HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 2BRITISH NAVAL VICTORY OVER TURKS LEADING MARKETS E AT ENTRANCE TO DARDANELLES S 7191 t» tit Battle Between Destroyers and Two Turkish Warships Results ill One Sunkandthe Other Beached. T,ouiion Jun. 20.-111 a meal action „The 1 oe1,011 is now being attacked between triti.eb and Turkish freeze at ly' naval aiteraft. Our low:: report -1d are the the elttranee to the 0 u' 1(8 1119'.:, the monitor Raglan and a small u1 (1111 of Turkish eetdeor 1(4idullu, formerly the the 11I-28." German Breshut, was sunk, :al the 'rhe (agnate, eruaters Breslau and Sultan YAM= i ohnt, formerly the Go , vhen wei in the eee,e1,•l itnean sea German Uonben; was Ilttlihad, Till,.al the luta. Teak of the war .old fled. announcement wa ! w u!o by the Ad-- into the Doeeen lie :,t' l ung safety reiralty tonight, nn the ]Iritieh and French warship\ • The official stat.unua ;uy.; hit :caught their destre1tion, ILsr Goeben and Ltet•lan Turkt,h eii ice theta their 1419th iii o. in the name; Sultan Skeet and M 111111" Datelenellee, at the Batch S(1' entreno it with destroyers, were in a, t.uu with to •the 111 urns and in the Meek Stet the British forces at the entrance to taloa;; 1110 T111'111',11 \Matic. the Rn, chin the Dardanelles Oak f ill u,ay 1 morn, and the I Lalani tn ettaste leave brought Mg,. The Goeben eeceped, but haw therm fang- for intlepiditt! seeend net been beached, evidently i .ally dtmnti:•- e sent e tl tfci m nn sea w t h es. hl c ed, at Nagarapoiut, in themains•:, of. the 111 t ,e,n, i' caelh e au 1 1 h e Kerte.. the straits, B4eaaetaffs Jon. -linollnllu wheat -- N„ 1 Nurthera.,,$'. ..".JB: -Nu . lo, 82.'3011 N. 11, do., -8„t,!•.• No, 4 apl,ut.F82.t111: In store l rt N Idoly In 111 (Ir,n 104. 1.1:1111tolta nal No, 2 t tl. 1000. No. a 1•,\ 0280: No, 1 extra reed. $1101 No, f,•,• 1. 111 ,•:torr• Wort \''Illh,ea. .\utvrb„u ,-„r„ No. >',41011, meal- n- Ual. \ . 411 (n Roe. nto I'1.: . d•hile n nUn ,1 \ 1 d S.: 1n R:ir nuns ani. . ,u,•"t li to I, rhU out�bh'. , \\'tnirr. t 9,1s, h, t 1 Alosttreal. I0, 1'v .N0 2. '!•.,, to (2 $11, 000(01.110g to 09,18 litut0Ilt 141111.1 51011111 ,le t, $1 i5, :le. • -t,e1118 I 11vdt tt - onto -I t lou l nl,. a 1., , 1” $let - to •,.,'r,litlx ! 19 Irht n111.I le $1.7>; a gat 14(nµ 10 Ir- a•ht 1 Li 51001101w door t u 1 0010100 In title 1,00s. 411 5+'. t $.0,1010, $11 et rouar 6.00.r rout. int tl 11 1, \Vitt ru -\ding. (n nnoll 'I 111. in t,+8”, ll lu 01; ' ; 'I rel i , n lull. nein I. e ,.1. n on, e t Shit 11 I t ll illf,r I C1 ] t 0\1.11110 Ir,111 \1„1,trrnl ..-1 •, lou. .. oehm l= J 8411;• t111"1111I .0 ie.. fe 141 1 '•,1 flout% per haft, x111:, i 1. 11041 inr 102 1415',1, to etre-ea,t eed. d, ea to ane. uaek 'r'.• 81.,110, r4u.lrt t•nr I„i. nor lou #1 -Ln u, 01513. I4Y 1l'5 ry 11:l t1il1'� 'Couitzti Y1t•0:1uoe-l-fholesale 1011 1 1 t •.11, I '0111. per 111.. 441A to 15e: 1.1•10t$, per1145 1- 4 : 'lair>,. Per lb., 22t., itte. re,0I1 14'1)10 r,.,( t.. ao (u 52, i:i'ii00140 i t�%^V Fy7V.5t11 R 1A `1: Hj�\” �7dd.79-`•]tL�i`� ria.4 9 d Belll+i i{St,.R«I, :at.Y.�s'9uE1 H,f:.