HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 5I-IOG PRODUCTION
it is a matter of the greatest importance
that Canada should increase her produc-
tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock
as there is at present a world-wide short-
age of meat. Good markets for some time
to come are assured.
will gladly make loans to assist farmers in
good standing to acquire live stock.
S132t7e 1..c.i
J. G, IYIULLEN, Manager
Wt J. Walker
\\', .I, Walker, holder of gov.
eminent Diploma and Lrocuef.
Day or Night calla receive our
prompt Attention
Day Phone 67
Night 8
Waiter Term film ,Jeneary 'end
'.Ve employ experienced ilstrutot's
give thorough °murseo and individual
1 ttuutiou to pupils mud piece grad,
nates in poeitiuua. This school is
one of the largoat and best Cummer.
cial school iu Cadada.
tarite for free catalogue ci3Ootrn-
iug our Commercial, Shorthold or
Telegraphy Departments,
Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful -Get a small bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with .beauty and is radiant wit'•
life; has an incomparable softneea ,,,,„
is flufl'y-and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately dissolves every particle of
dandruff. You can not have nice heavy,
healthy hair if you have dandruff. This
destructive scurf robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life,
Taxi if not overcome it produces a fever-
ag fellness and itching of the scalp; the
hair roots famish, loosen and die; then
tat 'hair falls out fast. Surely get a
ea,' 11 bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
hem any drug store and ,,oat try it,
Frame tionse, 7 rooms and p;ntre
caroller kitchen and cellar•, (lard aril
eat aat"r. Biretti: -lights, large ve•
rani!: 6, ett1iI 1. Ili' x I 1,•r) h"n,te 9
Apply et the
News ()glee
For Sale
House and hair Wail of laud !e the
village of Egmendvilla. The property
is situated ou t it ' 1 t Sttect, close to
the Presbyterian Ohuroh and is known
as the Purnell property, Good com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
andeemout cistern, All kinds of frnit
treoa, strawberries, raepberriee and
warrant bushes, This is a corner pro
party with no breaks on front, and the
and is in it good state of cultivation.
This is it nice property fur a retired
farmer Red the taxes are Light. For
partioelare apply en the prantities or t
Juhu Redskin, Sealorth.
The New Year
by gettin
Mair Out
Bolton's Barber Shop
have for sale sev-
Bonds and
of a particularly
ligh grade, bearing
interest from 51, to
6 per cent.
1Ui information con
ceruing sande cheer:
fully given.
Bond and Dobeniure: Broker
Lain tarn •t •lesfarth
Phei., of a
Gor•rosand in o
the t!;,ti , - Ib"i,.w,,
, R ,.. , 'tris
tl:,m.•i,en gaadntg ti, pa,' ,u 01111 -
(ion, People ate'0r.ined to blame the
imine is 1 fkr ,.•r:q,t np FI triers felt
their !reduce et Plc, pr, <oolt tittle, Tile
farmer 1,,t11,11 longer b,nos tool dues
wcrle ainch otnettr,•fitee 10 de, a111.1, as
a fait, is vary badly },aid for it because
amnia lido. fov,•s the prices down. At
the pitapat tittle et ulpetiUun is tiot
noticetible and the demand far has pro.
duce is great Flo is not to Maine, if
tinder LIP s„ euelonstttuoeo, he neoapte
what is offered Hint by these who %tact
to buy, 'l lit' (lemma', eitentts the value
and 110 Is quite right to accept sash a
price ail he oar) get. Ole, in 1ik:, tnatt-
ner has to pity more fur his needs than
before, and ii he is to live, he must got
a bettor Inion than fet11101'ly.
Thera is uo enmppttl1ou letwoo,
town and 0011111'1• im lttdity, lam two
iut9rtesie are so interwoven that what
harts the one, Inerts the other, lit like
manner what helps the one, help•' the
outer, If the Partner Iris plenty et
money ho spend, it in town and the
merchant reaps the benefit Of ootres
tltia duos not mean to exohaa the mem
who shoats rat hie clealings withhi0
THeE,AFC;R°rj N �V ;
a• Ma .giIr.001.1 110,000.100410011100.00110101 0101.10000.0,00,1410.
11 Piltiii0 .010000101011101110004010.00000.00,0
OK. ..tae -,.-a.• , n.001.2tatP, y
Dig up your Ovorooat, have a look at
Town Topics
it, by renewing the velvet collar, Press,
ing enol Gleaning may +lave yon the
prion of a now one, My Wardrobe,
Goderiela St, Opposite Quae,'e
The regular monthly business meeting
of the lied (loss Sooiety will be held
in the Poet Ottioe building on Thursday
afternoon February 7th itt 4 o'olook.
Limn. IC, Blanalrard, 000 of Mr,
W, it, Blanchard of Nelson B. 0, who
has been training in Texas with the
Royal Aviation Cloves spent a few days
with bre uncle, Mr E b1iuehley and
other relatives before going overseas,
Mre, ,1, ('. Greig was in Goleriolt
attending the funeral of her aunt, the
late Mra. Pasetnore of Ohioago
Corporal Clarence Scott of Calgary,
home ou furlough ie. vietting friattds
Mise Muriel Willis left hast week to
attend the school of Fine Arts in
Miss Stephens is visiting Metals 111
Captain Gordon Onnu, who has jinn
returned from France whore he was
engaged in Army Medical work spent a
few cleya with friends in town.
Schaal For The Blind
Halifax, N. $, ,Jan, 16th lel$
'Vo the Friends of the Blind in Caned',
Iµ view of the recent terrible exploo
ion in Halifax, and the number of
perilous who have bottoms totally or
praotioally blind as a raonit of the
earns, the several organizations itl
Halifax for the care and training of
the blind find themselves almost over-
whelmed in meeting the new coedit,
ions which have arisen. Even before
the disaster the t'oeouroes of the Hali-
fax School for the Blintl, the Home
'Poaching Society for the Blind, the
Maritime Aesooiation for the Blind etc;
oto, , found it almost impossible with
their limited reeouroes to moot the de.
mauds upon them, but these demands
have been suddenly increased by the
necessity for providing shelter. care
and training for upwards of two hun-
drhd men, women, and children who
Inst their sight as a result of the repent
disaster. Under these eu'onmstanees
it is imperative that an appeal be made
to all sympathetic and pubfo spirited
Canadians, The beet and most effect-
e'eot•Ieve way of malting provision for these
sightlose people it to immediately in.
crenae the Blind Endowment Fetid se
that it may reach a total of $5110,000,000
The income arising from such en
endowment fund will enable ns to meet
the probletne of the blind in Halifax: in
a systematic and praotical manner,
and would briug to maty a now helpless
and hopeless, now opportunities to fit
himself or herself for the battle of life.
No greater need to help the blind has
ever arisen in any part of the world
and I believe that when the people of
Canada fully appreciate the situation
geuorons help will be forthcoming.
The Blimd liindowmeut Fund is in
the hands of three trusteed, namely,
Elio President of the Boatel ;of Slane -
gets of the School for the Blind, Hali-
fax; the 14vtasurer of the School fee the
Blind, and 'Phe Eastern Trust Oo, of
Rev, Mr, bookie of Kirkwall uuoup-I
ied pulpit of the Pgntotdville Presby
terian Church last Sabbath
Mrs. N. A, Willoughby and Howard
have returned from epourliug a week
at her horn • in Ingersoll.
Mrs. Knox of London, Mrs, Wright
of 'reroute and Mr. G. Latimer of
Orillia were hero attending the amoral ,
of tail late Mrs. W. 0. Reid,
14lr, Jamee Kerr hien sold his farm
in McKillop to Mt', Muir of Wingham
Mr, and MEG, Kerr intents inning to
Sealorth to reside.
Mr John MoNay of 1'uokersmith lute
sold his fine farm near Egmondville to
Mr Robert Boyce of Stanley Townehip
We understand the price received was
59,000. The farm is a good one with
uptodate conveniences its the barn and
house, Mr MoNay has not decided yet
where he will locate, but intends to
take a year to rest and look about be.
fore settling down again.
Liont. Smillie sou of Mr, and Mrs
W. K. Stnillie who was wounded in
France, has gone to London to tato a
ooureo of treatment in the Victoria
Mise Floreuco Beattie daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Beattie has gone
to Hamilton to train at a mime in the
hospital there,
Dr, Atlrittsen and eon Casey of De-
troit, were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mfrs, John McTavish,
Miss McKinlay of the Collegiate
Staff spent a few days with her brother
iu Toronto.
