The Seaforth News, 1918-01-03, Page 7LATEST IN F ARMING.
Raising 'i'uriles on a Six-Aere Lot In
Moryleml, U.S.A.
ami Industry waxes apnea, The first oe-
Crich farmwas lwghod at, The i
pioneer skunk farm was considered a Ala $13'fS NEARLY DOUI LE TOTAL
most odoriferous Jest and the black of 'THREE YEARS AGO,
fox farm a delectable .fable, Already
they have become institutions oct-
easioning no further evondet•tnent ea 1"w'rhu:as of Quebec Renis Adcix 20
Millions -•-Total Increase During;
1917 is 82 Millions.
'The Royal Bann: of Canada's state -
camel -eat. The turtle farm In the
latest "freak" industry to engage at•
ton lion .
In Crisfield, Md., exists the only
terrapin farm on earth. Terrapin, es
an epicure will toll you, le the chief merit ehowa a continuance of the ra-
ingredient of one of the most dotes- pith growth that has )narked the re -
tables soups ever concocted, In former emit historyof the Institution, a
years. the reptile -yes, it Is u reptile!
was so common that terrapin was growth accelerated in the past year
i,y the absorption notproperly appreciated. Slaves of the Quebec Bank
were made to eat terrapin to save on :Ianuary let }set.
more c:,•-)ensive foods, and any tend- The purchase of the Quebec Bank
envy to rebs} against the "lowly" dint added something like 20 millions to
was cdi.ecouraged with a rawhide, the aseets of the Royal. That, how -
Now the rich may have terrapin- ever, accounts for a relatively small
and A, T. La Vallette, a scientific.. part of the expansion, for the inrreaae
farfarmer, rhe fa them on a six -acre in total assets ns compared with Nov -
01006 The farm is ed, d hard small ember, 101(1, amounts to more than 82
areas of eater, geese, mud and nand.
The terrapin are unsorted according to millions. In tate past three years the
8150 and segregated to prevent the bank has practically doubled the iv -
larger ones from injuring the small sources at its command;• they are ap-
onos, from 30,000 to• 40,000 of thele proximately seven tunes the total of
aro always on handl, unrier guard of only ten years ago.
an armed negro who has an elevated
stand like a prison pealed.
- At feeding time another colored at-
tendant claps his hands and the terra-
pins •come slithering through mud and termed by sound judgment. As the
grass to'partalde of their rations. I bank has gone forward, partly under
Tho only emotion ever el;ltibited by
a diamond -hack turtle• is manifest at the stimulus of successive absorptions
feeding Lime. Then he battles royally of smaller inclitutiols, and partly as
for his share- and the other fellows'. a natural result of growth within its
existing business, its position has
bocit rapidly consolidated and
strengthened befure the next forward
Evidence of public confidence is ap-
parant In IL deposit (tccounts. These
carters they burrow into the sun-
light to Estee' the col, cruel world show a growth of 53 millions in the
ipast -year and of 116 millions in the
alone The mothee \us•tie never dives ptlot three years. Savings deposits,
them another. thought, But the farm taken separately, are about nine times
attendants do. They sec that they do the total of ten years ago.
The eteteincnt of profits continues
to chow successful direction of the
bank's affairs. A substantial gain in
the part year carried the figures to
the highest level yet •reaehed, with a
•than 18
showing slightly better
cent earned on paid-up capital against
17.8 per cent.' the preceding year.
As the Quebec Bank's record as an
d inferior
to that of the
earner had been inter
r. n tt
institution in which it is now absorbed,
the showing in that respect is highly
Profit • and loss figures for three
years are compared in the following
19)7. 1916.
$ 5
Profits$2,327,979 2,111,307
Prey. bal. 852,246 676;472
Total 3,180,326 2,797,779 2;619,638
Less -
Dividends . ),549,404 1,417.907 1,357,200
Pension F100,000 100,000 100,000
h1•e101aea ,, 250,000 260,000 250,000
War tax 128,057 118,226 .105,966
Patriot.60,000 50,000
Reserver.' . 623,200
Succeediisp statements of the in-
stitution continue to give every indi-
cation that the progressive policy of
the management has also been eharac-
Mr, La Vallette provides lvorm,
dark pens for this•winler hur,owing.
