The Seaforth News, 1918-01-24, Page 7DOWN A TREE HUN,. 1'
Foremen of a Now Mexico Mine
Whose Clean Habits Undoubtedly
Saved His Life.
The amount of "killing" that o man
who has "lived clean" can endure is a
very strange -Meg. Plea have boon
shot theough and through, mangled in
machinery and torn by will beasts,
'yet have lived to latigh over their ner-
vow esbapes. The -foreman in a New
Mexico mine still gives order:: to his
men after a fall that, accordirg to 11
precedent, should have killed him,
Joe Kalder 15 a very short but pow-
erful man. He stands a shade less
than five feet in height, has a body
that is as compact as that of a pony
mule, and is unswervingly temperate.
He has never used limner or tobacco,
and he is said to be the embeaten
wrestling champion of the mine cvew.
Leading down from the thousand-,
foot level there in an old- worked -out
winze in which the timbering, has rot-
ted. Not Ling ago the superintendent
had light braces placed across the
The Weekly
0111 Good -,Byes and Irowd)!-D0s,
The old goodhyps and howdy-dosl
Now there's a theme to tax your muse
And make it switch from tears to
And back again to tears, thewhiles;
No polished rhyme, but just a Arabi
As soft and low as April rain,
That mime.: "good-bye" to kith and
Then change your tune to Homo Agin!
Oh, who can dream the sort of rhyme,
That eheds the tears of leaving time?
Good-bye to mother, smutched with
The staunchest friend you'll ever:
To limo, to trees, the hunting pup,
evitneon ranablers climbing up
To -twist around the heart of you,
And tighter than they ever do!
And sing it eoft and low to fit
The parting and the pain of iti—
To fit the way a: fellow feel
When old familiar places steals
Apast him on the wagon road—
The boyhood ' spots .he's always
And make the tear that's in his eye
To rhyme a fellow's tont "good-bye."
Then chuck a faster tempo in,
To sing a fellow Homo Agit-1i—
Back home agin where lie was riz
An' orter staid, as saying is!
His mother's greeting, father's, too,
The Bees of this suit make it appro- And friend's and neighbor's, ohowdy-
priate for thin materialas well as do!
winze all the way down, wherever the
woollen ones. The vest may be omit- The extry chair and table set,
need seemed greatest. He planned to
ted if so desired. McCall Pattern No. That mother's keeping for him yet!
retimber the winze later.
One day Joe was on the thousand- 8179, Ladies' Coat Suit. In 7 sizes, You poet chaps! You sit and dream,
0. foot level, standing at the edge of the
34 to 46 bust7.P8rice 20 cents. And seem to think the only theme
winze giving orders42
to some of his That people like is in the skies!
men. One of them, who saw that the Sit down by me and drop your eyes—
foreman was very near the brink, Ease off a while and get your tine
said: In perfect pitch and tune with mine,
"Look out, Joe. You're getting Then try a sort of keerless muse
mighty close to the dropping -off place, On "Old Good-byes and Howdy -dos."
and that old winze is three hundred —John D. Wells,
feet deep."
Joe. "My nerves aren't all shot to
"Don't worry about me, Jack," said FOUND OUT.
t\ hilL
pieces by forty rod whiskey, like A Real Scotsman Calls His Capital
City "Edinboro."
The words were scarcely out of, his
mouth when a rock that weighed about When a man with social aspivations
tis discovered and proclaimed to be no
two pounds dropped from the roof of
Th s simple little dress, requiring so
the drift. It hit Joe on the head, and gentleman, the shock to his vanity is
little material, has the popular pleat -
he swayed forward, then back. Before ed skirt and Empire waistline. Mc- usually severe, But Mr. Laurence
Hutton, •the English writer and friend
of many distinguished men, once en-
joyed—and he did enjoy it!—an ex-
perience not exactly the reverse, but
certainly the same with a difference,
faHilea4sinvds, tas himself,
f atnellinhgts A
aBrander Matthews, has recent-
ly reported it.
When he VMS a very young man
Hutton had filled for a short time a
place In a wholesale produce company,
which bought from the market gar-
deners and sold to the grocers. As his
customers were plain people he always
took off his gloves at least two blocks
away from the store. One day a farm-
er came in and greeted him with a
question about a rival commission
house, Mr. Hutton explained that it
was a competitor, and that therefore
he knew little about it, but that, so
far as he knew, the members of the
company were gentlemen.
