The Seaforth News, 1918-01-03, Page 11 New Series Vol. 16, No, 52 Amilemlimemsummam1.1•14M7.7.7,77.7.77..177...7 4017.1741anmalaiGaMmla PAN SE72,1FORTH, eNTARio, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3 Ick08 .7.7.4177.777m77717.,..or*W47411011.17281.7110170777017.111.0.7..777.4770477.7171.4.1777krairosugami.71670717 laaaatia,aaaarakialiataiaaai Commencing Friday Dec. 14th THE 131G HARDWARE STORE extends a hearty Fl invitation to All to visit Toyland iini see the splendid LI exhibits of toys for the children, Dolls galore, coy Teddy Bears, lapanese toys and , puzzles in abundance. Mechanical toys of every kind. ,-Games to suit all desires. Our display isthe best yet and our prices are a feature worth while. :Special staff will be on hand to attend to the wants and requirements of the little tots, Parents come and bring he kiddies, It is Xrnas time: let us all make merry arid prepare for a right good time. The Big Hardware Store leads and we handle an ex- 5,,peptionally up-tp-date line of Christmas presents suit- -able'for old and young. See our Pynex Glassware, c.utglass, silver spoons, knives and forks, carving sets. casseroles, brass and silver hollow ware. We have an exceptionally fine display of electrical irons; lamps, stoves and heaters, Boys and girls will be delighted in our assortment of snowshoes, skates, handsleighs, hockey sticks, pucks, flashlights Etc, 'Our line of mitts, gloves, blankets, sleighbells, Etc. , :cannot be beaten REMEMBER OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT EVERYBODY WELCOME MERRY XMAS TO ALL THE 1G HARDWARE STORE 4 EDG wir4-,t,aitz,.4.4-v,.,“av,,,iwaf,lrosiN,23,i, It' MI GO rsikl" '9 ,RESTAURANT MD eolSIFEeTIONLERY CHRISTMAS ('ANDY —Can you imagine a real Christmas without it? We have a large aseortment, including everybody's favor- ites, and all the CANDY WE OFFER 11:18110 frotn purS, ingredients, fresh, attractive delicious and harmless Fresh Fruits of All kilITIBBIOVB011 hand. Our home made (mediae always 'the 'best, • Chocalates,Carmels, Bon -Bons ik„Teffies a specialty. 017.7P1.773.777M7.7.774.07777.........s.71•70.47.ars777.77.7smom.........77 LOndesboro Mies Alice Fingland of Toronto hi at home, Christmas trees have been more plentiful than other kinds 01 11:008 dur- ing the past week, Some people wish firewood were as plentiful, rs, Bert Brown and eon of Brant- ford are visiting Mrs. T, Miller, Mr, Robert Gibbe of Winnipeg is keine at pvesent! 1io friends are very gladIto see him, '41)fe W 1 will hold their regular '11 aelliing on Thursday, Jan Srd, 74i gather jamieson of Toronto is ht At Pr Ofitini t. •NAa a vermifuge thole ie eothIng so 'potent as Mother Graves' Worm Ex- rminator, and it din be given to the at delicate child without fear of in - 10 the eonstitution, 1 • , Thanks for Parcels Dec, 601, 9171 Salorth News, Seaforth, Catiarle. Dear Editor; Everybody in Canada, 1 know, wants to wit) the war. Anl. they want to help their boys "somewhere in Frattoe." The newspapers, l feel aure, aro no excep- tion and the idea ocourred to me that when the opportunity to do so presents itself in en unusual way, in au appeal from "out there" they are going tu jump at the chance. I want you to thenk, very gantefully and sincerely, ,rough your onlumns all the good, kind folks, re,ations'and friends, who h,tvo sent me parcels ot comforts and geed thiugs einIlrft. Cenada-1 hate to think how long ago. Now it (lomat sound as though I were very grateful fen' them when 1 ask you to do my thankiug for nee, does it? Well, 1 am but writitig letters is one of the hardest thing a soldier ou native service has to do became of the leek of time and fac- ilities. Ohl my intentious to write, just as soon as possible, luta thank the sender of a parcel received—and I third{ I have received most, if not all, of them have been fine, Well, yi,r1 know the say• ingabout what place good intentions pave, I don't believe it applies under present