The Seaforth News, 1918-01-24, Page 27'III; KAISER. I'N III LGIITIVI. 'ADVENTURES OF
Closely i7uertled When JJe Trove's
2 ,'P 'i u 4
rel .,• ��y bi j Through C'nittutlecl Country. IA SKY Ia��yUc
How closely the Cxerman 1'Impo 01 1i 1
guarded when h, travels through Rel-,
e.I l%�fi(i� 1 f t1) London Daily Chrome
/• t 1%tf
spots, and apparently nay effects were
not Its bad as they alight have been,
for below', tie I'looked over the ma -
hi le I SaW 1 lutea 101 0 cubs art a
gl 1,110Te was a v 11111411on of me, for :soon Co in Controller
reloading Or nnecessarnt 0£ +'A 1''A1RI,Y QUIET DAY ON THE
glum is told ars follows by at core. BRITISH AVIATOR `ELLS Ol'
spon4 eat o' a tone ou a 3 RAll) ON itI1° BASE. it 1
ale, who several times has vv} uci,xed ...
the, Knieer's arrival,
FoodControl Corner
i f t t ti 1 b used
glare, blood red, in the tempoi•ltiry upon the recommendation of the Food
dail•kness, They must lave thought Controller to prevent tlnttecossa7'y de -
An Order -in -Council 11M eetl pa
they c1la 4.a dirty e r•1;, They ii sot up foo„ products 1' iglu ears
tt,'o tows of rockets, lights that rested
1 0••fond loot ue's m t WESTERN A'JtON'1.'."
srovides that txr freight car con -
ata certain dietalc1 in the air and . «a4, :; .ucln p1•n,lutt,; :U:ill be allowed
?' 1 ht l'lle infe'na11 i •its destinai.
Cl !lCr". 1
made tt lane. r l t to remain undo leas at .. .. _ "Whenever the assnge of t1)•+ int' ^s iluacbltted you ee, vvh'lt They than four days alter
The 'Proltble With Monte one come toward ltihi qua e Instned las until the same day incl to his sober- l
It brought him bade instant- .111. 1' • I'!is l!,•sca se iah sort of wily. And the worst part aigitee. 11'hen any sorb cur is de -
in Preece.
p ;tuna i}tits& i tion fol more t la A lieatistic Sketch, 13y a British Gun -
"y s° , _
—.that an,a no k traria o h take plica the fact is '1'rncelling at Lame n£ Light 1 reached a certain height, end t.1)+ fire noCl, of ata nl19va1 hats been given net of an Arlullery Dual
CHAP'l'1!:R. I. 1 that she carne toward him not known to the .chief 2'ai111Va^,y 011111al Roeketo-s Sas'scn,t.4 1., the Air, huu ,from them rt ti o u:r=, in n+,.
!r by the ltalltvay Comiany Co the eon-
Z'or a main to ]seep himself eon-
1 1rOm the xhadowyrc;llm at. spotters 4linatoe not until ,t cpnarter at stn haul Malies 1 of it ryas that they o'. them t ao tamed tar a longer period the Railway
>anstentl amused for ten Years after Y oa old solid earth. It was before the. arrival, In the station the blond alar "a-; that I wa+i prackicalty Sm')1'10olecl in -a- Company is required to notify the The caecal mention in the British
his graduation from college, even with t0 the
un, lull, NV standing lines ore all kept free. I "Well," yawned tate hl a P
vample linin- ht' tu, this occasion tyle I remarked before, 1 got over the limn of fire up in t1) heavens oxeent L'uoil darty !ler. despatches f1'0m the Front 0f a'ti cry
c1 asst t nee to suggests
there, "All tyorlancll 1 Similarly the Food Controller mast dualx, aids rho imiiP'inatiolt but little
tial assistance suggests a certain' sl rat ad ltc:r <.ves—_„tart eyes thcr Belgian or Gcrlit:ul, were% de- Mehl. that's the pier thins; at Zee- for one had the m:tehinc+ into the particular duals may
r Thou .. t0 !be u011ficc1 if any freight ear contain- an to what. these pa
quality of galillla, This tllat'11 Monte dee aK ti'Olit paola; at0aely, oallfil10111, s patched otiteille, and norees to the brugge, you know. It showed up rnelcf is iia would have been ablaze ht
Covington kid atecomPllshed---au-, P ae. They appeared 1 ; ' t ,Iced to black—yes, black—and the water t ug Toad is held at any railway point entail.
