HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-21, Page 4PROFESSION41 CARDS
We. Fi,lleUli 1101e, L11teete9lsawee enrge94
I at1s et holden Ilospttel, Leaden, Eaalaed;
6pse a atter ion 10 diseases Of Eye, liar, Nose'
and est,
Maseendresidence ilchtnet DeteletOn haste.
fJlfw shone No. s, R nide nee Phone are leo
firer, J, fillagieffe 84gierte OlUOe sods s'
we 1eeneeo-.Oo4oriCbanise, cot et the fasts-
• odlat imines, Coroner for county of Moron,
Trlepiinrie No 40,
011e, 400T'1 & MACKAY, Pletarkfans and
&arcst Godedch Street. o'p a Meth*
Ho ttlryar fH+ala i,
path %graduate Vktorla earl Ann fir, apd
limber of Drank college of Physicians and
s Coroner for Count f baron.
acg-avt honorwe mawielfetTrinityaMedical Colirga`. Member of
COISSIM of Phydclane and Surgeons, Qsdaxlo.
H1•711;MAh, Oeteopt hie Specialist
LO in 1t,a,,eu'* and Ululdrea's diseases and
Itheunti.t.• troub ca. Acute nab chrome dlsord
ore; her .Stye, N090 and Throat Adenoid ra•
moved with int thcLnitc. ('ottani tenon. free.
l:ayat Hotel
2uHy.i8y.edn. '0 ' 1..•n . Friday 50,0. 10 Opal
d by 10IIN
• Marriage Ucenso4� F DALhfuu ele1
lltlyon urea postcard will set' ur rapt :bleatl
J. D. 1411410II1LEY,
Guarantee London
nd Accident Insuranceinsurance
S..arorth, Ont.
James Watson
General tiro Lige t�'t ltcldent Ineu',met
Agent, end e4t wltug Yts. o++
Main ?treet,bettlarth,
Witial Pure lAsuroce Cit
Farm and Isoi,eted Tossit
3'r�*;rot:rty 0?nty inwured,
Aron .the Office
Phone 84 livening. 117
nee dollar per ear,etrktlyinadyenue
if not paid iadvance, otte dollar and
a Ball will be charged. United steles
papers. tiny cents extra, etrlekly nt
When subscribers amanita their address
isobar be tent no immediately, gives a
�berss win coold der 88 fathe vor by noottifyi o 00
of any Irregularity of delivery.
Reading Notices --.No reading noticei
advertising stay entert1108Ont or matter by
Mitch moneyt'.� b to be made by any person
or cause irui be Inserted in Tura Now
without charge. The price for the inser-
tion of business ean0unesments le TEN
pcents per count line each Insertion to
arties having no contract for dlepla
advertising, and FIVE cents per One ea
Insertion to those having display 000traei.,
sad for church, society and entertainment
reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9
taws, 50 .ants.
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notlo.o—Ten cents per One for drat
imertlon and five cents per line for each
sebum/net insertion.
Yearly ,ards--Prufesslonat Cards not
eneeedIng one Inch. wet be tnaertal for
55.00 pet• v,iar, ncvabte strictly in advance
Display '4tverttatng.-Rates furnished
un apollettlon,
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion,
wUntil forbid." and those sent 'without
.arltten instructions will appear until
dues order' ars rnxlved for their do+•
Lottsro to teas Editor mu01 1:0 accom.
ousted by the writer's own signature not
ur puh(30at00u, but as a guarantee of good
faith. Tho pubtleher accepts no reaeon.
siblllty whatever for the statements made
•n ouch comment:at(ons. Letters on reli-
gious taptcs will not be published at all
mew as paid advertising, plainly marked
1, 3ueb. The rate for such Ratter 14 ten
•'('t p;r Ilnrt,
I n, £0l"Jri afro AtiBL!Sti£R
,an ...f 'i1f t -..:1
D, F tt•i;re,•;or, Scnforth: 3ahn - rtcv.1
s7Rntb ag 4 Robe, t Perris, !MID t Malr•ls.'
