HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-06, Page 44 THE SEAFORTH NEWS >ROFRSSRONM CARDS. • MEDICAL w".4 ,Ye,t,suon kh pitalitLuodoua,*,m,o,(4 Vi, alta .ttba to diseases of E. Lar, Nose o0reside Bee, behind Domloton Hank. t p>ena R c.5. Residence, Phone No. 106, 0yy.,4, k., t, oURROWS, Seater*. Office and V�t�eIlrar'p -- Goderlctl Street, east t the Haulm• efelt Ctrtrga. Coroner for the County of Huron. tlilss4 meas No. 40. Dab, d'COTT It MACKAY. Pbysidaaa and a 'thtune, Goderich Street, woman I4etln). co tf llxteih Seaforth, Egos iraduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and tl r e er -t Ontario College of Physician and lwa et Jotoner for County of Baton. r, hongr graduate Trinity Univerelty ,rietTrtnhy Medical College, Member of killllr. •• Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. ® 8.r3rt), HEILEMAN Osteopathic Specialty !t ,vamen's and Children's Diseases and EIRes«.etre Troubles, Acute and Chronic Dia - 1;9E91' -fir, Eye, Non and Throat. Adenoids aaatat'xr without the knife. CoseuLtatlon free. 81, repo Tnesnar. tl kw, iq a t.m.: Friday s taGp.m e JOHN Marriage LUce�a�Jtestlued DA� t In i tie Leith s ce Are eso wenstdertng ineurauce. Life or Accident? Tfy0u eta, a postcard will get our rams. J. D. 1HNelLBY, Gert ,.sot Agent for Landon Life Imprensa Co., end Lmo*ariel Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Seaforth. Ont. James Watson rdenerel Fire, Lite and :Vend lit loaurmca .agent, and dealer in 3awn'g kleehin.?., Main Street, Seafntth. TIIE IVIcKILLOP MOW Fire insurance Coif 'Farm aged Isolated Town Property ®nli Insured. OFFICERS Jed. t''•o n 'hy, Gotlerix b, 0.reeideat, Jamov Sva11 . Ilerhn'."d, Vice.t'rest4eat, Taman; $ny'e, 0e'af..rta. tea•'. -Tress. Dimmers D. F. McGregor, 000000th; John G. Grtere, Winthrop W. Rina. Constance,. John Bennewols, Atodgbagea' Robert Ferris, 'Iarlodr; Malcom McKeon, Clinton; ti McCartney , Seaforth; lames Connolly, Godericb; Jas. Evans. Beechwood. Agents Atex. Leitch, Rartock; E. filnchtey. Seaford' Wnfam Chesney Egmoudve; J. W. Ye. lmesvitle; R. GW. Jarmouth. Brodhaaeo, Jan ar and John Govenlock. Seaforth, minters. Parties deslroua to West Insurance or trance other bustneas wit be .promptly attended to b a$pilcatton to any of the above otfieere, address to their respective poetoBgea, r1 IS lssuEp EVERY THURSDAY From the Office MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 94 Evening id 6UBSCRIPTION 000 dollar" er year, etrlgtty In ail v a nee if not paid In advance, ona defer and a hall will be charged. Vallee suite,. papers, fifty 001111 extra,sodality in advanced, When subscribers atomize their address n otice should be/eu t us Immediately, giving both the willldconfer s the by no�tiffyl gs. Sub. s o▪ f any irregularity of delivery. Reeding Notieas-No reading mode, advertising any entertainment or matter by which mons is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tits ',lases without charge. The price for the Inser- tion of beelines announcements Is TEN centsperhayinngntnolncontralt Insertion display advertising, and FIVE gents per line each insertion to those having display coatracta, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices, Card of Thanks 5 to 9 noes, 50 cents, Judicial. Legal, Official and Govern- ment Notifies -Ten cents per line far first Insertion and five cents per line for each subsequet Insertloa. Yearly cards -Professional Cards. not exceeding one Inds, will be inserted for 95,00 per year, payable strictly In advance Display alvertiatne-Rama furnished cu application. " Advertlaement, ordered for Insertion, wUndt forbid," and those sent without written tnatructh:ns will appear until settee orders aro received for their dla- ontlnuance. Letters to the Editor must be accom- panied by the writer's own signature, not or publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accepts no respon- sibility whatever for the statements made in such communications. Letters on reli- gious topics will not be published at all except ad paid advertising, plainly marked aa snob. The rate for such matter Is ten cents per .nee. J. F. SNOWDON EDITOR AND PUBLISHER The Voter's List for the election were pasted up on tllonday. Women, being the, mother, wife, widow, daugh ter. or sister of a soldier or nurse ser viug under Canada should examine the Lists urs 800 if their names aro entered If not they should apply to the enum- erator of the polling division between the 7th and 12th of the month to have it entered. The Ot'lginat Every woman who has a relative and overseas must be deeply anxious to 011 send them help. 