HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-13, Page 4PRO IIISSiONAIL CARDS, MEDICAL IR. hi •{ tdoit ROSS, Phystcinn sod Surgeon Moe of Laudon Llosptta , London, England 11 ;tion to diseased Of Eye, Ear, Nose le .� tesidente, behind Doublet; Hank... "aphelia N r.5. Residence, Pace No. 106, rtUHROw5, SeaforxA. Office .and v1 V Eli. Cororonerlfort he County cab of Huroo, alaahone. No. ae. DHte, st,OTT & MACKAY,tie and flarsoens, Gaderieh Street, opposite Metho- 511 totikr a. se,Jorttt. /boat, s'pduate Victoria and Alla Arbor, and amnbei Ontario College of Pby 1cI*ae and tY�gNb .goner far County of lOsoon. blsol v, honor graduate Trinity Uatveroity. ttoil re1).t Trietty Medical College, Member of L'oEr . Physicians and Sutgeoas, Ontario. • Do HEILEMAN. Oitm0atblc 5peclaits ...lien's and Children's Menses and Hb lc Troubles. Arute and Chronic Dls• eggeri gar, Eye, Nose and Threat. Adenoids game St without the knife. Consultation free. Sl on.I ll otei, 4'nesasl • p I, „ • r o.: 1 oday b to t 11,91 o n b late Marriage Licenses issued .Ir11f1t Jcwins ar l npn,•Ian. •arra Insurance Are .•eo eonsldering inauroo o. Ute or Accident' fynu ore, a postcard will get our rates. J. ID• i iN4111»E9', ',el, mai Agent for Landon Life Insurance Co., end In odnd Guarantee and Aoddeat laooranes Co Seeforth, Ont. James Watson General ' rc,•. - .00,,ittnt Agent ani 1 t i •. wuvt Meet -.1,e. Alain Strew:, TE Mc K11LLP Mutual Fire Murano Co.; Olmrougdd Mum IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY From the Ofrrpe MAite S7'. - SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone d7 Itvooleg 127 moa $U13SORiPTION Ono dollar -per yeer, strictly is oil va nee II not paid in advance, one dollar and a halt will be ehargsd. United 4nuos ad000,0 )5 cents write. atriekiy In vanrod, When subcerlhers chaauge their address notice should be? cot as immediately, giving both the old and the newaddreoa. Sub- ofny4xlaely nau[Yinkairregularity of diverus Reading Notioan--N5 reading •donee, advertising any entertainment or matter by which mons la to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tun News without charge. The price for the Meer - don of business announcements is TEN cents per count line each insertion to parties having no contract for display advertising, and FIVE cents per lino each Insertion to those having display contracts, and for church, moiety and entertainment reading notices. Card of Thanks 5 to 9 lines, 50 cents. Judicial, Legal, Olraeial and Govern. num! Noticne--Ten trouts per line for runt insertion and flan meta per line for each sabetauet iaaertloa, Yearly •irda—Profeeslunal Cards not exceeding ,�'re inch, will be Inserted for 05.00 per nor, payable strictly in advance Display 1,100000401—Rater fnmlr"led 011 appttoati,r.. " Adver•lseteente ordered far insertion, whatil forbid," nud those sent without .vatton Lnstrec,O:ne will appear until rltten order, ars received for their dia. e antin'tarce. Letters to the Editor suit tie acco:n. ponied blleation, but ns a nguarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made In such Commun) atlona. Letters on rell. gious topics will not be published at all 0'05731 and Isolated Town except an paid advertising, plainly marked fi ro p e r t y Only l r it's r e e . as such. The rate for such matter In tea Ceuta per line, OFFICERS Jul. (,e :s. .F. Fr.4',1 tat, l0,00 J. F. SNOWOON F:vena i e i.0..3.1 4.`,4t r nide Rays. rrh S *0.1rra Directors EDITOR AND PUBLISHER D, F. McGregor, Seaforth1 'dui G. Grieve.Winthro1 8todghagen: Rion,Constance: Ferrrto, ) rockH�Malcolm' Dig tip your ,tt•,ite001, have a look at Me"oun, Clinton; Me('xr''ey Seaforth: it, by renewing tl,a velvi-t collar, Pr0ss. James Conouy, G,'ierleh; be. Evans. Beechwood- Agent. int; :girt ('I.,aniug maysavo yonthe price Ales. Leitch, Horlook; E. )Slushier Ceafortt'•, of .0 0070 011e My Wardrobe f,utlerich WWlam Chesney, Egmondville I Ve •� ,"site lo)nwn,iam e; R. G. Jaroath ..,� Srodha.' ran r t . e p1 ZS= and John Goveniock, Seafort, ria ors, parties desirous to efteee insurance er tr - aaa Miss .0. W ..1 ones and M l65 Moran other business will be gromptly attended 'a t application to any of the above officers, address d 11.