Bi'odghaaen Robert Perris, lrar[aclal 13a1mm 1 ----G-norm
„,_, _ _--�,. et Observations ftp _ I
Soma •• Mceart.si' EMI h. General ObseY vations t �
James..-..,_,:y.i.olerfch 103.Evans. B1e,h'nand
Atex. Lek, 8lacioolct E. lllnehi s. 848(011»
t1W1111am Cturves, Egmoadvilki i W. 'te.,.
Eelmeavillet R. G. Jarmouth, Brodbct0on • Jane-.'
Yerr and Jobn Govenlock, Seaforth, authors,
Parties desirous to elect tnatttlwee 00 tranua; . '
other business will be promptly attended to b4
application to any of the above officers, addrns,
to their respective vanadium.
01 course we helve the utmost con-
tidenoe in the British uavy, We bel-
ieve it is guarding the British Coast
The ' with a vigilance that t:eithvr slumbers
original nor sleeps; and yet, rotwithltanding
11 1 our trust, we cannot help fooling tin•
and uoyed, and despite cur efforts, we are
Oulj' enable to rid ourselves cf the suspicion
�18IfUiile ;that there is something wrong oome-
where, when a number of Garman torp.
ado boat deetroyete eau come out into
he Straits of Dover, sink eight small
British naval orate, and Ret back bone
Beware I without a scratch, Perhaps fog did it.
Of j
Imitations Dr. Vot, Kuallimoue, the Germau
00 file
Foreign Secretary, in a epeeoh at the
concluding session of the recent peace
conference at Brest Litovsk, pictured
Oft l Germany t14 a peace.loving, non •
ioard s aggrssive uati01,. What next 4' Wil
it ba the tiger proclaiming himself a
relgetariab. at.d as gentle as Mary's
little lamb'
For Sale
W. 1, KEY Se 3 arm.
Phone IS()
A t us ass
Without a proper
systin of adver-
tisin is like a
motor without the
o u saver. . .
Sedfort'h Newt
wtfl supply the
rewired energy
phone - 116
It may seem absurd le talk of Eng -
/and and Fral:oe being starved into
peace when we think of the wars of the
past and the small productions of those
(days. We should however remember
that the ware of 'he past were not so
intensive and consumed only, a fraction
of the men .e munitions of the war of
(/to day. Armies in the peen were de-
feated when cut off from supplies just
cid nations are now, Only Increased
food prodaotiou on the part of those at
home Dan meet the demand and hold
the foe back,
The Freedom of the Seas
The foliewiag artiole )rota au Amer -
loan source is interesting at the pree•.
ant time, It was published in the
out tea Companion of Boston. Its' In
says: What does the phrase mean= p
If the world could agree upon a dean•, wit
hien of it, one of the future terms of 1 rim
p0aoe would be settled to advance, fur
all the belligerents profess themselves
to be iu favor of "freedom of the seas” I
The trouble is that not all of them
menti the same thing, The British
assert that the 80as were free 411 tete.
and had been tree for a long time, aid
their allios take the seine position.