but rather tial et' station wan rs as eve Th a.1
without las• mess with (lurk, recd uickoIlVst• It no time, for these fireworks stay for a tartare ince order for more. than I'ict.l re a flat enuntrysiile dotted with
comphshed, furthermore, p Ito he mime( by rho e;tgt all ntssongc,r, as part The military Tani takeq
e under hearts—
nohi of any yard and „rasped 1 good wind end I uuu•t awake far tav'n'mi^totes, which seems ane day eftev the arrival of the ear. tumble,-dmvn ftl1'ntrysid and tt 1nti+r-
ing himself t o g which m stepped fort h
sex. He left no guau'ds occupying parts of the Station Tani 11 Pretty I o t„ an tlLe a day and n half when yet ars up
If a one remains under load art its aerted by he<tgcs hociges reminiscent
part to the.opposite her hand .
of' c carts in his wake. I" e • claimed, "I did and the environs \Vere ordered to leave h ai'e been up L,Ltllf feet, dodging there. And ni; the encl of aha avemte If
for more than four clays of those eo try lanes 111 Surrey in the
ttt] binl en h I "141a1,W50 ate exclaimed, i so to leak waiting for at
If some of the younger sister, of the. and here m Purist" their Pasts and live toner arms. The duck}nc;, speak, ! You are not neglected, for it is on that 01' has been hold more than on, day for (,'0818! Old days, ` Behind many of these
big took the secretly
of falling+ not knatit led a vnn!le that ext1nded Only persons allowed on the platform 1,111 i chance to drop an egg. n two, bey , m but hoping Oat to wast, any, I slot that the Hun taco, sed tonight, a a i'urtharalce ander, the Food Cat' auric elle field -guns, so cunningly hid -
love with him secretly and in the; no farther than the relaters at het• were the station master, 111:; employee trotter is authorized to gave written ,len that men billeted in the actual
fallacy of their chambers, that was n0 perfect mouth, appointed to work the slgnele and the thought it would be a fine eight to see could 1 do? h Just „dries +ons head and neighborhood of them might walls
fault of his, and card nettle„ them nor 1 ''That's to excuse yourself for not military chief, 'There was no guard at red glare to tell me that the Get notdes •requiring the unloading or is. I
him the slightest alarm, �Monti?" whatever. man air base below was Irlaz;ng. What trust to luck in getting out of the said suanee of a furtherance order within right up to them without the slightest
b lookingme ftp, of honor, no manifestation whate r
complications could not ad at full, rlele cease, It was s had stela eel their reception of me and indite, showed up perhaps even more two days, furtherance
the expiration of this neighborh d their whereabouts.
Such minor otnp She h This stearin of the starter takes Y
very well be avoided, be, se, dis- good to hear ll voice that he was 6 clistinetly than I would have in the period tate 'food, of not unloncled of re-; Spying Out the Land.
