HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-13, Page 5i ';1 Page 5 THE CANADIAN BANi OF COERCE ERCP: aiG.^y Sot ISD UUND WALKER, at SIR JOHN AIRD, OcacrelMenages, C.Y.O., LLD„ D.C,I^, President H, V. F. JONES. Ass'c Oen'4 Marmot. CAPITAL PAID Up, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 60 Open a Savings account with this Bank and deposit money which would otherwise be kept at home idle and exposed to loss by fire or theft. Interest is earned and you have the satis- faction of knowing that your money is secure. Sea±ortil. Jr alx.ot J, Ci. MULLEN MANAG W1 L Walker & Son For Sale Undertakers House anti half core of land in the ane village of -ILgmondville. The propertyis situated o Centre Street, close to Embalmer Presbyterian Church and is known tion, the Purcell property. Good, acme W. J,Wnlltur,holderoF gr, eminent Diploma and License fottuhle hotted, good shod, good well and esmapt uistaru. All kinds of fruit Day or Night calla receive oar tress, strawberries, raspberries and prompt attention ourraut bushes, 'Phis is a corner pro - Ds Phone 07 party with no breaks on front, and Night '' 18 Day land is in a good state of , oultiva- ticl, This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes ate light. For particulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. CHER 7aCe'�G/ l STRATFORD, ONT.--. Fall 'Perm from Sept. 4th. 27.T. commercial.. Shorthand and Tele- graphy Departments — We have thorough courses , experienced in. • etruetors and wo plane Graduates in positions. Demand upon us for trained help is many times the num- ber—grsduating, Get ortr- free oatalogne.. A D MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad — BreathCandy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stomach. or bowels; hole much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug. gish bowels—you always get relief with Oascarets. l hey immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the • sour, fermenting fend and foul gases; take the excess file from the liver and carry off the r,.,,.;:. ;{.,; •„s,1e matter and poisou from tie intestines and bowels. .A 10 ecnt box from your drug- gist will keep ),.111. liver and bowel:- clean; owel.clean; stomach w t 1 i bead elear for months. They v.,r. ,!1• n sheep. FOR SALE CHEAP Frame House, 7 rooms epd pantry summer kitchen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights• largo ro- rand ah, Stable 1G' x 12' hen house N. by 7' I Apply At the News Office, Try U For A Refreshing Shave HAIR CUTTING Our Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNOS BLOCK 88 AFORTH I have for sale sev: eral Bonds and Debentures off a particularly Heigh grade, bearing interest from 5l to 6 per cent. Pill information con- cerning'asame cheer= !nil, given. JOHN ANKN Bond and Debenture Broker Main f 101 1, SPerorth Phone 9i n .t)t@'.�:'k . ��zsy, 'ifs rs*•ly..}. ,,0;1. • . ; 0),. The Most Popular Styles We' >,l t 11:6 w it t; . Corne in and choose the model you prefer and let us lit you to a comfortable pair of our SMART' SHOES We carry a large stock including Pumps and High Shoes in all the leathers and Models that are favor( d to -day. BUY YOUR SHOES HERE H. R. S e •Vii✓ T T -"The Horne of Good Shoes' Phone 51 Seaforth THE SLMPQRT-i 'MEWS Wh at Shall [ dive Tim day PN' tomaisvutu•Ak ,c1-m,,AttlA(Ws This Big Question Answered Easily, FHHy, Quickly, at this The 1eai Christmas Store Bup Useful Christmas Gift;, -- You can bop them here for Less. GIFTS For Mother Grandmother or Aunt Cushion Tops 15C to 3,00 ?Mufflers . 25c to 1.00 Scan's . 5oc to 3.00 Fancy Comb and Set 1oc to 5,00 Laundry Bags 25c to 1.,00 Tea Aprons 35c to 75 itarnped Linen Hang Bags Hose.... Gloves ;0c to 1,5o ... 50c to 9 00 25e t1> 3.00 [5c to 2,75 Hand Crochet Yokes Kimonos and Sacques Pur Collared Coats Fur. Lined Coats Fur Sets 1.u0 to (.75 L25 to 9.00 .. 12.50 to 3000 J5.00 to So.00 5.00 t0 100,00 —I THE questions that Lack the brains. of every Christmas Gift Giver-... "What Shall 1 Give,” "How Shad I Remember Every One." Of course if your purse is filled to overflowing the expenditure need not worry at all, but there are hundreds whose purse strings have a limit and who have to figure close to include everyone. 1 t is to these hundreds this store offers the greatest help, From the lists be. low you can select useful gifts for everyone. You are sure of STERLING QUALITY and RIGHT PRICES when you purchase here. ---- Take a pencil and paper, write down the names of those you wish to remember_ and you will find a suitable gift mentioned below, Quality guaranteed Prices the very lowest possible Gifts for Sister oe Her Neckwear..... ,.. 25c to 2 00 flloves,,,,. ,,. 25c to 2 75 Handkerchiefs— se to 1 75 Boudoir Cap 50o to I 50 Muffler , ,..,.. 25a to 1 00 SwoatoI Omits,,. 100 to 0 00 Hand Bags.,,... 390 to 5 00 ICimonas •.. 1 tri to 5 00 Gifts for Little Girl Toque,.....;.,.., 20o to 50c Gloves...,...,,., a5o to 100 25c to 50c Neckwear...,,..,, 25o to 50o Etandkerohiefs..• to to 25c Hose ..... ..,,... 25o to o0a Ribbons in all colors..... Dresses ,,,.,,..,, ono to 5 00 Sweater Costa,,. 1 50 to 2 50 Mail Your Orders Your Christmas ,I1rl1Pep will go farthest here and the quality is assured. e c • GIFTS For Mother Grandfather and if cue Neck Tie Gloves Braces .. 25„ i,r I .1'-u 1.11 11x 3.50 ...... 50 iu 50C Mufflers Sweater C,.ats..,.. Bath I'oht.s• 5 . t .• 3,5o Handkerchiefs hiets c to 5oc. Snlaldng Jackets Fancy to r>.00 Vests .., , t Umbrellas Fur Caps Shirts Ov' rcoats 1.75 to 1,,.00 ... 3.0') to 5,() 1 (.1) to 3 5o Fur Collared Fur Coats Coos .. 1,(x. to 20.00 2.110 -1.c1 1 I1. 2t1,(,J 1 1,..,. :,1 29.0» Mail orders from any of the above lists wi{I be promptly and earsfnllt filled. Lnug distal ce customers can shop here by mail with absolute confidence, May we serve you, We prepay chargee Gifts for Little Boy 1'ug1{ee••......... 20c to. iiOn Caps 250 to 50c Braces 15e to 20c Mitt ,.... ,..., 2 . to 70e Handkerchiefs So to ''28u Hose ..... 210 to 000 Ties ............. 25o to 500 11111101) 51111 ............ .. 1. 50 Cowboy• Suit,,,,,,,;I g0 Baseball nit„,,,,„......, 1 50 STEWART BROS. Seaforth Gifts for Brothel' or "Him” bn' 1,1 2 ,s1) ., .,, _i., lu ego (haves 25'- to 2 ,n 1 alley .lux ., . 1),, to in Knot), Past ,.,.... 10.1 to 3 50 Sweater ('011.... 1 1 u 11 1)) 00 toots ,. r 6„ 2 Mt Volinr C'is, 50:p 1 , 1 db