The Seaforth News, 1918-02-07, Page 4kl $ L:t1,F O 1 TI I NWS
Thk, 11. ftS' ill ltud8, I'Ayrictaaand Sur800n
I.ste of Leaden Ho/glial. tendon. Ragland.
Spacial attention to 11 09999 of lye, SAO, NOW
PPP Threat,
Ofa00 and residcm. behind Itoretiniott Hank,
Oats I hone No, t, Residence F11090 100, 100
.1, lil'EtntaNS S@uferUt Moo au r
Menaceooderlch Street, east of the eth-
°diet Church, Onroner for County tit Raton.
"releyhata :rot 10. - ... _
Ylttlta ak'OTT' & MACKAY, Pliundolaste and
Seraeenk Coderich Street, oppealte icttio-
d in tacos '''worth'
Semr it r adnate Victoria and no Arbor, and
aamea 4 Ontario College of PtHu000. and
,:grocer for County_ of Boma.
/seer :v, honor graduate Trinitr UnlvereitY.
�p�deptdallatTtlnitqedlca4 College. 1Mem00ter ei
1folie90 tz nlystclans and Surgeons, Ontario.
eR,' F. HLILI slA`,, Outsepthio apoolallst
In 1oatens and t hlldreu a diooas0e and
Rbenta t r flee+ Acute aid climate dlsord
err, ear kvtWho and 'throat Adennld re.
mors' with. 01''oot+tife ronsi!tatton tree.
f:aa al Utast
Testis!' s. t n, 6x14.. luIII
Marriage licenses
o' srnaAt te.bYy. ] Jw(?aitlett!
,}..w.,+»»e..,, a.u•«, w+.ow„awtw.'t+!!w't.�s ww tI,
i E
From the Office
Phone 84 levening 127
f arta
Ara v„,
moldering Insurance, Wear Ac4400N
l !you ern, a yoatoard will got our rates.
.1.til. 411I4tw1ali,lE9,
ben anal Anent for 1.00d°n Life inseraace Co.,
and Imania Gna"o !tee and Accident Insurance Co, I
Sec forth. One.
UM'. 41 dollarid per par, 9, on in stilt i.
• one dol\ar and
11 1104 paid In advance, p
p hall will he charged, thnzed Staten
V111a, tiny inure extra. uriewkly In
Ad reared.
1Vheo subscribers chaa1100 their address
notice should be lert us immediately, glvin a
both the u14 and the new addzen, Sub•
scribers will confer a favor by notifying ua
of any Irregularity of delivery.
Roadtng Mottoes -No reading notice,
advertising any eatertalnmeat or matter by
which money is to be made by any person
or cause will be Inserted In Tac News
without charge. The price for the Inser-
tion of business announcements Is TEN
cents per count Ilse each Insertion to
parties basing no contract for display
advertising, and FIVE cents per Iloe each
onaertion to those having display contracts,
reading church, society
of Thanekkss entertainment 9
I :ea. SO :encs.
i Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Matinee -Ten cents per !toe for Arot
Insertion and five cents per line for each
substrate! insertion.
Yearly 'ards-Prolesatonal Cards not
exeding one loch, will be inserted for
8400 per Fear, savable otrtctly In advance
James Batson
General Fire, 1,44 s':! 4. -1,.111),! knot 1.04•
Agent, and dealer-.. +'o n.t 91o.•t .,,s.
Main SweattSweattS,•atarth
Mutual Fere insurance Co,
Farms and lsaolated Toi:ta'
ProgcertY Only ins ire?,
J fl'. e t tl.r'i, a 011.1,.
Fran ibes nn i V 4'% t r».ui-t'
Hoy a. .'o "m, !read,
D. F. M:Gregor, Seaforthl J.the G. Grieve.'
Winthrop W. Binh, Constance: John 80nneweie.
