HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-14, Page 4EAi'oi m NEWS PR9VIS5tUNAiir 04110-5 MED1CAI. »11. )t. HUUtr BOSS, Peettoten any Sdr esu rut9r tea, %esn. Ertgland.,llpesial altvvetten to ilsoasea aI lira, Ear, Hoye ane'1'broa4, Olaoeendresidence behind Aomfolea nook, Dote Phone So. s, Itet:Mance Phone NO, sae r, F, J. RU11Ro11d eh:Morin Peloo neat a• ldeuaoe•-•POderta Street, east al the NOM' odIat C1 ltrob, Coroner ver f:etnety )1 Karen, Tr epoane Na K. AAs, saaafT Sr MACKAY, Ph..anti t Bs Goderiab Street, Metbo- air teleatSftforth. evils r, graduate Victoria and Ana Arbor, and awmonsr rt Ontario Oiliest, of Shti ktaos and �aLLltOESA,Vhonor tot adCuatetrt tilof Huron. U ven,ty VOW offfPibTrinity-Medical ur brio member of g e;80. itElt.BSIA, Osteopthir 8paoialtst in R union', and Un idren% dioceses and Rbetlntt U trOables, Acute tied Chronic dleord err; - tsar. t*Y9, Noso and Throat Adenoid re• moved witleo0ttltekniilHot C'elasultation frail. t e: Tustdty±Amk Io, pat;Friday 8 a, In, so •fpm Marriage Licenses R tp,An ?by KJOON n 80 iF forth Insurance Aren ere, Et gurett ani esus set our Tato,r tcldent? J. D. 1.1►ri1e"4'JL16Y, Gen era: Agent for London Life humane* Co., and !morale&Guarantee and :4 8dentIonuraneeCo, Swaforth, Ont. 'tri a.• ,r;sZ Watson 0en,•tnl Fire, Life and 1 ,:flout rue t ,at.�e Agent, an•t dealer In sewing Mach, :.. &info Utmost, Ren ivr•.h THE Mc .f LOP lit110 illStirome C learns dead leelateet Tostitt Property terse :rtaieree. OFFICERS • ie 15Tan nor.. . ! aa+ Diroctors D. F. lu wesssor. ,'wt' forth: John G. ..rrlovo Winthrop ;v. Wan. Constance: John fie rec_is. Brodghagen• Robert Ferrfa, Badock; Mal••rm Sde-'er.. ^'.inion Met art -o^afar h; Dame. n ^sly, rt derfcht ; as Evans. Ser h vent Agents Ales. Leit=-b, Buttock; E. titnehtey canton'. • William Chesney Remondvllle• J. R. .e,. HolmeavIllei R. G. Jarmonth. Brodhocoa: Jame Karr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, ars !.tura. Parties desirous to effect immense ar tranea other badness wlu be promptly attended to t application to any of the above officers, address to their reosective poatosHces. The 4}riginal and Only Gen uifie Beware of Imitations Solei Olt flan Merits of Mind's mseemeteseteress WW1 (fill IS iSSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the 013;, MAIN Sr. SEAFORTH, ONT, l'twn0 ed Evening 198 SURSCRIPTION uuo dollar per year. strictly In adyamile it not paid in alliance, one dollar and n halt will be charged. (Jolted States 999800,:e fifty(ream extra. elrlokly la ad When subscribers chaauge their eddresa notice should talent us Immediately, airings both the oldandthe new address. Sub. of barony win tulo'tlnfy f delivery noq(y1n us Reading Notlut,—No readee notice. advertising any entertainment or matter by which moony to to be made by any person or Caaoo writ be (Wetted to TRS News wltheut charge. The peke for the Inser- tion of business announcements Ls TEN pparts per rties bayingnooconttrract insertion do�:y each Insertion to those had ring displaCOWS y cr oontrite's, and for chureb, society std entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks S to 9 lines, 50 Cants. Judlotod, (.ogal, Official and Govern - Itent Notlems—Teo ants per line for first nsertion and five cents per Uno for each subsequot Insertion. Yearly aledit—Prof testoaal Cords not exceeding oat inch, will be Inserted for 55.00 per !'ver, savable strictly In advance Display n Ivor-tieing—Rates furnished as co:sitcation Advertisements ordered for Insertion. wUntU forbid." and those sent wttbout written Instr t •tions will appear until rftten orders arc r --•rived for their dls- tnntlneanest. i ottora to the Editor tour:. 