>,i gal, Dublin friends lust week. so their respective potation, Miss Feil, of Toronto is the guts" of Mid, Beldon at the t'ommercial. Jird V0' E. Southgate, jr, has return Tile s 1 from a visit to friends ill Toruuto. OrigiOriginal 14,'0., J Clarke D D. will be the nal !preacher et the Jubilee SerVicea of the and i 3eefc.rth Presbyterian Church next Sunday, moreit:g and evening, Only r i Through lack of apace, a quantity of Gfljijine matter had to be kept over till next weak. Mrs Murray, who was a visitor at the home of her daughter. Mrs J. F. Rose ban return.d to her home in Toronto, Beware Mo J ,htt Rankin was iu 1lode,rich of Mar Friday on business, • moans 3lre tioorg,0 Iiuccaa of Tnr'or,to came Sold up ti, ettei.d the funeral of her sister Tt1l~ SEAFoRTI-I NEWS hursdaY Dec 13 OPERETTA "The Holy city" will be given by the St. Joseph Music elub in eZARDNO0S H71LL Thursday Dec, 20th at 8.15 p.m. Tdmis= sion 25cts, Reserved seats 35cts, Plan ops ens Monday Dec. 17th at noon in Aberhart's Drugstore Red Gross Report '1'ieasuret's Report for November iteceipts-- ltul on hand 5015 85, Verde Baker ',Halloween Party', 3 54. Mie Lvkoa' Coat n Oil, Mrs Hula .tones (dower utile; r (hs. Mrs Everett a 60 Miss Emily Cresswell 400 011. Mrs .Rail. olph. Toronto, 3 00; Donation 2 50, Winthrop llraneh 17 tin, Duff,. Church I Ou, Quilts sold at Royal Hotel 6 OU, Iced (.0050 stl0kors sold 00, Rag Rugs 3 all, Ness 2 25, `•louthiy routrib'tione 141 MI, Total. 1256 :4. Expenditure —Hon Jae Mason $10 Ole, Stewart Ilros 20)04 43, .1. Afectavish 385 17, Thumpsou Bookstore 0 00, Water a't Light .35. Balance in Bank 8'1 2y, --Mrs. Grace 1ltt:lets, Tr034. Seoretary's Report -12f, !,ails of seeks 192 suite of pyja0nas, 24 flannel shirts, 240 Towels, re trench caps, 1, kit bags 48 butter cloth handkerchiefs —Edna DeLaeuy, 0erreetary• Brucefield Rev. Mr. Stroll of leasltatahewan p eaelled receutiy hero Puhtlenl nreetinge are now being held and theta are many in favor of Union Government who had little use or the old party system, Ale B. el. Higgins has sold his farm to Wm. Douglas of Blake for the handsome suer of $8000, Two of oar aoldiera, Ptes, John MoKenzie and Duncan Aihofthead have returned to the trenches. Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday when Rev, Mr, Graham of London preached. He also gave a lecture on the war on Monday night, Bayfield Consigner'$ Back Again • I wish to inform the public Ir have opened a Shoe• Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where I will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used. All work done by hand and guaranteed by me to be No. 1. Bring your repair work to me and save money as my prices are lower than any other repair shop in town, CHAS CONSIGNEY1 CREAM WANTED M 1a MMgtl11lM'lrMI11UlJ1lil MM►III�MA MM t1 MMIMPIMIKM M1MtM MMIMICM MIfMp[MMp1pIpMAIMq THE DOMINION BANK 1 M !gond Otlige. Toronto pt M ▪ *101 ittalMtlglp ®. OILER, af,W., W. 0, MATTHEW®. 1111 Capital Paid Up $6,000.000 M a 15 R ri to wsklent Visa-lhwl4aM It.. A. IO 0RT, °aural Masater w n w F lyric•wornia rrwwissoinsarisair2tSFnanszons osoon nonriR4 Nazar -vs Email $7,001.000 1 se 10 ■ R ■ se Savings Department Interest paid on deposits of P.00 and upwards. Place your savings in the Bank. SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES, Managsb.'l Staffa. tics• Ed, Drake Sr. one here last we01r, We are sorry to lose two oitizone Send your arearn to ns and receive in the persons of Dir. and Ml's. Flynn SfrrAFORTH e141)R mliS top p1'ioes, We are running our plant who have removed to London. Mrs. the your through and van handle your Flynn was very dative in both thl, St, James' full supply and furnish you with clans. Ladies' Afd null woman's 31,0011u1e, We paytwieo each month and waighlli, ,Maned Church , Rev, father l' g Corp,CLarne Hutchinson 1e epeutlieg t'urr,Urau, lief. Tattler it. le Nerth- sample.and test earth can of oream care a few davit at his home He expects graves ,Morning Nixes 7 tem, High filly. Our motto is a Honesty to ou , to go overseas in a short time, His RTaee le ;le a.m. Sunday indeed 231,1 atrons" Patrons are requested to r0 f nonny friends wirh him a safe return. h m, ltir,aling ri•spin's 7 p.m. .urn all our eerie when not in use, Mr. ant! Mr9, ll. Blastulas) were re 3:utter au3Buttmrmiik al ;c cu handMr. visitors at the home of Al r. 1t St. 