HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-21, Page 7QUESTION OF NEXT THE r I G POINT 1 TRAINING CANADIAN YOUTIL ( OLD GENERAL HUNGER. The Doctor Did Not 1 Tanks (s1ysh aPoxsribeislii/t°iaesd,e nt of the 6 The Demand for Technically Trained Allied Europe Needs 290,000,000 y en ®Q Pvening ,Standard) ale the popular �� � �'U UE � i Q M ' " Workers is Imperative, Bushels of Wheal,Do Her Lasting subject of the momet, and every Probably 1 00 000 boys and girls The ]'nod Controller says Allied Eta- kind of rumen` is abroad regarding o from 14 to 10 years of age annually lope is short of 500,000,000 bushels of their development. It sail be no se - COAL SHORTAGE PROMISES TO Liar/ in Weak, Watery Blood• leave school in Canada to engage in ' heat. On I)ee. 1 Iztst, Canada had ,'o Mrs. Jos. Roger Used Dodds eget• that Stile type gocs on in mprovinng, IRE MORE ACUTE, Suggestions Given' by Commission of Conservation for Relief of Fuel Situation. The fuel situation in Eastern Can- ada will bo fully as bas] if not worso next w]utcr, and it Is imitevative that steps be taken at once to provide enh- etitates for coal, With an inerensin • labor shortage in tho United States, incrensed den.uinds upon the reilwatya, iucrca'ed requirements for Ainer]can coal far dome •tie nod c' port jai origin and the ploei:, o," rineede en't,••'r ra- tion:' by the ]tali vl Ships Tenet C".mt- trollee, it will bo fortunate 1f Canada secures ee large supplies of coal as she Inas this Benson, Utllbee-bri Forests. We must fall back upon our for c ,ts, Ontario, Q'tebec, and New Brun wick contain vast quantities of hardwood which has little present value except for fuel purposes. A cord of season- ed hardwood, such as hard maple, beech or birch, is approximately equal in heating value to a ton of anthra- cite. Under normal conditions, coal has been cheaper, but, at present prices, the difference in cost is not yF very great. What is needed now is lin- mediate action on the part of muni- cipal authorities to lay in an; emer- gency stock of wood fuel, both on ac- count of the shortage of labor for cut- ting and hauling, and the necessity for having the wood cut to dry during the summer. The city of Winnipeg laid in a reserve supply of 14,000 cords of wood this season, and the mayor re- ports this was an important factor in averting a fuel crisis. Ottawa also has decided to establish a civic fuel yard Co-operation Needed. To supplement the efforts of city and municipal governments, co-opera- tion of the provincial governments is, in many eases, essential. Where tim- ber on Crown lands is sufficiently we- , cessible, a special organization is needed to facilitate the completion of arrangements, including the organiza- tion of labor for cutting on a large scale. The Provincial Forester, or some one working under his direction, should take the whole matter up , vig- orously with the respective city and] municipal governments, and assist in' determining the needs of the local sit- uation in each case, and how best to meet them. A beginning in this direc- tion has already been made in Quebec, and it is reported that Ontario is of- fering wood in Algonquin Park free to municipalities and is co-operating with them in organizing production, Some Suggestions. . Experience has shown it is quite feasible to materially relieve the coal shortage by a more extensive use of wood in the following directions: 1. By farmers and rural communi- ties generally, within easy reach of wood supplies, making as general use of. this fuel as possible, to relieve the demands for coal and freight cars alike. . 2. The general substitution of wood for coal in furnaces and stoves during early autumn and late spring, as well as during mild weather in winter. 8. The heating by wood of churches, lodge rooms, halls, etc., where warmth for only a limited period of time may be necessary. 4.. The ekeing out of limited stores of coal by burning wood in the day- time, reserving coal for holding the fire overnight. 5. Running furnaces low to keep the house in general only warm enough to prevent water pipes from freezing, and supplementing this by using ttrood in stoves or grates to keep the living and dining rooms comfortable. 6. Using wood much more generally than at present as a substitute for coal in cooking. 7. By making windows and doors light and by insulating furnaces, boilers and piping, as suggested by .senator W. C. Edwards, who also ad- vocates that slabs and mill waste, • instead of being burned in incinera- tors, should be reserved for domestic heating. 4 1?n; Willituns' pink Pi11ls mince sonno occupation connected with menu-! 