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The Seaforth News, 1918-02-07, Page 2
an•�e' USE OFGLASS IN��hWeekly OLDEN a TMs Trouble iii Rooted in the +'• slit imus mood nod Can Only be Cured ._ ..,:.„�..••-M-•.,.,k.:.: by Enriching' the Mood. EXQUISITE ARTICLES \VII1C'II WE Sano senses giro inunun11y from CANNOT REPRODUCE. neither attach, but rheumatism works ,just tlzn other way. Every eft oak of eheumittlem invites (mother; worse �- than that, it reduces the botly'$ power Cxlass for I)u.nrstils Purpcars 5rtt lis so that each attack is worse than titer tensirely ''sol' Two 'Thousand •• one before. !is rheumatism, but there is scarcely "It was a great .•peerll. Mark An- ane' disease lhnt physicians find more ton ie certainly 001110 orator. lint dillicult 10 trent successfully, When b a medicine dives 001.4 thautuatisni I'm tired, and I want a drink. Slave, therefore. 1t is wcrtlty o1' special notice. bring; mea small bottle of the old Medical authorities agree thee the 11 -,Allan ---the Anti with cobwebs on blood becomes thin with alarming it, Also my favorite crystal drinking rapidity as rheumatism det'ekops. cup," Maintaining the quality of the blood Is The distinguished iced 1Zoman Senator' therefore a reasonable way of prevent - P. foxiest., for it was none other, had ing and combating nceumaflsm. That just returned from celebrating the re - it waits out in fact is shown by the cent demise of J, Caesar. He was beneficial offocls which follow the thirsty, _ treatntont -of rheumatism, acute, ems - Bet how about, that "cryettl tap"? ' cultic until articular, With that great,,, It was a very Beautiful goblet of Inland tonic, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, glass ea exquisitely feehioned, though That thousands of people who have not clearly transparent like a mode='tit 101tc•n Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for tumbler. Yet, in thi; respect it was, their rheumatism have been cured is for that period, rather remarkable and fact beyond dispute, That rhea - the Senator hart paid for it much more r,etttsnt does not return as lung as the thou a golden vt..:01 of equal stay; blood is kept rich and red is equally would have cost. ! true. If therefore, you are suffering Glass 2,000 Years .ego. from rheumatism in any form you On a table nearby was a very slab- :Mould lose no time in giving Dr. Wil- ortete service of glassware, every arti- Hams' Pink Pills a. fair trial. Mr, A. Ole of which—though this wag `2,100 P llintou, Western Ave., Toronto, years ago—would be regarded today `ay,:—"Up to about a year ago, my as of admirable wotknianehip. i wife had suffered for nearly three Nor is this to be considered surpl'is_ ye'ar's from rheumatism, from which 'ting, inasmuch as there was no. puree- she suffered greatly. She had been lain for the table in those days and under the can' dollars r l dooto alined the place of it was taken by glass sides , pending,For work .or play, this suit is equally ware—glass dishes, glass drinking; cures. but did not get any 'relief. One appropriate, McCall Pattern No. 7876, caps; eta day talltlag to a fellow clerk, she said Misses' Service Suit. In sites, 14 Glass, for dontestd1 purposes, was her sister had been eared of this to 20 years, Price, 20 cents. :Williams'Pink Pills.. into trouble by 1 t. V .iv used then i x et 1 extensively iii more 'ti. y n1 hopeful I 0 x Although n reeling ver I p (34$ t h e t Y Alth< t g to lay. It 1103 largely employed for g than adornment of houses. Thus, for tools tau bones house that evening and example, the walls of the Foxicus din urged my wife to try them. By the ing roost were panelled with thin tit:: they were used they had done plates of glace, malty -colored and ex- her 50 sinal good that she required no tremely decorative. I presssing to continue the treatment, The Senator him•101f wore orris_ and after eking Six or seven boxes nzents of glass. So likewise did ibdrs, she was tonrp10301 cared. is I have Foxicus, But one shaulel realize that said this was about a year ago, and in those times the malting' of glass `he has had no retntn of the trouble t ndu•irv• it eves - tyle +^ince. 1 fel very grateful for the im- i Years Ago. 11' any disease needs curing early it 11 was 110 a lucre 1 t•"•-� art. In anode zt Rome it attained a .