HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-27, Page 8Attention Ladies!
f1t�� rw�+.r�r+<-•tie.�ww..�rkiV tp0
•'1 public meeting was called in the
Methodist Oharch loot Sunday evening
Manley after the regular aBrvioo to euuaidor the
Arrange to have your harr'� t
apprapuate local response to the arde-
properlg washed and treated hp
The tunny [north] of 111'.101111 Eggert in+e0ni,eli passed at Ottawa prohibiting
!lie, will ho ptoaaed to learn that he i8 u11 • the unaoufeeture, importation, and inter
Prices most moderate proving front a stroke item which 11u i protfus'le shipa out of liquor, A
Shampoo 40c1111.6 been null' ring lot the peat two', motion approving the motion of the
ntattlls, : (:1111ieent was made by Mr. dames
•I Beatty and sodouded by Mr, John Fin.
Shampoo with tonic 5(Jc Rev ,I li 1+:eller! iron Now York is at 11818,rly and' n1 Louley the following
4ppointments made for any present visiliug relatives here meseege 1.1)8 wired to the ?thee Min.
eoentngla/ter 8 p. m. Saturday Mrs W Manley and Mra f McKay later: I'ablly Sunday Meeting t uaui-
excepted. i end families spool Xrna8 under the luoualy mppro'e Prohibition order,
I parental roof of Mr Con Eokart pear Country must Noe that such action is
Commercial Barber Shop,C•Jth iSeafortll itnperotive euoncnlue nepaesitycreated
:Che late rains have left the roads in ey matte li
te tood 8110)iag)mai kely to be
W. ROBIIYSON n daugerone eonttitilru worse; else that liquor industry for
Prop i
beverage is first all1011g n00 -008011t1018
__, ,
I Slid national Q0UIl01WG mime 111 ®Slat
IIl'Ol{111 aiCt 1 lug war clrcuinatatmos 13elievo orde
TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, { will oammuntd itself Co thulkfng
i Misses Pearl awl flay Stacey are
Save your Haiti Get a small bottle home agaiu after 0peudieg the smuttier Dr Burrows sod fo oil. spout Sur
of Danderino right now --Also ! in London,
stops itching scalp. 11, the West.
Next 8iinday a Alemoriol tierviee will Ljeu1 Mei' '1hmel'sue of the
Thin, brittle, colorless and roraggy 1 be h d<1 in memory of our fallen 1leros. Aviation Corps i8 Haran (rout Texas,
Mr Oscar Raid of the Bank of 0001 -
coerce 8411', Ottawa, spent Christmas
with hie parents, Mr and Mrs J.13. Rett:
Mies Ada Govenlook, Shelburne, and
Miss Jennie (iovenlook pf Toronto 17n-
1080111)' are home for the holidays,
Dr Becheley is spending 0llrietmao
his home in St Therms,
1.1188 Marion Brown, spent the Yule-
tide with her parents, 11ey, 1'. H, and
Mro 130ou•u at the rectory,
Mr and MrsJ. H. McNabb, I./litigation
and family visited at the home of Mra
John .McNabb.
Mies Nettle Pethiok is home from
Ridgetown for the holidays,
Airs George Srnithers who is visiting
her daughter, Mr8 John Solater, had
the lniafortune to fall on Sunday and
fr1111tgre her log,
r Aliso M A3odelau1 is home fromPal.
Aire Jessie Brown lett on Soturday
for London to visit friends,
Miss Elva Little of the Stratford
Nortual is emending the holidays at her
1Rime tit Winthrop
1'te Percy Ralph i8 hone for Christ.
mass, He had the misfortune to slip
vu shQ etepo or the Hospital in London
breaking his ankle in two planes.
Dr, J. H. Mo•Caul, Mrs, McFaul and
slaughter, were Yule -Tide guests at the
!tone of his mother, Mra, L L McFaul,
hair is mute evidence of a negleefed
scalp; of dandruff—that awful seltrf. Mrs, Richie is very id, at present.
There is nothing so destrtive to :
lu'i-Ien s aft l 1
the hair as dandrn1f It robs the hairMrs, Hugh Miller loft fur her hornet
of ito lustre, its aurae::: and its very
life; eventually predueing a feverish.
