HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-27, Page 1a New Series Vol. Ili, No. 51 TEE TeL * ND Commencing Friday Dec. 14th THE BIG HARDWARE STORE extends a hearty invitation to All to visit Toyland and see the splendid exhibits of toys for the children. Dolls galore, coy "Teddy Bears, Japanese toys, and puzzles in abundance. Mechanical toys of every kind. Games to suit all desires. Our display is the best yet and our prices are a feature worth while. Special staff will be on h.and to attend to the wants and requirements of the little tots, Parents come and bring the kiddies, It Is Xmas time: let us all make merry and prepare for a right good time, The Big Hardware Store leads and we handle an ex- ceptionally up-to-date line of Christmas presents suit- able for old and young. 'See our Pynex Glassware, cut glass, silver spoons, knives and forks, carving sets, casseroles, brass and silver hollow ware. We have an. exceptionally fine display of electrical irons, lamps, stoves and heaters, Boys and girls will be delighted in our assortment of snowshoes, skates, handsleighs, hockey sticks, pucks, flashlights Etc. Our line of mitts, gloves, blankets, sleighbells, Etc. , cannot be beaten REMEMBER OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT EVERYBODY WELCOME MERRY XMAS TO ALL THE SIG !HARDWARE STORE 14e EDGE Getwagoaelimustrwrersisweis Rl "OLt� v � v;• $p^� .e1 el x : 1ft6D 99 RESTAURANT AND eeNFECTIONERY CHRISTMAS CAND Y —Can you imagine a real Christmas without it? We have a large aaeortmer,t, including everybody's favor- ites, and all the CANDY WE OFFER is sanitarily made front pure ingredients, fresh attractive delicious and harmless , .tom-.._ ...: 'l Lf �" 1'1 i1' Fresh Fruits of all irindsalways on hand. Our home made candies always the best,, Ohooalates, Oarmels, Bon -Bons &; Tafioe a specialty. YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS 'are invited to attend The Christmas Dance, in Cardno's Hall, on Thursdap Evening, Dec. 27th in Aid of the Sailors' Kiddies Fund British Navy and Merchant Marine MUSIC—Tony Vita's London Harpers Dunning commences at half past eight &oleok $ adieu please bring mike or sandwiches ° `hue—iusoph Murphy, Soott Hawthorne, Finlay MeI eroheu', t Dodds,1jr Wm Charters, Hobert Gemmell; - .)ohn Beattie, eLaoey, An❑ Shattnhnti, Charles Stotvar6. }r 'ontlomon $2.00 SEAFORTH, TH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEGEMSER 27 Ic)I7 Huron Bed Cross & War Contingent Association Godsrioh Shipping Centre Articles Valued at Guderloh 11. C.., , ,., 875 Ben Miller R. 0, ,,.,., 374 ,.,$ 49 50 U. P. S Gocterioh tp. '206 .,,,., 211 00 Maple Leaf Chapter 161 .. ,., 155 88 Godsrioh W. I, ,........ 102 Ashfield S. .. ,......., 477 ...., 87 48 Saltford 11, 0„ ..... 241 ,,.,., 33 00 Taylors Corners 91 4 46 Colborne R. C20U .,.,,, 14 00 Kin tail's W. 1. ,..,130 Leobufn 11, C. 194 w 00 Dungannon W, 1 ...... 78 ...... 100 00 Blyth Shipping Centre Burns Church L, A. .- 7 18 00 Walton R C ......,..,,. 518 ...... 91 00 D, A, M, L D. 1C, Club 12 12 00 Westfield R 0 Circle ... 68 73 00 Blyth G A ............... 265 ,.,,. 76 00 Gerrie ,., , 3 - Blyth 11 0 ......::....... 485 25 0 S S No. , Wanawash 140 • Blyth W I .:....... ...... 148 Monorief R C Circle .., 43 18 00 Londeboro W I ......... ,........... 100 00 Blyth Methodist Church ,.,...,,, 14 00 • Clinton Shipping Centre Holmeeville ............,.. 124 Summerhill .............. 138 Bayfield ...................... 45 , 5o 00 Turners Church ...,..,.. 42 8 00 Bethany .................. 39 ....., h 00 United Club ..........., 65 Stanley Maple Leaf 189 Clinton Pat, do G A ,.. 662 ,,. 130 00 Y L of S Gocterioh Tp, 69 Clinton Girls Auxilary 182 Exeter Shipping Centre Elimville & Sueshine .. 266 Centralia .................. 