HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 8?onsorial „Irl` Hair cutting is an Art. It makes a great difference to pour appearance how the cutting or the hair is done, Different features require differ- ent treatment. You will get careful 'consider- ation at the Comm( !'tial BarberShop,C•Jdth W ROBINSON Prop "OA15CARETa" "WORK WHICH. YOU SLEEP - , ^ Ai t}4.• l.st Ill„ fink 4,i the 14. J1. 4, For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, wh eh wr.e 1 dd t tee. home of 41 Sluggish Liver and Cowrie— i; 1+u141 :1 1-,t „f crock WW1 300AQ1.1 CORRESPONDENCE 1 .�-�ws..��wo�wr �rr�..wrl,•�rq Cklclllop council 'The McKillop Council will meet in Seaforth at the Oominer0lal Hotel on F ridny Feb. 8th at 130 p. m, M• Murdie, Clerk, Staffa The Agricultural meeting that was held last Friday evening was well at- tended and while all the speaking was geed, special biemtion should be maria of Mrs. l'8recu8 3110 pleased the au4;- ieuce very 11111011. The Sunday nuneol Institute which was to have1 0*1 pin4e tit 1i0the1, Fu113t11+11 1134 huorl pustp1118d till 14 (81 1100 ,late, TF1 E SEAFORTH NEWS diem Fight in the Tremolo.' will be given by the Rev. Aeh•lrvorestin the Town Ball un Brfdey overdue, Mess's. Wee, and Alumna Regime and eieter, Mrs W. G, ,Johnston, who boon vIelting their parents in the rill. age the pest month, left for their roa- peotive homes the former to Aberdenil South Dakota, the latter to Morse and Milestone, Sask. respeotivoly, h ippen Alva Jas, Millar recently had the sad news of the death of her slater in Ira. land. Mr .tae, Bengongh has disposed of his comfortable residence to Mr Amide Nokes of 8o,iforth; who intends moving hare. Wu (rear that A1r iieugough hue bought another property hero so the we are pleased to know that 9044 aro still to have hien lie a citizen, A quiet wedding was 8o1emnieed on Jan 4)th 1St the home of Aft and Mrs Take Cascarettt :enlght. l p !*4 -.'he's smic+ a'er4;• hi4ish:•d to l,t. 8,(46 :it ,410.0 t tilt' 1)70(4,'0 47'04 01 Ttrred Townie, Bad TA cte,Ce thin, Sallow Sallow tikln and :11 . ,Liu Read- •Coroete. riches conte from a torp1.1 liver and .; quilting b) the Red tines clocf:,ty ,doggo,1 bowels, which rause your stony- a+tlr to l mutnn tilled frit'' andi! sated ((38 held iu rte+ cermet]ig hall on Wed - food, 80111011 nebre and f. M. to like gar- 6a1e in it swill barrel Tlrl, a the first stop to untold mr r4--It;dt •M ion, foul gases, bad breath, ;fellow 1834111, mental fears, everything that is horrible and. .nauseating. A Curare,: to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you eleep— tt 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months, WE WANT NOW A Reliable Agent in Huron County to Sell Pelliam's Peerless Fruit and 1rnamental trees dnrulg Fall and Win. .4,r months. Good pay, exclusive tern. tory, free selling equipment. Over 600 Acres of the choicest Nur. sory stock including New vartetiee con- trolled by us. Handsome up-to-date selling equipment and a splendid Oan adieu grown stock, t0 offer ouatomere We are not jobbers. Write now for Agency terms to PELHAM NURSERY 0. , Toronto, Ont, N. B. Catalogue sent on request to plioantaforagencies or purchasers of ursery stook, FIVE FUNERALS JN THREE YEARS Family Almost Wiped Out By Consumption. Frore,a hovel in the rear of more pretentious buildings conies a ghastly tale, one that in this fair Province of ours seems almost incredible; yet, to those who know the ravages of con- sumption, it is but a typical case, Grief stricken, the mother tells us of her live small children buried from this lowly home during the past three years, of her only remaining child, suf- fering from a tuberculous hip, and then as though in mockery of their misery, the father, too, was stricken. He is now a patient at the Muskoka Free Hospital, where every endeavour Mbeing made to save his life. The uskoka Free Hospital for Consump- lives is appealing for help to carry ‘in this fight against the Great White Plague. The money you give will help them seek out these unfortunate farm - lira and give them a fighting chance fo.