HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-27, Page 6Author et
"All for a :fermi of Paper„ „I]earar Than
1.1fa,"" ate, 1 ubltshetl by 1:1oddor 11
Stoughton. Limited, Lcnd.•n and Toronto
the heroic little band, When the man 1
who had saved the army was called
for he }moved to be drummer boy,
OF DISCIPLINE Cearihrbatvth)Vgt.
lesson of this incident h not
t 1ti 1'i' OR1t;1 tiA'TI;!) IN the valor of the dammer boy, but the
1I [111"}'1', magnificent itieeipin d or the 1111111
'1°111: %IIDDLF AUllas, which enabler- their Instantly to obey
the order without hesitutiwt or ques-
tion, although they knew it might
mean death,
The best, and nothing but the best,
will win •1ueeess in this war, and the
hest begins with voltmtnuy discipline
by every officer and soldier and also
by every man, woman and chill in the
CHAPTI.B XI, Canted.) 1 ]tippy, and marriage wilhuut lave la The'1'raining of a Soldier 11+•tuts '1 hat
Presently the service was over, end! a Poor thing, however muchbease you He Will instantly obey
Tem inade his way towards the veati-I may have. 'Abpen I can put Tom in Orders,
• hale of the ehurc'h. Scares of hands,the way of getting on when the war's
were held out to him, 'hue:deeds of, over. Ay, he's a grand lad, as you'
• greetings were offered to hint, Many, sav, and it was real plucky the way he At this stage of the War no one can
-eon •7•atulated him on his bravery, nabbed that German spy curd got the deny that the British have borne a
andOnitis distinction.; papers, No wonder the King thinks heavy weight in the war, not only the
-Then suddenly Tom's heru•t ceased' such a lot of him." little army of 100,000 that saved Cita
A]iee L, for standing before him wast•pipe sl this George Lister lidded his world at !tions but ' the big British
slowly, and there was a lank of
Alice) felt , pride in his eyes, , amity -now standin. between the world
Tom -hi his toot. cleave to tht As for Alice, she sobbed for very, and the Buns of Attila.
Spee , his mouth. He coins not ov when she went to her room thin'
:Speak, while Alice seemed almost as i j .The most necessary thing to win the
-much wrought upon as he, ni
That Did NoceSurvive Because Not
Adapted to Etivir•olmtent.
Natme seems to Have ,nada a whole
Twenty -Fourth Leeson,-.Cldldren'as food
The baby who mulct depend upon bars have vo plltce in the small child's
the bottle to e.upply nutriment to diet. aro
maintain life needs good ears and a0-.1 Good home -meds broad acid p
tuition. mill{ contain tile necessary alonren`s
That this babythrive, the
Slate:ire of vital importance for the C'rudcl stated saki SIP Bernard
may tht , y
mother shoul0 have the physician successful growth :luring childhood' Mallet, in -tie residential address to
prescribe a formula that will agree' That the bread contain all the freest- p , to
with sary elements of the wheat, it .should the „tatiatical Satiety, aeroe(lilig
the child, Cleanliness is a big be made from whole wheat meal or the London Daily Chronicle, the war
tiehx. It is ]mpnsaible to keep lit
ale bodies, clothing and the utensils Einar• This gives rile titild the valuta- had tosult•ed in `3U0;t100 pectous in the
in which Toed !s midi, too clean. Re lxlo viGitmines that aro ennt11000 in United Kingdom laoipg married be-
nrember that surgical cleanliness is the the wheat; The outer covering of the tween 4, ,,, 1 191 1, and June, 1917,
price of freedom from much of baby
GAIN QF 100,000z1�
rmony and Austria, However; Show
a. Marked Decrease in Birdie
and Wedding's,
s•;ht. "Oh, thank God,- thtclll{ God," war is discipline, ears Lieut, -Colonel lot of experiments that were not very i11n°sses,
He looked around as if b expects crtoci her heart. and too!"
is earning W �pplizts, 1),S.C)., of the 13tttzsh suecessfu, There were the '1.'itano
tally in the morning to• . eras any ex lam- „beasts")
tion of seeing harry Brimfield, but, `y{ill, mother,' said Ton) when he army. It hardly ttryur p theses (meaning huge for
Harry was nowhere present. What reached hems, "I have made it up with Mien that discipline is the fleet and last example. Solite of them were nearly
dad it mean?