The Amtnal Bushiest; "goofing of rho
Huron Presnytertal Society which twee
10 have been hold hi Cltutoa on Tues.
Jan, 2910, hail hent postponed due to
the train, being stalled. This is the
s1eoud time the meeting Nae been post-
poned because of the blouknda
A woman of 31, now totally blind, is
patient in one hospital while her
little daughter 9 years of age, totally
blind, la a patient in another. 'two
other children of this mother wale
killed in the explosion, and, two were
badly cut but will recover. The hus-
band anal father was killed at his:worlr.
to another family the mother, 35
years old is totally bli'td, the fattier
has lost one eye and a child aged n is
totally blind. Therejwat'e eevet child-
ren itt all in this 'family of whom the
remaining six am being cared for by
aged grandparents. One of these 1
children is a tubercular.
A young wife of 18 wh„8e husband
is in the army is still in buapital. four
menthe pregnant and Ira nti,e over
practical hliudttess,
111 811 ogre i' fa0111 it' the Ilio Glial' Wile
Icil1, 1 'Pile farther, it ciiseltagad .1i•
8111(1solilio', who has lust one leg ens '
not injured in the "xpleston, When n
their two uhildre.u, little ;*iris, were b
seen masons hospital, nun about -'d a
years old had one eye atntuleaked, a c
laud nearly eaveradibyl:uute And had
MS 011 fact; the other child, about
11 mouth,, had bad to lava;both eyes
inlule,tind; the ;ctslcnag rvurket:a met
he vo!littteer h^tatofo'o inexperienced
it nursing who on the night of the d
'isister hold these children dieting n
hely t •peration8,
We regret to'anuounoa the death .of
Thome, Murray, agod gfi years, which
took plana on Friday. He was born in
Henley whore he lived until 21 years
ago when he married and since bas lived
on the Huron Road. The funeral was
bald et St. Columba,* ou Monday,
Three dattgliter'e survive and
ons taster, Mrs Moran of Menden
Oitp with three brothers, John of Mo.
Killop, Mathew of Iowa and Dr Mur•
ray of Alabama,
Mr anti Mrs L. Beale of Stratford
attended the funeral of the formers
brother bore on Tuesday,
Misses !Margaret tied Nellie Ryan are
visiting at their home here,
Mies Mary Kipper) is visiting frieude
in Goderiob,
Me and Mrs John Ftyun of Beech.
wood, spent Monday with Zdt' and Nita
11 Flynn here
Right For the First Time.
Ono winter a masquerade party was
given at New York, at which practi-
cally all the great musical lights in
the country were present. Very few
knew who any of the others were, but
in some way Josef Hofmann, the fa-
mous pianist, knew one of the dis-
guised men to be 11 leading musical
critic in the city. Itut'ing tho evening
the latter, grasping the hand of the
pianist, said;
I don't itnow wito you are, but this
band strikes me very much as the
hand of a pianist,"
"Quite right," answered Hofmann,
"and it is the first time 1 have ever
known you to be right in a musical
And as no one unmasked during the
evening the crate is still wondering
who said it.
Ruffed Grouse,
Civilization is abhorrent to the ruffed
grouse, king of American game birds.
It seeks the depths of the forests
where the wild grapes and winter•
green berries grow Ntielcest; where
clumps of Inure) offer security from
prowling wildcats or foxes; where
mighty trees supply roosting places.
There is no prouder bird in appear
ante than the ruffed grouse, none so
majestic in flight, The hunter who can
find him and after ending can make 50
per cent of hits may be classed as an
expert. When flushed this grouse
springs into the Mr with a roaring
noise; there is a tlasb of brown hurling
itself througb the forest, and its au In-
stant the bird is lost sight of, -Boston
Caste System Among Ragman.
Japanese ragmen have a caste sys-
tem going from the lowest class, com-
posed of men with no capital, who go
about picking up bite of paper and
rags with pointed sticks, to the high-
est class, in which there are some men
who are quite well off. There is an
intermediate class composed of men
who can pay for what they get, the
products they deal in depending large -
y on the amonnt of money they may
Have. Among the Mellor class of rag-
men there are divisiene of trade. some
dealing in woolen Ingo. some in cot-
ton cad other's in 'different kinds of
paper. -Japan Steamy Bulletin..