+'a� '�, Tl i1 h, 1'•- t \\ h 1' stet . . ilei• No 1111," gem, 1 t.:1 :, 111111 viiitoterit. for Men-' --•- -• 1 ,.. r; 1. • I. r oh. 111 ' r l e 1011111$• $2.25 Weather Become41i;(ter'- la- teresting Prisoner:, Taken by Hlaig's 'Proops. A despatch from British -Army Headquat'tere in 1 ranee sac?: Small infantry raids. with the customary amount of artillery surd air activity by both elites, continue to h,' the o'Iee Of the day along the British hoe:. - The much milder weather, accom- panied by rain, has swept away tate last of the snot', -but the mill r e 11 11818 as the dictator of military affairs. The British lately have secure some interesting captives. One pris- oner, who had been thrice wounded, made a statement in eubetanee as fol- low:: The scarcity of felon at dome is very serious. Thew is little meat and fatty substances, and •practically no bread. Potatoe, are very expensive. although there ie no serious shortage. The peuple aro in a state of unrest, but are afraid to attempt orgarlieed distarbanees. On Field Marshal von Hindenburg's birthday small busts of the General were placed on the street earners in nearly all German (.awns. In most place; the people hurled these to the gr0ua1 before neon. en Cologne there are over 12,1I0n deserters in vari- oue. prisons. Another prisoner said that for a year the German Fiddlers and people. had been promised an early peace, Enlneror William, in reviewing a di- vision after the battle of Cambrai, said: "Peace on the Russian front is assured, It remains for us to force an early peace on the weete'n • front." LFNINE ORDERS ARREST OF KING Rumanian Monarch to be im- prisoned at Petrograd. Nat '•recptable in Present Form by Central Power(.. A do 1011.) t'lant Berlin sweet An r flit ial , tab 1111A 1,4sued here ou 11treday, giving the reply by the ( vatted Pewees 10 the Russian pro- ('ol.alw at I,-lst-Litovsk o11 Monday. • aye the Rueeiall proposals concerning the ,schen; trcupied ay theCentral - Powers diverge to such a degree from the l't 1 : of the Central Powers that in their t,re•sent form they are unac- ceptable. The r ihe !nt t 11 'sent stays the I2114$ntn proposals do net show at : compromising attitude and do not cun,i,h'1' the (pin.it8 parties on a just 11110. N.' ortholcss, it add.. the Central Powero' again are pre- pared to gave- a rlrar:y 'formulated expre,,iou of their epi11im11 and to try to duel a basis for a compromise. For the Central Power+, es dis- tinct from the 0110e with Russia, the announcement add., tt e0nclusien of peace with lluscia has no connection :with a general peace and the Central Puwere are compelled to continue the war against their other enemies. A despatch from Petrograd ;ays: Premier Leniue 011 Thursday signed un order for the arrest of King Ferdin- and of Rumania, who is to 1, ,cut to Petrograd for imprisonment in the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul. The order fin' the 1eing'o arreet de- scribes in detail the way it is to be carried out and in which the Kier is to be guarded. The Bolehetlki be- lieve they have eutficient forces on the Rumanian front to caery it o.1. The evening papers declare that the arrest by Rett t:•ine of Au;• tl ien offieers who sought to go through the Rutr+na'21: tins on their way to the Russian front to fraterni e with the Rus,lami, one of the prin- cipal reasons for the cI'1$i het 1.191'1 the Iln!sh'oiki and 11 nlltnia. Ferdinand Uneer Allies' Pr011('ti0n. A elespaelh from Trvala .: ::sty_. Ring Ferdinand of R1:mania, '.those arrest, has been ore•rd 1,3, the Bulshc- vii: Government, is nee .md1'' the pro- tection of the alike, mzem:ding to a Petrograd ,leepet,•l; to the daily I•'e- 111010. BITER GUNS FOR PLAYING CARDS German Traders (lave Erected -100 Booths Along the Russian 'Front. A despatch from London Days:1 telegram from Berne 'to the Morning Post Bays: News