HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 3!a
United Suites Troops on Paclfle Coast
Study the Now War Rnelne.
For Fei'viee "over there" a new I
brunch hue been cabled to the !lighting
Serves and Il knowledge Of the opera- I
th)n slue( Ileo of the Clickers 111nk l,4 (49'
gereentlsl li.4 a Itnowledee of the air-
-Timm. 'FIn1 United Beales anthorilit's
are using the (auks lu ((rain the new
11011110rs, mei out on tbn Pacific 1"011111 i
ou'e of the uu,r,ha111111 muaslers is'
loading the charge tilulorvt dally in the
val`lotls (,halo batiks wide(( (mein' up
a part of the Presidio training at San
Fraucieco. All eerie of co0)11101one
hove been tried idl Ile ,war tomo, and
like its 1m -them lu I:',Ir pc,, line shin
on stied) the tanks telt !eat Is the
side that tt14r„ Barbed 11:,1. entangle-
ments, ,mall teem; 1)11d uLderbrnah
tun no 11111,,1, fee 111n lank, turd it
forces its way slowly but surely to Its
A fully equipped and a116orcd tank
was 1') -i nand to the 71,cl. (love rumen(
at the declaration ol! tray for use in
and around titin Francisco, The first
use to which it Wag put was h1 st1011t1a-
tiug recruiting, nod the interest
orated in Otte new instrument of war
as it slowly travelled up and down
the principal streets advertising some
one branch of the army or navy, was
materially reflected In the increased
Later, the lank was sent to one of
the for'ts near hie city, where it was
successfully used in conducting vara•
0014 pleases of the tear game, In one
instance a mimic batte was staged be -
Models for
the %reek
Sailor suits are always appreciated
by the boy, and this is a particularly
good model of one. McCall Pattern
No, 7776, Boy's Middy or Sailor Suit
In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Price, 15
(ween Several troops of the army, and cents,
the intik was used 11) malting au at
lac(( upon a strongly fortified post- •
tion. To reach 1111 object it was nec•as-'
slum for Bele tank to pen:Slalte a thick
clump 0f uahn•ai undergrowth, Includ-
ing several good sized trees, This it
easily negol'1a1ed, and its nose was
Poked into a uotwo•k of bathed -wire
entneglemlell1s through which it p11111.
0 eithout diminishing speed. To
determine the extend of the force it
could exert, the tame 11•)11 next turned,
upon a suhs•tantial bulldlug with heavy
franie snpporl11. This it completely
wrecked, and the officers who witnes-
sed the performance were willing to
believe that the most enthusiastic
tales soot from abroad were not be-
yond the powers of 'the terrible Yanks,
- Responsibility for Wife and Children
Increases Will Pewee.
I am inclined to believe that mar-
riage does increase the will power, for
when a man marries he at once as-
sumes a responsibllityeand if he has
the right sort of stuff in hint he at
once makes up his will to succeed, Saye
an American writer. He wants to
earn more money in order that he may
give his wife the things that success-
ful leen give their wives. HIe elimin-
ates lime -wasting amusements and
bad habits that were relics of his
bachelor days, Marriage 50bal•S him
and gives him poise. Opportunities
neglected through sheer 01(olen0e in
his bachelor days are now eagerly
seized. IIis hands :are on the rounds
of the ladder that leads to success, and
his wife is behind him, waiting to
boost him up.
Many bachelors achieve a fair meas -
meof success, 14110 elle(( 6tldi In ole
Place all the rest of their live•. They
lack initiative because tiny havn't any
incentive to do bigger thin 0. 'Phis is
• very true in the cases of 111011 who have
no one dependent on them. If they had
a wife, o1. 0 another or sisters, solely
dependent upon them, they would ex-
ert their wills to some purpose. Lack-
ing this they are satisfied to let well
enough alot1.
W 1111' ARMIES MOVE Sld)\\-LY.
Transportation of Supplies in Meso-
potamia Takes Up Rauch Time.
