HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-06, Page 6Interior of L-49, only Zeppelin captured intact. The two large cylinders are emergency gas tanks. ITALIANS LAUNCH OFFENSIVE AGMNST TEUTON MOUNTAIN POSITIONS On the Lower Piave Enemy Boats Were Destroyed by the tiliery—SituatiOn on Northern Section Unchanged. A despatch from London says: Along the entire Italian front the bat- teries of the contending armies are maintaining a violent bombardment. The German War Office reports that Italian attacks against the Austro - German mountain positions on the west bank of the Brenta and on Monte Tomba failed, "Heavy artillery fighting is in pro- gress all along the front, but no fur- ther infantry actions occurred," the Italian report states. "On the lower Piave River Italian batteries directed a destructive fire at enemy boats." A despatch from Headquarters of the Italian Army says: Details have been officially received of one of the most sanguinary fights in the north- ern zone, in which two Austro -Hun-' BRITISH REPULSE ENEMY ATTACKS IN THE GONNELIEU SECTOR Inflict Heavy Losses Upon, Germans—Successful Thrust at Passchendaele, British Headquarters in France; Dee, Marehal Haig's troops yesterday were continuing their counter-attacks against the German forces Who Friday penetrated the British defences in the Gonnelieu sector and also pushed a consider- able salient into the British territory.. Desperate 'fighting was proceeding about Gonnelieu this morning. At an early hour of the forenoon the Germans had been pushed back over 0 considerable amount of ground which they overran ye day. Gou. zeaueourt, whieh the enemy held five hours and represented their extreme. advance, was cleared a little after three o'eloek yesterday afternoon, and later the British operations resulted in the Germans beininushed back from , Quentin Ridge to east of Gouzeau- court and from Gauche Wood, which lies west of Villers-Guielain. A little further north in the La Vacquerie sec- tion the Germans also had been forced to fall back. The British a little before two o'clock tiffs morning made a local at- tack in moonlight on the demon peel.' Lions north and north-east of Passe chendaele, and about the same time minor assault .against the enemy front north-west of Goeberg. These attack appeal,. to have gone well as a Whelo, The British were held up in the cen- tre along -the ridge for a time, but for the moat part were reported to have' readied their objeetives, and to have penetrated from 1100 to 400 yards at -numerous points, The attack about Goeherg involved two strong German fortifications. if the gain to the north along the ridge is confirmed, it will mean that the Dritish have added much to the completeness of their observation in this region, Sir Douglas Haig reports: - "A minor .operation was undertaken early this morning by the Rifle, North Country and Hoene County Bat- talions north-east of Ypres. Some fortified strong points on the main ridge north of Passchendaele were captured and 'a number of prisoners taken," _ . Markets of the WorkriU IS DEFEATED 10,ea0stnffs IN IIOLY LAND Tnronlo, Dee. 4--klanitolia wheab—No. 1 Northern: 22.236; No. 2 do- $2.20h; No. 3 do.. $2.17i; No. 4 Wheat, $2.106. In t „Ii1,t),,rtt.11'10'ailgattu!‘in;1 at!!! 1 extra feed. ese,e; No. 1 feed, 74e. In store trod. Willlant. Anterienn corrt—No, 3 yellow. nominal. Ontario ents--Ne. 2 White. 