• Aliso Lister." word pf modea•n wzu•, Loo]{ at Russia, as big as elephants; but 110 limners be-
Aftei•tvards Tam wondered ail his 'ha never set!„ and Mrs, I?ollar1's , ,. ivel stn nee areal 111 101.1, eh i ever saw an alivo, n
temerity; wondered that he should I voce wets veru eat es}ng, "Chat's one' Caml al it y I p ni e e o t th}s period that rho mother Hurst
daze to speak to her at all, But • • was able to defy German ami enter
They passer-• out of existence amid- use care and fore -thought, The' de -
tat 1 0 1 ort, anyhow, She war East Prussia, thus iving us valuably
some power which was stranger than4,icver- thy cart, 'Cam --•a lass Zvi a g liars or more years ago, and such .Beata digestive organs are easily die -
himself compelled him to do so, Her ,,,other like that can never be ony, time to prepare, let the moment the
knowledge as we have of them to -day ruched. It mast he realized that the
held out his hand to her. lost her discipline she was unable to is 49110ad from their bones, dugout tltild should be fur/lithe:. with 'Dods
"How are you, Alice?" he said, good."
Av, and site's the finest lass i' prevent an inferior force from over•- of the rinks in the western part of hat will in•°}' •le growth of bene, mus-
clesAliee gave him her hand, but did Ba•unl'orcl, is Alice Lister," said running the country, North America, They were of man and tissues and also furnish it.
t HIM l
lflios, dirt, impure "milk and ins
saintai ;y conditions are the enemies of
The baby :approaching one year old
mast begin to eat solid foods. It is
•' with sufficient energy to exercise its
no -reply., save a . her ngez s },zed{iel contentedly; .alai is she will- Italy is another example of the vital
trembled n his• int; to wait fol• thee, Tom?"
A thousand -hopes, fancies, and Coln laughed ;joyfully, importance of discipline.
fears flashed through his mind and "Maybe they will make an officer 07 we have learned anything in this
heart; then Alice shyly lifted her eyes of thee;' said Mrs. Pollard, tear it is that discipline and effioieiicy
to his. "No," said Tont, "I shall never be are the same thing, if Germany had
"May I walk home with you, au officer. I dont belong to that class;' not heel iron disc}„line we should long
species, ane entnouacenry m 300(1 time body.
were very numerous. For growth protein is necessary.
The Museum of Natural history, in This is found in mill{„ eggs and cereals
New York, has made great collections for the small child; and in meat, fish,
of thole osseous remains; and marry' peas, beans and lentils, in addition to
Alien?” he stammered. periuips 1 will be a sergeant, or ' of the skeletons it has secured are so the above mentioned foods, for older
some -
"Yes, if you will, Tom;' and the two thine• like that, but that's as may be;, ago have been in Berlin, and the yeas- nearly eomplete that its experts aro children. Baby receives his energy
walked away side by side h t' I'l] d m bit." on we are now able to drive back the able to mal{o wood "restorations" of from cereals, bread and buttal and
and•, c of e a so ac as eller
Vain Domains valuable material for who in the ordinary course would not
bona and tenth strueturo, - havo married. The menage rate for
Know the source al your, mill{ sup•, 1910 was the highest recordocl---19.4:
ply and also the conditions u0Sloc
winch it is eared for before it reaohes,—the provious maximum being 1)1,
you. Upon receiving milk, if it is. 1853,: which was 17,0.
