The Seaforth News, 1918-01-03, Page 8Attention Ladies!
Arrange to have gour hair
properlg washed and treated bp
Prices most moderate
Shampoo .10c
Shampoo with tonic 50c
4.ppointments made for ang
eaeningo:after 8 p. m. Saturday
Commercial Bather Shop, C.Ith
Pi op
*'0.640ARETS" rORK
For Sick Headache, Sour etoinaoh.
Sluggish Liver and Dowels-
Take Casoarets tonight.
Rev, Mr, Molutosh was inducted
in the Presbyterian Motel on Thurs-
day last in the afternoon,
This place ia feeling the (mat Moll
as well as the cold pinoh at the proem(
Gee. Watt has sold his farm end
will move in Mara to the house11
has bought in Clinton.
Mr, and Mts. Henry from the West
aro guests at the benne of Mrs. Hugh
Atkinhead, sister of the latter.
Andrew Murdock and fatuity are
visiting Robert Murdock who leis hem)
II fer seine time.
Brucefied gave $591,30 to the British
'Red Cross Sweaty,
Furred Tongue, Bee Taste
tion, Sallow Skin and ele ewe, Steal-
eehee come from a torpi., livi r an,i
:Cgged bowels, which 4411-.. ',Ur Stale: 1
aun to beeonto 011111 ivIl 14,1;:estol
food, which sours and ferments like rare ,
isere in a :swill herrsl. ' !see. •';‘, first
step to untold inieerys--itse eL! foul;
pees, bad breath, n. ntal
fenre, everything that ond
neuseating. A CaScave ichight will
give your constipated tonvele ft thorough
cleansing and, straighten yon out by
merning. They work while you sleep -
at 10 -cent box frora your druggist will
keep you feeling good for monde
A Reliable Agent hi Huron County
to Sell Pelham's Peerless Finit and
Irnamantal trees during F.O1 and Wh..
„or months. Good pay, exalt -Hive tete-
tory, free selling equipment.
Over 600 Acres 0( 1110 choicest Nur-
sery street inelnding New verteties cen-
trolled by ne. Handsome 11,1•10-41ate
selling equipment and a splendid ijaii•
adieu grown stook, to otter customers.
We are not jobbers. Write now for
agency terms to PELHAM NURiERY
0, , Toronto, Ont.
B Catalogue sent oterecinest to
applicants for agencies or purchasers of
Nursery stook,
is frequebtly revealed in these war
times even in this well-to-do Province.
Hard enough to be poor -still worse
to be sick aad poor.
1.-,t of the consumptive is a spe-
tryiee otte. Only recently a
eanely t -a, di.-cw,-,-retl living in two
;lure. At one time
seee L,,,,,,teeel sottifoetable ho re
Ilad to
&Le; Lee eeenes
- •.11,‘
' e nosteeetiv, this
! • .• " ' •i,...
lel up
•,. .., 'see
,tee; . a: e ,e-aece of
Tie. I.. ' ' • -7; hy
7,":. J.
t :eel; ..! zte,. vornie,
,,;• iery-
es, frrinonto.
It Works! Try It
Tells how to loosen a sore,
tender corn so It lifts
out without pain.
• ••1106.iisieliOngiogi.fillillfilfluilie 41410104.1•441414.1.14.1444.4.
Good news spreads rapidly and drug-
gistS here are kept busy dispensing
freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin-
cinnati man, which is said to loosen
any corn so it lifts out with the fingers.
Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter
ounce of freezone, which will cost very
little, but is said to be sufficient to rid
one's feet of every hard or soft corn or
You apply just a few drops on the
tender, aching corn and instantly the
soreness le relieved, and soon the corn
• is se sarlveled that it Bite out with-
out pain. It le a sticky subetance
which drlee when applied and weer
inflames or even irritates the adlohe
fug tissue.
Thie discoeory will prevent thou-
! ' Wands of deathe annually from lockjaw
infection heretofore reeulting from
... the tieldel habit of cutting °erne.,
those notieed during the
holidays wore the followieg:-Miss
Coopir of Seaforth, ?.1 1.. R 1,1,1).
