HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-06, Page 5Page 5 THE CANADIAN! OF CO ERC ntr�.rcv TIIR AFQRT11 NEWS SIR EDMUND WALKER, G.V.O.. LLD., D.C,L, President CAPITAL PAiD UP, $15,000,000 Stewart's self it for less SIR JOHN AIRD,General Manager H. V. P, JONES, Asst, Oen'I. Manager RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000 Careful attention is given to the bank- ing requirements of farmers, with whom an important part of the business of this Bank is transacted. Farmers may rely upon prompt arid courteous service. el 8ea,for-b b. 33rar-off J. G. MULLEN MANAt+<PR W, J. Walker& Sen Undertakers and Embalmer W. J. Walker, holder of go, ornment Diploma and License Day or Night esus receive our prompt atteution Day Phone (1T Night " 16 STRATFORD, ONT. Fall Term from Sept, 4th. commercial, Shorthand and 'fele- ; graphy Departments - We have thorough courses ,expeviecoed in- structors and we place Graduates in _positions. Demand upon tis for. trained help is many times the num. •ber graduating. Get cur free catalogue,. A D MCLACHLAN PRINCIPAL THE l espifel for Sick Children College St, Toronto ITS CHRISTIVIkS feiESSAIGE Dear Mr. Editor: - Thanks for your kindness in alloying sue the privilege or appealing to your readers this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for :lick Children, the 'Sweetest of all Charities," which has as its m1esio11 the carr of the I:doles. the sick, the crippled and 1 he deformed. There never was a year ini the lila tory of the Hospital when fund.; to carry- on the work were more needed than now. Your purse is the IIospital's haps Your money lights the candles of mercy on the Christmas trees of health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of Hoary a little life. So 1 am asking you for aid, for thc- open purse of tlu. Rosettal'o friend is the hope of the Iiospilal at Christmas• just as the open door of the Hospital's mercy is the hope of the little chit tern throughout the year. (' 1(e on genereu,s hearts 111 many in these1lni s, Calls on (lee hospital are many al all times. and especially when food and fuel and drags and set, vice costs are soaring high. 1'1)t.' know the high cost or living:, Do :,ou know the high cost of 131+oiir.: of helping lite he11,1,.e t*t 'what you do li, ,t:::':3 i.: Co.. i, iP vestment you wIl r 11. Do you realize whet this rls,;r,ir i; doing for sick children. an) ,u jy of Toronto, but for all tult;trin, t'ar unr nr s, total of :1,7 nl + 1!.-t - y. -.,r 646 carne from _:,1 pl•,e' s a1;: !,'. of Toronto, The field of III., lie 1 it ,l's service covers the entire Produce- from Ole Ottawa to the I'ar•off Keunre -from the borders of the Cirv;a 1.:'.0r4 to the farthest nortlu'riy district. The 14103(1)11 is doing n mar;:4lons work, If you ceuld see Ills• ehiblrel with crippled limbs, club fent. and other deformities, who h.tv, it1't the Hospital with straightened lits',, and perfect correction, your r0.,le..•'' 11' ata• appeal (v011111 be instant, 1n the Orthopedic Departments hist y.rr n total of 1113 I11•patienls were 6re.13,1; and in the Out•Patleo1 Uepartuu•ul there were 1,946 attetnl:tarps, Let your money and 1110 Ilocellal'( messy lift the burden -or misery that curses the lives orl'p1ao I11r 1hnb:+ and saddens the ntolh1n•s or t1u, suf- fering little children. Money mobilises tete powers of help and healing for the Hospital's drive clay and night against the trenches where disease and pain and death assail the lives of the little ones, Remember that every dollar elven to the Hospital is a della' subscribed to the 'Aborts . t.oan that opens the prisons of 'pain and the Bastilles of disease, and sets little children free to breathe the pure air, and to rejoice in the mcr3y of God's sunlight. Will you send a dollar, or more it you can, to Douglas Ds Widsoit, Secre. •racy -Treasurer, or S: ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Board of Trastee4 MUSIC bliss Annie G. Govouloob, Graduate of OausdialAcademy of Music, Toronto, Teachers's Uottrse auuonnoes the re- opening of her classes in piano, organ and theory. Pupils will be prepared for tellable)) Aoademy and Toronto Conservatory examinations For terms and scholarship apply at Studio, North Main St, , Seaforth. Try Els For A Refreshing ' Shave HAIR CUTTING Our Speciality Call at Bolton's Barber Shop OARDNOS BLOCK SRA FOR1'H 1 have for sale ser. eral Bonds and Debentures of a particularly High grade, bearing interest from 5: to 6 per cent. MI infformation con- cerningasame cheer= fully given. JOHN RANKIN Bond and Debenture Broker .Plain Street, Neafort3, Phone 91 a THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DAN'DRuFF Girls] Try ill Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful -Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. 