71 to 75e. nominal; No 3, do., 73 to 74e, nominal, Reinforced Armies Unsuccessful in Attacks on British Positions. News From the Fro*. CANADA'S CROPS WORTH 5ILLION Estimated Value of Field Har- vest For 1917. A despatch from Ottawa says:—The Census and Statistic:a Office issued on Friday a preliminary estimnte of the total value of the field crops of Canada for the year 1917, as compared with the finally revised estimates of 1910 and 1915. The estimated value for WORK OF CANTLE 'MARINE. us that the situation seeure." ITALY'S CRISIS IS NOW PAST Efforts of Italian Army Succeed In Making Situation Secure. A. despatch from London says; "It is now time to flay definitely that the crisis in Italy has passed," said Major- General E. B. Maurice, Chief Director of Military Operations at the War Ofe,, flee, 10 a recent interview. General Mullein said there had been no important movement of. Ger- man •troops from the Rusinn front, The passing of the crisis on the Italian front, he said, wee due en- tirely to the efforts of the Italian army, adding: "Anglo-French troops aro now avail- able in sufficient quantitiee to satisfy . General Maurice pointed out thut --, SE/1-POWER iGnenrratinsitiouli.beil-oiutyldtbooeix,eitglonirtooctit Imtial- IMPORTANCE' OF nificant of Aufdre-German weaknese!- AM PLY DEM,,ONSTR ATM. The Hellhole continuo to hold tena- - eiously to their northern front be - Contributions Are Asked on Behalf of twoen the Brenta and Piave Rivers against the Austro -German foveae ., the Heroic Canadians Who who have been unable 10 repeated ate Defend Our Coasts. tacks to gain additional terrain. There 19 no need to refer at length From it staff offieer of the 4th 1917 represents the prices received by army, on the line between the Brenta to the work of the Navy and Mercan- • is peessing and Piave Rivers, it was leavned also farmers, being calculated from cur- tile Marine. But there that the enemy had askeitfOr an ar- rent market quotations; they are sub- need of emphasizing the regrettable mistiec to bury his dead, .the request jest to revision after the compilation lack of recognition which that work is being refused by the Italians because of returns from correspondents he reteiving, and of laying stress upon as .,of the. Austrian attitude on a similar December. the scanty encouragement Canada, requeet a few months ago. The Ans- According to the preliminary esti- a whole, is giving to a development of trians had then proposed that during mate the total value of all field crops our seafaring people. the armistice the ' Italian guards for 1917 is $1,089,687,000, as compared , Linen that class we must depend, should be unarmed and the Austrian 370,600 in 1915. This is the first time I to a hardly yet appreciated extent, if we are to maintain our place as a do- guards armed. with $886,494,000 in -1916 and $825, - that the estimated value •of the field minant Empire factor after the watt • ITALY TRFOD crops of Canada has reached one bil_ not to mention the awful responsibili- aecording te freights outside. 1.4011d0/14 Dee. 2.—The reinforced lion dollars, this large figure being them with the pre- . $2.22: basis, In store, Mentrool, !linueel to make attacks on the 13rit-idue to the high prices now ruling. The sent Hun menace overshadowing the untold° wheat—New. No. M tot r I Turkigh armies in Palestine con- Peae--Ne. 2 $3.70 to $3.30, according- I total of. $1,089,687e300 is made up ee world. Ar- lt1i-far,1:31:Mi'n"ki13?; $1,22 to $1 213, ish positions north-west of Jerusa- Never in the world's history' has , $451,874,060 for wheat, as compared 1111,14wheat--$1.15 te nee. accoraMe heavy losses, 'rhe following official! 142 000 f demonstrated as during the past three Ing I reights °tacitly. with $344 096 400 in 1916 of _ !the importance of sea -power been so !lem, but .have been repulsed with Hy ears. Tlye --No. 2, 21.75, according to freight report Wall issued to -day' $210,957,500; of $1,45,361,600 for hay,. the ! to freights outside, ca oats, as compared with t .d The Mercantile Marine has success - Igarian regiments fought until Y outeme. At one o clock yes ei ay moin ng clover and. alfalfa, as compared with almost exterminated each other. The Manito'ha flour—First patents, in jutti fight was back of Asiago during neighborhood of Beit-Uret-Ta ita and $171,613,900, and of $81,355,000 :for fully carried 12,000,000 of men and one leti?tis.iinlifitne L'it,d, do., $11; strong baki• the Turks attacked our line in the of the main attacks against the Ital- Nitt.t4A, acenrcling to s m $0 00 ill bags Montreal; 50.70,IBir potatoes, as compared with $50,982,-115,000,000 tans of war m01001213, 1,1 -El-Buri. They gained a:tfooting 300 rhe aggregate value of other 500,000 of sick and wounded, 60,000 AS BELGIUM Invaded Territory Suffers Atro- cities at Hands of Austro - German Troops. A despatch from Washington seers; ians. Toronto; $2,70 bulk. seaboard, OromPt in our' positions, but were ejected at rain crops is $136,006,700, as come I 000 egallons of petrol, over 1,250,110 All the oppressive measures which characterized the German invasion at flanks, and toward night a regiment fre.,Ights, bags tneheied— i- 1,33athin tre !our hands. The enemy loss haS been pared with $84,679,800, and of other , ses nue es, Belgium and many of the acts of ber- g • The enemy advanced from the- two shinmeilb Millfeed—Cars lots, delivered liontr,a1 . daybreak, leaving 200 Prisoners in 11 • 1 1 120,000,000 cwts. 4L • to V.rur;ts. 0'64 'reed flour, ptr baug: very heavy during hie recent t a - compared with $84,45,000. The final over 858,000,000 pounds sterling worth root and fodder exert $40,974,700 as of wheat, 7,500,000 tons of iron ore, barism which revolted the civilized world, semi-official despatches from Rome on Friday say, are now being !of Hungarian Czechs became engaged $ mixed. do., $.1.11 to $15, trunk Toronto. ,s "Bombi estimates.. of value for 1917 will be of goods have been exported. We have with a regiment of Galician Poles, es.0 . i both wearing a different uniform and ge---No. 1. new, per ton, $15 to $17: itklieki8• lig raids were successfully speaking a different dialect. The rifle Straw—Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to SD, I c lent France 700 ships, and 450 to publislmd in January. r i jetidn cotui otn atonTtiiillekeTr aumrk, Turkish orotf- Italy. The brain reels and imagination fire was followed by a bayonet charge track, 1oronto. grenades lasting throughout the night, Butter—Creamery. solids. per lb., 42, bombs was Country Produce—Wholesale communciations. About a ton of R 0. dropped on the camp, S1 SELL infinite variety of the world range of . staggers as one tries to visualize the and then hantl-to-band struggle with i until the two regiments were disen- to 43c; N'ints, per lb, 43 to 431v; dclry PtLa•i46 00 sPire; 111.11creil eggs. 17 to 18c, aerodrome." retatees -Why:es:tiers are Paying i gl•owers and country shippers $1.85 to 51.1n Maltsrts-elgs .7e•tiir:Terxi FoE ATTEpgris trade at the following priciest— . Ic Cheese—New, largo, 23 to 23fte; twius, Reassuring News Received 13y 281 to Mr; early cheese. 2511 to 20c; large twin, 21 to 205.c. practised by the AustroeCerman in- vaders of Italy. Near Zenson, the despatches say, the invaders placed Italian women / . and children before the troops' as they 257, the scope of the merchantman, advanced, and the Italian soldiers tangled after heavy losses, when it be- IN THE FIGHT 'e compelled to sacrifice their inno, , came known that they belonged to the Bombay, Vancouver, Naples, Port NeVeenit countrymen In the Friuli region railway, anti-aircraft batteries and From Yokohama and Hong Kong, !same side. The general situation is not muter- ; tally changed along the northern and ,Piave fronts. FIRS. REVERSE, 'BRITISH REPULSE Said, and Archangel, these men and war taxes, requisitions and conscrip- their ships are the allied lines of corn - tion of labor is being practised as it munication; to destroy 1115111 is to cut r was li it ,Belgium and Northern Fienee. Russian Embassy at 1 the jugular vein of our war. It is a ctuflous thing in our history, A Italian non-combatants massacred bY t seo-Geiman misones tellof ril London. !recurring through every stage, that Sutter—Fresh dairy. choire, 10 to Ile; creamery prints, 45 to 46c: solids, 44 to 51,t411orag, 4k;ro'rggSet,64M 'Udine City Fined $2,000,000 By German Invaders. CROSSING NAV FOP LFPIN5' • t AA . GkaltRIA A TAcrs Dressed peultry—SprIng chickens. 