(144114 1912', 811(1 141rs. Fingal of Now York
!Mrs. Ed Drake of Alberta
191r, James Morrison has had stool 1
that his 11011 has been "evoituded 111
France. He W tle in the Cavalry
Mr Holland Little who recently under
wont au operation the Londou Hos.
pital, is improving and expects to he
home shortly.
We are sorry to hear that MID Nes-
bitt, while visiting hi Detroit fell down
a flight of stairs, beiug badly injured.
She is at p114480111 11) the hospital,
Mr J T Wren of Winropeg is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with relativee
and friends.
Miss Dolly Carlin has returned from
Detroit where she Spent Several weeks
with relatives.
Mrs Jam Moore is in Micb. to visit
her slater for the winter,
Mre R. Speare of the West is here
with relatives.
Dr J. MoDairmind spent the hole
days at Waterford.
Miss Dorothy Eales bonnie the
bride of Noble McOallum on Dec 18th
Anniversary Services were held in
the Methodist Ottertail on Sunday Rev
Mr Sykes of Kitchener was the preach.
er. A Tea meeting was held on New
John Rea fell from la ladder and
broke tete of his fingers
lir. mai Mrs. .1, 0, Butchast of
Alta. are visiting Mr, and Mrs. .1,
Miss 1)13111) Harris spent a wed( in
l'iogleiro with tiiends.
Hats off to Western Gamete, Tee
people tip there onvered tienuselvee
with honor and glory un the 170h of
last rtioath,
Mr, A atoll Holley has been suffering
with an ailineut of the head fur some
r . .1 . E Irv' tie before going to
his homo in Manitoba visited his grand-
mother and other r detives 111 Blau -
shard 1)11 11. tow (15) 8,
The intensely cold weather of last
month has been sever0ly felt, and the
people are hoping for something better
11r. and Mts. Martin have been t111
ft 1.1131 1, to iv (411(113 at Stretford mid other
pones to the omit of here,
Mr. and Mrs. ST visited the
formers ['crews It 3111chell on Christ
The Patriotic Society hold 1104111144 on
Now 19 414(10 night for patriotic purposes
11:-s Dully Hefts from near
h11 C11 3 11.011. for the holiclays.
Mr Jobe Pollook is home again (titer
speeding 11(0 4111(1101(411 it, Manitoba,
Mr John Sturgeon and faintly of
Port Stanley have moved hove,
Mr and Mrs E. Eagleson of Sask.
and Mr W. Eagleson and Mre Johnston
of Milestone bask, are here visiting
eir parents, Mr and Mrs Eagleson.
191(1 80(1 Mrs Jas. Spackman spent
the holidays in Loudon .
Jas. Ferguson is in Wiudsor and De
trot t
Tho young:people of Trinity Church
gave a shower to Mies 61innie Tippet
previous toper marriage to Mr SY,
Hayten of Stanley.
Ft Lieut. Evans of Toronto is spending
the holidays with his parents,.
Mrs job,' Parke and child are spend-
ing the holidays with her parents, eer,
and Mre 13rown, Owen Sound.
31r E Greenslade has closed his
attire for the winter.
Now Ibat Union ilevernment 15
safely intrenched in power it is the
ditty of to all to strive to bring this
miserable e 141' te 11. vietoriousiemulusion.
This presoni year and we trust that
honerlit,tit.ety, anti kind -
11.1313 W1I1 be !nullified in all our local
Ionic circles,
1911' P211111 e. (.1 ).eughlin who wont to
viiiit his uotishi, Mr (s)nes Lacey of
of Ainherstbuig. 84)0)44 (1 a, position
and will Leniain there for the present
Rev. J. 31, Eckert who was visiting
relatives hors left for his home li New
4 --
Annual Meeting, -The Ladies Soc.
iety of °AVM) Church and the Winthrop
branch of Red Cross Workers held 111011
united animal meeting last Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs It 54181'.
lett. Although the day was atom), a
good attendance of ladies were present
The report from tho different bran -
alms were encouraging. Besides cloth-
ing a girl of 10 years of age and,other
charitable work have over $400 in the
The Recl Cross Branoh which was
started iu this it:wants, at the begiuning
of the war in connection with Seaforth
Society reported as having made during
the past year 284 suits of pyjamas, 114
grey shirts, 271, pr sooks 20 pillows and
33 pillow coo, and the money handed
in was; Monthly Contributions
3207 30, At Home $22 75, 813 Orange
Lodge $30 00, McKillop Council 226 9
Tea at Quilting in $4 75, R 0 Box at
Cahill store $2 35, Danoo at Caldeio
Hall $20 35, Ladies' '001511' Cavan
Ohurch $25 00; Total $539 30,
The Exeoutive wishes to thank all
who 10 any way has helped with this
work, and ask for their continued 058)8.
tattoo for the corning year.