11.0,000,000 bushel,, for export. On Colonel hon, who io been leap k, factoring, agrieullure, inkling or � the same date, the United States, after Kidney fills. sib]° far the production of the Tank, the Blood Rich, Red and Pure, tlansportatiou,, Ilte present general allowing fox the luuanctl consumption has always been most insistent In their plan of education Boas notPreviee oC her• own loo lc had not a single (possibilities, It will be remembered 'Weak, watery blond is the starting sufficiently for these young peolslo, 1'11s'hal, although Mr. Mover thlnk3l Popular New t3runswlok Teacher Telols that he recently changes] his job from pouit of eonsumpbien, When your YWhat Splendid Results She Got Direetor of Tanks Production for simi- blood Is In this cgmlitiwt Your whole They are steppinle Out Into the world that, by economy :eel substitution,] health declines, Yaut face becomes 10 line] their way, with an almost en-Itluy roil] ill male to export about From Podd'e Kidney Pills, lar work in the Overseas and Allied ];ale 00 salluw, your appetlto Allis, tirely literary education, The ap- 1170,0110,000 he:rhels, Where will Al-; Elm Tree, (ilotu•ester Co., N.13., Fob, Department. States t Th is been greatlyea that the iters the prentiee system iu our i nluetries is ; her1 F.tnnpe praeurt• the horror^e of l.ltl- (t3pr„lard}-.-"Witen the 8a0tar T I United Swith hes been im your heart Jumps and 111 at tl ;2110(11,01.1.61,1(;0010/0 yu,g00 000 ht heals to ]sees pressed with Tank possibilities, A We ought to be as cheerful PA we least exertion or excitement. You aro almost tz that(; el' th pa>tt, sail the 11 , r her from ranaculdad failed to d'o lila any lasting and ether andyou Youth in our I::ctoru,s and other bnsi- otarvinl q concerted movement of production by can, if only because to be happy our - always locale a1 wr tc 1 <! I goad) decided that my klaneys were England and America might have selves is a most effective contribution rose interest in both work and :muse,. ness oreete lz•ttion• is lett to pick up a I • (f 0 neenuut of the :ih pilins situs -1 Lite "not of my trouble,,, and made up P.rmt it mash "cam' ton Amer c groat results, to the happiness of .others,—Sir John Lubbock, Milord's Liniment cures Barger 101 .town Quebec's forest lands cover an area Go' ,, , . ;; r•g, bus ntnply d mn.es.r.,t -r1 the , • m uo , n lair . o t,t .mer at hum Rchcor, the !veli -0 nnivn told lznpular ventilation] in eleeping-ro'ams tack- the 0 .. len", lieh red blood t r, Willwn. will lndtu,e hint in p;l in a lair n;er crop of over 1 0 million acres. t'i1( 1'1110 actually make, en all the value of is a.r :^al training. I tclt0har bora. Jn5{. how til she was eat i 011 spear grade et uiYbleached muslin . :-.:aid of ine•diriee there is no other Canada has very incense]. natural .111- spin'''.. i morin him with extra fere using iladda Kidney Pine is best' on the outside of the screens. This roR SALE „ • , andr c.: xu•ee:r ter 0 'lu;, eltal 4ity to dr., can), p In e dumb if you will, but he 11 Id iii her (own words; t uc labor] builder lila thein, nn 1 1 ) will not mein0. n protects the wire from the weather grill *) Ontario. L IN d bust'. all who feel went:, reit-dawn or u;.il tltc'm. Whr.t lee v:0 dn]nrg to 1, educe e his ri n acrca,•a un 1 "bfy W`aub10 ell 100 from a strain and the windows may be open clay and �v ern Ontario. Doing a good bust'- h y thio capacity? blow many of our lean he nnem. ed of elms:=.11 h••lp 101 slue says, ” and 1 eufberod for thirteen night, thus keeping the air fresh with. 1105v. . ':0th or owa"r plac.ea it on the tit ed •;Uovld 1010 110 time in i;ivini hatvest, liven in O10'Octtled Ontario' g g merhet. •.i great chr,nne fol a man with tut. ' pills a fair trial. :they have formers children know the qualities there l e mowtlts. out a suggestion of cold draught. ,,Joan Apply 1y 1 o tis, n'ilsan r=uuiishing transformed thoueands of weals hope- of soil and the proper fertilizers, . to : 1 has been for yearsr n large acre- Ilacltaclre, heart fiutterings, 8citnkicla, Go., L1mlb:d, 'Cnrento. 