What the Gtrtnatte 010111 by rho free
don of the seas, Choy have never made
definite, bet it 8, ems to be, first of all,
9 Large rrtetriwtiot, of British naval
power, wore not the oeae free before
the present wet. begard Any armed or
morellailt ship of any power, great or
smell, oeeld roil gpuuoleotot1 on 48(13 %O »ip11
shore Jot oeefzeatetfof itis morelt 0. ritleTion $4LE
0000elKeof aatateof freedom ntet'6 0010'
piste than diet. Undoubtedly it waa Of Pure Bred Rsgietered Shortie:en
oroated by the t3litieh Navy: not, of Dottie, Sheep, bovine, Horace and Farm
eonre8 from benevolent moti1'ea, but to Implements,
.promote the inteteets of the people, It The ttuder8igned owing to inability
is not simply to eel) back and forth in to mantra suitable farm help haft decided
the oeean, but to visit and trade with to give up fax and will offer for
the tend that the 400(1001'of the eeae is sale by' Public Auction at his farm on
tiesireti. It was the British (loot that Lot 14, Coneesaion 2, L. It, S. Tuck -
owe insoluble by opening up every erStnth, a mile and a quarter Haat of
continent for trade. Very little of the ICIpp014, and a half a (0110 South, on
work was done by any other power but FRIIIAY. MARCH 1, lets, at one
Rl'itaiu, and none et all by Germany, p 1u, the following portional property,
Since in time of peace all the porta tt1
of the world are open on equal terms HORSES—One registered ^Clycles•-
to the commerce of every country, it is dale mare six y'Oara of ago, Lady Os-
obviou8ly to war tithes that the German weld (36082); One gelding, 3yenrs of
cuuoeption of the freedom of the seas is age, sired by Colonel Graham; Ono
directed; but the world is tot oxpooted gelding, 2 yeara of age, sited by Lord
to see the motive of the proposal, Naval Armstrong.
farces are to be restricted it, time of OATTLB—Males—Ona superior rnau
plat,. so that when wet' breaks out bull, (Schoolmaster) 111590) 14 mouth
there shall be (to blockades or interfel'- old; one bull calf 11 mouths old; (115.
epee from the 808 with the opot'84io1(5 825); 0(111 one bull onlf(Jndgo .Holden
on the land. The chief enetuy of Gera 110826) five months old. Females—
many would gladly agree not to have a One roan cow, Lady Waterloo, 2uc1
singlo warship 'dont if it could aholieh (tn8o01) this an extra fine cow and is
tht. British navy or so reduce it as to the darn of Schoolmaster; one red co tv
destroy its power to hamper military Lady Dnohees (104t! it 6 years of
operlatiees au land, 'Phe Kaiser could ane red sow 5 years of age Laura
then use his lunge armies without leer es 4th, (124982), etro red cow 0
of having his u000seary sea -borne sup• of ago, Pie Cruet 2nd (104401, this
plies cut off. When the.war endo we has a hull calf at foot' one yeti
dial( have freedom of the seas, as we calved Marell 10th telt, Jnnnt
had it before—just the same and ,just Laren (log,;32), this cow has a h
as nitwit of it, '1'110 navies of all the calf nt foot; one roan heifer, Lyd
world, or most of it. will be employed (113147) salved March 4111 1015;
in t'eean police WUrk, if required. There dark red heifer, Rosetta (1280,4'
ie only sue aggressive nation „left, No all August Int 1015; or, t+ yeti
eirlmoon ■MMMMMMM morn mla111MMMMommllligMlllyitfiMmoon Wfif■ oo
Bat+ibtiahed 1871
Coati!! sad Reserve *13.000.00.
Savings Department
Deposita of One Dollar and upwards received.
Interest paid or added to accounts twl4ce a year.
Efficient service.