Capt. C. J. Willoughby, of 'Toronto,
elm in 1i1111 went 01ersea11 with the
Royal Army Medical Corps to wort; in
Mesopotamia, is 11ow hone en leave of
absence alter service in Judie. and
Egypt. ('apt Willoughby states that
when the
• g' tl
British ca (tared Bagdad
1 t
they found that many of the Turkish
prisoners were suffering from typhus
but the British troops were flee from
this disease,
"Peolile often ask," said Capt.. Wil-
loughby, "why it is that armies in
Mesopotamia tlo not progress faster,
•on Basra
c to b0 moved ft
pies 1 t lr;
to Bagdad, O
can transport
about 160 to 200 tots, and it take)
two weeks to make the trip, If We
lied had a railway there We would
have tauten the whole of 1{e:0p0-
tmnial long ago,
"The general opinion those is that
Britain will have to keep Mesopo-
tamia to keep Gemmel influence out,
Germany sought to stir tap unrest in
India, but if Britain retains Mceopo-
tlunda instead of •Clewing It to Pall
into the halide of the Turks, it will
be impossible for the Teutons to oxer-
ciee tient influence. if Britain docs
keep it, she will establish a base
Of all Liu. workpeen &e e, :;aq;'ed )u
the cotton industry of Engl wet, 7,0114.11 -
shire alone ac•ronats far ;thti,1, R:1 iu,t:
1 the farm end uedeu
(=o all over t
' • t once and ace (lila they • are
maeivu(4 at
in peeper repair, Any parts needed
should bo ordered immediately, and
orders should bo placed for any new
machines needed. Sell old worn out
michinery for ,lank and get it out of
This is a practical (lenge for the
cold -weather leggings. There is a
' choice of lengths. McCall Pattern
No. 0810, Child's Leggings and Leg-
ging Drawers. Pattern in 7 sizes,
1 to 12 years. Price, 10 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St„ Toronto,
Dept. W. •
Victims of Indigestion Often
Dislike the Sight and Smell
of Food.
Every -healthy man and woman
should have at natural desire for food
at mea] times. 7 c s This meansthat the
digestion is in working order and tliat
the blood is in geed condition. But
if you feel a dislike. for food—if the
sight and smell of wholesome fool
repels von ---then you may be sure that
all ie not well. If after a night's rest
you have no appetite for breakfast,
your digestion requires attention. If
your food is distasteful, or if you feel
that it is a trouble to eat, your stom-
ach is rebelling, You do not digest
Properly the food you are taking and
therefore nothungry.
All these symptom- of a disordered
digestion mean that the blood is not
absorbing, proper nourishment from
food, for the work of the blood is to
collect proper nourishment from food
and impart it to the system. The !
11to11ach tries to refuse food the marl-,
meat from which the blond cauuot ab-
sor);, soil this cau1Fes the 11,41c of
Lite. It you Ferre yourself to cat
the u- dlge:ted :food becomes a clog
. to the system, Nature is warning
you. 11r. William,' Pink fills alone
igrive the blood the richness and purity
that it requires to perform its natural
function. That is why Dr. Williams',
Pini: Pills -)arc the most obstinate
cases of indigeetien-•-wily they will
cure any trouble duo to poor blood. -
Miss ',iz'0 Ashton, 'rl aunesviile, Ont,
14)1y'4-."] eui11•ed for years with
stomach trouble, A.t time:; the dis-
tress VMS 80 treat that vomiting
could follow, and there vena always
severe paiim after eating. 1 tried 11ev
cro! remedies but they did not help',
one. On the contrary the trouble was;
141 cnriug w01419, and got so bad at. last �1
that I euuld not keep anything on 111y;
Itemedi Finally I liege]) u'i)'r Dr
mat. 11)174 Pills. and gradually i
the trouble began to leave nuc, and I'
regained in all respects my customary
gaud health, and enjoyment of food.'
1 make (hitt :.((dement voluntarily -so 1
that other;, may ]snow of the wnnder-
l'al 1(.,401,• that :follow the use of this ,
You can get these pills through any!
medicine dealer oe by mail at 110 cents
a box (f l\ boxes 'for $2.50 from The I
hr. \\ tihauls' Medicine Co,, Brockville, 1
Bow Kidney Trouble
Struck Uxbridge Man
Mr. R. J. Tholxtpf3on Was Seared
With ('ori'.'uisionsa
His Life Wee Despaired of, But After
Using Dodd's Kidney Tills Ile Peels
Himself Again.
Uebvidge, Ont., Jan, 21st (Sishdal,)
-51r. R. .1, Thompson, w•ho lives on
R.R. No 2, near here, is loud in his
praises of Dodds Kidney Pills,
"I am delighted with Dodd's Kidney
Pills," he says. T)10 doctor's said I
could not live, tend tr I diet I would
never be aide to do anything agate, as
I had chronic Wight's 1)isc1160. But,
thank (loci, I (Lm doing my own work
"My trouble came on very suddenly.