"That's just what I thought," re-
plied the plainspoken farmer. "1 ain't
no gentleman myself, and I don't pro-
pose to do business with no gentle-
men. I'll sell my goods to you!"
How a man of no manners vainly
pretended to be what he was not, Mr.
Hutton end Mr. Matthews once saw
together on an Atlantic voyage; and
Mr, Hutton helped to bring about his
undoing with the rest of the company.
The man was loud -mouthed and offen-
expected a rock to crack me as it had blood makes in the development of sive and blatantly self -laudatory; he
Toe. But I touched bottom at last in womanly, health. Every headache, declared that he was a Scotsman, at
tangle of brace timbers. I had my every gasp for breath that follows sailor, a great traveller and a seer of
miner's lamp, of course, and 1 turned the slightest exertion by the anaemic strange sights.
it on Joo. He was lying among the girl, every pain she suffers in her back After an unusually protracted re -
timbers as 12 118 were asleep. I listen- and limbs are reproaches if you have velation of his peculiarities, this per -
ed with my ear on his chest and heard not taken the best steps to give your son left the emoking room one after -
his heart beat, and I got the rope on weak OH now blood, and the only noon. The door banged behind him
him as quick as I mild, Then I Mg- sure way to do so is through the use and a hush fell upon the crowd, Mr.
nailed for them to hoist away, and of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Hutton waited a moment and then, ad -
they hauled him up. After that they New, rich, red blood is infused the dressing Mr, Matthews, but raising
got mo out, and we carried him over to the system by every dose of these his voice a little so that it carried, he
"/ have no desire to say anything
against the gentleman who has just
left us—but he is not a Scotsman, as
he says he is. He says `Edinburg.'
Whereupon a quiet little man in a
bottle, and the superintendent tried to how promptly their influence is bit in far corner looked up from his game of ,
force some down Joe's throat. At that halter health. patieneNd contributed this:
he gave a strangling sort of cough, You can get these pille through any "He 8111'?; no sailor, neither. He spits
opened his eyes, looked from ono to dealer in medicine or by mail post- to windward."
the other of us and said, 'Give mo wa- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes And then again silence enveloped
ter instead of that stuff. It tastes bet- for $2,50 from The Dr, Medi- the smoking room,
ter and works better.' eine Co., Brookville, Ont.
"We carried him over to his house
and got him into bed, where the com-
pany surgeon examined him. Not a
bone was broken nor was there an open
wound, but you ought to have seen the
pnrple bruises! Ile was a mass of
these, all the way from where that
rock had ,begun the trouble to his
Joe was away from work three -days,
and then he carne limping back to the munition plants.
skip. Although he was stiff and lame,
he was able to direct his crew. In the
three hundred feet that he fell he had
taken a multitude of drops of ten to
a man of the crew could move, he went
over backward into the winze. The
crew sprang' to the edge and looked
down. They saw Joe, on his side, just
sliding off the first brace, which was
ig only a short distance down. They
watched him with fascinated eyes.
As he dropped off the timber his
legs swung under and he hit the next
brace, eighteen feet below on the other
side. The impact of his body knocked
the brace loose and sent it clattering
down the winze. Rocking from side to
side, now on his left, then on his right,
to land on his back and, over again to
his face, he went out of their sight in
the gloom of the winze. All the braces
went with him, and the crash and
clatter filled the shaft.
Back After Three Days.
The "kid" of the crew stood among
the others, white-faced and frighten-
ed. He weighed a scant hundred and
thirty pounds, and no other man there
weighed less than a hunclrecl and sixty-
five. They had a half-inch rope that
would reach the bottom, They asked gives her daughter a course with Dr.
the boy if he dared go down on that, Williains Pink Pills, which renew the
and he nodded, with a gulp. They blood supply and banish anaemia bo -
knotted the rope about his body, and fore it has obtained a hold upon the
cyst ern.
Out of their own experience thou-
sands of mothers know that anaemia
Is the sure road to worse ills. They
knew the difference that good red
call patern No, 7428, Girl's Empire
Dress. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years.