erect le or hi tried to it• was not reea se,•
" h place at every starter through which. my little 'bus I don't know, but snot, daytime. shipped, od v
assten et•tipatentT P ,vita be sold by the Food Con-' A spurt of flatus and the sheets of a
facts, t for him to y P nest 1)c. answered frankly, "':slat's the train passes, which it does at the theey soon, they were ui right there with , M machine was struck several {roller,
facts to wit; that he was hea CovmgX honest. I thought you were some- maximum regulation speed. At Brut- ConiHow 11 y' do?' business. times bythe shrapnel, and as ill -luck report suddenly animates the peaceful
ton f Philadelphia; that was six,where in Brittany. But are You cels the detraining took Place opposite' "Prean the illuminations below it P The food Controller is also authn7- scene into a picture of war: Sone -
at he had' in articular?" e Place iia =ter which i� a military was plain that while I remained there would have it, the patent point of my izeci to farbrd th0 acceptance by the
feet tall and light -haired; enres;bound"anywherep the 6 ]magneto fell out just when 1 Peached Pvailvay Companies, without his wr}t- tunes two guns fire a half -salvo to-
wonderfuly decent flue oyes; that he "Only home.' post since the occupation. a} e b ight was n store for ar First the s of where the fire was thickest, other t perhaps four war, of the
hada straight nose; that he had the "Still living on the Rouleverd Saint- „During the presence of the I{alser a h blighters sent to the searchlights P ten permission, o'!' taod'from any ship-' •
firm mouth and jaws of an Arctic ex- Germain?" U tt Y 1pealc quickly in succession,
gglover• that (11 had more money than She nodded. the officials always display the utmost and the heavens around me were On a Stouttng F. 1 1 f ') 1 iah the The who of y g
h knew what to do with; and that he "Number nervousness, nervousness, in fear of anything talc- punctured with shafts of whitish blue
was just old enough to be 10101V11 as a He was glad he was able to remem- ing place, and they always breathe a or bluish white, and I dropped a bomb, seemed pretty shm—engines out of provided of a fine of up to G00 or 1
bachelor without in the slightest look- bel' that number, sigh of relief when their master has showing that I was there all right, seemed lighted h by in es out imprisonment for fl term not exceed-, shell -bursts overhetfci. It is a British
ing like one. "Number sixty-four," she corrected. gone, The fact that evert the military and I realized that they knew some twenty-five hundred feet in the air— ing six months, or both and and im- anti-aircraft gal striving 01f a German
At the point where the older sisters They had been ]laving toward the are obliged to retire and pilo ileac thing was wrong. a target y toke as a pikestaff! It' prlsonnlent. aeroplane, which has been sent to dis-
ave.him up as hopeless, he came as a Metro station, and here she paus arms seems to suggest , distrust of Through a Fiery Lane, seems easy keep out of the way of saver the hiding -place of the Uig gun
the guns, but of course there's no The Food Controller, through the' battery, which, until a moment ago
denying that they have a air,
but not Fish Committee 0f his office, is start- was spitting out death -with automatic
ing effect on a man in the air, but not ing a campaign to increase the use in ' regularity.
so much at night as In the day, I Canada of frQZen 1111), This effort! The big battery has stopped firing;
managed to slide in the direction of will be part of the larger campaign to our "Archie" shells bare given warn -
the clip, gratified with the glare be -increase eonsurnpt}on of tall kinds of ing-of the enemy !n our midst. A big
low caused by the bombs I had left. fish in order to release beef, bacon and gun, firing while an enemy aeroplane
The shrapnel followed, and I turned other meats for export to the Allies. i was overhead, would give its position
and slid, and now here I am, glad to A member of the Fish Committee away. Therefore silence, If you please.
get back." is of the opinion that 1111 Increased de -1 Perhaps that German airman perch -
"Tell us about what happened to tnalld for frozen fist: should result in eel high in the air has already located
you yesterday," said one of the listen -the decrease in market price as an the gun. We shall know 'tor a certain
ars, The seaplane artist picked up his abundant supply was available. Many fact in half an hour or so. The anti -
log from a desk and read:— people have a prejudice against frozen aircraft guns have put the fear of God
"Had a run-in with two German ma- fish simply because they do not under - ,into little Fritz up above, and he
chines, wind blowing about thirty stance the proper method of handling makes back swift as a swallow, diving
knots. I was merely out scouting and it. Whatever have been the practice; and swerving, to his 0511 lines, fol -
therefore did not carry a gun. The in the past, the present method o£, lowed by a line of smoke -balls sent up
two hostile planes were joined by a freezing fish shortly after they are !as parting shots by Archie.
third, and then they courageously caught prevents deterioration and thea tie Are Discovered!
came close to me. They shot away my fish is delivered to the couaumel' in! Half a1 hour elapsea, and every -
control, and we were in a very ideal condition. thing assumes the aspect of a glori-
bad way. For twenty minutes we were To prepare frozen fish for cooking ous, shimmering summer day again.