not already pasteurised, then paste -1 Referring to the moulage stal:is-
erl'/.e it at once, then cool and store, ewe el enemy countries,. in Hungary
in a plaee whero It will 110 free from the effect of the war had been that
all contamination. Remember the more than 1100,000 persons who in the
mill{ will spoil very gmekly
ie t or
course would have monied
kept in a careless or d'u'ty maimefe or
if it is permitted to stand in a hent had not done so. In Prussia, Bavaria,
ed kitchen. Physieans will tell you j Saxony, Hesse, Hamburg and Bremen,
that thousands of babies die each year' six States containing morn than eighty
because of the careless manner in per cent, of the Gerrnan population,
which milk fed to them is handled, the total number of marriages he
Always wash, If possible, under 101.2 was !34,1.03 and in 3.914 392,453,
running water, the top of the milk! a decrease of 41,050, or nearly ten per
bottle o.' jar, before opening it. When, cent„ in spite of a neat outburst of
once the bottle is 'open turn a ;jelly, p g'
glass down upon the top of the betel war' marriages during 110 first month
tie. This forms a sanitary covering of the war,
that can quickly be removed. The Birth Rate,
s anyhow, t, o y
milk. The fats in the milt(, butter Do not give small children candy, of
They walked up Liverpool Road to- When Tom's leave was up George' Germans and capture ground, guns, ,the creatures, "showing what shay 11 f tl t quantities of sugar overheat The loss potential lives to the
tether for some time without speak- Lister said he had business m London, and prisoners at any tame, anywhere looked like m life. 3 gg gy Large qua g
mg a wild. On 00913 side the crowd so Alice accompanied him. Truth to the cetera front, whereas Gar- The were rontem rarzu^ in this giving foods, The juice of an orange the blood stream and upset the diger- belligerent countries by alio decrease
passed them, but Tom did not hoed, tell, rice business which George had °nw y 1 y, may be givon in small amounts to the tion, It is possitivelyy criminal to in the number' of children born was,
his heart was too full for words his was only a secondarymatter; he saw many has not gained a yard of ground (Dmitry, with horses the size of raid- (laid undor one yeatl' of age; with gave pennies to the.ehilclren and allow perhaps, the most important effect
or won one military success hi a year, ern foxes, tapas not much bigger, beneficial results. The value of them to buy cheap candies of miknown produced by the war on vital statis-
mind too occupied with wild,eturbid- that Alice wanted a accompany her 1
eat fancies. Presently they passed lover as far as she could, and the is the fact that our system of discip- cancels no larger than cottontail r•aib- orange juice in the child's diet is of origin. If candy is necessary, mala tics. In births the United Kingdom
into a quiet lane where they were ap-, business was a pretext. I also made line is better than theirs. bits (which seem to have been exceed- a laxative nature. The small child It at home and be assured ,of its had suffered far less than Germany
parently alone, 1 my way to Waterloo Station to sea pb° Anglo-Saxon Discipline, }ugly nnmeroits in the plains region of from ani to throe years may leave rho par}ty,
Alyce, said Tom at length, "I'm! Tom off; that was. only a few days G man the West), bear -like cats and giant pulp of a baked apple and prunes in Plenty of cool drinking water', anti Hungary, ,:the United l�ingilom
fair ashamed of myself, I—I'm just, ago, and what I saw and heard is Compulsion is purely Ger _,dogs four times the weight of a St. aclditio., to the orange juice. should be given to the children, even itis] tionaving s Germany00 � fresh in my memory. But however whereas the discipline of the British g Children from three to six years of. the smallest baby may be gives a tea population, y p
"No," and Alice interrupted hirci, long I may live, I shall neve forget or rather of the Anglo -Saxon --is that Bernard - age may have cereals, milk, eggs, fine- spoonful of water three or four times lion ami Iiungary • 70,000 per million.
"you are a hero, Tom, you have done the look in Tom's eyes as be stood on o'E free will. It is absolutely volun-
In those days there was aIniad- ly chapped meats, fish boiler( and bald- eluting the qtly. I)o not give small eh}l-I Ae regards infant mortality, the rate
w the platform with Al' byh' d 1 'rig across Bering Strait, and ani- e4, fresh vegetables and fruits. Corn, 1ren ice water; for safety's saki the' during 1914-1916 haul been Lowe both
wonderful things." e p a orm wi r ice is side. tory 1 can only liken it to the discip- n 1
"Alt, but that is nothing ," was Tom's A great light was burning there, the line of the football f}dd where every mals migrated to end fro between citta beans, tomatoes, cabbage and cusum- water should be bailed and cooled.
