HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1918-01-31, Page 1l3 New Series Vol. fay, No, 5 Mrs. g. Muriess Jones Supported by K. J Francis and iss k abeHHe Gould of Toro to and a cast of Seaforth Players Presents Wit $ n The 1r w New York's greatest sensational drama In Four Acts Cardno9s Opera House Tuesday Feb. 5, 1918 at 8 p. m. sharp. No one admitted during acts. Small children not allowed MI Seats Reserved 50cts. Plan opens at C. Aberhart's Drug Store on Monday Jan. 28th at 12 o'clock ,noon ! Proceeds to be donated to the Red eross "OLYMPIA" RESTAURANT AND eONFEt2TIoNk RY CHRISTMAS OANDY —oan you imagine a real Christmas without it? Wo have a large assortment, including everybody's favor- ites, and all the -CURDY WE OFFER ie soiiitarily made from pure ingredients, fresh, attractive deletions and harmlose Fresh Fruits of all kindsalways on hand. Our home made oandiee always the beet. Ohooaletes, °armete, Bon -Bons Bt;;Taffiee a specialty, Armenian Relief Fund FURTHER OONIRIBU'TIONS Phillip Harris Mrs. 'Neil Gillespie Mies Francis Fowler Mise Florence Cresswell Mr, and Mrs, W, Blaok Mrs, Robt, Jones Mrs, A. M, R, W. B. Jamieson Mrs, J. F Grieve . $ 2,00 I.00 2,00 25 00 5,00 500 5 00 1,00 2,00 Subscriptions will be gratefully re- 0eivod this weak and next and then the fat will close. lire' me frsd upon the vitality of ehildeen and endanger their lives, A simple (Id t•fftctive pure in Mother Graves Worm Exterminator Mrs We 0. Raid SW1EORTH, ONTARIO, THURSIMAY,J JANUARY 31 Nis The Navy Euchre Though the night wee a very stormy and cold one, the Enehre Party given for the Navy, on Friday evening last was well attended. Chloe inside the room, the warm welcome of the Com- mittee at 01100 mad° forget all the cold outside and soon the tables were well tilled and play started. With varying fortunes the players enjoyed the game till midnight when play ceas- ed and 0(10(1 served Mayor Stewart then tools the chair and announced that over $100 had been made. The prize senators were Mrs. H. McMillan, Mr, Broderick, Milia M, Johnston and Mr, H, Edge '1'ne Mayer and Ex. Mayor pl'eeeuted medals to the returned soldiers. Lieut Smillie responded in a neat little epeaoh. A program woe then enjoyed for an flour. Solos were given in exgnisite veli0e by Mr, Joe Sills, Mise Belson, Mr, Marko and Mr, Hart. All were encored again and again The Committee deserve every praise for the way in which the different parts entrusted to them were carried out County Council Warden it. W. Elliot in his inaugural address, referred to the war eituation and the need for adequate provision for Red Oross and patriotio purposes, In the evening the members of the Oounci' were the guests of County Treasurer Lane and County Clerk Holman at a smoker at the Hotel Bedford. At the morning section the usual grants to agricultural societies, librar• les, eto,, were passed, and a grant of $8,000 was given to the Red Cross sew - tug circles in the county, $12,000 was granted to the Red °rose fund, and a of $500 to the Y, M. C. A. to furnish hot drinks for the boys at the front. The grant to the patriotic fund was $S,000 a month. The standing committees were ap• pointed as follows: Executive, G. N. Petty, J . N. Campbell, 11, W Living- stone, James Ford and S T, Plumb finance, B W F Beavers, 1', Harburn, A'ripling, J. M. Govenlook and J. La poste; special, AE Erwin, M Armstrong J Douglas, W H Fraser and J Hackett; eduoation, John Love, J Laithwaite, H Crich, J McKinley, and T K Powell, road and bridge, W H Lobb, G Young, N Taylor, Jos. Dalton, 3 Mallough;, county property, W E Clark, T Brook, McNabb, W J Spotton, R Harding; house of refuge, J Moi{inley, T Brock, Laithwaite, W Beavers; warden's K. committee, It Harding, C, 0 Petty, T IC Powell, J Govenlock and M Arm- strong, At the afternoon loesio0 a Targe dap• ntation, representing the Ohildreu's Aid Society of the county was present and addr8sees by Polite Magistrate Kelly of Goderieb, 3 J Kelso, of 'Permute, and Mr Mitchell President of the Huron Society were given, urging the need of a shelter fur the county The warden indicated that the Council would take tate matter into ooneideration and would