continually under fire, and below there it should be put in cold water and left, An hour goes by, um still no further
was a heavy swell. It was really only there for several boars }n order that' slgu of wear. The artillerymen billet •
through ]snowing what a funk the en- frost may be entirely thawed from it.,
ed .in a brokendown farmhouse near
It will then be in practically the same, the battery are reading, writing or
condition as before it was frozen• i cleaning buttons. Nothing could be
Many people make the mistake of
;mare homely. There i1 "Madame," the
pouring hot, or oven bolting water, ? 1 i farmer's wife, pouring coffee for the
frozen fish in order to thaw it. Phis men, when—
has the result of breaking clown the j "Whiz!" Then "Bang!" A shell
tissues and leaving the fish in a :flabby has dropped pretty close. The Ger-
; which makes it undesirable! pian airman had, then, discovered the
for cooking. This practice is 1'e- , big -gun battery.
sponsible in a large measure icor the "Hallo, they've sturtedl" Says one of
prejudice among Canadian housewives
the men, and as if to emphasize his
against frozen fish of any kind, I words a sale, of Fritz shells are heard
A 101111ori pounds of Canadian frozen I close overhead—omi1ously close. In -
fish from the Paclitc aid Atlantic sue , stinetively the men in this particular
being consumed in Pngland weekly. 1 farmhouse duck, and ,"Madame" looks
Be very careful not to starch
the ;nervous. The officer n1 the billet in: • -
Be dens the men out, as the billet is very•
per whose goods have been seized and a erg
p' • the flying shells makes
sold. For failure to comply w
"The chances of getting home than provisions of the order a penalty is the ominous sound of death. Then
is the "iiouff our sound of
sort of challenge to the younger. "There is no need for you t0 come his 07111 army."
This might have proved dangerous with mea" she said, "But I'd like to' ----4------- "Flames and flashes coma from be -
for him had it not been for his ache- hove you drop in for tea some after-
dule, which did not leave him very noon—if ,You have time," Providence has given us a goodly low, and the Roche appeared to be ex -
long in any one place and which kept The .strangers were still hurrying heritage. Let us worthily. care for tiecrnely industrious. s more on luye drop -
him always pretty well occupied. By past him—to the north, the south, the it. p egg
spending his winters at his New York east, the west. Men and women were
club until after the holidays; then hurrying past, laughing, intent upon
journeying to Switzerland for the win- themselves each with some definite ob-
ter sports; then to Nice for tennis; jective in mind. He himself was able
then to Paris for a month of gay to smile with theta now. Then she
spring and the Grand Prix; and so held out her gloved hand, and he felt
over to England fora few days in alone again.
London and a month of golf along the "I may accompany you home, may I
coast—he was able to come back re- not?" he asked eagerly,
freshed to 1115 camp in the Adiron-"If you wish."
decks, there to fish until it was time Once again she raised her eyes with
to return to Cambridge for the foot- that expression of puzzled interest.
ball season, where he found himself This was not like Monte. Of course
still useful as a coach in the art of he would accompany her home, but
drop-kicking. that he should seem really to take
The fact that he could get into his pleasure in the prospect—that was
old football togs without letting out novel.
any strings or 'pulling any in, and - "Let me call a taxi." 110 said. "I'in
could even come through an occasional never sure where these French under -
scrimmage without losing his breath, grounds are going to land me."
was proof that he kept himself in good "They are much quicker," she sug-
condition. gested.
It was not until his eleventh trip' "There is no hurry," he answered. present-day requirements, and you
that Monte became aware of certain With twenty-four hours a day oat his will scarcely realize that we, like all' a baking. dish, make a hollow m the
syinptonts which seemed to hint that hauls, he was never in a hurry. the rest •of the world, are on rations, 1 middle, fill with the steak and reheat emy flier was in that I dared go for
even as pleasant a cycle as his could Instead of giving to the driver the ;!n the oven. them, I ]et the enemy planes come
not be pursued indefinitely. At number sixty-four Beiulevard Saint -
Hungarian goulash will provide a nearer and nearer; and by the time
Davos he first noted a change. Though Germain, he ordered him to forty- goodg Instead of fried meat cakes, serve
dish fora large family. It re -1 leftover and unsightly pieces in a pia. they were reedy for firing I dived at
}la took the curves in the. 1 frig run with seven Rue Saint -Michel, which is the quires two pounds of chuck steak,one of them. This so upset the poise
three onions, three large tomatoes or They go further,.aro more wholesome of the threw machines that they at
g d reduce the use of J'at. Fury Pie first turned tail and then swung
around to cone at me, making huge
circles to get on my flanks again.
