HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-21, Page 5HOG PRODUCTION
It is a matter of the greatest importance
that Canada should increase her produc-
tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock
as there is at present a World-wide short-
age of meat. Good markets for some these
to come are assured.
will gladly make loans to assist farmers in
good st:.nding to acquire live stock.
rSe(E•it1OY:'tb. I32`�3 o.t
J, G, MULLEN, Manager
Wa J( Walker
eV, .1,. Waikor, holder of gov-
ernment Diplome and theorise
Day oe Night eel's receive our
prompt attelitlot
Day l'hotie 07
Night " ,8
For Sale
Houao and half sora of land ill the
village of 1$gtuontiville, The property
is situated on {;entre Street, oloee to
the Preebyteria1 Church and is knottn
as the lilt°ell property, Good oom-
fortablo hones, good shed, good well
00110 r1onteistorn, Alt kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries and
Durrant hushes, This is a writer pro
porty with no breaks on front, and the
awl is in a good state of cultivation.
Tithe is a Woo property for a retired
farmer gad the taxes aro light, For
intik, Hare apply on the promises ur t.1
John [thither, SoafovUth,�4
Oat: rio's heading Commercial
School makes shone to easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and 'telegraphy. \V„
give individual instructions au detu-
•dents may enter at any time, Gra
dtlatos are planed in positions. 'Phis
layout opportunity ae there is s
great cell upon tis 101' trained help,
Write at (neo for pattiaulat's•
Look, Mother! If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after gibing
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
e few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
well, playful ohild again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
cake tulle harmless "fruit laxative."
Zillions of mothers keep it handy be-
cause •tbsy know its action'on tite stonen
' 'b, liver and bowel$ is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist for tt bottle of
alifornia Syrup of Figs," which sun -
9s directions for babies, children of
11 ages and for'grown-ups.
France House, 7 rooms and pantry,
summer kitohen and cellar, Hard and
soft water, Electric "lights, large ve•
vandal)... Stable 16!fx 12' hen house 9
Apply at the
News Office
Fore a Nice
fair Out
call at
Bolton's Bartter Strop
I have for sale sev-
Bonds aind
of a particularly
Ugh grade, bearing
interest from 5 to
G per cent.
RIP, information con
cerning same cheer=
fatly given.
Bond and, O3benture. Broke(
Main Street, Seaforth
Phone q.l a -
V.:tiered your cream to us and rBceiet
top prises, We are running our plant
tho year through and can lunette mint
full supply and furnish you with cans,
We pay twioe snot month and weigh
samplo,and teat each can of crenm caro
fully. Oar motto is " Honesty to ou
Patrons " Patrons are requested to 1'e
earn all our cane when not 111 Ilse.
3,atter as .1 Buttermilk al - e ti hand
.ad for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
eow Wanted
Wanted, a Jersey cow or heifer, Ap-
ply to the Nmve Office.
Special $1,95 Optical Sale
of warranted extra tine quality gold
1i11e d rimmed spestaoles and eye glasses
with best white spherical lenses. Reg
Mal' $4,60 value for only $1,95. Eyes
examined free by my well known and
painstaking apocialiat Mr. Hnghson
formerly optical expert for Kent'
Jewt ley Store, Torotit°. The price of
all optical goods aro advancing rapidly
and these values are the beat you will
see for 80h10 titan, Carne early, Two,
day's only. 'Tuesday and Wednesday
irebruary tOth and 2711, Beattie's
}raiz' Seaforth,
Owing to the numerous blockades
the meuagemeut of "tatoleretice" have
beau foroad to poetpono their Seaforth
etgagement uttii a date about the end
of April when conditions will be more
satiafeetory' for both the management
and the public.
The protest against Mitchell wee
allowed and the game was played owns
Saturday, teeulting in a score of, it to 5
in favor of Seaforth gild gave then, the
llietrirt, 'filo la was fast olid the
.ig®t Emil soon., ties iso indication of the abilityof
i Rnottt House, good ruttier, 11arp the two teams Mitohell boys put rip
and Soft Water, god condition attii, ,agood game but hick wits against them
pItit r lctt.lr') '1l this°nine, ellevaniug.