1 ,., i use for beat result,,? Mgr. C'hoquette:'0)10 unerapperl for lack of help. It is I rtouraIgda, nervousness, ddzzihur.ss, 91001 MONEY ORDERS e., men and woolen, hays oriel girls equally faue that there are in our nerscl;LLABBOTIi 10110 strong, tubuot people. In proof of has told us of the Belgian farmer's of#.les and towns man farm -tial ed: failing memory were among my it is• always safe to send a Dominion Ante tt, 01,5 external, Limns, ETC,. therm stater/Inds may he given the 1'eenledge of his land and his scienti-;mall at twoi'k not as. e.ase71tla1 as Palm -I Ntlil])t0n1^a. Express ljh Money Order, rive dollars �j internal and Bee treatment. Cured with - On, ^ iperiencc of Mrs. T. Brennen, Churl- fie use of It. Cau we hope to meet him ; in who would assist in the crucial I I tools 12 boxes of Dadd's Kidney costs throe cents, out Pain byiour borne treatment. wires' 'j who saes "Not' only my- on even term,,? flow realty metal .. g' Pills in all, and I Can say far them that Co.,LfmIte l� rn111n�wo Denman Medical •r • • wm•ke • 1 i v the cam os]tioa and p°nods of seed -time and harvest if they have dons me all that was Rabbit Wool. p PILL EQUIPPED N1 lVtiPAPIDEL claimed for them." Rabbit hair is supplanting' wool in NV and rub printing plant in Lastorn If you have. any of the symptoms Ontario. Insurance carried 01,500. ill the felt hat making industry of Aum o for 51.300 on Uuloh sale. Box ss; that troubled Mrs, Roger, ask your tralia, where there are thirty factories Nilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto, neighbors if Dodd's Pills are not the m operation at present making use remedy you are looking for, of rabbit fur for this purpose. It is said to be superior to the finest mer - Use For Old Sheets, inn, and millions of rabbit skins are Being of an economical turn of mind, made use of annually. it has always bothered me to know what to do with the sides of worn-out sheets, whish are many times per- °NNE Granulated Eyelids, feetly good when the center will be o Sore Byes, tees inat�utnned by I p thoroughly worn. This summer I con- �li °1 relievedbyMarine, d T4fyiitIn Doctors �:®eC'(6ei@iill'•11Q� oeived the T,,, YouriiyesandlnBaby'sEyes. pillow cases_aid, as WI always make UR ' %NoS iles,JustEyeeesilert forthe the two hems to my sheets the same INnrinelEy®E8o®m wt Yg �r_o ,„, .re air br Bott-�d�ito Eyes . mN mr harm, a9wrna width, it was a very simple thing to ars serve, le T.0.010,. vmr i! a r EEve—Erma. Physicians and eye specialists Pre- do,AshffiastnelEve Iseiseel Co., Odysseus scribe Bon-OPto me a safe hone remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to: i stl•engtlten eyesight. Sold under money The demand for fruit will be great refund guaranty by all druggists. or greater than ever because prosper- 1 :neat. This i' the point Mein whu'It smattering>I Ina total,, nr,uent:ion 11,1 n 1 1 i a an'my mini] to try Dodds Kidney bills. der.lb!e that I0, 114 to eon,;rinztiou :mil every niPlo nctit•,r will ane that mn t ptrt. fniill a ap c t._ effort, nays 1 Mel you Meet I have not ]net a days 1 C munvdiort. `1'11 fl`r'n111 ma°l. have. the !crave... What is needed to bring rronerly irainrd help is the bl t .in- I ado r'r i artw9c as leac:hor during the pxstyear," • Fresh Air Without Draught, ,tma:tt. C, ertrnny; in Ili Pa few li.amal I;rhm. lie i� r•nr r,c h.'; ha C !'batt. is the r.ta.r010011 m Mrs. Jos -1 As 51:ar111 wlnd0w0 interfere with heel: h.a,th 'treil„th aur energy ]a nnvc •, I t f IF boot btc lilay. Notwithstanding din !' thi:e, Canada: rill the gran 11 • or the Prnpir,, you may c -t!. -try rrtep into that ltopolc'.1s i „You Wray judge of ilio lnsuits u'hrit hfinard a Liniment Cures Colds, Sita self:, but my flames think that had it the law protected them in Chair posh- raot been for Do, Williams' Pink Pills working qualities of their raw mater- tions and possibly macre up a part of I would have filled a consumptive's lora. Do our carpenters, textile work -!the difference between their ordinary era em to e. i r om ,,tonic and earnings and what they would receive as farm laborers. We have conscript- ed men for overseas; what are we go- ing to do to feed our Allies? Man -power is needed for fighting, for munition working and for food production, and whichever is the most urgent should have the most men al- lotted to it. In such times as these, it is given only to those in high au- thority to know conditions fully, but, if the food administrations of Canada and the United States portray things as they are, the food situation is the most serious we have yet had to face. It is only when the ordinary citizen realizes this that the problem can be solved. LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty lotion cheaply for house. Next I was able .to go out of training schools with night classes your face, neck, arms and hands. doors and to help in the housework, should be a part, and an important At the cost of a small jar of ordin- and from that time on my progress part, of all educational work, and at- ary cold cream one can prepare a full was rapid, and in the end I was enjoy- tendance of pupils, up to at least 18 quarter pint of the most wonderful ing better health than I had ever done years of age, should be compulsory. lemon skin softener and complexion before. There are many people who beautifier, by squeezing the juice of can testify to the absolute truth of A Tribute to a War Dog. two fresh lemons into a bottle con- taining three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try 11! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweely fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It is marvelous to smoothen I!, rough, red hands. grave. My condition was mot seri- p yo z•c nus; my blood seemed literally to other industries know why they per - have turned water; I was as pale as a form certain operations and why they ' sheet and became utterly unable to do secure the results they do? any housework or go about. I doctor -We are not doing justice to the el steadily for. --a long time but.was rising generation. At the close of growing weaker, and finally the doctor the war, Canada will no doubt see an held out but little hope for my re- influx of 'immigrants from the Euro- covery. It was thought that a trip peau countries. Their system of in - might help me and I was taken to New dustrial training has put them in , a 1 Ontario. Those who saw me while on position to understand the theoretical my way did not think I would reach as well as the practical side of their my journey's end alive. After I reach- means of livelihood. Canada will have ed my destination i friend strong-, to meet these European countries in ly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink competition for trade, and, to do so Pills, and as of course I was anxious I successfully, her manufacturing and to regain health I did so. The pills' other lines of activity must utilize all were the first medicine I had taken • trained help available; to secure this which seemed to help me at all, and it result it will be necessary to give the was not long until I felt they were most important positions to our for, doing me good. I continued their use sign, born residents. We may then gladly, and began to feel hungry and realize, too ]ate, that we have been un - soon after was able to move about the fair to Our own children. Industrial Race Origin of Canadian People. The race origin of the people of the three prairie provinces is dealt within bulletin issued by the Census IA ranch at Ottawa. The returns show that of the total population persons of British origin constituted 57,70 per cent in Manitoba,, 54,5. per cent, in Saskatchewan, slid 60,1.8 per cent. in Alberta, The French race possessed 6.1 per cent, of the population of Manitoba and about 6 per cent. of that of Saskatchewan and Alberta, Per- sons of German origin represented 4.67 per cent. of the population of Manitoba, 1L9 per cent, of Saskatche- wan and 6.85 per cent, of Alberta. Trousers While You Walt When tate poorest cease of Couches, wan live in a very primitive state in the Southern Argentine Pampas, need a pair of pastas, they kill aa old mare end strip off the hide of the forelegs, as ane would (Maw off a glove. These ass drawn, hair side in, over `dt and lege ap to the hips, when They adjust themselves like tights. ,They are thus worn eontdnuously day and night until a new pair is needed. these statements, and I feel I would I turn the crimson page of wary not be doing justice to your wonderful And here I find your name, medicine if I did not make these facts A comrade, shell and shrapnel scarred, known." And plumed in battle fame. You can get these pills through any A friend of man a friend of God dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 , cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Of royal blood and true, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • WHO ARE THE BEST FIGHTERS? The Canadians Are Generally Admit- ted to Carry the Palm. Who met the hell -hounds, breast to breast, A soldier, through and through, Ye trumpets sound a requiem, Ye red, red waters, cry Your lamentations, coast to coast, 'And darkness hide the sky; Early in the war the British War Kneel kneel, Office found it expedient to enter ob- +neesor highestate, jcetions to the tartan kilt on the O blue -flower bowaves your head) battlefield on account of its conspicu- A dog that shames an emperor, nus colors affording too distinct a Somewhere, somewhere lies dead. target for the enemy. An order' was —Herbert Randall. issued requiring the "Kitties" to wear a kilt made exclusively of khaki. To this the 'Highland regiments, with their devotion to the tartan, objected, and substituted for the all -khaki kilt a khaki apron which hid the