in the ilm ed Kingdom and in mr-
reply, "I could not help doing that light of love, and duty, and 'faith, and
no decent lad could. But the other' chastened joy, man submits himself .willingly to hard
now—ay, Alice, I am ashamed of "Don't fear, Alice," said the lad, "I discipline to win the snatch, and plays
myself I was such a fool too," will come hack again all right," not for himself but for the team,
and North America. Our buffalo came
from Asia (say the naturalists) by
that path; and it was by the same
Alice did not speak; perhaps she' "You—you are sure you will take obeying dnstructious, whether he route that the Old World obtained
-was delighted at Tom's self-condemna- care of yourself, Tom,"and Alice's agrees that they are tight or not, from this continent the horse and the wife's horizon just at present for whi-
cities, German rate a
tion, or perhaps, which was more like- voice was husky, although she was righting men must submit them- camel. ter is near. at band and wherever there raising and add soca isso • through renamed at some fifty per
ly, she was eagerly waiting for him to evidently making a great effort to be les in the same way to Spartan I But the Titanotheres failed to sur- are children there must be wholesome,' St11 in melted shortening and add i cent higher than in this country
many than in any previous period of
COOKIES FOR WAIL-'I'IPAE, 'like duration, but the summer mortal-
loom large on the house-, Mix flour, bran, rolled oats, salt, t icy in 1917 appeared to have been ex -
Cookies high in several German
spices and sugar. Then stir in the ,.t' and theGall
1' 0 dyed 1n milk,
say more. brave. CP v viva somehow. Perla s the were nourishing and delicious cookies to' healon oggs and molasses. Drop on
,I Ay, that I will;' said Tom. training meet the conditions of p y g 1 -Some curious results were noted, An
Is it true what mother told me?' ; wiped out by hear ;cats and other big cheer their young hearts and please well buttered pans, Bake in mode-' alteration in the sex ratio of birth a
he asked, after what seemed a don Crowds of soldiers thronged the modern war—conditions far more se- i r p -
silence, g, Platform, while hundreds of their vera than obtained i11 my ecu scar carnivores. Whatever the reason, they their palates, ately hot oven until brotivn' _ eared to be established b the figures
"What did she tail you?" ; friends who came to see them off made fought. If necessary to the auxeienl ceased lentirey "to exist: being ca In making the weedily supply the rruit^Cookies^ {6003 Ca�oer�els brown' °f the United Kingdom, especially by
"That you are engaged to Harry it difficult to move; many of the TomCreeke if the Romane whoee I Tam.: - - men at the front should not be for -
cups • pieced those of England, the proportion ot
13.* •fiekl, mics were shouting and cheering,
carriages as if anxious to be uiet
conquered the word, needed it, it is-
infinitely more necessary to -day when
while others found their hva into the butter adapted to the Amerman env}- batten for they welcome cool{les •all sugar, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 male births having noticeably dnei eas-
"No, ie lied the girl eagerly, "I Y ° ronment• the year round, just as niuclz as they teaspoon each salt, drain of tartar, ed. Contrary to expectation, the war
never henais it that Dun arson?" I "They seem splendid fellows, said m} -lions instead of thousands are tak- did when they were youngsters at and vanilla, 1� teaspoo eggs gbeatena1 had produced no effect upon the figures
"No Tom who could have told °n Alice, "but some of them are very ing the field and when arms have de- IIO�i' We1S I'i1t OBTAINED? Il0Yr1e with insatiable appetities. A 1 cup seedless raisins, , of illegitimate births. Dealine in sui-
such lies?"' y ,rough, aren't they? (eloped and increased from rite Simple i — — good schema is to send the cookies until light. Cream butter and sugar.; (ides was another Intel•esting feature.
