HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-14, Page 8TII SEAFORIti N +'S Thursday Feb 14 RE8P GU II � CORRESPONDENCE • 'onsorial ./fir ,.._..-�.»,E 1 • Rair cutting is an Art. it Mikes a great diff'er'ence to pour appearance how the cutting of the hair is done, Diftezent features require ant treatment. You ivill get careful consider- ation at the Comm '' ial Barber Shop,Clth 14. ROBINSON ('rap differ - WICK, GLOSSY LI1R FREIE FROM DA/MUM Glrlal Try Its Hale pets soft, fluffy alis beautiful• -•Geta small bottle of Denderine, 1f yon care Mr berry hair •tame.with beauty and is radiant wit, life; has an ineomllttrnblc aoftecee .... ' le fluffy and matrons, try Damierino. BrueefieId Me and Mrs Hngh Mu Burnie, of Tiv- erton were the great of Mr Hugh Alk- Behead, John Mustanlrt,oeived a etc of coal last tvaelt. The Real Crag offerings for January were 3721 pairs of souks; 38 pairs of pyj. �amae; 4o ambulance caps; 0 pillows, 'Theuorttet bOtWO011 'r'uekeremith and titauley resulted in a victory for the ii Tuukersmith ladies. ! Th!, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper teas held in the PresbyterianIhnreh on Sunday last • Pte Win Wright, who is training itt 1.011d011, spent the week -cud at hitt house in the village, live 13313 lvhc i,:,lentIy sold his targe 314 Tuelierem.tlt, has Nought Lett, A•le- N e of ourY.,lr Il,+, one Y lime,e � l (,ono., old riling rs, W.• weleion,• him ba*:k to 4211" town Just one applicati0a :loublee the beauty of your hair, 1le*i<k,e it Mune. diateiy dissolves zvwry particle of dandruff. You. :an n*t• have taco heavy, healthy hair if you have dao<irull. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, ,nits if not overcome it produeea a fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the pair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. Surely get a pall bottle of Knowiton'a Dander3no Om any drug store and Just try it. WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Flarrau County 14,8611 Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Irnameutal treee during Fall and Win- ner months. Good pay, exohlalve terr- tory, free selling equipment. Over 600 Acre** of the choicest Nur- sery stock inclmdiug New vartetiea con. trolled by ue. Handsome up-to-date selling equipment and a splendid Can. edam grown stock, to offer 'anetomere We are not jobbers. Write now for vim terms to PELHAM NURSERY O., Toronto, Ont. N. B Catalogue sent on request t0 plicantsforagencies or purchasers of nreery stock. Londesboi; o Dublin The romeina of Bridget Carlin, widow of the late Wm Kenny, were lass to rest in St Patrick cemetery on Monday of twat week, Despite the ooltl Clay rho cortege was very large, Rev, Father Barry, of Loden sang the regnice end performed the funeral services. Loving relativ0a wore the pallbearera,. viz., her two sons, John and ,ioeoph and fmtr. nephews, Faulk aid Phillip Kenny and Joseph Carpenter and Win. A Nevin, Mrs Kenny was en exemplary Montan Uathoito, a • loving mother, a zealous church worker and it woman of rare merit, She had been in pour health for a year and was 73 years of age. lie8ideo her two eons she 3s sur•- v3ved by three daughters, Mesdames Moylan, Jordan and Fortune, w310 lntre the sympathy of the colulnuttity. A pioneer passed away here in the person uf Joseph Lyon. He was bort] in England in 1828 and was married to May Howson in 11352 and name t8 Canada the seine year and for a tine lived at Guelph. After three years he moved to the homestead where the rest of a long and useful life was spent until four years ago. Miss Annie Abery spent the week- end at the home of Mr. J. Sothers. Blyth. Miss Flora Finglanti visited Miss 11'Iary MoMurchie of Blyth, over the week•eud, The Women's Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting at the Manse on Friday afternoon' Mrs. L. Wood and two little daugh- ters, Lily and Olive are spending a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. Thos Ly0u. Mrs, Atkinson and Mrs. Wood of Guelph attended the funeral of their uncle. At the meeting of Hullet council last week it was reported that the canvass for the Red Cross last fall realized $I500 of which $1467 has beau paid. The soured gave a cheque for the balance which was sent to. Head quarters, When the balance is paid it will go toned Crooa work. It is intend ed to form a ,Wive Hundred Club to raise money for the contributions to Red Cross work. The