HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 4•T1 -ii 'EAFORT11 N1+,WS
Va:or aStQN.MM. CARDS,
nit. )I. BetteBodin, elaystolauead tigrgeou,
bate et Loathes If °spltal, L9ndo0, Roland,
Bennet atteOIloa to dlseeses of 1419, Ent, Nose,
and Throat,
Oates and .reeldeeee behind Domini%) Uauk,
Orae Pl10ne No, It, Residence Phone No, les
,, lr..t, I0VRROWS eralorth Oeloo and,
14eueoo eoderi0h S(reet,efst of the Motu-
epdht Charon, ('droner for Gately at liar011,
'telephone No, 40,
f%3t. „C;OTT & MACKAY, liwalriansand
1-.gesba. Godericb Street, %ori t'r Melia
Ms teller 'b, Senfotih,
gseve, radiate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
msmbar of Ontario College of Physicians
Mentor' Zaroner for County tof t ir09. enity
aq wltt1atirairs honor r tidied CTToriegt, Member 91
Co ret Pu y k1tn9 and Surgeonb Ontario•
•ryg i ,
H Nt1. WMA y. inteepttttn Specialist
AP in t1 we0': and Cold reu's diseases and
Sthtm i It:• trouhies, Amite a td ('ironic Mord
ere tar Ityo, Nose end Throat Adenoid re,
moved with int t0el UUe. Hotele'llhttion free,
e51?111;,4 a•ut, tog p.•0 :Friday $a, in to t, ant
Issued by RHIN
Marriage Licenses (, 11tGi«ie �n,t
I4yoa�'are atpostaid will get our rates,Life
or Accident?
Sillile iLHY.
(dot) drat aiGuar(antaund London Insurance Co
dna tmo>baat
S.aforth. Ont.
Ja .les Watson
General Fire,
e,de lar one
1se e� rodent Utlthiu •(0
Main Street, Renlurth,
Tali 021111fUltifill UlEofo$
Mutual Fire insurance Co,!
From the Office
Phone 94 ltventog L57
true dollar ter Year. etrlctl) it) ad 1101 ace
it not paid In advance, ono dollar and
a hall will ha charged. Wilted aides
papers, fifty veins extra, etrlekly 1n
Freres% and Isolates Town
Property Only insured,
r•sl1 u I air, �.
Fta 0, 1'11 k1 1 .iCs. ! :.,d.( t -I, 13a9l
Hat - a,a,r.•a min,+.rreae
D, F. McGregor, Senlorth; John G. Grieve,
Winthrop W. Rine, Constance; John Beanewole. I
Brodgbngen; Robert Ferris, Harleck; Mnic'+m
hfc", . Clinton; 1• MC(1arl"es rea/orttl;
yenta Cooney. Goderich• Jae. Evans. Beechwood.
Ales, Leitch. tlortock; E. Hinckley. Settfolt„''
Wiliam Chesney. Egmoudville• J. '•v, Yr.
Solreesvfle; R. G. Jermouth, Brodbapv . • Jan
Harr and John Goventock, Scalorth,
Parties deaffoos to effect inolltant or trnn0o
ether business will be promptly attended 10 t
application to any at the above officers, address
to their respective poatoffices.
When 18ubsorttnnt chaang0 their address
nonce dtould by leer us immediately, siring
both the old and new add, b.
scribers w1R conferthe a raver by ao�tlfylne or
of any Irregularity of delivery,
Reading Notices—No reading notice,
advertising any entertainment or matter by
which mousy Is to be made by any 9001800
or canoe will be Inserted In Tug News
without charge. The price for the laser•
tion of bulneea alm000cements rl18o TEN
cents per count Ino each Insertion to
parties having no contract for dlerlay
advertising, and FIVE cents per line each
insertion to those having display contracts,
u1d for church, society and entertainment
reading notices.
hard of Thongs 5 to 9
Judtoial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices—Ten coots 981. Unoffor each
and Ave cents pre for
subecauet insertion.
Yearly one Incl, wills be linserted not
exceeding V;;,ar, parable strictly In advance
95.90 per
Display advertising—Rate' furnished
on anelioatlot,.
"Advertisements ordered for Insertion•
wUntll forbid," and those sent without
written Instrccurnn will appear until
ritten orders are re telved for their dls-
Lettere to the Editor must be accom-
panied by the writer's own signature, not
or publication, but as a guarantee of good
faith. The publisher accepts no respon-
sibility whatever for the statements made
in such communications. Letters on relb
ezoceptt08lpald g,p
pla(ny marked
as ouch. The rate for such matter is ten
;eats pet 1)"'.