'You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robe the hair of its lustre. its strength and its very life, ellkl if not overcome it produces afever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast, Surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine °root any_drug store and just try it, A Wonderiu ewspaper ']'Ire Family 'Herald and weekly Star of Montreal, is a most nolene paper and very popular In every home in Oett- ada, It is surprising what great value to the reader is contained in every is. sue, Few homes are without it; and they ale the losers in not having it. The enbsertption price $1 25 a year, and includes a colored tear map of the fighting area in Europe it is a splen•. dill map and of groat assistance to un- derstand the war vt a understand the ntap otter is shortly to be with- drawn. Tho years subscription and war map aro certainly big value at $1,2.5 r Al a vermifuge there is nothing so. potent as Mother graves' Worm Ea- termllator, .and item) be given to the most delioate child without fear of in- jury to the constitution, Shop Earlp in C,Ie Month In the Week In the Dap Men's Neckwear IN A FANI:Y BOX EVERY year we seem to to have nicer, prettier, better Neckwear for Men. This year will be no exception. We have a wonderful variety of handsome silks and knitted ties in special Xmas designs and shadings. Prices <5c to $1.5o. Mufflers 1N A FANCY BOX If there is one department that is better prepared than another to show you some- thing really swell for Xmas giving, it is the Mufflers. Every.know,, style is here in great variety of weaves. at from 2.5c 10 $3.50 Sweater Coats IN A FANOY BOX For every one. No matter whom you wish to give to we have a sweater coat to snit— Man, Woman or Child can be fitted here in any wanted col- or or weave. Every Coat - a beauty. The prices are i5c tO $Io Smocking Jackets KEEP "him" at home with the gift of gifts for men. What would you • give .that would be more acceptable or comfortable than one of these handsome smoking jackets or house gowns. All sizes. Prices $5 to $t0 Men's Furnishings IN A HOLLY BOX Braces 25c to 75c Fancy Sox 52c to 75c Collar Cases z5c to $1 Laundry Bags 15c to 75c Arm Bands........250 to 5oc Garters 25c tO 5oc Fancy Vests ..... .....$r to $2 Fur Coliars $r to $3.5o Pyjamas s. $1,5o to $2.50 Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted - Thtrisday 11., 6 Mail or Phone Your Orders I We prepay the Carriage Ready for Xmas This is the Year To Give Useful Presents This is the Store To Get Useful Presents Ianderchief Sections For Men, Women and Children, are -read' for the great Xmas season, The handerchief is probably the most popular of all Christmas Gifts. Nothing has been left undone to get an assortment equal to the de- mands of the hundreds of people who will make purchases here. Whe- ther it be the more costly or moderately pr'ced handkerchief you require you will find very charming specimens here in Silk, Irish Linen, Em- broidered, Scolloped or Hemstiched Edges. Handkerchiefs of every known kind for men, Women and a Children, Prices l c up to $ 1.5H Fancy Goods Collar Cases...5oc to $1.00 Lanndry l3ags...15c to 750 Stamped Linen.. 50 to ('.50 Tea Apron ,.,25c to 75 Cushion Tops...., r5c to5,00 Kimonas. 1,25 to 5.00 Boudoir Caps....5oc to 1.50 Tray Cloths.....,25C to 22 5 Lunch Cloth25C CO 5.0o YIRKII Christmas Furs -There is no present so highly priztd or acceptable or lasting as a Fur Ruff or Muff. There is an ex^eptionally good showing of small Furs here, bought expressly f o r the Xmas trade. All furs guar- anteed to be first quality and so good in al: pearanee that you will he proud to give them Give Gloves for Christmas You will find an exceptionally good steel: of gloves here always. But at Xmas time we are at our best. The variety of sty les and shades, the reliability of the makes, the exceptionally good quality at the reasonable prices mak is our gloves a favorite Xmas rifts, We will cheerfully ex- change for proper sizes alter Christmas, MEN'S 50c w t3,00 I WOMEN'S 25c tel $; oo CHILDREN'S... 25C tt, -5C Special Sale of Millinery All3rimined and Untrimmed Hats Will be cleared at from 25 to 50 par cent, oft regular prices. Every Nat is included in this Sale. This will be a golden opportunity pp y '25 to 50 per cent of. STEWART BROS. Seaforth 6 Shop mere You'll Save Time You'll Save tib orrp You'll Save 1Pionep Stylish Had Bags WHERE i.; 'n 1 Lt-1vWilo Would not Cpi1('CCiite' 011:' U1 our new style, hand hags. There is a rc1)1(13 11•,W:rr made than the Odes w: are "3) sh./av ill tr A useful present lila[ is. sure toplease They are from 25c to ., Silk Underwear IN l'f0L1,1" tisX Made in pink or white h-oibiti and crepe de chene sit,., trim- med with la.:2'. a l l t t i.y rib bons—camisole ane e'l-l-ei,'p. combinations. Prices $ r to 54.5', � fir, Fancy Linens and Bath- Towels IN HOLLY I(1N No more useful and Srlts$3,0.etift 011111 r,,.t b., in1Jj i;,.31 11.an these beautiful l'tu'kish tont els, w•itl, their attractlye blue, 3,11,13 yeti..w or misery, borders Prices ft, to 7.5c to $1.50 Women's Neckwear NECK 61EAR has b, rt, a tr;t:liti .1.51 gift for many years S This }ear se' have 0 most fnseivatii,} collectsou of imported novelties, f1ore :a, , r. and era's; fauey ilea, .i I; r„!', as stock cellars, ]]n.:11 ('(Co15 of ,1,-7 kiudand sole I'r(c••s ale 15c to $2,C0 Fancy Xmas Blouses Bought. Specially her the Holiday Trade waists were never more be antif,+I than they are right now, Lumens of entirely new styles in (leorgette Crepe Bilk Crape de Chem., Habuiti 8ilk, ('ailette 8113 in every defies to ,. nod wanted shade Prices to $ 8 Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted