HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-20, Page 844e
I r-�,w tw•�..m1rw• •�lltk.+.®trW q
Attention Ladies/ I j CORRESPONDENCE 1
0w.�..ww.� ww SWAM. la Mrs Jaa. Flynn anti Mrs, 51e00u-
i sell of Clinton spent a few days with
Mr. and Airs 1, (hawford.
Mr IL ehathea11 wax hi Guelph for
a few days,
:Nike 0. Hoirgobt (tailed on t'rieuda
Arrange to have pour hair Walton
properlg ir'arhed and treated 1,p Political meetings are now Ivor
me. Let all bitterness ()ease and got down
to Iced t.-Je05; work Let brotherly leve 1 in London last week.
Prices most moderate e0uttuae
Shampoo 40c
Shampoo with tonic S(lc
4ppointments made for anp
ec'ening after 8 p. rn. Saturdap
1 Barber Shop, Clth
titieltiielthiTb" 'tA7ORK.
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach.
Sluggish Liver and Bowels -
Take Cascarete tonight.
Furred Tongue, Bad Test.', Tndigree
tion. S0Ilorf Skin and Mieerable Bead.
oche, conte front a torpid lover and
•i.,05)051 bowels, wltiell e:en•,• :oir Stam-;
ae31 to beeomc 0110d with undigested
feed. which sours anti ferment: Ill trar-
t,.t To in a swill barrel That's the first
step to untold misery telt estuln, Innl
;;:r ti ., ba$ breath, y ail,': 5kia,. mental
Mrs J .1 lrvhw passed sway last week
beck atter a prolonged illnet'a. The
family thew the sympathy, of all
Mrs Jenne; 111Lsughlie. visited re.
!doves in 41'roxoter last week
Edward Clark is still iu :poor health
Ml'tsud MEN duhu Bennett ahu,'weo
the engagement of their daughter Mal,
el to .1 Orville flabkirk of Brussels
The wadding will take place the Christ.
into Day
Anniversary services were held in the
Presbyterian Church. on eunday The
day was tine and large congregatiotls,
were present
st uvor•ge:e S S Entertainment reit:I
take phaco ou Friday logit(
Mrs, ,1 Aie(lrath called uu Mitchell
friondo this week.
Messrs, P P, Beim and John Mee
Grath were iu Loudon on Saturday,
se D, 1 lynu sett Mrs, John 11'lyqu
Iof Hallett spent yuuday with Mr. sed
Mrs, H, Flynn,
Hies Way and daughter wore is
Ooderich !;tet weep attending the feu
aralof their !duce, Miss I. Haitaday,
who diet! in Hamilton.
B3 iyfielld
The severe snow storm of hast week
prevented tusny teachers iron) reaoh-
ing their ;wheels in the early part of
' et
u k, Other teachers who wont
found only 11111.1 pgpil prea"ut. 111 501115
Oases 05,55 the meal carriers did not
reptile out as the reads Were 111 a had
At 1,:c• abrual 111.t -`tivg ui le U L
I No 21 held last n+. vire the following Our ti m fa}- Scheele ar» i ney pre❑
mtheerswere elected for eugqi.g y501' vreparil.- for entertainments ,l'4...i..
fears, everything that is },orril+le anti
1) M. : Harold Stutz.; B. 2i- . I;, E, 111te.
s;a e: !title. ', Cm:e tr t t e-nl •Int x'iIl Urceuslade 1. ; P. 19ppet; fres-
(sur constipated bowels a thorough
+:ieansing and straighten you out by
merning. They work white you sleep
a le -cent trot frnin your druggist will
:;eep you feeling good for months •
surer, .1 Tippet; Chaplain, A. 1-1881n j g� t
D of CC Heaton; Lecturer, It Elliott:, Belgian Refl0f
Committee. E Heard, John Parket,:
Four members of the lodge have en. R.'port for Nm'ember-
listed and Wit- svyer.•ly wonudwt.
Balance Ervin Uctulier,,,,,,,,,
EWANT NOW/The fishermen are home from Putt Mr's Twigs
Stanley where they had a very sucutes. Mrs McKee, Winthrop.........
Rev, Mr McKinley
Mrs .I as, h'ittlayson...............
A triend ,,,.......