1,0 nevem. penins '0' the writer's own signature, not r publl•gttl.m, but as a guarantee of good latch. The publisher accepts no reapan. &siltty whatever for the Statements made in melt anrtmanloattoor. Letters on rail. Mous topics will not be published at all e-eyr as pall advertising, plainly marked a au h. Tee ;rte for such matter is ten J, F SNOWDON EDITOR 9,30 PUBLISHER 6 1 when hie gun jams, became he has been taught to adjust it almost antes metioaily in a few eeoafde, y 1S er y aspirant to the groat pr'lvileh,e Of fighting the nation's battle abort) the oloutis first learns the nee of the mach. ins gnu—Lis only weapon of offense. by target practice an the ground. The ono ere fitted with eampeneating eights which in actual nit' fights fellow for the speed of both aeroplanes. Special targets have been devised to the cadet's aim through thea) eights, To quicken the eye, every cadet aloe takes praotioo in shooting clay pigeons, The tnoderu Scout machines—inured- iblo shift maohinet which linear above tate lines driving off the prying eyes of the enemy—oarry l'iolcet'e tanahiuo gums, These guns are fixed. To aim thein the aviator moot nim the aero. piano. To train cadets in this nnuscal method of shooting, a chair was invent- ed called the "Rocking Nooells", This device is moved about like theaeroplaue with rudder and ",joy stiok". If ally. tttiug alining the "hocking Nocella" is more ditiloult than the actual aeroplane. Aiming at pictures of aeroplanoe painted ou the ground or at towed tar- gets its the air, fighting ((eels with other cadets by means of camera guns which register hits on the photographic film, and chasing miniature balloons are, other methods followed to make every aviator who gees intoactiveservice a first classed marksman filled with every 001113lOnce in his shill in using the machine guns. And these "sports" are but 0111 phase of the many interesting studies the-- cadet iia the Royal Flying Corps takes up. His training also in. Mary Grey, calved July 1'+x1 All of Dispersion A3eTIeN STOLE Of Pure tired ktogieteretl Shorthorn gattlo, dhoep) Swine, Rogan, tend Farm lmplontonts,, The undeesigned owing to inability to secure auitabio form help has decided to give up farming anti will offer for sale by Public Auotion at hie farm on Lot 14, Conoesnion 2, L. 1t, S, Tuck- ersruftb, a utile and x quarter East of Kippon, and a half a mile South, on FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 19t8, at one p, nt, the following p900011el property, to telt:— HORSES—One regieberad Olydoo- dale mare six }mare of age, toady Os- wald (36032); One gelding, 3yoars of age, aired by Coloued Graham; One gelding, 2 years of age, sired by Lord Armstrong. OATTLE—Males—One superior roan bull, (Selloolmaster) 111500) 14 111911111 old; one bull calf 11 smiths old; (115. 845); and one ball calf(Judge Holden 115820) five months old. Females— Ooe roan cow, Lady Waterloo, 2nd (e8o0t1) this an extra fine cow and is the dant of Schoolmaster; one red 00 w Lady Duchess (104110 6 years of age, one red cow 5 years of age Laura Dull 10. 4111, (124982), one red cow 13 years of age, Pie Cruet 2nd (104401, this cow has a bull oaf at foot. One red cow calved March 10th tote, ,Janet hlo Laren (108332), this cow tine a heifer calf at foot; one roars heifer, Lydia J. (113147) calved March 4th 1015; one dark red heifer, Rosetta (128004; calv- ed August 1st 1010; one rod heifer eludes a cenipietu 00111'80 111 map read. the above females have been bred and ing and he mast :deo become a past- are supposed to he in calf to Shorthorn master in the use of wireless roto taph)• bulls pnasesing the meats uharacteristie '1• .'" ""^" „m^ •^� �• �.d. for both these features of his training of this noted breed, antl all the muss aro i.esenttal when 1,.. is Called 14,,01 to are good milkers and have all been B- -„,ee direct artillery fir,:. milked by hand. Also ono roan tteifcr a (y that ever} man who passes the tests fist 20th rein, one red heifer Elora Mc B Mires, d on applicants to the Royal Donald 1122)o6) calved t)otober liitb Flying Corps enters a course of train. 