Rnb it in for lame back. -A brisk rub,.
biug with Dr Thomas' Eclectrio Oil will
mire larne back, The skin will imed.
iately absorb the oil and it will penet-
rate the Waimea and bring speedy re-
lief, Try it and be convinced. Ae the
liniment sinks in the pain cornea out
and there are ample grounds for saying
that its touch is magieal, as it is.
Fan ers Attention
Make money in your'
spas' time this Whiter
by selling NURSERY
sice)e}c and NEW
This is the right time
toistart on Spring Sales
We fay highest com=
missions and furnish
our Salesmen with lito
erature with a "punch"
to it.
Send for our list of New
Offerings and full part-
Stone 84 Wellington
The Fonthill Nurseries
Established 1837
Toronto, Ont.
20. Sir Erie Clechl, the DPW First
horil of 31 1-11131)
reeteved a scat in Perlitiment.
23. Siam deelared war against (Io-
nia*. and 421)4) 114).
23. Alexander F. 1'.&' 1)121)1<34 beenme
virtually dietator of Russia.
e4, The Military Serve.. Ate pesse,l
its tinel reading with a undoritY
of e7.
Great Britain Patieed a new war
erefilt of 0,0 60,000.
29, The Oreelt grpttnttd
without the presence of ills,
king, a Fite) of the end of (1)110'
('(8134 in aninher country,
00. (1 ('2311111 Kornitors loyal trom,s
made it stand against the Austro-
Oernuan forces,
Sensation was cuusod through-
out the Dominion of esnada by
the publieation of 111, O'Connor
report on the high vole of food-
stuffs, It convini Canadian43
that profiteers had eeen allowed
lo makt., fortunes out of the war.
Legistatiou was passed at Ot-
tawa creating 11 advisere eosins
eil of scientists to help develop
the natural resoureee of Canada.
31. The 13ritish started a big offen-
sive, capturing many villagee,
including St, Jullons and Hooge,
which are well known to Cana-
dians on aceouut of the battles in
which so many of our 1103'e were
killed In the Spring of 1915,
2. German armies again assumed
offensive against the itusstans,
General Konlioff was :appointed
etnionaudelein-ehiel of the Ruse
Dread of Asthma makes countless
thooands miaerable, Night after night
the attacks return and even when
brief respite is given the mind ie still
in torment from (=gullet anticipation
Dr .1 D Kellogg's Asthma Remedy
changes all this. Relief comes, and at
once, while future ettacks are warded
ofr, leaving the afflicted one in a state
of peoe and happiness he once believ-
ed he oould never enjoy. Inexpensive
and sold almost everywhere.
30. The British stewed a great vie,
tore near 13890110,GeUeral
Maude bagged a whole Turkish
Japan proelaimed a Monroe Does
trine in the Isar lenta, and hi fn-.
1111' will safeguard the interests
of China.
Gret 108111.1. Soldiers had to soon grea
melee riot in Essen.
2, General ealitenhayn took eon-
niami of the Turkish troops.
3. Two Liberate, Hon. Hugh Guth -
r10 and Hon. 0, 0. Ballautyne,
entered the Borden Cabluele
4. Arabs in revolt against the
Turks Joined the Bridle) in Pal-.
"111 11)0.
7. l'eru and Uruguay iwvered rola-
tions with Gel'Illatly, adding tWO
more nationt
s to he (1081311011 of
the Central Powers,
8. Pope 13801,01)11 milted on the
Tne eutoto eeaso rattling open
rides, •
10. General Kortilloff wits fully vin -
(Boated when tried for rebellion
against the Russian Provisional
11, A Union Government Weil fores-
ee at Ottawa by Premier Bor-
TheRussians defeated the
12. Vice -Admiral von Capone re-
signed on account of a mutiny
in the Gorman navy.
14. Germans seized an island in the
Riga Gulf.