Hemp fur Seed
According to the `Weekly 13ullotin'
of the 1)eparantent of Trade and Com-
merce for January 1817, there wag a
shortage of hemp seed in 0i'eet Britain
at that date, 8uppliee were formerly
obtained front Bolide and Turkey, the
prioo before the war ranging trout $6 81
$8 7b per quarter of ,i,36 lbs, The pees
ant supplies 091110 from Manchuria via
New York, sud at the date mentioned
above the pricy varied from $29 2o to
$34 pot' gnarter,
lu the hump plant, the sexes are on
different plants, that is to pay, some
plants peoduoo tie fertilising dust or
pollen but no soda, while other plauts
produce seeds but have 00 pellet).
When grown for seed, hemp 8hoeld
be sown as early as the state of the
gamed tamed permit. It should be
sown Irl lows .i to 4 feet apart so as to
lean(+plenty of room for the seed bear
iug plants to branch profusely. A dia-
tance of b inches to 2 feet should be
left between the plants in omit row
tate latter distillate being necessary for
the seed bearing'plants,
Experiments eouducted at the Cent-
ral Experltut+utal Farm at Ottawa have
shown that it is finite possible to ripen
80051111 the ProVinoe of Ontario, In
the year 1955, the seeds were sown on
the 21at of ?lay and the crop was har-
vested on various suttee between 02nd
of October and the 11th of November.
le 1916 tee 800(1 Nag GOWll on the 25th
of April and the plot was cut nn the
25tH of October; while in 1917 the seed'
was sown on th,, tsth of May anti the
crop w38 harvested on the 9th of Oct
ober. Hemp when ripouiug will stand
0a much an degrees of frost without
rhe 1917 51.01 Wail grown free Rus-
'otau seed and attailwd a height of 5
•eel ; inches.
The crop is harvested by cutting and
the bnudles are placed in stooks to dry
The sends are beaten off with sticks on
50 a large shoat of cloth,
'1 he yield of seed per acre calculated
from the small plot grown in 19)6, was
284 pounds, but further trials aro nec-
essary to determine what elan average
yield. In the United States the yield
var.08 from to to 25 hesitate ger aore,0u
average yield being 16 to 18 bushels;
44 pounds are reckoned to the bushels.
On ground that is badly overrun with
weeds hemp may be a profitable crop
to grow. When it is still young the
between the rows may be cultivated un.
til the hemp grows sufficiently tall to
smother the weeds,
I General Observations
'111e 5:1111 this week continues to
melte a record fol' this part of the
lioauntry. Un Sunday the mercury ire
i 10611)ed among the twenties below.
T. I On Monday a driving snow storm came
The 1 filen the North blocking up the rail -
Original way. All trains were cancelled and
and; lilts Bruin we hlbernntee.
Il f
Only }
t enuine I
The reminiscent
alnsive beiug, says
severe as this year.
at that time coal
"oldest iulhabftaut''
that 1858 was as
He says, also that,
was a good deal
!scarier and harder to get in Ssaforlh
than in 1918 Ne one worried over it,
of Beware however. as they were toe busy, cutting
Imitations 5111 lirnw,:ml They could 1100 get rill of
Sold th.• wnod fn t ,:sash turd die big fire -
en the pea ' ,,f th•,5 ,lay. were piled high
merits 1..1. t. t, .,.'.:til=3 :sl .1 tt.0 , eddy-. glow ,was
Cepertment of Agriotttture, Ottawa.
They are oarvied free in the melte if
not exceeding twelve 0uneea •1t weight.
Less Cane Sugar
Used In Canada
The eeneumptlon of Cane Sugar in
Canada has been reduced as a result
of the measures taken by the Food
Oontroller to control the trade and his
appeals to the public to economise,
Information has been received ebowing
00 operation of molly wo)0nle organ•
izatiOue and other bodice with the
Food Controller In l;roinotiug 8ltch
A resolution of eeetweeee in the
Food Controller was passed at a ;meet.
lug held in Brenda), Manitoba, untie)'
the ahepioos of the Local Council of
Women, 11
Importance of Good
Seed Grain
it hes been estimated that if first
eines aped were 9051.11 on all farms the
veep of the country would be ineteased
of 11 4 ni' i'e.lae wish 1)» of ht fifty per cent. This cannot be vert.