< their lives. Contributions may be sent to W. J. Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary. Treasurer, 223 College St. Toronto. Sure! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now 4:^M'MMM MM„,.,ro,H,N•,b+tl„tl„e,tl„u,e,M,tl,w V+y,y,N Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes In high heal footwear they suffer from corns then they cut and trim at these ,painful pests which marely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit may cause lockjaw :rand women are warned to stop It. (AA few drops of a drug called frees.; one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but is sudicfent to re. move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. } This drug is an ether compound and S dries in a moment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even 1 Irritating the surrounding tissue or skin, Clip this out and pin on your wife's dresser, clay. Rev. and Mrs, Love are holding a series of emcee! meetings in the Meth- odist Church. The sleeting are very instructive and bright and special mus- ics is being prepared fur each evening. The many friends of Miss Rhea Sad dlor will be pleased to know that she has so far recovered as to he able to be about again. Londesboro Dir Will Gibbs of Brieroourt hack. in visiting hie mother. There was a memorial cervine in the Methodist church last Sunday morning in memory of the Pte, Fred Gannoy, who )vee killed in action, Mr David Mountain of the 10th cob, has purchased the house owned by Mr Thos. Scott of Canfield, formerly oc- upied by Mr Wm Grovier, eonstance Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stevenson of Brussels spent a few days as guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Riley, Mr, Joe Cooper of Cleveland, Ohio attended the funeral of his mother Mrs. H. Cooper. Mr, and Mrs Samuel Pollard of Blyth attended the funers1 of the late Mrs. H. Cooper on Sunday Mre. Hannah Cooper died Thurs. day laet at the residence of of her granddaughter Mre, Venous of Seater th Deceased had only been ill a few days with a cold, and old age as she was to h -r musty -sixth year. The body was bro44ght in on y'unday aftert,00n to the r >a,hn,ee of 181r. Ben 3,318')', the funeral so., i'04 being conducted by ltev. C C', K 4iu(- of Ln,deshoro and proceeded to the Ktnbluu Cemetery where one 40,48 141,11orest b'•sidu leer hind -mud who died nearly forty•Sve years ago. She leaves one daughter. Mrs. Albert Hall ni 3:11uui,4, two 30148, Jos of Cleveland and Harry of Hn1101. While crushing grain on Saturday, Arnold Colcnugh had the misfortune to have two bones broken in his wrist This will lay him off work for aurae time. Bayfield Mies Annie Beattie of Brandon was the guest of her sister, Mrs, A, E Erwin recently, SFr. S, Ic:ipfer of Zurich has moved his family into the village and will oo. 0npy the store and promises of the late John Whiddon, where he will open a restaurant and barber shop, A, E. Erwin, Reeve, was in Goderioh last week attending the county council meeting. Mr, John Parsons of Winnepeg wan the guest of his mother, Mrs, Perseus he the village. At the annual meeting of the Bay- field Cemetery Company, the following officers abd directors worn appointed for the ensuing year: President, Jas. Thompson; Vice, Jas. Campbell; Soo. frees, A P Erwin; Dir,'ators, Rubt Hanley, Tilos Brownett, John MoNang. lieu, J, Afiddletnn, John McDonald, eyt0n Richard Elliott, ' A lecture on "Flow the British Sol as. 4!a 1)11'0111 1'11 414 their eldest laughter, F"lorenee Ida, was united f11 )rat nge to )Fredrick V(reon Terry - of feekelsmit h. 