Btodghageu• Robert Ferris, Iiarlo;l:; Malcom
iiia ', Cnnteo; t' MWear%•ey Senior:in
lame: Connolly, G.aderleh r fan. Evans. Beechwoa.1 '
Ales. Leitch, Oarlock; E. lilachler. SeatonM
0.ntllarn Chesney. Egmondvlliq j. W, Ye,
4ohaesvtllet R. G. Jarmouth, Brodheseo, Jan.
Kerr and John Covedock, Seaton., au MOM.
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or tran0e
other business will be promptly attended to t
(a any of the above officers, address
to poutofces.
Gen nine
Display 0,l vertleing-Rates furnished
00 appd:Att(t
"Advertisements ordered for insertion,
wUntil forbid," and those sent without
written Instrzatlena will appear until
dtten orders are received for their die-
: mtlnnauce
Letters to the Editor must be accom-
panied by toe writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
slbility whatever for the atatemente made
In such communications. Letters on tell -
aloes topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as Such. The rate for such matter is ten
'.rite per line.
General Observations
r- -
Thr iuterestiug letter of 11r. Trethe.
way lo another oolumn raises a very
interestilrg subject. Apparently Presid-
ent Wilson refers, we think, to the
Dardeneiles as obstruoling the freedom
of the Sona This is borne out by the
German Chancellor demanding that
Gibraltar ate„ be dismantled, A. write
in Nineteenth Century pointe out that
Germany's cast merchant marine and
foreign trade built up under the shield
of the British sea power. For genera=
tissue Britain has kept all its porta open
to (lerntan aril other trade on equal
Beware terms with its dependencies. The very
Imotations fact that since Clromwell's time 110 large
Solei standing' allay has been kept up in
a�0� 1118 Isn;,iar,'3 proves that the nary was not
irtUfil,p L:,l 144'"'90494 purposes, Without such
of nil Ara 1 n( c,natry esti invade other
`dilflaFdn 1'1, Ivto t nhsfa tit British navy
Ljpiglelft would Iin %tiro: nf its sal-
p:9t and anow tmany t'tae.h,td to
!t i'.t t os,.. ti, c 4,r It tr90 1119 only
thine iiia t„ .r.. -„'l a:'r 03.411:4 89• In
t.1 r Sa e
S,,io rptTFON €O L
71, L. II;n ;( va mtl..'tn.
Without a proper
systm of adver-
ttsin is Eike a
motor without the
r power
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
phone - 56
Sokol Hockey
;4%, (l'.,.14 ,, 'KIr, tint a.f the.(. 1t;•q_'.,
11,t, it, 3s aL , t s wl•ittl'tl I.3'
1 '., ., ,'met.t. .1 -e. i.: i;a .It.G'1 in 4310'
r i.11 -sty t; on, . .'.ii'
the 'Itintou "std 1eefnrth Pnh:ic
ri,:ha.,1e wed 1.,nynd in tip., Polnce Ii:oht
S: %feurt11, nn wtnrdap ofts:rr,0, 91. the
scorn being l: 0 iii favour of the iot:.sia.
'Pim first period started off fast with
the play abort even for the first fifteen
minutes, when Cudmore notohed one on
a elicit from the aide. Smith followed
with another a few minutes later, and
the period ended 2 0 for Seaforth. The
8e4Un(1 wee faster and cleaner With the
locale a shade in front Then came an
other for Smith. after whiuh PPe id
broke away and tallied number four
The visitors worked hard, but end to
anti rushes finished the game in fav, r
of the home team 4 to 0. Coult and
Maguire starred for Clinton, while
(4odtn*re and Reid figured for Seaforth.
The return game which will he played
in Clinton on Saturday, Fsb.9th prom.
lees to he well oontoated,
The lineup for'leaforth was as fol.
rrloai, Hays; L, Defence Raid; R. De.
fence Cudmore; Centre, Rankle: Left
Weng, Kerslake; R. Wing, Willis; Rover
Referee -Maguire of -Clinton,
Accent on the "KI4Rw,e
Meeks -elf yeti !tad to Dee lift otli
again would you marry the aama wee,
Man? Perks -You .riot. het L would, J
know whet she Is. and women aft 90
uncertain for 9049 In experiment wltb
Outlier ane,-Exeleaillfe.
