hulled. very sue.
oeptible to disease and in any or every
way undesirable so far as he knew.
Why take these chances?
Many farmers do not even kuow the
names, let alone the suitability of
variation of grain grown on their farms,
Know what you are sowing and sow
one of the tried and proven varieties.
It is one of the easiest, most inexpert.
sive and surest means of inoressing
production of cereal grains which are
so urgently needed at the present
Tak the Mac
of all These ings
WHEN you own a Ford you can do away with many articles
that are a source of continuous expense to the man who still
drives a horse. For instance, not only your driving -horse
and buggy, but the single harness, blankets, whips, currycombs,
brushes, horse -shoes, pitch -forks, feed -bins, etc.
In their placeou have a speedy, dependable, dignified, roomy
Ford Car—complete in itself. It is vastly superior to the narrow,
cramped buggy that travels so slowly. And when a Ford is standing
idle it does not eat three meals a day, and it requires no "looking
A Ford will save you time trouble, and money. It is the utility
ear for the busy farmer and time,
.dc":211*"ic sareassauwi
Touring . $495
Runabout - $475
Coupe - $770
Sedan - - - $970
F. 0. B. FORD, ONT.
F. Daly - Dealer Sealorth,
Cook Bros. - Dealers Hensail
Thursday Feb 2
Can 1 Get Fitted ?
This is the first question many Women
ask when they enter a Shoe Store.
We have no trouble In fitting feet correct
You never hear the Wonsan who buys
her$Shoes here complain about poor fitting
Every Shape of Foot has been Provided for
The long, narrow foot, the short root with
high instep and the slender root with arch..
ed instep—one and ail can be perfectly fit•
ted here.
The leather is right, the styles are right,
shoelinaldinq.is right, everything is right,
"The House of Good Shoes'
Phone 51
If you want nice, dainty 00 tasty Job Printing, we are in
a better position than ever to'supply your- needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders,
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or anthing else in printing
come In And See Us About Sale Bills
For Spring Planting
We need no further introduction
than the fact that we have been in the
Nursery Basinees SIXTY ONE
YEARS, and are now prepared to meet
existing conditions by offering our
high grade trees and plants direct to
Send for our illustrated oiroulats of
hardy varieties which you can order
direct and save the agent's cmnmission,
of which you get the benefit, Oar
priooa will be sure to interest you ann
all stook is absolutely Stet -class said
true to mune.
of Ontario, Ltd.
Established 1857
Consigne1p. 's
Back Again
I wish Lc inform the public
I have opened a Shoe Repair
Shop, in the Campbell Block
opposite the Royal Hotel
where I -will repair all kinds
of boots and Shoes.
Only first class material
used. All work done by
hand and guaranteed by me to
be No. I.
Bring your repair work to
me and save money 'as my
prices are lower than any
other repair shop in town,
Farmers Attention
Make money in your
spare time his Winter
by selling NURSERY
ST eK and NEW
This is the right time
to start en Spring Sales
We pay hicghes corn=
missions and furnish
our Salesmen with lits
erature with a "'punch/.
to it.
Send for our list of New 4.
Offerings afm1 full part-
Stone & Weltingtu n
The Eonthill Nurseries.
Established 1837
Toronto, O n.
Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
Because style decrees that, women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
In high heol footwear thoy suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests whish merely makes the
corn grog. hard, This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw, end women are
warned to stop it.
w,A few drops of a drug calledfreez-
one applied directly upon a sore corn:
gives quick relief and soon the entire
corn, root and' all, lifts out withottt
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of freezone, which;
costs very little but is oumcieat to re,
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from on010 feet, " '
This drug is an ether compound and
dried in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without inflaming or even
irritating the surrounding issue or
skin. Clip this out and pin on your.
wlffo's dresser. 17i