HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 70
wt34!( 'plc •
13y Agronomist
This Department Is for the use of our farm readers who want the edvtetl
tee an expert on any question regarding aoll, seed, crops, etc If your question
le of sufficleni general Interest It wail be answered through thin column tf
stamped and addressed envelope la enclosed with your -letter, a complete
answer' will be mailed to you. Address Agronuh,ist, care 4f Wilson Publiellwe
Co,, Ltd., 75 Adelaide et. W., Toronto, •
'1'11e (;orlon Sel'1 114(1. the eon, w'h111t should then he worked
': as 1Il84lble.
A holed (1144141 wr•itct' hu:. 1(11)11 that a.. tint and Smooth I
ihc• greatest ulea'0(1 in mldleukng is however, the soil s n ( jun threem
t:heanti- ire It le an advaidege in marlines . to
toy of 01(4(114' ihkugs grow;'
• 111 to 001)1' cath U1ks 11(1(1518141 be had in' plaint seeds o'l ,, 61'11 which slopes to
'1.111• soin1 411(1114111'4 las ir, the raisin,: Gin south. . This you can acc'lnpli•11
of sow , you1'. WI"'” putlkn2. th' sun in 1114 0c ed heti
11 plea:: 11.tn 41)'1(1 1, 1 r
0wu ;1•a;rden, by making it elle iur!•cs higher at the
• beck. than the -'font, tieing 11 hoard in
It docs not. require a very large (rout to retain it. This make51 u
star)' to grot' t lame number 01'produces at better
v t ,. wormer bid :rod
yeeee pfault:. For the house. garden, !mewing dondition for etottiluoti5 ::wed
1,11 by 1411 felt ill size, a plot three AIM (daunt. ;;)110011.
Pert wide by fifteen feet long will be fu the seed -lied are planted the main
amply suf1ielent, This l'or the Wnt•t,'.crop or late valid ie nl' eegetetbles,
brat. in following years, when. you be- told a "mail pace e,hutlld 1,1 reserved
conic more expert' in handling or the for 11),' ti.e„ei ltcnikng of 11 rem, of the
seed bell, you will cut tills 110811 :51(1 e(ariy once, wh(il it r safe to plaint.
rat ju01 us good results. I them out, haat before setting them in,
II is an itdvltnteg( to luau ,he red the garden proper,
bed long and narrow, s)1 111211 it eon be Sow Seeds Compactly
444skly roweled from 111e path, mule.' Do not plant the ilifi'm.enl 1,inds of
ing the w(1111 more plea:met and get-' ,11110
promiscuously, or in tont" rib -
Ling 1,eLter reeult4, A short person. bon rows. 'fry the rover and better
t/twill 1 (L 1)0111' ('011)114 with one thirty itay. Mark utf the seed -bed into as.
incites wide. ; marry age:tre0 as may be needed, each,
.The location of the seed her' i; very of a sin' to shit the quantity or seeds
important; 111 fact, there is but one: to be planted. Plot these on a paper,;
good loctttien in "Avery garden, and and mark the names of the seeds on'
that L'41!ileum the. north fence, so that them, its a nu,ttcr of reference and red
kl wilt te,oij,pgeil to t'he sunshine all; cord. You will fund it very crop -i
day mil: teetein !teetcd Deere cold winds, tangent to be able to work with all thea
If the, fefiee item( open one, etch x51 plants 01 one hind right under your
palie)414 or Wire, it will he well to cote-; hand in a compact 1quaa40, instead of
1r it. along the nerd bed with building having to walk along a lona; row,
pauper', fatstencd on, to make it tight; Take sufficient time in pleat the
from lit' wind. seeds in -the seed -bed thinly; by which
Good lerttinage Nccesare ie meant do not crowd them in the
The end bed 8110810 be specially-
pecially rows. When planted carelessly they
are likely to be hunched in come puce
prepared, 171e soil should be deep and thinly set in others. Practice
14110 well drained. If necessary to ;v few times dt'opping' small seeds from
get it so. excavate it to a depth of the thumb auad two fingers or a paper
Iwo Poet, lull m four to six inch(, of Until you can do it evenly, and you
'intim,;' materials, such as 81180.' the then arc really to sour them in the soil,
size of railroad ballast:-, ruts, coarse One of the thing: desired to be at -
(hider., or other simiL•u' miner111 rill'- lamed in transplanting planta is to
bleb. increase the root -mass. before there is
On this -put the sell, whieh 8110uld mucks top -growth. When a plant is
l0' epeeially prepared, 4.410 the loom taken from the sled -bell and taus
Forint -cc' from the excavation, with a0 planted it losses most of its toothairs.