conspicu- ods tartan colors in front. The War Department again com- plained that thew orders Were not be- mother does not get him out in the ing complied with, and to this the fresh air as often as she should. He Highlanders quickly replied, asset ting catches colds which rack his little that requirements had been fully met system; his stomach and bowels get by the wearing of the khaki apron in out of order and he becomes peevish front, for no Highlander ever turned and cross. To guard against this the his back to the enemy. Hence it had mother should keep a box of Baby's become generally accepted that the Own Tablets in the house. They Highland regiments were the best regulate the stomach and bowels and fighters, break up colds. They are sold by But now the New York Times claims medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents that it 18 generally admitted in Eu- a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi - rope, by French and British alike, that cine Co., Brockville, Ont. the Canadians are the best fighting The Victors Overseas. WINTER. HARD ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby. He is more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the men in the trenches, and adds in sup- port of the claim "they are never sub- ject to periods of 'high elation, which give them great elan in attack, and later periods of great, depression, which seriously affects their morale, as 'are the French. Nor is the lack of brilliancy individually or the absence of the great enthusiastic action of the French he attack, both o'f which in a general way characterize the British. The Canadians possess almost all of the brilliance and enthusiasm of the French, combined with the steadiness and absolute dependability of the British to get what they go after if it is humanly possible. It is purely a question of temperaihent, and of the environtnent of their youth. In both, the American and the Canadian are alike, and their action in battle will be the same."• — WY' We little realize how children cherish their gardens. No flower ever cost more than a little pansy that was brought me by a generous, sweet little seven-year-old girl last autumn: "You will put 11 right in water, won't you, and keep it? It is the very last flow- er from my pansy bed this year." The other day a laconic British of- ficial statement announced the sem- pletion of the campaign in German East Africa. Its significance was lit- tle appreciated by a world whose at- tention was fixed upon Cambrai and the Russian revolution. And yet it marks the passing of one of the great colonial empires of modern times, When the war broke out German col- onies occupied more than a million square utiles of African territory, an empire in area larger than that lost by France andel the old monarchy in the wars with Britain which preceded the Napoleonic era. Bagdad, Jerusalem, German Africa —these are measures of the present struggle between the Briton and elle German. We are now in the ;fourth winter of the war, a war which Ger- man statesmen and German scholars quite as much as German soldiers pro= claimed was to be a contest between a modern Rome and a contemporary Carthage, a contest in which the Ger- man should play the Roman role. And after four campaigns no German ship sails the seas, every German colony is in British hands, save for those por- tions' occupied by Britain's French and Japanese allies; Germany's !ruttish ally has lost Mesopotamia and the Holy' Land; British armies occupy the roads to Suez and the Persian gulf, and no eingle foot of British territory has now a German mister, CAMOUFLAGE TRAPS U-BOAT. Trick by Which British Seamen De- atroyed a Submarine. Camouflage by the gun crew of a British steamer tricked a German U-boat commander into the belief that he was attacking an unarmed mer- chant vessel and caused him to manoe- uvre his boat so that the gunners of the merchant vessel were able to send him and all on board to the bottom, The story was told by an officer of a British ship which recently arrived at an American port. The steamer was nearing a French port with a cargo of foodstuffs and Alarming Increase in dyspepsia and stomach disorders is largely due to too °�° ttppoo��jyr much rioh food, and the widespread use of so-called digestive 8 0 O iW eel, ammunition when the Lr -bout appear- tablets and pI'lls which give only temporary relief at the ALL "The Germain was some distance expense of ruining the stomach later on. away when we first saw rum," said the $;t•itish officer, "and at the same The best way is to consult a reliable in CaeO of stomach