Millions -Do yeti drink you wW leer*
to like your titled son•3u-law? Bllltone
-I don't know. 1 cnit't tell where 10
Pince him III (0031 041491190 account, He
le neither b recreation nor an i1veet
Mee, Siddons.
After she had retired from the stage
tlrs. Siddons was found studying Lady
efaebeth and said, "I am amazed to
Recover some new points in the char.
acter Which I 10(1311' f0tin11 out while
Tommy Knew,
'"Totunty," veld the teacher, "how do
they ascertain the measurement of
"I guess they eitee,mre It with a navy
yard," was the unexpected reply. -Citi•
MO News_
Hugo's Slip,
Victor Hugo puts Into the mouth of
Charlemagne, 11) ".iymaillot," the
words, "You dream litre a scholar of
Sorbonne." . That famous institution
was founded in 1""! 450 years after
the clays of Charlemagne.
Might Be Worse,
"What do you know abort BM Hot -
"Why, I3i13 travels for the same house
I do,"
"I know that, but is he all right oth-
erwise? " -Exchange.
An Impossible Undertaking.
"I hear that y •u hate Leen laid up
with nervous prestratieu. What's the
cause -overwork or worry?"
"Both. I tried to have n photograph
taken that soiled my wife." - New
York Times.
Don't Write Poetry.
"Don't write poetry 1101005 you can't
help it," says the St. Linde tlloho•Item.
And often when you think you can't
help it 'tis well to consult a doctor. -
Toledo Blade.
Peat Bogs.
Peat is a vegetable formation, some
times of a spongy character (when re-
cent) and again of a kind approximat-
ing in composition to wood, while in
some instances, at the bottom of bogs,
it approaches lignite and even coal,
Getting Around It.
"What would happen if an irresistible
force should meet an immovable body?"
"It Is not necessary for anything to
happen, I maintain that arbitration Is
always feasible." -Louisville Courier -
Tried It.
Gadby-I am satisfied of one thing.
Our forbears Certainly did pass their
time at home most uncomfortably.
Snappertite-How do you Imew? Gad•
by -I've been buying a lot of antique
furniture.-Browning's Magazine.
Soma Resemblance.
"Lightning rods in one respect are
like waiters,"
"What's that?"
"They won't give good service unless
they are well tipped." •- Baltimore
Would Be a Help.
"Every cloud has a silver lining,"
"It would be nice if they also had
arsenic deposits," said the farmer.
"Then the rain would spray unr eropa
as well as moisten them." -Louisville
Courier -Journal
Modern Version,
The Amazon forces were about to
"Wait until yen tau t:ec the powder
on their Prises." di, MINI the lady mill.
tart' ncu:us 90.90 e.monitnded the ether
feminine troops.-Karstrto City Journal.
Burying :;i_ Hatchet.
This espro ton, In et a `let by-
gones be bygones," is der;-. ed from a
entrtotal once 310 vogue among the Nnrth
American Indians. According to a
command of the "great spirit," ;hey
were obliged, wizen they emeked the
pipe of peace, to bury in the ground
their tomahawks, sealpin1 knives and
war clubs in token that all enmity
was at an end,`
And So It Goes,
"Row is it you aro always• short.
handed at your place?"