ha., reached here from Dot - bend that German traders have al- ready taken advantage of the situa- tion tion in Russia and have erected P,10 booths at tunvenieut spate along anti at closest proximity to the Russian ifront. t It appear:- that the Russian soldiers ;are most tentious to obtain playing 'earl;, and they readily lamer a nta- lline gun f"1' a Pack of cards. TO PF i• t FOREIGN DEBTS • ; All State 1..oan(Made by Pre- , vinu.: Russian Gnvernmett to be Invalid. ' d •-pate 11 friss T'ett'ugrad nay The exeetit(t•e committee of the \Cn I men's and Soldiers' clot t. ,ie have d(• termired to pt;0 before 110 (tnstdtut ut Assembly the dr_reo 1:0e,e11 lay the ('411111 of ('orn}ttr, •0 ..err calling for the repudiation n`' for, ign debt, ant the invalidating.: of all State loans made by the "(hyser nn eets of Ru -4111(11 1t.ud-owner- 114ira „1' the Ito .11111 Bt. a 0ge.0dsdc " The deerev i. ef1ectiv1' from Dec. 1 111,4, No meter hal. high pride, climb, w rdl.i„1:' puler will altcay, be slation- ,ery. k t..., yk WAi EXPERIENCE OF A KENTUCKY BOY PRI VATE OF F"OR1"Y•1iiVI NT1-1 1 CANADIAN BATTALION. Took ain't in Campaign Around Lens and hall Miraculous Escape From Death, Desperately wounded by shrapnel, a :physiaicd by pod:;on01 gas as he lay bleeding froth 111,1 luundn, later pick- ed up au tt corpse I'rr'nt the battlefield, where he land 1((111 unconst1ous for thirty-six hours, to he buried with the thousands of other soldiers who fell in the terrible fighting around Lens, and finally rescued to be sell to a hos- pital in England, where he is now re. covering are sono of the experie.ncea of Romaine B15411(rt, a private soldier of the Forty-seventh Canadian batta- lion, a former Leeing'Inn (Kentucky') boy. lie: is the youngest :on of Victor liog:teet, a • wealthy manufacturing jeweller, who ('(11111 to Lexington many :C(u'e ago from Brussels, and who since the 1'111' bep;'iul has made several evils to the war -turn country in relief work and lies travelled over every part „ t a l;t ,. 14114 $: to of the country in an effort to raise •1',n 1nu'.rtt,e' Latest i slur of Lord and Lade Rea len" who will shortie' take up the it eocial and diplomatic (safes in con- funds to help his st1 ieken people, l a •ttlr:� .,u ,enn,rl to Ih,.1.1,1u l three Medals .lot Bravery. t•:.d, I to 1, host\ a I t 1 - •auction with the British Embassy at Washington. t11151on. t•I, tit tv. bots 231 le: 10:100 ' ------.-----• •._..._..-.-______......_____. ._...----.--_.-._._--._--. -. __.- ..._ _ 3'at dal Fo is rav twenty - „..,..,.(N ie tY- I,Itg e 4 1111 once 2” cut. . _..._ 1n( Bog'a ev n ram. 1 y 7�1TT e}t ytYt (.��y a ('tpa�` 11^a�`� Il ( Spy lir7E CIVIL 0A two years old, hae been awarded three Ilult.r. • 1+ �11 lilts. Itt11.e„n it 319•; /y q' F9ip�,+ p l y p L@IE''! ;p„h'34 GENERAL STRIKE ®V !medals far bravery since he enlisted ,.•,. at1 I.'tot:. .19 to lit•, $nods, 4;,'('�,�” i..4, 1.,.. &. d L.(-Altr°F.4 lthit.l6. Ji_dAitlAAll1111RU twL ltd �•t aTroy of „ i!,; .,:lac au t, ,_ G 9 Bf�y° 1��q}j1J -pg ��t4 ��j j,, !agoheWh �n he Allies yeat'e Eggs- --New 1,I I. m :,1.1 ,t;�. 95 (o •i1,•: gj }�i g[�@ }}�YB��V, 7 �`�9 LIFE BY AUSTRIANS YPd tt71 q }d®'{II u �A.1,G,a^5da Ne , >„t;i rt, r, •1..•. ..10et stertor,'.. ON t3dLt,8H `rEd7 7>J !�% � ; to ,•I,-. ..-..,-- -tuft., n 1„•ullrs Stln i, 1; olurkons, —_._ — to . 1111111 ,•d , h, 1.111: 11 29, I'ewl. I •i' :tlu> T1111,`'.`-'•81 1'rtt chit. , 11 _, n lirs : Loris. , In' 240: a•rt•1. tt(.5, _ . ,a to a 10. 