The Seaforth News, 1918-01-24, Page 5w
C►° CO
C,V.O, LLD,. D.C,L, President
SIR JOHN AIRD, GeneralM4ctager
H. V. F. JONES, AWL Gen L Manager
RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000
Open a Savings account with this Bank and
deposit money which would otherwise be kept
at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or
theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis-
faction of knowing that your money is secure.
Seaton-b:bL . ac^aak..o4
J, 0, MULLEN, Manager
v>am.,mac,mxeu>mrwnwm w.,a.w.,wAAA80 wrm, .aew,nm;
W, Jr Walker
W. 1. Walker, holderof gov-
eruluent Dipintna and License
Day or Night oalle receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone 67
Night r8
Winter Term from Jeunary 2nd
Ae. '�"Sna
We employ experienced Matadors
give thorough courses and butlivuli 1.1
attention to pupils and pinoe grad -
(setae in positions. This aohool to
one of the largest and best Common.
asst school in Cadedc,
Write for free catalogue concern-
ing onr Commercial, Shorthond or
Telegraphy Departments,
Save your Hair! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now—Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
sca_lpp;, of dandruff—that awful scurf.
'1>ber'e Is nothing so destructive to
the lair ae dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itcting of the scalp, which if
not remedied muses the hair roots to
shrink; loosen and die --thou the hair
hails out fast, A little Danderino to-
enght—now—any time --will surely save
your hair.
*Get a small Lnttl: of Knowlton's
DendaiJn° fr.nn any drug store. You
surely atm have 1. • ' t tnl 'lair and lots
of it if you will Ott 1:; a little Dam
'serine, Save • mit r,.'l : Try it!
Ntr 1 q Rvyr (t?
Frame Hoose, 7 rooms and wintry,
summer kitchen and collar, Hard and
loft water, Eleotric lights, large vH'
r•:wdah< Stable 1b` x le' Leu Melee
7' ,
.Apply tit the
News 011ie,
For Sale
House and hail acro of latl(1 111 the
village of f(gmonclville. The property
is situated on (.(1/11M C4tr1:'et, 01088 to
the Presbyterial Chnrch and is known
as the Purnell property, (food aom-
fortablo house, good shed, good :veil
and oerucut ei8tern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspherries aucl
uurra„t bnahe, The: is a corner pro
porty with no breaks on front, and the
and 1s in a good state of cultivation.
This is a nide property fur a retired
fanner and 'the taxes are light. For
partiealars apply on the premises or t
John I<aakfu, Seaforth.
The New Year
by gettin 3 3,
Hair Cut
Bolton's Barber Shop
1 have for sale sev-
Bonds and
of a particularly
Ugh grade, bearing
interest from 5 • to
b per cent.
Alt information con
ceruincg same cheer=
frilly given.
Bond and Debenture Broier
Main titre: t. Seaforth
„1 a
5Cttt(trth W. L. K ti '"am.
Users of electric light . r
,� al Iltl
power are tlrgentic' rtatjuo.le 1
to use as small nn amount as
possible, especially from 4.30
to 6 p. nt• Olt account of a
shortage of power at Niagtira
Falls. If at all possible do
not use electric irons from
4.30 to 6. 30 p. m.
Jno, A. Wilson
i -annual Meeting
I'rile Annual n1 Meeting of the membnrs
id the 51eKillop Mutual Fire Iustn'auce
ii'nrnpany will ho hold in the Town Hall
1 Seaforth, on Friday E'ebrtary 1st 1918.
at two o'clock p m. Tho business of
the meeting will to to revolve ilio au•
renal statement and auditors report,
1 the election of throe directors and two
auditors, and other business which
right be considered of benefit to the
company. l'he retiring directors are
1117nlcalm llnh'wan, 0 F McGregor and
1 (s 1.1 MoOartney, who are all eligible for
I re electlell.
I Jas. Connolly, Pres,
Tiros E. Hays, sec
WIDDER•—In New York January 14th
Chas. A Widder, late of GoderIch. , Notice
PEtLLI PS -1N limier, J,n nary 12111
J.L. Phillips, aged 04 years..
hi ()KIN LEY -10 Seaforth, on'l'hnratiay
January 17111, 1818, Margaret ,lane
Clete, relict of the late John MoRin•
Ely, aged 81 years,
13ARRNin9'T—In Seaforth, nn We1100e-
dey, Jan, alitb, J'ohn Burnett, aged
11 years,
'fenders will be received for Repair
marl for the Moltillop Telephone Line
until February Mb lo 18, 'renders to
state price by the hour, m$tith Cl' year,
Lowest or Illy tendo' not nooessarily
"Address tenders to
.1 M1'1 Deventer*, see,
R R E:, Seaforth
11+00 9•.au++m:µq'rowNAt—p 4P,wjl
Town Topics -
ta7=7^ t(.' us' ...'Nil
Dig up your Overooat, have a look at
it, by renewing the velvet oollar, Prose.