"Weil, somebody is generally sick or
something. We seldom hare all the
clerks report"
"Go on,"
"And when they do happen to all re-
port everybody thinks that's a good
excuse to get a day off," -Louisville
Courier -Journal,
There le one word whleh may
servo Ott a rule of practice for all
one's life -that word le r 9431(014•
ity, What' you do not Mail done
to yourself do not do to othere,-
tttE1111.HiatttettSittattlattetit titatttttfa
Mier to be Taken From the sad
Sep Waves
• cnrloue tae reveel�led . an
Wig articlep in d U oluteaber'r err'
Int seaweed to harvested toe tke
• of making ammunition. The
chemical pro ots of seaweeds
ufactured set kap are iodine and
ph, In the United fitetes, for
• time past, considerable &sten•
has been geld 10 obtaining potash
seaweed, "It Was recently !dna
cad that tho kelp crop of the
o Ocean Is to be harvested by
powder comppany to obtain an In-
tent used in making ammunition
the warring nations of Europe.
e of the largest manufacturers of
er in the United States hap de.
to emend a large sum In this en -
rise in order to obtain potassium
epit1oride required to all war orders,
ft can not longer be obtained from
Seaweed, too, 1s of ranch value as
F� food, The weed which grows ie
Sieh abundance in the Sargasso Sea
eh is called "gulf weed," is used
Very largely for pickling and as salads.
ppnn the coast of Pembroke a very
bona1derable industry is the gathering
aGe laver, a seaweed used for food.
4'UO laver gatherers camp out in huts,
EBeet and dry the Iaver and send it
the Swansea market, and it is sold
the West End of London as a deli-
' nay in winter,
"It is purple when fresh, but black
When you buy it, and something like
ledn liquorice to look at, It can be
Made into little rolls, dusted with
Oatmeal and fried. Pickled with pop-
per and vinegar and oil, or with
lemon juice. it is excellent"
Dulse and tangle are two of the
beet known edible seawoede. Delors
pas really been found a very valuable
Mood in the North, and the Icelanders
boil it to milk and salt it down in
Tangle or "tankle" is a well known
old fashtnn,'d Rrinburgh dainty, the
young stalks being very gelatlnoea
and nutrit I, ,,,r,
"Tren;n" Cock
The latest z tultplaInt to get a tan.:
of its 09,11 to tide war of surgical sur
priers is tt .:ril back." Many ca
aro utile t i.r.-ultnc t at Brighton, len
They (n/111s; 11111.101 ittvar'ably fi'um t'
trtne''ts, Usually the inlery is cat.
ed by sandbags or masses of eart1
hurled on the men's backs Ly burst
Ing abolls. Some patients have been
so seilo1Sly injut'ed that they have
to be carried on stretchers. Fortun-
ately, a rapid and effetaiv.. cure has
been found, and quite helpless men
have recovered after a short course
of treatment.
Auction Sale
Thus Brown, auctioneer, has been
1ostruoted to Bell by Public Auction on
a hal. a mile West of Egmoodville
Lot 13 Con. 1I, H. a, S. 00 Thursday,
Feb, 21st at 1 p. m, sharp, the follow-
ing -
HURSES-I agrionitnral mare t0 yr,
old; i ag, gelding, rising 4; 1 ag. filly
rising 3; 4 pony rising 2. CATTLiC-
1 tlo"°bred Holstein Cow 5 yr old, with
ca'f at fool; 1 thorobred H, Cow, 7 yr.
to calve in .June, 1. grade 1.1. 7 yr, to
CAW. in Ootoher; 1 grade 1'1. 0 yr old,
ea'f et foot; 2 gr H, cows, 13 yr, with
call sat foot; 1 grade 4 yr, with calf at
, gra e , y yl, with calf: a heir -
et ; yens' old, to calve 0. 001; i Jers v
4 tear old to calve iu .1 nue; 1 .3,08)y,7
yr obi to calve in March, l heifer, 2
ye 001, to calve 1u ti9pt., I,grade, I th t
090„-,3 Leifer, 1 yr old; l he.f..r thus.