Who sets—oowring 05014 sight,mm
And gorde hie subjects on to fight,';
But does not envy much their plight
The Kaiser,
1f Kings were forced 00 flying lead
Who'd be the first to dunk his head
And tremble lest his blood bo shed
The Kaiser.
Propose him for the conscript roll,
5 ifewhe'll resist, the tinsel soul
Thio)greedy king to war to wed
Hut -of. the bullets have a dread
Could we recall that oitl tinl0 king
Ht.roio David with his sling
With old time lire his eye would beau,
''0nld he appear upon the scone.
To deal with conics don't be alarmed,
iartwr Alrwr�w1$rrWrrMwwplfilps OHNSOI iMIN:pMfrWWWMMMMWINI XIIII 111
Lwin OHia, Teresina Is
YIN EtlMiNI'!p 1. OYi•:NM. larv,a+ilont W P. a Vass HFr 9,rtt Y
S. A. seem, eaw.e 1 Mwasor
ca ,l II^Rld Up U.000,000 la.o.t•v® Feed $Y.t siOO it
Savings Department
Interest paid on deposits of $1,00 and upward.
Place your sa,vingin in the Sank
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender tittle Stomach, Liver,
and Bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's etomaob, livor
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sloop, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore
throat, diarnccea, full of cold, g,vo a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs"' end in a few hours all tbo foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bila gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again. Ask your
lruggist for a bottle of "California
Syrup of Figs," which ooutains full
directions for tallies, children of all ages
end for grown-ups.
flood tYljlling Wheat ...... 52.10
liarlev. .................. ..... . 1 15
Peas . ,...,. ,. 3.50
Brae per ton ...... ........... .... 38.011
This old time brave wenitl draw hie Shorts per ton ................. .a..,,, 41
arm - I+'lour......•. ..................... 5.fi5 f, 10
His well trained otoues begin to hatter ltnttor....•............ ..... . . 40
His war lords too would get the Eggs.•-•-' • •• 4�
scatter, Hogs to farmora,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,1.7,50
For kings shouldbrave David .knows theyNerr Winnipeg Trains
On entailer kingdoms not intrude
Aud those who thus incur his hate
Would meet, you bet, Goliath's f
Brays David's kit, the etonee autl
Proved well he was a frugal ki
He chose the weapons of defense
That cost his people leoet expen
He'd scoff at siege guns for his pets,
To put the country into debt,
Lived oft in caves when not in strife
Thus taught ou earth the simple life.
His little kingeom to deleud
Klug David ale ays led his mon
However fierce the battle brunt
Wao always plunging for the front.
Bet be it said to hie disgrace
The Kaiser buys the safest place
111111 life at staire his troops advance
Rteeatoh him with them, thee'( is )'n
Travel between Eastern and Western
ate. 0anada is always heavy in the winter
sling months, particularly during December
with its holiday aeasou, To meet the
ag, requiremetsof the public, therefore, a
se special Daily Service between Toronto
and Winnipeg is announced by the
Canadian Northern 1tiilway;14West
bound, Dee. ,;rd to 1an. and 1918 only;
Eastbound, Doc. 1st to Jan, nth, 1918
only. 'Thereafter &mutat. tri weekly
service will be loon -nod. A 'Through
Tourist8lospiu4 Dar will els,, be opera.
ad between Toronto anti Calgary daily
Impart of the above special service, and
connection will be toad-+ with regular
daily train between Wiuuep„g and
Edmonton' horviet, b'itw10e1) TO -0110
al;d Vancouver rentable tri.ivrokly lent-
in4'foronto Mnn,laya W„dnps,htys and
Friday's 90 [11.838111.
Fos farther partici,! yrs ,"1. mlr Local
Time table or apply to Voce :Agent,.
(:has. A. Aborting
5h Hurt•.
minerd.s r u 1- irs•'» ,t De,„,(lass lied deli(utely, but the annual loss
iff1imsti1 ut(1.0ed 11y the 1108 of the seed other 'i'he k,ug that fared se well in 1;•011.
For Sok
samnroil cox
7(tlr. L., n 5V.,! S::=tl'4 rth.