trouble. VINO ARE ILL stomach speoiaust or take a little Therefore be very careful what you time he was watching os through the ordinary blsurated ma, leaks—nothing I take, The best wayIs to consult a periscope. The gun crew was all ordinary else—to neutralize stomach oolong I and thereby remove the cause of your reliable stomach spaelieldst or take a Woman ready. Our big gun was hidden behind stomach aistress. I ldttle ordinary biswr•ai:ed magnesia— �li!t5 Recommends a screen; which covered the entire -- nothing else --to oos'rect the stomachr stern and which had been painted, Put a teaspoonful of bydroch'oric t acidity, and thereby remove the cause Lydia E. Pinkham' S Vege- both at starboard and port, to ]eels acid in your mouth, hold 11 there five of your complaint. table Compound—Her like lifeboats. The U-boat came on, luinutes and all the tissues will be If you have an acid stomach, you burned and inflamed: Yet you go must confine yourself to a diet of milk Personal Experience. When about twenty yards off, the coin- around with a glassful or more of this I and eggs, or if you wish to eat such mender, evidently having satisfied sante powerful acid in your stomach 1 articles of food as meat, potatoes, sal - McLean, Neb. —" 2 want to resell himself that we were unarmed, order- and then wonder why your stomach ads, sweets or rich foods os gravies, air mend Lydia E. Pinlcbam's Vegetable el the vessel sunk by bombs. burns and burts nod your fond will not drank beer, wines, liquors, tea or sof- Compound to a II "Several 0101) clambered from the digest. And when you gut food into an bee, you must take a teaspoonful of acid Stomach, the acid simply Com- bisurabed magnesia immediately after blues with the sweets, meats and pota- eating to neutralize the acidity. Sta• toes you eat and the tea, coffee and tisties show that 90 per cent, of the liquors you. drink, and makes a lot people who have dyspepsia and indi. more acid. gestion have an excess of acid, and Next, the acid may eat into your that this is the real cause of tlheir stomach walls. producing a stomach 1 trouble. ulcer or ,cancer, and only half the Keep the acid neutralized at aid cases of stomach ulcer ever get well I titles by the free use of bksurated under the most skillful treatment; the magnesia so that it no longer inflames others, sooner or later, an die, and ;the stomach walls, eat slowly and stomach cancer practically always masticate your food thoroughly, and The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO ISI I G E L.;' PIANO ACTION P,airville, Sept. 20, 1002, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Strs,—We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore 'throat and nest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bade, I mean at. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON, The Perfect Day. What a day that will be when the tidings are flashed over sea and land that the Allies have won and ,peace has been declared! From ten thou- sand times ten thousand steeples what bells will ring out, as if they were hu- man things, their wild delight at the long hoped-for event! Never in the history of the world will there have been such a day of universal joy. bt:inard's Liniment Cures Distemner, Drying Sweaters. After washing sweaters do not hang them up to dry, but place them on, a steam radiator or in an open oven, so that the weight does nett pull them out of shape. ity will prevail, and that means that people will want good things to eat. Good things to eat means fruit. o—o—o—o—o—o•--- o—o—o—o---o--• •n ----o 1, YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN d Cincinnati man tells how to dry (jiv�.oi'$^e,u�easoeesa� co^o.2Q Rheumatic rains a• C• Are relieved in a few days by • • taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's (e (e Syrupafter meals and enretiring. s It dissolves the lime and acid to accumulation in the muscles and • O joints so these deposits can be e e expelled, thus relieving pain and • e soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also • up a Dorn or callus so it lifts ° c known as "Extract of Roots,' P off with fingers. • contains no dope nor other etrong drugs to kill or mask the pain of o—o—e•--•o---•o—e-- o---0--o--u--0- -0--o ® rheumatism or lumbago, it re- • You oarnrp.estered men and women 9 mat dovrues thgieats. cause. 