• iuetlee good Or, Williams' Pink Pills A dainty little dress is this for the have dr.ne my wife, and i hope other ' •1 i dainty small person, easy to Malec and velopment and an excellence wait t n sufferers will benefit by her oxPerl- some respects have never been equal- 01100. lets in modern times• •You can get theee pills through any One of the Lost Arts. dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 The ancient Romans knew not how cents a box or six boxes for $'2.50 from to make transparent glass free from The Dr, Williams' -Medicine ('o„ flaws and bubbles, but they could make Brockville, Ont. the most exquisite articles of this , vitreous material, blood -red, crimson red and of every imaginable color—I WAR WORK FOR SE_. GULLS. we know not how to imitate success -1 — fully to -day. ! United States Inventor Will Train You see, even then it was no very Them to Follow U -Boats. w art. On an Egyptian monument ne dating back to 2000 years B.C. has been found a c0reing of a man blow- ing glass—absolutely unmistakable. Glassmaking seems to have originated in Egypt,. and at the period when, Christ lived it was utilized for more proses than nowadays a , Tho houses of rich people in ancient depth. • i said to have • mstante s This circumstance <• r Caesars, had! .yes t in the d a •s oftheC .orate V P ' windowpanes of glass set in frames' cost the Germans a number of sob - of bronze. They were uneven and marines, the presence of which was a s and destroyers ers totatrolbo t ' betrayed Y ill of defect. s0 that the view of .1 ft mulls, things outside, from inside, must hare !by flocks of circling g been rather unsatisfactory. But at' An American inventor, Dr. A. D. that time they were doubtless regard- Peutz, has bit upon the idea of train- ed as the height of luxury. Stich ing galls to follow enemy U-boats, us- panessub- s friendly for the purpose castartP P not blown, but ing panes were 0 stone:, When used for public build- marine provided with apparatus for hags. they were' set in pierced slabs of distributing minced fish or scraps of marl;le, food waste of any kind. The stuff floats to the surface'of the water and COAL IN THE FUTURE. the birds pick it up. By this means the gulls are to be Available Limited Supply dust Be enlisted as our allies. We shall eche- , tate them to show our chasers where the Hun U-boats are. Then we can There etre well-informed persons; drop a few depth bombe where they who confidently assert that fifty years ; are most needed. from now the utilization of "raw" coal; for burning in furnaces, kitchen ranges and other purposes will be cone! A PORTABLE DARK 11001L gniteori almost a crime, I There is just so much coal in the Photographers Will Find This Innen- . cru -1 of the earth economically ace! tion a Convenience. Sea gulls commonly follow strips in the expectation of picking up food waste that is thrown overboard. They will even hover about the wake of a submarine that is travelling submerg- ed. From aloft in the air they can sec the underwater craft at a considerable requ ring very little material. Mc- Call Pattern No, 6.430, Child's One or two Piece Dress. In 5 sizes, 6 months to 6 years. Price, 10 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Band St., Toronto, Dept. W. WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES MODELS OF RUINS AS TOYS. 1 • The 111oj(H :lob, en 'Are Very Popular in. 1 A major's jab is sometimes roger:IL l dr s ex- ilt! humorous t• German'i u': c 1 m I'hrtslmns (;ill's for ns a sinecure, ie, un i a Show Belgian l)eastetlon. }Dri �eor� E a 'q1 1 1---d chnnge'4its 0t'f t'hs idea by this stagy 1' all+11101 ov, v the riivnl os of t1t' race F of an ambitious colored troop<r in the Teuton ariicte 'it France and Belgium• United Status: ''1 til fnhs I so gain' - I to }ret a majab 's r nmmission soon," nodd's Kidney I°ills I?pzl talk:in' to de adjutant about somebody and snyin' Ile v<:n't du fah n li'au- For hula, toniutt, 'esus.. a l)xetenant dnau hno,v •1 t voa'C 1 , , •' hm raw t,tl tilt ,tot ave) t t< lin t < ) , d<t Poli n e ep .in, 't u. to it captain They Gave Him Quick Rellcf From knorts ovotythin' std doer do nothine the library and museum of war, Headache and t3ackache—He Be- hilt h•' satiety would Millie a mujah, founder! l,y the I'len"h Ministry of . commends them to All Sufferers. 'tttu40 a ntnjeh (1000 do notldn' and Public Tnet u'tie i 011(1 the Fine Arts, dean intoe fnafhin',"' The model s hewed in detail the heaps ('ape Egmont, P.E.1„ Jan, 48th— of brick and mortar turd stonoS which (Spaciub)•.-Dadd's Kidney Pale liavo Probably never before was the seal were all that remained in htindrects of numerate: p'loiid,y in this tight little •earn situation worse; never a (;renter tawny of northern Franco and Bol- island, and among the most onthttsi• scarcity of. seed corn with sa".isfactory _ glum, faithfully reproduced fee the astlo of them is Mr, Mathu•in Arson- Ig,ermimtlhig lower :available $ l'or plant- MADE CANADA delightof German's rising generation. etude of this place, m ' (:o'u Frown hn the yang just In addition to these objects, there. "1 reconmene Dodd's lci<lney PUlls closed cannot be <lepcncled upon o.e- —..,_ .... ..