ing and ()leaning may save you the
price of a now one. My Wardrobe,
Goderioh, St, Opposite Queen's
Mrs MoQualg fa visiting her;f luousin
Miss Caroline Lang, 101 It few days,
Mise Rutherford of Stratford spent
the week end with Mrs FI hl Jones of
the Queens Hotel
The Sabbath School8oholare of the
Presbyterirut Church gave an offering
of $65 to the Armenian Fund,
Mascot Acme Gordon and Agnes
Oampbell «pent Sunday at the former's
home in McKillop.
Mr Neil Murray was a visitor in
Mitchell last Saturday,
Mr and [Vire Alexander have removed 1
here from the West, I
Three of the rooms of the Piddle I
Sohool closed on Monday to sero coal,
?to M. Rashs of St (3olumben has
been reported :molded of France.
Mr J M Govenlock, Reeve: of MoKil-
lop left on 'rneeday to attend the
County Council in Goderioh,
Mr George 'mitliers and Misa Mabel
Smithers of Toronto, spent the week
end with friends in toren.
Dr Harburn is in Goderieft this week
attending the meeting of the Oow,ty
Mrs, John McGregor of Kippen visit
ed her mother Mre, 14fooloy,
Mr. John Morrison of the Royal Fly.
ing Corps Toronto was a visitor at his
home here
Mr G 0 Cook had the misfortune to
have one of his fingers injured while
working at the Munition Works,
Mrs. W. Tear of Feast Wawanosh
was a visitor at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. ,tames Martin, West William St,
Mrs. Kelly hae returned from a visit
to her eon in Walkerville,
Miss Pollock of Kenora, Man, is
visiting relatives in Seaforth and vic-
Rev. 0, Ritchie of Crornarty au0upied
the pulpit of the Egmondville Church
last Sabbath,
14L'. W.0 Fowler of Winnipeg was a
visitor at the borne of his aunt, Mies
Fowler James St, He was a delegate
from the Board of trade to the Govern-
ment at Ottawa, •
Rev, Mr. Rogers of London, a former
pastor of the Methodist Church here
was a week -end visitor at the horse of
Dr, F,.1. Burrows. 11.1r, Rogora preach.
ed excellent sermons in the Methodist
Uhuroh last Sabbath horning and the
Presbyterian do rho evening,
Miss Mitchell of Goderioh is the'
guest of Mrs. W, le, Southgate
Ilr, 1V, Fowler a00ampamied the!
remains of HA sister, the late Mrs. 1
Stewart, here for interment,
Mr, A. T. Cooper of Clinton, County I
Secretary of the Temperance Assoefa-
(ion occupied the pulpits of the Pres.I
byteriau and Methodist Churalies last
Sabbath morning and evening sud
spoke of the splendid work being done
in connection with this. o•gauizatiou,
Services lost Sabbath were held in
the basement of he Presbyterian]