likely purchase the shelter. Seaforth lost ono of its finest resi- dents in the death of Mre William 0. Reid, as well as one of the oldest citi• sans. The deceased was ill only one week with pneumonia, All that loving hands could do was done, but the gentle spirit took its flight to the other world on Thursday last, Mrs Isabella Reid Was the eldest daughter of the late Phomas Knox, of Harphurhey where she wee born. Her hoaband who died about seven years ago, was a hard ware merchant in Seaforth, Ono sit. ter, Mrs Hicks, of Seaforth, and one brother in Britieh Colombia survive, Tho late Mre Reid was one who will be Very much missed in Seaforth among the poor, to whom she was vary charts. able, She was ale° a good, kind neigh= bor, She wns a member of the Auglioan (,thumb. The funeral was held on last Saturday to tate berm/try at Herphur- hey, The set'yiees were condeotoa by Roy T, B, Brown of St Thomas Church committee to take charge of good road oonetrnetiou was Hammell as follows: Reeves Harding, Govenlook and Brook. It was also resolved that a district ag. ricultural representative should be se- emed for the °amity with headgnartols in Clinton. Bylaws were passed Op- painting 1 A Ford and Work Holman as criminal justice auditors, at a salary of $4 per day and to 0. per Haile one way; also appointing Abner Cousins and Peter Can talon auditors for other 1100000(8 at a salary of $25 each. Th 0000011 concluded at r2 o'oloolt •o BOMBING R. F, C. Cadets Take Course In Bomb- In at Toronto University. So rapid has been the advance Made duffing tho past two ('8818 in aerial war fare that every aviator now trained by the Royal Plying Corps is pnt through many phases of worts, Not the least interesting branch of his studies comas under the head of Bombe and Bomb - Sighting. Indeed, the fascination and skill that this work involves, no lees than the exigencies of aerial warfare, have made bombing a highly special- ised branch of the service, At the school of Military Aeronautics, whioh 1t' located at The Toronto University the facilities provided for training are unusually elaborate. In aiming to hit a given target with a bomb the aviator has to take into consideration his altitude, the speed at which he it; travelling, the weight of his bomb and the winds power of de• fleotion, This is a matter of nine calc- ulation, He cannot aim a bomb as he would a gun, so he must release the bomb when he reaches the right spot. To aid him in calculating this, he has a bombeighting device. At the School of Military Aeronautics he learnt' thor- oughly the use of this d,evlbee from both the theoretical and practical standpoint For training cadets in bomb dropping a model aeroplane has been oonstruoted' beneath which moves a target painted tc represent theappearenoe of ground from a height of 4000 feet, This tar get is electrically operated, The cadet by using the "joy stick" and rudder controls of the model aeroplane, which is stationary, moves the target instead of the machine. This gives the exact effect of manoeuvring the aeroplane for position above an actual target as Been from the air •Objestivee can be clear- ly marked on this target with chalk. When the cadet has sighted his object he releases a miniature `bomb' which indicates whether he has sighted aoour atoly or not. By this novel arrange- ment ho oan gain much practice in this course and oan develop both judgement and skill under conditions which even though artificial, approximate very closely to actual bomb dropping from tho air. The various types of bombs and their wee form a study in themselves, Cadets uta the School of Military Aeronautics are shown the construction of each dif- ferent type with bombs that have some 8001(0ne out away. They are also in- etruoted how to handle those deadly weapons safely—arid effectively, The executive oommittee of the oouno 1 with George C. Petty of Hensall, as chairman, recommended the lopping off of numerous grants the Oounoil has been in the habit of granting and the Council to some extent concurred its the oommttees recommendation The grants to the agricultural societiea and women, Inetuteo were refused and the motion to grant $600 was reduced to $3oo to the Y M 0 A for soldiers com- forts. The 'motion to grant 58000 for the purchase of a shelter was refused, However, the Oouncil decided to ap- proach the councils of Lambton and Brune to see if arrangements could be made for a joint shelter with these counties or one of them if not both; and a committee, consisting of the warden olerk, and A Tipling, was appointed for this purpose The roads and bridge oonmittee'e re- port recommended the taking up of the good roads system in the county, and Nr B.ubeer of the good roads de- partment, of Toronto, was present to advise with the 001111811 on the dotaile of road otmetruetiou, The committee reeotnntenled the equilization of the a1nouut0 aunt in by the different mu- tiiotpalities every live yours, A opeoia THANKS Mrs Geo. Smithers A very ellddel death took plate on Monday when Mrs. George Rmithers who five weeks ago broke her hip and thinly expired although previonely feel. lug troll, She was 04 years of age. For 38 years she lived in Seafurtli whon 4years ago she went to Toronto to live, She was of a very bright diepoeition and had tnauy friends whom her kind and thoughtful disposition held to tho Iret, Besides the bereaved husband a family of three daughters and two sous survive, Mrs. Wm. Oughton, Mrs .10110 Solater lied Wm, of town; Thomas of British Columbia and Mabel at home, The tuuoral takes place today to the Maitlandbank Cemetery. Manley 0d4r. Jolitl Deite gave an at horse re- cently and all had an enjoyable time until the wee hours in tate morning al wishing their host and hostess many years of happineeo in their new home Jack Frost has held the reins of pow er of late and has peeped in whore he had never done before. The 'late storms have left the road in alt impassible condition, Every body is busy gathering up the fragmemts of the pine swamp 02/ account of the soaroity of fuel, Seaforth, lata, 3o/r8 To the Mayor and Oitirens of Seaforth • I wish to convey my thauke for the kindness you have shown me(with your own town boys) by presenting me with an emblem of your esteem for duties dont in France. 1, not being a Seaforth boy, hardly expected such, therefore 1 appreciate the favor bestowed very much and no matter where my future duties may tall me l will always look bank with pride and respect to Sea. forth's loyal sons and daughters, To those who have loved ones that have made the supreme saorifloe I wish to tender my sympathy, Having drunk of the bitter oup of sorrow myself I can feel for you. Their lives were given up for a noble cause (liberty of the world) which is Ohristlike. Their nausea may not appear on the pages of history, but will be oherfshed by those who knew them, for all time, Thanking yon again I remain, Pours for the Empire, • J A McKay, The Old Time Dance in aid of THE RED CROSS will be repeated Cardno's Opera Hall Monday Evening, Feb. 11th 1918, The same ttlusicans and Floor Manager's During Intermission Drawing for the Dia a mond Ring donated by Miss Lukes in aid of the Red Bross Dancing commences at half past eight o'clock Ladies bring eake or Sandwiches Gentlemen $1..00 Gallery 25 cents A. D. Sutherland, Secretary (de Never Tire if the Regina tf"a/c'It, !1'e do ,tot know of a Regina fY,rl,11 owner who /ras sh ed of his Reg.. ma 1•i'a'rh. In e mmeh as '•..4 Satisfied Customer is the ,Br.i( Advertisement- we .rugge,4 that Regina Watch is «goof/ hey, We ah.rolrrtr/y guarantee them and cell them at /ram $7.0q efz arcurdit,g to ,4r• {',•ads. Jyfsb kDl ti agr flour Inutrlpnakrr Ac Cilart(rhut pp�� Ziaatter aeitrriapr 1brr,tere Phones • 4i Business 194 Evenings .10 The Store you will always like 11. vu 40,14.2r47,4,4 2KurffIg. Special Gas Our Ready to Wear Department was never in better shape at anis season of the year to give big values, and in many Instances you can make your dollar do E,doublei duty by6 acting quickly. ent Sale Down They Go IMEINSWILMMOR i_ The Prices on LADIES' WINTER APPAREL COATS SUITS SKIRTS FURS You'll find it an easy natter to get the very garments you I need for winter use;,' at a ,;reduction price that means dole' (Oars saved for:' you Tif youxicome at once, �. Mactavis SIETIFice)RTlR