HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-02-07, Page 5C 4ADJAN 1
G,V.O,. r L P, RCA., PretWatt
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN AIRD, Geeera4Mernser
H, V. F. JONES, Asst. Gen'L Manager
RESERVE FUND, . *13,500,000
Careful attention is given to the bank-
ing requirements of farmers, with whom an
important part of the business of this Bank
is transacted. Farmers may rely upon
prompt and courteous service. et
sea 'ortYi Bra oZ'
J. G, MULLEN, Manager
W. J, Walker
\V", J. Walker, holder of gov-
ernment Diploma and license
Day or Night calls reooive our
prompt attention
Day Phone til
Night 1te
tt •"..--)41Ctalrfl;?j
Ontario's Leading Commercial
Sobool makes suceels easy, We
have three departments Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy. We
give individual instructions and stu-
dents may enter at tiny time. Gra
dilates are plaoed in ,positions. This
is your opportunity es there to a
great cell upon ns for trained help.
Write at once for particulars,
CUre Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath ---Candy Cathartic.
No odds how had your liver, stonuteh
-or bowels; how much your head aches,
how miserable you are front constip-
tion indigestion, biliousness and slug-
gish bowels—you always gee relief with
Oascarets, '1'hcy immediately cleanse
and regulate the etontach, remove the
sour, fermenting food and foul gases;
take the exeees 1115 heal the liver and
carry off the enna.tiptt 1 waste inetter
• and poison from tate eitestines and
bowels. A IO err h e freei your drag-
gle': will keep emir •t and bowels
ele,,n • stomach eavet et ' .
I 1 ul clear fot
months. They e'.rk- w.1,i1,• Vett sleep,
FOR saix eHlar
Frame House, 7 rooms and pantry,
rummer kitchen and oellar, Hari mud
soft water, Elootrio "lights, large ve-
medah, Stable It1'1x 12' hen house it
Apply at the
Notes ()bice
For Sade
House and half more of land in the
village of Iiigmoudvillo The property
is situated on (t to r Street, olose to
the Pi'esbyterien Church end is known
as the Purcell property, Good com-
fortable hones, good sired, good well
and cornett cistern, All kinds of fruit
trove, strawberries, raspberries and
/torrent bushes, This in a corner pro
party with no breaks on front, and•the
and is in a good state of cultivation.
This is is uiae property for a retired
farmer and the taxes are light. Por
parbie Bars apply on the premises or t,
John Raskin, Seaforth.
The New Year
by gettin; a,
Hair Cut
Bolton's Barber Shop
t have for - sale sev-
Bonds and
of a particularly
high grade, bearing
interest From 5i to
6 per cent.
RIP information con
ceruing same checrz
Rally graters,
Bond and Debenture Broker
3inin Street, eenforth
P110110 t) I a
MC a1IOp
'ft:, Ladies tips at the Bethel Math•-
('hlct (-Iwralnwtll ho hold et the home
of 4L .1 01,)1 )',•Marro on -llhursday
ith 0 ::til i a1 .
Many friends ars i bnssoti to sue that
Mrs David 11ayd has Leen ah le to re.
turn hone. efter bel very serious ill
Aces riIII'nlg her etae:111 Sudbury,
Quite a n timber atte.i,Qetl II,o (.01
in 1Vatlt011 -lust 5s\ tli tatlo} bit 11
The extremely cold weather well ees
Many are exerting thtmsuhrs eicelp
with regnrtl to keeping lino 305(10 in
oomditneu thus is highly 0( nn ietelable
onr mail aufriers in rmucular baro
eighte which mast be respectel.