Miss L. Cresswell...,.,
Miss F, Cresswell
Mrs Chas, Stewart ,
Ira DeLacey
Girls Dance'
A Reliebte Age1
.o Sell I'elham's
e)rnameital trees
ter months. (list
'tory, free selling
Over 601 Acres
Eery stool: inclndii
it iu H Own, ty
feet1"5e Fruit and'
during Fall and IS'tn-
d pay, .xelt+:.n" terr-
el the choicest Nnr-
ig New vertetiea 0"11:
trolled by es. Handsome up-tc-date
selling egtllpment and a splendid Celt.
adieu grown stock to offer (".atoms is
We are not jobbers. Write now for
agency terms to PELHAM NURSERY
0. , Toronto, Out,
N. B. Catalogue scut oil -request to
applicants for agencies or purchasers of
;nursery stock,
Hospital for Sick Chifdre
College St., Toronto
Dear Mr. Editor: -
Thanks for your kindness in allowing
me the privilege of appealing to your
readers this Christmas time on behalf
rf the Hospital for Sick Children, th
'Sweetest of all Charities," which ha
as its mission the care of the helpless
Ole sick, the crippled and the deformed
There never was a year in the his
tory of the Hospital when funds to
:airy on the work were more t rt•doc
hall now,
Your purse is the hospital's Hole
21 season.
A few tons of oval was distributed in
small tot and the need is a very urgent
11r C. McGee manager• of the Stet
ling Branch has resigned aid gone to
Ins home in %Voodstock.
Mr and Mrs Henry of St Marys is
visiting Mrs. Parsons
A well -know resident died on Dec,
8th in the person of Geo. Habkirk at
the age of 03 yesra, He moved to
Hensel] last year from the farm, One
daughter besides the widow survive,
Interment took place in Mc'Taggart's
I Cemetery,
Mr, .las. Hagan has has sold his
property here and i, looking for an-
other location,
Mr, Fred Mann was the victim of an
ugly accident when he tripped on the
basement steps and falling, the heavy
trap door fell on his wrist inflecting a
s The animal entertainment of the
' Methodist S. S. will take place in Fri,
day night
1 Mrs Alex Ingrain of the township of
!Hay is quite ill at present
• i
Your money lights the candies et
mercy on the. Christmas tree. ef; �De I"MEflR311y
health that the Hospital plant along
Ijte troubled r0dway or nuu0y a b.
3o I ate a=' g : for id, ter the
-a(1011 purse ethe Hosp,tal friend is
the hops of e Hendee( al t lue Ames,
lust as the epee door atlos hest' u1'a
mercy is the beee ret' the little children
throughout the year.
Calls on generous he rt, ale many
n these times Calls on t1. Fluae
:re many at all Bolen. ;cul s;rsoially
hen food a' feel nod d, ..ee _eu.1 son
ice costs are tarim h •0 lilt'
now the high costt of lit we, le: 11
'now the trig!: i cosi ur n• -.,(1i: rf
elping the helpless 10 1,0 ppi e 05
Illat 3'Otl del to „s( .- the ht . n ire
astmont you will ever make.
Do you realize what this ehar:ty is
,ing for (sick children, stet only of
Dronto, but for all Ontario, for out 01
total of 1740 In.patiente last year
6 came from 264 planes (onside of
motto, The field of the Hospital's
rvice covers the entire Province--
1m the Ottawa to the far-off Kerora
from the borders of the Great Lakes
the farthest northerly district.
Phe Hospital is doing a niervellons
rk, if you could see the children
;h crippled limbs, club feet. and
ter deformities, who have left the
spital with straightened limbs and
'feet correction, your response to
• appeal would be instant. In the
hopedic Departments last year a
0of 390 inpatients were treated;
in the Out -Patient Department
he were 1,946 attendances,
et your money and the Hospital's
:cy lift the burden of misery that
3es the lives, cripples the limbs
` saddens the mothers of tho suf.
eg little ohildren,
oney mobilizes the powers of help
healing for the lospital's drive
and night against the trenches
re disease and pain and death
B the lives of the little ones.
;member that every dollar given
no Hospital is a dollar subscribed
he Liberty Loan that opens the
Ins of pain and the Bastilles of
Ise, and sets little children free
oaths the pure air, and to rojoioe
Marcy of God's sunlight,
11 you send a' dollar, or'mol'e 1f
tan, to Dotiglas Davfdeen, . Seero-
rreasnrer, ter
airman of the Board of'Prestoet;
Miss Sadie look 01 Iloderich Town -
:ship has been visitieg Sirs, Geo Riley.