Spreading the pleat flavor by comer cold; or it may be broken up, warm -
billing it with other foot}, the intellig-I ed over in gravy and served on toast.
ant use of leftovers, care in cooking! . Another appetizing way of serving
inferior cuts and the study of variety, ; Hamburg steak is to season, then broil
are important steps in the great of -1 or fry it; meanwhile have some fresh -
fort to conserve food. Try the newlly boiled' and mashed potatoes, sea -
recipes or revive the old, if they meet soned with salt, pepper, a little onion
juice, means and butter. Pile this in
a daring that proved his eyes to he as .Cafe d'Harcourt.
quick and his nerves as steady as ever,' It had suddenly occurred to Monte
one-quarter of a can, two green peppers! °
he was restless. 1 what the trouble was with hint. He ns made as,follows: Arrange in a bak-
er a red pepper -pod, one-half poundw„
Later, when he ss ore Nice, it was' vvas lonesome. or more of spaghetti; salt and pepper; nag clash 0 layer of mashed and season -
In the a rstlt place, he missed to 1)!m to taste. Cut the meat into small; cd potatoes, then a layer of cold chop -
the old had itread'h tel W110 for de-;� CHAPTER II, pieces and brown in a pan. Add three ped meat; repeat until the dish is full,
The Trouble With Marjory ' with a layer of potatoes on top. Pour
cede had catered to his primitive' pints of boiling waiter, (cut all 'ego
American tastes in the :natter of food-' She was surprised when the car tables into small pieces, add them to over this a cupful of milk, stock, or
stuffs with as much ,1 epf siasm as if stopped before the cafe, and mildly the meat and cook slowly until the gravy, dot with butter and hake un -
he had been a Parisian epicure, . interested. a til brown,
The passing of Edhart did more to' "Do you mind?" he asked, meat is tender—four hours, perhaps. ! Shepherd's pie is just as good. For
call Monte's attention to the fact that "No, Monte."Baked Iamb with barley is a whole -I fill a baking dish with chopped
in his awn life a decade had also She followed him through the emnke some dish. To make it use one cup-' this,sst, well seasoned. Moisten with
passed than anything else could pos. s and ^hatter to one of the little dining- fail of barley cooked slowly in just as' fav
silly have done. Between birthdays rooms in the rear where the smoke and gravy' cover with mashed potatoes,
there is only the lapse each time of chatter were somewhat subdued. much water or gravy as it will take up. dot with butter' and brown in the oven,
d There herr: removed their wraps with When tender add butter and salt and A small meat loaf is made as fol -
bat netween the l there an
going of the maitre d'hotel there was a look of .'•rankle approval, It was two or more cupfuls of chopped meat, lotus; Three-quarters of a cupful of
a year;
"Prussian Politeness. "
"But all that took time, and mean-
while I was nearing my base. Some-
times the enemy machines were like
too many coops and the broth, nearly
crashing into one another, which, of
course, upset their nerves, Only one
of us seemed to be moving, for a lay lard when rendering 11; but 1f you ,much in the danger zone.
man should understand that when you do, throw into it W11110 melted a heap 1 The Vanishing Trick.
are in the air only the other machine ed tablespoonful of halting -soda for appears to be moving, while yoe seem each gallon of lard. Let it
cook a Everyone has vanished into places
of temporary and comparative safely
!unless the Germans shorten -the range.