A Business
Without a proper
systm of adver-
tisin is Eike a
motor without the
d. power
Seaforath News
will Supply the
required energy
phone - 54
• th 10 the heat is beyond all doubt aura ig15ei battle front will de the lens,
1 .. .. 110'11''.1 '.re :^m, who 1"'singly groat. 1 T y(t the hoot goes Clown his gullet
inteves i. :u. P. 581110 ar•.:,rot frim rhe pres8tlt situation, with the world al ol,'1. even stand 11011 step a bullet
:z'ity of cereals and the shortage of
tt..r 1 >, 11)1::1. •" •1 ,p'; 010',• 11 ill. 111 tete) lather, llrgbtltly dewalids that the The rllrnitng ;many I t[illst. 401,1ee8
'••r 00'. fu"the iv151091. Lost possible,electioil be made from ''Slue fair to die a natural {loath,
:t VI, MIClll 0111 ply on.1.117 grain crop for seed. Thi* will 1 .,.,•t 80100 eurp66O 10 011 bins aprnug
i? about a runt 11)0I'eaae in ),%dant• 11 e'd be no target for a gun.
ea ' t t: 5,. 018 t; with. Erre from g
• , .- 11 )1. 1110.ra t)0 tit other 1:'1, icRil a minimum iraoreaee i0 labourA k1,.g like that to put it plain
t, tll1llemeltta., The prep11. pieeedere Ilas been too 1811g his peoples shame :dont has 0 more tragic tale been
u, , ecus -1 . 1 51••;,1( tl 1 khan that (:i rhes youngwoman
I i- in, (•ach lndn'lilnal tanner (0 "Ink° In Scottish phruse, it (loth seen droll
1.11/ , , 1 r,' ':.:'. 1. 11 „te new, tit early winter. that he has He't nut •+Nt t•tf the Honor Roll ;',;!:,,.7,1,7,1'..-7. parent*, brothers and sisters
tl i d t t' i
.1. nen.. the de- ' r•.d ui tItru1.51 vitality fur hie
1.(I .
s..t,rv5, 311
11...1 , this
s. t( 0
, .(. ,; ire
'1'h" throe ogre of coal that arrived on
' Friday were weii,umo treat tp Ssaforlh,
Toe situation had been critical for days
and. Controller- Hays had over three
hundred orders awoitiug it. With his
uennl activity he at 01108 had all the
tonna available uu Saturday, Suunlay
and Monday distributing to the 0001''Y,
Several other oars on the way aro h•'•1
up by the stens. If they arrive tams
the situation will. improve aeme1lhat,
In the meantime coal should be saved
by every mane puooible The Churahoa
good o'-
example. to S 1vt0ee
t)0 aottid, a ofd a ,
a 6 6 P
in all were held in the basements or
Sunday Solum! and muoh fool saved
Fe aurgieal operation is neees9ary in
removing %orae if Holluwuye Corn mire
b, used,
"1'51 non inr.
•ee,•t;y •uni vitality of .;.rd can
I'1 ,1' :,,. by
t url nl is nntrtntwertily
, 1 11 w(lght and t•xeell•
a pl et n, (t. 1. 11, quu"tiy 18011(1 to
1131'8 .t t.o118111erablepert killed outright
and f':n rest se weakened that the
yuta,g 1,inute art siurtod with fou lulls
el:ergy le withstand bail weather, or
sit:' 3 large yield, A pool clop has
ofIen said to have 15',011 the result of
adverse )%mitis,' when if strung seed
had been - sewn a satisfactory yield
tvouid 111sto been secured,
'lasts may he made til, home, or will
he done ft00 of charge, up to twenty.
111',! it) number for mar person. at the
Beed Laboratory, (Ottawa, For home
tee'” s,lode are 00)11110)1 and sown in
bee. s or ones of soil, and kept in u
waun place. For all tette, care should
be. taken -to have them tholonghly' r0•
ptu,.u,tative of the stalk lot, 'When
sew to the Seed letboratoty samples
011, aid be otielueed in strung 111101'IA
of v,•i,,pea' or ootton l,ogs, and where
10..rr. than one of a Certain Mod is sent
e,l.h should be merited with a diotiug•
ui.hing number, From two to four
om.ct s of grain is sufilotent for the
gefinitiation test, Samplee should be
addressed to the Shed „mtniaeit,ltsr
Roll, . (IC 0: COnatlnlp ion, caving
Coetriitiitt„1 alr'nr to malte a living as best slhe
t air robust., isard evork and worry
1 nh,t, it) f tr 151151” Back —•A 1•:::k undermined in (1 Isar. health, when she,
,tr1,5(15151 with Dr Tleellh.tq Ti1:I(•(!tl'iu (111 •- -'(•, nti 1 ._. ': , of t. tla dreaded
n.,i ,)y Irinal(ld
:,1(1d it11 tvi11 n, 1y1f11UUL £ands, £orwho
imnu•dinbay ,Chs ref the nil
will• • ` L
1. I
A 0 nems under this )head are
published free of charge, ex -
cant 111180 rognrdin5glnu0nu a
where an admission leo rle
charged. Thu rate ler welt
b.,ing Ileo omit per (taunt lino.