The Untorrified.
"Trouble has hit tau 'bout as hard
s he knowed how." says ''uric Gill,
'but he pain t utter knocked mo out -
tit ylt. When 19u down I take as
much of the count :IA is safe (ar me,
tit by the blessin' of clod I'm soon up
g'in, an' then it 1s 1 give him all that's
min' to him."---Athtetn Constitution.
What Hold Them.
"Airs. Irlubdttb and Mrs. Wombat are
couple of haughty dames, yet they
seem to get aloin; a eh melt other."
"They have to get : ug etre. Flub-
hb's children are tho enly dues to the
eighborbood good cloned to play 'with
irw. Wombat's chibirrtt, mitt vire vet,
t:'-L,uisville Cotn'ier-Jenruat.
Air Williams of Toronto is the guest ! o
of his sou, Mr 0 L Williams, I'2
lira 11e1,-41' 11011 }Ilan 11080r0ft t
felled 110 r.11",n"1k lyssa•
1 rem East Warr:inloab art. vteitu,e ac the i
wo .d u1 rzne, !", dues tnttioltly Iflat °111 � loin" of Mr and :1110 is iI,t•rt Mlodoo,
farircori at +p, 11. this enticed tame,, Ray L 11 harkw will have far las
it 13 -alt 0. b,it ttiJ 1,ri,;:a' with ant•'
Ilienenib"' OW Ianmor i.,, to, i„ Liitgwg in:
, tee ,ti, ,.:t 15.: , 1 lntc fait, r..,st, and w!'31 in 1.1t."
text n"xt Snuda • 001',ic . ,
1t1, l ",,I nt,•ar:,f,dm•:a•, it he ivunhi
turd ❑1 ' a living sur himself
rod h;.io ,nam+tau:, ; over to supply 110,
ti.t4 ,.,t "tb,'rt att.t p*wdnc"te
1'nt1*a truly,
9 i'.
.\tray 41itil Depression and 3!eltuw
chnly-These two evils etre the accomp•
animont of a disurduied stomach and
torpid liver raid mean wretchoditeee to
all whom they visit. The surest and
speediest method to eonbet then is to
tete l'armeiee's Vegetable Pails tvhiuh
will restore the healthful aotico, of the
atotnech and bring relief, They have
proved their usefhlleess iu thousatlds
of oasee end will continue to give relief
to those who are wile enough to 11E30
'1'o Atth110t aolferors,--lir .1 I) Kole
logs Asthma Remedy sones like it help-
ing Imam to a sooting swimmer, It
gives tt,tw life and hope by curing his
trouhte-•-something he has 00100 to lie
Hove impassible, Its benefit too plain
to be gnesttounl-it's Ira own ergo
mint, 11 yen suffer from asthma get
this titntn tried remedy and fitul help
like thonsande of othore.
The 1jis8.,, 1 to ti'tn'.' awl At.ita`,o la
McLame tul of 311:c.holl are matting Alr
t ft,tl0.t to yo _ ,or , sew• Fa -
fly blind b.,i liVi 111,4411',0 of amort P
stn0 ii' nlioattl„ 011e 1,,„1 tt log, aha is
soda ting from +•thet'seriwle injury and
and Mrs .1 t'% terve in tor0, itt present, o
Aire Mellit,nou and throe children of 11
Calgarry, ere vieitlug at the pitrental
horne „f Alr cud Mr•s 1 Goat
1 y.
' 'dud and b1v Mutilated
ue is totally 10111t1, Tan Inthar wail
1'tl'tibly Itll!nd as he Inas le,",, nutatrnlg
Inc,, the explosion. The mild of
their married daughter 1a else totally
Mt' Joseph Dorsey and his !deter
Miss Rose Dorsey, of Loudon, spout
Sunday at their home ou Victoria St.
Mise Sadie Oaotpbell of Hamilton is
visiting her aunt, Mna $ Johns, Centre
Mr Stnithere and his daughter, Mite
Mabel, were called here owing to the
sudden death of his wife,
Meta AY -1u Phlledaiphia, on Satyr.
rlay, Jantuu'y (0th, 1i'illiam McKay,
aged 37 yotu•a,
MURRAY-4n McKillop, on ''but clay
January 24th, Thomas Murray, aged
nli years and 1 month.