Price, 15 cents.
These patterns may be obtained.
from dealer,
your local McCall or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond Se, Toronto,
Dept. W.
When a girl in her teens becomes
Peevieh, listless and dull; when neth-
ing seems to interest her and dainties
do not tempt. her appetite, you may be
certain that she needs more good
blood than her system is provided
with. Before long her pallid cheeks,
frequent headaches, and breathless-
ness and heart palpitation will con-
firm that she is anaemic. Many
mothers as the result of their own.
girlhood experience can promptly de-
tect the early signs of anaemia,'and the
wise mother does not watt for the
trouble to develop further, but at once
he'''swung off, with four men holding
the rope.
"It seemed like an till -day trip to
me," be said afteewards.. "I could feel
my scalp crawling all the One, for I
to the main shaft and put him in the
"When we had him on the surface
we spread him out on the mill floor,
and the superintendent called for
qs4 whiskey. One of the men brought a
pills. From this new, rich blood
springs good health, an increased ap-
petite, new energy, high spirits and
perfect womanly clevelopment Give
your daughter Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and take them 303(0012 and note
British Women and the War.
Some idea of the huge and import-
ant part British women are playing in
the war is seen from the following
One and a quarter million women do-
ing work formerly done by M81).
Eight hundred thousand women it
Two hundred and fifty-eight thou-
sancl women on the land.
Eighty three thousand women in
government offices,
'twenty feet, but none longer than that. Forty thousand women somewhere
Ile left the whim clear of its brace in France working at military bases,
timbers all the way down. Sixty thousand women voluntary
"It was clean living that saved me
just as much as the braces,' he said
again and again. "If I had been shot
to pieces by dissipation, I would have
been deed before r was halfway
A basket baby coach allows the air
to sift in from bottom and aides. In
geld weather line it with several thick -
hospital workers.
Between six and seven hundred wo-
men patrols.
Thet is only part 01 11. There are
also great numbers of home women
who give part of their time to war th-
The growth of wheat is quickened
itt the spring and grass seeding le
/team ot paper if you would keep more certain with a toll -dressing of
tidal Werra. • manure in Jowly win*,
As Described by Escaped Serbian
A certain number of Serbian prison -
ere of war have succeeded in making
their escape from Germany into Hol-
land, whence they have come to Lon-
don, says the Morning Post. These
men Were distributed in various parts
of Northwestern Germany to do field
work. They describe the state of af-
fairs in Germany as very bad, pavtic-
ularly in regard to food shoetage, but
as not yet desperate, The German
people are beginning to groan under
the iron discipline of imperial militar-
ism; they aro irritable, and their nerve
is undoubtedly shaken. The people
were told that the war would be over
by this Christmas, and are depressed
at :the certain prospect of falsified
Every one is talking of peace, bet
talking in whispers to avoid arrest and
pc:m.11)1y being sent to the front. The
adult populetion, these men report, is:
not starving, but the mortality among
the childreo, owing to poor feeding, is
I very great A large number of chil-
have been sent to ollend, or dis-
tributed 111 the'
Villages in tho hone
that they may there survive this crisis.
The most 80110U1( conditions prevail
in the -great towns, where frequently
bloody confilete 0900r between His
famished mobs and the pence, In :the
villintee, however, one may 14-09 et any
time ar
etving people from the towns
begging for bread. Nobody talks about
the military operations, but. every she.
0099, or reverse, makes itself felt
101101110 tle people, "Very often we
911W1:110 whole family weeping," say
these Serbian eel:tier:a; "the gather-
ings together of families. for meals
were often the Saddest oceasioes
Often we 0101 people weeping—men as
well as women--hy the roadside,"
Cofiee, there is none; instead of cof-
fee they are frying acorne and rye alai
drinking the liquid. The whole of the
metal eurruncy--nickel as ell us sil-
ver—has 18300 withdrasvn, email
stamps being used as stibstitutee,
Those who have tried to retain mee-
al money have not profited, since it has
been pronotmced illegal tender and
they themselves are proeecuted, Live-
stock for the army 19 requisitioned
every month. The bread of a whole
village is baked in one place, and is
black as earth.
