HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-27, Page 4pgtUi'E9S1OiiAL CARDS,
pat,a�1 nt Litt ROSS, Pitetches and Surp,to,
;Aro ftipo o Id(aeeneel Loudon, ilnrt, 'ir`ow
on reside
t rnd hemiSank.
one N 0.5, Residence lessee
Na i06,
p. k p, dUItBOWS, Seater*. Once .We
' d Aof anietes .. Code Bch street, cart.,' the Moth
COMM for the COW of Huron,
ttreereeeee,No, 40.
filth, eon? & MACi.AV, Puslieans and
��pplpeont. Coderfeh Street, opposite
Mahe -
Ms wpm eh, Seaford'.
Arced',', f Ontario
Victoria and Ape Alter, and
nintilfer ef, Ontario College of Pl000n. s and
rpstwes. 4xtoner for i9t0County of Huron•
cites, bettor graduate Trinity Unlvetaity
Roldpode11stTrinityMedical College. Member of
Coker,' el Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
EV, .1• HEILEMAN. Osteopathia Speetaus
ante's and Children* Disease and
NM, esu Troubles. Amite and CheanIc DI.•
utast Tar. Eye, Nose and Throat, Adenoids
teseeru without the knife. Consultation free.
otel. to , 1 m ; I,1dn s to e u
Tnesnal•. s r.ro' £ __ .. P..
Marriage Liens owned
and npl8lan,
Ars roc :r,aelderillg Iusurut.a. Life or Accident'
1'3.09 aro, a postcard will! get our rates.
J. D. HING'4flLEY,
t,enmei Agent for London Life [nournnce Co.,
and Imperial Guarantee and Amddent Iotntrance Co
Seaforth, Ont.
James Watson.
Si ellen Fire. 1.!h• nv! 1 •..I'b it awn stew
Agent, and 1 ler in sewing M.rh1m.+.
Slain !;Greet.
Mutual Fire Ilisuir' ice CO
Farm and Isolated Town
Property Only Insured.
Jas I. .,,.n: t:,.tit r" t.. Pres1d:n- lame.
Evans inlet •Mend , Glee Presides. Tat -mitts
Rays ,.eaforth ,,41. lees
D. F. McGregor, Sentorth; Jobe G. Grieve, l
Winthrop W. Rinn, Constance; John Benaew-b
Brodghagea; Robert Ferric, ltarlock; 14Iafca..
Melon, Clinton; s McCartney Seaforth; I
Imes Connolly, Goderleh: Jae, Evans, Beechwood
Alex. Leitch, Harrock; E. Hineidey, Seaforth •
William Chesney. Egmondvfle• J. 02. Yeo.
aiolmeovete; R. G. Jarmouth. Brodhnoen; Jan r'
Zen and John Govenlock, Seaforth. ;minors,
Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trauma
other baolncen will be promptly attended so
application to any of the above officer., address
to their twee, -Live vostofecea.
Oiilmotou GAJ
OA hie
mind,/ two years and if he will yin(,i again, t o
union' batter selection can be ,'Rade.
The ol• atiol: 01Seined Tresteee }3111
From the Office
Pisan* a4 ltven(ug 117
one done -epee year, strictly 111 ad Y 81300
11 u01 paid lu sureties, oue dot'.ar end
a half will be eliarged, United Slates
papers, fifty cents extra, strlakly in
ad you've.
When subseribets cbaauge their address
notice should be/ent Immediately, giving
scribers win coulld ee a fat r address. otiiinguus
of any Irregularity of delivery.
Reading 40tlees-No reading notice,
advertising an entertainment or matter by
which money le to be made by any person
withoutechargbe e. The price(' In the laser -
don of business announcements Is TEN
parttlies havingntnolucontract lforndisplay
advertising, and FXVE cents per line each
Insertion to those having display contracts,
and for church, society and entertainment
reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9
Judicial, Legal, Official and Govern-
ment Notices --Ten Beate per line for first
o +dveors uPer line ler each
subsYearly 't
exceeding Oi Inch, will be fin Cards,
f r
f5.00 per y"er, n...ank strictly in advance
Display ndrertlans-Rates furnished
on appllcatl"b,
"Advertisements ordered for lnsertloe,
wUatn forbid." and those sent without
written instruction will appear until
ritten orders are received for their dis-
Lettere to the Editor must be accom-
orupubIlcation,e lbut ass a guarawn ntee of good
faith. Tho publisher accepts no reepen-
on:dilty whatever for the statements made
In such communications. Letters on reli-
gious topics will not be published at all
except as paid advertising, plainly marked
as such. The rate for such matter Is ten
cents per line.