15, The famous, female German spy,
"Eye of the Morning" was shot
elan tomes. iu Paris.
4, British completed tho re-oaplure 18, The Germans seized Moon Island
from the iluselans.
21. The Russian fleet sailed from
Moon Sound, and the Germans
occupied Dago Island.
22. German zeppelins raided Eng-
land, and on their way back the
French mentors brought, down
six of therm
23. Petaires troops smashed the Ger-
man lines on the Aiello, taking
26 cannon and 7,500 Prisoners.
26. The Italian Government resign-
ed oftice when a vote of confi-
dence in the Chamber of De-
puties failed to carry.
28. Defeat of Italian troops by the
Germans and Austrians develop-
ed into one of the greatest dis-
asters of the war. The line was
shaken from the Adriatic Soa to
the Julian Alps.
The Canadians captured Belle-
vue spur.
29. American troops captured their
Best German prisoner on the
French front,
30. Canadians advanced to the out-
skirts of Passchendaele in
of ht. Juliens.
The Military Governor of Petro-
grad was aseassinated. Premier
Kerensity of Russia resigned,
but subsequently eonsented to
resume ()Mee.
The Canadian Senate endorsed
5, The British captured Hollebeke.
6. Sir Richard McBride, formerly
Premier of British Columbia,
died suddenly in London.
A Cabinet of moderates was
formed to control the affairs of
9. British scored a success in Bel-
gium, off -setting the German vic-
tory on the dillies.
11. Hon, Arthur Henderson resign-
ed from the British War Cabinet.
Be was the representative of the
-.Socialists and Laborites, and
was in favor of permitting dele-
gates to attend the Socialistic
congress in Stoekholm. Over
that issue he split with Premier
Lloyd George.
12. German aeroplanes bombarded
Sir William Mortimer Clarke,
formerly Lieutenant -Governor of
Ontario, died,
14. Pope Benedict made a proposal
of peace to the warring nations.
15. The Canadian troops captured
The Chinese Government defin-
itely stated that their republic
was at war with Germany.
16. The British captured Lange-
19. The Italians started an offen-
sive against the Austrians.
20. Hon, Robert Rogers left the
Borden Cabinet,
21. The Vatican .denied that Aug-
trian influence was responsible
for the peace note.
22. British defeated the Turks
north-east of Bagdad.
King George conferred the
Grand Order of the Bath on
James W. Gerard, the United
States Ambassador to Berlin for
his services ou behalf of British
23. The Russians evacuated portions
of the Riga section without ,
etriking a blow in its defence.
24. Italians scored a great victoz7
over the Austrians, capturing
20,000 men and 60 cannon,
26. Tbe Russian iHato Council open-
ed and Kerensky was greeted
Thursday jail 3
In wishing you all good things at this
New Year Season, we desire to thank you
for your treatment of us during the year
hat is closing.
lind we want you to be assured we shall
do all in bur power to help your trade in
1918 by producing Canadian Footwear in
the latest and saleable models
that will certainly give satisfaction to you
I-1. R.
"The Horne of Good Shoes'
Phone 5
Se ttio
1. British occupied Beersheba.
Count von Hertling became
Chancellor of Germany, suc-
ceeding Dr. Michaelis who re-
signed after a short and futile
terra in oflIce.
2. Germans started a revolt in
3. British destroyed the Gates of
4, First Americans captured by
Germans in France.
dRieev.. Dr, Carman, for many years
leader of Methodism in Canada,
6. Canadians captured Passchen-
daele, the last of the remaining
German defences on the famous
8. Another revolution occurred in
Russia Petrograd was seized by
the Bolsheviki, giving Lenine
and Trotsky control, Premier
Kerensky escaped from Petro-
General Maude oceupied Tekrit.
9. A new combination of French,
Britisb, and Italian strategists
took control of the Italian army,
replacing General Oedema,
The Bolskevik I proposed a three-
month armistice so that •an at-
tempt might be made to arrange
, peace.
with great enthusiasm. ! 10. General Allenby captured Askae,
28, President Wieem reiected the Ion.
Pope's peace effete and his reply ,12. The Italian teeny, thoroughly re -
was used to express the stand of . organized, peeled down to dee
all the Allies. He declared that ! fend a new line on the Piave.