Minh regret teas fest here upon hear-
ing of the death of ,lana MoOlay a
former resident of Meleillop who went
to Toronto anti was married there short
ly moving to New tinter'°
These people who circulate Iying
Bern's about the I3ritisli atul Canadian
armlet( being severely defeated are
ttotbimlg bet unthinking Blatherskites,
a —
Thera fe no poisonous ingredient in
Holloway's Corti Cure, and it can bo
used without danger of injury,
Adam Smith
the funeral took ptaue fu teatorth
on Ifebreery lird from the reei,ienee i'1
hrs sun Charles of Adam Smith aged 74
rears, 14 died at Clinton. Deeeeeed
wag a nativeof ,
Holland, t and su'1
a coming
, m
j6 g
MIN oonttry as a boy with itis par.
rnte eettlsd in Irlitaloll, He was a
Hour miller by trade, and will be rein•
enlbered by tine older residen10 of
Blake and Bruoehissld whore he wen en,
gaged iu beatttess some years ego Two
sons 0nrvfve, Walter in Jaalcnn0 lliclr,
and Charles of Seaforth.
As a vermicide there is no prepurat-
inn that spins Mother Graves' Worm
lflxteemittator 11 has saved the live
of eoauticss children
ttsJiiler's Wortn Powders are par ex-
nolleitoe its medicine for children who
are found eutlw'ing from the ravages of
worms. shay immediately altar the
tonlaohio coutlteiais ender whioll' the
worms! subsist and drive them from the
system, and at the eam0 time; they are
tonical fu their effect upon the digest-
ive organs, restoring to health and
ensuring immunity from further dis-
orders from suet* a cause,
T1 IP S I•',Ai'1,1,? 1 1
.Town Tops
K1 �a�t n••."..tnt
a• ,h,.,,..1.y,.......w.w,..w,rwr_c
a..+Nti.i.,,u ^
Dig up your Overcoat, have a look
it, by renewing the velvet collar, Pres!.
ing and Cleaning may sane yen the
primo of a now one, My Wardrobe,
Go(larioh, St, Opposite Quoou's,
Mr Neil Murray left e1 Moodily le
Toronto where be will epand a fo
days prior to leaving for his home i
Mre 1) Shanahan was in 1,)061115 0
Monday attending the funeral of th
late Mrs Kenny'
Mies Mabelle Gould and Mr Carl
Sheehan of Teronto are guaets at tiro
home of Mr and Mrs R hlnu'Icess-Jones
Godarielt St
Mr George Snrlbltere and Miss Mabel
left on Tuesday for Toronto,
MissJean Roes of Torotibo is spend.
tug a few days at her home in MoKillop
Mr George Murray left on Wednes-
day for his home in Brandon, Man,
Mise Blae MoOinohey of the Stratford
Normal School spent Sunday in town.
Miss Ethel Williams has aceeptotl a
position in Toronto,
Mr Goldthorpe, John St., is seriously
Dr and Mrs Davie of the Manitoulin
are visiting his parents Mr and Mrs 1),
Mrs Jae, Beattie has returned from
ependieg a few days In Toronto.
1N E,v
Tliui iday Feb
Sometimes a Clear
Conscience Needs
No Accuser
1 WAS shopping one doe' when a wo
man la the place where I was buyinb
dry goods Was arrested for ahopllftI g,
She seemed to be a lady and very
much out up. She endeavored to con-
vince the proprietor that she was re•
Seectable and had no occasion to steal,
II but he was obdurate, sed the poor WO.
n man was hustled off to g police station.
A few days later 1 saw by a newspa-
per that the lady was the wife of n
wealthy and prominent man, She lived
in another city, and, there being n0 one
et hand to mob for her, she spent the
night le a cell. Her husband camp
for her, got her out and commenced
suit against the dry goods firm for
$100,000 damages.
This matter made so great au Im-
presslou on me that 1 dreaded there.
after getting into such a position my-
self. I never went to a counter to
look over goods but -that 1 felt that the
eyes of a detective were upon me,
One day while buying some goods I
laid my bag on the counter to examine
them. Several other persons came to
the counter while 1 was there. When
I finished making my purchases—they
were to be sent home—I took up my
bag and went to another counter,
where 1 bought a spool of thread and,
opening my bag to put in the purchase,
noticed some bundles that I could not
account for. Either they Intl been
put 10 my bag or i had reneged bags
with someone else,
Remembering the case I have in
Honed, 1 became terror stricken les
should be arrested as a thief.