'Tilt' 4:rremon 0881''1 f4,3 1,4,41 by the Rev, .I I4' J888,0 of 1':trim, m the oresr.noo of only at fe.10 Irf'au1s of t113 (.11118 814(1 500,.81, Ihey utter(!4408181••f1.trent ;eaferth ou a trip to 1'lsaox 14'0 wish the young eoupl8 a happy married life. Among the latest arrivals from the West tie would mention 51r and Mrs Peter tlameroct, of Kinder8ly Seek, who the guests of the letters father, Mr T. 4itler, and other relatives; also 51r. Jae Crozier and daughter, Verde of Tugaske Sask. who are with Mr and Mrs French and other friends, INnllet Lir I. McCarter, the veteran poultry man of gullet, noted as titoGovernment Judge of poultry at the Huron County Show held in Goderioh last week' Mr John Quigley has gone toToeonto where he intends to take a 00nr8e ill Telegraphy. Mrs Phillips and family desire to thank their Mende and neighbors fur the kiudnose and sympathy shown thou) during their sad bereavement, A well known resident passed array at Ilia home in this townah1p on Slat. January 12th, in the portion of John Phillips, after a lingering Mimes, He was born in Hastings Comity in 1853. He was married to Annette Leveeing of tilt; same county ib 1 880 when tin,, moved to linnet, Beeidee his wife he leaves two daughters and one 8011 Myrtle, Violet stud Orval. He also leaves five brothers Fredrick and ,ladles of Clare Mich., Dau}el and lticliard ul' Belleville and William of- T4vc,etl, He (('1814 (1 kind and obliging neighbor .old 843(84811 ready to lend a helping hand. s Ho was highly respented nn,! a strong advocate n1 tebtparn110e and faithful member of Lundesbal'O- Alethodastl Chinch, The funeral took plane oil Saturday the loth to the Union Cennitl erg, the service being conillicted by the Rev C,O. Keine. hi oasts Charles T11anrhau and Thomas Flynn attended a danoe in Seaforth last week. Mr Michael wuigley of Alpena, Mich a resident of chis townohip about forty years ago, is visiting friends for a few days, Brucefield lu spite of the storm yweek which had proceeded it, the sale of farm stock and implements held by Mr 13 R Hig gins on Thursday last was a very great amoese. Auctioneer Gundry had to drive from Goderieh as the trains were not yet running. Marjorie, the little daughter of Rev. W, D. McIntosh, who moved here two weeks ago from Nairn to become past- or of the Presbyterian Church, died af. ter a short illness with gastritaa, Varna The Methodist held their anniversary services on Sunday Jan, 20th, The services were conduoted by Rev. Mr. Agnew of Clinton, who delivered two splendid addresses, On the Monday evening following Mr, Robert Hannan of London gave a grand entertainment assisted by local talent which was highly appreciated. The proceeds of Sunday and Monday amounted to $200, Mire Geupet Grirltlss is spending a few clays with her permit(' idr, And Nrs.lrrank Keys, Rev, kir, Jopee took Rev, Mr. Agnew's work in Clutton while Mr, Agnew took the Auuivet'aary Servre68 in Varna, Mrs, A, Austin has returned from Woetlstoek after spending a month with her friend Afrm, ,1, Ward, The order of today is every body hunting wood to burn , Mrs (Rev,) JO1108 has returned from hum Crediton aftor 83Wating her fun. oral of her grandmother, 1Br, Thompson ,of Portland Oregon has been visiting with Mr, J. 7, Road HOCKEY The Hockey Matah al 'Tuesday with the God,rich team woe very one.sid8(1 as 1I mho fell was not aide to score once all evening. The team 40(18 quite plucky, however, aid the last 1(18010(1 MI5 thu must 0109(41)' 110nteated of the the game 4911011 the 90000 9011* 1 ill (1. Seaforth put up a Rood clean game th000111out; )tout's rushes being e(lbet- }ve; Edmun(la and dully uredo 8 good (1(1181188• Kerslake and )lays played well all ev(aling. 'rho setae in Ole first prariud wag 2 to 0, in the second, 7 to 0, and the last 8 co 0. This places Mitu11811 and Seaforth to play oll'the tie for the district, when 001118 good hockey should result. The line-up: Go(lerioh:—Boehler, Aitoheeub, 1Vebb,. Babb, Moss, Johnson, Seaforth,—ntewart, Edmunds, Hull;, Kerslake, Reid, Hays. Referee—Boy McDonald, MARRIACEb, NIOHOLSON—Moe1JRNET, At the home of Mrs. Simon MoKenaie, the bride's grandmother, on Friday evening, January i8th, Mr, Arthur A. Nicholson of Tuokeremith, and Miss Catherine McKenzie McBurney of Seaforth, the oeremony being per formed by Rev, F, H. Larkin. BRODIE—SHAW. At the home of Mr and Mrs. George Stogdill on Wed uesday morning, January 23rd, Mr, William Brodie of Woodrow, 8ask., and Miss Bertha Shaw of Seaforth Rev. F H. Larkin ollloiated. Get :rehire the Fee