I Mrs, Jae (soaker of Cleveland. Ohio
!has been visiting frien:le here aid in
A Christi -nee 'free anti Entertainment
will be given in the Forreater'a Hal
Dec 21at at 8 p. in. A play, Topsey
,'Turley will be given. All are welcome,
Mr. Wm 310014 tax collector was
out last week.
Mr, and Mrs, John Pepper and sou
of Manitoba are visiting Mrs, Edward
Britton and other friends.
1 011
1 00
5 (10
45 110
25 o0
2 011
Dance on Nov. 20th .•......... 53:100
Postoeice Box 44
Dominion Bank..,:.,,.
.,..,., ,. 20
Remitted to Isabella L. George,I'T70
onto $23o, $lOo to Orphans Fund and
130 to Orphans Health Fund,
Expenses $l 14, Balance on hand S2,
62, A package of Children's clothing
was received from the Winthrop lad-
ies end forwarded to Toronto, -Mrs,
J. B. Thompson, Treasurer.
Doing His Bit
Mr William Homuth is knitting sox
for soldiers, He was born in Germany
almost 80 years ago but nevertheless he
is as patriotic as any of our Canadian
oe British born, He left Germany at
the age of nuleteen anti never returned,
but has made an excellent Canadian
citizens ever since. He learned to
knit when at school in Germany and is
now making ass his talent to help keep
the feet of our Canadian teddies warm
He has completed 87 pairs of socks for
eoldiere and has commenced knitting
warns mitts, Mr Homuth is staying
at the home of his daughter, Mrs T T
McDonald, Minnie St' May he long
live and be a}0a to welcome home our
soldiers after a victorious ending of
this great conflict.-Wingllatn Advance
NolniFi1 IYIY on
A meeting for nomivatiug a Reeve
and four Councillors for the Municipal.
ity of the Township of MoKillop For
the year 1018, in Caldera Hall, Win.
throp, on 14Ionday the 31st day of Deo -
ember 191e at one o'clock p m and in
11 the event of more persons being nom
inated than required to fill the several
offices, an Election will be held
Ii<lc)IillOp on
Cold weather and snow drifts have
been in evidence during the last week
that is something unusual for the early
part of Deoemoer,
Mr anti Mrs Bailey of Blanchard vie-
ited at the home of Mr J J Irvine for
a few days recently.
The last meeting of the Ladies Aid
of Bethel was held at the home of Mrs
D Boyd, There was a large gathering
of members as well as lady friends,
John E, Irvinne of Manitoba, Thos
Irvine of Kansas City, H 14 Irvine of
Toronto. all Dame home owing to the
serious illness of their mother, They
were all at her bedside when the end
There is nothing being said about
municipal election and we presume
that the present oounoil will go in un.
opposed as no one seams 01121010 for en
Monday the seventh (7th) day of Jan.
nary 1918 at. POLLING DIV, I
G II Holtende house Lot 10 eon, 5;,1 as
Evans D R 0; Thos. illoylan P 0;
POLLING DIY, No 2—Jas Hillena
House Lot 25 0011' 4; Joe, Dorranoe D
R 0; Jas Hillen P 0. POLLING Div,
3-W, Davidson's house Lot r0 mono i2
J Deeming D R 0; W, Davidson P 0
POLLING DIV, 4- School House No
7 Lot 26 cone. 12; W. MaGavin Jr I) R
0; R Archibald P 0,
M, Murdie,Clerk,
A Purely Vegetable Pill, The ohie
ingredients of Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills ars mandrake and dandelion, sed-
ative and purgative, but perfectly
armless in their notion. They cleanse
and purify and have the most health-
ful effect upon the secretions of th
digeetive organa, The dyspeptic and
all who sniffer from liver and kidney
ailments will find in these pills the
meet effective medicine in oonoeetrat-
od form that has been yet offered to
the aufferin;;;
aw••'+-•%I.....lall-....ww.....0 0—.I/q 11a
ea..Miaw eneeteeme ere n.ww estye-•e
i „fI
_Neap Xmas!
Dig tip your overcoat, have a look at
it, by reuowing the velvet collar, Prose.