In the spi,Mg the creatures emerge
and the female.seleets a snot of warm;
damp sand to axe tvete for her. nest.
Once they 14110 h:t heel into crea-
tures as small and round as silver
not fall prey to rats, seakoa, tisk and
When the 0011 vats atain a length of
six inehee or over th"y are ,tilted
"counts" and are ready for the market
7.t takes a turtle almost three times
as long913 a an to 111 tu. meet of
then' not •attaining full :Aire tail they
are 50 or 00 years of age. The indus-
try cannot wait that long, so young
turtles are disposed of.
Tho turtle is •a richt plan's luxury
now, where a century ago it was a
slave's compulsory provender.
Vast Quantities of Food Required For
Army Mations.
Nearly 2,000,000 pounds of jam in
papier-mache containers . is seat to
Prance every week, Twelve varieties
are issued, among which strawberry,
itis stated, largely preponderates.
The soft fruit crop of 1014 was al-
ready on the market when the war be-
gan and the jam manufacturers had
to rely entirely on apple and stone
fruit crops to meet the government
contracts. Hence the "plum and
apple" of war notoriety.
Last year Australia, New Zealand
and South Africa supplied 41,000,000
pounds of jam, and it was thus pos-
sible to supply fresh fruit jam at sea-
sons when it could not be obtained at
The daily ration at the front
includes three ounces of cheese. To
. euel to this issue to be made the army
Conti ,ci.s department had, up to the
beginning of this year, purchased
167,000,000 pounds of cheese and be-
tween 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 pounds
is being rent every week to the army
in France alone.
More than 500,000 pounds of tea is
sent weekly to the army in France.
Before the British war oiiiee became
its own tea merchant single orders for
1,000,000 pounds were no uncommon
using. The daily ration is just over
half an ounce.
Swimming is Difficult in the Moun-
tain Lakes.
Numerols drownings occurring re-
cently in lakes of high elevation have
pointed out a serious menace to swim-
mers, as well as the necessity for the
utmost care on the part of fishermen
or others from the lowlands who so-
journ about such waters, says' the
Popular Mechanics Magazine. It is
a well-known faot that persons phyel-
ea11y sound, dwelling in locations near
sea level, find themselves short of
breath under the slighest exertion
when in high a1titados, Thus, when
such a person plunges into a moun-
bean lake he finds that the exertion of
.swimming quickly exhausts his ener-
gies, Normal respiration is impos-
sible and the hesu't action becomes
' dangerously rapid. It is the ahartage
of oxygen duo to the elevation that
accounts for some of the recent ,tra-
tra•gedies of Big Bear and Little Bear
Lakes in the San Bernardino 1Vloon-
tarns. These lakes, more than a mile
above sea level, amo frequented by
•6sthermen and pleasure seekrs frosts
*.he lowlands.
Ctileleage and turnips give Soup a
•40d4ous flavor, ' ' •
Any attempt to :turn.. the, knob' ' 00
inert.,) key rings a burglar alarm in
a leek that a New York man leas in.
Vented. •
1,9 6,576
Total 2,610,001 1,935,423 1,843,166
Balance 664,264 052,346 670,472
It will be noted from the foregoing
that a substantial addition has been
made to reserve acco ut, There was
also added to reserve the premium on
stock issued to the Quebec sharehold-
ers, and total reserve rose from
$12,560,000 a year ago to $14,000,000
against a present paid-up capital of
The cash and the "liquid" position
of the banlc are virtually on a parity
with a year ago. The proportion of
cash assets, including with cash on
hand the cover in the Central Gold
Reserve for excess note issue, equals
about 16.4 per cent. of liabilities to
the public, against 16,2 per cent. a
year ago, and the proportion 0f liquid
assets about 53.9 per cent. against
53.2 per cent.