Mrs it Hunt received word that her
nese and Badly t Irl tvinieh if I It is expected that the ouldiers' vote
not remedied eausee the hair roots to! will declarQ the election for Ire erects, sol, Geo Bunt lead a narrow escape i❑
shrink;, loosen ,eel L, rlun 1110 Karr; Halifax disaster He was workiug in
falls out fact. A ling. t anderine to.;
nighty—now—am tiro,'—will an t'rly save Walton
;tour hair. A� Galton
Get a small lentle of Knowitou18
Danderyle f1 ua1 n do Itr ,tore. You I comic near when the firemen (Hanover -Purely can have 1 i.0
t hair and lots; St. treerge's:, ti. gave their Xmas; g
of it if you will nt 1?y1101e DAM
' Entertainment ed him He was unE free and taken to
Bevins, Sere o,.l !..,r: 'l'ry it! umeut hate en Friday evening. ; the hospital and is now recovering
, Though the roads were riot the best ;
!there was a good attendance Mr Mc- 1 Mrs Rope and her daughter are
(Gee of Blyth was present and oleo Miss spending a tnoith iu London
WE WANT NOW i Hamilton, voealiet of lviilverton Half Mrs Manus is reported ill with one-
' the proceeds were for the Belgiangmoni8,
-- children
1 a large mill there, when the mill w8a
wrecked and falling timbers pinned
'him down Flames broke out and were
A RelLble Agent in Hur,.11 l'nin,ty 1 Rev Mr Stykee, Kitchener preached Nursing sister Gertrude Petty daugh
t, Sell P,r1hanrs }'eerleas Fruit cud l Aunivereary Services in the Methodist ter of Reeve Petty who recently return
ed from overseas was married to Limit trees during Fall and 1i'r0. 1 church on Sunday,
,sir months. (rood pay. exclusive tete. Donaldson of Braudon, at St Paul's
tory, free stilling equfpme,a, Red'.ross workers attention—n con- church, Toronto, and left for Brandon,
Over 6et1 Acres of the choicest Nur_ !test has been arranged between the She went overseas two years.
ser stoup iuclodiu New t arteries ern:- 10881 and west side of the gravel road,
y g The secretary and treasurer for the Mr W M Harburn hall hie hand bad.
trolled by us. Haudeuule ni .to -date east side are Miee Bessie McDonald ly mangled by beiug caught in the
selling equrpmeut and splendid Can, machinery in his planning mill
and Mise lma Cunningham respectively
and for the west side, Mrs Angus
MoCuaig, secretary and Mise .Hattie
Ried, treasurer, Let all rally to their
respective side and make the contest a
lively one.
There will no meeting Xmas week
and as New Years comes on Tuesday
the Red Cross Tea will be held on
Wednesday. Everybody colpo and get
material to help with the coutest, be-
ginning on January 2nd and lasting 1111-
th the end of March.
adlon grown stock, to offer customers
We are not jobbers. Write now for
agency terms to PELHAM ,NURSERY
0., Toronto, Ont.
K. B Catalogue sent otl request to
applicants forageucies or purchasers of
Nursery stook.
is frequently revealed in these war
Mias Dickson ' teacher of Walton
School has undertaken to support a
prisoner of war and her pupils are re-
epondiug willingly Eaoh month the
times even in this well-to-do Province. 8utn of $2 5o is oollacted by the child.
'lard enough to be poor -still worse rou for that purpose, and the interest
to be sick and poor.
1111.'. 1<.t of the consumptive is a spe-
•r{ ;11 1—eying( foe. Only recently a 'like to be doing something to help with
fetidly a.; diewvered living in two a good cause,
• entail r n 1 +vet a tore. At one time I
tti 1181 a supi.d a comfortable home . The teacher and pupils of Leadbury
{m r ,i 1,cr t ,.1. sick and had to I school are to be congratulated for the
give re were. With the savings all
140110)') r^ veered to sell the fur-
- to but rood. When the inan
r7.1AnInti + be a consumptive, this
t 1:'- the o; aoriu.lity or' the Muskoka
Free 'Hospital to bring relief so that
• net only •,:•oldd the stricken husband
'e ;i v•inning 'lance Tor life. but
11.s t• : ,ble Still, tbo' wife undchil-
ar, , :'lot*1d be removed eroto danger.•
trI c 1rfe.ting tie r1t , t1e Under skil-
'}ul 1,uidInes the hoots wes cleaned up
+f the family temporarily provided
It is now reported Clint the patient eouStortee
is - doing well. with ,-very <banes of
recovery. a
888(08 to be growing, as the little folk
good work they aro doing for the Red
Already, 8 pairs of sox have been hand-
ed in to the Walton Branch and the
censure said they are among the finest
knitting which has been done here
Thu little boys are taking an interest in
the work as well no the girls.