I lug and Cleaning utaysavo youths prim
of a nen' one Aly Wardrobe; Godorioh
Sk. nileeeile Queens,
Rev. Jnmeo Hamilton of Goderiolt
was present at the .1 nhiloe Services 011
Viae 1)oblo has rotarued 15011118 Visit
Io friends in 'Toronto,
Mies Madge Stewart of Wallaeoburg.
is home for the holidays,
Col, and Mrs. A. S's'ilanu have gond
to New York to visit their daughter,
Mrs, 1V, Holt,
Mr, Geo, Holman (vent to Godarich
on 'Pnesdtty to audit the county 'Press
nrer'e booko.
LITTLE -1n H111I»t.t, Nov. kith to
Mr, and Mrs, '11tes Little 4 5011,
1MV1DSUN -111 Morris, Noe, 14th, to
Mr. tied Mre„1811100 i)n1'l(lsou u
RILE 1 --At Londeabnro, Due, lot
Hannah Leaclt, relict of the tato J,
W, Riley aged 08 years.
AI EOlioten
Helen Hibbs to Harry Alexelider
both of Goderich 'Township,
I3LEOhII+1R OARRIOH-At (loderloh
Nov. 28th, Elizabeth Oartdoh to Ed-
ward Belcher,
A Dune, will be given in the Opera
House, Dublin, on Wednesday even -
01g, Doeember 20th -music furnished
by Douglas Bros -Good lunch served.
Mrs James McGee North Main St i5 L 0 Looby, Seo -trews,
visiting her daughters in Termite. i
411' W. Brodie from the West is vie.: As a vernliluge there is nothing so
itnlg his brother, Mr Charles Brodie, putout as Alotiter Graves' Worm Ex-
Jirs John 41'arwiek is visiting her i-eerminator, and it eau be given to the
daughter, 1lrs Hales in' \%'05100, most delicate ohild without fear of in
jury to the constitution.
Miss Edith Scott of Toronto, is.
spending her holidays at the 1101110 of ,
her parents, felt' and Mrs J. It Scott:
Donkeys Are Het:i's Food Trains,
Miss Belle Ballantyne of Waterloo Nearly all t1'e protl+'e for the feed -
spent Sunday with her father, Mfr 1'y, lig of the poled- ti.+n of Port nu
halluutyne, Prince. Haiti, a edy of some 00,000
people, 10 brought non the backs of
The Sunday 8013° 11 of St 'Phomas, donkeys. The pal lir squares are con-
verted into open ,lir market places,
Church will hold the Christmas T
Entertainment on Friday evening.
The Rod Cross Soviety will not meet
en Thursday Dec, with
Miss Ethel Grieve of Toronto visited
at the home of her fattier, Dr .1, Grieve
Mr Keith McLean of Toronto is vis-
iting friends here.
Lir A, (4, Smillie of Toronto was in
town renewing old acquaintances,
Miss Simpson of Walton was a visit.
or town on Sunday.
Mr and Aire Harry Meyers of Strat_
ford were at the letters home here.
Ales Snell and Miss Margarite of Tor
onto are visiting relatives here.
Mies Mary Cowan and Miss Kate
Cowan who have been attending Toren -
to University, are home for the va0a-
Mr and Mrs Warden of Stags were
guests at the home of Mr and Mre ,Tas.
Mrs O. L. Williams and little eon have
returned from spending a few weeks
will friends in Toronto,
Pte, McLeod was home from London
over the week end,
Mre W, 0. Willie has returned front
a visit to friends in Detroit,
Corp, Clarenne Soott of Calgary paid
a visit to relatives here,
Aubrey Crich left last Thursday for
Rev. W. J. Clarke D,D. of Weat-
mouut, Moutleal, when here, was a
guest at the !tome of Mrs 141, F, hio.
Presbytery of Huron
The Presbytery of Huron held a reg-
ular meeting on Tuesday December r 1
in Willis church Clinton, Dr Fletcher
was in the chair, Besides there were
present, Messrs Sharpe, Aitken, Johns.
ton, Argo, Carswell, McDermid, and
Hamilton, ministers, and Messrs Glad -
man, Moodie, Cunningham, McNay
A pall from the congregation of
Brucofield in favor of Rev W, D. Mo.