A ■■sear■■YYW■■la■Y■■■m■■■iouganalti■meed■■■lala'Y■gftf■ILMill■e
Save your Hall Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now—Also
stops Itching scalp,
'Nein, brittle, colorless and soraggggyy
emir is mute evidence of a - neglected
eosin1n; of dandruff'—that awful scurf,
There is nothing so destructive to
the flair ars dandruff. It robs the hair
age, of Ste lustre, its etrength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
Duoh ness and stenting of the scalp, which if
years not remedied causes the hair woos$ to
ehrinfc, loosen and cite—••then the hair
cow fails out fast. A little Danderine to•
sow night—now---any time will surely save
leo your hair,
arise Get a small bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderjne from any drug store. You
le J, surely can have beautiful Stair and lots
one of it if you wt11 iii -t try 1 little Date
cair. _tonne, ,Save om Lai, Try it:
other t,overnnleut except of (one .ny Mary OOrey, calved July 11110, A
i$ likely to break the pence 011 the teal m the uhure females have 11ee11 bred
and hereafter llerinai,y will hesitate to are enppoeed to be 111 calf to Sbot'tl
break the peace evert 1,11 the land, 1f It bulk p('+300ing the 11(0(1ta alternator
0,1 (101 sucu.,rd in limiting see power of tide noted breed, and all the
ac• erdittg to its (wt pi olio are good milkers and leave all 1
milked by hand, Also 0110 roan be
Hi;hlendMary ;tOtt,S1j calved A
ust 26th (91e; one red heifer flues
Donald +122706) calved October 1
161(1;000 heifer calf, Mary .,%tteeu
Scots, calved in ttiay 19a7; one heifer
oalf Annie Lamle r13279ty) calved Nue..
ember 21st 1917. All of the above
cattle are recorded fu tate 0omiuion
Short Horn Herd Book,
SH,iEP—One two-year-old Leiiest
er ram (17377). And also a'ntunber of
pure bred Leicester nod Shropshire
0wee; also a number of mese bred ewes,
SWINE—One pure bred registered
boar (45049). Also one pure bred
registered sow, Kipper Belle (45178)
Implements -1 Massey Barris binder
nearly new, 1 new Massey, Harris side
delivery rake, 1 new corn snuffler and
bean harvester, one plough, one Set of
iron barrows, t wagon set tf sleighs,
1110W0 1', drill, gravel box, set of double
harness, disk, rack, and other articiea
too numerous to mention.
TERMS—All 1111tns of $ell and under
cash; over that amount six months erect.
fE on furnishing approved bertha
joint notes A discount at the r
of six per cant per annum oft' for el
on uredit amounts.
0. W. ROBINSON, Auctions
W. M. DOIG, L.L.B.
Proprietor,' Kippers, RR 2,
sired on our attention, end has refused
been no getting away from 1t, It hal ..
even pursued the fleeing tourist far T,os. Brown, auctioneer, Ilan been
South of the Matron and Dixon line, instructed to 8011 by Public Auction on
and, as one safely says, after the first a hal a'mile West of Egrnondville
act of a promising melodrama, "the Lot 13 Con, II, A, R. S. on Thursday,
worst is yet to come." We edit have to Feb.21st at 1 p. re, sharp, the follow -
wade through the slush that comes in
with the inevitable thaw,
HORSES—i agricultural mare rb yr.
But there is one consolation, Un. old; I ag, gelding, risiog 4; 1 ag, filly
less the law of averages baa broken rising 3; 1 pony rising 2. CATTLE—
down—and it couldu't well do that, 1 thorobred Holstein Cow 5 yr old, with
di 1100 we are 80 often assured by the calf at foot; 1 thorobred 13. Cow, 7 yr,
scientists that there is no such law— to calve in June, 1 grade FI. 7 yr, to
W0 411811 have an early spring, for we calve in October; 1 grade H. 6 yr old,
have greatly exceeded our regular calf at foot; 2 gr. H, cows, 0 yr, with
quota of cold and snow already, Let calf at foot; 1 grade 4 yr, with calf at
us therefore be of good cheer, The foot; 1 grade 13, 9 yr, with calf; 3 hoif•
first robin will appear in the parks in ars, 3 year old, to salvo i(1 Oct; 1 Jersey i
a few days, and soon after that winter 4 year old to calve 111 June; , J ersey, 7
will throw up its hand and su•render yr old, to salve in tlIaroh, 1 heifer, 21
The early flowers will blo, m, the buds 31' aid, tooaive-in Sept., I grade, I thor
will shoot, the ice will go out, sod the obred heifer, I yr old; I heifer 6 mos.