•.. have boon gathered picture books fill- to all wlto surfer," 14r, Arsoneatilt' 101;1 by oar test. Bean Loaf'—Two cups cold baked ed with illustrations of military °per -,says' "I had howl troubled wills head- beans, one egg, bnaten; one cup bread ations in whioh the Getman etnperor's•ache and backache about two wears: MONBY ORDERS crumbs, stilt and pepper; ote,table- two troops have always had the upper , till I read in Dwdd's Almanac how ; Huy your mit or town supplies with spomt finely minced onion and ble- hand, their enemies invariably being many sufferers had benefited by using' Dominion 1111 013 Money Orders, tablespoons tomato Pulp or catsup, annihilated. The Library and Museum I Doders leidnoy Pills, Giro dollen coats three cents, Combine the ingredients and shape the of War in Paris is aestuning such pro- I "I decided to send for two boxes. '11.4(43 unished 1141cing their I Cities d 110.".'1Y Ir,t., 1110 1 1'1111 "111 Mr, M. ./1rnen'-'itult Tag what ( 001('3 t,11:i.tm.t+ 1)11.3 yolu, as :'hewn sticl ,,' 4-. cause I ulcrheard de ,'hod l by nemerous toys 'item (toxemia whieb leve fallen n 141 theheeds of the I''rench. Sant alt:. of latulcittn>41011 of cities destroyed by ('ermen ti sop , were rec01111y seen in Pelle by it car - respondent of the Vysuclat,:d 1'res.x in ALUM Rau .- eta r 1.+1Fil 4, 4 Pa ,'til . 1 FSIL ICS1ilf,1v • IITfJT, I bt8t. portions that a large institution will 1(0401'0 1. be necessary to house it. The begin -1 rims feeling as well as ever. ning of the collection was furnished I "It gives me great pleasure to say by Henri and Madame Leblanc, of a few words for Dodd's Kidney Pills," Paris who had brought together roliee All over the ialuil you find people from mixture into a loaf. A cereal cooked in mills nu 110(3 ,an A2inara'e Liniment Carse aipntnerta, excellent -sitbstitttte for meat. A variety of cereals used hi the sane• , Cooped raisins 4100 particularly good way or breads made from several dile ;for growing children, and the child t+oto toll of Uene04s received fe•ent cereals are better food than one who will refuse raisins du any form is from the battlefields, Dodd's Kidney Pitts, Tltey are re0og• alone, probably nut to be found. Since she raised as the standard remedy for kid• The museum has been placed under the Bare of Camille Bloch, General In- spector of the French National Li - can buy seedless raisins, much labor rosy itis. Acting directly on the Iii&ranara's Liniment clues Garret in Cows . is saved the housekeeper. braries and Archives, and he htf''s an- aeys, they refresh and invigorate those — inter- organs, The result is that they do With the assurancethat ti•ansporta- mxzeroemaxemous naunced his intention aint to' mak theat t their fall work of straining 11,11 the lm- tion problems are going to be more Powerssl by appealing to all menta purities,all the seeds or disease, out and''more diffieule, now is the time to 1'n.i cr2l'tt't I''I' ill' tit ' td .tdt; gilts hon with ilocnments ; �� ala hs nrinrl, 1 lad t0 ru:l in to furnish of the blood. That is why DOdd's co-operate in the purchase of spray ; nnliu'ie, lusurun,•r ,•,,r', l„a $1 00, win and exhibits. The collection is to contain trench journals, 'works of propaganda, speci- mens of paper war money, medals, parliamentary documents, military in- signia, ration cards, war stamps, and, in fact, everything that has a bearing on theWar. • The French Government has asked the Chamber of Commerce for a $50,- 000 50;000 appropriation, and various persons have promised gifts for the further- ance of the work. Among the exhibits are the medals struck by order of the German em- peror lit honor of the sinking of the I.usitania and the Sussex. PREHISTORIC SKULL BORINGS. Trephining Practised by the Ancient Peruvians, Our Canadian winters are extremely hard on the health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little one out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes colds and be• conies cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy. They regulate the stomach' and bowels and prevent or cure colds. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 0_It. SUBS AS "FAKE” STEAMERS. Believed That Germany is Using Sub- ' nlersible Cruisers. It is believed in England that Ger- many is using submersible cruisers in its attacks upon allied shipping, and that these, plying as "fake" tramp steamers, are the boats which Admiral William S. Benson, chief of operations in the American naval board. describ- ed lest autumn when he said a Ger- man engineer and inventor, Dr, Groe- ben, some time ago perfected a diving cruiser of 5,000 tons displacement and capable of bearing heavy cannon and between twenty and thirty torpedo cessiblc. Every ton taken out dimin-; Weighing but seven and one-half tubes for the laying of mines and the fishes the coal capital by one ton, and pounds when completely collapsed and discharge of torpedoes at enemy craft. nature does not replace it. Manifestly', ready to be carried about with the con- Its engines were enormous, driving the the available stock underground must 1venience of a small suitcase, the port- boat at twenty-six knots on the sure be conserved to the utmost. I able dark chamber recently perfected face and sixteen knots under' water. It When coal is burned for fuel in our by A. Benko of New York City should preeent wasteful way, great values in prove of interact to photographers possible by-products are lost. The, having need for such equipment. Dane will arrive before long, it is The portable dark room, says the ports of attacks made by German believed, when no householder or man- Scientifie American, can be used equal- cruisers on the seas and believes that ufneturer will be permitted to burn ]y well in daylight or artificial light,, the diving cruiser is now an actual - indoors or outdoors, It obviates thelity. It carries a thin wooden shell out- side its iron sides and to all appear- ances is a neutral tramp, a neutral country's name painted large on its side aiding this impression. Its peri- scope is hidden in a fraudulent smoke stack and its every lino indicates its commercial purpose. When seen ap- proaching a merchant ship it is un- suspected and allowed to approach, Suddenly the wooden hull collapses into the water, the smoke stack is hauled down by the sailors and heavy turrets bristling with flaming 6 -inch guns appear. Caught unawares, the merchant ship goes down in a wale lowing plunge. If pursued by allied cruisers faster than itself, the German ship can sub- merge and continue to safety. It is not intended to operate under water except as a means of escape. Such destructive power as a vessel of this type possesses is obviousl and if Germany has them in quantities it has only been by extraordinary ac- tivity that England has Rept them down. could cruise 25,000 miles. England joints Benson's statement with Goeben's invention and with re - Kidney Pills are recogni'red as a tonic. Pluck. Take your trouble standing up, Bear its buffet bravely. , If the drop o'erflows your cup Quaff your portion gravely. Face to -morrow fair and square; Look beyond it, trusting; Keep good temper in repair Else it will be. rusting. Search for sunshine ineehe cloud, Glints of silver snatching, Humor will infect a crowd; Dumps are also catching. —Jessie Pope. The operation called "trephining," by which a button of skull is removed, is regarded m these modern days as very hazardous, and to be attempted only as a last resort. But the ancient Peruvians, centuries before Columbus landed, practised it very commonly, Of 1,000 of their skulls, recently obtained by the United States Bureau of„Ethnology from pre- historic caves and cemeteries, nearly two per cent. had been trephined. The early Peruvians used clubs and war -hatchets in battle; also slings for throwing stones. Skull -fractures must often have resulted. But apparently they trephined also for brain troubles, and possibly .for other diseases. The surgeon of ancient Peru held the head of his patient between his knees, and.. with a sharp flint sawed out the button of bone—an agonizing process, surely. Sometimes he filled of 1 Of 114-er, or with a button s the hole , mollusk -shell, but more often be was content to cover it simply with the flap ofscalp. It is usually possible, by examina- tion tion of one of the trephined skulls, to find out whether or not the victim survived the operation, because, if he did so, a new growth of bone shows it. From evidence thus obtained it appears that the operative mortality exceeded 50 per cent, This Was rather creditable, consider- ing the lack of suitable instruments, antiseptics, etc. But, on the whole, an ancient Peruvian who got through life without having a hole bored in his mind -box was rather fortunate. R/M,P Granulated- Eyelids; "raw” coal. They will burn coke—representing darkening of a room or the fitting up the residue after all possible by- of a special room for photographic products have been extracted from the coal. Conspicuous among these by-products are illuminating gas and coal tar. From the latter are ob- tained an enormous number of useful things, including all the colors of the rainbow (in the shape of dyes), and no end of drugs valuable for medicinal purposes. From coal tar is obtained carbolic acid, which is the basis of all the dm - portant war explosives. A by-pro- duct of gas