11111011 in addition as rine be needed to which are reproduced in greater intra -
tette the place of the subsoil removed, 111.4 in its new location before the top
Dive it a heavy dusting with powdered gets additional growth. This makes
lime, :411(1 one of a good chemical fer'ti- for a vigorous plant.
- The vegetables 0514011y sown kn the
seed -bed are: Cabbage, onions, beets,
esuliflowee, parsley; peppers. celery,
manure you haul, available, and on this lettuce, tomatoes, chard.
13at More Poultry and Pews.
"•Wroare short of ted meat. Our
soldiers and our 8111014 require more
than ever before. Wo a't'e advocat-
ing in every household, every hotel and
restaurant ht title country the sub-
stitnlion of poultry for red merit, Int
eree l(d pseduidioe of poultry can 11e
effected match faster than heel', pork
and muton. While we Want in01 808
In all the hatter. we 1mr11 have a (181111
response. in poultry and poultry ern -
11 ets, There is a , • reit wane of
poultry f(edc: from every holt:edit ltd
and frim, ft regnire4 little labor.
Cannot the poultry 1,110010 of the vette •
try help tee by l rovid;ng the increased
supply 00 need'?"
These are the Word: .' Herbert
Meteor in an appeal. directed to the
American Poultry Association and
prodnecrs of trout}• and egg.. ill 'rhe
1!niled States. The wont: are just
as applicable le ('amuliau Poultry
1'roducere. Mire- Moat mus. be Imo-
vidcri fur 1110 fighting Men. Lei 4,r
the moats=that can tie sbllrp'•(! mu;l
be eaten at. Juane. Son11hing else
must be subsiituicd roe the 1,e41 to'n'e
Poultry and (4a'1 melte the best and
cheapen 1401„) itete at the (teemed time
and 1,hould be used more ::het, they lure
for that purpose;
The prices naked for Ihe-'o arc reit•
:tunable when compared with the
prices of other meaats, \I present
rates poultry, either fresh or stored,
is one of the cheapest meaty on ;he
market,. Though new-laids are high,
the: stored eggs are reasonable in price
and quite palatable. Fresh poultry
is selling on many markets al from
1Cie. to 21c, per lb., and gond stored
eggs from •10e. to 50c, gel• duxes.
Those prices are practically the same
as before the war but when compared
with the present pricer of other meats
prove conclusively that they are no
longer a luxury,
The prices of eggs am
liter. Work all well together.
On top of 111e drainage part four to
six 'melee of the eh -hest well -rotted
()ffo()( Jac k#( r�
Two or three pigs are enough to a ' Selecting a Receiver.
pen during cold weathet' for the ant- :' In selling eg'g's in case lots, or live
mals e•rowd told when many are to- poultry- by the Gate. locate good trust-
geeler they become very sweaty. I:x-I worthy receivers and stick to them,
poimee while in -this condition mikes The writer Met a poult'ykeeper the
them unhealthy. other day who had shipped eggs to the
Little pigs aro happy in 0 snugly Ca1ne city concern for twenty-five
built. warns, movable hog house, and years- ITe eeldenm had cause :for coin.
so is their mother. Such a house is plaint about returns, and when he -did
splendid in providing warmth, dry-
ness, abundant direct and indirect
sunlight, ventilation, sanitation, safe-
ty, con) rod, convenience, serviceability,
durability, low first cost, low' main-
tenance, and pleasing appearance.