"1'I1L Sl:AFOR"1'1-i
nom" Ot
At preeen't the otttloolt et Qnetm's
Park is for an .extremely short seeeion,
Neither on the debate on the address
nor on the budget wee an arnettdmettt
offered by tho Opposition. There was
Dig up your Ovorooat, have loop at
it, by renewing the velvet colter, Prattl-
ing and Cleaning may save you the
price of tt new Otte. My Wardrobe,
Goderiah, St, Opposite Queen's,
Mr W. D, Stewart has returned to
his home in St Paul,
Mise Edna Dayman has returned to
Toronto after a visit to Mr anti Mrs
Joe, Daynutn iu MoI ltiop
A very successful block tea was held
laet Wednesday evening at the home of
Mr anal N1 '1 0 Litidl,tw under the
auspiees of the Ladies' Aid of the Pres.
byterian °hnroit,
Mr auk Mrs Oarthoahau, who have
been visiting relatives in this eioluity,
left on Monday for their home in
Rev, Mr McLean of St Marys, ocean.
led the pulpit of the klginoadeille
Outsell last Sabbath,
0 the erdinery man .snitches erg
eeuetderable, Rings he
by the box, eo often obtain
or netbtng--or next to It. Out it with
On than .a century ago that one Job*
R►aiter, an apothecary, of Atookto*•
TN., found. tl,° relaeaa of the .molt'
om lite tndtr•box oI the live coat
atilt°tem and utggeetone, but .tl0tpf
!fielding oftheroluUon all thattooka fire
acrimony that would warrant dividing IMIch gave the hint, and not long
IlfterwnarA h
the House, Both eides seem anxious
to get through and get away, .If there
le to be alight at all ittnay be on the
y g ted t sand B h0
bill extending the Corm of the Hemel pegleoted to put Int his lnventtoa, and
Aud eo far the only member who seams W. Reading eolpolmaeter, Isaao Hol-
inoliped to raise an issue is Mr Dewar!, lune idea, anine°° the acme imistake,
9'here•is much to be said in getting [t 'Ana not )on,' before the "box of
the members down to work, and keep-�lvoass glye tea t" 'It.
penny, and finally
ing them steadily at it. That IndeWhams,.On alt'`)' to the purchaser of
has been characteristic of the Legielat_ I ---
e, iu 1927t a placed on the
market hie bux(s of metchee—lucifertl
'r'esntelning 11r1 r each, at one ehilltag.
1h® lighted paper.
rue by Sir William Hearst, and
efforts in that direction will u
lie etluoul'aged by Mr, I'roudfoot,
a time when the two sides aro i
agreement a great deal of progr
be mads in a few hours, Moeda
Friday aro off clays and the Hou
do a lot with the estimates,
Mies Kate McDiarreind has returned Fortunately there is little 1
from visting her abater, Mee '1', Baird legislation, the city of Toronto
in Stanley. perhaps the ottly contentious to
will come
Mr William Hablcirk has returned ishi, supply the41PublicAuaonnp. Nw thatlto
from a visit to hie brother in Dunnville, mittee can bewailed at any limo,
does not seem to be any work
for the Railway committee, the
of the Hydro -Electric radial s
having put an end to the oxl,luit
of railway ohartore, Indeed el
mongers will have to find sante
means of earning a living eo
Ontario is oonoerned .- sumo it ha
comet the polfoy of oho (ioveetunen
deeliue aid In the shape of aaah bonus-
es or land grants to railway pests
who only unload as soon ,is they
Chair legislation,
u doubt.
•1t Seed -hunter Flt• Is Remarkable Pia
n such For Wtatern Canada
y midi
80 ran
Mr and Mr Samuel Chesney of Strat-
ford were visiting relatives hero last
Mies Allan of the Collegiate staff has
returned from Burlington.
Mr !Hermit's of East Wawatoah is
the gueat er his daughter, Mrs. Robert
Mlsa Anus Pringle who was visiting
Ilei' grandmother, Mrs J. H. 1lroadfoot
11roadfoot has returned to her home ill
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will bo dispensed in the auditorium of
First Presbyterian church next Sab-
bath morning.
Capt, Freeman, who line returned
front .Aranoe spent a few days with rel-
atives he town, _
Mrs Barts and small sun from W et
askiwin aro guests at the home ut Mr
and Mrs A, D, Sutherland,
Mrs H. H. Ross has returned home
from Toronto,
Miss Madge Stewart left on Monday
for Toronto to attend the millinery op-
9fisa Anna Bell is spending a few
days with t'ieuds itt Toronto,
Mise Mary Modeland left last week
for Faltnereton prior to going to Toros•
to attend the millinery opening,
Rey, Mr Gales of Toronto will preach
in the Egwonelvillechurch next Sundae
Mr John Dickson and his daughter
Mrs Gillis, and Mr and Mrs Bates of
Goderiah were here attending the fun-,
Brat of the late Mrs Olow of Winona
Minnesota. - -
Mr, John. Lacey of Palmer, Sask., is
spending a few weeks in town with re-
latives. He has been eight yearn in
the West,
Mr, John McNay has bought out
Sproat & 0o. Feed Store and also the
Amara Hotted on North Road and will
become a oftizet? of Seaforth, ,tube poo
plc of whom will be glad to welcome
such a progressive man to Ito midst.