Junior Claes--Prod Jeoksof(, 5tne;
Eileen 'Toward, 498; Titohno .lehnstonf
420; Arthne Ameot, 412; Gra00 P0htlok,
4121 *Cori Aberhart, 9:111 Bessie .Mar-.
01190, 400. Annie Brodie, 404; Georg.
ina Reeves, 400; Marjorie 13iokell, 3ty9;
Ilea Layton, 870; Keith Stagllill 366;
Fred Crich, 361; Beatrice Frost, 561;
Bvelvytt Peterson, 342; Wi-fid Smith,
366, Arthur Burrows, 320; Mary Web-
sler,320; *Keith Lamont, 31e; "Peary
Wright, 319; *Elva UJ'hueldhy, 257;
**Vineont Patterson, 227.
M. W. Yla0lsay,
Room 111
Total 545, Houon(' 409, Pees 327
Junior ill --Arthur Beattie, 347; Daisy
Spain, 403; Elmer Beattie 408; Welt(
Suitt, 389; Lyle Thornton 333; Agnus
Smith, ,;82; Edgar Brownlee 380.
Walter Bateman 378; Violet liauk3n
361; Hector Hays 347' &lex Powell, 345
*Erie 81itehall, 131(1; Jean Stewart 307;
*Myrtle Sharkey, 303; '('lone Wiltso
294; Teen Lowery 291; Si iney 1'nllma'n,
284; Stanley Nicholls. 353; *Donald
Layton 234; *Ralph Smith, 2113; ''Bern.
and Readman 134.
I General Observations 1
19l5! Bow the years slip away'
Never Ilan the history of the world
been so crowded with events as those
rushing hast ns, No one. four years
ago, could imagine that civilisation, as
we then knew it. would allow such hav-
oc and desolation to sweep away all
that was beautitul and put up in its
place the horrors of the modern battle-
field. May the end of t9i8 dee a 1e-
atoratiot of fight and lasting pea00 and
and may the homes now desolate he re-
stolid to joy by the return of those
now absent;
Before another issue. the nominations
wiI1 be, ower, It is to be hoped a utw
000nei1 wt 11 be secured without the
expense of an election. Mayor Stew•
art has made an exeelleut ,'fifer for
For Sale
W. 1. KEY. Seaforth.
Phone 180
A Business
Without a proper
Systm of adNer
1181)1 is ince a
motor without the
it power
Seaforth News
will supply the
required energy
phone - 84
also take pleca at the sate„ time, Three
no0Iinati0t:e will 1,:• required. The
education of the rising generation calls
' for careful selection 0i the matt who
are to have the important work in hand
and only those wile are in sympathy
with the children, elmuld be elected,
Soatorth Public School
Roost 1
Examined it, Comp , (Aug., Writ, Spell
and Arith,-'Dotal 500; I3onur8 375
Pass 300 -Sr, fourth - friary Laing
401, Kenneth Ame11t 357, Frank Cud -
more 530, Keith Webster 332, Willie
James 331, Frank Rankin 317, Gwen-
dolyn Snowdon 298, Edwin Beattie
273, **Sibiu Gibbons 177
Jr Fourth- Arnold Turnbull 405,
Gladys McPhee 374, Mary Bell :365,
Ethel Daley 365, Mary Stewart 364,
Gray Parker 364, George Peterson 362,
Janet Grieve 345, Harvey Bristow 31.2,
Leslie Bristow 324, Kathlyn Ra'tltin
318, Tom Smith 310, Gordon Willis 303
Hilda Goldhawk, Scott Cluff 2J7, Willie
Marriott 247, Donald Kerslake 244,
Allen Reid 237, Abbie Seip 237, Etta
Smith 224, Wilma Seip 223, *Margaret
Chittenden 19 2,-A. A, Naylor
Room If
Total 600, honours 450, pass 360.