These movable sunlit houses are
easily cleaned because they have solid
wooden floors and plenty of space in-
side in which to work, That they tare
durable is proved by the fact that see- should be considered in selecting a
oral such lienees built at the Iowa 11:x- receiver, some egg receivers deduct
periment Station in 1907 look as if no 1o111o1i=;ion, others deduct one or
they would stand ten yxar4' more ser- two cents a dozen, and .,till others
vice, charge a percentage. Some concerns
Such a house is good for the brood buy either by case count or loss .off
sow, the little pig, the fattening hogs, (for breakage, bad eggs, ole.,), aind'
and the herd boar. All are contented o11e41) by case count only, Simul-H
within its wall,; and it (mete not more ((4140(88 trial shipments and an rom-
than one half the present value of a prison of returns from different firms
250 -pound hog. is the beet way of getting at facts,
---•--- — — The concern Which charges no commlis-
sign may really be Inc costliest one to •
d poultry were
formerly comparatively high, and con-
sumers, to a certain extent, discon-
(bnued eating poultry prochee% note,
when the r011111ve prices have changed
the impression remains -hal. poultry
and eggs are still a luxury. As a
(tom Min errors were quickly re-
called. Between him and the com-
mission firm there wi110 more than an
ordinary business relationship; there
was friendship. The steady, depend-
able shipper gels thrice. the attention
at the hands of a receiving firm that
the producer does W110 ships Bret to'
one house, then to another.
Business standing and reputation
result the consurel"ation of these is not
me 'large es it usually is.
There are several :geed reasons why
poultry and eggs should be used mere
than they are as a substitute for beef
and become -The soldiers and the Al-
lles must have meat and we e41nn0t
roll them poultry and eggs: Wo
have et good supply of poultry 1410'
duct.; in Ganlatda at present: They
mat -o a palatable awl 14 cheap sub-
stitute for the red meat. repaired by
he 410ldiers: Poet ley are more easily
graven and Call tat produced 111 lass
bane than other lime stuck: The young
n•dthe old can supply all the Rubor
necessary foe ih1; Work.
lake -II -Bach Day.
De puck to take it hawk again,
The article you but• 041';
And don't postpone that duty plain
'.1'14 some remote toetio •t•nw.
1 !'ear it sw.ruds at lil'.11 :deem,
And eel 1 have the fell 1 ;
T}oil b, rro'cin4• without retina
Is '8181 the :oar' 1(s stealing,
Illy and
sht with, with wisdom but 1 tried to stretch my
that the sweat 111, .,;v,. tout clot n 'll 1 moral to iratiuu: end Un, far. Matt mother. are tempted
r '4 • ': phi t( r1)'.', that. friend- 1) saga y, m 10. light, 141 that our ()War sweet childr'n must
out from May's s t � strut r r wrl(-w riurd auad d4e(nt, ,ill
w•ilett Sem learns from Hill': 1114tcufls for and a 1500 (1 1)0nur• t' i.
411. I ' 1(401 are
Tay Fistienhl'4 and Quarrels the Child Works Out Idclit:') of tient
and Justice
13y Helen Johnson Keyes and John 111 heyee, AL1).
There are many trays I11 Wldclt cl1!1•; pcepic'. There le no neecesity' for it,
drop receive education; maty telly's and the effect. (4t' such 1a.'lIse is their
outside of school, even outside 01' the s•Jfieluiess,
dlr.eet influe'n<:es of home. 'Those are On the other hand, they trust have
gra:�,;s.; .rizxF�urr3as�si(?i►
l A :C3 ,Ii4' 3i 41!1 G
{{ IN DTGUIN",T •�
"IV1}'ra, yen are looking and acting
ycau•s younger than when 1 was ]torr,
last winter; how is it?" Mrs, Sim-
mons regitrded her sunny little hostess'
with open admiration,
"Wasn't 1 old end anxious and erose
forms of self -education • -education the freedom of outdoors, r:pace and last winter!" 1 shivered Mrs. Alexander,
through Ilse 11111,inete, privacy to wage their wars. Ciiil- "MY reformation; she said with a
uerr011in r is nuc' of 1110:ie edam- l! d • • will (u•trrel. Boys will fight, merry twinkle, "play ht• credited to too
tinted inetie •t s, It n cxeeud411g1y'
Fie the c:ua not: help it. Thole much sewing."
' disagreeable to +'ruwn•u ,r • it is nosey,' ;Broke)! tem it 141111110 make "Noneees , 'Poo much sitting
€. 1 honor is .