'they eau beat do iy this by markitag their ballot for Union Gtjjlj�j]Q Goverument. In this constituency Mr Monter is pledged to support the Union Cluvorument. *r Beware Polling day will soon be here, Dee of ember 17th. Union Goveriltrleet cora Imitations lniltres should he formed in every sub - Sold div;sloe if not already formed. Every oh the vote for the Unien government eholild Merits be got out. If the Uvistl Government Of id not elected then Canada will he con_ MlnaTd'S troll9d by the l,auiir.t 1tom-saga 00111- Linilnent bitumen. Hoy: will our eve10eae sent- ient fare multi their rule' lieury BotllasSa is supporting Laurier. So is sirs McMI.ia:l iu South 13uion. Bournsoa says: "Ii a are one with Laur- ier, Laurier's eandfdatee in Quebec are funned to aigu an aggreement 1) support 1Junrhsaa. These are the Jaen with whom Mr, McMillan will have to . easel:Mee ip supporting Sir Wilfrid 1 Laurier, who dues not support the boys t in the trenebes. Profiteerieg rots been b made impossible by the union 1100900. 1 men*, liow long could that be said if a there patty Government melee Sir Wilfrid wee returned Remember what was done when the Grand 'Trunk Pac- ific was beiug built by him Mr. Mar - tier is supporting the [Sidon Govern- ment to the full. He is not dodging a single i88ue. The Government must be united ,just fie a vietorioua army 18 .ale ways united behind the comm aiders. rer SCR1NT i N COAL W. L. ISE', Sea forfhi. Phone 130 A Business i Without a proper systm of ,.dyer- tisin is like a motor without the Powe r. )1 ADVERTISEMENTS will supply the required energy phone - 34 0venings 127 chard ie tinder 010911 cultivation or even where a clover is sown the p19010ue enmmer, Is frequently lieppene tba ort chard which hove esuaped much injury from mios for several years from the time of planting, will be badly injured if not ruined just when the fleet crop is ex. petited, There is nothing more die- oouraging to a farmer or fruit grower bll atoitave an orchard deetroyed fu Ghia way after he has oared for It for a nllinbe0 years, atltl there meet be many 1381att1ea ill Canada where favor era aftar a loss of this kind do not 06- plettt, Although it !s not every year that mitre are troublesome, trees should be protected from them every year until about six inohe8 in diameter, and even then ahondd be partly girdled' If the prot9011013 is neglected for one year thin may be the year when mice are abundant and much injury will be clone 'flet twice are generally looking out for 00 feeding op, suede clime to- the ;;round under the show and when they come to a tree they are likely to begin to gnaw the bark if it IS unprotected, and before they are finished the tree may he completely girdled to a height of twelve or eighteen Welles above the ground, whioh usually causes its death nithongh it may remain alive for most of the Bummer following The cheapest and most efiioieit meth od of protecting trees trent mice is to wrap ordinary white building paper fir. (mud the trunk of the tree Tho paper is out into strips whioh are the width of the paper and the width of the of strips dependibg on the size of the tree The strips should be just wide enough to lap over, one thickness around the tree being all that is necessary The paper is wrapped tightly around the tree and tied in two places with twine A little earth s boeid lip about the base after the paper is tied to cover any opening through which the mice might reaoh the trunk, Several thota- and young trees are wrapped each year at the Experimental Farm in this way each year and there have have been practically no cases 1n. which the mice have gnawed through tho paper to get at the tree. Tar paper is also effect- ual but trees have sometimes been in. ured by using it and is well to avoid, this as building paper will do just as well, A small mound of earth From eight to ten inches in height about the base of the tree will often prevent tnice from injuring the trees and even snow trump od about the tree has proved quite effective but one cannot always depend Capon it. Fine wire mesh wrapped around the tree or lapped 00 that it will expand with the growth of the tree, while more expensive at first, fa very durable and will protect