manufacture from coal is toluol, which, by treatment with ' nitric acid, is made to yield the fam- ons "T.N.T." for filling ehells and I other purposes of military destruction. t Have a breadboard and breadknife on the table and cut a slice of bread 1 only as there is demand for it. Twelfth Day is a feast, celebrated largely in England, twelve days after t Christmas, on the Epiphany, January 9, work, hence does away with objection- able gases and vapors arising from kerosene lamps and other illuminants apt to prove injurious to sensitized surfaces. Another great advantage of this ap- paratus is the fact that the operator need not put his head inside the dark chamber, but tan work freely oidtside of it, Performing the necessary mani- pulations 'with his hands simply in- serted through the light -tight cuffs that afford ample elbow freedom, Now is a good time to get rid of all unproductive farm stock, Animals kept at a. loss had better not be kept at all, but turned into human fool. tabf Fo a il FOR Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Sun, Mat and Wind quickly relieved by Murine, Try It in -"+" );ourL•`yesandInoEnybe styes. �1� � A1oSmuting,JustEyeCemlort IdurineEye Remed rat Your Drunk at's or sr Y '1 60 l trio Murine mm , Dar ,o Sr* salvo, In Tubes 26e. For &soli f rho tiro—Free. A11t lbr<urine Ey$ Serried! Co., Chicago d The Gray Loaf. A contributor to an English weekly says that persons who look with dis- favor upon tine gray loaf that has dis- placed white bread, and think of the dingy edible as something new—owing to the war—should remember that fifty years ago the white loaf was a rarity. English millers had the shock of their lives when they discovered the materials, Don't put off ordering f ci i'er tit gnu un ru ,•t as Wilson PnbllahiuR' t t Ltd., tnlrntn. thorn, !'ANclen, °ruatts, (vaiT and eto.lm'nai, cc wlth- o—n---n--o—n-cut 00111 by our borne lien Linen Write bANY CORN LIFTS OUT, 1 • its before ton In le, gar, 11011100n Medical o ' Cn., Limited. Cnllingwnnd, Ont. DOESN'T I•1URTA SIT' I a t 4 e ,y ,€ i8E ilii No foolishness) Lift your corns � fH '-"O itd)1 1'(i r the ty�r(;S, I l9 , Its xx �nl•tlt. pin, •sr 4 rind ec, 1 T. 'I• „..l Ito. t IATaI h b --It's like magic! I ' - a ,lb; nes-Opts trail safe buns: remedy o—e--o--c.--o--e--0—u__o__0 ,___u -.-o in Out 1t•ontrlein or on troubles and ID • strengthen lyoalgltt. Sold 0udor mtn1cy refund gunran•q by all druggists. Sore corns, hard corns, soft eerily or l and calluses off with fingers any kind of a corn, ca.n..11armlessly bo lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the cern a few drops • of freezono, says 0 Cineinnntl authority, For little cost one can get a small bottle of freecne at any drug store. which will positively rid one's roof er The publtshor of the best 1!armer's 'every corn or callus without pain. paper in the Maritime Proviucee is Plti% simple drug dries the moment writing to us states: it is applied incl does, not even irrl- "I would say that I do not know of tate the snrtounding skin while ap- e medicine that has stood the test of plying it or afterwards, time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It This announcement will interest has'•heen an unfailing remedy in our 1 many of our readere. If your drug - household ever since I can remember, gist hasn't any treezeme tell hien to and has outlived dozens of would-be surely get a smell bottle far you from competitors and imitators," his wholesale drug house. • Dummy Plane Targets. France.has adopted a novel method of training its gunners to shoot effec- tively at Boche airplanes. It suspends or wires a dummy plane, quite small, hung twenty or thirty feet from the I -- gunners. The machine is wobbled about, elevated, lowered, thrown into a simulation of the "nose spin" and the "falling leaf" and other common aviation tricks. Considering the size with ' vi rapidity t t and the r. Y of the machine as c p which it is moved about, it is exactly as difficult to bit as a real machine up tin in the heavens. The officers operating range to the outthe rat call g wires the gunners exactly as they do when ob- serving Teuton planes. 3tinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. ' Insist on the tit ©TTO H I O E L.r PIANO' ACTION Neiv Mille Regulations. The Food Controller has limited the amount which distributors of milk may add to the actual cost of the pro- duct delivered at their premises. Since January 1st and until further notice the amount thus added must not exceed such cost by more than 514 cents per quart anywhere in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Albert and British Columbia or by more than 5 cents per quart anywhere in Ontario, Que- bec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or Prince Edward Island. Vegetable chowder makes an excel- lent meal in itself if served with some bread and butter. LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR. Make this beauty lotion for a few cents and see for yourself. What girl or WOman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to 'whiten the skin and to bring out the reees,'the freshness and whiteness of foreign flour. The Brit- the hidden beauty? But lemon juice ish mills could,produce nothing to sat -1 atone is acid, therefore irritating, and isfy the baker, who in turn had to should be mixed with orchard white please his customers with white bread, Ibis way. Strain through a fine cloth Imports of flour increased alarmingly, the juice of two fresh 'woes into a and all because the British public de-' bottle containing about throe ounces mended white bread. I of orchard white, then shako well and Rumors of wonderful machinery you have a whole quarter pint of stein producing White flour in Budapest and complexion lotion at about the reused English millers to visit Ans- i cost 0116 usually pays for a small ;lar aria -Hungary; The result of this de. of ordineay cold Dream, Be sure to putation was that in 1878 the first strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets complete plant 10 reduce wheat to into the bottle, then this lotion will re. white flour was installed in Bilston.' main pure and etresh. for months, So started the English manufacture of When applied daily to the face, neck, white bread, The people are bidding arms and hands it should help to farewell not to an old friend but to an bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify alien invader, the stein, Any d,r lggist will supply three The scissors grinder always finds ounces of oi'ohard white et very little most things dull, cost and the grocer has the lemone, Sdinard'a Liniment Curer Distomner. ISSUE The Cause of cart Trouble Faulty digestion causes the generation of - gases in the stomach which inflate and press down on the heart arad interfere with its regular action, causing faintness P ' ss and sin. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's, Curative Syrup after meals sets digestion right,which allows the heart to beat full and regular. q 1151l.1s1IN r '1'.12Nr1 1/lL1‘1521 fds ai3ResWit Itching, Braising TRMom- And I And tired'inotiihro rest after giving babyahot bath with Cuticula Soap followed by a gentle application of Cutictua Ointment. Pence falls ou distracted households when Guti- sura, enters. Trial free. u,Dt,aoseams Dont. S. A ((1b<leie throughout the world, THOSE Mil 9 CR! PS Suggestions that may seevI3 Much Suffering Marysville, Pa.—"For twelve yearn I suffered with terrible cramps. I would have to stay in bred several dtiys every month. I tried all kinds of iteniedios and watt treated by doctors, beitmy trouble con- tinuecl until one day I read about Lydia E.Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and what it had done for others. I tried ft and now I am never.* t •cabled with cramps and feel liko a different woman I cannot praise Lydia Et. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound too highly and -I am rocommend- mMts. GooROm R.triends vho Na'xLoO,tBoxl72, Marysville, Pa, with Young women who are troubled painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging,down sensations fainting spells or indigestion should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been re- stored to health by this root and herb remedy. Write@,, for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinlcham Medicine Co. (con- fidential), Lynn, Mass. Only women open and read such letters. 11 i�111ti Rheumatic Achez Drive them out with Sloan's Liniment, the quick -no ting„ soothing liniment that penetrates without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments; 11 does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle in the house for the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout; lum- bago, strains, sprains, stiff joints and all muscle soreness. Generous size bottled at all druggists, 25c., 50o, $1.00. ac In ' ry F `- r 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 16x42. New Automatlo Valve Type, Cbmpieto with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc, WIII accept $1,200 cash for immediate sale. I. 1. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110.120 Volts D.C. Will accept $425 Dash for immediate sate, PULLEYS, Large size. 26x86—$30 ; 12x60—$20 ; 12l/x48....-.$l2 ; 12x88—$8. 1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make. 14 Inch discharge—$80, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. • 60 Front Ott Weott 7'oroA►lQ