HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1917-12-06, Page 1.,4
New Series Vol. 15, 'No. 49
n'4,4!!'4!&"teetteessess, etteeeeseses.
Nice easy work A child could almost do
the work. eome and take one Section as
follows ;
5 girls to put in hip pockets.
5 girls to put ht side pockets.
5 girls to make garters.
5 girls to join garments together.
5 girls to sew on bands
and one or two girls to inspect work.
We also want 25 or 3o girls for pants
making. BM nice clean work and easy and
steady all year round. 5o hours per week
We have girls making over ten dollars a
week. Why can't you?
Apply or Write to
Fred Robinson, Manager
Seaforth Ontario
pit 99
An up -(o -date Restaurant in town for
good meals, lunches and homemade candy
Special Regular Dinner everySaturday
Fresh Fruits of all kinds always on hand.
Our home suede candies always the best,
Chocalatee, Oarmels. Bon.Bons it Taffies a
Having installed an up date plant for making
next door to eardnos Bros
A Winnipeg Mother to
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Ex Prime Minister of Centicla,
My Dear Sir Wilfred,
You are an old mau, you have
Passed the allotted span of life by eov-
eral years, and during a long lifetime
you have enjoyed the confidence and
respect and devotion (.1 a very large
number of yonr fellow citizens of Can-
ada -and in Great Britain, and other
dominions beyond the seas, your name'
has been houored by King and Com-
You have done much for Oanada, you
hive left upon the statutes legislation
that is wise and good, and your errors
and faults have been forgiven and con -
toned by friend and foe alike.
You have tasted the joys of office,
bot there is one sweet joy you never
have experienced in _the muse of your
long life --the sweets and joys of fath-
erhood, God has witheld this blessing
from you In this you have missed the
greatest pleasure of life, and my heart
sympathizes for you in your great loss.
Not to know the joy witnessing your
own flesh ond blood grow up to man's
estate, not to know the love and affect-
ion of one of your own ie a loss beyond
the exprssion of words.
I, a mother, know the joys of having
•ehildren-they are the breath of life
to me, the essenee of all that is good
and pnre in this earthly life. And two
of my ohildren were sons who grew
from perfect boyhood to perfoot man-
hood -boys and men 1 was proud of -
boys and mon 1 would have given my
life for,
At the call to duty they enlisted to
fight for king and country, and they
left Canada with their mother's blessing
To -day they lie in their graves on the
battle -scarred fields of Flanders, honor
ed in their lives, and in their deaths,
by those who knew them as civilians,
and by those who fought side by side
with them as soldiers. And I their
mother, am left alone, but I clo not
mo00n roy gallant sous, my consolation
being in the certain assurance we .shall
meet again in that Land where there is
00 strife,
I write you from a mother's heart -
mother of the d l--)1 el ilf of th
dead -on behalf ofthe mothers of those
brave lads who are fighting the dread.
fill Hun for the protection of all that
we hold dearin this life. They cry .for
help and Oanada must lend a responsive
ear. The mothers, the 8,sters, the
sweethearts of the dear lads at the
front must be inust be listened to -
and help, and speedy help, must be sent
by Canada if Canada ie to remain hon,
ored in the eyes of herself and in the
eyes of the world.
The letters and diaries of my dead
sons reveals much to me -the hardship
beyond the dreadful wounds, the phys-
ieal ills but outstanding all these ills
the splendid fortitude of those dear
lade, And you, Sir Wilfrid an old Man
ripe in years, but not ripe in father.
hood, propose to allow these brave men
to fight on until exhausted without
help frcm you, You say Oauada has
done well enongli-I say Canada has
done splendidly under the voluntary
system of reeeuiting-bettee the even
you or any other members of parlias
Ment had anticipated, but the time has
come NOW when odium must bo Pent
must be compelled togo-to defend
the very existence of our heroes at the
trout, and the existence and happiness
of those at home, and of those yet to
be. Canada must not shirk her duty.