I had just finished my dinner, and was
taking tt man home when I was taken
with a convulsion fit, I had fourteen
that afternoon, and the third day 1
had nine more,
"I have taken only eleven boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I feel lace
myself again."
Ilir, Thompson is only one of minty
in this neighborhood who look on
Dodd's Kidney Pills as the standard
remedy for kidney ills. They are
purely a kidney remedy, end are used
for all kidney troubles from backache
to Bright's disease,
Kin .Hoorn CYn . ° O!fith
110 Arthur II.
Harris, who
11as boon
((lade a Knight
Commander of
the ilritlOs Em-
pire for his eor'•
rices in Ca1w'ea
tea )Jlreetr'r of
Overseas Trans-
port, Is a son of
the late Henry
Vinton Harris of
Devonport, 1)ev-
onehlre, 1Stltlaud.
(dueate'l at the
Devonport a n d
Woke (7ranllsar
Behoof ho tawe';u
111 1 it country In
the seventies, en-
tering the eel' -
vices of the
Grand Trunk
Railway, and ris-
111(1 t0 the post -
riot or General
I7'rolgllt Agent
Through Trento.
In 1902 he Join-
ed the ('anadlan
Pacific Railway
Waco which date
to August, 1914, - Slit Al(THLrn II.
be was actively
engaged in InitI-
ating traffic for the company's rail
and ocean services,
On the outbreak of the war, the
President of the Canadian Pacific
offered 11fr. Harris' services to the
Imperial and Canadian Govsrumntt1
for the purpose of organizing and
directing an Overseas Transport De-
partment, the successful administra-
tion of which la now recognized by
IIds Majesty.
Is Now Importing Old Newspapers - —
From United Slates,
The scarcity of paper has become so
acute that China 's nowimporting
a 111
over issue and old newspapers from
the United States in large quantities.
One hong'Icong house alone reports
that so far 11)12 )‚C111' it has imported
such paper to the value of over $225,-
225;000 gold.
The papers are imported to be used
for wrapping purposes, and to meet
the needs of the market it i5 neves-
sary that they be Whole and of goof(
,standard to large size, In Solite re-
cent consignments bales have been
found to contain old magazines and
even olcl clothing, shoes and outer
waste, A shipment to Saigon though
Ilongkong and for the account of a
'Hongkong firm was found to be so
badly mixed with all sorts of waste
that the Chinese concerns for which
the paper had been imported refused
to accept it.
!In some eases material mixed with
the paper would have as much value
for paper stock as the over issue
newspapers, but it is not wanted and
".does not meet the purpose for which
the newspapers are purchased. The
'Hongkong General Chamber of Com-
nleree now ham on hand an arbitration
of claims growing' out oithe shipment
o1' aper not u
t to contract, act 'and Hong-
p S
kong importers at present are accept-
ing deliveries only after examinations.
There is a steady demand for these
over issue and old newspapers
throughout the Far East, which can
• be maintained as a profitable trade
(at least so long as the price of paper
• remains where it is) provided export-
ers will realize the special purpose for
which the paper is bought and ship
1 only such stock as will probably fulfil
.lack Frost Failed.
1 like_ to 114111 my '0 0 hlug out of
doer) 111 4411,1er as Oen! 114, an 51(111111 Cr,
but the clothes freeze, x11(1 so fl'equent-
ly the doilies pins freeze to the clothes
so tightly that they tear when oaken
oft' the lilts. I have found that by
adding salt to the bluing wafter the
cluthee phis will not cried: fast even in
the eotdest 04111her,
Cleanliness is a matter of trom n -
dime importance in erery111ieg that
pertain:; to food.
Bluefish Resembles the Prussians- In
Its Barbarous Habit.
The bluefish is the leading subter-
ranean exponent of kultur now that
the U-boat ihas begun to subside. Not
even the shark is proportionately sn
vic10115 115 this small game fish. IIe
kills for the fun of killing, without
reason orexcuseslaughtering any-
thing that crosses his path, and not
hesitating to attack any large creature
of the deep that goes sailing by.
Scarcely ever weighing more than
five pounds, he consumes at least sev-
en ounces of food a day, and this
weight does not take into a(1011111 the
amount of .fool he )wallows, for the
bluefish has the most barbarous habit
or adl fish.