Cinurh of account of the scarcity 'of 1 •
Mr, John MoKiu'ey, Stanley, Mrs+
George Gowsou and ribs, Peck of Stan.',
ley and Mr. Janos MnK1uley of Theon_ 1 a
to wore Here ettemling the funeral of 11
r mother, 0 or, the Into Mra J 1Toliiuley
Church St, o•
Miss 11arion Larkin is attending the I e
Business College iu Stratford,
'Tire 0111 Time Dano° will be repeat
ed on Monday February f lth in aid of
the lied °rose as the weather prevented
D151131 from coming on Tuesday, The
drawing for the Ooitio collection wag as
follows: f-• Mrs Chas, Stewart; 11-0
McCormack; III H, E Fowler; IV.—
Mimi 0, Hill, Miss Lukes hae present
ed a handsome Diamond ring to the
Red Cross which will be drawn for on
Feb, 11th
W. 1"f ou11toaf M. P P.
Opposition leader
Wm, Proudfoot, M,P P„ of Centro
Huron, is the temporary leader of the
Liberal party in Ontario in succession
to Hon, N. W. Revell, The selection
was made at a conference of Liberal
M. P. P's and the prospective oandi-
datea, in the rooms of the Ontario
Reform Association, Toronto, last
week, Tito decision was unanimous,
declared Chas. M. Bowman, chief
Liberal whip, who milled the Confer-
ence together and presided over the
gathering. Several other names wore
mentioned but they withdrew in favor
of Mr, .Proudfoot,
The name of Mr, Bowman was 1n
:honed at the beginning of the (nee
but he waived his claim of seuiori
Mr. Dewar:, Poronto, and J. C. Elli
West Middlesex, were :leo me0tlo
but they withdrew their names mak
the decision unanimous,
"Mr. Proudfoot will be our leader
the House during the coming sated
said 81r, Bowman, and a Panties:
Cotveution will be held during t
aeseiou for the purpose of appointing
portnauont leader
Laudon Advertiser refers to M
l'rnndfoot's selection as follows;
The members of the Ontario Legial
tune have made a good choice, W
Proudfoot, .I? , C„ of Toronto at
an -
Gulerich is well qualified to 1111 the
position. Ho is ono -uf the loading
numbers of the Ontario Lar, Burl has
represented Centre Huron in the
Lngielature educe 1402. He has been
during that tune' 011of the leading
/0.tnbitt's of the House.
'rhe Proudfoot family' lees taken
naturally to the professions and furn-
ished distinguished members in law'
medicine and the church The ltev,
Dt. Proudfoot, the founder of the First
Presbyterian Chnrch bit Loudon, was
the grandfather of the leader of the
Opposition, He was a big. broad -
shouldered Sentoliman, who exercised
in his Clay moult itiilne:me for good in
Coin I1111Tn]ty'. His sen, Rue. Dr,
1. A, Prundfuot, anile of the u810 lead.
rssucceeded lbI klllll
1 at. pastor ,
'f•etChureh and otonpted it until corn -
natively recent years He. e'as doe
f the Professore of Knox College fur
tatty years before his death. Another
Vi0E1 '
of Ghnu .,
.inr Pr
oudfoe t
, , woe
le of the best equity judges the Pra-
nce over had, 011 the bench he look.
t1 every inch a Judge The medical
professfote for two generations had re-
presentatives of the family, who have
taken a leading place,
William Proudfoot, K. 0,, M. P. P.
is a native of the County of Hnro), a
sou of Robert Proudfoot, Be received
his education in Goderioh, and after
his oall to the bar formed a partner
ship with the late Judge Garrnw. Ile
has been the head of a legal firm in
Goderioh and Toronto for many years
past. Elie legal practice and his ex-
perience in the Legialatura have ma-
tured Ilia judgment. He will be a safe
leader He has already rendered
splendid service to. the Province, but
the future will bring out the best that
is in him, Mueb will be expected of
hint as the Proudfoots aro regarded as 1
a very able family, The Arlyeetisor
Mre W,D Smith, Egmoudville, held
the lucky ticket number 2r2, for the
blaolc and white knitted coat, donated
by Mies Lmkee, The tickets were sold
by Misses Hazel Reid and May McGeoh
Pte Percy Rolph spent the week.ond
with friends. here,
Mrs. Sim Neely who spent several
weeks in London with r'latves is home
Mrs, James Nicholson of Walton was
in town on Monday,
Miss Orae left on'l'Iteeday to spend
the winter with relatives in Toronto.
The eco a a't rho Goderioh Hockey
match was 7 to 2 for Seaforth.
Corns cripple the feet and make walk
ing n torttu'e., yet sure relief in the
shape of Holloway's Corn Ouro is with
in roach of all
ballover: he wit] maintain the repute.
tion of tho family and whether in op-
position' or in power eoueeieutionely
and ably fill the position of leerier of
the Opposition or Premier of the Prov•
Moe of Ontario
Develop St« Lawrence
Power By Internatioli).
al Commission
The situation With regard to Niagara
will undoubtedly be duplicated on the
St. Lawrence and 1f we are foolish
enough to allow vested interests to he
created upon the other side of the line
we shall inevitably find ourselves handl
capped and embarrassed a0 we 11OW are
with respect to Niagara power, For
myeelf, 1 have uc doubt at all what
ought to be Haile with respect to the
great powers doll/omit ul the St. Law
ramie river,
The United States government is nut I
interested in the corporatioue that ai•e 1
endeavouring to gat 1)00am:seo11 of the 1
St, Lawrence powers front the tithe]
side. Neither is the Canadian Govern
(went tt,tere:ted to the fortunes of tilt
gentlemen who are pt'onlotitig their
projeOle un the C'awadiau aide, They
are very few in number, and their
tntereste are confined en tisely to tilt m
138lvee. What the United Staten gov
er11ment mid the Canadian goy, rt moot
alike are letereetod iu is that there
should he a fair division of this power
that It Hhnllld Iso developed ill such .':
way that the neighbouring sod trihut
I cry' population should have tit.• use of it .