While the populations of large cities
How to loon a tender corn
or ealitto co It lifts out
without pain,
0 -se -0 -0- 0- -0 0 -0-0-0-0
Let folks step on your foot h
er; ere-
aftweer shoes a 81814 50(51101'
you like, tor cures will 1101'80 again
• send electric
:harks of pain through
toitiliwr,aitcycordlaig to 111!sein
ls cinnati
110 says that a few drops of a drug
called freczoi,e, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instautly re-
lieV09 soreueee and 1.1 01(1116
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug dries at olive and :simply
shrivels up the corn or (111100 without
oven irrituting the sureouuding tissue.
A small bottle of freezono obtained
((1 tuts drug store will cost very little
but will positively remove every hard
or soft corn Or callus from one's foot,
11your druggist haslet, 1(100110(1 this
new drug yet, tell Wm to get a email
bottle of fre.ezone for you from his
wholesale drug house.
R(JRAL .1.1i17UNGRY.
Dwellers in ITamlets Add Mutterings
To Loud Complaints in Cities.
Germany are uttering loud corn-
_ plaints on insufficient supplies of in -
y dispensable provisions, the Conserva-
tive organ, the Reichsbote, declares
t that dwellers in ;the country districts
y and small towns also are suffering se-
. verely. It says:
"Besides rations of bread and pota-
toes, dwellers in the country and small
towns receive every fortnight only 200
- grammes of meat (about one-half a
pound), often not even this amount.
1 For growing children there is no pos-
sibility of getting anything in place of
- meat. There is not even a regular sup-
ply of jam,"
The correspondent says the lack of
food suitable for children, especially
milk for babies, forces parents to see
them pine away,
Baby's Own Tablets Is the cul
,medicine a mother ,needs for her lit
tle ones, They are a gentle bu
thorough laxative which instantl
relieve all stomach and bowel dire
ders thus banishing all the minor ill
of little ones. Concerning them Mrs
.Toa. Levesqoe, Se Simon, Que., says
—"Baby's Own Tablets are a marvel
0115 1110(11(3100 for little 0210(4. TINY
neer rail to cure stoinaeh and bowe
troubles and neither my eister-in-law
or myself would use any other inedi
eine for our little ones." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
0 1
New Model of a Device to Protect
Vulnerable Organ.
General Delorme, inspector general
of the French army surgeons, strongly
recommends to the Academy of Medi-
cine the adoption of a steel euriass for
protecting the 901111 from bullets aim-
ed at his heart. Ever since the war
began scientists have been striving to
perfect some metal protection for the
soldier's heart, his most vulnerable or-
gan. Two surgeons, Daigre and
Louppe, in December, 1015, had ' their
Models tried out but since each oe the
metal breastplates weighed twenty-
six pounds they were discarded, These
models covered the whole uppee body
and were extremely cumbersome.
Delorme's model is. two milimeters
in thickness, a light thing, weighing
not over a quarter of a pound and
lying onlyenn the left side of the chest,
immediately over the 'heart. It is not
calculated to stop bullets fired at close
range, but it will turn all small pro-
jectiles at long range and will render
shrapnel and shell splinters havmless.
Made of strong chrome -nickel steel it
is sewn into the lining of the coat, at
the left of the buttonhole, reaching to
the .collar of the coat so that it will
not hamper movements of tile arm.
& IfieriVE Granulated Eyelids
1., ..,-7.,„Sore Eves, Eye& Inflamed byi
,..f., .> ,st,„,, 1,tisfand Wind quickly
- rellevedby Marine. Try it In
....,‘J., ji
., Your Eyes and in Baby's Brea
- NoSmarting,JustEyeCemfort
Iiihiline Eere Bernet' tettifrerelarrifttrieghig
Eye Salvo, In Tubes Do. Pnt solof 100 013,— Pros,
Ask Menem Eye Remedy Co.. 401180080 14
When measuring hay in stacks it is
necessary to find the length, width,
and the distance from the ground on'
one side, over the top, to the ground
on the other side. .Add the width
and the "over" and divide by four.
Multiply the resulting number by it.
self, then multiply by the length. For
hay in the stack ninety days, divide by
512, and for 120 days, divide by 485.
The answer will be tons.