The Women'a WarAuxiliarywiilmake
their next mailing of seeks to the boys
overseas on Saturday, Feb. 23rd. ant
speoially request parents. ralatvee or
friends of the boys to hand in any
change of address as soon as possible—
the socks are mailed to all the Boys
overseas witetner at the front or in .Eng
laud, provided the Auxiliary are kept
supplied with the correct address,
Air George McKee of Winthrop was
iu 'Toronto part of last week attending
tneet'ng of the Confederated Fairs,
Seaforth .defeated Wodstoof ' on
Tuesday night by a soot? of 6 to to,
A eliding rink composed of Messrs
Barber, Jno Beattie, Kerslake and
Am"nt captured the Just—WVrighb
trophy at St Thomas, which they will
hold WI It iawon ft'om them,
Mrs R S Hays intends leaving for
Detroit this week, to visit her sister,
who is ill,
Mix Horn ham returned from spend -
several months with her husband in
lel itotteli,
In the report of the Eleven Freshet.
tonal Sooiety, the Seaforth auxiliary
heads the list for the largest thank
offering and yearly eenbribetlon, the
amts being 5409 48.
biles Cassie L'yorott loft on Tneoda.
to attend the Millinery Oponittgs 1n
eve gyqoultl eard of these peditionsrmer °et
isle Hansen 1( 10 the arctic region
The last Chapter of
The Great Secret
will reveal what happened since that inyster"'
ious tragedy in the iclondil�e back in '98.
nu This will prove a decidedly interesting finale
in which FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN, crowned
King of Moving Pictures at the pageant of the
San Francisco Fair and BEVERLY BAYNE,
honored as queen at the sister exposition at
San Diego, together with the other
of this entirely capable members
p cast bid you fare-
tlr' ✓ plants and of his
su000se? As etrioultural explorer he
(19aIs de four tri., to Europe and Asia,
Lill is , recoverOt t;, th of November,lants o1918,
easels' neon retur;, from his fourth trip
House:,! the sub +' tie, and even Arctic
Com- I iberla, bel, ,. ; with him plants,
clover anti t t.fa .seed, Ina letter
There i he says that I e ilrmly0 bell yes these
at "" new alfalfne c• ill go to the Arctic
g relvt i1 !Orate on i 1 1 eontlnent. - While he
a -Bernet of his state, he is also
theme: working for •',nada. He has brought
atful back seeds tee! will produce plants,
,,uttr'Coldestt ll gime plate., rantlillsf
the roughest
uth,r try. He Inte endured hardships, he
fur as dared the el ,Muss of the East, he has
risked health and life, To know such
ebe-' man is to 000d'm our hope of
t t1 Bman1 y, ter Ito is making it possible
for the desert places to blossom wl
alfalfa and . /over,
When Hans, 11 returned from fi
g"t third trip to Siherta, I secured a small
Amount of seed from hie to toles one
in this northern section o2 rias West,
and not a single plant has died, in-
, stead they have flourished wondbr-
and now I have several acres
, of tallyhese very hardy alfalfas, which
are producing the finest seed I ever
w. They seem to be perfectly at
ome in this climate, and whd a en we
i u em-
! bet nutting Ithe leaves from Gard freeze in a umma
alfalfa, the foliage of the Siberian
esu' atfalfas wet„ just slightly Injured,
roving tb1ir hardiness evenmras. over
his 1st trip(ntoaSiberiaen tuIned secured
several more varieties of hardy Betide
that he brought back with him, in-
findiittg Siberian red ciover, Promo or
MILett, White Sweet Glover and Mon-
golian Wheat. All of these produced
nensiderable seed and will be eowD
Delivery Eipaase
Friday & S turday
!111 With a rept•odtiicti:rf of the famous stn
1B �success "The .;eaatifui Lie" from the poern
by Ella Wheeler wilco; as our 5 filet offering
you are assured of a fill evening's entertain,
ment so make rap your party and conte along.