Anti Isere is where an iuuoceut p
son ie liable to Incriminate Weise
Listless very cool and collected th
are nineteen chance, lu twenty th
he w111 do the wrung thing, and the
are nineteen chances in twenty th
one, especially a women, will not
cool and collected. 1 certainly w
not, and I did not 015 what I ahou
have done—that is, take the bag
the office and report the facts. M
one desire rias to get out of that sto
before the lynx eyed detective on du
should pounce upon me. I went town
the door in n great hurry, doubtles
showing by my expression that 1 w
a thief rimming away with goods.
I attracted the atteutiun of a .oma
who followed mo out. I caught sigh
of her staring at me and, looking bac
n gaining.. the street, saw her comm
behind me. 1 did not doubt that ah
was a detective; employed by the li
o watch shoplifters, and that 1 wool
e arrested as soon us she could s
ure the services of a policeman,
urrled on, she following as fast as sh
ould. But she did not gain on me
for she was older than I and some -
bat corpulent.
Seeing a cab standing beside the
orb, I jumped in and told the cabman
drive me to my house. The woman,
coning up as we were driving away,
ndeavored to attract the cabman's at-
entfon, but he did not see her. 1 saw
er plainly enough, but I looked
way, pretending not to see her.
here was no other cab near, and I
cceeded in betting away from the
omen, When I reached home I ran
as qutokly as I could, locked the
or behind. mo, and after calling to
e maid to admit no one I went up.
1rs Co my room.
had not been there long before
ere was a sharp ring at the door
R. I remitted 111
my MOM, ehiver-
g, and -the summons Was not au-
ered. There was another and an-
ter ring, but atter that whoever was
ere went away. 1 heard some one
lug down the stem( and, looking out
eft l Wallace is on a 'isit to Roches
Mra Lorne Weir has returned fieen
Mrs W E Kelly of Goserioh 01(110,3
ed the Barbara Kirkman Circle last
Friday evening. While here Mrs Kelly
was the guest of Mrs L, T, Delaooy,
Mr and Me; Geo, Harry of Elkhorn,
Man are visiting Mr and Mrs ly rt s
Rev..) Ure Stewart of Long Branch
000upiod the pulpit in the Egmondville
Chnroh on Sunday.
Mr Peter Campbell of Cromarty has
Purchased the residence at present
occupied by Dr Hodgins, from Mr ;la
Mr James Cowan was a visitor in
Mrs Smith, who has been visiting her
a lighter Mrs 0 A Barber, Market Sd
as returned to her home in Woo0stooh
t11r and Mr's Walker' of Wiugham
were visitors at the home of Mr and
Mrs Ohapmao,
Mies .J, Mollride is spending a few
weees with relatives in the oonntry,
Mies Edith Govenlook, daughter
Mr and Mrs J Id Govenlook, has ao-
oepted a position in the oivil service et
Allan, teacher in the Collegiate
Ives ascii tl to her home its Burlington
on Muuday owing to the illness of her
Father who has shire flied,
M1 stores, factories etc era 'ordered
by the fuel controller to close 011 Sat
urday and Monday next to cave ooal
as much as possible. Efforts ere being
made to have Saturday changed to Tues
(lay, 'Pc.! dame( on Monday night in
Oam010'0 11811 will be as usual,
Armenian [Mid
Tho 'chewing eoutrihutinn0 have been
rooeived by Mr John Beattie at the var,
iety store:
Alrrierd ................ .... e 00
Sabbath School Winthrop„t,,,,,,,,1000
Mrs J Leckie 1 00
Mrs Jas Cuthill 1 1,0
Proceeds of der00.......-...... , ., $ Ga
DeHarb(011 .................... 'L Oo
Andrew Archibald ,,,,,,,,, 5 00
Mise 11 P Hargan .....................1 00
Mrs ID Me ...... ... ............ ...5 0
;t�'vSeltl your 0008111 to us and receive
top Flues. We are running our plant
the year through end can handle your
full supply and furnish you with cans,
Wo pay twice Quell month and weigh
nemple,and test each eau of ot'eam caro
fully. Our motto is ” Honesty to cht
Patrons " Petrone are requested to re
Lure all our 0014 when not in neo,
3,ttter au iBi
rttermilh al le on hand
1 for at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
't'he work eenteet now boingeerriod
on by the Walton Jtad Cross Unionwill close the end of February loatoad
of Maroh, No'more material will be
given out for the contest, and all work
now out must be in by the,end of this
month. All yarn left over meet he also
brought in to finish lnoomplete 0,oke,
Teas resumed next week
Novel Methods of Warfare,
In ancient history theta aro two well
authenticated instances of wild ani-
mals being used by attacking armies.