A notable feature of the balance
sheet is an increase of upwards of 21
millions in holdings of Dominion and
Provincial Government securities and
an aggregate increase of about 26
millions in all security holdings. The.
figures are a measure of the direct
assistance which the bank has been
giving to war financing, in addition
to the assistance given less directly
through the financing of the business
of corporations engaged in manufaee
turing war supplies. Tho circulation
and current loan items both reflect
the largo demands of business in the
bank's territory both at home and
Leading features of the balance
sheets for two years follow:
I.A<i`yly;'n 4
TM- .. r1
Two materials are attractively com-
bined in this model. McCall Pattern
No. 8088, Girl's Dress. In 6 sizes,
4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents.
1917 1915
Deposits 11001,•.5 70,498,667 5 60,805,308
D0. notice.._182 485,716 140,862,100
1)0. total 252,987,382 200,227,606
Circulation 28,160,851 18,178,228
Pub. Ils.b, 807,708,705 227,484,469
Total 11aU, , , , , 335,674,186 263,201,427
,(98ET3 ,.
•` 26,070,800 16,072,708
Dom. notes . , 18,284,444 14,249,110
Cont. gold res10,000,000 6,660,000
Total Dealt 60,864,276 86,821,8n
ttecuritiea . 56,686,240 30,600,068
Balances, eta,. 51 526,776 00,710,838•
Call 1010910 Can 1,a 040,087 11,070,006
1)o''alrroad .:11'4,574;138.. 21,472,030.
,Do total 28 014,828 ' 82,448,681'
Total 11'gbld ...• 166,836,700 321,127,668
Cur, loans .. , 102,868027 ' 86,986,621
Do, abroad .. •53,564,0871;.87,928,.027
Do, overdue , •490,064. 400,648
Do, total ..: 156,612,129 126,081,209
.assets• 886 179,180. 268,261,427
Old stockings, with'Poet-cut off and;
opened up the leg, make excellent dust
eloths'when dipped into kerosene'. oil
and hung outside on a line for the
smell of oil -to disappear.
The Children of the 'Road,
The emulator may have his trans-' n PAIN 9' NOTA BIT i
cottleental train and, the sleeping ears a LIFT YOUR OOf4N$
conductor hie trevLlling hotel, but the OR OALLUISi-:$ OFF
section Nieman witli his six miles of No lumbo} f Apply few stops
roadbed and )keel track ani} switches then lust lift them away
ha .:olnethntg uu 1 thaw otliere must
envy as they nigh past lois house be- 1 with fingers,
side the track -.-he Irate a home t0 0' r'. 0" 0 0- 0 -0 0 ...0 -0...0
which he can 00930 bosek every evening 'This now drug is au enter cont
to the wife and kirldlee, A trimtwo pound dieeovert:a by a Cluelneall
storey house it i:., frith to garden onchemist, It la; called
the right of wily a1?In ,hole on whiell he 1 '' f)•rer'one, fiat} can now
can raise 1110 vegetables and keep a ;,. bo ab111111 ,; lu tfny boacow and ehickens and pigs, The wife, °f'•,j'
RS a 31110looks on the einrden 390her
source oil s "gotabl•e and email fruits,
but twice a month she mr'y travel on :t
miss to the nearest city to make any
purchase;( 51xe requh es.
The house, whioli n1r) have cost
$2,000 to build, is supplied by the rail-
way at a nominal rent, in places whore
bongos are difficult to obtain, and
many other nricilo •on are alio al-
lowed, Section foremen, eor nt.•In1110,
aro permitted to ace old ties as fire- ,
wood, so that tlrol feel roto them
nothing. Many of them 1.1. -,tome .o at-;
tached to their six mile stretch that'
they would not leave it on tiny ac-
count,. but the more ambitious may bo -
come read -masters,
The section foremen hes t bury life.,
keening the, traek in good repair, 'm•o-I
1 spiked l i t 1 th 1'' 1
Every one needs an apron, and this.
is a very good design. McCall Pat-
tern No. 6020, Ladies' and Misses'
One -Piece Apron. In 8 sizes, small,
medium and large. Price, 10 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local ItteCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
Mrs, Willie Theriault, Pacquetville,
N, 13., says: -"I am extremely thank-
ful that I tried Baby's Own Tablets
for my baby. Through their use baby
thrived wonderfully and I.feel as if I
cannot recommend them too highly."