1 vulgitr and sel(i.ele Yet, undoubted-' us feel more trustful of humanity to nunhccs a woman old, not. young."
1 ly, it i, a4 melee by wheel children obeerve that ?when e. c•llilil'z :4111;' 01 Ph,lt'1 what it vete doing to 111e, at
'. learn for theuttelve e 4 rm.:ming and honor demands a1 certain tea, he per. first," nodded Mie. Alexander soberly,
need of fair 111ay, pcaeeableneee end '(melte it. even though roue (>;rowm-up "Y011 51•0, .1.110 51111 1. 11xye to work
co-oprration. may tell him 1144 noise of Bonar is all and plan raurl'ulh se that we coir
\i', may In(<ich these r;r'ucs i,1 t;nr' wnor„ 18141441 110`11 enols meet Without tett no -
rout g people yc-nr att.-.1 yuan• with so then in t..'144(i; nod fighting, ikccab10 e, strait, at the Joining. Ile
out 1ea111y gaining their attention Ind a chklrl has an idea of ju�tkt•1• to fight has: always dune his glut luta
lin t' , P
'nd to (10 that, 1 song,,,,,, because we feel
tnlcr•rt" •t bully• •1),d lvlien ,linin h , tk 1 I' 1 mutt bei
Il Il
ship will 1101 endure !th ;.a homes, these I t outlies Jdesc tee, 410 ,cel iulrl axe,'. have:• all the 011vanl (0171 ill^u' mate8
Our neighbors (.1uud Dur needs supply children a l'' 1,el inni 1)i: le, bet time; �. lett1, fi"I t4 do not 11(411'. Too of"'n, ihoul':h, 000 110 not
111011 a Warr a re,'mg: eft Moreover, 1
'4\" 1 i l f f 't' 4 41 111. I l i 1 stop td, 104144001' what alivn1tages are
tl0,;t1 fruud•hnps, Ibey oftw meet. P
"1140 wrong to pasforge ling., 's by n'rr nl,•rnl linen; m00t worth their having. I scrimped
And ,at' it by forgetting., 1
1 1118 ,a.ngr. n
first wit t•(aird of 111•' Ino•sla•dlg' 111' and planned and teal; thousands of
tloaa•t'e:s Are I%ducalional
good and cull. Ila:` het,, :dome tilt dainty stitches (1,1' my little loll:; and
Then Labe it back, cebatl'er 4444 °we, , line of yielding to oilier men the ,•.due+ Girl); usually P8 1, _1 "huffy" after i all the while I wits. getting. (•toss, ex-
Tin neighbor.' all are ,truly privilege., we claim fur uurselve0, !1(1011 quutrels, probably hecau.ise these acting and unmuthoriyl
• 1144 friendly 11)+ails, of course you It bus bean ,. strangely • $111(00 gnu are only intellectual and do not bine 1'11( days were n(vei' long enough
know, 'Pauly it i:: rut{o1):; that it the• cxhilirtN.iuu of physical cxeriaenl fur lie and on the nights that John
IArt worth tau mute than money, teem hundreds! ]?vert u,, I believe their quarrels are was away; lid meetor embroider for
I should have taken our t.
the atrocties and find the comae,'elan who u' tun pvlsonal to lrcuve ed
Oh. 511 who labor, all who strive,
i e yield a lofty power!
Du with your might, d0 with your
Fill every golden hour.
The. glmious privilege t) 110
Js woman's noblest dower.
Then to your country, to yourself, to
your own God be true!
A weary wretched life is theirs
Who have no work to do. •
• I and hundreds of years to learn the joy. educat,ou:tl. They snake gide, less hours after the rhilrh'cu were 111 bed.