Ill RS. W. 0, RIM 1)-' ht eleafol'tb, en
Thursday, January 241h, Isabella
Knox, relict of the late W, 0, Reid.,
COOK -In :gullet, on Sunday Jan.,
27th, William Cook, aged 78 years,
A mother, of 39, totallyabltnd, had a
ohild of ten totally blinded iu tine ex•
plosion who has stto n died. • A second
child, aged I2, leas lost one aye, The
husband, a soldier, is in the trenches
(Jottribhtions towards the Blind
rnclowmettt Fund may be sent to
Haltvol for the Blind, Halifax
Aliliera Worm Powders not telly make
the infantile system inimitable for all
worths, but by their notion on the
stomach, liver told bowels they correct
snub Uvmhdes se lack of appetite, hal
io0Bnese and other iuterual disorders
that the worths create, Children thrive
upon Lanni and no tnatter what condi.
tion their wormiiifeated etooaehs may
be in, they will show improvement as
anon as Ellie treatment begins,
`', t1t4t
a .......+i dg 6v W
Ft\ tlh'i '1j ° 4, ka
y ` .
is fiegttcntly revealed in these war
tunes met! in this well-to-do Province.
lf.n'cl enough to be poor -still worse
to be ,ick and poor,
The lot of the consumptive is a spe-
cially trying one, Only recently a
family was discovered living in two
small rooms over a store. .At one time
they had occupied a comfortable home
but the father took sick anti had to
give up work. With the savings all
gone, they were forced to :ell the fur-
niture to buy food. When the man
was found to be it consumptive, this
wee • the oppo•tuni-y of the Muskoka
Free Hospital to bring relief so that
not only would the Alai -loot husband
have a t liming thence 'to' life, but
more desit able :tea, the wife and cltil-
deoe, elmoal he n •,utot cd frc n rlanger
of ii ,',emauttf the sheen ;•.'Under skil-
t`'11 n'' 1:-i e th" ht me s' 1 t cleaned tap
i',:' it sly` tenipol,n;ly provided
u: !tis vary seperte.1 that the patient
i s timing \t ell, t -i It ever}- rl'rnn \ of
recovery. s
This is t'.e' go •ttt wink eaveitel on by
the \!t ,1 to 1 r; r t'r; +i' Tlfrlt i t
not c t' n,, for ! alp,
C l'0 . ttta nu \ he rn to ;-;..T.
nage, (11,iu tn.t, Si Sp tel itt Avenue,
Toteinto, or Geo. A,. Reid, Serretary-
:a,Urcr, 3:.,i Celle •e r,
Thumsd+1JP ]al) f
Here he is again I
Absolutely the most popular per-
sonality on the screen to=day
now appearing in
The Go d ad Man
A Breezy Western Play that gives
full scope to the dynamic energy
and ready resource of this happy=
go=lucky actor athlete,,
There is rlo increase hi price
ri cess
Our pictures are now projected by the
latest really flickerless machinery.
BY JOHN R'. S. rilel'itl,LOCOH, 01.D., D,P,F., t'Hi1:1" 01.1:1('KR
01"' VHF. PROVINCIAL, HOARD Ub Ul 11,l11.
l'1:h:C1",N'PICN 1)B' DISVAt4F,.