Baby's Own Tablets break up colds
and simple fevers; euro constipation,
colic and indigestion and matte teeth-
ing easy. In fact they cure all the
minor ills of little ones. They are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
ties as hero shown at
Man I3rave Enough to Dare Ibe Wraith
Of An 1Bmpresd.
In Ili', W. '10. (}csli's hook, Eighteen
Capitate of <',hina, there is an interest-
ime account of tlla Chase patriot,
Yuan. The author, had slopped at
Itangchow, and before leaving made a
n111001nxage to the grave of the far-
8ltrlll: 1 1at?sman, •
:From the city, he says, I took, a
(•hair to the grave of. the patriot. He
wei4 In power when the empress issued
an edict -ordetii all far r i oars to. be
very little cost from any billed, Isis fn) heed cy 1. saw ,pow-
d)•ug stare, .haat ask crt..1 ft t) 1
for free:mite. 9,poly a vs: t legion) of armed men arl:,irinit
drop or two directly tee to avenge. So he eh:t i ed the wend
upon a 10/11.1f.,1' corn or "kill' to "protect" and published the
09111(1:) and in iann1ly the edict lir a:l'ast. In thus form it die}
mor .ni :;e dieneim tis, 1, , wort:, nett few foreign live:, were
Sliortly you will find lea to the nroyhnc•o,
the corn or. callus 00 But t f 0031( 0 the en'tp1E.•r could not
loose that you run lift it I real car h t•ea: 011, and Yuan was
off, root. and 1111, with ;anvt•.d asunder acid the h,Jves of hie
the flugors,
body were. throe )1 data rough box,
Not. a twinge of path Later; when the 1.11 ne•'0 real red that
sore rles1s or irritation hr., foi ioht yeas u t stifle i nubile feel -
mit (cert the 011htsl ing versed; ih bnY was ro +r-•:'1 in a
90111(tlug, either alien hili"v and costly rotte, end the ant -
o1, ug 1•roe201V3 0r 1 et•cr t s''e•r.d a late f r.r,.•a1 10 be
int afterwards.
- 1,111(5. The proesosiot width traverser}
P' This dreg doesn't out raurh of the G at. Str'ct. was Boner
I,; up the corn or. callus, ed by many sacr)fiecs, and the nate o1'
roll cams Prem t1 e1 sunrise
psi y spt cos and Jon " , w) i:r les hAYu n was me.0 shed in th 1 hall of
well preserved and di 1;reel. He meeti ladrhea-teethere so
keep the right of way clear of wends, - they loosen and (snits right nut. It is Panic.
nn lamb v., It worlds Jihr, a chiufa. I b ni e ea smrig of evorgre en and
and look after farm et o. Int fes+ eh? u ",
bells 1 For a few emits you ce n trot rid of 1 .irl rt to re0ne�t. en the grave of rho
011(1 gen rallyalarPolice
i •r� stt h :,st, I 1 iso 01.111 1.•110 \Vats bis enoueOh to
and generally Police tihe trach,, waee• n every herd cora soft eon. or cora he. 1 hoe, ili„ u,ratli of an imagoes and set
ing against possible danger from tweets the toes, as v'e.l as paianl a
1' r f, of it far t,ua good orf htah>l: for; !t,ners
freshets or fires, replacing W0011 rail calluses on 00910111 u you
and ties. never diseppeinte and 1100er horns, and of 011 ignorant nation.
Prizes ranging from $10.00 a to bites or inflame s. If your druPrl:•t.
$100.00 are given each year to the hasn't any freosone yet., toll him to
foremen who show the greatest im- get a little bottle for you 1111) Itis
Prevenient on their seeeions, and these j alto ( „i 1. (ruse.
are eagerly competed for, the men.--- -
taking extraordinary interest in their 'I'cac'eis'0 °1'Urmine,.