1610; one heifer calf, Mary ,ween of 1 ing that is full of fascinating expor. Soots, calved itt May lei;; one heifer 10nues and packed with ever -new calf Atluie Laurie (132799) calved Nov. If 11ateri, takes ,leer the C, N. R, interest, ember 2101 1917. All of the above and the tr. 1•, Railways and adds them cattle are recorded in the Dominion to the Inteieellenial tulip. Cxovernmeut Short Horn Herd Book. cuntrt:? it will largely c SHEEP—One two-year-old Loicest et ram (17377). And also a number of pure bred Leicester sad Shropshire ewes; also a (lumber of moss bred ewes, SWINE— One pure bred registered boar (45049). Also one pare bred registered sow, Kippon Belle (45178) Implements -1 Massey Harris binder nearly uow, 1 new Massey Harris side delivery rake, 1 new omit sout1ler and bean harvester, one plough, one set of iron harrows, i wagon set of sleighs, mower, drill, gravel box, set of double harness, disk, raok, and other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS—All sums of Sill and wider Dash; over that amount six months oracle General Observations lit e111 be said without exnggeretlott Etghlattd Mary (t2rgttt j calved Ang- .olvt two of the tanat (rapottat.t questions that confront Masada,-thao is tranepnrEation and fuel, i;y using eluetrioity a large amount of 00nwill be available for other purposes By eonsolidntiug these Lines a great suets in t•eesportatioe w••uid be saved. Fermiers having bast:, if sign go for anything, should have a big supply of weed mut and dry for next year. r --moi• Don't think because we have warm weather that spring is here. A warm February get.erally moans a cold March at:d April. Liniment Hindu! Stalin : even if she .1 1918ry thaw has come in February. It is het. ter than no thaw,• For Sate SCR A NToN Co�L . fL.;f�'Y, Seaforth, phalne BSO A BoSiness Without a proper SSt60 Of al Y dver- tisin is like a motor without the 't power. . . . . Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the re4aflred energy phone - 84 evenfog5127 HALL.HORAN HURON PRESBYTERIAL The Annual Business meeting of the Huron Presbeter'ial Society was hold in %Niles Church, Clutton on Tuesday February the 12th. Owing to the weather conditions and irregular train service the representation from the various Atxiliariee, Circles and Mission ands was leen than on any previous occasion. After devotional exercises by Mrs. James Hamilton of Gocerioh the reports of the differentdepartmente which were most encouraging were read and adopted. Rev J E. Hogg of Clift. ton conveyed the greetings of the Hur- on Presbyterial. He said we could eliew our patriotism in no hatter way than be maintaining the work of the Church at its present efficient standard, The officers elected for the eneeing year are;— Hon. Presidents—Mre, F. H, Larkin, Seefnrth, Mrs. W. E. Kelly, Goderioh; Pepe —Bets„ Jas, Hamilton, Goderioh; — 1st Vice Pres—Mrs J E Hogg, Clinton 2nel " " Mrs S Popplestone, Blyth 3rd " irtrs li MoDerm(d, Gtderieh 4th `' '' Mrs Mcdonnell, Hemel] Seeratary—Mise H I Graham, Seaforth Treasurer—Mrs. J 0 Greig, Seaforth Supply Sec,—Mrs, W; Gunn, Clinton Asst supply sac,—Mrs Paisley, Clinton Mission Band Soo,—Mea. L. T. De Lacey, Seaforth, Lit. Seo,—Miss L. Ferguson Strangers sec Mrs WE Ankles, Kipper' Press Sec.—Mrs. F1' E 1Ce111, floderiob Horne Helpers Sec —Mrs. W. tiproat, KEppel% Library tier.—Mrs iC, Henderson, Darlow. Mrs J E Hogg, and Mrs. W. E. Kelly warp appointed . P ted presidents subatitants to the provincial meeting and general Couoo(L A resolution of sympathy with Rov, Mr Snell of Hespeler, an the death of 11i8 wife, rte tv }tova e s f r nmarl• } a member of the Presbyterial, raid also with Mrs. otatedes 011 Monday, February 11th, the marriage took place very quietly in St, James' Church, of Marion daughter of Mr, and 111 re. :fobs Horan, to Clare - once It Hall, Toronto, Cori of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, Prescott, Rev, P Corcoran conducted the ceremony The bride,, who was given away by her father' was attired in a Russian blue suit, with hat to match, and black ' fox fors She was attended by her sister, Miss Cecilia, who wore a navy blue dun, with roar, hat, The grooms. meet wise Mr Joseph Brown. After the h ceremony, a dainty nt Y weddibg break. feet was partaken of at the home, of the bride, after which the happy couple ,left on the morning train forP clots (mat. They will reside in Toronto, Airmen Are Trained Shots SV bproat of Kippen and 11liss Bell of 1 Hsttoall who aro laid aside through 111. Probably no soldier on the tiring lit. noes and all who have been bereaved in Frame) reoeiyes a more thoroui1; through the War wee adopted, raining is marksmanship