1. F 1',•1 „til 1 't 11110 I o?..: 53,5, - 12 oil.. $3: \ .$2. t» to 42.50. tr,tito 'Nos u:.1- 1.'9. 114 to 191'`. II l 1 . , 1,1 to I:', C.•S. 18 to 181x. I'.. t o n:o i:in, toted-Plrlad (:0511., 9• 1„ 80,-u. 1:'' l,d. han'I.1•i"6od, 1nx1I„ $ 82: ' 8 Ise to (70 Pott Prt.n , 1 119 't .. i •u'l,, 1 +.. ,_.1 4_ _u Provisions -Wholesale gut, •'.;01 meals- 1lan1s. m0111014 51 In t,.• 1 t 1 110 t,. 01119'1. 1 to 14e; rent 11x' in 301. Lm1U , }1st Laron 1,:1' 1,-, 1'1:1111. 1J In lit., 10!11,'0 lies4..-t 4ue less. ')a1' ho, 2s to 's • tort - Pure lard. t,rr,eee. 3C, to ;;41• 1 1!,.•. t•,3 to _ y palls -h, 21'' int 1, lll!,1, rte: :'14 to t. , tube.etjaae. lane 25 to Tetontleal 115ar).ets Bolshevik Premier Shot at by Members of Crowd in - Petrograd. A despatch from Petrograd says:. An Automobile carrying Nikolai Le - nine, the Bolshevik Premier, was fired 4117011 Monday night, when Ire wa1 driv, ing to a meeting of the Council of People's Commissaries. Fear shote 40011' fired. 1,enine was not hurt, but the Indicts shattered the windows of the automobile and a Swedish Socialist with the Premier was WOunde1 111 the hand. The attack lyes made just out- side the hall in which he had been ed- h:05818g 8,000 of the Red Guard., who were going to the front, As his auto- mobile swung through the crowd foto' Mots flashed in the darkness. One of the bullets missed its mark by only a' fele inches. S''ores of arrests were yl•mer81 .1 r 1 ' nrtt•' n1(le1e. 110:11,11. . to �0 1e, >Ir., No. 1 t ata 5 [ (54 9 1.0111 11119110. 112 _..._. _.. �....,5 _ ,n 1' - No. 1 l eat 14 111 to 11 t1 1.119; No, 1 loval uhU., cit to too, Flom•— S$1I pian >tr„litt al1.1 li; ttiiir�lani to tilting tet ut5 firsts d Russ I. 4::: W t tettlett 1 11, r$, lata, $5.25 46.4,.. ft, 1L•,1 oats • $\nips, 141 1115., $5.211. • Itra0, , Shorts, $4„ \II,1,l1i0g0, $4J $14-0..ih `�� rip• 8f .17 �J 11 to $liens. � C•1'1'� n•r•.,,•r 4' 5113": Ihlrsl , inns !1• gull 1'1 t —• 01'3% 4$5 ! $47,' w(, Ilul,0('01nt tn:8ul- .a,g.- -1l n star. $01„01 1 N1 :i • $'first 5,000 'Volunteers of New tett: \n sl ,1'l., a„ I et;'Iors• — 1', t hag; ,1 hitt. $ tea" to �, _ _., "Army of 1.\emocrac30 Leave Petrograd. Winnipeg CiraiaIt - - :;i own. g. :1'':14. 6.4'; 11 ,o1et.uto„s: A depateb from Petrograd says: s . . a 1'r,,rood, l:t t '11119 first 5,000 1 ntee s of the new. 3• . _ reed, 7410•. 1 tatil—Nn. a. Socialist army have left for the front, 1 �eti e•.. ; try; sled by one oe the most enthusiastic united States Markets dl,tit.e0 pole, ,Pen, Coe?, N. 3 y•11•,e. ,1.41 10 i; ' ('(1, \. 3 111 1U• o t„ 1' . i a1' un, l.an'a rd. 10 ,0. 1511 111. ,lin, f.i - 11 On 17..1.. • ' , ! : It ,I:rnaary'. - $ 11 1 1t re , 1 :'�.1,n, $.441 hid. I. r,., ,Lrr, $13,30, tTuu.,tt. demonstration,, the city has seen in months, Red Hags lined the route of the parade and scores of bands played revolutionary music. Ten thousand other volunteers for the new "army of denim:racy” are 1101' enrolling in the Petrograd district. 1(10)10. The l o;tanteers are responding to n special alretl1 to the people is - Siva Steell ttl'arkets sued by the Ttolehcviki Government '1•„1 2'41 Ile a I silt.\ g 1,.•use • lea t $11.,:, 1111.1,_8 ,a 1 I,,a•.> and by the Ru .;alar Commander -in - !flea', 11 1 '•, chief, Ensign Ioreeenko, 11 11-u 141 ) L, Sit.:' tn' n.,,. ,+f t, :11114,,. no. .--. •r,. n - 1010.10.0,' hurls, . _�"•.—. _ i , t ,,1 $$.2,1 s:' �� frr�t{f gFv DEFa Ito I'i, , 1,1/, to ••87.40, A &7AFifitil �h , . iS.771 I .,»:$1 10111r 47 1-. t.