25 P1D 7t/ tem `41 to 27o: fowl, 20 to 22e; squabs, per doz., 84 to $4.50: turkeys, 2$ to 32c; duckS, Italian Army Headquarters in Spring. 20 to 23o; gees.', 18 to 20e, Northern Italy, Dee, 9,—The enemy Bolsheviki Government„,Replaced Desperate EiTort of Foe to Re- ebiol‹,ns, lb., 12e; bens, 13 to 12c; decks, has again turned his attention to the ceived by the Russian Embassy in Spring, 1$ to 12c; goose, 14 to 1Se. lower Piave, where large forces of London. Dr. 3. 0. Geatronsky, special ' !•feated Napoleon, they defy the Teu- bwav rattle and other property, end — — 1.,Ive poultry---Turkes, 26e: Spring by a Coalition Cabinet. , . gain Positions Defeated $3.60; .4:. CM, 20: No. 2. ii2.611-1 to $2.60. his infant_yr -with machine-guns have commissioner of- the Russian Provi- Holley —Comb—E.xtra fine, 10 on., lton to -day. They face more terrible , and hidden foes who' strike • in the aul ' bivouac fires at night. Bosnian troteue, m household arm nrefor their f 't A deepatch from London sari: , With Heavy Loss. soan,,,i, tins, 2,Vii and• gm, 19 to 15(o attempted to seek a lodgment inside Monet Government, and N. N. Nord - .r th: 1Cs. 18,t, to 19o: 60's, 18 to 'sae, i dark without wall -dna, thee ate n ---- 1181 the des t I I t 1 paec ies Say, lave finnan ll, t.4 Ilepn:.iiiitiz.npn, nominal: intpOrted the inundated triangle between the mann, director of the Departnient of as.,great in all the essentials of °Ill' unnamable atro5ities. Piave and old Piave, This inundated Economics in the Ministry of Inmeign!ing resources and humanity us were region is crossed laterally by several Affairs, who Inc now in London, de-; their heroic forefathers. • MAY EXPORT SUGAR roads which stand just above the Glared in a statement to the Asso-1 Last year some $700.,000 was collect- . FOR 1111!ATARY USES. Government fell. It was replaced. be . were rept-118(A after heavy figenleg., water, and, taking advantage of this, - ciated Press yesterday that it was : ed and sent ovevseas for the British • — ,D, t the enemy has advanced his forces . only a matter of a few weeks, fit may !Sailors' Relief Fund, This year the A despatch from °Gee:a says: The the invading troops, and loot from London, Dec. 2.—Reassuring mess- . tiliaiisd-sbtarrdegde, bif.aeerd_ far-csapuitriiotued, Italian homes and shops has been ages from Russia to the effect that I cunning, silent merchant sailors have found on the bodies of dead tronpe. no separate peace will be tolerated, been agock on which our enemies haveSoldiers on the Piave declare they but that the armies under General, been broken. They smashed the Ar- hear screams of women end children Dukhonin will fight on, have been re- mada, they foiled the Dutch, he,,de- y de- from the opposite side of the river. l The invading armies have taken Russia is certainly a land of dramatic A deepateh from London suyet— ne-eleeee. ereee n, tee (5 per bush, $11Y1YriSeS. Coincident with the accept -e! smog forces of Germans attecked Lfmee. Ise. lb. 17 to Potato,,,, ott tra,,14 —unlade. bag, $2.10 mice by Germany and Austria of Lt.t- the British on n Wide front in the nine's armistice propeeal, the lattere Cambrat sector Friday morning, but Vrovisions—Wliolesale what is best described ao a coalition in which iit-.: itttacker8 s-ustained great .i 8,oked intas—Hitins, toodlum. 