snr;tt81 talk of flood perils will be heard 1 heifer, Holstein, 3 mos , 2 farrow
and forgotten. The winter hag been a oowe. NOPE;--T110s0 sows are of a
busy one, but its backbone will soon be heavy milking strain; individual grades
broken, Lot us take a good look tit it producing 18 to 14 th0usa,fi lbs of
assing, for it will be the winter by milk in a season, 1;elPLLfJ1EN'1',y—
ch we will measere othere for a long A Sharples Mechanical 5111ker, 1100 lb,
e to come.— cream separator, aline omelet, and area.
tor. Alasoey Bemis 6 ft binder, a foot
Deering mower, hay rako,Itedder, 2 row
001n cultivator, beet Le. beau onitivator,
13 dies drill, harrows (four sections),
can planter, r furrow riding plow, 2
furrow riding plow; walking plow, man.
ore spreader, M0esey Harris, ecuffler,
root pnlper, 12 in. Bell (Jutting Box
revolving feed table, Fanning mill, y in
grain grinder, Farm wagon and hoz
t mower with pea harvester, sot weigh
80a10s 4000 ibe, hay t'aok and ice box,
Set bobsleighs, delivery sleigh, delivery
wagon, Mikado buggy, pony braggy and
lifer :iEAFOItTkf elARIC)f'f
and (hoed Milling Wheat.,,.,...,....,. 52,10
lura flats ,.,......,....... 75
Iatir �. 11arley...,........ ...... ......... 1 1
• 1
nista; Peas...;1,0(1
100(1 Bran per inn...,•..... 8,00
iffy Shorts p01' tun......... 41
ug- Flour... ..... 0.85 810
it1c Butter. _ 40
t,tltI Eggs ..,. 48
of flogs to farmers. .... ,
Old Time Winter
'1'11030 who had been longing fur an
old•faehioned winter doubtless ate con
tent with tho portion recently served
on them. Tboy nee more than satin•
fled if they happened to get caught in
a coal shortage and didn't know where
the 0ext ton was corning from. Those
of them who had reached at least the
mature age oft thirty-five discovered
also that the complete, unexpurgated
winter that gave joy to the spate clad
fest of youth had somehow lost its pow
er to charm and thrill with merriment.
lu ordinary years, thanks to the
soft, easy life lye lead in the surround -
Ings of "modern co11vetjences" winter
slips by without attracting mach atten-
tion, A brisk walls from (home to the
street car, from the Street car to the
office or factory, hi abort all the exper-
that the average a sit ' dweller J gots
of winter. He shivers for a few mom-
ents on the street corner, anti wishes
it were spring, but he soon forgets
about it when under the Soothing in
hushes of the steam heated air of his
workshop or home.
This winter has been different. It
has thrust itself unbidden and nude.
New Winnipeg Trains
'travel heta'een ERR tarn and Western
Canada is always heavy in the winter
months, partionlarly during December
with its Holiday season, To meet the
roquiremetaof the public, therefore, n
special Daily Service between Toronto
and Winnipeg is announced by the
Canadian Northern It Hiway; West
bound, Dee, ;rt1 to Jan, _nd 191$'only;
Eastbonnd, Dec, let to Jan, ,nth, 1918
only. Thereafter regular tri weekly
service will he t'Ottiated. A Through
Toni let lleeping Oat' will ft ISO bo opera
ed between 'Toronto and Calgary daily
as part of the above special service, and
0onilon '
tl will
be t
had v'
e Avid' regular
daily train between \innepeg and
Edmonton' Service between 'I'oeonto
ble and Vancouver remains tri -weakly leav
ate in( Toronto Mondays, Wednesdays and
eh • Fridays as meant,
For further parti0ulers see our Loony
et' Paine table or apply to Town Agent,
('has, A. Aborhart,
retire into aboourity. There I1ae AuctionSalle
Toronto News
Miller's Worm. Powders are complete
in themselves, They not only drive
lamina from the system, but repair the
damage that worms cause and also
invigorate the constitution that it speed
ily recovers from the disorders of the
digestion that aro the result of the
work of these parasitic intruders,