- .s 1 4 _ i. 1,•i?un �`7t R��'j9y tt9�frl5lhp <...'• 4 ...ante, , .n i•10.1 r•,, ac t„ EN E3V- f. ede•t ,1 •;,, rhuice. r• : 111; ,,1 31 „ 131oodv Re ulse For Ole Teutons f9 k IAT) 110(4,000 Men Reported to Have "Quit, Work in 'Vienna and Neustadt. London, Jan, 20.--A general sti'ilee is on throughout Austria, according 1.0 Ian Exchange Telegraph despatch from IParis to -day, which reports 100,000 nten quitting work in Vienna and Neu- stadt, closing down all the war fee- : tories. The strikers are described as :openly anticGerman and the 110011- ; meat as both political and economic, and especially aimed at securing ,1apace. Public demnnetratiollt, it is added, :151111: been held in malty places at 'which hostility towards Berlin for !trying to force the Austrian, to eon- tinue the war waS voiced. ALLIED WARSHIPS ATTACKOSTEND Bomb German Submarine Base on Belgian Coasi, London, Jan. 20, ---On the western front in France and Belgium the mili- tary operations apparently are in- creasing all along the line, as com- pared with those of the past fell' n '1 weeks, when little or no fighting, tg, ex- cept artillery duels and minor raids, 4-(410 carried out. Entente allied warships have bom- barded Germany's submarine Lase at Ostend, on the Northern Belgian coast, while around Ypres, helween Lens and St, Quentin, on the Chemin Dee Dames, on the St. Mihiel sects' and north of Ole Rhine -Marne Canal, there has been a notable increase in the operations by the infantry. The probabilities are with the return of gond weather the expected big battles may take place. Y- r I ,ASE IN CANADA'S TRADE n le r 111711 ' w1' t :l :.I'. d• l' -1,,i $la 111 On Sector Nearest ' eniCe. ' . , a. - 1 t :: 7 II, Slit: done - 11 inh..,.1 , r, 1 1, r , b. $18, A deepatch ftmn Italian Ileadguar- 011,'' : 1 ,1"1 "d 1 ,•1st $12: tets in Northern Italy, says: -The • r ., I1 '1. tnedi0m ," < t' •, 4 lit, 111'1 !tune'+, enemy has received another bloody re - ,a t c „n L,u1W: 41 .e, it se of the Lower Piave in ihe sector t�. h , .1„ire, ata ort p 1 t• sie.a. Rei ,,,,,e, sea. 1,, ee .na , nn- nearest Venice. Here his :dtack was bete. 5.. to =1•'' 1' 4114 1„ j(1 back four • aline, 11 1„ ,t,, 7 (( thrown 1. ac, aiarr .cur hours of 3:. , urs .,t1 ,7, :,,iii, u, 4ul: hood, desperate fighting, The enemy $u1- rh,:t• •,,•,:.:. 1111',,, - Oared heavy looses, the ground being _ _ .-�. , strewn with his dead. ' 121(81 11).1 .elftelleN 'The Italians captured 150 prisoners NEAR liF7"1 and a large quantity of grins raid • 12.111 . EA a1' RUSSIAN SilliATION GROWS MORE ACUTE --CONSTITUENT Y' DISSOLVED British Ambassador Believes That the Bolobeviki Have the Real Power in Russia and Will :'lail)tain ft By Force. Petrograd, Jan. 20.- The 1'nn tato.. ent Assembly has been d1•:. ,trod 1 \ the 13o1sllevilci authorities, it was at iicdally announced >' 1''1dny, Sado guards closed the a.•,etnbly at 1 o'clock yesterday morning. London, Join. '0, ---Sir George Buchanan, British Ambassador '1.41 Russia, who now is in London on Sark leave, on Saturday stated that wattle. tile. Petrograd despatiches indicated that the Social Revolutionaries had an actual majority in the Constituent As- aesnhly, that did not alter the fart that the Bolshewael bavo the real power and will maintain it by force ir nodes- sary. , The Bolsheviks doctrines, without doubt, are spreading through-; Wel, the velanle air Ramie., Sir. George I material. A cepa Leh from London 5alRt- 1'he following official