1 1,, Ifcr, Holsten!. 3 tan. , _ fenny;
eon-. NOTE: -'1'h, se cotta ate of a
heavy milking strait.; individual ;;r
I r '! ,cin 1:
1 1'.1♦w VV♦lt♦1'1,1Vl'i , Mfl1IR`
Established 1871
Farmers' Sale Notes .„ K
Farmers will do well to leave their sale notes with The
Dominon Bank for collection. Consult the Manager,
Save your Hair! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now -Also
stops itching scalp. .
Thin, brittle, colorless and aoraggy
stair 40 mute evidence of a neglected
sealp; of dandruff -that awful scurf.
Thore is nothing so destruetivo to
the hair ate dandruff. It robs the heir
of its lustre, its atrengtit and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, wilieh if
not remedied causes the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and ale -then the hair
falls out fast. A little Danderine to-
night -now -any time -will surely save
your hair,
Get a small bottle of 1';nowlton's
Danderjne from any drug store, You
surely can have beautiful hair and loll
of it if you will just try a little Dane
Urine. Save your Lair! Try' it!
Good t5111101g Whaat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 312.10
Oats ... .............. ... ............ 75
Barley............ ... 1 15
Bran per ton........• ............. :8,01.1
Shorts per ton ,,..-............. ...... 41
Flour.. 6,85 11.10
Butter...... , 40
Hogs to farmors..................17.713
New Winnipeg Trains
'!'ravel between Eastern and Western
Canada is always heavy in the winter
months, particularly during December
with its holiday season. '.Co meet the
requiremets of the public, therefore, a
special Daily Service between Toronto
and Winnipeg is announced by the
Canadian Northern Rtiln•ay; ;West
bound, Deo. 3rd to Jan. Jed f91S'onty;
Eastbound, Doo, 1 st to ,Tan, 6th, 1918
only. Thereafter regular tri weekly
service will he resumed. A Through
'l'ourietllespia3 car will also hi, op"ra
ed between Toronto ntul Calgary daily
as part of the above special service, and
oonneotion will ho mask with regular
daily train between Winuepeg and
• Edmonton' Service between To -onto
elle! Vancouver remains trl.weokly leer
iu 31)4,0nto 14 0'r lave Wedeaslays and 1
Fridays as present
For further pattic'elera ', our Loot!.
Toms table or apply t': 1 ,.v!, 11101)1
I`huns. A, Abarhart.
i g i to 14 thousand lbs grades .;, Bt 3
in to season, IMPLEMENTS-, - AN
(A "Larples Mechanical Milker, i Ifni Ih Clt'y' .t��16j 7A f,�J'g J �
et: .W sepA)'ator, Milk cooler and Arca , e ll ii F1 �iTV LL Gil)
cur, Massey Harris ti ft binder, o foot
1" -.'slug mower, hay rake, teclder, s row j
ts cultivator, beet & t I
1 ,i p , and sisters
00.:.lon1 has a more tragic tale been
' t .tan a U' 8
nr, a bean eft ti vu I t 1 t1 th t f thi young woman,
disc drill. harrows /four sections (:4(142 1140101E brothers
VII 3114111191, 1 furrow riding plow, n I 1\ Sall died of consumption leaving
id; IT riding plow walking plow, rear ' . 1one to make n living aa'beat she
re spt 't'atle t, 3l ',soot Harrla,scotl'I,,r- vmve.r robust, $!1hard work d wo
101,7 !TIM., 12 it Bill Ulattit,g flus
io 9.11veht; fr, J aaL i', 9.Ihnln4 mill, 0 Pu.
g.Ill grittl ! F0I01 wnete, taut het
1 to ,a,+r With pea 11 ti „-slur, 8„t weigh
:azalea 2000 lbs, hay rack nod i, " t ox
set bobairiplio, delivery' sleigil, t191lvety
wagon, Mikado buggy, pony buggy and
curter, 141CLaughlie top buggy. I set
heavy team hat'n988, I set plow harness
collars coal bridles, 2 sugar kettles, 460
feet hap fork rope, slings, Logging
chains, post !tole auger Lawn mower
Abort 70 hens, Numerous small articles
Household --1 bedroom suite, walnut
lounge, (hails, 1 4051 heater, I anal
heater' with evend
, .dais. oup1405ed
sideboard, I bed stead, boxstove. Abs
out four tone millet.