women are do- ing the work and they expect the men to supply money for materials With 500 members paying monthly SI it will give $6000 in a year for Red Cross work. FIVE FUNERALS IN THREE YEARS Family Almost Wiped Out By Consumption. Walton Canadian food Control The very great dtfieultie8 w the way of 00mpalsory rationing in Can0da.,pute au additional reepoesibitity for vol notary food a*t'vioe upon every Caned.. tau, no loaner what hi8 rank or 5322011211 - 631821088 may be. with tl tremendous oti'et01* of weary imam!), populate,], 6s3100 fu a eatuearatively few districts the eutoreeln*l2 of cuulpul8ory food economy on any gluerel settle presents sOrt0118 ohetaelr8, 122 is (toped that the Greater Yroduotiou uampalgu, 19113011 is now being 8tnrt8d, will make welcoees- ry any resort to oanlpttleoty r'ttiottlug in Una e0ulltry, At the same time our people meet realise that efforts moat 1i08 138 relaxed to omisetve food, for the need is very great. Rev, A. i:tlo2Tebb. pastor ,of Under. wood Presbyterian tlllnrclr, formerly of e- ' 6 'n f r r r 0uuued his tut utlt 1 0 221 a,tuu, ai u tiling from the Underwood eungregat• 3014 in order that he may be hearer a High Sehoul. It was with regret that the announcement was received as Mr and Mrs. McNabb have been much appreoiated and were always reedy to assist in furthering any good cause. The reverend geutlelnan was a former pastor of Dud's Church prior to Rev! B., A, Lundy, and Ilia friends hope he will get what he is seeking for. From a hovel in the rear of more pretentious buildings comes a ghastly tale, one that in this fair Province of ours seems almost incredible; yet, to tilose nkibthe icacscon- ssumptio, itsuta iyplae. Grief stricken. the mother tells us of her five small children buried from this lowly home during the past three years, of her only remaining child, suf- fering from a tuberculous hip, and then as though in mockery of their zeisery, the father, too, waa stricken. He is now a patient at the Muskoka Free Hospital, where every endeavour is being made to save his life. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump- tives is appealing for help to carry ••g�nn this fight against the Great White Plague. The money you give will help then seek out these unfortunate fatal - Bee and give them a lighting chance fed their lives. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer, 228 College St. Toronto. G Hurrah! How8s' This Clnclnnatl authority *aye Gornto dry up and lift out • 'with fingers.` • The eherp r1)tlt1033011 of regent) among every one of the Allies --for Great Britain has had out down her compel.- 80ry ration already from against the voluntary ration which Sir Arthur Yapp propo802 a6 late SS November 321822-l8 i110nf of the (leek, Lord Rhondda 314 rt meant eablogram to the United States trued A(iminietra- ,ti0u stated that mama' that uoentry 1 were able to send the Allies at least 175,000,000 Medias of wheat, over and above what had beep !'XpJrted np to Ja88ary tat, and in • addition to the rapid expm'table eorplua from Canada, he would not take the responsibility of assuring the people of the Allies that there would ba, food t. (lough to win the the war, "Imperative neees8ity com- pete me to cable it* this blunt way. said Lord Rhondda. A Corrector of Pulmonary Troubles --Many testimonfal8 could be present- ed showing the elfioacy of Dr, 'L'homaa Eoleatrio Cil in outing disorders of the respiratory processes, but the best test- imonial is experience 811d the Oil is re- commended to all who suffer from these dieorder8 with certainty that that they will find relief. It will allay inflamma- tion in the bronchial tubes as no other preparation can. Wood Wanted Anyone having 8 or ten cords of woo for sale can hear of a purohaser by ap- plying at the News Offfce- Hensall Mrs R Boutbron and daughter, Miee Flossie, are visiting relatives in Toronto Prayer Meetings instead of being held in the oburahee are being held in heroes in order to save heating the bt1226m811t8, The collection for the Armenians taken in Carmel Sunday School amount ed to the sum of fifty dollars. The fuel question fa becoming rather serious in our village. The +stores are 0losing every evening 8x0ept Saturday night. One of our pioneer residents in the person of the late hire F Manns, who had resided in our village since its be- ginning and has seen many changes here has passed away, The deceased's maiden name was Ardelina Sheffer and shortly after settling here her husbar:d passed away 0nd'8he is now survived by three sons, Charles, of Frobisher Sack„ Gordon of Brantford, and Fred of the firm of Menne & Farquhar at home, while one daughter, Mrs R. Beegough, predeceased her by a numb- er uf year8, Mrs Manns waea very stron and active 190111811 until a few ,«...