and the u„ of amebic() guns than the man 8Lo soars above the battle line in the swift, Spare the children n ficn suffering darting pout aeroplane. His envy from worms by saint Mille'a Worm value as a figlltiug machine is measured almost entirely by his skill in using the Lewis or Ticker's goo with whish hie aeroplane is equipped, Cohaequently lung before a oadot in the Royal Flying Corps bas mastered flight he begins to loan to eight bout of these deadly weapons, He etadies the mechanism and construction slowly—knows them them so oompletely that.ia the mom- ents of combat he will not be at a toss Thursdaiy' Feb l4. ,uw la Ill ill f1111tpMtMMMM1ltMMMMMfMMMlMMM1ii1MMMMMiYMMMw110101MMM01Oit MIM la I"E DOMIN . ��N B ANK w r X M M to X ▪ Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. • Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year. Efficient service assured to depositors. 199 M BEAFORTH BRANCH; R. M. JONES, Mannas„^, Established 1871 Facers' Business 1111 as Special attention given to the business of Parsers and Dealers 111 Live Stook, Sale notes collected ea favorable term*. Savings Department M ▪ RR1*K'11irameniummunanciosinsionxiaMMwousia witawltl walt.1➢om "CABOARETtS" WORT{ WFHLE YOU SLEEP Poe Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -- Take Generate tonight. Ftiered Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigos. Hon, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches 00000 from a torpid liver and elogget 0owela, which cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested St. James' food, which sours and ferments like gar- bage In te swill barrel, That's the first St, James, Church , Rev, Father P step stobunntold misery --indigestion, foul Oorcoran, Rev, Fettle r 0. It, No • gases, breath, yellow skin, mental 5th. fears, everything that is horrible and liiravos "-mr» seg plass 7 ant, High Mass 10,30 a,m, Sunday school 2,30 put, Evening vospero 7 p.nt. CHURCH NEWS A 11 items under t111s fiend are ex- cept those reg dtugof lt charge, where tut admission fee. 14 charged. Tho rate for Well being five cont per count 1180 SJ FORTH C''.H[JReFIES aauseathlg• A Oasoaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. Thgy work while you sleep -- a 10 -cent box from your druggist will St. Thomas' keep you 'feeling good for months. Rev, 1', H. Brown, Reuter, Sunday ser0ces 11 a.nt and 7 p.m.y Suudn SEAFOR'1'H 4IAI1ICET school 2,30 p, tn. W0171»11'0 Anglican Missionary Association, 'Tuesday 2 30 efood Milling Wheat .............. 52,10 pee. Ohildron'ebfauoh Saturday 2 pan. I)at9 ........... ..................... 7 j IIt91'9BHH1eli services every Thursday, }{arley.........................»....... 1 1 ,0 p,ut, fens ..,,,,.. .. ........... e.50 Bran per tun ........................38,00 RfratlPresbyterian Shorts tun torn......... ..... . .........44 ,,,,,,,,, RM F. H. Larkin., Pastor. Sunda li.Uri 0 do services 11 am, andy Butter ...... ........... . .. • 7 p m, Snuday Eggs 48 school 2,30 pen. Prayer ]Heating, Hogs to farmers ........... ......1; . Thursday, 7. 40 porn. Wonmu'c 3lies- ionary Sooiety'ttte first Tuesday in each month at 7.41. Barbara Kirkman Alis• lfIS cion Band 3rd Tuesday:in the month at 7.30 p.m, Sunshine Mission Band every 2nd Monday at 4,15 p.m, New Winnipeg Tra '!ravel between Eastern and Western Canada is always heavy in the winter months, particularly during December with its holiday season, To meet the requiremets of the publics, therefore, a special Daily Service between Toronto and Winnipeg is announced by the Canadian Northern Rell wee.; West bound, Dec. 3rd to .fan. _nd t918'only; Eastbound, Dec. 1st to Jan, nth, 1+918 only. 