Senior Class -Lulu Marriott, 5501;
Gilohtist Livingstone, 480; Jennie
Reeves 466; Florence Chesney, 464
Franooi Oriels, 463; Ronald Maokay;
453; Erie Stewart, 446; Harold Peter-
son, 441; Donald Mackay, 417; Barry
Dill, 405; Myrtle Trott, 313; Genevieve
Tamen 288,
1'ota1333, Honours 416, Pais, 333.
r8ouior 11 -Margaret Case, 430; .1'rapk
Cook, 427; Jeutlet ('lull 425; Margaret
Grieve 418; Kenneth (.'arnothau, 418;
Will Hart, 365; Margaret Malutoeli,
;52; Jim Stewart, 538, Verde Baker
814; *Crud! Knight 3(11; Evelyn Her.
burn 289; *Irene Patterson, 266; Russel
Conaitt ''231 Stella Ashton; 'r'Edua
Brown 128,
Sl, 13, Behlti310,
St. Thomas' S.S.
The Aigli0an Sunday 0ohuol held
their Christmas entertainment In the
Hall en Friday night. The Hall wee
well filled awl after the Kipper given
for the children au entertainment eon-
sisting of eho•nses, dnete, eoloe and
recitations were given. During the
evening epeeehes were given by the
superintendent, Mr k, (1, Nautili and
the rector ('Rev. Thos. Brown, The
003001 is in ffoiriehieg condition et
present. Alter the entertainment Santa
Clime appeared and gave prizes to the
younger children.
Room JV
Class A. -'total 400, Honore 3110, Nee
240 -Jean Brodie 378, Daisy Hamilton
364, Robert Willis 3315, Iiaaybolle Rands
352, Helen Marshall 344, Leslie Hogg i
340, Murray Savatige 326, Anita Suth-
erland 325. Nellie Cook 317. Clifton
Toward 314, Dorothy Webster 313,
Fanny Peterson 255, Alvin Salary '62,
Bordon G0ldhawk 256
Class 13 -Total 350- Honors 263,
Pass 210- Curl Anent 337, Eleanor,
Harris 326, Dorothy Keralako 309,Dor.
otliy Robinson 307, John Powell 259
Billy Sutherland 242, ,lack Crich 226
John Dennison 227, Elva Jefferson 224
5largarert Thompson 220, .Jack McGee
219, Gerald Snowdon 215, Vera Hulley
187 Myrtle Iteeves 183, Elsie Lowery
r70, Will Edgar 147, Russel Borret 145
Clarence Muir 136, Anna Stephenson
33 r, Violet Piper 1 r5, Clemenoe Thiel
75.-L. Gillespie.
Room V
Sr Ist-Total 350, Honors 263, Pass
210.Margaret Thompson 319, Margaret
Stewart 316, Billy Barber 305, Dorothy
Frost 297, Ross Wright 291, Jean Oluff
Evylu Huiseer 227 Lila Marshall ,98,
Ida Huieser [DO, Leona Pearson 163,
Jr 1 Claes A -Total 250 Honore 188
Pass 210 -Edward Rankin 234, And-
rew McLean 227, Jack Oughton 212,
Earle Peterson 207, Bertha Grieve 207,
Jeannette Archibald 206, Mary Jackson
Elroy Brownlee 200, Aithur Carnochan
Ar. bur Edmunde /D9, Gordon Rolph
196, Jack Frost (79, Mildred Johnson
173, Glen Smith 331, *Laura Mole 323
*Leslie Knight 72.
Close B -Total 230 Honors 172, Pass
138 -Mary hays 151, Lillian Long.
worth 148, Rosabelle, 01937 (1o. Char-
lotte Powell 107, *Leonard Brown,
105, Margaret Daley 91. Mildred Tern.
bull 88 *Nettie Palmer 76 George Stiles
*Annie Hulley, Frank Lamont 54,
*.('lolly George 48, *Josephine Edge ,6
Gracie Gibbous 14, -Norma Hartry
Primary Room
Settlor Class -Ruby Storey; Clarence
Trot; Margaret Beattie, Kealte Hato•
man: Russel Mimes; Ena Hol000,
Gordon Muir: Nora F tewtirt; Fred
Fluisser; Fred Willis; Jack Cudmoe;
Barry Workman; Olerenoe Stephenson;
*Auntie Marriott; *Joseph Hart,
Junior Class -.Carman Naylor; Not'.
man 3etfers0n; Margaret Rolph; Alvin
Adams; Beatrice Caanoohan: Jadk
Archibald; Clifford Riley; Harold (ltttn-
rnings; Louis Jaakeon; Alathao Carter
Margaret Cudmore; Bessie Clues; Mary
Oughton; Jessie Oeogl.; Bernice
Claes A -Audrey Somers; Opal
Wright; Charlie Stephenson; Edith
Bateman; Elarold 'Taylor; A1tna Taylor
Nelson Carrillo Cecil White; Alvin
Knight; *Sadie Hart; *fain Fishy;
Florence Spaio; Harry McLeod;
Dorothy Wiltsle; George Park; G'adys
Hully; Arthur Powell; Max 1. ppelzft.