eomnlunicattttn dealing with aviation was issued Thursday evening: "h' spite of eery bad .weather Wed evedaty night. Moles we're dropped 011 ! large .idin15 at Beeniolorff, thirty miles snntheust of lletz, and on the' (peavey su(Ith (1 -iteto. "All our lnach]n(•s returned.” dt1larcd, and they appeal 5pecitill!' iho-e who have Clothing 1„ lose, He. added Mat while he w i. 1111 111.10 to, forecast the future, he wa< convinced 'but Russia 119144' net tini,hed, herau-e '11''11 11 vast rountt•0 ('null\ 1101he dr,..: arrayed. - "1 believe that the hurtle hone ty and co:ninon-sen50 of the people win enable 118'1' t0 poll through,” Sir: Georg( as0('rted. The rood silaaidoti d+, Petrograd star very serious. he said, hut. the (;teat ma,iol•ityaf the British teeony hart left Petrograd, -The general opinion there i$ the' the food limy I'11]] ah:oot- utely this month." Sir George condud- ed, and 11' famine mines rine nay ex- pert anarchy, and with that everybody would be in peril," - '111(1 BRITISH DES'l'ROTF:Rs WENT iDO'lN IN i,ALE :1 despatch frrau London cess: -The! itrdti-h Admiralty' annotmee$ the lea,' of two torpedo-boat destroyers in a illent. (;'air• and x he:,0y snowstorm 11'1.1 n''d ty tight, 'elle veseele ran a.,hure 211 illy �1 !(111 coast ar.d were totally wreck- ed and all hands on board lu.:t, except one Atoll, Burst water -pipes may I,1' nlen(1511 by wrapping der leather tightly 04'01' the holes. The swelling of the o (lu. er, when wet, stop=( the leaks, • I• NS'd'� E 1'1' I1 .A k Aggregated $2,068,100,971 For Last Nine Months of 1917. ea despatch from Ottawa, Ont„ says: -For the nine. months of the fiscal year ending Dee. ^01st, the total trade of the Dominion aggregated $2,068,- 400,971, as compared with $1,700,337,- 790 for the same period last year. For December alone it was to the value of $218,305,644, as against $201,101,194 for December, 19.10. Exports from the Dominion for the nine months' period. included domestic products to the value of $1,2557,081 900. Domestic exports for the same period laat year NEARLY 500 PRISONERS. were to the value of X861 1129,813 __ 'Thede figures are egelusiV1. of voila A 180patch from Rome says: The ttltd 111(1111111, following 00tnnlunieation leas issued by the V,'ar Office on e relay: ":\long the whole of ihe ('runt, ��1 F t GAIN there have been brief artillery actionsiillit and limited patrol activity. Our artil- lery made ccmc'eutrntaorrR of fire on the reverse of Col Camille and Col lee1a TheHu:t1141Thenuenty!t ' (ire, which was leeee Heide!a;lniitet the .nr,theastern eiupa; of \}n111e11n, lta, an•.>1('eeti by British batteries, which shelled mn4- itna: troops between Minatold (;tnareg- ado. ''(h, the' :outluv'(1 51upee 1.11tiassu and (11 the northern ::lopes of Monte Soltlroio, enemy patrols Were (1011 en bock with hand grenades. Duthie: the 010tdous or Monday, Tue,day and Wednesday in the Aso - hove 11'en and east of Capp Silo, a tu1a1 of thirteen o0icers aunt 478 met and 18 machines and two hntnb-lhl'nll''r:+ here captured," • IN vac . r^ a, :�,dl'ail0e tan a Four -Mile Front Twelve Miles North of ;Jerusalem. Landon, Jan. 20, The War Office list night tesued the following Mate - meat ill regard to the operations in P tleetine: "yesterday 11Ur 1111e 10112 advanced to a maximum depth of a m110 011 a'1- tnile front in the neighborhood of Duvall, twelve 11)ile04 north or .le•u- 1alem, Soma in•1aoners wore captor.. ed." llilter Conflict Between Bolelhe- viki and Ukrainians. • A