Lancashire people are very uncle-
" "Just „ Just a bit rough," replied Tam, sword and spear to the thousand incl' Neil) of Bay of Bengal Iadands De- overseas in olcl baking powder tins. 1f Add the eggs and then the other in -I Comparison between the natural in -
mons a the in then love -making as b h re all right. Some of those one complicated means of destruction , pended on Vo]canoes• well sealed they arrive at their des- gredients. • ,.Use enough whole wheat crease or decrease of the populations
in mos of then t epi o ands ""-'gh mon are just heroes, you know; they whicic make up the modern battle, It has been argued thattitiatlon nt excellent sha xe and if the our make a g
Tom was nearly swept aff his feet with 1 primitivele 1 „
• joy a what Alice had said, he still would face any, kind e danger to do a When one drinks the
the means of eke- imam must first here obtained fire "kinds that mother makes are good,
vyalked on by her side uietl and for' pal a good turn. Perhaps you may struction placed at the clispn al of ulna : from volcaaioes. at home how much better they ara in
sonic seconds did not spea)y'agtfn not think }t to Tool{ at them, but their human race one is teirast at the. num Perhaps he dirt there is no tellin}� the trenches!
(hearts t ld Th h
�, t• , lit t ey a
very chaps who look rough and tom- fl tok stiff dough. Roll out'
small shapes and'. showed that whereas the population of
very thin. Cut in P the United Kingdon was noir some -
put on a baking pan. Bake for about 7 what greater than at the begiiming of
ten minutes in quid{ oven. I the war, in spite of all losses of life in
llermit Cookies (4020 calories) -3 the army and navy. Austria-Hungary
eggs, 11/ cups each flour and brown and Germany Iratl each suffered a de -
sugar, 1 cup each whole when - flour, crease of some 050,000, in addition to
raisins and English walnut meats, ?!1 Mosses in the field outside of these
cup butter, 1 teaspoon soda, lie tea- countries—perhaps a total decrease of
spoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg.' at least four millions.
Cream the butter and sugar and add
the eggs well beaten. Sift the soda) HARES AND RABBITS.
in the flour. Add the raisins and —
nuts well floured. Roll medium :thin,' More Species of Hares 'in North
Cut in any shape desired and bake in America Than in Europe,
quick oven. There is a technical difference be-
tween rabbits and hares -that is a spe-
cific difference. All animals and
plants are classified as belonging to
kingdoms, classes, orders, families,
genera and species, and from the lat-
ter two the scientific or technical
names are chosen. Thus our com-
mon molly cottontail belongs to the
genus (plural genera) Lepus (mean -
1 ing hare), to which all hares and rib- -
bits belong, and the species Sylvaticus
(meaning of the woods). Thus'- we
have "woodland hare."
The term rabbit was formerly% more
properly applied to the burrowing
species of the 010 World, Lepus cuni-
culus (meaning to_,.liurrow), though
by common usage our molly cotton-
tail has 50 long been termed a rabbit
that the name will now stand, as will
that of jack rabbit for the big west-
ern hare of the prairies and. Pacific
coast. - -
All of the domestic varieties of rah,
bits, except the Belgian hare, are de-
scendants of. the burrowing rabbits of s•
the Old World, and the big European
hare, almost as large as our wet ern . •
japlc rabbit, is the ancestor of the so-
!called Belgian form, which is now
"•I never real- cared about Poll are true as go is war lute bar, ,lie and variety of these im le- Wholesome economical and palate
Powell," he sandy y; made ae wonderful difference in them." p But Due should remember that man p
the time I -I—" presently, "even at Aline pressed his arm convulsively, meats. Not only do we fi la, as of was ori gina11y a foreat chvellei anti able—these are the requisites for war-
"I knew, Tom;' and the girl almo tI "You know that book you lent me old, upon the ground, but we have :that foyer is are often set on fire by time cookies whether they go overseas
g s the other tiny, went on Tom, "'.-tat weapons in the air and under the v; a • lightning. There i plenty of burning or whether they grace the family table
sobbed as she spoke, "I knew all the, book of Kipling's where there is a ter, and to enable us to ra-ordinate's.°:id at liai,d on such occasions. this winter.