the trees well. Mice may be poisoned by making a mixture of one par by weight of arse- nic with three parts of corn meal and pu1tiug it in runways made by nail- ing two pieces of board eaoh five or six inches wide to hake an inverted trough, and putting about a table- spoonfulof the poison on a shingle near the middle of the runs, renewing the poison front time to time, Po1eo11- ing would, however, be found a rather tedieue method fur a large orchard, Sores Slee Mere it, There are Ina' y who have been afflicted with sores and driven away with Dr Thomas' Ecleotri Oil. which acts Tike magic. All similar y troubled should lose lie' time in ap. plying this splendid remedy, as there s nothing like it to be had. It is cheap (lt its power 16 i11 no way expressed 1y its low prime. Fruit Trees From Mice The annual loss of fruit trees from Mice. Some years they are remelt more destructive than otbere, while in a oert sin year they may be much more deet- ruotive in one part of Canada than oth. era where they do little or no damage: The scarcity or abundance of food, the number of mice whioh are in the vicin- ity when winter sets in, and the altarae• ter of the winter., all have an influence on the amount of.itjury that isdone where the orchard is in sod or there is rubbish around in which mf09 flan har- bor, the injury to the trace is molt greater, than if :protdeted, is liable to be mtloh greater than where the or.. With so thorough a preparation at hand as Miller's Worm Powdcra the nether who allows her children to suf- fer from the ravages of worms is unwise and culpably careless. A child sub- Jected to the attacks of worms is always u thealthy and will be stunted in its growth It is a merciful aot to these destructive parasities, especially when oat be done without difficulty. Earns 0,01, "Think woman eeeuld voter" "Surra. She is just as competent as man." On what'r do you hese that state. menti"/ • She doesn't know a tieing about the tariff, either." FOR SALE el -1E7 W Frame 1-10118,, 7 rooms anti pantry, summer ki10hen and cellar, Hard and soft water, Electric lights, large ve- randah, Stable le' x 12' hen house 9a' by 7, Apply at the News 0flloo, Consignep's Back Again I wish to inform the public I' have opened a Shoe Repair Shop, in the Campbell Block opposite the Royal Hotel where I will repair all kinds of boots and Shoes. Only first class material used. All work done by hand and guaranteed by me to be No, I, Bring your repair work to me and save money as my prices are lower than any other repair shop in town, CHAS CONSIGNEY (Cow Wanted Wanted, a .Jersey cow or heifer. Ap- ply to the News Office, Wood Wanted Anyone having 8 or ten words of wood for gale eon hear of a uureheeer by ap- plying at the News Office. CREAM WANTED Send your u00am to us and receive top prices We are running our plant the year through and can handle your Full aupp,y and furnish you with Dans. We pay twice ea011 month and weigh 5ample.and test each can of eream care fully. Our motto is " Honesty to ou Patrons " Patrons are requested to ra ,urn all tint ears w11011 not i11 use, 3 1tt.,lr an 1 Buttermilk al.c cn hand n1 for at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. H1.AFORTH MARKET Good Milling Wheat...........,... $2,10 Oats an Bran per ton Shorts per ton ........ ......... .........41, Flour .............. ..., 5.56 6.10 Hogs to farmers. ..... ............19.75 GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles; sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and an drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known, Massage this fra- grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes, Yes! It is harmless, and .the beautiful result.) will surprise you. FOR SALE 7' Upon Houma, good cellar, Hard and Soft Water, good condition and splendid locality. Apply thiso`ilioo, PROMPTLY SECURED In all cotlntries.Ask for our INVENTOR' ADVISER, which trill be sent free. MARION Is MARA"' For Sale House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The property is situated o: Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian (Hinted' and is known as the Purcell property, Good, oom• fortahle hones, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries and currant bushes, 'Phis is a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good etete of onitivet- Hoe, Thia is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes ate light. For