despatch from London say s: -"The Stockholm Ukrainian Information Bureau announces that it is in .130,4800- $1.011 014819„Sion 01' information showing that the Russian 1301$110viltd troupe are tearing up railroads, ileetroyitlg stations and undermining bridges in order to cap- ture 0t' disperse Ukrainian troops c'om- 11117 nnrtlnvatrcl. The bureau sites the Bulshevilci troops repeatedly have lured 'Ukrain- ian units into as trap near illin:!k, disarmed then, committed various deeds of violence and sent them north as prisoners, The announcement. adds that great numbers of German prlson- e1's are returning from Siberia and that the Ukrainians are taking their places, GERMANS NOT BUYING THIS YEAR'S WOOL ('LIP A despatch from liuen04 Aires, Ar- gentina, says; The 1 91 7 wool crop is now nearly all shorn, and while not quite so large as that of last year 1s, however, regarded here as highly .sat- isfactory in quantity, quality and price. The largest buyers on the wool market to -day are the 081011ls representing the Entente Allies, who are purchasing large quantities de- stined to the lumlles. American buy- ers are 11(00 familiar figure:a on the marketand flu a 101$ 111068 secou 1 onh' to the hrench and English re- presentative(:', The German firms are not buyers to any- great extent, but they are ah:ay', on the spot and generally ready to do Itusine50 in small Iota at low prices. These German firma angst, indeetd, Itul;1 an etla'moa14 stock oe wool in thole warehoises; they were large buyers in 1914 and 1015 and middling laid yru', and, while not having; bought. much this season, date to the high prices, they have not been tempted to unload their stocks on to the market, which they could have dare at great profit, Apparently they propose holding out till the end o1' the w•ar, and to be pre- pared for the ensuing commercial eon- Hiet. DYING BY SCORES FROM PNEI'MONIA. A despatch 11'ent Fengehen, Shnnei ;Province, China, says: The hotbed of the pueumolie-typo plague prevalent here and in ether parts o1' Shaes1 Ih•n- vinee, is at present Paolechow', un. the Hoang -Ido, west of Ningwufu, and the villages surrounding it. The nit- ' tires are dying by seore5 ill the street,. Appeals for help are being seal broadcast by the American doe - :tore, recently sent into the Province to investigate the plague conditions, .1AM1A1('A'e0ISSUE WAR BREAD AND CAE ES. I_ 4 despatch Prost Kingston„Jamaica, says: The (leve•nntent has announced regulations for the issue of war bretui, value and buns. Only 50 per cent.. of wheaten flour luny be used, Further Iregulations ore expected soon, g'11 to leav the Red ('roes. hospital at Hampton 1fii1, England, where he is now• recoe'e eying, he helve to he -of further service ' to the Allied cause. ILying on his cot in the English hos- , pita] five weeks ago young Bogaert told to his father for the first time the whole story of his terrible experience and miraculous escape from death. • Because of his ability to speak ie 1 nch Flemish and German, and his acepiainlanee with the country which is now the chief theatre of war 011 the western front. young; Bogaert has 'for the last year been used as a guide to pilot detat•hmeute to the front-line trenches. Early- in the 1.141' he was i wounded twice, but soon recovered and rejoined his command, which was in the thick of the fighting in Flan- r1P1`s. It lits after the hart) rtuupaign there and his command was transfer - !red 10 the vicinity of bens to smash the Hindenburg line that he had lite l terrible experience that nearly ended his career. In the fighting around I Lens for eighteen days ire was- under constant lire in the first-line trenche0 without evert having time to undress and \villi only sualches of food. At • the end of that time'the idne•where he was fighting w:4n forced by a powerful, onslaught of the Germane and many I pti,oner,: W999 taken. 