TER11S: A11 sums of $tu or under, cash
004 811n18 °vet• ), 8 11100 099dit on
fo100 33 approved ,joint notes, 4 per
Off for cash. Po(itive:y ho Iwaerfo
as proprietor hoe sold his feint,
Joh. iMcNe , Prop,
Clow Wanted
Wanted, a ,iorsoy (0047 or heif0,', Ap-
yly to the Nowa Oft/0o,
:t t' ld rmnt_dther. hcaalth, when she,
r . u "i°ti1't of this dreaded
by friends who
o,,l r•littigitm. without funds, for
t •Inrhle to save froni her
„ rise, she seemed doomed,
the wheel of iter family, to an
grave, Fortunately, she was
c. -.d and sent to the Muskoka
Ilospitnl, befnre it was too late,
• e she fs now doing well, with
- - 131 clanee of ultimate reeovetq.
Appeals are now being made for the
';iuslkoka Free Hospital for Consump.
tires to enable it to continue the great
work of caring'for just such cases as
this. No matter holy small the gift,
it will be welcome,
Contributions may be sent to W. J.
Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary -
Treasurer, Gage Institute, Toronto.
Wood Wanted
Aeyono having 8 or ten cords of iron
for sale ems hoar of a purchaser by ap-
plying at the News Office.
7 Room Rouse, good cellar, liana
and Soft Water, good wealth)), and
plowed locality, Apply this o ftice,
Ail Items nutter Oils Road are
published froo of rhargo, ex-
cept those regnrdlugmeethlgs
where an admission foo is
elo, reed. 7 -he rate 101 snob
being five mutt per c00)11One
St. James'
St, James, Cln'oh, ltov. Gather P
Corcoran, Rev. Fath° r G. It, North -
graves .Mortiiug 111188 i 5,m, High
Maes 10,30 kens, Sunday school 2.30
p tn. Evening vespers 7 p.m
St. Thomas'
Rev, 'C H. Brown, Rector. Sunday
serpoes 1I win unit 7 p m. Sunday
school 2.30 p. on. Worneu'e Anglican
Missionary Asso0iation. Tuesday 2 30
p.m, Citildrsn'abt'aneh Saturday 2 p.m.
1)teroessiou services every Thursday,
14 p,m,'
' First Presbyterian
Rev. le 11. Larkin„ Pastor. Sunday
servl000 11 a,m. and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting,
Thursday, 7. 43 p.m. Woman's Miss-
ionary Sooiety•the first Tuesday in eaoh
month at 7.46. liarbara Kirkman Mis
Bion Band 3rd 'Tuesday. in the month at
7.30 p.m, Sunshine I\ fission Band
every end Monday at 4.15 p.m.
Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor
-SUNDAY-CI15s at 10:00
Public service 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sun
day school and Bible study class 2.30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Thursday 8. p.m.
Salvation Rrmy
Capt. Frond aid Lieut. Shove
Holiness meeting 11 a,m. Praise
service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 pen.
°hildrses Service -Directory class 10
a,m, Bible classes 4 p.m, Week night
Meetings -Wednosda; Peon!' mr'9ting
R i., to.
Beimondvilie, Presbyterian
Rev. J. Argo, pastor. Sinaday ser
vices 11 0,m, and 7 p m. Bible 'class
:i p.In Prayer Meeting Weduead5y
8p, to. F.P.M,8, Union aril Fridal-
ili the month 8 p to 0.VPm011'8 Mission
cry Society 3rd Weir,.+lay-in the tonna
at 2.30 p.m. LAM.' .lid Inge . int.
nrediAtely after.
tiln,KIltop Presbyterian
Rev. 1) Carswell' pastor. Snudar
services D.lff9 s hurcit i1 :a 141 Sunday
school 44I Y 111, 1'1'34 kn' imoeti1Ig Wed-
nesday i pen. \Vernon's etissieferry
Society Inst Fred at 1': earth !,lona, at
2 „'ct,lr4
alost•tt•,; _rlstltndesl
Rev, 1v. Kano,.