The first Is related by Appian when
describing the siege of Themiseyra, in
Pontus, by Lucullus in his war against
Mithridates, Turrets were brought up,
mounds were buil', and huge mines
were made by the Romans, The pec -
pie of Themiseyra dug open these
mines from abos i and through these
boles east down upon the workmen
bears and other wild animals, together
with swarms of bees. Tile second in-
stance occurred In t ii bind when the
Danes and Norwegianwere attack.
ing Chester, held by the Saxons and
some Gallic auxiliaries. After adopt-
ing stoning and belling water defenses
in vain against the besiegers the Sax-
ons threw down all the. beeiliraa In the
town upon the attai•kers, who were
soon routed,—Exchange.
Crossing the Lege.
If we sit for some time with our lees
crossed our foot "goes to sleep." We
are really pressing on the sciatic nerve
wiliest supplies nearly all of the nerves
of the leg and foot. The nerve is elas-
tic and is flattened by pressure just
like n rubber hose. The fibers which
make up the nerve are sensory—that
en- Is to say, they carry sensations to the
t I brain. Motor nerves carry sensations
from the brain to the body, The only
er- e'uy to stop a nerve carrying sense -
It I timis is by cutting it or by pressure,
the which pestles apart the soft nerve mat-
ter, whist is covered with a sheath,
Just as the water is pushed apart if
you press a hose. When the pressure
is on the nerve messages cannot pass
baekward and forward. If the pres-
sure Is released the nerve matter re•
hunts to its place and does its work.
re The Loyal Bookseller.
te' Certainly the meet loyal bookseller on
1d record was the John Stubbs who of.
s fended Queen Elisabeth by publishing
08 a book protesting egatnst the proposed
marriage with the "imp of the crown
e" of France." The unhappy man was
etcondemned condemned to suer the loss of his
right band, which was accordingly
g chopped of with a butcher's knife in
e the market place at Westminster. •'1
rut remember," says Camden, "standing
by Stubbs, who, as soon as his right
e- band was off, took off his bat with his
left and cried aloud, 'God save the
e queen!' The next moment he fainted."
—"The Romance of Bookselling:"
of the window, saw a policeman riding
away on a motorcycle.
I determined to get away from the
house before he could come bark, but
first concluded to examine the bag.
It was not mine and eontalncd 4t aunt•
bor of articles of no great veins that
were evidently purchases of a woman,
Then I recalled that I had been at my
jeweler's ,ted brought areas' a valuable
brooch that I Mel 'eft there for repair.
1 had excimngsal up brooch for at yard
o!' cambric, six ben(11:ercbte('r•, half a
yard of dress lining and a number of
Oho. articles of no more value.
While 1 Wits preparing to eontiuue
my (light I beard a fatelikey fumbling
in the keyhole of the front door. I
knew it was My hunbnud end ran
downstairs, opened the door anti witau
he entered fell into his amts. In re-
ply to ills agonized appeals t0 bo told
what was the matter 1 neatly gasped
tent I was abort to he arrested as a
shoplifter: This naturally astonished
and he worked herd with me till
he got the story.
"Nonsense!" he exclaimed, -Some
woman huts unintentionally exchanged
bags. Doubtless .bile shopping 81 the
same counts' with you you both laid
down your bags and she picked up the
wrong bag. When yon turned For
yours yon took what was left,"
There 1008 another Mug at the door•
bell, mrd cry husband iusistod on going
to the door, 1 run upstairs rued hid in
the closet. Presently 1 heard him call-
ing, but 1 remained where 1 was till
he ramp upstairs with my lost bag.