'Thereafter regular tri weekly service will he ros11nled. A Throtigh Tourist'lespiug car will also he opera• ed between Toronto and Calgary daily as palet of the above special service, and connection otton will be made with regtllat daily train between Winnepeg and tt on furnishing approved bankable and Vancouver remainstri-weeklyen e ivoekly leav joint notes A discount at the rate ing Toronto Mondays; Wednesdays and ad six per cent per annum off for 050111 Fridays as present, on credit amounts For farther particulars see our Loeul 0. W. ROBINSON, Auetioneerj rime table or apply to Town Agent, W,111 DOIG, L.L.B. •• ''hes, A. Aberhart. I'rupriotor,' Kippen, ISR 2. _ Auction Sale Thos. dross, auctioneer, has been instructed to Bell by Publio Auction 011 a led. a mile West of Egmondville Lot 13 Con. II, H. R. S. on Thursday, Feb.F21st at 1 p, tn. sharp, the follow-, told than that of this young woman, ing,Seldom hoc; a more tragic tale been b. whose parents, brothers pod sisters HORSES -1 agricultural mare !0 yr, have tilt died of eo'fsumption, leaving old; I ago gelding, rising 4; 1 ag, &11 her !{lone to make a living as best she g 9 could. rising 3; 1 pony rising 2. CATTLE - 1 thorobrod Holstein Cow 5 yr old, with ,en eundermined herhealth, whehard work and n she sols ut foot; 1 thorohred H. Cow, g yr, t, become a victim of this dreaded to calve in June, 1 grade g, 7 yr, to `ase. Shunned by friends 'who ;Alva in Ootoher; I. rade H. O r el ethad contagion, ngunable to save from her g Y Old, oaf at foot; 2 gr. H, cows, 6 yr, with .mall Cat'tlines, she seemed dor ed cot r tars of her family, to IIn SAVED FROM AN UNTIMELY GRAY calf at foot; 1 grad) r, hl tt m r + Y with calf at n tn,tcl3 urate. Fortunately, she WAS era8 year ear old to calve de0 in Dot; 1 Jersey t t 1e°e o P' t a 1l, nbowo eln was ofoot•1grado A,y yr, with calf31off 11 �orad and sent t0 the' Muskoka 4 year old to ules nne;i , •1 army, 7 .ver; chance of ultimate recovery. p' old, to calve itt MaroL, 1 heifer, 2 Appeals are now being made for the yr oid, to calve in Sept„ 1 grade, 1 thor 'Iuskoka Free Hospital for Consume_ eared heifer, t yr old; I heifer 6 mos Lives to enable it to continue the great as I rpt, each month i.30 pout i hes • sol Holstein, , tem 3 , mos , 2 farrow cows, NOPE These 00890 are of a heavy milking strain; individual grades producing 13 to 14 thouea l Ibe of milk in aseason. IMPLR b1ENTS A SI tarplee bleolanical Milker, 1100 lb, Dream separator, 91ilk cooler and area. tor. Massey Harris 0 ft binder, o foot Deering mower, hay rake, torlrier z row feat ba fork corn cultivator, beet & bean cultivator, t chains, post holo auger Lawn mower 13 dist) drill, harrows f n rlt of eating tut Por ' g just such ch eases this, No matter how small the g' 1t will be welezttue. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or to Geo, A. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer, Gage Institute, Toronto. cutter, McLaughlin sop buggy. r set heavy team haruese, 1 set plow harness collars and bridles, 2 sugar kettles, 150 p of rope, slings, Logging Methodist Rev, U. McKinley, B. D., pastor —SUNDAY—Ctaba at 10:00 tt.m, Public service 11 a,m, and 7 pen, Stilt day school and Bible study class 2,50 Epworth League Tneeday 8 p. m. Prayer Meeting Thnrsda y 8. Salvation Itrmy Capt. Froud and Lieut. Shave Holiness meeting• 11 a,m. Prniso service 3 p.m. Gospel service 7 p•m . Childress Servioe--Directory class 10 a,m. Bible classes 4 pons, Week night Meetings•—Wednesday Pram. nienttng 8 pan. Bgtnondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, peeler, Sunday act• vices 11 a, m. and 7 p nt. Bible chase 3 p.m, , Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, m. YPMS Unica 3rd Friday in the month 8 pm. Women's Mission. ary Society 3rd Wednesday iu the mond, at 2.30 p.m, Lediss'_Aid moos stn, mediately after, Meicfllop Presbyterian Rev. D Carswell pastor. Sunday services Duffs' church 11 a m Sunday 4111991 10 a m. Peayer tueetiug Wed- nesday 8 pool. Wolneu's Mission Pry Society last Friday in suet' month at 2 o'clock, eenatalied Methodist etho drat Rev, tV, Kaille, pastor, $tltltlay eervice'2 30 pan, Young People'e Lea. r•t•r' 3.3J) p m Sunday et moan's duxil• ary first 'r 105(1ay of every month a 30 p.m. Ladies' Aid last Thursday cf Powders, the most elective vorrn- (our sections), About 70 hens, Numerous small articles which t- oat/ planter, t furrow riding plow, 2 Household ---1 bedroom Nate,' walnut Pogo that can got with comoat these poste of the putt fltrrow riding plow walking plow, man. lotn:ge, chairs, 1 ooal heater, 1 coal )' g oro spreader, Msssoy Harris, smatter, heater with oven, ltitchen