01 $1.06 per year
and the splendid women of Caned
will see to it, when the polls tire opene
that no man, no matter what hie pas
may be, shall be sent to Ottawa with
pewee to annul the righteous ory trom
our men at the front,
You have from your piece in prim -
moot (leerier' the raising of racial and
other queations throughout Caned
and yet you are the one man in Caned
who, by taking is firm awl imperial
stand in this time of onr national peril
Inas the power to quell. Will you take
this stand? It Is not yet too late.
The women of Canada desire 1101 to see
an election, in which the passions of an
angry country are hit loose, Are you
big enough, are yea sufficiently British
are yov snflitiently French to lift your
band and eay,oPerice"?
11 yuu fail, your 'white plume' will
be stained with the blood -of your tal-
low citizens and your :lame will go
down to posterity in deserved shame,
The blood of the dead heroes in Flan.
dere calls to you -the blood of the liv.
ing heroes boils in indignation over
your lack of practical sympathy, Your
words an empty of hope for the 121011
at the front. If yon fail to listen to
the ory from the wounded hearts of
Canada and from tho brittle fields of
France -that glorious France your
rnetherlatid-the day of reckoning is
near, and swift and just punishment
will be meted out to you. The women
of Canada are strong and determined
itt this matter, 50 pay heed while it is
et time
"God save our splendid men" you sing
but what are YOU doing to do to
help God?
I am, my dear Sir Wilfrid,
Winnipeg, Aug. 14th, 1917,
Word has been received in a letter
by Mr. and Mrs. James Rays from
their son Corp. Howard Hays, who
was severely wounded in the Canadian
drive on .Passchendaele. He was struck
by a shell which exploded near him
and a large gash made in his hipwhiob,
which, while not dangerous will take
long iu healing. He Ives fortunate in
meeting Miss Robb, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs John Robb, of Seaforth, 0(105-
ing in the hospital to which he was
sent. Needless to esy, it was a great
pleasure and surprise to both.
The Straight Issue
If there were any lingering doubts
in the minds of Wirrho War Liberals
as to the coreeetness of their position,
we believe Sit Wilfred Laurier's mani-
festo has removed them With . much
of it we can unreservedly sympathize,
He advocates the doing of many things
the present Government proposes to do
But, on what we believe to be the one
all important issue before the country,
Sir Wilfred hasnothing new to says
He stands where be did when he made
the conscription law a fatal obstacle to
his entering a Union administration
and fa) prevented Canada from getting
a really National Government. He is
entitled the credit due to consistency.
Ha was against conscription and he re•
mains so. If he is returned to power
he states that he will suspend the Mil.
Mary Service Aot and Submit to a ref-
erendum of the people, Wrapped in
whatever oomforfing phrases one may
choose for this attitude, the Reformer
believes it only moans that Canada
will be taken out of the war against
Germany,if Sir Wilfred wine, Con-
vinced that this is the earn, The Re-
former must follow its conscience, It
cannot Support a candidate not pledged
to oppose Sir Wilfred on at least this
portion of his platform,-Sirecoe Re
A Pleasant Pnrgativeo--Parmelee'e
Vegetable Pills are so compounded as
to operate on both the etonseoh and the
betsels, so that they act along the whole
alimentary and excretory passage,
They are not drastic in their work, but
mildly purgative, and the pleasure of
taking them is only equalled by the
gratifying offeet they produee, Com-
pounded only of vegetable substences
the curative qualitiee of which were
fully tested, they afford relief without
chance of injury,
Women's War Auxiliary much a thousand voices to cry out
Receipts for Seztember and °atoll
Receipts -
Balance on hand.............•51007
her isk 41 In the Streets itt the next three
weeks, from cosies to (meat. Olt
or, Oa, is it possible that you will sell
yourself into ahem() and slavery? Our
134 people are eslerap, but they must be
75 aroused. Tho greatest peril is that
s0 God's cum people are enrolees. Things
00 may not have boon going any too well
10 in Canada from the Governments stand
00 polut, I have felt long ago that they
10 ought to have kicked overboard party
0 politics, sod stand as one nsau, but
thank God it has come at last, There
are before us perils many people are
5 being persuaded not to see, or will not
1 (j0 see; they cannot forget that it is no
1 75 longer a question of party politics. The
.2() 01) day has now rionte when the churches
3 00 0011 join to put a great national issue
1 00 before the peiple to help put ()suede
Donations volunteer Harvestre 2 /
Mrs Neil Gillespie
Mrs Archie Scott11
Printer:), Class Presbyterian 8.8 I
Mrs John Mactavish5
Mrs Keating ......... 1 0
For the Overseas Ohristmas Fund-
i Proceeds from "Why Smith
Left . 98 7
Miss Ouse ..... ...............