Messrs Wilson Bros, Importers and
Wholesale grocers, Victoria B. C.,
their Weekly Trade Letter say,
"A great deal of discussion has b
going on at meetings held in the east
and in the trade .papers ill regard to
the proposal that in order to les-
sen the Dost of doing business travel-
lers might be dispeuseel with. Many
and varied opinions have been expreee
Another important thing is deity
and arguments advanoed both
and con, but the general verdict sear
to be, in the !West at any rate, iu t
West at any rate, is indispeusacle' We
certainly incline to this opinion our
selves: at the same time this item in
the wholesalers expense account might
with the eo operation of the retailer be
materially out down. The number of
calla might easily be reduced and the
orders taken by travellers being loss in
number, would naturally be in increas-
ed quantities and a further saving in
delivery °beiges would thereby be ef-
fected, the same thing applying to the
business of the retailer. The delivery
system of almost every retail and whole
sale establishment will bear the most
searching investigation and if this earn
eetiy and carefully taken in nand it
will be found that large savings can be
made by courteously but firmly iutitu-
atiug to oustomers that too much is
expected in the way'of delivery service
and a great deal of unnecessary tvorir
can be dorm away with.
em, t Blain and again, --R. McLaren.
p701 — a,
us , Buckingham's Workshop
is frequently revealed in these war
times evon in thin well-to-do Province.
Hard enough to be poor—still worse
to bo ,sick and poor.
. The lot of the consumptive is a spe-
cially trying one. Only recently a
family was discovered hying in two
small rooms over a store. At one time
they had occupied a comfortable home
but the father took sick and had to
give up work. With the savings all
gone, they were forced to sell the fur-
niture to buy food. When the man
was found to be a consumptive, this
was the opportunity of the Muskoka
Free Hospital to bring relief so that
not rel;; would t}ie stricken husband
have e a winning chance for life, but
more desirable still, the wife and chil-
dren oho :"cl be removed from danger
of ,ontfactitl
1e i
d sease. e, Uttar. t' ekil-
Lel guidance the Mottle WAS cleaned up
-and 1110 family temporarily provided
for. It is now reported that the patient ('oris t d t 1'
lh rem i Ila. t,al. carried of 1,7
without leaving a soar,
t.rno or the !nest carpenter's work-
shops in London is at Buckingham
Palace. A little while .Igo the King
bad this workshop entirely refitted,
and It now contains a splendid elec-
trically -driven turning plant. In many
of the rooms at Lite different Royal
residences may be seen substantial,
well made pieces of furniture that are
the handiwork or the King's carpenter.
All the packing cases in which the
Royal gifts of flowers, fruit, and game
are desptched to various friends of
their Majesties and charitable inti
tutions are also made in the workshop
at Buckingham Palace, where about
9,000 packing cases are turned ottt
Overt' Year, _ +
1t has many qualities.—'Pito elan
who posaesees a bottle of Dr Thos. if,
luotric Oil is armed against molly ills.
It will °nee a oough, bt'ealt a 0"'11. prey
ant sore throat; it will reduce the swel-
ling from a sprain, ouro the most pore-
istout sores and will speedily heal cute
and contusions, It is a medicine chest
in itself, and can be gut for a quarter
of 0 dollar.
Wire Fencing
\Vt' have a liar load of
Fencing- .Wire bought Dust
Vali which we will b1/; for.
until March est 01 the 111110w-
priCes, ;strictly Cash when
wire is taken away, and all
must he away by•April 1st.
6Wi I1
Our pictures are now projected by the
latest really flickerless machinery.
11 3• .y.+.r«•.s�.;.r,.r,.r,»2•{»:.n.;�•:»'••'»: �.,e , ;.r,«;« »;»;..w, ' .
BY JOHN 1i,' , 1(nl'(71d4OCHH, 111 n„ D,P,H„ l'Hbi:lr OFFICER
UMIGATI(N of school rooms is usually done by means of the tumet
of sulphur or formaldelhyde. It is doubtful if, done in the hap-
bazard way it is usually carried out, It 1s worth the expense. Lots
of child:, n cot infection of one kind or another in scbool, but 1t is
not the atmosphere of an "infected school -room" but the mild and unre-
cognized eases or «ommunicable dfeease which spread the disease by contact
infection among the children. It is often found that after great pains and
expense have been taken to disinfect sehool-rooms that fresh cases appear,
tts If no preeautiolis had been taken.