0 :pt i0 12,.., k,„ 1,10'111, 4,, to 41,, bone_ considerable trouble with sniping be completely 'repudiated, as the . • , trusted with the raising of funds toliFood Controller's office hes tinnouneed • • .. . . II I to 27o; cooked, 41 to along these high stretches and given be sooner, when the Bolshevilti' will ' Navy League of Canada has been en - Government of Soeialiste of the Left, !losses, 713) 1131., to the oilleial state- 1.?2 1,(I( 1(41 'es e breaarost. :moon, i including moderate Bohlieviki. relent ii5aLti on Friday nieht. li-sA .1:4 tn 44e fr OM tile upper windows of farm- 'forces in South Russia, which is over- 'provide for the dependents of the , that the Commissioner of Ciestom. hid the ieelen 0 ( mutl mutts-- .ong r Pat Inenn....,:. 0 houses. whehningly opposed to a separate I torpedoed seamen. rivalled the following inetnerandum to An authority on .Russian affairs • To the eoethward, in • ••• f !. • ' 1 1 1 e-; t '. 2Siii „lh'i ttir h141 11 2, L„ 281c; The Italian batteries west of the peace, control the supplies, and are I . 1 -collectors of Custome and others; does not interpret this turn of events influence is still felt in the present tmted ateii, ii),,, tor smne ,1,,,,,01 ll,. 4, emee„teel. 11,,reee. e.t to 2.4!0.,; tubs, „. -ell triangle and tnarine batteries at the working quietly but surely in the! euegeriabuetrti8iteli "It is now ordel'ed lira sugar, rc- Gonnelleu. the enemy entered British Sailors' Day in Canada. as an actual defeat for Lenine, for his positions at eeeeral points and pone- eee".••-:"'n't'ni.1:"Itt•iii' -tille ' 2r1 to ,iic;, mouth of the river have beavily right direction. • ,thrpo DwoiltiniljneionS,eiltelinei; Dt1111Ye fined and unvefinerl, including maple Government, but it ie held to be a . but later were dri: en back. -. pails. e%0 ie ecie. — shelled the movements along these 4' . sugar, may be exported by parcel post . _ 4. — Montreal zearetete roads crossing the inundated -sector TURKS SIT 1 Navy League of Canade aske . for a ed and intended fov military and naval up to regulation weipht eelion coneign- sign his power is wanirg. . . W 0 M EN'S RON A I. 13 No. n ..,tra zee, te,d, until the attempt to approach from 1 1111., foreee overseas', the limit of weight to • minion that will demonstrate, so far , 21 BRITISH SHIPS SUNK 11Y 4. '.031.11i13 P•AST WEEK.. enetelet. Sprina wheat patent- 11140, ;response from the people of the Do- . m • .1,3)«111. I444c. — la1:44,--Calladin11. such a medium can do; our heart- i the United Kingdom being eleven • Sine": etedelc r!!Dre. 'ewe. $5•20 10 busy at the Mracy of levying contribu- on their lips. cheerfully give up their (MEAT CANAL POR eldeerrloe 'marineinfested seas. and with songs the empleyment of women at various than 1,000 'ton, were sunk by minos Wr,sl'ern::t, Udine' has leen ordered to pay 1001 British Repulse AttackM •• to s„, ton ear duties on shere 111therto performed hy or submarines in wele erEng Nev. hundred thousand pounds. Winnipeg Gwiln Geneva, Switzerland, Dec. 2. r northwest of Jerusalem to the Medi- anniversary of the Falkland Islands g P soon as the ever is over. 'It v•nuld tam - forms, and the service will be eonfin- sunk in the erevious week's report. terranean coast the Turks are show- battle, which freed Canadian '7 3,1 1.1,1 1,16ur—• that direction lias been stopped. 1,1 s lles,: syconds, $11.1° lasers', German plunder experts are now A despatch from' Inre doe says: It A. '14.4113. fl 1' -'4' London say e e !It1 NAVAL, SERVICE. , 11 i , i i!!',1 ihe"e! ''•;' ." "' mr'illille! they. profited so largely in Belgium.' PROPIET'S11 TE; dfeialtnsalPviLe, of, Melee the punt; of mine -sown, sub- cuiialtritTlg,o-afriathleth103001;teitclleanaraci ps.uo‘uonndsp,oatinndafso2i; furtherlinve to France, was allitotiliced ellieinlly on Thor .iler Fonrteen PrItieh merehaelmee ee re li Les 0,,,,,, sr, (tot suerts, $o re tions on Captured towns, by -which • night that the Admiralty- approved of 1,60(1 lan; tont (wee. and eeven et Ie,e !!•' ' — 1 11 — 0---- WM 13e or Strategic end Cennittrend YIEWIll ratinp:s, and have decided to cet- •..!S, tp.,!iirding te the weekly AdIllil.