Food Conservation Meeting
Min Hill from School Social
Mrs Hartry .......
Mrs L,L, McFaul „.......
Thorupson'a Store inc:uding .a
Old Time Deuces" .....
Mrs Larkin Subscriptions
Mrs, Williarcl
Mrs Bert
Mies Nellie Cook 00
Friends ............ . ......••••.• 3 76
Miss M. MoKays Liat with 2
small Danoes....................... 102 00
where the ought to be itt this night of
313 4o peril, We have to remember that there
10 00 M no p'ace 10 Canada for either Lib -
2 o0 orals or Conservatives, and it is only
2 00 by putting shoulder to shoulder that
Total 51578 24
Expenditure --
0 It 0 Society, Toronto, yarn.,.$123 72
Postage on Socks.....„........... 12 24
Stewart Bros,. ..... 41
Suudries........ ....... 2 38
The following are the expenses
in connection with the Xmari
Box Fund -
Postage on the boxes.. . 79 26
Corrugated Paper Boxes...-. 14 73
Towelling ...... . ........... 45 00
Handkerchiefs.— ....... . 54 00
..... 50 65
Horlicks malted milk tablets.. b 75
Chocolate bars...• ..... •........ -. 37 15
Candles, paper, twine Labels &o. 27 85
$ 614 64
Balance .„..... 5963 60
In addition to the money subseribei
for these purposes there was donated
for the Christmas boxes, 3o0 lbs.
Christmas sake , 100 doz. small cakes,
and a large quantity of beechnuts gath.
ered by the school children,
The Women& War Auxiliary wish to
thank every one who so kindly made it
possible for these parcels to be sent to
our boys overseas.
In September 31 parcels, each cont-
aining 2 pairs of socks were sent to the
boys and 1 70 Christmas Boxes were
sent also,
For The Boys in France
".As far as loving thoughts, careful
consideration and an abundance of
gifts can make it, this Christmas will be
a merry and happy one for our gallant
boys in France There is one thing,
horses er, that might be laelting to com-
plete their pleasure --ready money -
and this may now be sent hi a very
corvenient ferns, thanks to the fore,
sight of The Canadian Bank of Como
n10100, Whieh IMO obtained a supply 07
French Notes for this particular pur-
These notes may be enclosed in your
Christmas letter to ''your boy" at the
front; not as a remittance, but merely
as an additional Ohristmae rememb•
These live franc notes (about 95 cents
Canadian) may be had at the local
branch of The ()enact/an-Bank of Com-
merce, et the current rate of exchange
Canada Must Live
Up to her Promise
"ff we don't stand together in- this
hour of need we are a disgrace to the
British Empire, to the boys at the front
and to the man and women who have
gone before us. Shame to Canada
when we can appeal to the electors to
fill their own dinner pails and let the
people of Europe starve." In .sentenoes
like these did the Rev, Newton Powell,
pastor of Trinity Methodist church,
Toronto, answer before a large audi.
since last Sunday evening the question
Will Canacie desert the allieet
"I would like,to burn it into you
smile if I could,' he continued, "that
there is nothing Canada swede so
we can prove ourselves worthy of those
who have gone before.