upon fair terms A thorough study of 1
til° whale question inevitably leads illi
conclusion that there is tidy ane *Mitt]'
aril satisfactory method of developieg
these powers, and that is by an inter
national oommie,bon, tinder w'htch the
greatest and the beet use of the powers
will be made, the most economical do
vslopment will be affected, a just and
equitable division of the power will
take place and the governments comeeru 1
ed will be able to administer the power•,
as the Hydro Electric Power Commies
100 administers the power of Niagara
for the benefit of the people who are
directly emloerued in its 1180,
This bolts and progressive policy if I
adopted by the g0vevemeut of Canada, 1
will undoubtedly commend the support
of Dur people, It is Ilot a case of
advocating what Is generally desoribed
as pnbllo or goverilmett ownership.
We have bore a peculiar set of eiroum
stances giving rise to a problem that
Li capable of being solved in only on
way, and common setae indicates that a.m` �......",�,
we should solve it in that manner.
Lot me on this point add a word
warning, The institution of this Co
mi8ai00 of Conservation arose as one of
the ooasequenoes of a conference whioh
WAD called by Mr. Roosevelt, theft Areal.
dent of the United States, at Washing
ton some time ago, At or about that'
8 me, Mr. Roosevelt pointed out iu pro
phetio language how the people of the
Clotted States were being threatened]
with a w ter power moeoply', and t
the beat of hie ability he prejecte
methods of resistnlg the efturts ethic
were being. made to t.r100 shout til
monopoly, Since that thee. water pot
Bre iia ve book! IllanopOliZetl 1n 11.0 IJt:l
ed Mates .0 an extort that ie alutos
illeredible. I tem not at the lIomeu
utile to give the exact figu,es, but 1.
think that when the real liguaes are
koowu, revefaling the extent to it hitch
111 available and easily develop:d wat
er powers of the United otete's Lave
been monopolized by a very few ver
puratimis, the people of that country
will e1111'er a shuck such as they have
nevrtr experienced before (with regard
to the transsotion of any of their publio
It bee become very plain width) the
Thursday jall 24
Here's a Reason
Triangle Proganis
Have each been booked for a two week's
run in two out of tour of the best moving
picture theatres in New York City.
We show thein every
hers. fl 'rim Sat
Next weekopening we will present
e Peej1ess M
Who do you think will follow?
Who would you tike best?
title s
The house with the big city projecting
of j
BY .sem W. S. oteenrzotioa, M1t.f)., n.f'.8„ ('t'bll'11r ()FIRMER
I)i1L.IS11,-C1%t13tt!'1NG 1Nh1X.I's,
it C'. nits I'(1N 1!EV ITT, Dominion Entrain-dog:tit, MI5 prepared a
h t'
at •
lea?e' nl the suppression of two bisects [het may tt mo a groat
teaonl or ,, e anpnlnng oidiersoIsu, namely hire rr+,,l li.•c.
ti;n ' : n .ille' and nt rent '.1q n,' I1). they sr,' give
Hie dire,-
t nett ' bth
t "Flies aro Doe itf the 50051 import:in• et r1 rs of p t1 •mail- dtesaee,
t i Paltieulooly 1. in the camp loud field, Ile nr>' • 1n_,1 1,. l) nrcvamt
the breeding of tit,. 111tieularly in the :,ren and 1 ntomer when
I ti. t are loss abundant, Dat;15 lit 1. 0,, - e rai bat—.his of
loupe RE:asters 1 ot, io 138 eggs, Tion] I,IP.: eggs s e :.'other ynult"
1 0F 87.111;3 etaa.14t1; owergo le less than n
K 1 day au�l anntL•el generation
of (lis is produced in about ten '1, Fresh home roan e
be lin' .!n f 1 . (.litpie's but they will breed i t alit kind] of e.xetament
and orgunll r Id' tatlt as garbage !1,.Le the „mos, , ;rts.
c. SLahles and
1 horse linos she r• i h,. kepi :limn. Do not lnalr manure standing for more
than a clay.
"Ali frost 1.1.1;d.,r . should b.• collected and t
burut in t - ,p tial Meilt-
,.rattr.l fur i1 at pf,po.•a. Where, for any reason, immediate hurtling is
iropos lido the uronci • should be lrentl:d by the' 1,5183 onr,'nicnt of the
i follow lug 50-t 1 r.,f.:'
' 1. If it .1 r,1 31 ts 1;;..'d, pile in 1110;,., as Urn112; u: pos.ibit' :'111 water
OT spray Um,, t,, ia113' around tees. eedgea with a ;al(nt011 of borax in.