oouditions, Just when you're going to squat down to write—often as not on your knee by rho light of a caudle stuck in the wall, you've got to start doing something else. And so it goes until your pleasure at receiving a parcel is only a memory, along eomes another and, before long you're dismay- ed at all the letters you're behind. The thought of Christmas stirs up yoqr gatitude anew and so Prn making an effort, with your help, to thank all my good, kind friends and relations who have sent TOO parcels whioh I have never properly thanked them for, to do 80 now, to tell them I've received 'them and enjoyed them You bet, I enjoyed them, Merry Christmas folks and it very happy New Year • We're going strong and next Christ - MRS l'm. sure, will see Germany properly done in and we'll be home to unite again round those good old home fires you,re keeping burning. Thank you all for your kind thoughts of me and for your generous gifts, They were appreciated or I wonIcIn't be writing this letter. sincerely and gratefully yours, Hugh M. Kyle, EPEtil Batt, Canadians, 13, E F., FrancS $1.0()per year ., • Rev, Father James, 0 M. Brady Valentine, Word, Forster, Capistran, 0 F M Goodwin, Pare, Corcoran and Mahoney, Nominations SEAFORTH Theee who qualified for positions 1111 the emelt are— Mayor—J, A, Stewart (aecl.) Reeve—Dr 'filo. Grieve, Dr F. Harbin% Council -44 1' Oardno; Thos, Stephens, Fred 8 Savange, Jil L I3ox, la Hays, W Ei Oughton. (ticol; W L13 Corn.—,1 F Daly. Trnstees -- North .Ward— fi Jeffrey, East ward—W A Crich, South 824111— A 1) Sutherland, MCKILLOP The old Counted were .ilected by acclamation Messrs Con &kart aud Robert Reid were area tiontinattid but withdrew. Reeve— j Govenlock Council—John Dodds, 0 D Harn, J McQuaid and Dun Regale TUCKERSMITH By acclamation Reeve—H Oriel) Coutioil—Thos Coleman, Jno McNaugh ton, .1 0 Orich and It 13 Wateou 14 LLET Reeve—Matt Armstrong (Reel) Council, Jae Watt, W 0l111. Howson, T McMichael, STEPHEN Reeve; W. 11, Elliot. (Acttll.) Deprty-Reeve; John Love, William Councillors; Alex, Neeb, Thomas Mawhinney, David Webb, i Geo. Pen - bale, Russel Warner, John -Elays.lastamji A lilEW.YE2R'6 GIPT Every home in Canada should treat itself to The Family J3etald and Week- ly Star of Montreal for 1918. It will bring pleasure and happiness to every member of the fatally for every week of the yeer. The price is 01113, $1 25, and if your subsoriptien is received on time you will reaeire a bony of their great War Map, sine 2+ feet x si feet in four oolhurs and surrounded With a border of fasoimile badger; represeqting near ly every battalion that loft Canada, le is the biggest value over offered people of Canada add no home oun well afford to to be.withent it, • The F'amily Herald (tied Weekly Star has 00 equal on Ellie Continent as a greet family and form:paper Religious Reception aii Prefessiqn Yearley. MILITARY SERIVICE ACT Varna The Preebyteriaus held their 01111001 Christians tree 01/ t110 lOth of litu(itn, They 11011 11 very good crowd and a well filled tree Santa distributed preseuts to both the old and t;young. The Methodist 1:hutch held their Christmas tree:in the town ' hall uo Demenber 2t. The hall wait tilled and a good time, wee spent by all, Massie, .1. Reid end G. Denby 110.1111 returned from the West. Mr. George Lillie and Miss Maria Dawson were united 1111'the bon 1 of matrimony. Mi'. Jenee performed the 1 marriage ttt Varna 011 W$1.11106day Doe. T The children of 8. S. No. 6 Staid presented their teacher uith a IleW I Methodist Hymn Book, Rev. Mr, A, 1111,1 Mrs, .1 ones and daughter S110/At Christmas at Crediton Mr, Clifford Keys and bride have re- turned and taken up their abode ee the Base Hue. Oases disposed of by his honor Judge Edward Norman Lewis, sitting in Au. peal Tribunal No, Ot at SEAFORTH. EXEMPTIONS REFUSED Sproat, Ross J (allowed to May 1 r91.8) Keeler, William 3. McElroy, Mathew J. (to 1st March '18) Soott, Leslie A. 