XPEIIIF',N '1.1 in the eouti'ol of infectious dbmartes t,rittgs very forcibly
to ane e tel nd that the present methods of preventing the spread nt
these diseases ;ire of doubtful value. \\'bat is the ordinary pro-
'dilt' - eta,' in a than of 2,00o or 5,100 popultion" Scarlet fever
for example i.. 1is,•uvere 1 the physician it attendance, notities the health
ofeer, and a i'l 'tct•d is Weevil on the house for six t.,•,•lts, notifying the
public that non_` :are allowed to eater' the home but members of the family
during that t1ta,•. 'fh,-or 'lr.•rttons, if followed, Emit this focus of in-
Down the SIT, iloors Alta. rtiown's little girl, eight years old, is
a little, under N at•atinr, vomits once or twice and has a slight scarlet
rash on her 1,;dc With a little fever, but is not very Fitt. It may be that
the young doctor, Who is tailed in, regards the case as. one of indigestion,
prescribes a Imxnl;re and sees the rase .no more; or tvoltaus suspecting
scarlet fever h • ,'overtly or at the instance of the ,. ;,ild's mother, who
doesn't want t1, -r :oats,. plaeurded fails to notify the al0 to the Medical
OJLTcor of Deane. Consequently atter a fen days dart goes bark to schnol
and no more 1: *bought of it. Mary, howes,:tr, fail, to pick up as she
should. She is pale. 'flabby lookin'.r, and ocntpiai,ls ,,f headache. Her
mother fin;!, ehe leas tent vet her weak, and on Saturday night while
superitttet din= File. not ic." s that 31a1y's fee: a little terollon
and her n,s r, !w1 ;mg:. The inmate!. r as at'trnied, and i1,tlirt the family
doctor eta )i n:,:,t t nue is rolled. He ode c tawulatiun of the
urinete1•',,:t filum.. or inti s u U:n1 t 1 kidneys, and
Mary i son, r,- !i oe.iy 111 fol. ,i 1 gets well
for the t. tn1• „ in ' n.,.iuted 1,, 1,1
in!.. '01 ,' i .mos:N ptttr:rr.1/4 of
town. T :Lis ettblii' o!;.
board n, h ; . , ! -T
11111. 'l:' 1
most of if,‘
all over the
The local
1 -: ..ilia "l•L!9,
hltib llmets
e1,hb 1 it a:: ilt1,.,,'s. It
:,1.. moo. it . . ,a„i:1 ; rile J111se
I ,t
1,,,„ r'.t 1r) ti t1 tt 11 rli1 1 ,. ldi'cit have
:'d ct tltt . _ 1117- 7.1.17 771:1, 4.11111 t" o-aI 7 1 'e
11 with l: t- Ili!, tilt tial tl'+ '.ha'il(:; for their
tun tt, et. t• - n somewhat 11ester'. - llaity's mother.
nu! ! t 2112', lilt n futtbe i. Tea , glee year's have
passed, anti -a. '.1, tit to he a One yon ; 1c A0' is courted and
married by 01,' „t 11'- beet young 11010 in at 01d1ttc:elf town. She is loved
and happy. lag leaeaand tits provided a pretty" home, end her mother
and father ar' rciicrti to stet, that she has bright pre.; e, is before her. After
a few inonthl she writes her mn'har that she is ani feeling well, that she
is sick in Oa til•+rnings, vomits a good deal and lit, . headaches. To the
mother Utis is not unusual, brei daughter is pi egn:utt. Moet of women
have these 11tth' troubles schen in this condition. But she is not !morel?,
Ing and the mealier is shocked when she visits her to nail Mary with puffy
swollen ram Trail lees. The doctor must be railed at once. lie promises to
call in the morning, but during that night Mary has some sort of a fit and
becomes unenutr sous. The doctor (antes Intrriedly. He finds the patient
haps eclapsia There is a 'consnllalion. A neeessat;v operation is decided
upau, butmin spite ,I' the efforts of two or three of 111e best doctors of the
neighborhood and of a specialist ft'otn a nearby city, the poor young
woman dies, What a tragedy: It is not ;in hneontton occurrence.
It dates back to the neglected case of searlet fever in the little school
girl, The neglect has had fitr-reaching consequences. b)', ery neighborhood
has had such eases. ';very physician is familiar with them,
Mild casee of scarlet fever are often more dengerotts than severe
ones. The mild cnt,el fail to tece'ive the careful attention 'wide!) would pre-
vent the tlis',strnus enns.gncn".'i Inst outlined. 'riles, mild cases,
because they are not rontrolled, spread the contagion far and wide, The
name is true to some extent of all ostler contagious diseases. 11is playing
with public health and with human lift', heaitb, and happfnrs;a to deal with
the most intpcHap easel of the people, good health, in ,'melt a fashion.
How ran it be remedie.d2' 133• education; people mast learn t;,:it the beat and
most satisfeetory war to deal with apse contagious. disease.' is to be frank
about them, 1'1t elighti+st suspicion of scarlet fever in it ttlnily should
ettffiee Oleos the ifedical Officer of Health notified and the ease pt'evonted
from doing any harm to others. If Mary's case had been regarded with
due weight and received proper treatment she would now have been a
happy wife and mother, int Waal Ler fooilah mother and reckless doctor
`ealed her fate, ow. t;.. 1 . •. t •: , .