St. James'
St. Jamas, Church , Rev. Father P
Corcoran, Rev. Father (1. 1t. North.
graves .Morning Maes 7 a,111. High
Mao 10.30 a, m. Sunday memo! 2.30
p ne Evening vespers 7 13 Ill
St. Thomas'
Rev, '1'. 14. Brown, Rector. Sunday
serOoos 11100,111, and 7 p 11. Sunday
school 2.30 p. m. Women's auglicnu
Missionary Aeeociatien Tuesday 2 30
pm. Chilrlren'sbrnncli Saturday 2 p.m.
1)001'013861011 survicet every, Thursday,
.0 p,nl,
first Presbyterian
Rev. k'. H, Lnrltin„Pastor. S(hlday
services 11 S.M. 0114 7 p an, Sunday
sohool 2,30 pen. Prayer meeting,
• Thursday, 7, 45 p.m, Womon's Miss-
ionary Sooioty•the first 1'uosday in each
month at 7.45. Barbara Kirl(I11ai1 Mitt
elon Band 3rd Tuesday.' in the mouth at
7,30 p.m. Sunshine Mission hand
every 2nd Monday at 4.1 5 pant,
Rev, 0. MoKinley, B, D., pastor
—SUNDAY—Class at 10:00 a.m.
Publio service 11 arm, and 7 pm. Sun
day school and Bible study class 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.rn, Prayer
Meeting '1'harsda 3' 8. pee.
Salvation Rrmy
Capt. Froud and Lieut. Shave
Holiness meeting 11 a,1n. Praise
service 3 p.m, Gospel service 7 p.m
Children' Service—Directory class 10
a.m. Bible classes 4 pen, Week night
Meetings—Wednesday Ironer int;dil,g
8 p.m,
Hgmo0dviile, Jt •esbyterlan
Rev. J. Argo, faster, Sunday stat
rives 1 18.111 and 7 p nt. Bible cines
3 pin Prayer iti't:'t 11't.•ln(atl(t3'
81,, 111. l'.1'.71.8. 1`. niers "„Y 1 ri.lay
io the mouth 8 p le t4,•l800'9.111ssi011
ary Society 3rd Weds- 1:,5 i:, the heath
at 2.30 p.m, L.,h,-, ,ti:lIll',''mi.
!mediately after,
McKillop Irrettbyterian
ttev. 0 (;oL'e(t'e11 ;metal'. i' 1)1)10 1
1 s"rviees buffo' 11111reh IL a rn Sunday
school 10 a 511, Prayul meeting W( (1-
1 needay 8 p,in. t1„lnen•8 )'Tisoi,,,•,u y
"(+ciety last b'rela 1,, "011: 151.,1,11 at
s to save from her I
penetrate the 1100130 trod hying +hec,dy inn . , ,41..e seemed doomed
: i2 .11.0 18.1:M•Iethodis t
nee , lu + - oe her family, to an
relief, Try it x1:11 he couvineed. As i gray(. Fortunately, she wast Rev. ,s', Keit),. a s,tol• tinnda
the 1iainlmlt 811111” 111 the pain comes • '7•(1 and sent to the MuskokaJ
out and there aro maple grDtlnd0 for tl til, before itoing waswell tea late,
nota dwith
saying that its touch is tragical, as it is, • ehanee of ultimate recovery.
Appea19 are now being made for the 130 ), est e). Ladies' Aid l'1'huraday
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump1
lives to enable it to continuo the great (:f each month 2,80 11.11)
work of caring for just such cases as
this, No matter how small the gift,
it will be weleniae.
Contributions may be sent to W. J.
Gage. Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid, Secretary -
Treasurer, Gage institute, Toronto,
tiSend your cream to us and r00eive
top pieces. Vire are running our plant
the year through and can handle your
full supply and furnish yon with 08tls.
We pay twice each m0fath end weigh
sample,0ud test 0noh can of mare oars
fully, Oar motto is 1i Honesty to oil
Natrona” Patrons are requestwd to re
-urn all our cans when not in tine,
31tter an 113nttermilk al - (n hand
II 1 for at market prices.