MInard's Liniment Co„ Limited,
Gentlemen,—Last winter I received
great benefit from the 1150 of MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT In a severe attack
of La Grippe, and I have frequently f
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflammation,
Yours, .1
If Stomach Hurts
Drink Hot Water
L Physician's Advice.
"If dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind
or natulence, stomach acidity or sour-
ness, gastric catarrh heartbu t
would take a. teaspoonful of pure bisu-
rated magnesia In half a glass of hot
water Immediately after eating, they
would soon forget they were ever af-
flTed with stomach tremble, and doe -
to s would have to look elsewhere for
pa lents," In explanation of these words
a well known New 'fork physician stated
that most forms of stomach trouble are
due to Stomach acidity and fertnentation
of the fond contents of the stomach com-
bined with an Insufficient blood supply
to the stomach. Hot water increases the
blood supply and Maunaed m
stautly noutraliget4 .the excesasfan4ssiatolinn--
ach acid and slops focal fermentation,
the combination of the two, therefore,
being marvelously successful and de
Mal digestents, stimulants or monk:Ines
Madly preferable t;the use of artitl-
for Indigestion.
Some folks have toughened them-
selves by being out-of-doors in all
sorts of weather; but nobody ever saw
a Plow, mowing -machine or other
farm tool that was made any better'
by that kind of treatment. It can't,
be done!
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen, YOU get your
motley heck.
One of the most practical helps to
the mother and housekeeper is a glass
button bottle. This is fine to amuse
small children, Having a screw top,
little tots cannot open it and larger
children will play by the hour pouring
the buttons out, then picking; them
up and filling the bottle again. When
looking' for buttons to do the weekly
mending you can see at a glance if
there are any buttons the size you
atteasees Liniment Cures Distemper.
Save all the boxes that come to the
muse with groceries in them,
Begin the midday or evening meal
with a good, hot soup. It takes the
sharp edge off the appetite and is a
real economy. Save the water in
which spinach, carrots, turnips, cauli-
flower, onions or asparagus has been
cooked. To one quart of this liquid,
use one cupful of milk. Season to
taste and thicken with one tablespoon-
ul each of flour and butter, rubbed to-
gether. It is wise to thicken and
train before adding the milk. If a
*idler soup is wanted, add another
upful of milk. For cream of celery
oup, boil the leaves, roots and outer
talks of a bunch of celery. Strain
he water and proceed in the sameway, way, '
New "Mustard" Gas.
The newest poison gas used by the
Huns on the western front is that
which collies from the nick-narned
"mustard" shells. When these shells
explode the men in the vicinity feel a
tingling of the eyes, which soon
Plisses. However, the deposit clings
secretly to the Sae° anti hands of
the fighters, and when in moments of
rest the men ‘5:1191s their hands and
Nees it begins eating into their skin
at so rapid a rate -that they roll and
tumble in extreme anguish and ter-
rible Milne spread wherever the wa-
ter has touched. If they are perspir-
Ing In battle the gas produces the
same frightful burns and their AVM -
pits become so seared end painful that
they cannot keep at their work.
patesseae. Lieimont cettrept (target iu Cows ED, 7s
l$SUII 2-13,,
In New Guinea It Is- Always Leap
IYeer, Says English 'Writer.
So far as proposals of marriage are
• voncerned, in New Guinea it is always
leap year. There, according to an
English writer, the men consider it be.
!neath their dignity to notice women,
much less to make overtures of mar -
risme, Consequently the proposing is
, left to the women to do.
When a woman of Nev Guinea falls
in love with a man site mends a piece
1 of string to his sister, or if he hes no
tester to his mother or another of his
lady relatives. Then the lady who res
001 VOS the striae; tells the man that the
particular damsel is in love with him:,
1If the man thinks he would like to
wed the lady he meet: her alone and
:they decide straight away whether to
marry or drop the idea. In the former
012440 the betrothal is announced. The
man is brander' on the back with char-
coal, while a marls is cut into the wo-
man's skin.
No breach of promise actions are
poseible in New Guinea, though if the
lady is jilted her, friends may hunt her
lover up and "go" for him. On the
other band, rf the woman proves
faithless she is liable to be beaten by
her betrothed.
Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin,
Squeeze the juice of two lemons in-
to a bottle containing three minces of
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint a the best freckle
and tan lotion, and complexion beautl-
fier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will sup-
ply three ounces of orchard -white for
a, few cents. Massage this sweetly
fragrant lotion into the face, neck,
arms and halide each day and see how
freckles and blemishes disappear and
NM clear, soft and white the skin be -
wines. Yes: It is harmless.
Never. prune grape -vines until late
February or early March. In fact, all
pruning had better be delayed, if possible, until the severe winter iveath-
er is over.
letinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
The gradual exhaustion of the
anthracite coal resources of the United
States means a higher price each year
for this class of coal.
The Soul of a Piano Is the
Action. Insist on the
Get the Most Out of
No more water -power development
should be allowed on the St, Lawrence
river until a power survey hag been
made of the river and a comprehen-
sive plan worked out for power de-
velopment on the whole waterway.
Mtnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Little things are not to be despiser].
Given time enough, a. sack of grain
will empty itself through a small
mouse -hole.
kJ internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
Us before too late. De, Eellman Medical
Co.. Limited. CollIngwoocl, Ont.
Articles Wanted for Cash
Old ZewellerYt Plate: Saves: Curios:
Miniatures: Pictures: Preedleworkr Lace:
Old China: Oat Glass; Orliamente
Watches: Pangs: Table Ware.
Writ, et bond by Flspress, to
B. M. & W. XENKINS, Limited
28 and BO College Street, Toronto, Ont.
Bruises and Sprains
Have Sloan's Liniment hancly for
bruises and sprains and all pains and
aches. Quick relief follows its
prompt application. Nn need to
rub. It quickly penetnaes to the
trouble and drives out the pain.
Cleaner than mussy plasters or oint-
Inuits. Sloan's Liniment cLes not
stain the skin nor clog the pores.
For rheumatic aches, neuralgia,
stiff muscles, lame back, lumbago, gout,
strains, and prains. it gives quick relief.
Canejous sired bottle* at all druggist.,
This you can do by Installing our
oCheanplono Evaporator, made In 22
different sizes, Hundreds of farmers
:nuke money every year by using our
famous machine. They know it
stands for no waste, fullest returns
and best syrup and sugar.
Write At Once for Pres Booklet
THE GRIMM M'N'F'G. CO., Limited
58 Wellington St., Montreal, Cue.
Too Ell to Walk Upright. Operation
Advised, Saved y Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
This woman now raises chickens and
does manual labor. Read her story:
Richmond. Ind.—"For two years I
was so sick and weak with troubles
from my age that
when going up
stairs I had to go
very slowly with
my hands on the
steps, then sit down
at the top to rest
The doctor said he
thought I should
have an operation,
and my friends
thoughtI would not
live to move into
our new house. My
daughter asked me
to try Lydia E. Inaltham's Vegetable
Compound as elle had taken it with good
results. 1 did so, my weakness dis-
appeared, I gained in strength, moved
into our new home, did all kinds of
garden work, shoveled dirt, did build-
ing and cement work, and raised hun-
dreds of chickens and ducks. 2 can.
not say enough hi praise of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
if these facts are useful you may pub-
lish them for the benefit of other
wornen.°—Mre. M. 0. JOHNSTON,Routo
On retiring touch spots of dandruff and
itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next
morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap
and hot water. • This treatment does
much to keep the scalp clean and
healthy and to promote hair growth.
seem!. Bath Free by Hell. Address sosi.onnl:
,.elotlema, Door. 14, Benton, U. S. A." 8014
by dealers throughout tho World,
inery For S le
New Autornatio Valve Type, Complete with supply and exhaust piping,
flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for immediate sato.
1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C.
Will accept $426 cash for Immediate gale,
1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. Double, Endless. 241nch x 70 ft,
Will accept e300 for immediate sale, although belt la in eXcellefit 0045
ditlon and new one would cost about $000.
PULLEYS, Large size.
20x60-430 1 12x60—$20 ; 1 21M(.48e--$1 2 ; 1 248-41).
2 BLOWERS OR FANS, Buffalo make.
Ono 10 Inch, other 14 inch disoharge—$30 each.
00 Front St. Wel. Twank0