110 peace would bo made with 15. Clemenceau 1:soctne premier of
the Hohenzollsres. ' France, succeeding Painleve,
The Governor-General signed the who was foreed to resign when ,
Military Service Act. . M, Thomas, the leader of the '
29. The Italians stormed and cap- , Socialist wlette efused to sup.
bared San Gabriele. port 1118 Cabinet on account of
Rari Grey, .the imperialistic tendencies of
General of Canada and always a • certain of Its members.
warm friend of the Dominion, 18. The British occupied Jaffa, the
died in England. port of Jerusalem.
SEPTEMBER. 21. General Byng made a great
1. Pour German warships were . thrust at Gambrel, advancing
sunk by the British mosquito ; over five miles the biggest aue-
fleet off Jutland. ,cos of the year.
2. The Germans crossed the Dvina, i 26. Sir Leander Starr Jameson, re -
and started an offensive with ! 'membered for the famous Jame -
Riga as its °Woe son raid, died in South .Africa.
3, The Russians evacuated 1(iga
without striking a blow, and the
Germans entered the city. This
incident indicated to the Allies
2. The Germans made counter-
attacks at Gambrel, and retook
the existenc.e of treachery. a part of the ground. IL was
4, United States sailors were mob- the most serious defeat that the
bed by Sinn Foiners in Cork, be- British had suffered at the hands
cause the Americans were Allies
of the British.
6. German fleet arrived at the en-
trance to the Gulf of Finland.
9, The discovery that the Swedish
legation in the Argentine had
been used for the sending of of-
ficial cipher messages to Berlin
almost caused a breach between
the United States and Sweden.
10. General Korniloff started a re-
volution against Kerensky.
12. Premier Kerensky of Russia de-
feated and captured Kornilon.
.A mob in Buenos Ayres fired
the German business houses in
that city, andLhe sinister Count
Luxburg was prdered to leave
the Argentine.
Queen Eleanor of Bulgaria died.
16. 8111114 eed a declared a republican
20. The Argentine decided to sever
diplomatic relations With Ger-
The Quebec Bridge was com-
21. British made terrible smash in
the Ypres sector,
23. Germans took Jacobstadt and
other cities on the Dvina.
24. Violent assaults by the Crown
Prime's army failed completely,
of the Germans since the spring
of 1915.
3, Bast Africa was announced to
be completely cleared of Ger-
mans, so that the last of the
Kaiser's colonies -with the ex-
ception of Bulgaria and Austria
-became a British possession.
7. An ammunition ship collided
with another boat in Halifax
Harbor, causing an explosion
that wrecked the city, causing
the death of over a thousand.
This was the most serious dis-
aster in the history of Canada.
7. General Allenby occupied Heb-
The United States, _declared war
against Austria,
9. The Cossacks started a revolu-
against the Bolsheviki.
10. The British captured Jerusalem.
Sir Mackenzie Bowell, a former'
Premier of Canada, died at
18. An armistice was signed be-
tvreen the Russians and the Ger-
mans, and peace negotiations
will continue until January 12'
17. The Union Government of Can-
ada was returned to pqwer bi
large majority.
The Great and Only
LouAas 7airbauks
•will appear in the
Comedy o a Thousand Laughs
The Niatrima
Fairbanks is the raging sensation of the
movies to -day. His live -wire, athletic,
optimisfic, impersonations have placed
him in such a position that only two others
may be said to equal him in popularity.
In his own particular line he reigns with=
out a igrival.
Come' along and enjoy yourself
Thurs. Fri. & Sat.
Our pictures are now projected by new
standard flickeriess machines.
If you Want nice, dainty or tasty Job Printing, we are ill
a better position than ever to supply your needs.
Prompt Attention to Rush Orders_
Leave us your orders when in need of
Or Inthing else in printing
Come In And See Us About Sale Bills
A meeting of the Winthrop Literary
Society will be held in Guiders' Hall on
Monday January at 8 p, in, for the
election of officers, and consideration
of other business of tilBelooiety for the
coming year,
Applications for the office of assessor
for the Township of Moleillop vvilkbe
received by the undersigned until Net -
evilly January lath inst, or at Meet-
ing of Council at Winthrop on January
14th at 2 30 p
M. Murdie, clerk,
Seeforth 4,