work, Many of them began work upon-
t11e road as casual laborers, but now , ,
their comfotnhle houses and
ruel pal ls( schools aY Ontario is op -
their $80,00 to $00,00 a month (and very few of the timeline in Dundee
The teaching (1' agricriture in the
buttal • -with the teacher,,, In 1815,
ten dollars a month more in stho' court O,,fr,2 where 111" Commis-
reach the age of sixty; with free fuel
illustration faiun work, wore e hivir
and garden, and with a family pass •instruction in a riei,iC,e.a, Im 1:311,,
once a year over any part of the line, it wa:: being taught in 70 out of the
they consider themselves the "Chili ^r8 schools of the county. Twenty-
dren of the Roach," and its chief sup- I eight Dentine county teachers took- .the
port and mainstay. Just now they teach(°r'a �h,trt (aftosa in agrleu5, 2)0lture
have particularly good reason to fool, 0 Guelph this (1001)1191 Thirteen
satisfied, as the scale of pay has been
was the highest number f!wu any
re -adjusted in their favor by an arbi other country.
tration board to an extent which is
.P.R. for instance over
costing the C ,
a million dollars a year.
cities), with a,pension when they st•un of Go,,.n is confine -1n
We are all British, what we have we
will hold from the Hun,
How to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a w cents.
o••, �
The Juice of two fresh lemons
The honors we have fought for and strained into a bottle containing throe
victories won, ounces of orchard white makes a'
English, Irish, Scotch, and Colonials, whale quarter pint of the most re- -
too, markable lemon We 1111,ni1or at
We are all British, and fight for the about the cost one must pay for a
Red, White and Blue, small jar of the ord'naly cold -creams.
Care should be taken to strain tike
Canada's emblem, the Maple Leaf, is ; lemon juice through a fine cloth so
dyed red, I no 1011101 pulp gets in, then this lotion
Phe blood of her heroes for Britain ; will keep fresh for menthe, Every'
was shed, woman knows that lemon juice is 1
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and , used to bleach and remove such bleu. I
Colonials, too, holies as freckles, sallonneao and tan 1
We are all British, and fight for the and is the ideal shin softener, whiten-,
Red, White and Blue. l er and beautifier.
1 Just try it! Get throe ounces of
The men of 01d England have proved : orchard while at any drug store and
they are true,' two leptons from the grocer and melte
13y land and by sea they are grit up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag•
through and through, rant lemon lotion and massage It daily
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and . into the face, neck, arms and hoods.
Colonials, too;
We are all British, and fight for the • lam Piseuits.-Ore rueful of cern-
- meal, one: cupful of flour, one tea -
The sons of olcl Ireland, sure they all - spoonful of salt, five teaspoonfuls of
like a. flgllt. baking powder, two tablespoonfuls of
They aro doing their part for God and shortening, one-half curfttl of finely
the right, minced ham, one cupful of milk. Mix
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and in the order given, beating hard to
Colonials, too, blench. Drop by the spoonful on a
We are all British, and fight for the I well -greased and floured baking ran.
Red, White and B1uo. , Bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes.
IServe with Cream sauce.
NEED 200,000 ASI' TREES.
English Government Asks Land-
owners for Woods for Planes.
During the past few weeks between
3,000 and 4,000 ash trees have been of-
fered to the British Government for
the purpose of aeroplane construction,
as the result of an appeal to landown-
ers by the Aerial League.
It is expected that this offer will
shortly be increased to 50,000 trees,
This prospective supply, although
large, is far below the demand, for it
is stated that Government require-,
ments in the next 12 months are ex-
pected to exceed 200,000.
The plan is to ask English land-
owners to offer their trees stanching
at a price of 4s, ed. a cubic foot, and
the Government undertake to do the
.felling, carting, 0116 general handling
of the timber. At the same time, the
league, of which Lord Montague of
Beaulieu is president, has arranged to
plant two saplings in the place of
every ash tree taken. In this way it
is hoped to create a reserve of the
finest ash in the world.
Among the,,many,matters ander the
consideration of the Ministry of Rel
construction is -1'eplacing the timber
that has been•tiut •for rwar. purposes.'
infrey,';in theHouse of' :Core-
monsf stud that Meanwhile the Boaird
o$ Agriculture and Office bf•Woods
1aad;raisfed"abotit fo1`ty'million trees in:
the Crown nurseries, and as' soon us
supplies ofwire-netting could ,11e se-
'euied they, would'. be planted out.