'Phomas' u3 for at market prices. Sadler. Rev. '1'. H. Brown, Reuter. Sunday The Seaford] Creamery Co. al' runes 1l a.m and 7 p to 5111Iday echoo 12.3I) p. in, OVomc it's Anglican Missionary Association Tuesday 2.30 pan. Chilrou'sln'auoh Saturday 2 p.m. 0)01)0170011)) 50r0iees every Thursday,. a.Seletellilleetteelteeleberie CHURCH NEWS A ❑ Items tinder 0)100 Bead aro immeshed free of ehorge, ex - 10p1 1hoar u,gardiug meetings where 011. adnns..lou fee. is charged 'l he chis for such emuboing ilve et per count Ilny DEATHS. Egmondville IRVINE—lu McKillop 010 • Sande Den.10tb, ie17, Sarah hlonarey, wife Extracts from a letter from Major of Mr..1,.1, Irvine.. aged 73 years 1e. T. Jackson in France. In regards to Soldiers comforts nud • parcels if you could site how they are i IF YOUR CHILD iS CROSS, First Presbyterian teneel Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc, Also take books and newspapers N. Appizezoft S1.AI'Olt'1'H JUNK DEALER, Aaron front Creamery Phone 183 r~ Don't Delay Reny longer hut come in at once and have those Photo_ graphs taken to gine to your friends for. Xmas. We will please you and you will please your friends. 001y 3 weeks until Xmas 80 ,come in now and have the Xmas problem solved 12 good Photographs will make 12 good pre.sent,s. As the days get darn very early please come in early, Picture Framing a Speci- Jtg--We sell Films and do fr'ilishing for Amateurs. Dtl1 �I�1JCi7 PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTH appreciated when the call for mail and ski jr CONS l Il'l� ] l;i� Rev 1''. H, Leri1i1l , i'o-�stor. Sunda 1 END STOMACH TROUBLE, FEVERISH, percale is blown, the ladies would not servieen 11 n.m, and 7 p In, Senility have any hesitation in sending them to ( school 2,30 Imo.fray, r mealtng l e GASES OR DYSPEPSIA the soldiers, cleanse little bowels with -Call. • t Look, Motherl If tongue is coats,!. Thursday, 7.4 5 ,, .. ,,, w.,,,.,.•. ' The night f got your letter my con. fornia Syrup of Figs." patsy got four bags of parcels and it war in a down pour of rain but that ilio not hinder them front standing in it to await their turn, the officers have r to censoall mail and if you (multi read some them yen would certainly see how they are appreciated. We have gotten out a list of all men who never. or rarely get mail or parcels, and our second in oomrnand, lvlajor Merdith, has interested himself to the extent of writing to people to send them Utters or parcels. There may he a chance that 25 per omit is received but the other73 p 0 makes every mail night a Christmas Dr. woods, the new postmaster ba night. it is true the buys eau buy moved the ullloe to H. Drehman'e churelate and sometimes biscuits h1t store where it will remain for the pre- from tho arnougt of money they receive sent. ( they will never get the stomach aobe or Mrs, H. W. Erwin ie now quite it I get sick on cigarettes. 9+4 the Ithe lar 1l63data„f;at;ll, and is under the dectot'd Care, 1 was tiering tea today 111 n dngont tierits Mrs Ligg of Ix. donor. way a visitor Ott I Mr. Smith recently of Zurich has 00,0witsome of our men up the slue ,u:d aur of there was rending a letter tom Of ..f i,a.r' ruthsr. 1Ir A. Me-bangirt ant! moved into the house of his sister in which elm Stein she tient Mrs. Gordoe of the east end. He' him seine wedding cake. Fara. btu we viii work for Mr, Thos. Kyle. will nave sumo spread 70311711 that Ur- ' given by the memb--r' of .o'0 .Jusepl:'s. i.lttte a few turnips were froom 11551' 50000 tin it is ,with them all. and :. y Club, on Tettes,ley ,.v..