Whet making cakes with dripping
if a few drops of lemon juice ore Witt-
en tip with the dripping the cal • will
Juste as well lit }1 but':"n had bean
of Dein; ,Ant to •the• human cretilures'sin>141410 to
-&1l']apfu•nvitl 411141 criticism,: At last Ihad to stop because I couldn't
-.with elle) we share this earth! which is a hardening they steed when • 81w eve1, in 'layt1114' 'and 011, how my
('uriuue that we are learning so they go out into the world; and these' eyes hurt! I was almost frantic
slowly that 1000 •and order slake. for .encounters teach them to take care of when the °enlist explained that only
happiness!, Even into :ha midst of an, thenSCIVCS anti explcs, themselves-', rest'•ould 11115 thorn,
age cu liidout of its humanitarianism ; outspokenly, witch garner is a real de- I �•1 weuf, hem( from his office feel- •
b a nae to a girl in moue: perilous situs- I props •111 fallen from
has broken the great European war.: f( €, I ing as if She pi ,p. h,
In vices of all this we should be , tions. everything. After we had our simple
patient with our children who, like 05, lea.eing• tins o nobility. It supper and the (Rehm: were blushed, T
learn the golden rut0 eery .lowly and is 118 employmente ((0180)1 rad down and folded my hw'11114,
1)t any
where on
who, after having ,(rued to learn it, has all the fun told the other person' "'Nothing' to da' I told myself
like ourselves, break it over and over all the torture. The habit should be mockingly,
again. ' broken. It, eR'ect sometimes is to "Al. that moment little Hugh called,
Fight l• or An Ideal ruin a disposition, Of courie, there ' 'Mamma. can't you play ring -a -peg
When men go to war, we look be- is such a thin„ as goodetatured banter- with me?'
vend the horror and brutishness and ing but it i:' seldom seen among chip-! ••'Why, yes! I can play,' I laugh-
: e When the child immediately be -
:,2, a e s �n- r1'"' ship to. It will pay the producer of
1 108 tI
..+ , i well -graded c • 's to h ,
•ell l
, vv eggs
where that is posc'ible, 011 minter
Finding The '•Boarder" Cows. 0us markets there are no loss -off' buy' -
1 have been in the dairy business for ere,
fifteen years with varied success, says Beware of the agent. who calls at
a dairyman, According to my ex- your- faint and solicits shipments,
peri'nce it takes about five years for promising better than market pric08.
a coy to• develop. Up to that age I —• -....._g,__._ e---.,
and not positive whether she is going A Fan -Bag Obstacle Race.
to be a "hoarder" cote or not, Now To prepare the "race course" for
if there 00ulcl be some means provided this amusing contest, folia a zigzag
to aid one in determining exactly' passageway about three feet 'wide by
whether at yearling is going to grow arranging two lines of chairs, tables,
into 0 good cow o• 41011, such 111eu1`l benches, and outer articles of forni-
would prove vett' valuable to dairy- tore, The,more it winds the better it
mets. Many of the heifers would he • will serve the purpose. -
• fattened and sold. for meat while, of • Blow tip a medium -sired palter hag
the other hand, not a few that go and tie it nit the top with string. Place
directy to the shambles without a the bag at the beginning of the course;
trial at the pail would be given a 111011 get a palm -leaf' fart and, while
chance to show their value. as dairy one of the company tines you with a
animals. The scales and the Babcock watch, 'fan the hag along the pnssage-
test ti'11 the only aretirate. means We vvmy to the enol,
have of ]moving' what al cow can doe. You must take care not to ullov
but these can be used only when the 11141 bag to strike 411 any time the sides
animals arc producing, and ins a heifer. of the course o' any pant of your per -
may prove to be a good row tater an eon. Neither should you allow tho
tmproiitable season or two, we cart- 100 t) .ouch the brig during the entire
not see where the gra(1licld dairynit') effort, Should you e°mnlit either of
are going to avoid the heavy e8pcnsc thus(` enol',, -your 1
0 yniie turn. The
involved in weeding out lin' "hoard- 111dyer who ('overs the course in the
et.'" cow and at the same time not shorten space of lime without violet -
waste 1'01"bl" potental clakry 41(1441 ing any of the rules of the game Wine -
Material the contest, -
._-,.. ....._....:
Artificial cohort e of gold fish. by 0 i0 the most endutrin
keeping them in wmi, '(' containing cur- Oh0crt intin g
- take ch01)11(111 is rateneively carried of the pleasure: of life,"•--(le'org'e
on in (3141134, - Meredith,
r H �
By Andrew F. Currier,. M. D.
Dr, Currier will answer all signed letters pertaining to hiealth. If, your
question is of general interest it will be answered through these columns;
if not It will be answered personally,, If stamped, addressed envelope is en-
closed, Dr, Currier will not prescribe for individual cases or slake diagnoses.