her, and—andou that you
really care for' story about a ship that found herself. and bring unrlor the int on of 01) Man, 01141in::ily, diel not make fire; is win -1 heat Meal Cookies. -3 cups
you would come It means a lot, does that story. That's
back tom Iia That was why—' what this war has done fora lot of us single brain this limes of material for be found it. And having found it, he fine whole-wheat meal, 2 cups bread
Y t?" asked Tom, ' chaps, it's helped us to find ourselves," waging war it is absolutely ensen.zal ;mar ::inn have die overed uses for it, flour, 1 cup each brown sugar, short-
bntW you, there was never anybody else The guard blew his whistle, and that every unit be perfectly disciplin- But it is 1111 11 rntestable fact that flour, and warm water, 2 teaspoons
y there was a slamming of dawn. ed, Whether it he alt= 077114ire nen in tl.t inure of th Andaman Islands, baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, ee. tea -
"Do you mJ" an it, Alice? do you "Good-bye Alice,' and Torn held the trenchee, the gunner, the flying in the rum ee 1;"n';•ai deeended until spoon vanilla. Mix dry ingredients
really mean
it?" Tom )
s voice was h 1 er c ose to ith
hoarse and tremulous, "Can you be over soon, and then, please God, I
s east. he war will man, the tran;pn1 drivel. m the thou-
sands of departmsets n ::r;ar;r to
forgive me? I chucked Polly Powell will come back again."
long ago, and 1 let her know it yoster- "Yes, yes, Tom, and Y
—and you know feed, clothe and simply Ilio )n1g1113
day when I came home. She met me 1 will be always thinking of you, and armies --the, first )13('2111.3' to the
at the steel= with the others, and I praying for your" smooth norkIag. of rifts ^ti• ren -
never knew what a fool I had been' "Ay, lass, I do, that's why Pen not•chine is personal discipline of the
till I sate her just as she was. Ay, I a bit afraid, ' It's not good-bye, Alice, humblest man.
must have been mad!" 1 it's only au i•evoi1' as the French say.,
"I heard all about it," replied the You will be brave, won't you?" 1 What the Salute 1Joens. •
girl, "but it didn't need that to tell me "Yes, Tom," she spoke bravely, 01-1 An American asked me the other
that }you would come back to me though her voice was hu'1y• "and I B 1 f
Tom '
—' c t
av iv z rite r o ricer dre meself
err rcei nt teary for their supplies of
• flee tee) a.ii actiee volcano,
These? e? people are black pygmies. The
en . ('ret a no more than fouy feet
inon inches in at ere, and the woman
hive inches sberter,• 'An odd thing
th m le !het they never seem to
I -rot'• • up; they look like pot-bellied
1 is e all their. lives,
The . Andaman( are a very consider.
and Tom"—this with a sob—` I shall, so stifi'ly and looked his b attic• o - nl l' erchirel1i 'o, comn•ising many
ashamed. I feel a$ though I have no tine." I Eider full m the face when h: =toted. r lands, large and small, on one of
thing to offer you. I am only a poor' Slowly the train left the station. At 1001)1(1 him if be understood what ellic'h is the voleeno aforementioned.
Tommy with a bob a day, but will you the carriage windows hundreds of men:. the military salute was. He said ha Visits to tho burning mountain, to get
wait for me Alice, till the war is stood waving their hands, and shout-! guessed it was a sort of Mintage, I f+'c,1r fire, were not often necessary,
over?—and then if God spares my life ing, They were going back to the explained that b^ wee entirely 311 stak- 11 1 11se the "11tt1, niggers" (as sailor -
I Will workefor you night and clay, and grim, cold trenches, going to danger, en The le melee >••.lute is a kind eee.nlo11 call thorn) knew how to keep fire
I will you as good a home as and possible death; but they were "
there is in Branford,' ; going with brave hearts and the light ala: onic sign 1 its t' 11 solii-r and sol- alive almost indefinitely in logs of de -
I can't help waiting for you sob of resolution in their eyes, Ancongst Bier and it orie•ii;, ted in the ivllddlo i aaye0 wood:
bed Alice. theta was Tom. Tle, too, was waving Ages, when only th hiehc:"t classes 7 Nothing introduced by the whites
Can't help! Why ?",�•tsked Tom. his hand, although his lips were of society were permitted to beat• astonished the pygmies so much as
It not unail un hour 'you late know."
that' tremulous. marms, When knights wore armor thc0l friction matches. To produce fire with
Tam and Alice appeared at George ad elp a to do"my bit, and then rode out with the visor;; of their bel- such ease offhand stenek them as a'
pp g take me back to her, he prayed.