•;i,_g. 1t,•e, 20th l Isere during the first bard frost, little kindness to any 0,,111017l' o,,1 here is Mrs. John Tippett is in Detroit vis- emelt' appreciated as tl air lite is not sting her daughter, nil roses. You asked about tile V, 11, C A, A bazaar will be given iu the town The Canadian lied Cross has only re - hall on Tuesday Deo. lith by the Lad cantly been near us, it is very m0ell Me of Triuity Church. The evening superior to the English as they give ten will be spent in games and music and a away for nothing,” ouch will be served. In answer to this letter there was en entertainment held in the Egmondville School to get n little money to send something to those that rarely got per eels. The War Auxiliary donated ion pairs of socks mad tlitms other pules were sent in, and with other tlgt•atiens they were able to till thirteen boxes val- ued at four dollars apiece; two boxes were sent in 811001. The ladies wish to thank all that oontributod to help make. some lonely soldiers know they were not forgotten at Christmas, All the hues were sent to Major daokson to be given to whom be thought beat, The Egmondville Sabbath School will present the Cantata, Santa Clans and his friende" in the church on Tues- day evening, Deo. r8th at 7.30 o'olook, ttiflares fr 'yip. Lirrime1111! Ai 13'•ratta. -Holt Negfit will be For Sale SCRANTON COAL in Card: ,. e Hui, at 8 .,,•!,- Admis- 19101Sri cc, to. Mr. M-K;;tey of Ber'vie accompan_ earl the ri mmine «0 bin sieter,in law, the late !Tisa elutherlaed hare, lteevo Stewart has returned from attending the Comity i'onncil in Gude_ rich. Mrs John C'ouea0: is visiting - her Walton hrnther, Mr .3uhl P1;i3O,ev, I W. L. NEY, Seaforth. 1 mnwoe's Institute will hold their Mrs. t for Fowler of Canton cgs a regular monthly meeting at the home guoot at the hams of Ler brother Dlr, I of Mrs Bruce, Thursday December 20 W. A, Crich at 3 pm. Mrs John Benett and Mrs Altai Br'itdley r:1 Kansas City wee! Joe Bennett will take the topic, "Xmas here, last weelr, in the interests of the Giving" and Mrs John McDonald will Chetauqua Educational Movement, Mr. James Cowan was a Guelph vie - tor, Mr' Aubrey Crioh who hos enlisted in the Naval Air Service left on Friday Varna for overseas, Upon arriving in Toron- to he received orders not to proceed to Halifax on account of the recent dis- 1 Phone ISO I- Business Without a proper systma of adver- tisin is like a motor without the power Seaforth News ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy phone - 84 evenings027 give a report of the Toronto Commit. time Each member is requested to give a onbntftnte for meat on meatless days, aster so returned home, on Saturdty night to away further instructions. Mr, Alex Campbell of Oromarty has purchased the Sutherland residence in High St. Mr. 0. Dowson of Zurich has pur- r: lamed a residence and intends moving his family here, Local Tribunal The local Tribunal up to Monday had dealt wiih 187 claims Of those 137 were granted, 34 olalms refused. 107 were farmers olaiming exemption. and 97 were granted, only t0 being refused, It will be a enrolee to many to learn that only ten farmers were refused in this large territory Anniversary service' were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev, J A, Agnew of Clinton conducted the ser. vioes, The heavy storm of that day prrvertted many from getting out, The Patriotic bazaar was held re cantly and was well attended. There was a good demand for the home made cooking and the ladies wish to thank all those who so willingly assisted in the work. Altogther $f68 was made The ladies requoet donations of feathers or old linen. It may be left at any o the stores, 81RTHIl• W RIGHT—On Ootobor 29th, at Tower Roa'I, 80, LOcnard'S on Sea, Sllaae$, England, to the wife of Pte W Wright 18th Cenmdiaus, ofa sen, The m-tny friends of Mr, G, W, Hol man ars