Thier e r;i'c It tort. r lrrled on by 1'1(0 Xmas entertainment given
the Mu 1 ora Free Hospital which is by local talent on Friday evening
was very encoeesful although the
weather was not good,
The Women Missionary .Society are
sending a box and a bale of clothing to
rev,- , ,.p ,eating for help,
Cenrrileitiene may be gent. to 11'. J.
1 t <ige, Ch.sirman, 84 14nlul{nn Avenue,
a:'r.ronto 01 Geo, A. Reid Secretaty-
all'ieaslunl, 822 t'o11o;;,e Ste Toronto,
{rve}34*w+o0w,w,,w.,a.e..e •„ss„•,�.,•„o,wnw.
help Sure! High Heels
t,al Cause Corns But
)ltCwlutr,n,n0+,•nenw,ana,o,n+,. n,,.,,u,e ero.�r.u•.-7
oveiBeoa:use style decrees that women
gott!owd and buckle up their tender tons
earl high heel footwear they suffer from
r„gHrnit, then they out and trim at these
''at111nful pests which merely makes the
trttui grow hard, This suleidel habit
Cetzty cause lockjaw and women are
14.1,‘"".6„11. e to
of a drug Called freez•
applied direetly upon a sora corny
Iwin quidt relief and soon the entire
3 ni71f, root and
lifts out
the drugeorMara
iter of an ounce of freezone, which
s very tittle but its sttfflcient to re•
ss eve hard soft Co or Dell
every or r1t us
0 one's feet,
1118 drug is an. ether cam cued and
in a moment Matt aim ly shrivels
- corn tvltiieut infiamiteg or oven
Who Cares Now
Mrs, J. .Pepper and son of Seaforth
spent a week here with friends,
Mr, Wni, Fear of the Gravel Road was
a recent visitor at the home of Mr, H.
Bayfield is a loyal little town and
gave the Union Government 108 votes
out of a total 1.20, the largest majority
ever given a Candidate
Wm and Albert Leetolr are :tome
from the West for the winter
Mrs Sander and daughter of Kitchen
er aro the guests of Mra l3 Erwin, mot.
her of the former
Word has been received that Miss
Francis Evans, nurse of this place has
arrived in Fronde
Scores Flee Before it.—There are
many who have been afflicted with
sores and have driven then: away with
Dr. Thomas' :t&cleotrie Oil, which ants
like magic All similarly troubled should
Ion to time in applying this splendid
remedy as there is nothing litre it to be
had, It fa cheap, but its power is in
no way expressed by its low price.
A Purely Vegetable Pill,—Tile chis
ingredients of Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are mandrake and dandelion, se-
dotive and purgative, but perfectly
harml886 in their action, They cleanse
and purify and have a most healthful
effect upon the secretions of the dig-
estive organs The dyspeptic and all
who suffer from kidney and liver ail.
ments will find in these pills the most
effective medielue in concentrated form
that has yet been offered to the suffer.
The United Farinel's Meeting,
)i'edneeday, 20d January 1918, Every
01)0 mane. Beninese of impo'tanoe.
(4, D Harn
Trees and Wind,
The effect of wind upon trees is pow-
erful. Even the presence or absence
of forests may be determined by the
character of the prevailing wind or
the conditions that modify it. The
wind acts as a drying agent, giving a
special aspect to Many plants, When
it is almost always from the same
quarter the plants show greater devel-
opment upon one side, Trees are small-
er on the windward edges of forests,
and trunks and branches are bent to
leeward. The deformations are most
marked near the sea or in flat regions,
The cherry, plum, walnut, black pop.
lar, ash and certain pines are very
genitive to the wind, but mountain
pines and certain firs offer great pow-
ers of resistance, and these are rec•
ommended for reforesting wind swept
Plein Hunger.
"Doctor, what disease is the most
prevalent among the poor?'
"An alarming condition in which the
nerve terminations in the stomach
stimulated by accumulated secretions
of the gastric glands send irritations
to the spinal eord by way of tbe Poen'
mogastrlo nerve.”