particulars apply on the promisee or to .John Ranitin, Seaforth, Whopping R1ili Owing to the scarcity of fuel we will ruff one chopping mill three days per week, oomrnollcitig Dao. 4111, Tne8da"yr, Pelletal and Satnrday0- KRUSE BROS, hllrsday 1)ec 5 ossiaosaus Alli aisisa assaurrlrurrrrlrrrN ssicau ivaiim silos ■ ✓ ■ r la NI r ■ Cepitai Paid Up $6,000,000 Reserve Fuad $7,000,000 89 M r r u Depositors in this Bank aro assured 131 of efficient service, • re la n THE DOMINION BANK? ti mA GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED PI A It( al id SEAFORTH BRANCH: R, M. JONES, Manage^, 575 Highest Prices Paid for rags, rubbers, bones, metal, horse hair, hides, skins, all kinds of furs etc. Also take books aid newspapers Appelzft & Mlirnaln SEAFORTH JUNK DEAI:,Fl11 :toroes front Creamery Phone [83 p rwiersrravitarrmgwrlflelaralmslgta>M>.MsamEtx>H4ttatrieplttrprrtvK�,retra Salvation Army Capt, Froud and Lieut. Shave Holiness meeting 11 a.m. fraise 800v110 3 p.m. Gospel 803.0180 7 pm. Ohildroue Service -Directory class 10 a.m, Bible classes 4 p.m. Week night Meetings -Wednesday Pieter meeting 8p,m. iEgmondville, Presbyterian Rev. J. Argo, pester. Sunday Der. vices 11 a.131. and 7 p m, Bible class 3 p.m Prayer meeting Wednesday 8p, tn. Y,P.M.S. Uuio1 3rd Friday in the month 8 p 111 Women's Mission- ary Society 3rd We,Ltretlay ill the 01101111 at 2.30 p,m, Ladies' Aid me3.s im- mediately after. bialfillon 1l'reebyterian Rev. D Cardwell paster. Sunday eervioes Duffs' 011110011 11 a In Sunday school 10 a.m. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday 8 p.m. Women's Missionary Society last Friday in each month at 2 O'01oele. te.Jnstauce Methodist Rev, W. Kafue, plater. Sunday service 2 30 p,nn. Yon11g People's Lea- rnt 12.30 p la Sunday 410111011'6 Auxii- al'y fir0t Tuesday of every month a 30 p.m. Lal;eo' Aid last'l'Inu•erday of each month 9.110 p.m Winth-op Presbyterian Sunday service 2.311 pm, hmlday chool 1 16',x11. Prtyer meeting Tuesday 8 p P3. L. LI las, Wed. 'SUFFERING CATS! GIVE THIS MAN THE GOLD MEDAL ts«•.•s.,••us,a,o,n,e.•,,,•w.,•„•„•,m„s.ro, a..,w w Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller 1f you like: for corns will neve!' again send electric eptrks of pain through you, according to thin Cincinnati authority., He says that a few drops of a drug called freezone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly re• Heves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug is a sticky ether compound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue, It is claimed that a nnarter of an ounce of freezone obtained -at any drug store will cost very little but is sua•. chant to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet, Cut this out, especially if you are a woman reader who wears high heels, Meeting of .Huron County Council 'the council of the enrpnrntion 0 the County of linnet trill meet in the Co1noil Chamber, in the town of Cod- erioh, on Tuesday the .}111 flay of Ileo. ember next, at the hour of three I'011cle W. Lane, Dated Nev, 9u1h 11(17 Clerk "CASCARETS" WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP For Sick Headache, Sour Stotnach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels - Take Cascarets tonight. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigos- ' Skin and Miserable hemi. aches -come from a torpid liver and clogged !bowels, whioh cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested food, w11iolt sours and ferments like gar, bags in a ovill .barrel, That's the first step to untold -misery-indigestion, foul gilded, bad breath, ye110w skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Oaseeree to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by Morning. They work while you sleep -- 10-00111 box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. CHURCH NEWS A II Ire1117 Milder this 11pert are published trio of cleirge,.ex- cept those regarding meetings where on admission (re Is chergal 'rho rate for such h.,lug ave amts par count Hue S9',131 ORT1-i et11JR0,14f:S St. James' St, Julius, Church , lt„y Father P Corcoran, Rev. Fathe it (3. R. North - graver! ,MOr11111g Maas 7 0,111, High Mase 10,30 a,na. Sunday school 2 311 p in. Evening vespers 7 p.ul St. Thomas' Rev, T. H. Brown, Rooter, Sunday serooes 110.m and 7 p.141. Sunday adieu! 2,30 p. nl. Women's Anglican Missionary Association, 'Tuesday 230 p.m. Childreu'sbranul Saturday 2 p.m, ntarcession services every Thursday, .11 p,m, First Presbyterian ltov. 1'. 