congratulating hien on his appnintment as County Clerk last week. Mr, Hoi,nan has been the suc- cessful and,.popular teacher of the last sixteen years, During that time a great many ohildren have passed under his teaobing to years of maturity, all of whom look ba011 with pleasure to the careful and thorough mariner fn whish Mr Holmen did his work. He has a wonderful talout for education. While there is touch regret that Mr. Holman and daughter must leave Egmondville for Goderich, yet all are pleated to wish him long years of usefulness in his new work. blathers tart rest easy after giving "California,Syrup of Figs," because in a few hours all the clogged -up waste, sour bile and fermenting food geet.ly rooves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy be- cause ,they know its action 'on the otrnn- aeh, liver and bowels is prompt and Mee. Ask your druggist for a botOe •:f "California Syrup of Figs," which e'.01 - tains directions for babies, children *.;f all ages and for grown-ups, cCHtamvaMINan®c. tottery tiocietv1tht• first 1 )700)tty it, e3001 metal' et 7 4.. Burbar,l Kirkman Nis sieu Band 3rtl Tuesday' in the month at 7.30 p,rn, Sunshine ;Miission I0:0:„1 every'2nd 041ued,ty at 4.15 p.m, ,Methodist iter, (1. AleKiniey, B. D., pastor —SUN DAV--(1lees at 10:00 e, 01). Public0etvice 31 n,10), and 7p.tn. day school and Hihlo study clase 2,:30 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p. m. )'rarer Meeting Thuretie y S, p,m, "Pape's Diapepsln" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. If what you .last ate is souring on your stomach Or ilea like a lump of lent!, or you belch eta, and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, lleartbttrn, fullness, nausea, had tote 111 mouth tend stornaeh-head• Relic, you eau get relief in five ntintltee by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomaelt distress now by getting a large filly -cent ease of t'ape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minef,•s hots needles it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stem - itch disorder caused by food fermentation due to excessive acid in stomach. 15 RT c� Liberals and • Conservatives are United. The People Must Unite to A Laurier-Eourassa Victory means deserting our boys in the trenches for over a year, throwing up our hands and quitting! Don't shout "Kamerad" under the Referendum proposal. Come out and fight for Union Government. lirtakfr IF LAURIER WINS : (1) Canada will send no more reinforcements to the front, which practically means quitting the war and placing the country in the same class as Russia. (2) The French-Canadians who have shirked their duty in this war will be the dominating force in the Govern- ment of the country. ARE THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLE PREPARED TO STAND FOR THAT ? It is because the French-Canadians have not done their duty that Conscription had to be resorted to. The French-Canadians have made it perfectly clear that they do not like the war and are against Canada participating in it further. Some of them even go to the length of saying that the soldiers should be brought back from the front. The Nationalists are demanding that the men who have been enrolled under the Military Service Act be disbanded and sent back to their homes. To secure the Nationalist support Laurier -Liberal candidates in Quebec have signed the following pledge:— "1, the undersigned, candidate in the Federal Elections, undertake by these presents, if I am elected, to demand the immediate suspension of the Military Service Act, 1917, and of all its effects until Canadian electors have pronounced by Way of plebiscite; and should the majority of the electors condemn it, that 10 be considered as mill from its origin and that in consequence all conscripts be disbanded," in also undertake to vote against any Oovcrnmogt which should refuse to adopt the above enunciated policy.' This Advertisement is inserted by The Unionist Party Publicity Committee