*ia«auen.»aw,nM+aae,a,m.,up,wwxnw•,e,H•4, years ago when infirmities began to tell Hospital records show that every on a ouoe strong constitution and in Bute yon out a torr; you invite look spite of good medical attention and jaw or blood poison, which is neediess, I rained unrsin for nears two months mays e. Cincinnati authority, who tells g y you that 0. (quarter cunni` '" .• she posited away, The rema1n8 were salted freezono can bointerred in the Heusall cemetery, els cost from the sufficient to rid on .., ell everts While visiting her daughter, Mrs A hard or soft corn or (-eels. m *You Simply apply a. few drops cid King, in Toroe10, Mrs T. Neilarrds had freezone ea a tender, sailing conn and the misfortune to trip, when coming soreness entire �irora�caalb 321; out, down stairs' on a milk bottle and free. yloot and all, without pain, 'tura her leg' wh'oh will doubtless lay y1%13s drug A stiolry but dries at once ser tip for sometime. sand fa claimed to dust shrivel up any 8848 without inflaming or even fest' " A grand Patritltlo Uaruival was hold iatii>s rho surrounding tissue or skin. I t u Tuesday evening in the Skating �If your wife '906220 high hea10 m 'it3t1 be glad tv know of tide, 221 " j Rink here, 'rho responsibility for saving food, 00 that the nati08283 total of eating shall ba less, lies largely with the hound wife, 1n feet, 4318 immediate work •of helping the Allies by food service falls to her Tlto growing of a larger sup- ply for the Allies next year is more especially the 0an8di812 emu n work and preparation for it should 1202 be dolayod until spring. Sheet' hard work i11 the home, anti their in the field, is the only solution of the difficulties of those who are lighting 13u08112plaluilgly fur 118, "Food will 14111 the 2(822," Mr Hoover wild. Whose food shall will Gorman Or Canadaen? We will export every grain that the American people save from their norm• al consumption," was Mr, Hoover's reply, The vital need is that the saving fu wheat should ho greatly in- creased. The following figures indicate 110w great ie the demand from overseas to tweet their shortage. 111 addition to Canada's total export- able 8urplu8 and the 75,006,000 more bmslr818 which is absolutely the mini- mum that the Allies rust have from the United States, 15,000,000 bushels must be found for Belgian relief and 0,000,000 bushels for Ouba and other neutrals upon whom the Allies are de- pendent for other foods in return. Before the war the American exports of beef were 1,000,000 pounds a month; for the next three months over 70,000,000 pounds a mouth In pork products, the Allies took 350,000,000 a month before the war They sow ask for 150,000,000 pounds. Rod and Gun "The Oonditions of the Fur :weal To- <ltty" by Bonnyceatlo Dale; "His First Duck" N • \' Williams; "file 0ivilis- ] ing of ,Split Rook" by M, A Shaw "lnjne Devil" by 11 A titurtzel; "A Toilet Set for the Camper" by E G Brewer; "The Uhl Time Diver Brigade" by It d . Frazer: "Wauderiug Trails by HO Haddoe; "A Haut with New Brunswick Guide8' ; these are some o the etoriee and satiates dint go to make up the mid -winter number of Rod and Gull in Canada publisl18(1 at Woodstock Ont. by W 1 Taylor, Limited le ad- dition to the above, their February number contains under 6110 heading or "Guns and Amunition" two fine article by expert gunmen, namely Thomas K Lee and Major Townshend wheleu. Mr Leo is described by the Editor of the Department as "undoubtedly the finest target elicit, with the .22 rifle that hae ever lived" and his article on Repeating and Single Shot Rifles will be read wet° great interest by gunmen. No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Hello way's Corn Cure if used as directed. Peevish, pale, restless, and sickly children owe their oondition to worms, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will relieve them and restore health, Ford Saves the Hay and Oats the °. orses Ea I. T HAS been estimated that five acres of land are required to maintain one horse for a year, and that the same five acres would produce nearly