%=tity 4:;4 t. 4in. 1.!- to nee! ee.• t stork, 12 ti; KRUPP FACTORY I ret on Mosque Destroyed. lives for the 'Great Cann, tablish a i\ omen Royal Naval Stir- • Aatement lesued this kivening. Th10 i, i-'''''''' '!' irtii. - •• 13c. No :: st14. 79 to loc. Potat,yta— OPENED IN SWITZERLAND! A despatch from London says: All The 8th of . December le a fitting I The British Jealutaellehige or di;;g•ing vice for thio pureuee, Membere of nn inereaee ef fuse vm,sels in the ;eere- P, -t. 10,1.T. ,1,1' lol,. ,,::.::o to ,::.L!-,. along the front in Palestine, from day to make our offerings. It is the t lar e shi canal 1.1130)E fileotannd 10 - the eervice will wear thAincti‘e uni- cr eat,?gwy over the nUrnher roporioci Wt!,,,ip...g. 1,,,,.. 1 -Cash prl.,,-*: aniS many's great gun -maker — e -.! from nect the North S.ca ara. the Atlaetic ed to women employed on definite . —N.. e ....iv„ wee: Ne. 6. di,. 781io: , ' si the' ing activity. The text of the communi. merce and watereborne traffic • enemy naval menace. Oeean by a voyage ofiniaoltann•n•Toilitet. dutiee .directly commuted with the ,,,, ni. i fr -4, 1, !v:, .4`..,. 1 'e ea. 74e: .U.rupp, have opened a branch fee- : cation follows: Royal Navy. , ti EIIM A N 1 tEt%4110 ',CUR HITS ;11 INE' 1". '' `1"-• ''''. • l''11'11'''... -N"` 11 tory at Lu "General Allenby reports that the The eerne, with ft capital of ! The Navy League of Canada has than .sixtY miles% --•---4.- — ' . ee e.--,:. 1 N.•\V.C., °,:t 01: No o e w, AMERICAN FORCES IN FRANCE! ' -- enemy last Tuesday and on succeed - been esked to undertake tliis work at ttiched to such a calud ts its cummer- thirty million marks. The directors' :413 Nn (1N BOARD ABC Di:OW:NEI) the request of the authoritiee in the cion possibilities and -Apr i. igir valee ---, . . registered include Arthur,ICrupp ancing days made demonstrations vir- . sTEADILY G ROW IN NUM BEIN, A desitateh 1R121 Le 31•1 on eeye : A ! \it o1,11011,, Of, 1.---Corn—No 3 vel- Ifultfitl StItes Markets - 011 tually all along his frent, extending Homeland, . in war. The dangeroue na.esage north of Scotland would be teeidetl. as evell Counselor Ernest Hauer, director _ ' Gerneen torpotttt-hOat. deetreeen be- !,„..,:i.-:,..,T,),,,j,: the principal Krupp factOey at Essen, frorn some five miles liorthWest of Notwithstanding the Many vane • , as Inc suggest(01 Channel routee en A despatch from Washing' en ,:i0..,: i tonging to the Zeebrugge flot illa, ' r' -':ii 1,1! 7 1 ',,. „ ich,or --1'n,,hunge(4. Bran In compliance with the Su* 1 .,s aw Jerusalem to the sea, without affect- uponus, let us not forget these men . Units of National Guartb•men 'from all ! etteteS ti meet or ti„,,,,elnippell••, 'iTstle • '''''''' t" ''''''........ providing that when new enterprises 1 ing our positions. No serious attack the States•in the country have 11,4153111 land, and ,!!,,dik. aeeording to an Es- ' gave stow.: Mazliats . are establiehed their objects must be 1 developed except tgainst our positions in. France, Some of the men already ehange To.:,,L-.1.41,11 dommvh rimo Ain- ,,ni,, 0,-, i--- 17311,0 Olt 60f, III•avy set forth, the company declares it e 1 on Nebi Somwil (the prophet Sem- 1115 training within sotoid of the goes td0.'e twe n; her ens,- -ewe '.'''''"'. " '" ''-!! .10-- .,neg, le el tele: loir,lir•rs' vaitl, vliotoo. • - a'",,t twavY, plirp0,,e 10 be the fabrication of arms, uel), where the enemy's local effort on the battle front, who enable us to sleep mend 111 our beds at night.