Anna Woods.
Miller's Worm Powders deatt'oy
worms withont any `hlaonveuienoe to
the child, and an etfeotual3y that they
pass from the body unperceived. They
are not ejected in their entirety, but
are ground ftp and pass away from the
bowels with the excreta. They ther-
(nighty oleanee the stomach and bow-
els, and leave them in a coidito33 not
favorable to worms, and there will be
revival of the pests,
Books Wanted
"A fellow sometimes gate kind of lane
sorbs"-ospeuh3lly if he's is a 0hut.in
soldier et Byron Salhltorh(m for. 0017-
snmptivea, The Eduuatienel Chapter of
the Danghtors of the Empire have nu-
dertaken the woit of providing a lib-
rary for this hospital.
They are desirous of receiving assist -
mute frum the people of Seaforth.
Look over, our well etoulced shelves and
peen on good reading material to the
boys who have given their strength for
yop18838(y. A book shower will be
held during January. Books may be
left at Tllompeolls Pookst0re,
Educational Chapter, 1 U D E London
KETTLE -In Hullet, Dec. 23rd
Freueia Kettle, aged 86 years,
KEH0E-In Seafort, Dee, 23rd
Margaret 1(eho0, aged 82 years,
lIcGEE-In Tnokersmith, Deo•„ 21x1
1017, Albert McGoe, age 51 yea, s.
SCUTT-in McKillop, Dee, 21st 1917,
Nelson Elmore, son of Mr. and Nits
William Scott, aged 5 months.
Back Again
I wish to inform the public
I have opened a Shoe Repair
Shop, in the Campbell Block
opposite the Royal Hotel
where I will repair all kinds
of boots and Shoes.
Only first class material
used. All work done by
hand and guaranteed by me to
be No, I.
Bring your repair work to
me and save money as my
prices are lower than any
iOther repair shop in town.
Send your cream to us and receive
top prices. We are ralluing our plant
year through anti can handle your
I full supply and furnish you with cans
We pay twice each month and weigh
semple,and test each 0a0 of mom care
I fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou
' Patrons" Patrons are requested to
turn all 011r mails when not in 1180,
31tter anlButtormilk al - c hand
n d for at market prices.
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
cow Wanted
Wanted, 8 .139897 L`Olw 0r heifer, Ap-
ply to the News Office.
Wood Wanted
Anyone having 8 or ten cords of won
for sale eau hear of 9 uurehaser by ap-
plying at the News Ofiioe.
7 Room House, good cellar, Harp
and Soft Water, good condition and
splendid locality. Apply this office,
All books must beretnree3 to the
Pnblio Library on or before December
twenty 80oond The Libriary will be
open Tuesdays, Thuredeye, and Sat
urdays front 3 30 to 4 30 and 7 30 to
8 30
G 'Thompson
u ixouse exposaM11MIMiixocIxxxxi xisormemamop(MaximixIMMMMIM
M Established Ian
p Farmers' Business
Special attention given to the business of Ferman and
Y Dealers in Live Stock, gate notes collected on favorable 1
K tetiv111.
xSavings Department
le Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. 16
Interest paid or added to accounts twice a year.
Efficient service assured to depositors. _ 072
Iglennallini wle6.21IgYb
Look, Mother! if tongue ie coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rust easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figa," because in
a few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, ne.l :Au have
a well, playful child again.
Stele children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep R. handy be-
cause ;they know its action'on the atoui-
aoh, liver and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist for a hottie of
",'California Syrup of Figs," which con-
tains directions for babies, children of
all ages and for growu'ups.