"-iy," said Tots, "but I feel so be loving you—loving you all the p f
all together. Then rub in the Short-
eeing and add enough warm water and
flavoring to make a stiff dough. Roll
one-quarter of an inch thick. Cut in
desired shapes and hake in a quick
Maple or Brown Sugar Drop
Deo0les- (3789 calories) -1 cup whole
wheat flour, 114 cups flour, 1 egg,
beaten light, ?e 'cup each shortening
and sour cream, VA cup each dark
brown or maple sugar and chopped
raisins, 14' cup light brown sugar. 14
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix
ingredients and drop by dessert-
spoonfuls on a greased pan and bake
in a hot oven about ten minutes.
Spice Tea Cakes (3773 calories) -
2 cups each brown stager and whole
wheat flour, ee cup 'shortening, 3 oggs,
e cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking pow-
der, 1 teaspoon each ground cloves
and ground airmanmon, ei teaspoon
Lister's house. During that time Torn' Will he come heel: again, or will he mets clown, covering' the face, When i supernatural accomplishment, I tctiitmeg, Sift the dry ingredients to -
had told Alice the story of his life be one of those who give their lives two knights met it was the (.trefoil for I To use fire is one thing; to be able i gether before mixing. Bake 0 small
since he had parted from her. Told far the defence of loam and borne? the new or strange knight to raise his 'In make it quite another•. Ages must ' muffin pans,
her of the Influences which had been' This I know: he with a great host of visor and show his face, the other then, have intervened between the earliest j Bran Oatmeal Cookies (0070 calor -
at work, how he had been led to pray, others will fight on, and hold on until doing likewise. If you perform this knowledge of the former and the les) -2 cups each roiled oats and
and- how his heart had all the time' victory is won, the victory which motion you will find that it is the !achievement of the latter. The man' whole wheat flour, lie cups bran, 1ba
first discovered how to produce a craps brown sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls
same as that of the modern military j tivho
molasses, 2 eggs, 1 cup melted short-
ening, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon each i • • I quite popular as a (domestic animal of
salt and cinnamon, of teaspoon each ltatas RtIlanaUie profit and is becoming more so, -
soda and allspice, ?a teaspoon each Gea. wr;gat Sr eo., rropa, 1 , In the Northern Iiemisphere of the
cloves and nutmeg, 1,6 cup sweet mill{ ieette,seS;feafitteeea ;t:r':eteRlniftrlesiYi New World we have many more
„—.m _._ „-----.•-..,.•-- �w—..—...,...,..,..,___.W._...,,,..,--„,:, species of hares than the Old World
been longing for her. In spite of
Alice's repeated questions lee had said
very little about his hour of peril,
when lie had risked his life to serve
his country; that seemed of little im-
means peace.
(The end.)
Utilizing the Wolf -Fish.
salute, That is why, fn our army, a' spark by rubbing two sticks together
man never salutes unless lie has his' was the greatest inventor in the his -
cap on. It corresponds to the visor tory of the world.
portance to him. His one thought
over the face.
that Canadians as yet have not utiliz- instant obedience becomes second na-
was to make Alice know that he was
ashamed of himself for leaving• her, The wolf -fish or sea -ant is a fish Unless this discipline is instilled and A POISONED SEA.
and that he loved her all the t me
"Ay,” said George Lister to his ed• There are two forms of this fish, tare, an incident which happened ear- Poisonous Gases Released by Earth -
wife when Tom had left the house, Anarhichas lupus and A. latifrons, liar in the war would be impossible, In quake Shock.