Perspiring and breathless, we at last
come to a stop and laugh at our amaz-
ing antics and desperate attempts to ,
dodge the Hun's iron rations. It is tha
half -hysterical laugh of relief. An
hour later we are heels again at the
billet, examining„ shell-holoe and dig-
ging for fuses. The holes made by the
shells are six or eight feet in dia-
meter and about three feet sleep at the
lowest part. The tear -Mas in those
holes is still very strong, and the eyes
1 that. Monte (T1 t should b t but not' cold d t one-half upful o still. i was glad, I tell you, when I while, then cool.
a period of ten years, w•ltich with his. rather an elaborate
c inner a on le max m'e s lou c e nuts u 0 mince men , one- la c saw one of our fighting pianos, A
disappearance seemed to vanish ordered, because he remembered for too wet.) Put in a casserole or bale-. white sauce, one-half cupful of bread-
\ tdm- 1
Monte was twenty-two when he first the first time t a he hadnotyeting dash, cover with buttered bread-; crumbs, one teaspoonful of grates
came to Price, and rots he was thirty- ed this evening, It was also a din-. crumbs and hake until brown, Reef erten, one teaspoonful of chopped they saw this fighting Briton they took
I} 1 thirty-two the mo ter of which he felt Edhart would b d d f lamb, little gravy.Sea to their Noels. They probably knew,
meat he • was forced to point out to thoroughly apt r 1 ted ]teat add the breach- too, two. a became can a use mstea o am �, arse
trove and that always parsley,
German sloes not like thele, and when
seasoning, a n e - t o who was the flyer, as a man's
the • new management his own parti- was a satisfaction, To be at its be.'., meat for hamburg ion the c lope styleoin the air is characteristic ectatic and
cular table in the corner, and to ex- "Now," he said to the girl, as soon, steak should be ground at home. While' crumbs, the white sauce and the other this happened to be a chap who had
plain that, however barbarous the as Henri had left, "tell me about your it is made of inferior cuts of beef, it ingredients. Mix well incl put ut a heen very successful el air righting,
custom migh+, appear, he always had self, is delicious if properly prepared, Work greased mold; brush the top with
for breakfast either a mutton chop or "You knew about Aunt Kitty?" she the seasoning in-tlwroug}tly so that it gravy and sprinkle with bread -crumbs. When a German trio turns tail at the
a beefst• al;, Ecihnrt had made aim be- asked . with- is equally distributed, and form the C over with buttered paper and bake sight of one British plane v e call it
Here, emote last; year, she inw this mat- "=roe' he repliednehesiiatingly, aofmeat into little cakes, or one large flat for twenty minutes; take off paper and 'elle Prussian code of politeness,' We
ter and 1 hundred others he was merely an uneasy feeling that it was one of The latter b broiled v r bat e to minutes longer; turn out and admire the respect they show for our
the fight preferences eras
a t owe sings aI you can im-
young man. Now, b,:rau40 he was about cleat hie and, when dote, tlan.lerrel 1 1 t 11 R11 t ;loo does not detract from
obli had to emphasize his wishes by "She was taken ill here in Paris in to a hot platter, brushed over with requlro.' two tablespoonfuls each 0f „tense eve hake in our own superiority.
g became the de- February, and died shortly after w e
explicit orders, they melted butter, • and served al once flour and butter, a cupful of milk, and (knee have had a stun o of luck io the
s";+ I;t r and dislikes of a man of reached Co York,' she explained. Leftover Hamburg steals may be sliced salt to a„arc, last week, for it was only four clays
What Covington would have •hon-'
eetly laked to do was to congratulate! all: DISHES FOR 2I EA`fI,I';:?s DAYS. ago that 'I sighted a Bache submarine
eel, Stripping the situation of all: and dropped a bomb on or near it.