As 11e attacks he bites oft large
pieces of flesh from his victim, and
without taking time Nth cast the
mouthfuls aside he Swallows the quiv
('ring meat and snaps again with his
powerful "chopping machine" jaws,
He keeps this tap until the Mesh he has
swallowed mikes hila slow, in which
vitae he darts away and vomits 111e ac-
cumulated mouthfuls. After this he
sweeps back to the attack again. When
attacking a giant fi=111 the llue7sil as.
r au11, 111 force,
Kultur with 111en1 i.1 scientific, as it
is with the Prussians. They move in
perfect order and discipline, sweeping
round and round the fleeing monster
in circles, each 115)1 darting out of the
circle, tearing awes, at piece of fle.:,h
and falling back into the line,
Keep Baby Warm.
When the baby peeps around the
cold floors in winter he should have
something )arm on, I made e warm
petticoat. out of three pairs of white
etockiugs which he haul outgrown. I
cut oil' tine feet, cut then lengthwise
and put theta together, stitching on
Leach side of seams. The top of.the
stockings were need foe the bottom of
the petticoat. I put a little waist on
of canton flannel. ---J, P. H.
The wined. tieing abotd. 1)1a1(1y. nut.
chine sheds Is Chic'1101s.
Mothers 'c 1 ' baby e
1 4 whet r n t l n> is ill' when
his little stomach and bowels are out
of order; when he is troubled with
constipation, colic, celd11 or his teeth-
ing is painful give him Baby's Own
Tablets—the perfect medicine for lit-
tle ones. Concerning them Mrs, Al-
phonse Pelletier, St, Demise, Que.,
'tams:—('Baby's Own Tablets are a
grand remedy for little ones. I used
them 00 my baby with wonderful re-
sults." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 2)1
•cents 1t box from the Dr. Williams'
(Medicine Co Brockville, Ont.
Relative Position of tete Entente and
the Central Powers.
Britain has been slow to realize and
slower to admit, but it is now begin-
ning to mance the confession, that in
the matter of food and some other
though much less• immortant sunnli
time is now beginning to tight on the
side of Germany and against the En-
tente; whereas formerly time was
always accounted the ally of the En-
tente. The to
Germans aye preparing e P P g
make the most of the Italian agricul-
tural areas which they have conquer-
ed to produce more food for Austria
and Germany. P,y the 1018 crop sea-
son they will be able to produce very
.largely from the conquered areas of
Old Poland, Rumania, France and Bel-
Further their Manan power for the
purposes of this production will be in-
creased not only by the release of hum-
deeds of thousands of prisoners useful
' enough for ag'rieultural purposes if
not for further military service, but
' also by the privilege of drawing upon
the labor capacity of the conquered
areas. The moment that peeve or even
a long armistice is arranged with Rus-
sia, Germany will resume with all
the zeal which its spectacular neces-
sities dictate, the programme amm, of pone-
, bating Russia and making Ru.siten
resources an•aulublL for 1110 su11101t or
Sp that }legate, France and Italy,
110110 of them now able to produce
nearly all their food requirements,
confront a future in which their food
necessities will tend to face an in-
creasing deficit of supplies, in propor-
tion as the cumulative effects of sub-
marine warfare become more serious,
Germany on the other hand, will tend
to escape from the effects of: tho food
blockade and t0 i11erease its supplies.
llatlil:ue hospital Ready for Disabled
Sten From the Front.
The Receiving Depot of 111e Military
Iiaa b , Commission on Paw No...
1it'll. C u
at Halifax, which was badly damaged
in the great explosion, has been re-
paired and is now ready to receive the
ships from oveveeas bearing the in-
valids and disabled men bade to Can-
i;mediately on receipt of the news,
of the disaster, Lt, -Fol. J, J. Sharples,
C.O. of the Military Hospitals Com-,
mission Comitand, left-'®ttawa for the
scene to oiler all Ute aid which the
military hospitals could afl'ord in rho
care of the injured, 011 his arrival ar-
rangements were immediately made to'
resto•t> the Lig depot which has re-'
dve(1 Iltousanda of num in the past
yeatr, soul the work has been cotnplel-
In the interim tine men returning;'
were a{,nded in New York and train
service handicapped by lack of mil de-
layed their homecoming considerably,
The value of rho Military hospitals
('ominissinu in the splendid facilities I
and organization of Halifax for the;
care of returning soldiers line gained ,
a new appreriation 111 th18 one export-'
wineries Xi)ci1ia11.t 011101 011115, ntc, ,
lrAakls, Director of Overseas
Ole is a member of St. James' Club,
Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa; and
the Montreal Royal Golf Club,
1n 1881 he nutrried a daughter of
MI late William II L s1he, 13,C.L., of
Montreal, granddaughter of the Tato
lion, Wm. Morris. at one tine Re-
ceiver -General of Canada, and niece
of the late Iron. Alexander Morris,
First Governor of Menasha and the
North West Territories,
Forest Associations of Quebec.