'1144. tiuntlay
immune 3 41U p.m. '1`„nng People's .Lea -
g1102,30 p,ntSunday IS omen's Auxfl•
cry first Teasley of every month a
30, Ladies' Aid last Th rived ay
of each month 3.30 p,m
Wfntlt"op Presbyterian
Sunday 80473(9 9,30 pm. Sunday.
'chord I lopm. Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p 1') 14.0. last Wed,
ft Will Prevent Lleerated '1'hmat,
At th fir.t symptnrns 141 sore throes
which presages111r..eration and Infhint-
nation, take a spoonful of Dr. Themes
4oleotrie (Til. Adel a little sugar to it
to make it palatable, It will allay the
it'ritalion and prPvenr the eloprd410n
and swelling ilia are so Doleful
Those who were periodically anhjr'et
to quinoy have, thus have made them.
selves immune to attach,
Feb 7
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds of furs etc.
Also take books
and newspapers
N. Appllezoft
143 24'0RL'EI JUNK DDIALIolt
Aprons from Ct'eamel'y.
Phone 183
Mr. Business
Just, between you and
ourselves !tow long is it
since you had a photograph
Along time, we'll wager/
And haveyou tho ught how
Me family would be pleased
and surprised to see you
walk in some evening with
a dozen of our richly finish-
ed portraits under you r
Well would th ey?
"Pape's Diapepein" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring4i.
your stomach or Ilea like a lump of
lead, or you belch yaa and eructate
sour, undigested food, or have a feeling
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
batt taste in mouth anti etornach•Itead-
ache, you can get relief in five minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
such stomach distress now by getting a
large fifty -cent ease of T'ape's Diapepsin
from any drug store. You realize in
lire minutes how needl,'.;a it is to suffer
from indigestion. dyspepsia or any atone•
ash disordercaused by f,od fermentation
due to excessive Reid in stomach.
1n all rortntries.Ask for our INVL•NT ' •,�j
01)9'13EH, which will be sent free. •
MARION &IYfAlrr0-'
"For the Blood la the Life."
With any dieonno duo to Impure Mosel
eu oh me Eczema, Borofu la, Scurvy, end
Logo,. Abecoonoo, Ulcoro, Olandu)ar
Swain lige, Boils, Pimploo, Soren of nay
kind, Pilon, Blood Poison,Rhaumatism,
Clout, ete., dost na. te your time and money
on lo,iotss and d t tments which eannnt get
below the surface of he skin, What you want
i a medicine that will thoroughly free the bleed
of the tmlinaous matter which alone is the true .
\Ise of ,dl your suffering. Clarke's B1nod
ivture is just such a medicine. It is composed
4 ingredient. which quickly expel from the
bland all impuritie., hum whatever 90080
aribilm, and by rendering It clean and pure,
can i.e relied ,; a t, effect it lasting cur
ries,kr 'rssa+m,,.rn
Over SR yearn'
t"Icasant 10
11 ev n
Cn„nint o.r
YC'ffibtit r
y,esmv.'.. CURES ALL
Girlel Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your akin,
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle ounces of
orchard white, sshake tainingwell,eand you have
0. quartet' p13o of the ]test Heckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, al
very, very small coat.
Your grocer has the lemons au'al.any
drug store or toilet *minter will supply
three anima of orchard white for a few
cents, Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the faoe, nook, arms and
hands each day end see !tow freoklee and
blemishes disappear stud how clear, soft
and vette tho skin becomes, Yes! It
is 'harmless.