Offialat frgtnes show that the sewers
of American cities are long enough
to''girdle the 'earth. '
The sons of Attid Scotland, the lads
that we ken, ilidicardis Liniment 011.T85ce C4armat is pours
We are proud of the kilt and aur brave A story is told of an old Highland
Scottish men, sergeant in owe of the ^acottlih re;i-
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and regi-
ments who teas going Ills rounds one
Colonials, too, night to see that all lights were out
We are all British, and fight for the hn the barrack rooms. Conning to a
• Red, White and Blue. ; room where he save a light shining he
The men of the Welsh hills, hardy and soared out -"Put out tltat lirht
thcrel" One of the men shouted i. c c,
bravo, "It's the moon, sergeant." Not he :le -
Are giving their lives, their country ing very well, the sergomr`,. cried in
to save, return ---"I dinna care what it is. Put
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and it oot, and dinna argue.'
Colonials, too, _
We aro all British, and fight for the 1 India is okay raising cotton on 111,-
Red, White and Blue. 263,000 acres of land, an inere:ase of
But we trust in our men who are loyal about 7 per cent, from last year,
and true, When chicken feet have been' enre-
We w111 show the fiend Hun what Bl -[-fully cleaned, scalded. and penned,
Cain can do, they should he stewedwilt the rest of
English, Irish, Scotch, Welsh and the fowl, even if they are tot served
Colonials, too, with it, •
for they yield gelatine and
We will hold fast to the last shred of
the Red, White and Blue.
-Margaret G. Campbell.
Farmers do not always quite realize
-the great value of.. cleaning up the 00-
shardduring the winter. Many insects
and''fungous diseases which would
make trouble the following season can
be destroyed in the cold months. First
remove all trash- and born it, there-
by.'de9troyiug the insects that are
lying dormant. Then 1•emove from
the orchard all mummiecl fruits.. Old
rotten peaches, apples, plume and oth-
er fruits, whether on the tree or on
the ground, contain millions of.yipores
which are capable of spreading dis-
eases to the 'text crop of fruit, '
AUinertl'a r,iininxeut 001es Colds, Lte•
We 9110110/1 simple, straight testi-
monials, not preee agents' interviews,
fruici'n people;
Prem all over America they testify
to the merit. of MINARD S r.INI-
MENT. the best or household Reme-
F,n Artificial Eye Capable of No.tnal
To make the artificial eye 1 il,ui ai practical-
1- e i s the elm of a
is 01101 1.
pE, iN
Per malign
For ooftone
loft water,
For removing
For dlelnfooting
sinks, closets,
dralnonnd fortino0.
other purposuo.
,ocean( cuaarrrursa.
Fish Alrcac y Fried.
There is a volcanic peals in the South.
American Andes wl ieh throws' out
dainty morsels in th ' form of,fieh'al-
ready fried. Ibis p *ai, is called the
Tunguragua. Under loatlt the mete h
of the voleanio Is a subterranean lake,
end when the erupt. 0n IS active the
suction draws up thousands of gallons
of water, carrying along the fish,
whl It are coulsed 1)y the inferno th ry
pose t l 06)5tlt
'ih„t .s the scientific explanation of.
the }.11enomeuon. But the naives
lf•:.:Ikea when an eruption takes
place, ruinin • their eiops, the mystic
spirit of the 'l'unguragua provides the
fried !!eh so that they will not want.
A llontlrrton lrl.orsroes Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents.
An irrigation project nearing eom
plelion in the Hawaiian Hands }will
pierce five mountain rantg,c;i and de-
liver 30,000,000 gallons of 1i'Cte1 daily
to pkantetious,
l3tiwsh army surgeon who is experi-
menting with a ball made of cartilage
as a substitute for a meted or gilt -s
ono, :s sphere of such ertll:,lritetien
when put iu place establishes (mimeo- ,
tions with blood ve•isele and tlae01'-
, rounding tissues. When taus !ism] in
the cavity it Is supposed to. be capable
of moveme,tt corn xpo.rding to that of
a normal eye and furthermore (3110
the space so that there is no depres- -
aion, as is invariably the case when a
shell is used. Although time must yet
prove the practicability of the scheme, '
there is reason to expect that the war
has brought forth another triumph In
plastic surgery.
itcinard's Liniment Cores Distemper.