"Goodness! How awful! And to
think that we rich people le c n
de moth•
for those unfortunate suf1ererset--e
y4110tinl800 r.AO,lero :r
maratcn fol the holidays, •
Mr and 101r A
Mief Jean Rosie of Toronto is spend -
her vacation hero
Respected Wolnaln Dies
Dmune .Death cne to the !tome of Mr John
J, Irvine of eltKillop early Sunday
morning Deo, 11th, Mrs .Irvine bad
been failing in 110alth for some time
All that loving hands incl Medical
etedn could d0 wattdone, but peacefully
and eainily silo breathed out her last
momenta without a struggle the do
oettee 1 was one of the early settlors tie
she :las lived in Matinee for nearly
seventy years andwas in her seventy-
fourth year, She wa8 a loving andtrue wifea kind and affeettonate mot-
her and was muchesteemed by her
neighbors. Site is survives: by two
sisters and four brothers 10, well as her
husband and a family of five Waldron
which were by her bed side for some
time provious to her death. The sons
are Jno. E, of Manitoba, Thee, 111. of
Kansas City, Alfred 11. of Cornetio(1
Herbert N. of Toronto, her :laughter is
Mrs Geo lJuderwood of McKillop.
The funeral toolc plane to the Man -
teed 1351.11C Cemetery on Wednesday
Deo. 12th and was conducted by the
Rev Mr Uralic, 'Phe funeral Was large.
ly attended. The family has the sym-
pathy of the whole communityie thei7
Holloway's Corn Cure takes the con
s Middlemost and out by the roots. Try it and prove
little son of Hamilton were holiday lit.
oisitere at the home of lir and Mrs R
Johnatou, North Maio St,
hal Apel Ju _de
Gives Rulind on
Exam B of Farmers
Mr. Justice Duff (the Final Court of Appeal) De-
clares it is Essential that there shall be No
Diminution in Agricultural Production.
(Published by authority of Director of Public information,
3 - Ottawa.)
Hon. Mr. Justice Duff gave judgment on December
6th, in the first test case brought before him, as Central
Appeal Judge (the final court of appeal), for the exemp-
tion of a farmer. The appeal was made by W. H. Rown-
tree in respect of his son, W. J. Rowntree, from the
decision of Local Tribunal, Ontario, No. 421, which
refused a claim for exemption. The son was stated to
be an experienced farm hand, who had been working
on the farm continuarfily for the past seven years, and
ever since leaving school. He lives and works with his
father, who owns a farm of 150 acres near Weston,
Ontario. With the.exception of a younger brother, he
is the only male help of the father on the- farm. The
father is a man of advanced years.
In granting the man exemption "until he ceases to
be employed in -agricultural .tabor,” Mr. Justice Duff
"The Military Service Act does not deal with the
subject of the exemption of persons engaged in the agri-
cultural industry; and the question which it is my duty
to decide is whether the applicant being and having
been, as above mentioned, habitually and effectively en-
gaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry-
ing on of agricultural production, ought to be exempted
under the provisions of the Military Service Act.
v "These two propositions are indisputable :
"(1) In order that the military power of the allies
may be adequately sustained, it is essential that in this
country and under the present conditions, there
should be no diminution in agricultural production, -
"(2) The supply of competent labor available for
the purpose of agricultural production is not abundant,
but actually is deficient.
"The proper conclusion appears to be that the ap-
plicant, a competent person, who had been habitually
and effectively engaged in labor essential to such pro-
duction, ought not to be withdrawn from it.
"It is perhaps unnecessary to say that such exemp-
tions are not granted as concessions on account of per-
sonal hardship, still less as a favor to a class. The sole
ground of them is that the national interest ' the better
served by keeping these men at home. Th
it supreme
necessity (upon the existence of which, as its preamble
shows, this policy of the Military Service Act is found-
e ) that leads the State to take men bycompulsion and
them :...
p i n
in the fighting line requires that men; shall be
at home ne who
are engaged p e
din work ria e
g , s�.n
g tial to e
s n
i., X1.1. Q`... a.. .. �t.. ..p xt, !^ R,. rt .k1f: .. ...� PY
Thursday Dec
This Store
Wishes You a
Merry Xmas
While extending a Christmas Greeting to ollr many
friends we take occasion to say that we have a
Magnificient Line of Xmas footwear
13y the way, what is there that would mok.e a more
acceptable Gift for any member of the Family?
FOR MOTHER, we have Comfortable 1 -louse Shoes
and Slippers of all Sorts
FOR FA l H ER, we've Shoes, Slippers, Arctixs, etc,
FOR THE YOUNG LADY, we've Handsome Dress
Shoes, Slippers & Ties
FOR THE BOYS, we've Sturdy Shoes, Dress Shoes,
Slippers, Rubber Boots, etc
Prices low enough to please you, exchanges carefully
made .