Intoeh of Nairn promising a stipend of
$1200 a year with mance and four week
holiday, sustained. The induotian, if
bir McIntosh accepts, will take plane
at the beginning of She year,
Mr Argo tendered hie reeiguation of
his charge of Egmondville and asked to
be allowed to retire from active work,
Messrs McKay, McKay, McLellin, and
Holman, expressed regret at the separ-
ation about to take plaoe. Dr Larkin
of Seaforth was appointed moderator
of the session,
Rev W R Mulntosh of London ap
weared before the Presbytery and out-
lined and explained the new plan of
Graded n0510eea recommended by the
Aesembly'e Committee on S.T. and Y P
S, The matter ie to recieve attention
in inetitntes to be held throughout the
Peeehytery, The Presbytery approved
the desire of the Assembly that the rep
reeontatiott should be reduoed.to one hs
ten of the miniature and elders repros-
and here the buyiuO end selling goer:
en from early nwrl,ing until 4 or 5
o'clock in the afternoon. when the
caravans begin their toilsome journey
homeward, Silent -ell in a region fa-
mous for its fine 0 h, among them the
delectable and plentiful "red snapper,"
the Haitians eat quail Cities of salt cod
Imported from Mee :ambusetts waters.
And the quality of ( Ilii imported sta-
ple is such as would not find favor fa
American market. - National Geo-
graphic Magazine.
First "Octsidera."
Until the nOmin.t10n of Franklba
Pierce for the presh'eucy of the United
States the word -outsider" was un-
known. The comm tt se on credentials
came in to make it: report and could
not get Into the 19.511 because of the
crowd of people w is were not mem-
bers of the conventt'.n. The chairman
of the convention naaod if the chair-
man of the committee was ready to re-
port, and the chains In answered, "Yea
Mr. Chairman, but the committee Is
unable to get inside yenaccount of the
crowd and the peewees of the out -
alders." The newspaper reporters took
up the word and nse.l it.
"You druggists hare to stand for e
good many Jokes."
"A drug store it: sometimes face-
tiously alluded to 0 tt pillory."
"About right, tot.," said the drug-
gist. "Beeps yon penned up moat of
the time."-Louisvie. , Coulter -Journal.
Irate Gentleman
What do you mean.
ple fn the village
master? Gardener
a-doin' the lilies o
allus keeps my the
London Punch.
his gardener} -
sir• by telling peo-
that I'm a stingy
No fear 0' me
that, guv'nor. I
eehts to myeelf,-
"Do you think et can turn the
baser metals into gs el?"
"Undoubtedly -if you eau gapes
which way the stet market la going,"
-Washington Star,
Turn ".bout,
Stella -When you are engaged yon
tell him that he nine: economize. Bella
-And after you are married he tells
you that you must. Perk,
"Jack got through' college in thrid
"What of 11? I got through Ip one."
-Harvard Lampoon.
It is better to find ermine for tape
Akan for ourselves,
Very Slow.
"Do you drink coffee?" asked dee
doctor of an aged patient.
"Yes," was the reply.
"Coffee," continued the M. D., "Be II
clow poison."
"Yes, very slow," replied the el+
man. "I have taken it daily for nearly
eighty years," -London Answers.
A Goal He Had Never Reached.
11You are the greatest inventor In the
world;' said a newspaper man once be
Alexander Graham Bell.
"Oh, no, my friend, I'm not," said
Bell, "I've never been a reporter."
Light Reading.
"Bllggtns 18 a pessimist, isn't het"
"Yes. He's so fond of bad news that
he goes down cellar every morning td
read the gas and electric meters:" -
Washington Star.
"Virleat causes all the trouble in this
world, anyhow?" sighed the pessimist,
"People, 1 guess,:` replied the foolish
optimist.-Dgtrait-Peee Press,
Thursday ec eiio
This Store
Wishes You a
Merry Xmas
While extending a Christmas Greeting to our .many
friends we take occasion to say that we have a
Magnificient Line of Xmas Footwear
By the way. what is there that would moke a more
acceptable Gift for any member of the Family?
FOR MOTHER, we have Comfortable House Shoes
and Slippers of all Sorts
FOR FATHER, we've Shoes, Slippers, Arctixs, etc,
FOR THE YOUNG LADY, we've Handsome Dress
Shoes, Slippers & Ties
FOR THE BOYS, we've Sturdy Shoes, Dress Shoes,
Slippers, Rubber Boots, etc
Prices low enough to please you, exchanges carefully
made .