:. the proportion of ode -hal, p ,iind of hoax to thieto oititone or t:,it' c, sotto.
tions M. certain pronrn'i my disinfectants may h' used it ae.,l•ax easnot im
' h
Is 1a]rit free from- strove. r"••' in _ y!. t -at the,
mettmn with :11 I 1', i e 1o.clt ]t. il;hily and 11111E9 t.r heti' packed aooso as
'shirt ' Po 1'1 . Color with a foot of earth it 11'x. rail h. 11011c.
"Keel) til 111 nut of the gat ,rete by c •reran u, Pare all 0,.rhe0,• 1n.1
urga111' ]' hta .,non ae possible,
"11 i:+ /1)(,)(iiu;.,rtant that all .t_xcee'ta should be e'•t','r.•d: 118'a wail
li ,. In it t1,11,,
I Hier ,�
t n] front it to food.
titte'1(51o11 eiiot'il 111!1ill the 1o' pall 10t(11jtsnt18fatln,' randcompletely
•10, td)." thein' a1. omelet
' Plies run .0 ter ae from beneath a few inches: or loom. 1011. 1luriea
mil vial eth0uld be ,ureter] Its a depth o1' at least 1a.' of Iwi. feet of lightly
quake, 5111,
A. (lice are bred Duni (1110, which may be infected,. they should
ewer:Illy he Icept off food.
1 rlylese camp 1e possible 'with peopet' care, No 111es moan less siok-
11esa alio greater comfort for all.,'
"Two kinds of lice occur commonly 011 111x11, the Body Louse and the
Hair Louse, 'I'lle former parasite spreads rapidly when favorable conditions
eceur small as crowded quarters, ivability,to change one's clothes, and dirty
enl9'n1111d11)ge, The Body Louse lives on the clothes over the sk1
last few guars that hydro electric power
is the greatest of all fastens in modern
Industry, and where any poople endow;
ed by hatltfe with a vast supply of this'
essential element in nto(loru Iltanufact'
ter,', allure it to l,o tache .olired aril
'uutrolled iu private tutor este, a sad
awakening awaits them, Fot•tut,ately,
in Canada, 1315 got down to serious bus
lues in time, and there has been ue
serious monopolization of great powers
While !ergo power's have boon developed
private companies, they hero set'vsd tt
vey useful purpose, and in (uoet cases
their rates Leve'been reaaolable, A:
sellout: danger, however, would arise if,
at that stage of development whish we
are now entering, these companies wore
allowed to combine their interests and
by acquiring a few groat powors which
are eaeity accessible to institute aniouo
poly, This would be the roost seriou
of all mistakes and toted be prevented
at any Dost.
With respect, spooilically, to the d
application which ie now before the 4 b
Minister of Public Works for leave to
dam the St. Lawt'onoe Rivet' at the it
Coteau rapids, C purpose suggesting t
]tat our Committee or Waters end
enter Power's should give the matter
erection, and, if possible, wait upon
he Minister of Public Works and the
Prime Minister to emphasize the pro
net whioh has already been lodged,
rarely found on the slain itself, It requires ameal of
EXCERa1!,3A'I'ION blood twice in 24 flours, It lays its eggs in the seams
OF 11(14 of Uho clothing and retreats into such seams and folds
after feeding, The Hair Louse occurs in the hair, as its
haute ind'rates, and its eggs 00 "nits" are well known. The female louse
lays from, 70 to 80 eggs in two weeks; the egg's hatch in three days, some-
times longer, rind the next generation begins to lay eggs in about two Or
three weeks,
"The Body Louse is the carrier of typhus fever, in addition to being' an
irritnilug parasite, Avoid scratching the irritated places.
"Change the elothing• as often as possible, IC•eep verminous elothoe
way from uninfected kit. Lice die of starvation in about a week's time in
isearded clothes. Badly infested clothes not further heeded should be
urnt, buried, of sunk 1n water. When clothing cannot be removed, the
rearing of silk underclothing wilt serve an a good pt'w+ventve,
"Dry heat of 160 Deg, F, maintained for ten minutes, steam, or boiling
otter 'will destroy nee and their eggs, which are more difficult to de/deer
tan the adults, in clothing,
"Clothing ,ntay be geed from Tire by washing with 1'rveol soap Maths
as follows:. JWniei
eyes 'Acid ....... , , .... , 10 110
Soft Soap 1 ik pouhds
"'Wash shirts in cresol soap solution merle with boiling 'Outer; wash
blankets In the solution first. Tunics and pilots should be turned inside
out stud rubbed win) lather, especially along the scathe: allots, the lather to
dry 0u the garment.