Represents Cantle's Interests.
Mr. J. R. Brace, 03011t of the Royal •
Bonk of Canada in New York, has
been appointed by the Food Controller
to 10131'43$1't Canada's iat, A oto befoie
the Inttrmttiona1 51,1), r Comrlissiun
which is now sitting at: 111 Wall St.,
New York, City.
Sore )uses, Eyes Yearned ly
ru 0nni 1741, q!'it]<y
n relieved by Marine Try UM
Your 11 , ,ar,d ,n r..ay'a lis,..;.
rcry yy
lid'nlr .449 W> Kn i c'9 . ii 4t T r D r,... t'r -i!g
Prow rte a:nrino
Cr.. sal rul P, F.,u..l'tha..ur_. t'rca,
,'t.•t:..t..•, - : do 301111e✓t,+ Ca, Chlteng d
Now that sugar is scarce honey, an
impolitcent food article, is more in de-.
mend than ever. 'The best cake%
made by commercial bakers are
sweetened with honey, as honey makes
the best nice, which keeps fresh long-
er then calve eweetened with sugar.
Loney -can be used frequently for
sweetening in home cooking in place
of impair, which will save the sugar
for tattle use.
People at 07109 have felt that bacon
wan a luxury because the price seemed
hi);h, loft 10lt' indiapeusihlo they have
found fit. There is no w• -te end from
1 every t,-t01n1r of lateen cradled oua gets
excellent t t drrnanntre which cam be used
m place of either his] of looter fn
paid ,-y vli:k:511q•, salad dre:,siugs and
for frying. It else gives a fine flav-
or t -o the foods. l?aeon is given as'
one of the fire foods to•cnncalescent4
1because .of -thin high food value
r, inasd's ?-iasne:zt curse 111(11x1110119.
• Tapaneso government experts are
raising tobacco in Waimea. fr4:m Ameri-
can seed.
t \ (11
ext,' n 1. cured with-
out I,0191 1,y our hire„ t atmTnnt. vyrite
too liar. Pr. Bolinnsn :Medical
Co.. 1.11 -oiled, ('on, ngu•ond rint.*
The Soul of a Piasno is the
Action. Insist en the
more noulrslvng, fi n
zt { t Ei b Fd 8i ` •n
make tilo:gravy i a
1SaUE 'lo..i•--'18:
ra 69
When a post-
cardwill bring,
free samples
and Oiatmeat
which give
qk relief
anuicd point to
speedy heal -
went. Then
these sweet,
caro, super -
creamy em-
ollients your erotp-day toilet prepare -
tions and prevent little skin troubles
hacoming serious.
For fine sample eac11 address. Post -card:
"Cuticurn Dept. tat N. $eaten, U- 9. A."
gold LuruugUoutthe -world. ----
___. -i
No, Need to
Try Sloane Liniment and see
how griul;ly the swelling is reduced
and the pain disappears. No need
to rub; it pene-
trates quickly and
brings relief. Have
a bottle handy for
rheumatic pains;
neuralgia, back
ache and all mus-
cle soreness
Generous si
bottles, et your
druggist, 25c.,
50c„ $1.00.
1 WHE) LOCK ENGINE, 15:42.
New Automatic ValVe Type. Ct,nhpileto with supply and exhaust piping,
flywheel, etc. Will ;accept $1,2l7 cash for Immediate' sale. -
1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-i20; 3Tolts' D.C.
WiIIaccept .$425,cash for immediate sale.
e Endless. n l 24 inch, s 70 ft.
1 LARGE LEATHER BELT. ; .i�otlbl) la cl e
Will accept $200 for Immediate sale,although belt is In excellent con.
dition and new one would cost about 9000.
PULLEYS,. Lavesize,
26x66---$30; ,12x60-$20; 12%x48--312; 12x36 -$0.
2 BLOWERS 'OR PANS, Biiffnle make:'`.
ono 10 inch, other 14 Inch dllsdlrarge 430 `esch,
�b ' `roost St, West, Turtltdto