Good Milling Wheat,.............. 52,10
Oats ....................» ...,........ 80
Peas .•.... ,.. 3.00
Bran per ton,- ........ ... ...87,00
Shorts per ton ..........................44
Flour ...... ... ... ... ............... 5.55 8.12
Butter. ........................ t0
Eggs .............. ,................ 42
Hoge to farmere..................10.75
New Winnipeg Trains
Travel between Eastern aid Western
Canada is always heavy in the winter
months, particularly during December
with its holiday season, To meet the
ro.;uiremets of the public), therefore, a
special Daily Servioe between Toronto
aur1 Winnipeg is announced by the
Canadian Northern Railway; West
bound, Deo. ;rd to Jan. 2nd 1018 only;
Eastbound, Dec. let to Jan. nth, 1918
only, Thereafter regular tri weekly
service will be remitted. A Through
Tourist Slespibg mar wil! also be opera
ed between Tomtit,. and Calgary daily
118 part of the above special service, and
connection will be made with regular
daily train between W1nnepeg and
Edmonton. Service between Toronto
03,6 Vancouver remains tri -weekly lent'.
lila Toronto Mottdave, Wellneadnye and
Fridays as present.
For further particulars .r'11 0ny Local
Tine table or apply to 'i'OWnn Agent,
Chas. A. Aherhart.
Undoubtedly- you leant to matte your
farm pay, that is what you are working
fur, vote inset hells too tie doubt. Has
it ever occurred to you tlutt there is an•
other kind of help which coats but a
trifle and pays for itself over and over
again each year, help that helps you to
farm and buy and sell right The farm-
ers' business paper, The Weekly Sun
(26th year) is published with only one
point in view, that of serving the farm.
0r. It oasts but a trifle to and out
what a real help. The Sint can be to you
and yon will wonder hone yen got along
without it. Its market reports are un-
surpassed fel eoeuraoy and its general
farm now8 is worth many dollars to you
The subscription price remains the
same as heretofore, Otte Dollar You
0an110t get as mti033 real help through
eny other source or spend a dollar to
mate r advantage. Try it for 1918.
®Persistent Asthma, A most tlietreas.
ins obaractorietio of this debiliating
disease, is the peraleteltoe with which
recurring attacks come to sap away
strength and leave the sufferer in n
state of almost ooitinual exhan8tioi
No wiser precaution can be taken than
that of keeping on hand a eupply of
D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy,
famous as moat potent remedy for
eradicating the disease from the tenter
air passages,
For years Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator has ranked as the moat• of
Dative preparation manufactured and
it always maintains its reputation.
' r•
A 11 Items 11(3130,' this Hood are
published free of charge, ex -
000 111000 regarding, meetings
where all adnilealon fee Is
charged The rate for such
being five mint per octant Zine
SU?P1FORTil4 0.1-4UR.i1HS
St. James'
St. Jehlee, Church, Itev, loather t'
Corcoran, Ren, Fettle r (43, R. North -
payee ,Morning Mass 7 a,m, High
Mass 10 30 a.m. Sunday school 2.311
p in. Evening vempers 7 p.m,
St. Thomas'
Rev, T, H. Brown, Reciter. Snuday
SerQoes 1I a.m, and- 7 p.91. Sunday
school 2,80 p. 113, Women's Anglican
Missionary Association, Tuesday . 2 30
pan, Childrei,'abranch Saturday 2 p.m.
utsroession services every 'Thursday,
.0 p,m,
First Presbyterian
Rev. il', H, Larkin„ Pastor, Sunday
services 11 a,m. and 7 p m, Sunday
school 2.30 p.m, Prayer mooting,
t Thursday, 7. 43 p,m. Women's Miss-
ionary Society 'the first Tuesday in each
month at 7.45, Barbara Kirkman Mie.
cion Band 3rd 'Tnes(lay: in the month at
7,30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Rand
every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m,
Rev, G. McKinley, B. D„ pastor
-SUNDAY-CI3S8 at 10:00 a,re
Publio aervioe 11 a,m. and 7 p,m, Sim
day sohool and Bible study Was. 2,30
Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer
Meeting 'Mirada y 8, p,m,
Salvation Army
Capt. Frond and Lieut. Shave
Holiness meeting 11 a,m, Praise
service 3 p.m. Gospel aervioe 7 p'm
Childrena Service -Directory class I0
a.m, Bible 0fasaes 4 p.m, Week night
Meotinge-Wednesday Pra"1• nleutii,u
8 p.m,
13gmondviife, Presbyterian
Rev, J. Argo, pastor. Sunday se,
vio88 11 a.m, and 7 p m, Bible eines
3 p.m Prayer meeting Wednesday
8p. m. Y.P.1eLS. Union 3rd Frldat
in the month 8 p ru. W0111911'0 ?Yliasioi,
ary Soojety 3rd Werinenday in the mond,
at 2.30 p.m. L"dills' ,Lid mens im-
mediately after.