They do their work thoroughly and
strength and soundness follow their
A 11 llama under tins Head aro
Published free Of charge, ex-
cept those regardiugmeetloga
tvb0re an admission foo a14
charged. The rate for such
lining live nein per count line
St. James'
81. • James Church , Rev, Father
Corcoran, 1tev, Father t'1. le, North
graves .Morning Mass 7 a,00, High
Mase 10,30 8,1n. Sunday swhuol 2.30
p lis. Evening vespers 711,01,
St. Thomas'
Ileo, 1'. H. Brown, Rector, Su11day
sor0oee 11 um '11111 7 pen. Slt(day
school 3,30 p. in, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association Tuesday 2 3(1
p.m. Childrsr'abranoh Saturday 2 p.m,
ntoroessicn:services every Thniednv',
First Presbyterian
Rev. 1" Ff, Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
set:vices 11. aha, and 7 p m, Sunday
ti too 2.30 p.m, Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 40 p.m, lVomen's Miss-
ionary Sooiety•the first Tuesday in oa011
tnonth at 7,455, Barbara Kirkman Mis•
cion Band 3rd 'Iueselay. in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Land
every 2nd Monday at 4,15 p.to.
Rev, G. McKinley, B. D„ pastor
—SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a,m,
Publio service 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. Sum.
day school and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer
Meeting Thuretla y 8, p.m.
Salvation Army
Capt. Freud and Lieut. Shave
Holiness meeting 1l a,in. Praise
service l
toe 3
p Gospel service 7 pen.
Childrens Service—Directory elms 10
a.03, Bible classes 4 0.re. Week night
Meetings—Wednesday fraet• meeting
8 p.m,
Egmondvilfe, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sunday ser-
vices 11 a.m. and 7 p ne. Bible class
3 p.m, Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p, m. Y.P.M,S. Union 3rd Friday
- in the ala90th 8 pin, )mien's Miesien.
� I 1®n■ I ury goofety 3rti Wetttuatlay in the moult
HELY GRAVE at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' Aid mens GRAVE mediately after.
au totold has that of thistragic tale
whose parents, brothers and sisters
have all died of consumption, leaving
her alone to make a living as best she
Never robust, hard work and worry
on undermined her health, when she
• t, become a victim of this dreaded
ease. Shunned by friends who
f.cared contagion, without funds, for
she had been unable to save from her
(ai! earnings, she seemed doomed,
lief, the others of her family, to ext
r t -Hely grave, Fortunately, she was
. e . orad and sent to the Muskoka
, t•.•e Hospital, before it was too late,
oho is now doing well, with
rl'nnce of ultimate recovery.
Muskoka Free s aro now
I'iospital for Consump-
to enable it to continue the great
work Of Caring for just such cases as
this. No natter how small the gift,
it will be Welofttite,
Gage, Chairman, 84 be
na Avet to nuJ.
Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary -
Treasurer, Gage Institute, Toronto,
cutter, McLaughlin top buggy. t set
heavy team harness, I set plow harness
collars and bridles, 2 sugar kettles, 150
feet hap fork rope, !lingo, Logging
oh8lns, post hole anger Lawn 0100'0r
About 70 hens, Numerous 81131111 011101 le
Household -1 bedroom shite, walnut
l lou„go, °hairs, 1 coal heater, 1 ooal
heater with oven, kitchen Amphora
sideboard, I Will stead, boxatuve, rib.
out four tons millet.
1'EM31$ A11 sums of $lu or under, cash
On atirn8 over $10, 8 mos °radii
furnishing approved joint notes, 1 l,e e
omit off for dash, Positively Cls COSMO
as proprietor has sold his farm,
,1o1n McNay, Prop,
161c14iliop Presbyterian
Rev. D Carswell palter. Stu,dtty
servio00 Duffs' church 11 a to Sunday
school 10 a m, Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m, SVadeu'a Mb:Wooer;
Society last Friday in each month at
2 o'clock.