Address Dr, Andrew F, Currier, care of Wilson Publishing Co,, 73 Adelaide St.
West, Toronto,
Who world not be marquee, and with reason, if health (•01114 be purchased
with gold.—Temple.
Cancer. , after forty, especially W0111011, Who
Caller is always a tumor, a swell-, find their 'health not as it should be,;
ing', a "lump," as many people say, had hest without, delay go le their'
and they aro ant to think cif a tumor 'family physicians for examination.
as being necessarily a cancer. But.' I will mail further informaton about
to the doctor any kind of a swelling; cancer to all who send mea stamped'
means a tumor; and there are at least; (1)1(1 self-adch'eseed envelope,
the loyalty, the idealism el' the fight.- the attack without 'temper. gar to dance up and down and shout,
ere. 1)o not yen believe that Children A child 8041014 into a responsible . 'Goody! goody!' I realized with a
ab. had
when they quarrel and tight also have mal nr woman through his inllcasing shock how often the poor baby
an ideal for which they are sl41iggl- poweers of - working and playing fairly been put. off with -an impatient, 'Not
ing' Surely they have: Beyond with other human beings. He does . now, dear. Mother's busy.'
the coarse struggle for a sack of ; not learn this until he has found out "Well, we played ring -a -peg, then
candy or for the front Sent at the the penalties of being unfair and un- cinnliuoos--just matching' because
"show;' there 1e. a principle in their generous. What he learns from ex- I.-lugh is such a little chap. When the
ni}iule and they are working out as . perience, be believes in thoroughly;rest had finished their home work,
problem of right end teethe' even what he is merely told he must believe they c•lamured to play too.
st•ungee than their greed, • . in, he ale 41ys feels doubtful about, `•'Mother, w'on't you play with us
I believe it is dangerous to make a Moreover, what Ile learns •for ]him every evening?' they coaxed at bed -
habit of settileg children's quarrels , se1f 11e likes; what is taught him by, time, 'We'll help with the supper
fm• them,. to sepitl'alte them (11 their eel- (-olmmende from other people, he often work if you will.'
counters. I believe this for the rca- !dislikes. The men and women who 'Agreed,' I bargained with delight. .
sun talar 1 think the education of ex- .I like goodness are the really good pro-', "The children had got into the habit
perience and the punishnleot of eon- ; plc and we should give children every of fussing over every bit of work
sequence, are the strongest corrective' chance to find out the happiness and' they did. But there has been •et de-
for•ces we Have, when we settle a the advantages of virtue, ' lightful change from that night on.
qu.lu•cl we shield our children from j I do not say that children need no. I play with them and they help me
the cousequenees of their acts and guidance and no checks. But in the, about the work as cheerfully as if it
thereby, perhaps, make cowards of . case of quarrelling and fighting, 1 be -1 were a game. Indeed, we have
I thein 11r else headstrong meat and WO- sieve harm comes of interference at found -ways to make a play of what
• men Who will tush into experienees ; the moment when they are taking has been drudgery, while our sense of
willow counting the cost beeau,e ; place (unless they are disturbing teecomrudoshfp binds us together won-
they have never bed In pay that cast. I peace of the household) and that par--; derfully.
T said it ,rats da•l1er,us to make it encs can best guide their children "One night they wanted me to go
a habit to settle ddhlr141 s quarrels. away from the quarrelsome habit by, for a walk with them before supper;
Of carne, there are 0001141018 when; the influences of a home where every since that, it has become almost a
they roil'. he stopped abruptly. 1 member has his or her own rights and: daily habit. I could afford the time,
do not
believe that children ehould he I is taught to yield the salve rights to' you see, because the poor eyes would
allowed to disturb the quiet of the 1 his family and neighbors fairly and not let me sew." The mother's face
horn' and the work and feet of older Igenerously,
Er score of them—bone, cartilage, fat,' QUESTIONS /4NI) ANSWER.
fibroid anis the like, Also there are :fake No Chances.
several kinds of cancer differing. in! \bona a 11100th ago a swellkng 1o•n4-
the degree of their malignancy (their) eelunderthe lei'- .<ide of my tongue
life -endangering effects) anti in their bluish black in color. About in the
development. Most benign ttuners,jcotter 01 this ie a little pus pocket.
however innocent to begin with, may I Although I hate' been using a mouth
by reason of constant irritation be
wash prescribed by a druggist I don't
conte cancers; therefore whenever pos-,
sihle they should he t•emnved, Thusseem111 to notice the swelling go down.
may not only definite and sur( cure be It i0 about the ;amu size a0 at first.
vouchsafed, but also such a relative- It troubles me mostly when I rut.