Tho Woman who hod followed me,
finding that she had exchanged bogs
with some one and seeing Ine leave
the store, recognized ma as one she
bad seen 8hnpld0e beside her and had
tried to eiltrli me. Falling, she had
sent: 0 motmrycio poli'ennn after me.
lir hnd returned, reported that be bad
felled to gale ndttiittnnee, and the we -
nine bad, conte to re tole m3' bag with
a $1.enn hroorh In It for her own eon-
telniee artlales worth very little.
Good Idea.
"I'm thinking of opening an all night
hat store next door to some fashionable
"What's the idea?"
-."If a restaurant patron doesn't feel
like tipping the hat boy he can walk
out bareheaded, drop into my store and
buy a new hat" New York World.
Not Digestible
Tramp—Yhease. ma'am, will you give
me a bite to eat? Lady -1 haven't any.
thtag cooked, but 1 cion give you is
pair or old shoes. Tramp—Excuse me,
ma'a01, but I'm no goat
"Wee her father violent when you
eskid him for her (114111)?"
"Wile he? (.rent guns: 1 thtnlght
he'd shake my stool off,"—London
Saturday Juurnal.
On the Quiet.
Little elarjor•y elnurun. what is a
. spinster? 3lnthet i eldneter, m3' dear,
is 11 wonted to he ,ntt•icd. LTd fou't
' le'I 3•oUr father 1 said se.. -Liverpool
eferintt y,
If you would be loved, love and be
..Fa' '7r at -
is frequently revealed in these war
tines even in this well-to-do Province.
El enough to ha poor—still worse
to be sick and poor,
The lot of the consumptive is a ape
really 15siter one. Only recently a
family was dicovered living in two
:mall room, over a store, At one time
they had occupied a comfortable home
Lett the father took sick and hntl to
give up work. With the savings all
gone, they were forced to ,ell the fur-
niture to buy food. When the man
was found to be a consumptive, this
as the opportunity of the 'Muskoka
tree Hospital to bring relief so that
e1 only would the stricken husband
arca . te winning chance for life, but
Mrs dr 5.fl thin still, th.' w'il'e and chile F
, n els ni(1 he removed from dang•on'
e 1 „11 ratting th, dis'nee, Under skit-
g'uid nce the home was cleaned up r
u"1 1i'.' family temporarily provided
fee. 11 i$ row' 'epos d that the palaent a
ie .doing well. with .every Aimee of
recovery. p• f
This is ' 'n•a. W0r',. 5011201 on by
the Muskoka 1're- Meld o1'w•111:11 is it
:new apps '1 n for help, I Tri
C,'itt'•i ., Italy bn r.e;s;' 1•) W, J,
Gtr/`•e, C1 r,i n 1, 'id ,p, !il.' argue;,'
7 of corn, , s t n, 4. Reid, Secretary-: fe
College 111 Toronto
New Film Novel
Starring Beautiful Talented
'Pearl White
The richest heiress in America is bored by.
conventions, She longs for excitement.
When suddenly
"The Fatal Ring"
with itspotent much -desired stone comes into
her life and the mill pond turns toa maelstrom
'ler desires are gratified, gratified a plenty
Thrill follows thrill and sensation follows
sensation in this dashing film novel.
The Pathe people, themselves makers of a
score of successful serials, says its the best
thing they have ever done
Come and see the first chapter next
One Ttie0 1 ` Wed
1f you tell us where you've seen its eglral
we'll give you your money back,
ri s cess
Our pictures are now4 projected by the
_latest 'really flickerless machinery.
TOHOW r .r'
O13N 13,101VN had noticed for souse 11100 that ile teas not up to the
mark. In the morning he felt very well, but through the day he
becatu.• t i r d, sleepy, and a little feverisb. 1-1 ' had had a slight:
tickling • 1055 for a month or two, but did not cough up anything.
One afts•cn"on he felt a warmth behind his breastbone, and at the
:tame time h•• i.,. i t salty taste in hie mouth, Following a tickling• in his
throat he comet1 dna brought up a few teaspoonfuls: of bright red blood.