13eehely, Frank J. (to April jet 9 1 8) Piekering, Lawrence 15. McGregor, Hugh, Bain, John A. Ross, Finlay A. (re-examination or(1er. eci) A deeply luteresiting ceremony of Religious Reception and Profession took place at the Uranline Convent "The Pinee", Chatham Out ., towards thc elose of the Christmas octave. His Lordship, Bt. Rev, NI. E. Fallon D D Bishop of London, officiated, with ley. Fathers Roy and Tierney, dettoon of honor, and Rev. MoUrge of Dickin- son banding, oelebratant After the eleven postulants tusked ad- mission to the Ursuline Order; His Lordship delivered a brief but stirring address to all present, taking as his text the simple words of our Lord, "Como, follow Me". The novices making their first vowel were: Sr M. Alexander (Flora IlioCrae, Dickinson's Landing); Sr M. Inez (Ethel Donovan Detroit); Sr M, Rosalie (Ellen Trudell, Paincourt); Sr hi Hum - belie° (Irene Coyle, Kingston); Sr St ,Tames (Annabel Hickey, Kingston), The postulants receiving the habit: Winifred Major, Chatham—Sr St Jos- eph; Urania irlajor, Chatham—Sr St Philip; Marjorie Guinan, Mt. Carmel— So M. Carmelite; Margaret Taylor' Ohatham—Sr M. Kathleen; Isabel Anderson, Seeforth— Sr M. Geraldine; Eva Dunionehelle, Windsor— Sr M. Annete; Rita Hickey, Kingsten,—Sr M Margaretta; Bernardette Nagle, Dublin --Sr K. Moira; Rose Pargeter, Wood- atook—fir M. Perpetua; Mary Elmith, Lottdon—Sr M. Corona; Frances Sweeney, Detroit—Sr M. Joan of Aro, Besides the above' mentioned olergy, there were present th n eanotu ar y EXEMPTIONS GRANTED Walmsley, Edward James (while at munitions) Riley, Thomas (while farmiug) Grimoldby, Rola. D. (while farming:: Cooper George E, (while farming; Blatthard, Hiram Turnbull (while farming) Storey, Wm. Jas, (while taming.* Allan, Wilson Wright (while farming) Jeeenk M. Lowrie, Randolph (while ferming) The Christmas Dance The ease with which corns and warts can be removed by Holloway's Corn Cure is its:strongest recommendation. It evident fails. 0 EA THEI. WILLIAM (4, MOCAULEY-111 Sea - forth, on Sunday, December 30111, i 7 aged 28 yrs and 4 months, • Attendance rather small on acoeunt of the blizzard, however the mimic was fine and all bad a most enjoyable time. Reeeipts 152 00 Expenses 96 29 55 73 Drawing for Miss Lukes Filth Set 20 40 Sent Commodore Aemilius Jarvis, Tor- onto for Sailors' Kiddies, British Navy and Merchant Marine Next Donee will be held Oh Tt5te8s21da; January 22nd in Aid of the Red Cross, full annonncement in next week's paper The indications of the worma arp restlessziess, grinding of the teeth, pick ing of the nose, °atom° peevishness, often convulsions. Under these con- ditions the best remedy that can be see cured is Miller's Worin Powdere. They will attack the wattle as soon as ad- minlatered and will grind them to atom that page away in the evacuatioes. The little eufferer will be immediately otoed and a return of the attack will not be likely, 4s P9;24,144•4EZV -...,- &M_'__...C' ivitZLE1r.su.- 1 0 Phone 114 Evenings 10 . • . rOMEMIMP( nit Wishing our Many Patrons A Happy ProsPerous ['evi Year Frg &wanly 3:1E4.1014r & Anirinti 3aourr 14itiarriatu, Eirrnors The Store yon 10111 always ..11 nyveurns.70,...nnive, Turn Over a ,New Leaf Today and say the following over to yourself once every hour until you have it fully cornmem. orated. 1 Resolve that during I91S, 1 ant going to STIVE SOME MONEY by making sure that 1 get the best value possible for the least money, every time 11 buy ,,,Pntetiting. Resolve that during 19l6. 1 ant not going /0 briny any 'cheap goods because they always turn out to be expensive. 1 Resolve that 11.erill depend upon NineTAVIS5-1'S STORE for ray Dry Goods a nd Wearing Apparel not only because their Styles always seem to be better but 4aecause they always give more dollar=for.dollar value than l' am able to get elsewhere. 1 Resolve to religously keep the above reso lutions throughout the year, every day. N:lactayi0,•....:: 7.