enough food for two people. If 50,000 Canadian farmers each replaced one horse with a Ford, 250,000 acres would be added to the Nation's source of food supply and enough extra food made available to feed 100,000 people. Just think what a great service this means to the country at the present time and the benefit to the farmers from the sale of food produced on this acreage. A Ford car also saves the farmer a week or more of valuable time each year, which can be used for further productive work, The Ford travels three times as fast as a horse and rig—costs less to run and keep, and is far easier to take care of, With labor so scarce and high priced, time means money, so do not delay in getting your Ford. Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupe - $770 Sedan - - - $970 F. 0, B. FORD, ONT. J. Fe Daly R Dealer - Seaforth Cook Bros. - Dealers eused.l Can 1 Get Fitted ? This is the first question many Women ask when they enter a Shoe Store, We have no trouble in fitting feet correct ly. You never hear the Womari who buys herdShoes here complain about poor fitting Shoes. Every Shape of Foot hits been Provided for The long, narrow foot, the short foot with high instep and the slender toot with arch, ed instep—one and all can be perfectly fit= ted here. The leather is right, the styles are right, lnioel+rlalt:incl is right, everything is right, I-4. R. i3 Ar "The Home orGood Shoes' Phone 5) - Seaforth JOB PRINTIN� if you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in need of NOTE HEADS LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing Come in Find See Us About Sale Bills THE SEAFORTII NEWS SEAFORTH — ONT. FRUIT TREES and 'PLANTS For Spring Planting We need no further introduction than the fact that we have been in the Nursery. Bnsinese SIXTY ONE YEARS, and are now prepared to meet existing oon(11810 a by offering our high grade trees and planta "Oireot to customers at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Send tor our illustrated 03rouler8 of hardy varieties which you Dan -order direct and save the agent's commies/at, of which you get the benefit, Oor prices will be sure to interest you and all stook is absolutely first -Mese and true to dame. THR CHASE BROS. 00, of Ontario, Ltd, Nurserymen Established 1857 Colborne, Out Cansignerp's Back Again I wish to inform the public I have' Dpened a Shoe Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where I will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used. All work done by hand and guaranteed by me to be No. 1. Bring your repair work to me and save stoney :as my 'prices are lower than any other repair shop in town, CHAS CONSIGNEY Farmers Attention Make money in your spare time his Winter by selling NURSERY STeieK and NEW SEED POTATOES. This is the right time to start on Spring Sales We pay highes comp missions and furnish our Salesmen with lit, erature with a "punch" to it. Send for our list of New Offerings avid hill part- iculars. Stone & Wellington The Foothill Nurseries .Established 1837 Toronto, On . Makes Breathing_ Easy. The eolitrh°. tion of the air passages and the struggle for breath, too familiar evidence of asthmatic trouble, 00unot daunt Dr. 3. D. Kellog'a Aeshma Remedy, This is the famous remedy which is 311102221 far and wide for its oomptete effective- ness even under very severe conditions. It is no nnttied; expertmutal prepara- tion but one with many years of service bellied it, Buy it from )'our nearest dealer, Nall ft iti for Loma Baok.--A bruit. rubbing with Ds Thomas' )3oleotrio Oil will Imre lame back The skin will im- mediately absorb the oil and . it wit penetrate the tiestie8 and bring speedy= relief. Try it and be convinced. As• the linlm0ut sinks in the paid. D°ni0e out Slid there are ample grounds for (raying that its touch is anagieal, as it. ie. , a. • K �r1 '. ,- . 1 rvti•-.l, rl47 4 ,(1!!!.10 ,_ .7�ti.�Y d''v^l$Ju,22•-,�n,. I F {J' _ , ' r� t�'" - " , I�ti'. ti °j ' 1 y` �. +.. 'r l.Fr I ;. .- tt' it f _ i? 1,, , `s I 11 n r� 4� ��s (� . "7ret ul Fr t ; , r :. f l . ., { � .'i( �,A, - pa lit?%, 11i�"'t g' dlLAH4 .''..Et.:,..),.... �.ays-r. y. -.O" .0. Y � �q•N 1 -1'4.nllt ( li is ,,," q 'tom• , ► 8 \ �� r 22;,,22,. •y•. !✓'.., .4 rev i` .,�^ i . -` \• / ;l sic;. Vit' i {}, "L ! �._ b, 1 ry 1111 �, 0,z:, l', Ir lV ,'1 !l r `..kiiniY '4Yll•i i i! '10.. r f y!>: '., �rt�::ti�.:.t.i,"titli i• 'bp 1 e r,it.,.