to boatel and helpless. There is ttotltitlg that root pniper, 12 itt Bell Cutting Box excels this preparation as a worm des . ofour .I bed let.stead, boxstovo.p Ab, troyer, and when its qualities become revolving• loud table, Fanning mill, 9 in out four tons millet, Known in n household, no other will bo used. The rnerlioine acts by itself, re guiring no purgative to etspiot. nrd so thoroughly than nothing meet. lel ((pair- ed, gra c grinc or, Parte wagon and box r mower with pea harrestor, sot weigh eonles 2000 1119, hay reek and Me box, sot bobsleighs, delivery sleigh, delivery. wagon, Mikado buggy, pony buggy and TEAMS; All sums of $lo or under, cash On sums over $10, 8 mos credit en furnishing approved joint notes, 4 per cent off for cash, Positively no r,reerve as proprietor has sold his farm, ,fohn MoNay, Prop, Winth'•op Presbyterian Sunday SOI vics 2,30 pin,. tiuuday ohool.1 15pm. Prayer mooting Tuesday 8 p rt. L.C. last Wed. It Will Prevent Uloorated Throat,— At th fir,' symptmno of sore throat whn:lt presages nlaeration and IrtHatu- nrntiou, tales a spoonful of Dr, 'Phomas Ecleotr10 Oil. Add a little sugar to it to make it palatable. It will allay the leritution and prevent the eleerutime awl swelling that are eo uainfnl, These who were periodically subject toqu(ttoy have, thus have made them, selves immune to attaok, Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hail', hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take ak e books and newspapers N. Appllezott SEAFOIITB JUNK DEALER Across from Oreatnery Phone 183 Mr. Business )'tan Just between 990 and ourselves how long is it since you had a photograph taken? A long time, we'll wager/ And have you thought how the family would be pleased and surprised to see you walk in 90171e evening with a dozen o/ our richly fini sh ed portraits under your arm? Well would t/1 ei.? D;BUCK PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTH m,:vramcar+ra:-rex. rerssxmnavaaa SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, .. GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Olapepsin" neutralizes exiles• sive acid In stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it; Tn five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of unfit. geeted food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache, O Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is tate surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless.Put an end to etome& distreas at once by getting a large flfty- oent case of Pape's Diap9psin from any drug store. You realize in Ove minutes how needless it is to suffer from indt- 1gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to "tussive acids in stomach. PROMPTLY . SECURED In all ooutut•ies.Ask for Our INt'1:NTORta ADVISER, .which will be sent fee.;. f`y MARION &MAMA"- . ",Por the Blood to the Life." WHEN YOU ARE 9 SUFFERING With any dhoewso 000 to hsps,* blood ouch a. rws.rwa. Scrotums, hooray,. Bad Logo, Ab000eooe, Uloer,., Glandular Swelling., Holley Plmploo, gore. orany kind, Pilo0,Blood Polaon,Rh.u.natIorn, Gout, otos don't waste your ttmc and money on lotions and ointments which cannot get Is below edicine that eilllthorouthly feeheblood of the poisonous mater which alone Is the true rause of. all your suffering. Clarite's Blond ;Mixture 10 Just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly expel from tea blued all impurities, from whatever mads. xs arising, and by rendering It dean ana pure, n be relied on to effect a lasting cu'' pr l rho, r dr' b.rae.et.ir, 4 sr r fit ta„Fh4t Over Si y e' seeress. Pate. 110 Clarke1qr• Bi od Mixture 1014 0y Chemists ,end ;st t .e.. (04(0,, CURES 0 ALL -1 SKI1I & BLOM DISEASES. SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE, FRECKLES Wrist Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into of orchbottle containWhite, s1t ko 19011, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three mutons of orehard white for al few lotion emits, Massage this sweetly fragrant hands each d to yaat d see nook, o v farms and reest es•ani . blemishes disappear and how clear, soft And white the akin becomes. Yes! IA is harmless, ti