The best safe -guards are cleanliness and the simple use of disinfect-
ants. The oblerts in the school -room which are frequently handled, suet"
-1s door -knobs, millings, gymnastic apparatus, toilet fixtures, eta„ should be
thoroughly cleaned once a week and gone over every
L%'li.T SHOI Lit mnrntng with a cloth wet in (1-40) formaldehyde solu-
tion, DONN: tion, creosol solution, or weak carbolic solution, Water -
seats, doorknobs, h•hains t etc,, should ould be kept
sh f cted dailylin the manner
already descrihed. The toilet facilities for many of the country schools
are little short of seatdalous. The writer le aware that Women's Institutes
are doing a great deal towards the improvement of sanitary conditions in
these schools and it is the duty of the Medical Omcer of Health to have a
sharp eye on school premises and insist that the toilets and surroundings
aro kept is proper sanitary condition. Dust should be wiped off furniture
with a damp cloth. Don't 000 a feather duster, this merely stirs up the
dust, and is worst than usetess. The floors :should be oiled and oil brushes
used in sweeping. Blackboard chalk should be removed as much as pos.-
after school hours by wet cloths instead of by erasers.
Since nitwit a the disease occurring among children is spread from
the mouth and throat it is easy to see how the Common Drinking Cup and
the Cotnrnon Towel spread disease. Their use should not be allowed in
1rhool or e1?,r'a h,.•t ', A card with these rules printed in large letters
eboute be hint_. i p in (eery school -ronin.
Do not o;'t1 it :act earn help it. Never spit en a slate, door, or sidewalk.
Do not tut the ringers into the tnoul1,
Do not pial; the nose or wipe th no00 on the hand or sleeve.
Do not w.' I h fingers 111 the mouth when turning the femme o1 a book.
em not P.11 r nrfls in the mouth o' wet thein with the lips,
Do not put volley into the mouth.
Do tint pll _ Wits ill file mouth.
re c eat Fencing, all No n tire bo not let;met itir,lt into the mouth except food and drink,
43 cents pet' Rod Do not swap apple -corns, candy, chewing gum, half -eaten food,.
whistles, toys, or ,t.ytbing that is put into the mouth.
7 Wire Ideal Fencing, {,q', poi. rod Never cot:6lt or so,reze in a person's race, turn your face to one side.
8 \\'ire " dl,;, „ Keep your face end hands (lean. Wash your hands With soap and water.
be'for'e each me
Uprights 22 inches avert
8 Wire tdeal Penning lilt p'r 5e
Barbed Wire 6.,0 per inn ire,
N.. 0 Coil Spring N. R 5,75
Geo. A. Sills,
Hardware Sore,
is doing well, with i'Vrry rhauue of r' a' wars theappoar when
re(ovory. d u"tf.'d with 'Holloway's Corn (ante 1
Ia 1.
the Muskoka Free ltospititl which i
not! .'ppcalii foe help.
(..ittriltutiono t,iay be sena; to W, J.
Glum, Chairman, b:i Spaata Avenue,
• 'atetcillo or tiers A. Reid, Soct'etary-
T + ., ..• .. , Cr.:I'L p St„ Toronto:
iso mothers wl a know 11,e Tuttle
of Mettler Gravel.' Worm Exterminator
alwayshave it at hand, because imj
1.119, 8118 Value.
Great altos t•ophes have great lessons, and th.e greatet the catastrophe
the greater the 1„rao11, Immediately after a railroad disaster, a shipwreck,
01' a sensatitcrnt tiro In which lives are lost the public demand that action
be taken to prev, mthe recurrence of similar accidents in oho future, White
this is quite proper, it is esaeutially impottant that a broad application of
the lesson ahruid be learned, but It Is seldom done. The suburban railway
•tccidenl at Queenstttn fast year., the loss of the great lean'*Is the Empress of
trulreantsland, and the Tiiantc, all coutributink to greater at lesser loss of life,
tt:su}ted only ingutlyding against an identical forof accident in the
Tito sante holds trite In respect to infantile paralysis which has been
the cane of eeetteutent almost approaching panic in emit-: putts of the
Unites Slates and in portions or this ceutltry, though happily wet have
1pcaped with about the seasonal average number of ran,•+. Stringent meas-
ures were taken by our neighbours to cheek the outbreak in New York
and oilier tittles, end the P' Vjtt fel llealtl• authoriti(s have !men on the
ales( against 1,uy similar epidemic In Ontario. Hut the iuei.len .e of infan-
tile paralysis with Rs death rate is trifirg' rontparrhl nide I1:. ; •allta from
other disease; in regard to whieb the public bit apathrtir, 1.1 1' .eember of
last year there were over 3,000 00008 01 measles hu '1.01011,, 111011., and the
rettbreak spread all over Ontario, ',Measles causes mor deaths annually
than does Infantile paralysis; so do diphtheria, scarlet fever, and tuber-
eulosis, 91 is a pity our people do not got a little mere paplcky about
soeetneswb year o or ail et the laNest-nperamedofm*elp dlseaaea; the=' las ar® ahoso with ", agd eV*(