]y slight and sl1 lrl(14s, operation will Anewer of have no desire to fright -
result in the. ]cast disfigurement or; en you; but this may lie cancer, as
may any growth in the mouth that;
mutilation. Certain kind, of mules .does 11"1gel well within at week 1)r
and birth marks may hike on malig-, aL roost n fortnight. Go to a rap-.
nanny. For their removal, only the `
ex ertest. aadcice and skill must 145"11)1e• physkcianmltl lel thoroughly ex-,
7"ours is nn 11114. for over -the
sought, An 1184' 111 operator (many, counter prescribing. Read the above.'
a beauty doctor is sarin) may luau
some microscopic portion 0l' the: 1 aur mailing you further information.,
growth, '114th may heroine lIle 30a1t or
focus of a future causer. Superficial : 1 ant 20 Years old. This fall
cancers, as those of the face and lips, broke down with my nerves. I have'
are reasonably recognisable by pro- i c'hr'onic bronchitis, and have had a bad,
fe4siolai sight and touch and by • set of boils and carbuncles. 1 have
microscopic ext( nination, Deep seat -How now no desire to keep up my physical
ed cancers are much more difficult to ! being.
detect, Oftentimes the oily indW Answer --Aro you sane the ailment
cation of them is a functional disturb -his bronchitis; better get. thoroughly •
alae of the organ involved in the !examined. Am mailing you infor-
geowtl and 5(1111aps also of other and nlati0(1 regarding boils, which ate
•associated organs. Therefore those meet weakening,
CUT OUT AND FOLD 014' DOT {'l ei U1'44
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Sister tip toed softly by,
It really wasn't fair;
For 'Mlle thought: be hall her sure,
.And only caught (ho chair, r
Sour Child -s 'l'inle.
Friendship is one of heaven's most
su)n•'me gilts, and te,'tai1(1y one
friends sheuhl be cherished. But for
the very reason that our friends are
so dear and !•105. in 115, and have so
great all influence ulna) us, hardly
ally ether oi,'moni (s11L514114 the 110815
touches the lime of our children so in-
timately and s1) frequently. Our
friends are a great possible influence
for good or harm in the lives of our
children; and the extent to which we
shall allow them tr, influence us in
handling our children and the extent
to which they shall directly influence
our children constitute one of our
graves problems and concerns..
The raying of this problem requires
that the mustknow our friends—.lust
study then- from the standpoint of the
hest interest of our children.
Fleet, we trustrid ourselvesof the
conventional ideas of what is due one's
friends--oi' that fear of "what will
Mrs:. Blank think"" and for them we
must substitute, as our foremost con-
sideration, the happiness and well-he-
ing of our children.
If this be our first consideration, if
we know our children, and if we have
tact, many of the harmful ways in
which our friends thoughtlessly touch
our children's lives can easily be avoid-
ed. Even so seemingly trivial a situa-
tion as a friend calling at 0 time that
interfere; with a child's eager ex-
pectation. ran easily be met ina man-
ner so that no one Is hurt or disap-
pointed. "`lhkl le my afternoon with
John, and we have planned a very
special party" --this said graciously,
with some light elaboration or
emphasis appropriate to the project,
and with the manner of continuing im-
mediately, will save the situation for
the child, and can not possibly give
offense to any sensible friend, As a
rule, if eve proceed in the right man-
ner, we will sutler no loss In 'trietld-
hip. But consideration for ourchkl-
dren must always camp first.
A garden is troublesome at times,
There are tronbiesonie insesil and
diseases and unfavarabie lea her that
rause anxiety and lasts, out there is
nothing worth having in this life that
is to 1?e Died 'tdirltouii trouble.