1 RETURNING TROOPS DOCK A'1' ST. JOIIN• A deep:etch from St. John, N.B„ says: A large trap: pol't docked he'e ea Thursday with some ninety pee- , sengers, thirty of them ('auad1an off\- cere homecoming from war, included among* 1110111 was Capt. 1'. B. (loch- . burn, of 11nmilton, n graduate of the Royal Military College at Kingstan, ILK1eekINle 131('OMES AI'1'ONOJ1Oi'S 15F0111311fe A despatch from 510c•kholm says; !'Phe proclamation of Turkestan as an autonomous republic, allied to the Fede ' 0:0\11 republic of Russia, is announced 111' the Ukraine. Three Days 111 a Shell Hole, Rather• t11:ur t 111 into ill: hands. of • the Teutons youlag Bogaert and ser - oral or hie comrades tool( refuge in 1 shell hole., while the tide of battle ;wept over them. For three day's, he i says, they remained in these shell holes, without 10011 or chink, xurrouud- ed by piles of dead and with a con--ei) staant rain of shells over nod arnnn,T them. 't'hr'ee of 1,18 c•nntradeS in the heli hole with hint died of W0tind5 ':11,1 privation, but he still - t rheri=bed hopes of rescue. On the third night, whoa there waR Et lull in the fighting, young Bogaert, (under cover of darklt,' o , erliwled, v; it:l :several of his comrades, who were barely alive, nil of their subte•,'anean retreat in the hope 141' reaching a place of comparative ss'fet3,' nein r ejoi11in117 the Allied forces. While dragging ltimeel1' :::ant; the hPl!-torn field, and groping his way rn'er the nile4 of dead, a shell eepl(ded within an 1014' yards 0f 151m, scattering •anrapl101 in every direction, stunning and wounding him, In thie c ct,Aitiml young 130gatee lost his gn, mask. and • before he. could recover it 101,1 her shell from the Germans loosed ((1)110)1 gas, 101111 the view, young 130!. 1. I1 Says, of asphyxiating the wounded 1el';. 011 t110,,,* hattlelicld. Bn1'aerf lxt, mo 001'00'. $(./011 and • renumbered 11:hi!13 !for thirty-six horn's, r181(11n:11g 1,:1 11119 field all that time. Picked 1.'p For 1)1. 11. In the lnecultinle, the .\Ili,.',) forces had driven beck- lite Gernn with a powerful counter-tat:tele :eel 81',' ag'ttin in 1711101 1011 o1' that leapt t of the field where Bogaert lend 1,111011. The Canadian 801di01's, 111 going over tall' ground to gather up ilea dead, found hitt( with other victims of ln' strive glc, }ticked him up and eft; lied him toward a death Wagon, th:nitirtg he was a 190113148. Bogaert says he wits. lair; Dui with It long lute of dead to 11w011, 1011'411, 13111 when the burying lamed came along to genet'\ Ow bodies Bog's 1't had par- tittlly reentered rront the erects of 1119 gas and, exhibiting signs of life, he was tarried back out of the lines to be. given attention. Under first-aid tree:m- 01 1101ae't rapidly revived and will lata' taken to a French hospital in ('(dads, There ire remained three weeks, Mitt] he 40115 table to be sent to the Red (Toss hos- pital at Hampton 11i11,.Engltuul, where his father found hint saner 11 sero) which earned him all over France and Belgium. Salmon can be used instead of code fish in potato calces.