The ca -operative forest protective
associations in the 'province of Que-
bec have been remarkably successful
(11 reducing d anal' byforest ire
the damage
-throughout large areas of that pro-
vince. The pioneer in this movement
was the St, Maurice Forest Protective
association, organized in 1912. The
success with which it met resulted in
the organization of other associations
until now there are four such, protect-
ing a total of nearly 70,000 square
miles of forest land. These associa-
1tions are maintained and administer-
ed primarily by timbal.• owners, al-
though the provincial government eon -
tributes to their support in considera-
tion of the protection afforded un-
licensed Grown lands. Approximately
80 per cent. of the licensee( Crown tim-
ber lands of the province are now un-
der this form of forest fire protection.
Each association has a manager, staff
of inspectors, and force of fire -rang-
ers, all selected on the sole basis of
fitness for the wort( in hand.
74lotey• Orders.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
The City. of Lyons has opened a
S nal training
n•ofe. slo 1 for
higher technical and scientific develop-
ment of French women.
N anarcl's Liniment Corea Diphtheria.
The popularity. of the easily acce-
sible wrist watch was doubtless what
inspired elle production by Parisian
jewelry designers of a ring watch. It
co gists of a tiny timepiece mounted
o1 a finger ring, and, if desired, em-
bellished with precious stones. •
111inard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs, -1 have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years and
whilst I have occasionally used other
liniments I can safely say that I have •
never 1(111141 any equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and in-
haled frequently, it will never fail to
cure cold in the head in 24 hours, It
i5 also the Best for bruises, sprains,
Yours truly,
I, (1, LESLIE.
Canoes of Mahogany,
Major John S. Leitch, one of the
rangers of the Dominion Forestry
file ram r oe v
I l anch iu Fdmlilol>a, who hxs beau
0vc,seas front the beginning of the
war with the Royal Fusiliers in Brit-
ish Enst .Africa, writes ars follows:
"Out in the tropics the majority of
rivers can be c'reseed by a standing
,lump its it were. Ritere such as Can- _
tike hes are a great surprise to the
tropical man, What mimes are here
are dugouts made by natives nut of
solid maliogney or teak trees, They
take months to mance nncd are very'
heavy. I have yet to sec the first':
African marking a portage with his
canoe on his back. Some of these
canoe:, are big enough to take 60 111e11
or 8?c tons of stores."
Ditunond Cutting Icor heroes,
When ,peace le restored and ling -
land's chsebled soldiery return to civil
life they '.61)1 trot be without1esouhces,
Bernard Oppenhc m:'1', who fought for
England in the .lint r Warrealizes alizes the
lot of an es -soldier who has to time
life with the handicap of €u1 emputeted
leg or 111'111, ' -
Ilt til0 London Technical College
abol'1 100 litulh>s, -,nldlaei's are Laing
tauf6111 diamond cu1.tia;;. The schema
lam been 110 suc'c'essful that - Oppen-
IlobIler has started 1)4111(171144 a block x>i'
fartnrics in Brighton, where mote
then 1,1)(1(1 will he el>1ae to learn the
traa,e. Six month, in the period of
training allot(.d tin' soldier workrnan.
On comp(tieil tile training Oppon-
0 7',,'.r oft r.: them guaranteed mini-
mum of three yea,'s em1I' yin tut if
th.,r mire to flay it the ftsfnt•v and
a mInnimum trio;'),'' of $i1(1 a week.