entimentalfem. the naked truth re-' Macaroni Salmon.—flash one-half 1 slices one and a half inches Chicly and and
say whether the U-boat was
manned that she had for ten years' can of salmon with a fork. To one-' sprinkle with salt. Boil two sliced alone in or not, though. After that I
given up her life utterly to her aunt—; half cupful of rich milk add four table-' onions until done. Pour off the water, was lonely, but I saw' o After t boat
had almost sold herself late slavery.: spoonfuls of fine bread crumbs, heat season with pepper, add two cupfuls of hear Zeebrugge and heaved a little
Ostensibly to this ate. althoughKitty had taken hot, and add one tablespoonful of but- hot water, and a little parsley; in this soitzethleb at her, raced hack all let
the girl educate, she had ter, two beaten eggs, a clash of pep-'; simmer the fish until done. Thicken
never forgiven her sister for having our fellows ]cnnw about the German
married Stockton; had never forgiven per, and a little salt. Mix well, Have' the liquid left in the pan with a little warship sneaking out”
her for having had this child, which cups well buttered, and lined with flour and pour over fish. f _,
had cost her life; had never forgiven cooked macaroni, and fill them with Scalloped Macaroni. — Put some I
Stockton for losing in business her the salmon. Set cups in a pa11 of plain Moiled macaroni in a dish and Have dry, well ventilated poultry
sister's share of the Dolliver fortune. hot water, and bake tweedy minutes. 5easel with pepper, salt, and a little houses with plenty of sunlight, Uso
Poor old Stockton he had done his Serve. catsixp. bill a deep clash half lull, clean, dry latter and cloak feed, Scrub
bast, and the failure killed aim, It add li very little finely chopped onion
the houses with hot water and soap
was Chia Warren who had told Cor- Farina With .tililk.—Have one 11itt1 and a layer of sliced tomatoes, having and spray with a good coal tar disin-
expressing h 4 tl ' that he S110t1d know one le at er caul e 0 c fi;•htiu+ mxdvnea which
the milli-
transferred .: else either hot, or Cold. ate sauce,
middle age.
For relief Monte turned to the
tennis courts, and played so much in
the next week that he went stale and
in the club tournament put up the
worst game of hie life. That evening,
In disgust, he boarded the train for
Monte Carlo, and before eleven o'clock
had lost five thousand filmes at rou-
lette which was more than even he
could afford for an evening's enter-
. tainmenL that did not entertain. With-
out waiting for the croupier to rake in
his last note, Monte harried out and,
to clear his head, walked all the way
back to Nies along the Cornice Road,
Above him, the mountains; below, the
blue Mediterranean; while the road
hung suspended between them like a ington the pitiful little tale. Chic al- of boiling milk in a small enameled I previoucy coverall the macaroni with
t silver ribbon. Tet even here he did ways spoke of the aunt as the pan on the fire, Gradually add two {soma melted butter. Make a thick
hot finch Conten{. Vamp.;' the abbreviation, as he ex- gills a feline, sharply mixing with; crust of mashed potato, incl bake in a
Menta visited the rooms every even planned, being solely out' of respect the milk while adding it. Add two 1101 too hot ova] until brown.
in for the next three days; but, as he to her gray hairs. Marjory had re- tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.:
did not play again and found there ceived her education, to be sure; but Salted Codfish, Epicurean Style—
nothing more interesting than the she had pald for it in the only coin Mix well, and let cook fifteen minutes,1 Let the fish simmer over the fire till
faces, or their counterparts, which be she had --the best of her young self stirring once in a while. Stir in one •Lender, and then strap it up very fine -
had seen fur the past ten years, the from seventeen to twenty-seven. The raw egg yo11c and serve with cold milk. ; It' Iilinee three medium-sized onions,
d, only concession the aunt had ever
Se, rea115, he had no alternative but
Paris, although it was several weeks
ahead of his schedule. As a matter
.of fact, it was several weeks too early,
The city was not quite ready for him.;
The trees in the Champs Elysees were
In much the condition of a lady half
an hour before an expected caller.
The broach vista to the triumphal
eves as Merely the setting for a;
-few nurses and their charges. The
little iron tables were so deserted .that
they remained merely little iron tables.'
Impatiently he started for itis hotel,'
The confoundedly good-natured. self -
programme grew stupe
satisfied crowd moving in couples it• -I
rltated ltim, At that moment a tall,
slender girl turned, hosttated, then
started.. toward him. He did not re-
collxize her at first, bat the mere fact
made was to allow her niece to study
art in Paris this last year,
(To he continued,)
if you haven't cobs, green hickory
wood is the next best thing for:smok-
ing hams. Gives them a. really good
Let the boys and hired mets try out
their ways of doing things occasional-
ly. Farm work is monotonous where
all individuality is denied the worker.