13, Larkin,, Pastor, Sunday e9rvioee 11 a,m, and 7 p 111, Sunday school 2.30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7. 45 p.rn, Women's Miss- ionary Society the First Tuesday in eaoh month at 7.46. 13arbara Kirkman Mitt. slum Band 3rd Tuesday; in the month at 7.30 p.m. Sunshine Mission Rand every 2nd Monday at 4.15 p.m, .Meihodist Rev, G. McKinley, B. D., pastor -SUNDAY-01ase at 10:00 a.m. Public service 11 a.m. and 7' pen, Sun day school and 13ib1e study class 2.80 Epworth League Tuesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting Tllursda y 8, p.m, Don't _ Delay Ratty longer but conte in at once and have those Photo- graphs taken to give to your friends /or Xmas. We will please you and you will please yourfriends. Only 3 weeks until -.Xmas so come in now and ha ve the Xmas problem solved 13 good Photographs wilt make 12 good presents. As the days get dark very early please come in early, Picture Framing a Speci- ity--We sell Films and do fiflishiilg for Amateurs, D P BLICI1 PHOTOGRAPHER SEAFORTH SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid In stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time ill In five minutes all stom- ach dietress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul death or headache. ss Pape's Diapgpain is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty - cent case of Pape's 'Diapepuln from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indi- tion dvs a Isis •or any stomach,. - es order caused lby fermentation due to -_�- 0.eeessive acids in 8tolnaell. ,.r„lit SPECIAL DECEMBER SERVICE BETWEEN T*rontoand :° Tj'vi ?"p eg RAIL ' Westbound, Dec. 3rd to Jan. 2nd. Eastbound, Dec. 1st to Jan.5tla Note -Tri -weekly service will he resumed thereafter. REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN Winnipeg and Edmonton and Vancouver DAILY T91 -WEEKLY For Tickets, Reservations, Literature and Information, apply to CHAS. A. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, SEAFORTI-I, Or write R. L. Falrbalrn, C.P.A., 68 King St, E., Toronto, New Winnipeg Trains) Travel between Eastern and Western Canada is always heavy in the winter mouths, particularly duril'9 Jteeembc' with its holiday seu0pl, To meet 111(3 118 11 1010 1 0 1 the pnblie, therefore, a epeeial Daily Service between Toronto and Winnipeg is anuouneed by the Oaeadi011 Northern Railway; West. b (111 II DOO. 3rd to Jan 21111 1915 only; Eastbonnd, Deo, let to Jae, 5th, 1918. only, Thereafter 10gular tri weekly servios will be 186unte1, A Through Tourist Sleeping oar will also be oporat ed between Toronto and Calgary daily as part of the above special service, and 001111 cath on l t I 11 be made . l, ` 11th' tg 1 alar doily trait between WinIepog anti Edmonton' Service bstweell i'o.o3to and Vancouver remains tri.w9akly teat, ingToren toMon days, Wednesdays and Fridays as present, nor Further partioulal'e son our Local 'rilllo table or apply to Town Agent, Clips, A. 11bc1'11a1•1, Countless have been the cures by Holloway's Corn Cure It has a pogo Of it0 own not found in other preparr ,.tions, Ruction Sale Of Shoal,, ('attire rn.,l Pips The undersigned hes reveit'tl1 instrneli"ns to sell by pit bile awl in, at 1S, W, l're warthel'a 1,333, n14.1::10:, hn, 0 13', W0,dulsdn Deo 12, 1017. lit 1 31 11'11 , 1) 81,3.1,, ill Following, -811 Ic' is' f'--25 choice h3 et d fug Ears, all y rt1I1313ps, hr't d to to,r, of Peter A '1113118(001,111,,,1 s t'A'r 11.14 OOIc 111111)' 01,11', 1, 7 yr'118 old, with 01111 by side; Sl'ring91' 7 y'0ar0 old, 111 calf to a Durham; Springer 4 years old in oalf to a Durham; Flo1810iu springer 4 yearn old; Cow 5 years old, due in January; Jersey cow duo in February; Cott/ 7' years old, clue early in March; Cow 0 soars la due in April; Farrow now 5 years old, milking; ' 3bet Per sri . ung 3 years, doe in February; 2 Heifers rising 3 yerwe, doe in March; ,Terrey heifer due in March; 4 heifers rising 3 years, nearly fat; 2 heifers 2 year's old this fall; 6 short.ksep steers rising 3 yeti's old; 2 steers 2 yeat'9 old this fall; 2 yearling steer,., PIGS -2 pipe three 3711 a half pears old; 10 pigs two month 1111 a 'half old; 7 pigs 1W00ouths old '19333333 7 mouths' credit on approved 11111 note 3, 0r 4 per-cedt straight oft' of cash, N, W, rrewarti,t, Tit e. fSFutrdt'y,. Proprietor, Attotloneer, y 0 a f a. 0 V) '1