- . )'' -1n u>od by
a ti I lad111110Sb
• ' 'r 11- t•1u: ,7. re. it in
.....141.11 -1!
la'O.S?' 'r is leo `ln 't -t, ItslCye1'r'afsrt
1'A>rl yad3 l',,' !P er este Y1_nrheflnr t i.,arino
e lease , a h.s r %+,uh V.110 I ,>--1•Mai
1,11 Lt0tarzna 1SYn LZ 's t:1L,r Grp , tplsfe,'a00 a
It is hardly possible to realize the
lack of knowledge of proper gardening
methods which exists among the faun
ing population of certain portions 1f
the country, -W
Minaret's Liniment Cloves C}arget in Cows
In taking out silage for feeding re-
move an equal depth of the material
from the whole surface daily; this ex
poses the - smallest possible quantity
of the silage to the air, and 110 pre-
vents 02,21e5s spoiling.
When feed lies 111:r- lead In the stnm-
n.b and ,t,Ant hate that uncomfortable.
distended fe„Aing, it is because of In-
,ulrlr•leut Wood supply to the stemacil,
e'mlhhne,1 161 h at i,) (11)11 4410)1 fermenta-
tion, 1n 5uc11 eases try the plan now
followed In lean), hospitals and advised
by many eminent physicians of taking a
teaspoonful of pure blsarated magnesia
in half a gla.. of water, as hotits you
can comfortably drink it. The hot wa-
ter draws the blood to the stomach ours
the bisurated magnesia, as any piosic'ian
eat) tell you, instantly noutraflzes the
acid and stOPS the food fermentation.
Try this simple plan and you will be as-
tonished at the Immediate feeling of re-
lief and comfort that always follows the
restoration of the nm 11111) process of di-
gestfoll. People who find It inconvenient
at tunes to secure Wit water and travel-
ers who are frequently obliged to take
9,1154y mealspoorly prepared, should al
ways take, two o1' three dve-grain tablets '
of Hlsu>•ated Magnesia after meals to
prevent fermentation and neutralize the
acid In their 11(0,10,1,.
When buying your P1an0
insist 071 having an
PIANO A.0110N.
i 0
x .4
--n—o—o—o.—.n--e- 0-0--o--0-0--0— 1
,- Sore )01111, hated 00(•115; soft corns or
any kind of a corn can shortly he lift-
ed right oat with the fingers if you
will apply on the cern a few drops of
freezole, says a Cincinnati authority.
At little cost one can' get a small
bottle of l'reezone at any chug store,
which will positively rid one's feet or
every corn or canal without pain or
somans or the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether com-
pound, 1n11 cities the moment 11 le ap-
plied and does not inflame or even ir-
ritate the surrounding tissue. ,lust
think! You can lift orf your corns incl
calluses 11010 without a bit of pain or
soreness. If your (druggist hasn't
freezone he can ea.ily gat a small bot
tlo for yoe from his wholesale drug
(tenor a fillell'Qb�"tr�'j: en
Th soy bean 1s a cpecio c f the bean
family having need pods, It 010140ly
resembles the navy bean, but tapes
longer to cook and requires more heat,
It ie 4411011 fol• haling and in soup,
There is also a flour form of soy bean
used in bread, etc.
rr%inare% L1at:r-eltt Cures :distemper.
Green feed i 0 seetial to the health
of [eying h n5, .old it .must be ileum,
here,( that only healthy hens cult lay
23:117,?. W.ELITTStD
1( .1 DIMS 41.1Nil U 1't) 1>O PLAIN'
11...1 and h, ht 1 1)15, at home, vholt or.
spare tint good pay, work een4 (MY
fl)s 1: rlee chargespaid. Send stamp t,i1'
particulars. National Atuuufuelurint'
Company. Montreal.
Nerved LAOniIO)Y$
t'I ANcl;i(. 71101iuta, 1.0111'5P5, 17TC„
"l) internal told external, cured - with -
0114 pain by out home treetop -M. Write
us before too bate. Dr, Bella—inn O'ledlea1
Co„ Limited, 01,11(ngw0)1,1 Ont,. •
IIf111I��I�. ink l[I!
f As;41,
p na
J()/5 l
, .ii>!rca Merl
These men know from experience
that 5'.oan's Liniment will take the
etilncos out of joints and the sore-
ness out of muscles—And it's so
convenient! No rubbing required.
It quickly penetrates and brings re-
lief. Easy to apply and cleaner than
mussy plasters or ointments.
Always have a bottle in the house
for rheumatic aches, lame back,
sprains and strains.
Generous sized bottles at all drug-
Itched and Burned. Wanted
to Scratch All the Time,
Scarcely Any Sleep.