4a.,...G �"t711>d ,.!37V itigi
ceThe bore of Good Shoes'
See the finest Metro productions projected
by our powerful nkw flickerless machinery
Bring the _Family
Children 5 cents
the Home of Keystone's Comedies
HIS is an old disease which has been brought into unusual prom-
inenee by the fact that some of the soldiers in concentration
camps have suffered from it. But it hes been the experience
in Toronto at least, that more of the civil population have suffens&
from the disease than have soldiers, It is a communicable (that
is "catching"1 disease: It is also known as a "carrier" di -ease; that is,
some persons wbo do not suffer from the disease carry its germs in their
noses and throat'- and give it to well people. Cerebro -spinal meningitis is
also flue to the germs of pneumonia and tuberculosis.
forms are practically always- 1'.tia1, The form
CEREBRO-SPIN.'ii, commonly found is due to a gern with the high-
sounding name of meningu-coccus, It Is moat suc-
cesafully treated with a serum which Is injected into
the spinal canal after removal of some of the spinal fluid. The disease
appears to be quite contagious, probably through the Medium of the 21050
and throat discharges.As already r 'Marked, it is eat a new disease, it nreurred during the
Napoleonic ware, in the Crimean war, and in the United States Civil war,
and at various t+ :s in epidemic form in Europe and the United States. It
is not a war de ;,ce, but is more noticeable in war tines because large
numbers of /11R11 arc congregated together,
The serum f•,r its treatment requ;res to be most carefully prepared, It
Is supplied free t , the people of this Province on application to the Pro-
vincial Board of Peu1th,
s e
There is a popular idea that dogs become mad in the hot days of
summer, the dr; eve. This belief has no foundation; In tact, Hydro-
phobia or Rabier•, the proper name for (hie affection of dogs, may occur at
any time of the year, and as a matter of fact the fewest cases are found iu
Ontario in the su::•inertime.
A dog affected with rabies suffers a most complete alteration of his
habits, If he bas been friendly and playful he becomes quiet and morose
and will snap al his best friends. He leaves home and runs the country,
gets into fights with other dogs and often infects them, te.
MAD DOGS dog manifesting a change of disposition should at once be
chained up or kept in 0 safe enclosure under observation. If
he has rabies he will die within ten days. Ho should not be
killed at once, because the evidence of his affection may be destroyed.
When he dies his head should be packed in ice and sawdust and expressed
to the Laboratory of the. Provincial Board of Health, No. 5 Queen's Park,
Toronto, where an examination will be made free of charge and report made
to the sender, If a dog which is proven to be rabid baa bitten anyone, the
person bitten should he sent for treatment to No. 6 Queen's Park, Toronto,
where preventive Pasteur treatment is given free of charge. The treatment
requires a period of three weeks, and does not interfere with the person
going about and enjoying the sights of this great city, In the last six years
huendredslies( of eases of (1008008 bitten by dogs have recely.-d !hie O' rment-
results in every instance.
° Water Works and Sewers. M. 0t Tilsonbarg,
Q, -In ease a town council wishes to establish waterworks and sewers,
what is the proper procedure?
A. -The requirements for the establishment of a waterworks or sewer-
age system by a municipality are plainly set out, respectively, in Sections
89 to 98, Molester), and Sections 94 to 98, inclusive, of the Public Health
Act. (Cap. 218 R,S.O. 1914,) If yeti read these portions of the Act care-
fully you will learn the proper procedure,
i3. -Rabies, J.C.G., lenrlscotn't.
Q. -My neighbor's dog has been acting.etrangely, end a few dare ago
bit one of my children on the leg. One I have the.dog destroyed?
A, -If the dog bas rabfee It will die in ton days 01 leas, You should
ask your neighbor to tie the dog up for that period. If the dog seems well
at the end of ten days yo,t need have 110 fear that your child will develop
rabies. If the dog dies within ten, days have the head (packed in ice in
.warm weather) sent at once to the Provincial Board of Tealth Laboratory,
No, 6 Queen's Park. A report upon the dog's afteotfrm;will be sent you
*,tere..,..b a. 4 �,_. ,4.,:c., . t y.. tG , _