A Gymnasium "Bee"
13y A1. B. McNutt.made a better and a hap-
The spirit- of the ohl-time "bee" They haveP
I pier woman of me while the children
which led people to clo things to -'have learned to appreciate the beauty
Bother is not entirely, dead, Yoti of all outdoors and to love the One
have 11140111 0f spelling bees, of beeg'who created it as the 7woitld not if
bees, and many other kinds of bees, Their mother's eyes had been etl•Ong
but slid you ever hear of a gymnasium enough to continue. putting French
bee? Ism
ar°ts and cross-stitch on their little
La Fayette, Ohio, and surrounding • frocks and oss-ss."
conmuuity needed a place for indoor. I understand 11000, you dear wise
recreation.. So the close in manual Young norther!" whispered her friend.
training, inspired by the principal of •
___-_,, _ .__
the high school, began the construe -1 Cleanliness in Handlers of Food.
t.1011 of a gymullsitlm aS a part of the;
regular public -school work. But as Clean hands and clean clothes ere
the winter weather was approaching',' an outward indication of clean habits.
all the boys i11 the school turned out These and these only are the kind of
one day with hammers and saws and butcher's or other handlers of food that
helped finish the work, The girls of you should patronize.
the domestic scienee class prepared a It is very probable that people of
'}inner for thirty-five workmen, plan-' clean appearance will cover foods
ring and serving the ileal themselves, while the premises are being swept, '
The structure cost $900 besides the and will also protect such from cats,
work. One third of this amount was ` rats and slice. The days when cats'
contributed by the. school board, one'. were seen lying in the middle of a
third t'aised by popular subscription,' candy shop window or sitting on a
and the remaining third ie. to be raised' basket of grapes are fast disappear -
by twitted entertainments.1 ing, though this has been witnessed
There are many uses to which a recently by the writer, -
building like this, in a country coin- Citizens themselves can do more
munity, may be poi. Ankle from bas- than health iuspeelor14 by calling the
ket ball, indoor baseh:lll, and all sorts' attention o1 proprlet:0rs to unsatis-
of gymnastic exercises, it may be used, factory conditions, for after 4111 the
for musical and literary entertain store -keeper.' is primarily tatter your
melds, dramas, singing eehools, in- patronage.
811101es, fates, poultry shows, school'
exhibits, political and patriotic meet-, - The Unseen Goal.
ings, lyceum course, moving -picture' •1 have walked a devious way,
church st.ereopl'lcol lectures, union'' 0vorbtn•dened, faint, oppressed;
church services, and all a the
meet-' Through the burning, staring day,
1115'11. It 1111)41 be *1111(10 41110 social
Through deep ukgnt, of sore unrest.
reilter of who]i community. b a I-lovv the thought had eased my' load,
This institution rs managed y , How any hope had sprung snow,
board of t}ute cdirecio•7.Thad I la4oW11 the wear -r road
What lntet)115184 Lp Fayctle dkt1,l 1.511 n` last to yon1
any c°mnnnlii) cat4 dn, Young pee-
ple be4om0 ,nl,•rested and are develop- tee—e` ' t.
ed by engaging in Worthy projects. - While Ionlg op the bl•etted:I t &elms',
put the snapr:+Ina, on the stove,. tlnd'
Apples and d11ie make a. g'o,,d cam- when you go out to wash t1'*o'utt::n,!10 '
bination rcqunnlg no sugar. 1'o pre- k1( the creamery tale it with you. :ho
Mare thein, steam until tender in a not turn it while heating; lay the coot 1
Covered pain. ole and o4e•half quarts side next to the floor, and ;taunt o11 th,s 1
of sliced apples and the grated peel warm side. By the time'' your sopor-,,
of ate lemon with one -hal' cupful of Mott is washed, scalded and dried, y0ut•-
w'ater. Add ono-IIatf cupful of chop-
fped dates, simmer the fruits together
oie six minutes and serve cold,
grew tender with recollection,
"Sunset time is the loveliest hour of
the day to go walking with children!
None of us will ever forget some of
those sunsets and our sunset talks.
feet are confortrlely Warm. Pll1
under the dishpan while you duo' the •
pails (111d 0,110.