'Men I was fifteen years old, etre-
ma carne in a rash, first on my bead,
Then ehl my care, and
�.'-.�` ee1, afterwards on my hod,.
,^i1 It was very painful and
1' 411. `1 was itchir, a+1d luiniin;g
n "n '
d crsn 1
s. I Vance 1
- all the One. 1 scarcely
had ally sleep.
"Alter 1 used 1, .ur cal; ss -
,f Cutieuco Seep and six
boxes of Olta 1iAlt I was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. P 11. Carlton,
Country Steep Creek, Sank., Feb. 6, '17.
Clear the purer of humilities by daily
use of Cuticura Soap and occasional
touches of Cutioura ointment.
For Free, C
m to Each by Mail ad-.
dress pest—card: a"Cutieura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sidd'cvery•wbese,
, ��HEIw.Fn
illcA -O loo Air est eye's:'
Physicians and 070 sticclailsts Pre-
scribe Ran-Opto as 11 safe home remedy
In the lleatnlent 01• pyo troubles and to
strengthen eyesight. Hold Under money
refund gnarant3- b1 111 druggists.
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents
to remove: tan, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons un,1 any'
drug store or toilet counter will sup -1
ply you with three ounces of Orchard
white for a few cents. &((neve the
juice of 1,w0 fresh lemons into a bottle,
then put in the ()rebate! white uud
shake '.ell, Thds muke>a a quarter
Pint of the very beet le1>1011 skin
whitener and eunnplexion beautifier
known, Massage this fragrant,
creamy lotion daily into the thee,
neck, nems and hands and just see
bow freckles, taut, sallowness,• redness,
and roughness disappear and how
smooth, soft and clear the shin be-
comes. Ye.! It is 1lurnikes, and lin'
beautiful results will surprise you.
b badly food; tt
headache, c ,
Q y p e
A 'ick ell
for Headache
A headache is frequentlycauaod
y t est:rthe aces
and acid a resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerves and
causes painful symptoms called
aeaoac e, neuralgia, rheuma-
tism, eta 15 to 30 drops of
mother Sci el's Syrup will comet
faultydigestion and afford relief,
a big knee like this but your horse
may have a bnnrh or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee o1• throat.
Im wf: ase„. 'Jl,
ill... 4.. }-..
will clean it off without is}•ing ah
the hem. IVo blister, 11)1 halt'
gone. Concentrated—only a few
drops required at el application. 9.1 per
L51,1, Idiarrrd. nncrll', Sourest,• (•,r ., 1. 4'. innrn tiwe
asdHookSMfrec. A14!)O IuNl', 1(t., ter anti-
septic liniment fur inselc net, redncra r tut 1 sac tine",
13nfarrrd viands, Wella. nYldec;y 11'a.i, - r r., 0"4415
rein and ineatnln41ton. trite 51 a,. 1 ri a 1.14.at c: u> casts
r dcll,wrnl
W, f, YOUNG, R 9, R, the l y n;nr, 8 :1;' errZ1 • ;c
Alestasin( an, or ne, a. plea inane In 1....a,14,
It j
MAWS u��` �a
��va a tt
Sugg :.slioh"fis b Cillo e ;
Aman the virt Lnr.
s of Lydia
Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound is the
ability to correct sterility in the
1415e5 of 111'111' r4Omen. '1HS fac'l: is
well established as evidenced by tete
following letter and huxlreds of others
we have published In these colums.
Poplar Itluff, 111o. ---"I want other
women to knoll what a blessing Lydia
E.511101taln s1-cge-
table 11011111)001] has
been to ate, We
had always wanted
a baby in our home
t f but 1. was in poor
'1!i health and not able
E , to do m i work, 1II 1 Y
and hus-
(;taut hoth ul'ged ane
to try I r 411,) E. Pink -
b ams Vegetable
Compound. I did
g0, my health 1111'
proved tier I !I"1 110W the mother of a
ino billy 1.401 and do a.il 4117 own house
work Mre. Ateee. 13. Tietennee, 216
Almond ,, t., .l'oplae Bluff, Mo.
Infirmly other hones, one0 childless,
thele are now children because of the
fact that Lydian E. Pinkhstn's Vegetsblo
ompomnd makes ty0lnen normal,
lioalt'.ity and strop
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkhem Medi -
eine Co., Lynn,Mass, or allvle0—it
Will be confidential
al and helpful.
'ISi'iUE No -1-»'IB S✓'"'