Oonatallt:e Methodist
Rev, W. Keine, pastor. ~nada
r'orviee 9 30 p.nt, Young People's Les.
;ne2.30 p m Sunday 41 omen's Alexi!.
cry first Tuesday of every m0t(tl, a
30 p.m. L8,lies' Aid last'rltersday
0181101 month 2.30 p,n,
• Winth-op Presbyterian
Sunday setvice 2,3(1 pm. Sunday
chool I IOpm , Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p tn. L,C, last Wed.
rt Will Prevent Ulcerated 'rbrout,--
At Gly lint symptoms of sore tit OA
whu:h presages 10loerctbtou and tlIlan1-
nuttion, tetra a Spoonful of I1r• '1'h,tnee
1(0180tri❑ 011 Add a lilt)( to it
to nnikeit palatable. 11 will allay the
irritation and prevent the 11101,8,, (11,3,
aerl swelling that are so retitled
Thome who were periodloally enbjoct
to quivay have, thus have made then.
selyee irrimutlo to altaelr
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, ell kinds of furs eta.
Also take books
and newspapers
Ne Apptlezoft
J,orose from Creamery
Phone 183
0 81
Mr. Business
Just between you and
ourselves how long' is it
since you had a photograph
A long time, c'e'll wager/
And lraa'fyouthought how
the family would be pleased
and surprised to see gate
wails in some evening with
a dozen of our richly i r ,sh
cad portraits under your
Well would they?
'ate F
4Orssa �r....,�•,mosesostemmoorcresesoreatotare
"T'ape's Diapepsln" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel 'fine
In five minutes,
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lits like a lump of
lend, or you belch, lana and eructate
soar, undigested food, or have a feeling tg'
of dizziness, ht'artbui'n, fullness, nausea,
bad taste in mouth and atomaelehead
eche, you can get relief in five minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
suet/ stomach distress flow• by getting a
large laity -cent 0840 of ]'ape's Diapepain
from any drug store. You realize in
file minutes 110w neo,il^as it is to Stiffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia °r any Stom-
act, disorder caused by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in stomach.
In all conatries.Ask for our ("tVENTOR
ADVISER, which will be sent free.
"Por the Blood Ls the Life."
�m tYith why dleowe. due to tewpuee blood
16 94(081 0e ttoaema, aorofoln, Sourvy, and
31 i,og.,i, a8,aeete,A1 i1?84. S?tendal:J
llwonlnl=:, ilse`oiid, (itt'p100j rJoree oTany
kind, Pi leo, Blood P0feon,rt(eumatlem,
Gout, eta,, don't waste your time and motley
on 1011018 and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin, What you want
is a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone Is the true
0•(058 of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood
Mixture is Just such n medicine It )s composed
0f ingredients which quickly expel front the
blood all impurities, from whatever cause
artdng. and by rendering it cleatr:md pure,
can be relied on to effect n lasting co
Jr air qtr, r t.
zor.ulteltmordarnAlot 4 �'
round bolter).
Over 50 rears'
91100450. S
pleasant (e
Sn.i bV all
Choon.gt tend
Se i .lee.
S:P,,rltntCUJRiE,S ALL.
Make this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and hands,
At the Dost of a small jar of ordinary
cold cream one tan prepare a full quar-
ter 9181 of the moat wonderful lamer&
skin softener and complexion beautifier,
onssinto a bottle cueezing the ontaining threemouneom
of orchard white. Cate should be taken
to strain the juice througlt a fine cloth
so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo•
tion will keep fresh for months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
to bleach and remove such biemishes as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it Get throe ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and make up
lemonrlotioninandf massageeitydailyygrant
the face, nook, arms and hands. It la
marvelous to smoothen rottgh, red hands,