of a Ford and rive TRY it just once! Ask your friend to let you "pilot” his car on an open stretch. You'll like it, and will be surprised how easily the Ford is handled and driven. If you have never felt the thrill of driving your own car, there is some- thing good in store for you. It is vastly different from just riding—being a passenger. And especially so if you drive a Ford. Young boys, girls, women and even grandfathers—thousands of them— are driving Ford cars and enjoying it. A Ford stops and starts in traffic with exceptional ease and smoothness, while on country roads and hills its strength and power show to advantage. Buy a Ford and you will want to be behind "the wheel" constantly. Runabout - $475 Touring - $495 THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B, FORD, ONT. J. F. Daly -9 Dealer - Seaforth Cook arose eaters email i htoscti y J!an 3 Can 1 Get Fitted ? This is the first question many Women ask when they enter a Shoe Store. We have no trouble in fitting feet correct 1)7, You never hear the Woman who buys her Shoes here complain about poor fitting Shoes, Every Shape of Foot has been Provided for The long, narrow foot, the short foot with high instep and the slender foot with archo ed instep—oneand all can be perfectly ffito fetid here, The leather is right, the styles are right, `Shoemaking is right, everything is right, Di) e "(The filome of Good Shoes' - Phone 51 Seaforth Job PR-INTJNG If you w.utt .rice, -dainty or tasty Job Printing., we are in a better position than ever to supply your needs. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders Leave us your orders when in need of LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARh.S POSTERS CIRCULARS CATALOGUES Or anthing else in printing come In And See Us About Sale Bills THE SEAFORT1J NEWS SEAPORT!" — ONT. FRUIT TREES and 'PLANTS For Spring Planting We need no further introduotion than the fact that we have been in the Nursery Business SIXTY ONE YEARS, and are now prepared to meet existing oonditioue by offering our high grade trees and plants direct to customers at ROOK BOl"TOM PRICES Send for our illustrated oiroula-e of hardy varieties which you can order rliraut (Old cave the agent's oum111i1eiou, of which yon gat the benefit, Our prices will be enr0 to interest you and all stook ie nbeolutely first-01nee and true t0 name. THE CHASE BROS, 00. of Ontario, Ltd. Nurserymen Established 1887 Colborne, Ont Consignezp's Back Again I wish ro inform the public I have opened a Shoe Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where I will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used. All work clone by hand and guaranteed by me to be No, 1. Bring your repair work to nie and save money "as my prices are lower than any other repair shop in town, CHAS CONSIGNEY Farm For Sale One hundred acres, Lot ]3.1 Cob 2, 11 11 8 Tuokeremith All cleared, in extra state of cultivation being a dairy farm for 10 years; Buildings are 2 Story Stone Renee; Barn 106 x 36; stand shed, 36 x 40; Cement etabhling throughout, with accommodation for 100 hogs, Artesian well with water system in stables; Letter carrier; Milk- ing system; Cement Silo 13 x 4$ Farm is well fenced and dra}ued H88 forty rod of spring oreelt at back One and half mile Astro Seaforth Stntiob. John MoNay, (1 RNo3 Phabe 10 on 14,; Farmers Attention Make money in your spare time this Winter by selling NURSE;. y STeei•C and 1UEW SEED POTATOES. This is the right time to start on Spring Sales We pay highest come missions and furnish our Salesmen with lite erature with a "punch" to it. Send for our list of New Offerings ave.:ill full part- iculars. Stone de Wellington., The Foothill Nurseries Established 1837 Toronto, Ont. `1l 311 fe per ty 1,I j eel of a A0- wh for Met Oat neat ;ilei 004 tea 71 olat of nl On tte legib inati othe a&Se toge writ Iso o co lop ith nem 7h rata onnl oun eel th 8po ade Th emu (nem forw' eases ]Otte the r may on 0 tw Le em eti ing 10n A P' ho w o de Fan (ands ar0a my h gate nd r a (166li eY 'h oa re tae dol Da ant wh i8 t off' the 70!