I A bushel of seed wheat out; in the
ground is worth fifty shut up in the
bin to mold and epoil waiting for a
better market,
Ye etable Sausages.—Three carrots ,' and fry them slowly in four ounces of
four onions, two parsnips, ole -half j butter: until they are done and quite
pint of split red lentils, two eggs, one- 1 brown:, 'then add to them the strip -
half pound of stale bread crumbs, I ped fish. Toss it all to get well heat -
sago, parsley, garlic, salt, and pepPel'• , ed, and add at last minute a few drops
Boil the vegetables, and mash fine;; of lemon juice, Put the fish in the
cook the lentils until soft, pound them; center of a hot dish and strero ncl it
well; add to the mashed vegetables,1with Very small potato balls.
together with a little boiled sago, Macaroni Favorite.—Break one -
chopped parsley, a small p01'tipe of i fourth package of macaroni, and boil
finely chopped garlic, salt, and pepper'.' with salt to taste, One-half hour, Put
Mix the eggs and bread o'umbs, add a i a layer of ntacatlwni in earthen dish,
Portion to the other ingredients, Makethen ;layer of soft bread crumbs, lay.
up into pieces about the size of oaths -I or of grafted cheese and butter, Re-
ars/ sausages. roll in egg anis bread peat, and peer ores top one egg well
crumbs. Fry in boiling oil until I beaten and mixed with. a cupful of
brown, ; milk. flake slowly until a nice brcnvn.
Stewed 1''ish.—Cut a fish across in 1 This is 0 popular slapper dish,
1 wish there was a
in every
little town
I wish there was a WALIEER ROUSE
In every little town;
Then I could travel merrily,
And always sit me down
At night in peace and comfort,
Happier than king with crown,
Xf there was jest one Walker House
In every little town.
I wish there was a WALKER HOUSE
In each place whore I go.
The comforts of my dear old home
W1(lle on the road I'd know.
The meald—the Cheerful Service, too,
Would leave no 6ati50 to frown,
If there was just one Walker 1101155
In every little town.
The Walker House
Tl Q�tlou15 of Toronto GGhee Wrtaht
Plenty . F• isi. Carroll
and noses of our fuseediggers are soon
watering. Shell fragments are found
imbedded in the earth, discovery shows
that Fritz has been sending over .some
of his famous 5.9's,
Events have once again assumed the
normal, and once more we are sing-
ing, talking, and writing in the billet,
j We find that no one has been injured,
• Even the guns are not damaged, but
ten yards nearer and another battery
1rould have "gone West,"
This, then, is the effect of one little
artillery duel. Multiply these "artil-
lery duels" five hundredfold, and you
have some idea of what it means when
the British communique says "a fair-
; ly quiet day on the Western front,"
Giant "Ciga•s" _ For Fritz.
Aerial torpedoes• --great cigar -shap-
ed cylinders crammed with trinitro-
G-. MEMY rte= ;.4•aa ,,;,aa,•ese 'msats. ir"ass' toluol or a kindred explosive and fin -
I ted to revolve rapidly in falling—are
war e
gaining great favor as the v pro-,
gresses. More and more anrplane1 and
dirigibles are being armed with them,
and naval airplanes are equipped with
such devices to exterminate German
U-boats, 'The pressure of the air
against the fans causes them to revolve
and in some peculiar fashion accentu-
ates both the missile's speed and ac-
curacy. Very similar to the aerial tore
pedoos in construction are the huge
trench bombs fired from 0 special
bombing gun and flanged to rotate
while en route to visit Fritz.
�ote� del Coronado
Coronado Beach, California
Near San Diego
f$ -)'dole GO Course
Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic
Sp r Eaglet System.
JOHN 1, HS1NAN, Manager
"Willie, what is the baby cryinjj1'
about?" asked the mother in anxious
tones, "About my marbles," salrl
Willie. "Why don't you Id him talre
cnlc ?" "I did," • wee the leeonil' ra-
lam- e8ass a cnwa.ensscan p1Y.