This alarm his friends very mach, and he turned pale, bis bandit
I were cold and p, pirt't(,n broke out on hle forehead life mother sent for
the doctor, wh1 • . :gell(d his twee, throat, anti chest, and finally told him
n the blond came from his ehest. Hu was placed in
CONSUMPTION ',NI( bed and told to keep quiet autl that he need not
' SPITTING 1111' • 0 have ens• fear fur the bleeding. The pbysieian took
a sample, of the material that John coughed up and
found, es Bo 1.: 1 1.M, that he was suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs.
Consumption t cause of spitting of blood in nine cases out of leu,
Othe" causes a 1,1%1 -_uta, (011£81 salon, btu .chit is, heert disease, aneurism,
menstrual tr, i en:1 urvy. One, out of every tw•,:s -Five cases of con-
sumption st=mt :i e slight h+.iuotri�:ase. Ln one out ,sl every six eases
there to no otl 57�- ntont. In twig out of every the c ae5 there is
notbiuc to ',r t n 1e. 1 '5,,orrh a;e, The patient when (laiot notices a
salty taste. n., tF(r tit hlr a , ,oaghs, and up eronee. the hs od, .
These eell u: a never fatal
Usr 1' ,oitrau0e ote
blood t1s,;ht, t .t , , f i I' rh•rl 1 Is a .,,,<. thins' to have the
hemorrhage. 1 a s, , a hu danger sr nal.
pati,"el 1 hold iee kept 051: in 1': 1 for .t ("ea days, lie
11800717 noel, e e er to ease: 1. 2 1+' !it i vet i' 5014'1) frightened
or 81 0ckc,l c•La. 1 way' cite hint striae await, H.. must not get
stimt sant . , ,ire 1 al e spirits hf '.ma au c l,•. If the side
from whielt :,au t daatt,t3+t std If L rid tie on that side.
2f ti r•1. .ra 1 .'t h , to utaea ai - u f, 1 b v get out
in toe or Ar ;,n 5!.; -i. u•It 2'i 1, )w t 111 I good e 1: r. for 1 rte, and tie
may de a little , :. •m' an k, +ant loot• a.ir :nrl good food 1r .n' requedtes
for 0ara'.
Ahoy• an
a patient who 'las lead a slight hemorrhage—tied
ever: ether c, a 1,,,etive•- ahnuld avoid the nae of the numerous advertised
"Cure. foe t usnption."" None of them are of any value in the treatment
of this diseese , :en,,, ,it theta .are positively harmful.
Qt Feel AND aN5WLRS,
Answers to question:) pertinent to public health will from time to time
be mato- in this euluinn. the questions should be short and to the point.
If it be not advieebl•' t 1 reply through this column, answer will be made by
letter if stamped envelope is enclosed,
1.-1espon.uibillty in eases of Communicable Diseases. A.R.G., Pott
Q.—la a case et' wallet fever or other contagious disease is the focal:
board of health ()slimed t r take care of the patient, provide nurses, doctors,
and medicine'
A fhe limbic: Healer Art, Section 53, Sub -Section 1 and 2, refers t0
this question as 1 )110ws:—
" b$,--(11 If any person coming from abroad, or t'eeidiug In arty
municipality within Ontario, is tufacted, or has recently been infected with,
02' expose d to, any eommuntoable disease to Which
SOLATION 01' this section is by the Regulations made applicable;
AIFEC't'11n t 11ttS0\S the medical officer of -health or local board shall
make effective provision for the public safety by
moving such person to a separate house, or by otherwise) isolating ltim,
and by providing medical attendance, medicine, narses, and other assist-
nc0 and neaasserioa'for him.
"(k) Tho corporation of the municfpu, ty .ehail be entitled to'. recover,
rem such person the amount expended le providing such rn'Iltal attend
ance, medicine, entrees, (111d other assist:ewe and lteces'
laC011eliee Ole series for him, but not the expenditure incurred in pros
RPi NyN114 Viding a eopai'0te house 0r in utherwisc isolnttng him.
2 Cleo V. cele, ».e8."
Tlse communicable diseases referred to in this sections' aro: "tu
S ailpox,
cat•let fever, diphtheria, rliirlton-rynx, wlmnping-cough, _measles
ver, cholera. behont _.