+St,•, l rl l �t"4 rC. ' / t ,' ,A. tv to u8x ns nisi . TTJ r.v,-`ter i �t � , nx ' �t ii t. s I� . 11, i. •Sia v 3" 1. 1, dlt`., . � ;1 ! I ,s.,1� .9.. p Y s h skt, n iNette � �� li f , INt •ibl�r �r��n, ,, ;3 `El r ,'r t Y p 4 �1 1 F ter', ._;, k ( r - tfi 3"iY! " ih V' f� tt}} YA . p 1 , it Ol. r\ � r .i+'. .1 1✓1 C .,Is'l�i��'{{JJyy11'��'ll#'tPPj' .. ' 7(4ia '':,l�trii ' :ll`si _ - __ __.... Ford Saves the Hay and Oats the °. orses Ea I. T HAS been estimated that five acres of land are required to maintain one horse for a year, and that the same five acres would produce nearly enough food for two people. If 50,000 Canadian farmers each replaced one horse with a Ford, 250,000 acres would be added to the Nation's source of food supply and enough extra food made available to feed 100,000 people. Just think what a great service this means to the country at the present time and the benefit to the farmers from the sale of food produced on this acreage. A Ford car also saves the farmer a week or more of valuable time each year, which can be used for further productive work, The Ford travels three times as fast as a horse and rig—costs less to run and keep, and is far easier to take care of, With labor so scarce and high priced, time means money, so do not delay in getting your Ford. Runabout - $475 Touring - - $495 Coupe - $770 Sedan - - - $970 F. 0, B. FORD, ONT. J. Fe Daly R Dealer - Seaforth Cook Bros. - Dealers eused.l Can 1 Get Fitted ? This is the first question many Women ask when they enter a Shoe Store, We have no trouble in fitting feet correct ly. You never hear the Womari who buys herdShoes here complain about poor fitting Shoes. Every Shape of Foot hits been Provided for The long, narrow foot, the short foot with high instep and the slender toot with arch, ed instep—one and all can be perfectly fit= ted here. The leather is right, the styles are right, lnioel+rlalt:incl is right, everything is right, I-4. R. i3 Ar "The Home orGood Shoes' Phone 5) - Seaforth JOB PRINTIN� if you want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders, Leave us your orders when in need of NOTE HEADS LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing Come in Find See Us About Sale Bills THE SEAFORTII NEWS SEAFORTH — ONT. FRUIT TREES and 'PLANTS For Spring Planting We need no further introduction than the fact that we have been in the Nursery. Bnsinese SIXTY ONE YEARS, and are now prepared to meet existing oon(11810 a by offering our high grade trees and planta "Oireot to customers at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Send tor our illustrated 03rouler8 of hardy varieties which you Dan -order direct and save the agent's commies/at, of which you get the benefit, Oor prices will be sure to interest you and all stook is absolutely first -Mese and true to dame. THR CHASE BROS. 00, of Ontario, Ltd, Nurserymen Established 1857 Colborne, Out Cansignerp's Back Again I wish to inform the public I have' Dpened a Shoe Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where I will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used. All work done by hand and guaranteed by me to be No. 1. Bring your repair work to me and save stoney :as my 'prices are lower than any other repair shop in town, CHAS CONSIGNEY Farmers Attention Make money in your spare time his Winter by selling NURSERY STeieK and NEW SEED POTATOES. This is the right time to start on Spring Sales We pay highes comp missions and furnish our Salesmen with lit, erature with a "punch" to it. Send for our list of New Offerings avid hill part- iculars. Stone & Wellington The Foothill Nurseries .Established 1837 Toronto, On . Makes Breathing_ Easy. The eolitrh°. tion of the air passages and the struggle for breath, too familiar evidence of asthmatic trouble, 00unot daunt Dr. 3. D. Kellog'a Aeshma Remedy, This is the famous remedy which is 311102221 far and wide for its oomptete effective- ness even under very severe conditions. It is no nnttied; expertmutal prepara- tion but one with many years of service bellied it, Buy it from )'our nearest dealer, Nall ft iti for Loma Baok.--A bruit. rubbing with Ds Thomas' )3oleotrio Oil will Imre lame back The skin will im- mediately absorb the oil and . it wit penetrate the tiestie8 and bring speedy= relief. Try it and be convinced. As• the linlm0ut sinks in the paid. D°ni0e out Slid there are ample grounds for (raying that its touch is anagieal, as it. ie. ,