142 ... 131 30 Soldiers Aid ............... 869 ... 414 00 Crediton .................. 66 ....,. 60 00 fhamee Road ............ 1.87 Little Oanuoka ,., 23 69 16 Hensel' Shipping Ventre Heueall ............... ... 575 80 25 Hillsgreen ............... 45 Kipper ..................72 Blake ......... ............ 54 Brussels Shipping Centre Brussels .................. 492 ,.,... 189 CO Brussels .............. 1379 .,.... 76 85 Brueefreld Brimfield I900 66 00 Wingham shipped to Toronto 842 articles valued at $1133.60. Exeter Patriotic League shipped to Mise Arnold$, Shornclifre, Eng, 099 articles valued at $204. 75. Hurondale Patriotic League shipped through the Exeter League 105 articles valued at5105 10, Seaforth lied Cruse shipped to Tor- onto 2192 articlear Jean Fitton, Exeter, Cor Secy Huron R. C. & W. 0, A. TREASURER'S' REPORT Hensal Patriotic Societies ,,, $ 1726 10 Exeter S A ........... ......... 1181 40 Walton R 0 ...... ...... ... .... ... 1101 90 Clinton G A ........................ 1.044 25 Clinton W P 8 ..................... 381 87 Orediton R 0 ,......... 315 00 Dungannon W I .. 298 88 Thames R 0 ........................ 234 98 Blyth R 0 Circle .................. 228 45 Centralia P L 182 72 Londesboro R C ........ ......... 168 75 Ashfield 8 A ........................ 145 25 Belgravo .., ...,..,.. r,.,.. . 138 23 Dashwood R C 129 00 Farquhar It C .... ......... 119 00 Bayfield ..., .. 112 00 Ben/miller R 0 .. 109 06 Godsrioh W 1 101 84 Goderioh Tp,I7 P 8 ..............98 45 Turners Church Society ,.,...,.. 83.-50 Summerhill Society 81 is Blyth G A . . 80 79 Unity Chub ................... ..., 80 40 Teylor'e Corner Society ..., ... 66 82 S. S. E, No, 20 E. Wawanosh ... 63 45 D. A, M. I. D. 1S. Hullet s 47 38 Stanley Maple Leaf ,.. ,.. 47 25- Saitford It C ., 43 85 efeelei:. -.... 40 AS,.. X, L, of 13, E. (9oderieb Tp Eli%ovine & Snnahiuo Loibuan 11. C. ............... Londeabcro ...,•• Total raised R. C. & H, (:, Wingham ............. 1156 Seaforth Red Cross ,. 1372 7 ,,.,,. 39 21) ,.,,., 26 50 23 40 ,..„ 21 05 A. 9495 34 33 6 Seeto.rth War Aux, ,,, 1578 49 Auburn Rad Cruse ,,, .,, 630 00 4036 58 4636 68 Total for 10 Huron Oouuty 1400I 91 Huron 0onnty contribution to Brit:eh and Italian Red Cross was $21,484.26 Guerre E. Browne, Seaforth. One Person Out of Every. Ton in Canada Bought Victory Bonds The latest returns in the Victory Loan campaign chow a total of 782,714 subscribers, or one for every ten person in Canada. This establishes a new record with respect to the proportion of of the population of a country subscrib- ing to its War Loans. In the Liberty Loan campaign in the United States bonds were sold to one person out of evory twenty- seven of the pbpnlation In Great Britain the previous record was Held where ono in twenty three eubsoribed to. the last War Loan. In many cities, towns and districts in Canada, the proportlou of the pop ulation buying Victory Bonds was even higher than one in tett. Iu a number of oases it was even as high as one in foto•, The achievement in oonneotion with Canada's Victory Loan, while primarly due to the splendid spirit of patriotism that pervades the country. is another evidenoe of what may be accomplished through press advertising backed by an adequate eelling organization, Prior to the Victory Loan campaign there were comparatively few bond buy urs in Canada, The third Canadian Loan of Last spring, which was the most widely distributed bond issue in Canada up to that time had only 41000 subscribers, The Finance Minister ed deemit essential that many times that number should subscribe to the Victory Loan. He assigned to the press the task of educating with ros• pent to the Loan the great masses who were not bond buyere, and in the most oases had only a vague