"our Alice is a fool," the latter the more norther- formscasea company retiring
ter, "but ysh h isa "' replied
airs Lis -
says Dr. E. E. Prince. The fish run overwhelming forces of the -enemy For the eighth time since 1844 fish
grand lad!" from fifteen to fifty pounds in weight, lost all its 0 eons and noii-commis- have been killed along the west coast
"He may be grand lad," retorted are long but not exactly eel-Iike, and sioned officers in an effort to hold an of Florida in an area of poisoned
her husband, 'sand I don't deny that: are quite big and heavy, with perfect- important bridgehead to enable the wter, Not only the water, but the
he Inas behaved vary weel, but how; ly white flesh, whiter than halibut, and rest of the army to retire. Suddenly air has been charged with a suffo-
can he keep a wife? What sort of a flaky and delicious. Thirty years ago a youngman sprang upand shouted a eating gas, odorless but irritating to
home can he give auk Alice?"few wrds of command and the little
„a Scotch fisherman told me that he the air -passages, The last mortality
done," i plied can
Llstawh w}1hearke had eaten it and it was the best fish body of „ survivors instantly followed was reported in October and Novenae
lifway anywhere, If God spares his that swam. No one who has eaten it her of 1916, The Bureau of Fisheries
e, he will come back when the war's y sent experts to the spot, but they were
ever and you will not have any rea- h obliged to admit, after a careful he
sail eo be ashamed of him, He is not ran, faiirng into n dram which the vestigation, that the • cause of the
caching any brass now, and that's 1 t II b S t' T etrange.occusrenee is a mystery. One
eight for he's serving his King and }, them i th explanation s, ced is that eaeth-
Cotnifry, and doing his duty like a elicits
man; but wait till we have licked the quake, possibly due to West
Germans, then Tom will let you know." Indian hurricanes, released poisonous
"I don't deny that he's a she�'p, cap- servos, wartrng for the filial assault, gases from the sea bottom,
able lad" said George, `and it's easy
to -see that our Alice ie fair gone on
him. That's why site had nowt to do 1 r t e in cis To keep lemons have some chv
P the. roual0 parson, and wi! harry
will deny that it is very superior.
Great quantities of it are caught on
our coast and thrown away, Once, '
when n ClarkHarbor, or, Nova eo ia, youth's sharp eyes had discovered. En -
saw a number ofrem lying on a abled to get on the flank of the Ger-
wharf, as they were considered abso- mans, they poured a last `desperate
Cutely of no value. They are exceed- volley from close range into the re-
ingly good fish. In the British market
•--tho most particular market in the Surprised and thrown into confusion,
world—the wolf -fish is now being sold these reserves be „ai to retire l' =
with the head removed, and probably order, and berm 0, they t•oti14 lie rallied clean sawdust in a box and bury them
is called "very superior cod." fresh forces cams( up to the relief of in it and they will keep for weeks.
him to apparent death,
• When Discipline Saved the Army.
Trough a few yards of bullets they
i•airiiald. Yell, -I want Alice to be
viaire . s
tt,ii. d5ercome positive y. ur
natural roesods poi u mently restore
naturalspeech. Graduate pupils every-
where, Vree advice and literature.
Telt AtiPtI TT B0(,,TiTUT4
a ---e Make a
} Torvnlu's l • 3.- ine
Famous Hotel 93 A..,
for the Walker House (The House
of Plenty) as soon as they arrive in
Toronto. The meals, the service
and the home -like appointments
constitute the magnet that draws
them there.
Noon Dinner 60c.
Evening Dinner 75c:
Taranto:, Famous Notal
llitc1 I1C1 Coronad
Coronado Beach, California
Near San Dlogo
18-Ho1e Go!? Course
Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic
Sprinkler System.
JOHN 4. Hl:RNAN, Manager '
'can boast of, -as the cottontail, the
southern swamp hare, the Arctic hare
or snowshoe rabbit and two species
of western jack rabbits oP giant hares.
Yet we have not successfully domes-
ticated one of those forms, though this
might -be done as a matter of profit in
tiro production of meat. -
Suspended Walls.
One of the queerest structures in
the ,world is an electric -station build-
ing at Cristobal, in the. Panama Catial
zone, The 1000 1s support1cl by pow-
er:ful central colualtns• awl the side
walls bear no weight whatsoever but .
are suspended from the eaves by means
of cantilever beams. Cn one side of
thye building, the wall is made fast to
the foundation with ertehor bolts.
This unique conetruction 'was adopted
to prevent the building from settling
t a r'1ingerous angle should an earth•
trCtAtir shift the foun0atdofi.