Mc1C11iop Presbyterian
Rev. D Oorswell pastor, Sunday
8orvices Duffs' ahtlr011 11-a re Sunday
school 10 a m. Prayer meeting Wed-
nesday 8 p.m. women's Missionary
Society last Friday in eaah m0ntih at
2 o'clock.
t2.onst3•rze ,Siethodlst
Rev, W. Kahle, pastor. Sunday
aervioe 3 311 p,m, Young People's Lea.
gue2.30 p.m Sunday VS oneu's Auxin,
Dry first Tuesday of every month a
30 V. in. Ladies' Aid last '.Thursday
of each month 2.30 p.m
Nrinth^op Presbyterian
Sunday, service 2,30 pm, Snuday.
oho03 I 15pm. Prayer meeting
Tuesday 8 p.m. L.O, last Wed,
Jt Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat, --
At tit first symptoms of sore throat
which presages ulceration and 1n8am-
elation, take a spoonful of Dr, Thomas
Eolectrio Oil. Add a little sugar to it
to make it palatable. It will allay the
irritation and prevent the ulceration
and swelling that are do painful
Those who were periodically s"hjeot
tor -piney have, thus have, glade thein.
selves immune to attack.
Highest Prices Paid
for rags, rubbers, bones,
metal, horse hair, hides,
skins, all kinds or furs etc,
Also take books
and newspapers
N. Appliezoit
Aaron from Creamery n,•
Phone 183 `
Don't Delap
It any longer but come in at.
once and have those Photo_
graphs taken to give to pour
friends for Xmas.
We will please you and
you will please pour friends,
Onlp .1 week until Xmas
so conte in now and have
the Xmas problem solved.
12 good Photographs writ
make 12 goad presents.
As the daps get dark veru
earl/ please conte in early,
Picture Framing a Speci-
Itg-- We sell Filets and do
finishing' for Amateurs.
"Pape's D;apepsln" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes,
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or ilea like a lump of
lead, or you belch gab and -eructate
sour, undigested food, or have a feeling
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
bad taste in mouth and. stomach -Henri
arts', you inn _rat .relief in five minutes
by neutreliz3ng acidity. Put an end to
such stomach ((fauces 11093 by getting a
large fifty -cent Mee of t'ape's Diapepsi,e
from any drug stere, You realize in
five minutes how needless .t fa to suffer
from indigestion, dysp.'pda or any stunt•
eel' disorder ('auee(1 by food fermentation
due to excessive acid in stomach,
In all countries. Ask fur our 1'st .:4TOR'gi]
3.DVISFR which trtll.be scar -
611RION M,114rn
"For tTie i3food !u the fife."
With any d(ooa00 duo to impure blood
ouch co Eozoma, Scrofula, eourvy, Bad
Log., Abecoonao, Ulcers„ Glandular
Swelling., Bolla, Pin, plea, Sore. of any
kind, Piloo,Blood Poleon,Rhou maths'',
Gout, etc., don't waste your time and money
n lotions and ointments which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. What you want
is n mediulne that will thoroughly free the blood
of the poisonous matter which alone is the true
taiga of all year suffering. Clarke'. Blood
Mixture is lust such a medicine it is oun.posed
E Ingredients which quhadyexpel from the
blood all int irides. from whatever cause
arming, and by rendering It creno and pure,
cut be relied un to effect a lasting eu
17'4,,, amts drionmtott,
Over 50 scare
Pleasant le
said by nil
i Chemists and
Ckr e's
Girlel Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your skin.
Squeeze the juice of two lemma into
a bottle containing three oun040 of
orchard white, shako well, and you have
a quarter pint of the hest Heckle and
tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at
very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the Intone aid any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents, Maesage Bile sweetly fragrant
lotion into t110 face, nook, 'arms and
hands each day and see how freckles and
blemishes disappear and how clear, soft
and white the skin becomes, Yee!. It
is harmless,