50c. a bottle need suffer no longer, Wear the shoes aOseaeoneea eeneee^o•e•orr e• s•se that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a1'hw FIE drops of freezoate applied directly an a tender aching corn on' callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or p) hardened maths loosens SO it can be and (1]`SDs yyj. L lifted off, root and alt, without pain. and lll��� @@ 999��� p s RY RED FACES c`v' 17•i a A small bottle of freezone costa very ' little at any drug store, but will post ' Soothed P. tively talcs off every hard or soft corn sad Healed by or callus. rids should be tried, as it m is inexpensive and is said not to illi- Cuticura tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any Preemie Val F zofee tell frim to get a small bottle for you Bathe freely from his wholesale drug house. It is with Cuticura fine stuff end acts like a charm every Soap and hot time. water, dry and gently apply Cuticura Oint- ment. Use night and morning. For pimples, redness, roughness, itching and imitation, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair, red, rough hands and baby rashes, itchings and chafings, these fragrant, super -creamy emollients are wonderfully effective. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post -card: "Cuticura, Dopt.N, Boston, U. S. A." Sold throughout the world. ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS MOST FREQUENT CAUSE OF - CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA. Yon must neutralize the acid in your stomach, says Doctor, or give up eating sweets, meats, 'potatoes and salads and quit drinking tea, coffee or liquor. forward hatch; dragging one of their collapsible boats after them, Officers stood 'on deck, leaning against the conning tower, as they waited for our finial:. Meanwhile, the gunner's had been working behind our lifeboat screen, and while the Germans tvere preparing their boat the gun pointer signalled the range, "The screen was dropped, and before the Germans were aware of the trap they had fallen into, the big• gun roar - el, We saw the 811911 tear into the hull at the water line and directly et the base of the conning tower. The submarine sunk in less than foto' min- utes, with all its °rete." Skimmed mills furnishes protein at about hall the outlay for evhieh this essential can be purchased as milk: it is also a valuable source .of carbo- hydrates and mineral water. The de- flofezlcy of fab in skimmed milk is counterbalanced by the fat of the ordinary mixed diet. 55iaard's Liniment Cures Aiphthei'1s.. women who suffer from any functional disturbance, as it has done me more good than all the doctor's medicine. Since taking it I have a fine healthy baby girl and have gainedrn health and strength. My huff - band and I both means death in a year at most. But your stomach will soon get well of its 1 t^ -r.^ praise your med- this is not all. The aaid in your stone- ; own accord. women, „ , belle to all suffering ecu passes on into the intestines, tip . Bisnrrated magnesia is absolutely —las, JOHN $opP>aosoang, R. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. sets them and disarranges your liver, barmlese. It le generally prescribed so that you may soon require 8 seri- ; by physicians to be taken in teaspoon- ous °parattion with the surgeon's knife ;led doses immediately after eating or l' fo..gall stones Or appendicitis, 1 whenever you have nary distress; from Generally when people have sola' air ! excess acid; but it may be used in acid belching or eructations, heart. !much larger quantities and Bruch more burn, or u. bunting sensation at the frequently with perfect safety, pit of the stomaolt or other synlpterne Ile ease to obtain bitqurated rnag- witdeh indicate atomaell acidity, they nesia and not memo other form of take some advertised digestive pills or magnesia, as other forms axe used as buy a box of tablet,, from the nearest laxatives and as mouth washes, but druggist. Such remedies may give they have not the saute power for temporary relief, hilt If you go on fill- neatraltalug stomach acidity, which Ing your st0aaaelh with a lot of drugs Is possessed by blaureled meg1Psla., you may get to the point after a while which is inexpensivo kind can Gutsily when no food of any kind will stay be obtained Cram any reliable drug on your stoana011, 10111 y'o1l p111 have an store. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. l'inkhanl's Vegetable Corn - pound. has been restoring women of America to health for more titan forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacement -et in- flamnlation, ulceration, irregularitiert;, backache, headaches, nervousnessor the blues" to give this successful remedy a trial. For special suggestions In regard to your ailment write Lydia 13. Phnkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its long experience is at your servied, ED. 7, 2SSUE, 1'—'18,