idea of the meaning of the term bond as applied to securities, For weeks before the sale of Vict- ory Bonds commenced. Canada's need for money to carry on the war and ao maintain her agricultural and indnet• rial prosperity was presented to the people of Canada in display advertise- ments in the press. Emphasis was placed in these advertieomenta on the privelege and duty of every Canadian to assist in the war financing of his or her country, and upon the fact that if Canada's financial needs were to - be mot the great masses of the people would have to buy Viotory Bonds. The moaning of a "bond" and the security behind Canada's Victory Bonds ween explained in simple every day language Similar educational work was done voluntarily by almost all the newspaper and other publioations through their news and editorial columns, By November 1211, when the sale of Victory Bonds commenced, the people had been educated very largely to the need of the money, the security behind the Loan and the reasons why every person who could possibly do so should buy one or more bonde.The preparitory educational work in the press was fol- lowed by a personal solicitation a moot efficient and Dominion'wide organic. ation of personal workers, 0onour- rantly with that peraoual solicitation there appeared a series of "selling" ad- vertisements emphasizing the immed- iate privelege and duty of every Oanad• inn to buy Victory .Bonds., and many editorials and news articles along the same tinea were published in every newspaper. The press publicity 'created en atmos pliers sf knowledge of the situation that in addition to obtaining largo'' 1n bete of subscribers without, pet effectively and with infinitely grouter results than could have been obtained without the educational and eelling advertisements in the press - The Holy Night The operetta ''Holy Night" pit en by the 5t Joseph Music Club on Thurs- day night was one of the moat pleasing eutertaittmontegiven this season. The Scenes were well developed in each case but especially in the death of Mrs Mar- ty, whioh part was well taken by Mise leabelle Woods, who has a voice of great promise, Miss Aliso Daly made a good Peggy and Miss Lucy Eokart as 1 'i'rixy was irresistible hit where all did I well, comparisons are out of place , Tho Sisters of St Joseph's Convent are to be congratulated on the success of their careful trailing. Tho proceeds amounting to 5160 will he din, ated to the Orphans, Victory Loan In order to avoid a big rush on 2nd, day when the first instalment of the Victory Loan is due. the Canadian Bank of Commerce requests that as far as possible all subscribers who placed their application through the local branch would call before that date and leave their provisional receipt together with a cheque dated 2nd, .lanual -fo the amount of the instalment, Phone 164 Eveeings 10 $1.00per year G"e ,.rr..x"m'""rrnmi tY fishing our Many, Patrons A Happy and Prosperous . , cW Year ifreb tquauge 5Irturtlrr x Op#iriun .JBolwr of Iftarriztor Kirrtlsrn The Store you will always like. New Year's Greeti Ring Out The Old GOODBYE OLD YEAR / / Ring In The New With the hope that that this New Day finds our friends and customers enjoying a full measure ofsatisfaction as a result of their relations with us we wish to express our profound thanks for their valued patronage dur- ing the year, and at the same time we give our assurance that we will en- deavor to remain always worthy of their highest confidence. That this New Year has an abundance of happiness and prosperity in-store for the people of Seaforth and surrounding country is our earnest wish. Mactavis Dry Goods Store SIET#PORTR-I 1d So ,et fIy to, sty tzrs the bot- ihn," ad - is )1e and high wn•: clot, i ,d .10 n Cede er ,1 coli •cceiif 1ni11'i