• Millions have been given to the army by public and pri- vate subecriptions. Practicelly noth- ing to the navy and mercantile ma- duet:lone illustrate the adeant gee. tetie. rine. . ed, such its 485 miles from Glaegow to Leith; 963, Glnegow to London 490, HUNS SURRENDER - fast; 288, Liverpool tit tie! eillen and :ereln, 1 saved. de., newt i12.7G to eta; cannon, and munitions of war, the 1 on Thursday was easily repulsed by us. BRITISH SHEILA TOWN Or : i" 44, kt 11 coMmon, acquisition of factories, mines, and "Turko-German artillery again “.c 1 11 • I t.. $7,65 metals, and also their sale, made its objective the mosque erected eo,Joh 141144411. Krupps already have purchased on the traditional site of the tomb of CAMBP.A`!1 FtI Toiv l It! 1 0' k 211SIF11'21 I 4-,. ,I14, 4,4111. notl 44 'l41. 444,. 14 11101) 4'434444, $1 71 Infant y 1 igh ling A round Von! a 304, fie.; 01:rase11 Te m1304.211.41.; ' ' ''' $'1 1" ".751 1:sal , 3,1.11)11S. %IP; but Interioe Artilku.; ('.orilifiaces. A despatch fuoin Lemk' .ay.: The British are 1(01211131 I1 hard aleme thele front in the Carehrei .04..tor, and the town of Carele)11 13 11,114i dircrtly neder the fire of the British ,eingni. The battling 01 1115 iorantey for the possession of Funtaine Note,s and between Mnouvro. 3,370 Botirlon has ceased temporarily, brie at titee4 the artillery flee is or great inteneity Ila these eef.e0e.4. vet le ;:83.. ' : 144401 3u1o. 11141I111: t, 1., 'do:111011 I A", I 3orm- 1111 oo,- A pri.2- ,,,, ',, theT 1, 131,434,.: .1'. 1„ or „12110011 was tight. 431'.ii.1g, i.oft !l'1 It.; 440.,, of, Nil`, 410.. $11 • IGN ('4q EAST AFRICA FO e.'ONCI.I.! DE1) IN. A MONTH, A deemateli from London saes: The en:I of tile Emt A Frieen eatopaign be- Chrint b predicted by tho Reuter correepondent at lidera. He decbtres that by Bud t(ole the tlermon 1:,,111 either be a prisoner or in exile. several houses and a large amount of the prophet Samuel. This site is held ground at Lucerne, Sixty-four ee... in equal reverence by Christian, Mo- hammedan and Jew. The minaret has been destroyed by this bombard- ment. BRITISH TOOK 11,051 23,000 TONS OF COAL DAILY FROM MINES Ottawa, Dec. 2, --'The collieries in the Crow's Nest Pass district of T3rit- ish Columbia, which are now operated under Government control, are produc- ing 211,00(1 tons of coal a •day, the greatest output in the history of the provirce, Word revolved by the Minis- ter of Labor from the director indi- cates that everything is running smoothly at the collieries, pert employes have arrived there and SOO others are expected shortly. PRISONERS LAsT moNTH r,ondon, Doe. 2.—An officinl etate- meat ieetled lest night read; .'The number of German 131114111141111 110113112 in -.November was 11,551, in- ' eluding 214 •offieere. In the same peviod W14 havetaken 138 guns, 14151(8(1- ing forty heavy guns, and also 803 • reaehine [..itie, ((4 trench mortars, be- : sidoe great inuentitiee of engineering etoree, annenition of all natures and war material of every kind," the south. Distances between Mime -tent emi1. mercial ports would he redireed by hundreds of miles. Some of the 1'' Liverpool to Leith; 377, 1,1111 1!' Bel- . 200 between Glaegow met Aek,e.rp. 11\1- EAST AFRICA diately after 111,, 444153,' o.nilil h.1lp (:4 12 Officers and 3,500 Teutons and Natives Yield to British Troop's. A despatch from London says: An official statement on the operations in East Africa tells of 1110 uncontlitimml surrender of a German force under Col. Tafel, consisting of 12 German of- ficers, 100 Germane and :3,400 natives. Tho force had advanced southward from the Mahenge area to Newala, ap- parently in ignorance to the British occupation..of Newala. solving the labor ((1'313' 11111 and fur. ish occupation during the readjuetment period. • Two routes are dly. r , Om. would followan existing horg.e cern! involving the deepenbee 441 8111' IIintee Clyde, the eroesing or 41 oletene 0.111 an indifferent water stieply, tied the constrection of six on medi sldo, The vival river reMe .,t11 on the Forth and 111:11:1,0 dieeetiv Loch Lomond, acr08s 11341,1 ri11101 never more than 50 feet above een level. The lake 11, 22 fiee ebove 1117 Atlantic mid only one lock wetdil en necessary at itell end of ihs