"The Hoyte of Good Shoes' '
Phone 51 Seaforth
See the finest Metro productions projected
by our powerful new flickerless machinery
Bring the • Family
Children 5 cents
the Home of Keystone's Comedies
EADAC}1E IS A SYMPTOM, and nut a disease. If you home a head-
ache it is in most cases due to some bad habit. You eat too much,
drink foo much, sleep too little, strain the eyes too much, or work
too Continuously in bad air at some trying occupation. True
there are headaches due to Bright's Disease nr other organic dis-
eases, -but these are infrequent compared to those coming from causes
which are remediable, Lot us consider some of the rnnllnnn'rauees of head-
aches and see how this discomfort may be prevented.
(1) From over indulgence in beer, whiskey, or wine. The remedy is
to cut them out, or so lessen the Quantity to give your kidneys and skin a
fair chance to eliminate the poison. If yafi hss'a inn ! t;,ttor get old
of the booze as quickly as possible. This nn.y he don 3 c- mbination of
two cathartic pills, a hot bath, hot cloths applied to the 11 ,d. hot broth, 81td
rest in bed,
(2} From biliousness or over indulgence in food. Nothiug is better than
a good dose of ordinary Epsom Salts and rest in a quiet, darkened room.
(3) Want of outdoor exercise. The city roan (or woman) at a desk
in a close room or the editor at work under constant strain from 5 p.m. to
1 a.m, with hurried meals is often the subject
HEADACHE A SYMPTOM of headaches. All these people need more
outdoor air and exercise, golf, howling er
tennis, especially golf, with one-fifth the quantity of fresh meat, potatoes,
and bread and tbe difference in fruit, vegetables and water will do 1nore for
sick people than all the headache cures in the world.
(4) Eye strain, due either to defective eyesigbt or to trying eye work,
causes lots of headaches. Headaches of this kind usually come o; in the
evening, (sometimes in the morning) after a trying day. They are usually
in the forehead of temples. A simple way to teat eye strain is for one to
hang up a test -card in a well -lighted r00111, stand twenty feet by measure
away from the card and see if you can, read the line :narked 7.0, first with
each eye separately and the with both eyes, and if the letters are net
clear -out, distinct, and separate one's eyesight is faulty and glasses are
required. Go to a first-class oculist and get the eyes properly fitted,
(6) Fatigue headache. Some people get headache from fatigue. These
headaches develop towards tbe close of the day, The only cure is to avoid
over -exciting oneself.
(6) Too light a breakfast.. Many people, especially women, eat -
nothing for breakfast but tea and toast, This is insufficient to carry one
along for four or live hours. After the long fast overnight one needs a
good breakfast. It ought to be one of the best meals of the day. A good
type of breakfast is— Oranges or Grapefruit.
Cereals, with Milk and Cream,
Eggs; soft boiled, poached, or in omelette.
Toast and Butter,
A cupful of Hot Water, flavored with Cream and Sugar,
(7) Neurasthenia headache, A headache of this character is often
described as a band about the head. Thera may be a feeling as though the
top of the head is coming. off, or it may be 808)1 as to make a man feel he
is going insane, The way to prevent a headache of this character is to
improve the general physical Condition by geed food, outdoor life, relief
from excessive nervous strain and worry --especially from worry,
(8) Migraine, Boys and girls from eight to fifteen years of egg
frequently have headaches of a particular, character, The subjects of these.
headaches waken in the morning with a heavy leggy feeling. There may
be a disturbance of the eyes, such as flashes of light first to one eye then
in the other. These symptoms are succeeded by headache, nausea, and
sometimes vomiting. These headaches come on periodically without any
apparent 081188, They are oftetl galled sick beedeehee. They rue in
families. Some women have them Well into the prime of life and are in
bed in a darkened room with them for day or two every month, This.
term of headache is called. migraine. It is ofttaz confined to one side of the
head, hence the flame hemicrania, The best treatment .is to use hot and
cold lice 1
1 applications tions to the back of the and nest
t r coldtoh� forehead t e ad a
e ndtop
of the head. 1'1 1ho.140,0 :{s pule use hot appliraltotle; if fleshed nee cold, 0.
The peraon addicted to
(01140(11)18 Matilda lead a simple outdoor life
with plenty of exercise and fresh air, He should eat lightly and simply,
keep ttltp ,bo`;yeis regular, and arvoid any excesses. Hy these means the
rn..ia,., �tal.,tw ,:,ti r.0Ahali.it 441,001-0,14,,r