"There can be 110 doubt about
the influences that are at work in the
country, and 115 an illustration of the
result of those hifluences I ask you to
think of the fate of Russia. There is
no longer zny unity iu Russia, and as at
result, though she pledged her word
never to sheathe her /morel until it had
been sheathed in victory, she is now
O useless ally I say, Canada, beware
Italy, as well, was divided on a grea
religoue matter, winch in the moment
We pay
Mail, Stage or
Express Charges
on goods you
011rial, all but proved her ilswnfall but
thauk God, though she stood on the
verge of a great precipice she closed
her ranks to meet that danger, 1 any
Canada, wake up and beivaie.
There esti be no, doubt about th. se
itilleenees at work itt our 0ountry,
want yon to note the seductive appeal
to our baser soiree, to the nuiati •selfisi
desires in every man,. It is s Perilous
day ylien appeals are mode to our low.
50 nathres, end Buell appeals are being
made, We know there are young Men
who do not want to go to the war On
the one aide they hear a voice that Nap
they must go. On the other hand they
hear, if you follow me, I will put o
that law. No wonder they are tempt-
ed. And those are hifhiences for which
every selfielt maxi will light, prompted
by his owe selfishness.
You tnay think the German menace is
over, but would it surprise you if I was
to tell you that itt a church in this city
every Sunday the king of Austria it
him victory? That is a fact, Our !sect.
prayed for, and God in asked to give
ere have given thole word to the world
that we will support the a'lies to the I
last man and the last dollar, and that
promise is sacred 15 Canada going to
and by it or trample it imderfoot?"
MURPHY -In Dublin on Deo: 1st,
John Murphy, aged 72 yeare.
Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn
out by the roots, Try it and prove it.
,,,,saptal:12,,,;, • ow;
r -4415k :Trzr.pron-r:
On/p 1,5 Shopping
Daps Then Xmas
"And the Shop Late Bogell
catch pout/ you don't watch
,my thli• year affords
a larger range to select from
than before- The rptality
full 2,2 to the Standard of well
Imo -viz 'lewdly ey Quality".
I/ is peculiarly adafited to the
needs ofXmas Gift Making* be.
(01,0.' il 7leVe) Wh'ar, out, never
diatAhoents and,. the
serrest style • sSg)
ltre 47.01/1.1/17,‘SrWisle.:%./
tantOnd Mg' roan) and up
Pearl broor•h .s g ao •• "
Pearl Ring a.sa 44 "
l'eai I ,Veehlets 4 oo " '•
Pearl L,s,ahers .7.50 '4
Gold Ian .4,1.; 2.00
1 d troth h .e.00"
.S'ilver Mesh Bag 2.1)o"
Cold Pilled lievntz 1.1*a/ch./7OO
" Chaie4 •.400
Soled signet Rini:fob ' • 42
7:oo :eft
Tie, lih
Tie Pill Pearl role 200
of. Links 1.00
S13fely Racor • - 1.2s
Fountain Pelts 1riiil)'14(111 2..50
Every arlie/epaqively gwarait-
iihrb Oauattv
unit Optiriene
MarrirsgpeaLoiNceEnse_ Issuers
Evening tO
MUMS Bele0tionR eUt10Sid
Illatgzerelna EiglawESISNE
Gift Things
Ready for your
any time now
WHY not make mother, sister orsweetheart happy with a gift from
MACTAVISH'S the Style Store for Ladies. Get her something sens•
ible—something to wear. You cannot please her better because every
one appreciates something to wear above anything else.
25c to $3,50
$1 to $5
2c to $3
50c to $2.50 a yd.
$15 to $35
$3 to $5
$1 to $7
2r LI $2
Give her the
cloth for a
New Dress
Waist, suit or
This is the
logioal place
to buy
Drage Goode
h•••••• ----.•—••••74-.1m.1.1.. •
1.75 to $650
$3 to $10
25c to $2.50
50c to $5
$1 to $35
$3.00 to $10
50c to $3.50
Exchangee gladly made after Christmas When eiao ia a consideration
as in hosiery, gloree, etc.
a 1,