The Seatorth Creamery Co.
eow Wanted
Wanted, a Jersey sow or heifer, Ap-
ply to the News Moe,
88,0148 2 351 lou. 1 %ring P, halo's Lea
4(173.311 p in Smoky 1lunion's Aaxil
dry first 'Noddy of every month a
Wood Wanted
Winth^op Presbyterian
Sunday 08it•ice 2,30 phi, Stmdtty
ohool 1 151)01. brayer rneotiog
Tuesday 8 p In la .C. last N'e(1.
Anyone having 8 or tee corde 01 woo It 1Vi11 Pr0ve11t I,leOrnted Throat,—
for sale 0911 hoar 0113 purohn"er IV (LP- At th first 0ynlp1nn,0 of sore throat
1513 Mg at the Nows Office. ltnat
which presages ulceration and 111tl,lm-
nettiOn, take n 8pnanfol of Dr, Thomas;
11olOctrio 041, Add it little anger to it
to make it palatehle, 11 will allay' the
1r1111ation and prr•r,. ,l Ihp nlr.pr:tinn
and O'a•elliog th it ere so ',sinful
l'Itoeo who w' re periodic -111y onbjrot
tognitlny llav,, lhn8li,n'o mt(1, them,
selves immune to attaoli.
7 Room Clouse, good cellar, 111u'p
and Soft Water, good condition end
plondid 100ality. Apply this 0 Ciba,
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, banes,
metal, horse Clair, hides,
skins, all kinds o • furs etc, .�
Also take books
and newspapers
N. Appllezoft
.oroee from Creamery
Phone 183
Don't Dela,)
It any longer but come in at
once and have those Photo-
graphs taken to give Ea pour
We will please you and
you will please your friends.
so conte in new and have
the problem solved.
12 good Photographs wil
stake 12 good presents. 1
As the days get dark very
earlg please co n c,l, calk,
Picture Framing a Speci-
itg--We sell Films' and do
finishing for Amateurs.
Lee eeeneeenes.eaee,... nazi
"Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces-
sive acid in stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at once.
Time its In five minutes all stem•
ach distress, due to acidity. will go.
No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or
belching of gas or eructations of undi-
gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul
breath or headache. ^t
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for iia
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It fs the surest, quickest stomach sweet•
eater in the whole world, and besides it
is harmless. Put an end to stomach
distress at once by getting a large fifty -
cent cage of Papers Diapepsin from any
drug store. You realize in five minutes
how needless it is to suffer from indi-
gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach die -
order caused by fermentation due to
,•CCeaai Ve acids in stomach.
n .ill countries. Ask for our INVENTUR'(,"O.
A0. 581{11, which will be sent free.
MARION &MA1,r'••
"For the Blood Is the Llfe."
VIIIEM VDU A q 4! 'a
wltl, any dleoaae duo to Impure blued
ouch 0e Eoeama, 6orofole, 80u1vy, Bad
Lego, Abaeoosea, Uleorn, Glandular
awotllnfra, Bolla. Pimploe,aoroe or tiny
kind, Riles,Gloori Poloon,Rhoumatissn,
Gout, etc., du,i t !Vow t11110 and money
n lotions and ...int0tvnt, 10081[ get
below the slam' - 11.: ,kin. What you want
;s n medicine that ail) lbw ourblY free thehl'od
of the poisunoe, "atter wl mh 11011n 11 the true
se of all your ult r ,r Clarkes Blood a,sei, just such et) h. It is coni)%+ed
.F ingredieuta which quickly expel From the
blood all impurities, From whatever cause
Aug, and uy rendering 0 oluro and pure,
I 111 he 101).1 i n to effect ,. lasting cu:
.!f Wstimonilta.
r 1100 we pa trig r
trio 50 years'
Pleasant le
,•Sdel b, 1511
s ,, ,r,t I CURES ALL
it , sax -..mo mame
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer lies the leptons an(1 any
drug store or toilet (m nntor will supply
you with three 0011)5)) of orchard white
for n few arils Squeeze the juice of
two fresh lemons into at bottle, Hien put
in the orchard white and shalt' well.
This makes a quarter pint of the very
hest lemon satin whitener and comple51'a
beautifier known, Massage title fra-
grant, 0.ealny lotion daily Into tho face,
neck, arms and hands and just nee how
freckles, tan, aallownese,' redness and
roughness disappear and hots smooth,
soft and clear the shit becomes, Yeal
It is harmless, and the beautiful reedit*
will surprise you.